Exemple #1
             $alwaysAvailable = $elements[0]->attribute('lang_mask') & 1;
             $res = eZURLAliasML::storePath($fromPath, $action, false, $linkID, $alwaysAvailable);
             if (!$res || $res['status'] == 3) {
                 logError("The wildcard url " . var_export($fromPath, true) . " cannot be created since the path already exists");
                 list($column, $counter) = displayProgress('s', $urlImportStartTime, $counter, $urlCount, $column);
             if (!$res || $res['status'] !== true) {
                 logStoreError($res, "eZURLAliasML::storePath", array($fromPath, $action, false, $linkID, $alwaysAvailable));
                 list($column, $counter) = displayProgress('E', $urlImportStartTime, $counter, $urlCount, $column);
             logStore($res, "eZURLAliasML::storePath", array($fromPath, $action, false, $linkID, $alwaysAvailable));
             $result = '.';
             verifyData($result, $source, $row['id']);
             list($column, $counter) = displayProgress($result, $urlImportStartTime, $counter, $urlCount, $column);
     } while ($count > 0);
     if ($column > 0) {
 //    $cli->output( "Removing urlalias data which have been imported" );
 //    $db = eZDB::instance();
 //    $db->query( "DELETE FROM ezurlalias WHERE is_imported = 1" ); // Removing all aliases which have been imported
 $rows = $db->arrayQuery("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM ezurlalias WHERE is_imported = 0");
 $remaining = $rows[0]['count'];
Exemple #2
    $return['html'] .= '<div class="btnSpacer"><button id="editBtn">Edit</button></div>';
    echo json_encode($return);
	Function: editSave
if ($_POST['action'] == 'editSave') {
    //verify data
    $data = $_POST;
    $data = cleanData($_POST['type'], null, $data);
    $return = verifyData($_POST['type'], null, $data);
    //manual check for managerID (ONLY for editMany (I think only for editMany because otherwise you can't edit the CEO)) because it's required, but not checked in verifyData
    if (array_key_exists('managerID', $data) && $data['managerID'] == '' && count(explode(',', $_POST['id'])) > 1) {
        $return['status'] = 'fail';
        $return['managerID'] = 'Required';
    if ($return['status'] != 'fail') {
        $idArr = explode(',', $_POST['id']);
        $idArrSafe = [];
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            if ($TYPES[$_POST['type']]['fields'][$key]['verifyData'][1] == 'date') {
                //if this is a date, convert it to a unixTS
                $temp = DateTime::createFromFormat($SETTINGS['dateFormat'] . '|', $value)->getTimestamp();
                $data[$key] = $temp;
                $value = $temp;
Exemple #3
    public function customAjax($id, $data)
        global $dbh;
        global $SETTINGS;
        global $TYPES;
        $return = ['status' => 'success'];
        if ($data['subAction'] == 'list') {
            //list subAction
            $return['options'] = [];
            if ($data['subType'] == 'preDiscount') {
                //list all products and services on the order, plus an order line
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT CONCAT("P", orderProductID) AS id, name, recurringID, parentRecurringID, date
						FROM products, orders_products
						WHERE orderID = 1 AND products.productID = orders_products.productID
						SELECT CONCAT("S", orderServiceID) AS id, name, recurringID, parentRecurringID, date
						FROM services, orders_services
						WHERE orderID = 1 AND services.serviceID = orders_services.serviceID');
                $sth->execute([':orderID' => $id]);
                $return['options'][] = ['value' => 'O', 'text' => 'Order'];
                while ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
                    if ($row['recurringID'] !== null) {
                        $text = 'Recurring: ' . $row['name'];
                    } elseif ($row['parentRecurringID'] !== null) {
                        $text = formatDate($row['date']) . ': ' . $row['name'];
                    } else {
                        $text = $row['name'];
                    $return['options'][] = ['value' => $row['id'], 'text' => htmlspecialchars($text, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8')];
            } else {
                $discounts = [];
                if ($data['subType'] == 'discount') {
                    //get the list of discounts applied to the item already so we don't apply the same discount twice to the same item
                    $temp = [substr($data['subID'], 0, 1), substr($data['subID'], 1)];
                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT discountID
							FROM orders_discounts
							WHERE orderID = :orderID AND appliesToType = :appliesToType AND appliesToID = :appliesToID');
                    $sth->execute([':orderID' => $id, ':appliesToType' => $temp[0], ':appliesToID' => $temp[1]]);
                    while ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
                        $discounts[] = $row['discountID'];
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT ' . $TYPES[$data['subType']]['idName'] . ', name
						FROM ' . $TYPES[$data['subType']]['pluralName'] . '
						WHERE active = 1');
                while ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
