Exemple #1
function qualified_name(string $file, $node, string $namespace)
    global $namespace_map;
    if (!$node instanceof \ast\Node && $node->kind != \ast\AST_NAME) {
        return var_name($node);
    $name = $node->children[0];
    $lname = strtolower($name);
    if ($node->flags & \ast\flags\NAME_NOT_FQ) {
        // is it a simple native type name?
        if (is_native_type($lname)) {
            return $name;
        // Not fully qualified, check if we have an exact namespace alias for it
        if (!empty($namespace_map[T_CLASS][$file][$lname])) {
            return $namespace_map[T_CLASS][$file][$lname];
        // Check for a namespace-relative alias
        if (($pos = strpos($lname, '\\')) !== false) {
            $first_part = substr($lname, 0, $pos);
            if (!empty($namespace_map[T_CLASS][$file][$first_part])) {
                // Replace that first aliases part and return the full name
                return $namespace_map[T_CLASS][$file][$first_part] . '\\' . substr($name, $pos + 1);
        // No aliasing, just prepend the namespace
        return $namespace . $name;
    } else {
        // It is already fully qualified, just return it
        return $name;
Exemple #2
function find_class($node, $namespace, $nmap)
    global $classes;
    if (!$node instanceof \ast\Node || $node->kind != \ast\AST_NAME) {
        Log::err(Log::EFATAL, "BUG: Bad node passed to find_class");
        return null;
    $name = strtolower(var_name($node->children[0]));
    if ($node->flags & \ast\flags\NAME_NOT_FQ) {
        if (!empty($nmap[strtolower($name)])) {
            if (!empty($classes[strtolower($nmap[$name])])) {
                return $classes[strtolower($nmap[$name])];
        if (!empty($classes[$namespace . $name])) {
            return $classes[$namespace . $name];
    } else {
        if (empty($classes[$name])) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return $classes[$name];
    return null;
Exemple #3
function node_type($file, $node, $current_scope, &$taint = null, $check_var_exists = true)
    global $classes, $functions, $namespace, $internal_arginfo;
    if (!$node instanceof \ast\Node) {
        return type_map(gettype($node));
    } else {
        if ($node->kind == \ast\AST_ARRAY) {
            return 'array';
        } else {
            if ($node->kind == \ast\AST_BINARY_OP) {
                $taint = var_taint_check($file, $node, $current_scope);
                switch ($node->flags) {
                    // Always a string from a concat
                    case \ast\flags\BINARY_CONCAT:
                        $temp_taint = false;
                        node_type($file, $node->children[0], $current_scope, $temp_taint);
                        if ($temp_taint) {
                            $taint = true;
                            return 'string';
                        node_type($file, $node->children[1], $current_scope, $temp_taint);
                        if ($temp_taint) {
                            $taint = true;
                        return 'string';
                        // Boolean unless invalid operands
                    // Boolean unless invalid operands
                    case \ast\flags\BINARY_IS_IDENTICAL:
                    case \ast\flags\BINARY_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL:
                    case \ast\flags\BINARY_IS_EQUAL:
                    case \ast\flags\BINARY_IS_NOT_EQUAL:
                    case \ast\flags\BINARY_IS_SMALLER:
                    case \ast\flags\BINARY_IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL:
                        $taint = false;
                        return 'bool';
                        // Everything else should be an int/float
                    // Everything else should be an int/float
                        $left = type_map(node_type($file, $node->children[0], $current_scope));
                        $right = type_map(node_type($file, $node->children[1], $current_scope));
                        if ($left == 'array' && $right != 'array') {
                            Log::err(Log::ETYPE, "invalid operator: left operand is array and right is not", $file, $node->lineno);
                            return 'mixed';
                        } else {
                            if ($right == 'array' && $left != 'array') {
                                Log::err(Log::ETYPE, "invalid operator: right operand is array and left is not", $file, $node->lineno);
                                return 'mixed';
                            } else {
                                if ($left == 'int' && $right == 'int') {
                                    return 'int';
                                } else {
                                    if ($left == 'float' || $right == 'float') {
                                        return 'float';
                        $taint = false;
                        return $left;
            } else {
                if ($node->kind == \ast\AST_CAST) {
                    $taint = var_taint_check($file, $node->children[0], $current_scope);
                    switch ($node->flags) {
                        case \ast\flags\TYPE_NULL:
                            return 'null';
                        case \ast\flags\TYPE_BOOL:
                            $taint = false;
                            return 'bool';
                        case \ast\flags\TYPE_LONG:
                            $taint = false;
                            return 'int';
                        case \ast\flags\TYPE_DOUBLE:
                            $taint = false;
                            return 'float';
                        case \ast\flags\TYPE_STRING:
                            return 'string';
                        case \ast\flags\TYPE_ARRAY:
                            return 'array';
                        case \ast\flags\TYPE_OBJECT:
                            return 'object:stdClass';
                            Log::err(Log::EFATAL, "Unknown type (" . $node->flags . ") in cast");
                } else {
                    if ($node->kind == \ast\AST_NEW) {
                        if ($node->children[0]->kind == \ast\AST_NAME) {