                    if ($data['subType'] != 'discount' || !in_array($row[0], $discounts)) {
                        $return['options'][] = ['value' => $row[0], 'text' => htmlspecialchars($row[1], ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8')];
        } elseif ($data['subAction'] == 'getDefaultPrice') {
            //getDefaultPrice subAction
            $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT defaultPrice
					FROM ' . $TYPES[$data['subType']]['pluralName'] . '
					WHERE ' . $TYPES[$data['subType']]['idName'] . ' = :subID');
            $sth->execute([':subID' => $data['subID']]);
            $row = $sth->fetch();
            $return['defaultPrice'] = formatNumber($row['defaultPrice']);
        } elseif ($data['subAction'] == 'add') {
            //add subAction
            $return['status'] = 'fail';
            $subType = $data['subType'];
            if ($subType == 'discount') {
                //for discounts, subID contains a one letter indication of the type of item (O = order, P = product, S = service), and the unique subID
                $itemType = substr($data['subID'], 0, 1);
                $uniqueID = substr($data['subID'], 1);
                if ($itemType == 'O') {
                    $itemTypeFull = 'order';
                    $subType = 'discountOrder';
                } elseif ($itemType == 'P') {
                    $itemTypeFull = 'product';
                    $subType = 'discountProduct';
                } elseif ($itemType == 'S') {
                    $itemTypeFull = 'service';
                    $subType = 'discountService';
                if ($itemType == 'O') {
                    $data['subID'] = 0;
                } else {
                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT ' . $TYPES[$itemTypeFull]['idName'] . '
							FROM orders_' . $TYPES[$itemTypeFull]['pluralName'] . '
							WHERE order' . $TYPES[$itemTypeFull]['formalName'] . 'ID = :uniqueID');
                    $sth->execute([':uniqueID' => $uniqueID]);
                    $row = $sth->fetch();
                    $data['subID'] = $row[0];
            $data = cleanData('order', $subType, $data);
            $return = verifyData('order', $subType, $data);
            if ($return['status'] != 'fail') {
                if ($subType == 'payment') {
                    $dateTS = DateTime::createFromFormat($SETTINGS['dateFormat'] . '|', $data['date'])->getTimestamp();
                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO orderPayments (orderID, date, paymentType, paymentAmount)
							VALUES(:orderID, :date, :paymentType, :paymentAmount)');
                    $sth->execute([':orderID' => $id, ':date' => $dateTS, ':paymentType' => $data['paymentType'], ':paymentAmount' => $data['paymentAmount']]);
                    $changeData = ['subType' => 'payment', 'date' => $dateTS, 'paymentType' => $data['paymentType'], 'paymentAmount' => $data['paymentAmount']];
                } elseif ($subType == 'product' || $subType == 'service') {
                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT quantity
							FROM orders_' . $TYPES[$subType]['pluralName'] . '
							WHERE orderID = :orderID AND ' . $TYPES[$subType]['idName'] . ' = :subID AND unitPrice = :unitPrice');
                    $sth->execute([':orderID' => $id, ':subID' => $data['subID'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice']]);
                    $result = $sth->fetchAll();
                    if (count($result) == 1 && $data['recurring'] == 'no') {
                        //if the product or service is already present in the expense AND we aren't doing a recurring item, add the quantity to the existing row
                        $totalQuantity = $data['quantity'] + $result[0]['quantity'];
                        $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE orders_' . $TYPES[$subType]['pluralName'] . '
								SET quantity = :quantity
								WHERE orderID = :orderID AND ' . $TYPES[$subType]['idName'] . ' = :subID AND unitPrice = :unitPrice');
                        $sth->execute([':quantity' => $totalQuantity, ':orderID' => $id, ':subID' => $data['subID'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice']]);
                        $changeAction = 'E';
                        //this is technically an edit, not an add
                        $changeData = ['subType' => $subType, 'subID' => $data['subID'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $totalQuantity];
                    } else {
                        if ($data['recurring'] == 'yes') {
                            $startTS = DateTime::createFromFormat($SETTINGS['dateFormat'] . '|', $data['startDate'])->getTimestamp();
                            $endTS = DateTime::createFromFormat($SETTINGS['dateFormat'] . '|', $data['endDate'])->getTimestamp();
                            //add the recurring item
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT MAX(recurringID) AS recurringID
									FROM orders_' . $TYPES[$subType]['pluralName']);
                            $result = $sth->fetchAll();
                            $recurringID = $result[0]['recurringID'] + 1;
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO orders_' . $TYPES[$subType]['pluralName'] . ' (orderID, ' . $TYPES[$subType]['idName'] . ', unitPrice, quantity, recurringID, dayOfMonth, startDate, endDate)
									VALUES(:orderID, :subID, :unitPrice, :quantity, :recurringID, :dayOfMonth, :startDate, :endDate)');
                            $sth->execute([':orderID' => $id, ':subID' => $data['subID'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity'], ':recurringID' => $recurringID, ':dayOfMonth' => $data['dayOfMonth'], ':startDate' => $startTS, ':endDate' => $endTS]);
                            //add occasions from start date to now
                            $temp = new DateTime();
                            $patternStart = new DateTime($data['dayOfMonth'] . '-' . $temp->format('M') . '-' . $temp->format('Y'));
                            $interval = new DateInterval('P1M');
                            $now = new DateTime();
                            $period = new DatePeriod($patternStart, $interval, $now);
                            foreach ($period as $date) {
                                $timestamp = $date->getTimestamp();
                                if ($timestamp >= $startTS && $timestamp <= $endTS) {
                                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO orders_' . $TYPES[$subType]['pluralName'] . ' (orderID, ' . $TYPES[$subType]['idName'] . ', date, unitPrice, quantity, parentRecurringID)
											VALUES(:orderID, :subID, :date, :unitPrice, :quantity, :parentRecurringID)');
                                    $sth->execute([':orderID' => $id, ':subID' => $data['subID'], ':date' => $timestamp, ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity'], ':parentRecurringID' => $recurringID]);
                            $changeData = ['subType' => $subType, 'subID' => $data['subID'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $data['quantity'], 'recurring' => $data['recurring'], 'interval' => $data['interval'], 'dayOfMonth' => $data['dayOfMonth'], 'startDate' => $startTS, 'endDate' => $endTS];
                        } else {
                            //get date of order
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT date
									FROM orders
									WHERE orderID = :orderID');
                            $sth->execute([':orderID' => $id]);
                            $row = $sth->fetch();
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO orders_' . $TYPES[$subType]['pluralName'] . ' (orderID, ' . $TYPES[$subType]['idName'] . ', date, unitPrice, quantity)
									VALUES(:orderID, :subID, :date, :unitPrice, :quantity)');
                            $sth->execute([':orderID' => $id, ':subID' => $data['subID'], ':date' => $row['date'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity']]);
                            $changeData = ['subType' => $subType, 'subID' => $data['subID'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $data['quantity']];
                } elseif ($subType == 'discountOrder' || $subType == 'discountProduct' || $subType == 'discountService') {
                    //get discountType and discountAmount
                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT discountType, discountAmount
							FROM discounts
							WHERE discountID = :discountID');
                    $sth->execute([':discountID' => $data['discountID']]);
                    $row = $sth->fetch();
                    $discountType = $row['discountType'];
                    $discountAmount = $row['discountAmount'];
                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO orders_discounts (orderID, discountID, appliesToType, appliesToID, discountType, discountAmount)
							VALUES(:orderID, :discountID, :appliesToType, :appliesToID, :discountType, :discountAmount)');
                    $sth->execute([':orderID' => $id, ':discountID' => $data['discountID'], ':appliesToType' => $itemType, ':appliesToID' => $uniqueID, ':discountType' => $discountType, ':discountAmount' => $discountAmount]);
                    $changeData = ['subType' => $subType, 'subID' => $data['subID'], 'discountID' => $data['discountID']];
                    //determine if the appliesTo item is a recurring item, and if so, add a discount to past recurrences if they don't already have this discount
                    //TODO: user could possibly make a decision to apply this to past and future recurrences, or just future
                    if ($itemType != 'O') {
                        $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT recurringID
								FROM orders_' . $TYPES[$itemTypeFull]['pluralName'] . '
								WHERE order' . $TYPES[$itemTypeFull]['formalName'] . 'ID = :uniqueID');
                        $sth->execute([':uniqueID' => $uniqueID]);
                        $row = $sth->fetch();
                        if ($row['recurringID'] != null) {
                            $recurringID = $row['recurringID'];
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT order' . $TYPES[$itemTypeFull]['formalName'] . 'ID AS uniqueID
									FROM orders_' . $TYPES[$itemTypeFull]['pluralName'] . '
									WHERE parentRecurringID = :parentRecurringID AND order' . $TYPES[$itemTypeFull]['formalName'] . 'ID NOT IN(
										SELECT appliesToID
										FROM orders_discounts
										WHERE discountID = :discountID AND appliesToType = :appliesToType
                            $sth->execute([':parentRecurringID' => $recurringID, ':discountID' => $data['discountID'], 'appliesToType' => $itemType]);
                            while ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
                                $sth2 = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO orders_discounts (orderID, discountID, appliesToType, appliesToID, discountType, discountAmount)
										VALUES(:orderID, :discountID, :appliesToType, :appliesToID, :discountType, :discountAmount)');
                                $sth2->execute([':orderID' => $id, ':discountID' => $data['discountID'], ':appliesToType' => $itemType, ':appliesToID' => $row['uniqueID'], ':discountType' => $discountType, ':discountAmount' => $discountAmount]);
                $temp = isset($changeAction) ? $changeAction : 'A';
                addChange('order', $id, $_SESSION['employeeID'], $temp, json_encode($changeData));
        } elseif ($data['subAction'] == 'edit') {
            //edit subAction
            $subType = $data['subType'];
            $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT ' . $TYPES[$subType]['idName'] . ' AS id
					FROM orders_' . $TYPES[$subType]['pluralName'] . '
					WHERE order' . $TYPES[$subType]['formalName'] . 'ID = :uniqueID');
            $sth->execute([':uniqueID' => $data['subID']]);
            $row = $sth->fetch();
            $uniqueID = $data['subID'];
            $data['subID'] = $row['id'];
            $data = cleanData('order', $subType, $data);
            $return = verifyData('order', $subType, $data);
            if ($return['status'] != 'fail') {
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE orders_' . $TYPES[$subType]['pluralName'] . '
						SET unitPrice = :unitPrice, quantity = :quantity
						WHERE order' . $TYPES[$subType]['formalName'] . 'ID = :uniqueID');
                $sth->execute([':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity'], ':uniqueID' => $uniqueID]);
                addChange('order', $id, $_SESSION['employeeID'], 'E', json_encode(['subType' => $subType, 'subID' => $data['subID'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $data['quantity']]));
        } elseif ($data['subAction'] == 'delete') {
            //delete subAction
            if ($data['subType'] == 'payment') {
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT date, paymentAmount
						FROM orderPayments
						WHERE paymentID = :paymentID');
                $sth->execute([':paymentID' => $data['subID']]);
                $row = $sth->fetch();
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM orderPayments
						WHERE paymentID = :paymentID');
                $sth->execute([':paymentID' => $data['subID']]);
                $changeData = ['subType' => 'payment', 'date' => $row['date'], 'paymentAmount' => $row['paymentAmount']];
            } elseif ($data['subType'] == 'product' || $data['subType'] == 'service') {
                $appliesToType = $data['subType'] == 'product' ? 'P' : 'S';
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT ' . $TYPES[$data['subType']]['idName'] . ' AS id, recurringID, unitPrice, quantity
						FROM orders_' . $TYPES[$data['subType']]['pluralName'] . '
						WHERE order' . $TYPES[$data['subType']]['formalName'] . 'ID = :uniqueID');
                $sth->execute([':uniqueID' => $data['subID']]);
                $row = $sth->fetch();
                $recurring = $row['recurringID'] === null ? 'no' : 'yes';
                //delete item discounts and children's discounts (if any)
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM orders_discounts
						WHERE appliesToType = :appliesToType AND (appliesToID IN (
							SELECT order' . $TYPES[$data['subType']]['formalName'] . 'ID 
							FROM orders_' . $TYPES[$data['subType']]['pluralName'] . ' 
							WHERE parentRecurringID = :recurringID
						) OR appliesToID = :appliesToID)');
                $sth->execute([':appliesToType' => $appliesToType, ':recurringID' => $row['recurringID'], ':appliesToID' => $data['subID']]);
                //delete item and children (if any)
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM orders_' . $TYPES[$data['subType']]['pluralName'] . '
						WHERE order' . $TYPES[$data['subType']]['formalName'] . 'ID = :uniqueID OR parentRecurringID = :recurringID');
                $sth->execute([':uniqueID' => $data['subID'], ':recurringID' => $row['recurringID']]);
                $changeData = ['subType' => $data['subType'], 'subID' => $row['id'], 'unitPrice' => $row['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $row['quantity'], 'recurring' => $recurring];
            } elseif ($data['subType'] == 'discount') {
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT discountID, appliesToType, appliesToID
						FROM orders_discounts
						WHERE orderDiscountID = :orderDiscountID');
                $sth->execute([':orderDiscountID' => $data['subID']]);
                $row = $sth->fetch();
                if ($row['appliesToType'] == 'O') {
                    $subType = 'discountOrder';
                } elseif ($row['appliesToType'] == 'P') {
                    $subType = 'discountProduct';
                } elseif ($row['appliesToType'] == 'S') {
                    $subType = 'discountService';
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM orders_discounts
						WHERE orderDiscountID = :orderDiscountID');
                $sth->execute([':orderDiscountID' => $data['subID']]);
                $changeData = ['subType' => $subType, 'subID' => $row['appliesToID'], 'discountID' => $row['discountID']];
            addChange('order', $id, $_SESSION['employeeID'], 'D', json_encode($changeData));
        return $return;
$FName    = trim($_POST['FName']);
$LName    = trim($_POST['LName']);
$MName    = trim($_POST['MName']);
$Address1 = trim($_POST['Address1']);
$Address2 = trim($_POST['Address2']);
$City     = trim($_POST['City']);
$State    = trim($_POST['State']);
$Zip      = trim($_POST['Zip']);
$Phone1   = trim($_POST['Phone1']);
$Phone2   = trim($_POST['Phone2']);
$Email    = trim($_POST['Email']);
$Username = trim(strtoupper($_POST['Username']));
$Password = trim(strtoupper($_POST['Password']));
$PasswordVerify = trim(strtoupper($_POST['VerifyPassword']));

verifyData($FName, $LName, $Address1, $Address2, $City, $State, $Zip, $Phone1, $Phone2, $Email, $Username, $Password);

mysql_connect(localhost, $dblogin, $dbpass);
@mysql_select_db($database) or die("Unable to select database");

$query = "SELECT CustomerID, Username FROM customers WHERE Username = '******'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed:<BR>$query<BR>Error: " . mysql_error());

if (mysql_numrows($result) >= 1)
  $conflict_CustomerID = mysql_result($result, 0, "CustomerID");
  ECHO "<B>ERROR</B>: Username $Username is already claimed by customer ID $conflict_CustomerID";
  displayNewUserForm($FName, $LName, $Address1, $Address2, $City, $State, $Zip, $Phone1, $Phone2, $Email, "", "");
                } else {
                    $error = true;
                    $msg = 'Неверно указана учетная запись в contest-системе.';
            //конец проверки наличия логина в контест-системе
    //конец проверки нажатия кнопки submit
    //конец проверки правильности введенного пароля
} else {
    //если нажат кнопка сабмит - нужно записать данные
    if (@$submit) {
        //проверка корректности данных
        $verifyMsg = verifyData($names, $lengths, true);
        //если все введено корректно - вносим изменения в таблицы
        if ($verifyMsg == "") {
            $contestteamid = getLoginId($contestlogin, $contestpassword);
            $_headpassportdate = parseDate($headpassportdate);
            if ($_headpassportdate != "NULL") {
                $_headpassportdate = '"' . $_headpassportdate . '"';
            $_headbirthdate = parseDate($headbirthdate);
            if ($_headbirthdate != "NULL") {
                $_headbirthdate = '"' . $_headbirthdate . '"';
            $_coachpassportdate = parseDate($coachpassportdate);
            if ($_coachpassportdate != "NULL") {
                $_coachpassportdate = '"' . $_coachpassportdate . '"';
Exemple #6
        $return['status'] = 'fail';
        $return['dbName'] = 'This database already exists. Either delete the database or change the name.';
//verify data that will be going into the db
if ($return['status'] == 'success') {
    $data = ['username' => $_POST['username'], 'firstName' => $_POST['firstName'], 'lastName' => $_POST['lastName'], 'payType' => 'S', 'workEmail' => $_POST['workEmail']];
    $employee = verifyData('employee', null, 'add', $data);
    $data = ['name' => $_POST['position']];
    $position = verifyData('position', null, 'add', $data);
    if (isset($position['name'])) {
        $position['position'] = $position['name'];
    $data = ['name' => $_POST['location']];
    $location = verifyData('location', null, 'add', $data);
    if (isset($location['name'])) {
        $location['location'] = $location['name'];
    $accounting = [];
    if ($_POST['accounting'] != 'accrual' && $_POST['accounting'] != 'cash') {
        $accounting['status'] = 'fail';
        $accounting['accounting'] = 'Must be Accrual or Cash';
    $return = array_merge($employee, $position, $location, $accounting);
    if ($employee['status'] == 'fail' || $position['status'] == 'fail' || $location['status'] == 'fail' || $accounting['status'] == 'fail') {
        $return['status'] = 'fail';
//try to write settings.php, if we can't, we'll send it in the final section
Exemple #7
    public function customAjax($id, $data)
        global $dbh;
        global $SETTINGS;
        $return = ['status' => 'success'];
        if ($data['subAction'] == 'list') {
            //list subAction
            $return['products'] = generateTypeOptions('product', true);
            $return['locations'] = generateTypeOptions('location', true);
        } elseif ($data['subAction'] == 'add') {
            //add subAction
            $return['status'] = 'fail';
            $subType = $data['subType'];
            $data = cleanData('expense', $subType, $data);
            $return = verifyData('expense', $subType, 'add', $data);
            if ($return['status'] != 'fail') {
                if ($subType == 'payment') {
                    $dateTS = DateTime::createFromFormat($SETTINGS['dateFormat'] . '|', $data['date'])->getTimestamp();
                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO expensePayments (expenseID, date, paymentType, paymentAmount)
							VALUES(:expenseID, :date, :paymentType, :paymentAmount)');
                    $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':date' => $dateTS, ':paymentType' => $data['paymentType'], ':paymentAmount' => $data['paymentAmount']]);
                    $changeData = ['subType' => 'payment', 'date' => $dateTS, 'paymentType' => $data['paymentType'], 'paymentAmount' => $data['paymentAmount']];
                } elseif ($subType == 'product') {
                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT quantity
							FROM expenses_products
							WHERE expenseID = :expenseID AND productID = :productID AND locationID = :locationID AND unitPrice = :unitPrice');
                    $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':productID' => $data['productID'], ':locationID' => $data['locationID'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice']]);
                    $result = $sth->fetchAll();
                    if (count($result) == 1 && $data['recurring'] == 'no') {
                        //if the product is already present in the expense AND we aren't doing a recurring item, add the quantity to the existing row
                        $totalQuantity = $data['quantity'] + $result[0]['quantity'];
                        $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE expenses_products
								SET quantity = :quantity
								WHERE expenseID = :expenseID AND productID = :productID AND locationID = :locationID AND unitPrice = :unitPrice');
                        $sth->execute([':quantity' => $totalQuantity, ':expenseID' => $id, ':productID' => $data['productID'], ':locationID' => $data['locationID'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice']]);
                        $changeAction = 'E';
                        //this is technically an edit, not an add
                        $changeData = ['subType' => 'product', 'productID' => $data['productID'], 'locationID' => $data['locationID'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $totalQuantity];
                    } else {
                        if ($data['recurring'] == 'yes') {
                            $startTS = DateTime::createFromFormat($SETTINGS['dateFormat'] . '|', $data['startDate'])->getTimestamp();
                            $endTS = DateTime::createFromFormat($SETTINGS['dateFormat'] . '|', $data['endDate'])->getTimestamp();
                            //add the recurring item
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT MAX(recurringID) AS recurringID
									FROM expenses_products');
                            $result = $sth->fetchAll();
                            $recurringID = $result[0]['recurringID'] + 1;
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO expenses_products (expenseID, productID, locationID, unitPrice, quantity, recurringID, dayOfMonth, startDate, endDate)
									VALUES(:expenseID, :productID, :locationID, :unitPrice, :quantity, :recurringID, :dayOfMonth, :startDate, :endDate)');
                            $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':productID' => $data['productID'], ':locationID' => $data['locationID'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity'], ':recurringID' => $recurringID, ':dayOfMonth' => $data['dayOfMonth'], ':startDate' => $startTS, ':endDate' => $endTS]);
                            //add occasions from start date to now
                            $temp = new DateTime();
                            $patternStart = new DateTime($data['dayOfMonth'] . '-' . $temp->format('M') . '-' . $temp->format('Y'));
                            $interval = new DateInterval('P1M');
                            $now = new DateTime();
                            $period = new DatePeriod($patternStart, $interval, $now);
                            foreach ($period as $date) {
                                $timestamp = $date->getTimestamp();
                                if ($timestamp >= $startTS && $timestamp <= $endTS) {
                                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO expenses_products (expenseID, productID, locationID, date, unitPrice, quantity, parentRecurringID)
											VALUES(:expenseID, :productID, :locationID, :date, :unitPrice, :quantity, :parentRecurringID)');
                                    $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':productID' => $data['productID'], ':locationID' => $data['locationID'], ':date' => $timestamp, ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity'], ':parentRecurringID' => $recurringID]);
                            $changeData = ['subType' => 'product', 'productID' => $data['productID'], 'locationID' => $data['locationID'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $data['quantity'], 'recurring' => $data['recurring'], 'interval' => $data['interval'], 'dayOfMonth' => $data['dayOfMonth'], 'startDate' => $startTS, 'endDate' => $endTS];
                        } else {
                            //get date of expense
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT date
									FROM expenses
									WHERE expenseID = :expenseID');
                            $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id]);
                            $row = $sth->fetch();
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO expenses_products (expenseID, productID, locationID, date, unitPrice, quantity)
									VALUES(:expenseID, :productID, :locationID, :date, :unitPrice, :quantity)');
                            $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':productID' => $data['productID'], ':locationID' => $data['locationID'], ':date' => $row['date'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity']]);
                            $changeData = ['subType' => 'product', 'productID' => $data['productID'], 'locationID' => $data['locationID'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $data['quantity']];
                } elseif ($subType == 'other') {
                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT quantity
							FROM expenseOthers
							WHERE expenseID = :expenseID AND name = :name AND unitPrice = :unitPrice');
                    $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':name' => $data['name'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice']]);
                    $result = $sth->fetchAll();
                    if (count($result) == 1 && $data['recurring'] == 'no') {
                        //if the item is already present in the expense AND we aren't doing a recurring item, add the quantity to the existing row
                        $totalQuantity = $data['quantity'] + $result[0]['quantity'];
                        $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE expenseOthers
								SET quantity = :quantity
								WHERE expenseID = :expenseID AND name = :name AND unitPrice = :unitPrice');
                        $sth->execute([':quantity' => $totalQuantity, ':expenseID' => $id, ':name' => $data['name'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice']]);
                        $changeAction = 'E';
                        //this is technically an edit, not an add
                        $changeData = ['subType' => 'other', 'name' => $data['name'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $totalQuantity];
                    } else {
                        if ($data['recurring'] == 'yes') {
                            $startTS = DateTime::createFromFormat($SETTINGS['dateFormat'] . '|', $data['startDate'])->getTimestamp();
                            $endTS = DateTime::createFromFormat($SETTINGS['dateFormat'] . '|', $data['endDate'])->getTimestamp();
                            //add the recurring item
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT MAX(recurringID) AS recurringID
									FROM expenseOthers');
                            $result = $sth->fetchAll();
                            $recurringID = $result[0]['recurringID'] + 1;
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO expenseOthers (expenseID, name, unitPrice, quantity, recurringID, dayOfMonth, startDate, endDate)
									VALUES(:expenseID, :name, :unitPrice, :quantity, :recurringID, :dayOfMonth, :startDate, :endDate)');
                            $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':name' => $data['name'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity'], ':recurringID' => $recurringID, ':dayOfMonth' => $data['dayOfMonth'], ':startDate' => $startTS, ':endDate' => $endTS]);
                            //add occasions from start date to now
                            $temp = new DateTime();
                            $patternStart = new DateTime($data['dayOfMonth'] . '-' . $temp->format('M') . '-' . $temp->format('Y'));
                            $interval = new DateInterval('P1M');
                            $now = new DateTime();
                            $period = new DatePeriod($patternStart, $interval, $now);
                            foreach ($period as $date) {
                                $timestamp = $date->getTimestamp();
                                if ($timestamp >= $startTS && $timestamp <= $endTS) {
                                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO expenseOthers (expenseID, name, date, unitPrice, quantity, parentRecurringID)
											VALUES(:expenseID, :name, :date, :unitPrice, :quantity, :parentRecurringID)');
                                    $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':name' => $data['name'], ':date' => $timestamp, ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity'], ':parentRecurringID' => $recurringID]);
                            $changeData = ['subType' => 'other', 'name' => $data['name'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $data['quantity'], 'recurring' => $data['recurring'], 'interval' => $data['interval'], 'dayOfMonth' => $data['dayOfMonth'], 'startDate' => $startTS, 'endDate' => $endTS];
                        } else {
                            //get date of expense
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT date
									FROM expenses
									WHERE expenseID = :expenseID');
                            $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id]);
                            $row = $sth->fetch();
                            $sth = $dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO expenseOthers (expenseID, name, date, unitPrice, quantity)
									VALUES(:expenseID, :name, :date, :unitPrice, :quantity)');
                            $sth->execute([':expenseID' => $id, ':name' => $data['name'], ':date' => $row['date'], ':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity']]);
                            $changeData = ['subType' => 'other', 'name' => $data['name'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $data['quantity']];
                $temp = isset($changeAction) ? $changeAction : 'A';
                addChange('expense', $id, $_SESSION['employeeID'], $temp, json_encode($changeData));
        } elseif ($data['subAction'] == 'edit') {
            //edit subAction
            $subType = $data['subType'];
            $subID = $data['subID'];
            $data = cleanData('expense', $subType, $data);
            $return = verifyData('expense', $subType, 'edit', $data);
            if ($return['status'] != 'fail') {
                if ($subType == 'product') {
                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE expenses_products
							SET unitPrice = :unitPrice, quantity = :quantity
							WHERE expenseProductID = :expenseProductID');
                    $sth->execute([':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity'], ':expenseProductID' => $subID]);
                    $changeData = ['subType' => 'product', 'productID' => $data['productID'], 'locationID' => $data['locationID'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $data['quantity']];
                } elseif ($subType == 'other') {
                    $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE expenseOthers
							SET unitPrice = :unitPrice, quantity = :quantity
							WHERE expenseOtherID = :expenseOtherID');
                    $sth->execute([':unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], ':quantity' => $data['quantity'], ':expenseOtherID' => $subID]);
                    $changeData = ['subType' => 'other', 'name' => $data['name'], 'unitPrice' => $data['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $data['quantity']];
                addChange('expense', $id, $_SESSION['employeeID'], 'E', json_encode($changeData));
        } elseif ($data['subAction'] == 'delete') {
            //delete subAction
            if ($data['subType'] == 'payment') {
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT date, paymentAmount FROM expensePayments
						WHERE paymentID = :paymentID');
                $sth->execute([':paymentID' => $data['subID']]);
                $row = $sth->fetch();
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM expensePayments
						WHERE paymentID = :paymentID');
                $sth->execute([':paymentID' => $data['subID']]);
                $changeData = ['subType' => 'payment', 'date' => $row['date'], 'paymentAmount' => $row['paymentAmount']];
            } elseif ($data['subType'] == 'product') {
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT productID, locationID, unitPrice, quantity, recurringID
						FROM expenses_products 
						WHERE expenseProductID = :expenseProductID');
                $sth->execute([':expenseProductID' => $data['subID']]);
                $row = $sth->fetch();
                $recurring = $row['recurringID'] === null ? 'no' : 'yes';
                //delete item and children (if any)
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM expenses_products
						WHERE expenseProductID = :expenseProductID OR parentRecurringID = :recurringID');
                $sth->execute([':expenseProductID' => $data['subID'], ':recurringID' => $row['recurringID']]);
                $changeData = ['subType' => 'product', 'productID' => $row['productID'], 'locationID' => $row['locationID'], 'unitPrice' => $row['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $row['quantity'], 'recurring' => $recurring];
            } elseif ($data['subType'] == 'other') {
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT name, unitPrice, quantity, recurringID 
						FROM expenseOthers 
						WHERE expenseOtherID = :expenseOtherID');
                $sth->execute([':expenseOtherID' => $data['subID']]);
                $row = $sth->fetch();
                $recurring = $row['recurringID'] === null ? 'no' : 'yes';
                //delete item and children (if any)
                $sth = $dbh->prepare('DELETE FROM expenseOthers
						WHERE expenseOtherID = :expenseOtherID OR parentRecurringID = :recurringID');
                $sth->execute([':expenseOtherID' => $data['subID'], ':recurringID' => $row['recurringID']]);
                $changeData = ['subType' => 'other', 'name' => $row['name'], 'unitPrice' => $row['unitPrice'], 'quantity' => $row['quantity'], 'recurring' => $recurring];
            addChange('expense', $id, $_SESSION['employeeID'], 'D', json_encode($changeData));
        return $return;

include_once '../../../wp-load.php';
global $wpdb;
    if ($_POST['type'] == "create") {
        $data = verifyData();
    } else {
        if ($_POST['type'] == "delete") {
        } else {
            echo json_encode(array("status" => "error", "message" => "Invalid request type."));
} else {
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') {
    } else {
        echo json_encode(array("status" => "error", "message" => "Bad HTTP method"));
function verifyData()
    $phone = $_POST["phone"];
    $phone = str_replace("(", "", $phone);
    $phone = str_replace(")", "", $phone);
    $phone = str_replace("-", "", $phone);
    $phone = str_replace("+", "", $phone);