                            $name = var_name($node->children[0]);
                            if ($name == 'self' || $name == 'static') {
                                list($class, ) = explode('::', $current_scope);
                                $name = $class;
                            if (empty($classes[$namespace . strtolower($name)]) && empty($classes[strtolower($name)])) {
                                Log::err(Log::EUNDEF, "Trying to instantiate undeclared class {$name}", $file, $node->lineno);
                            return 'object:' . $name;
                        return 'object';
                    } else {
                        if ($node->kind == \ast\AST_DIM) {
                            $taint = var_taint_check($file, $node->children[0], $current_scope);
                            // TODO: Do something smart with array elements
                            return 'mixed';
                        } else {
                            if ($node->kind == \ast\AST_VAR) {
                                return var_type($file, $node, $current_scope, $taint, $check_var_exists);
                            } else {
                                if ($node->kind == \ast\AST_ENCAPS_LIST) {
                                    foreach ($node->children as $encap) {
                                        if ($encap instanceof \ast\Node) {
                                            if (var_taint_check($file, $encap, $current_scope)) {
                                                $taint = true;
                                    return "string";
                                } else {
                                    if ($node->kind == \ast\AST_CONST) {
                                        if ($node->children[0]->kind == \ast\AST_NAME) {
                                            if (defined($node->children[0]->children[0])) {
                                                return type_map(gettype(constant($node->children[0]->children[0])));
                                            } else {
                                                // User-defined constant
                                    } else {
                                        if ($node->kind == \ast\AST_CALL) {
                                            if ($node->children[0]->kind == \ast\AST_NAME) {
                                                $func_name = $node->children[0]->children[0];
                                                $func = $functions[strtolower($namespace . $func_name)] ?? $functions[strtolower($func_name)] ?? null;
                                                if ($func['file'] == 'internal' && empty($func['ret'])) {
                                                    if (!empty($internal_arginfo[$func_name])) {
                                                        return $internal_arginfo[$func_name][0] ?? 'mixed';
                                                } else {
                                                    return $func['ret'] ?? 'mixed';
                                            } else {
                                                // TODO: Handle $func() and other cases that get here
                                        } else {
                                            if ($node->kind == \ast\AST_STATIC_CALL) {
                                                // If the called static method has a return type defined, use that
                                                $call = $node->children[0];
                                                if ($call->kind == \ast\AST_NAME) {
                                                    // Simple static function call
                                                    $class_name = $call->children[0];
                                                    $method_name = $node->children[1];
                                                    $method = find_method($namespace . $class_name, $method_name);
                                                    if (!$method) {
                                                        find_method($class_name, $method_name);
                                                    if ($method) {
                                                        return $method['ret'] ?? 'mixed';
                                                } else {
                                                    // Weird dynamic static call - give up
                                                    return 'mixed';
    return "mixed";
Exemple #4
if (!$_SESSION["alogin"]) {
    header("Location: login.php");
if (isset($_GET['set']) && $_GET['set'] == 'set') {
    $db->update('setting', ['value' => $_POST["sitename"]], ['name' => "sitename"]);
    $db->ExecuteSQL(sprintf("UPDATE `setting` SET `value` = '%s' WHERE `setting`.`name` = 'sitetitle';", $db->databaseLink->real_escape_string($_POST["sitetitle"])));
    $settingsToUpdate = ["size", "url", "total", "admin", "subtitle"];
    foreach ($settingsToUpdate as $key => $value) {
        $db->update('setting', ['value' => $_POST[$value]], ['name' => var_name($value)]);
    $settingsToUpdate = ["tos", "why", "reg"];
    foreach ($settingsToUpdate as $key => $value) {
        ${$value} = !isset($_POST[$value]) || $_POST[$value] != "true" ? "false" : "true";
        $db->update('setting', ['value' => $value], ['name' => var_name($value)]);
    header("Location: setting.php?s=1");
$successMsg = isset($_GET['s']) && $_GET['s'] == "1" ? "<div class=\"alert alert-success\">設定修改完成。</div>" : "";
    <!DOCTYPE html>

        <title>管理員介面 -
echo $config["sitename"];
Exemple #5
function render_partial($action, $object = false, $collect = false, $controller = false)
    #if the controller is an array, use it and ignore the rest
    if (is_array($action)) {
        if (array_key_exists('object', $action)) {
            $object = $action['object'];
        if (array_key_exists('collect', $action)) {
            $collect = $action['collect'];
        if (array_key_exists('controller', $action)) {
            $controller = $action['controller'];
        if (array_key_exists('action', $action)) {
            $action = $action['action'];
    } else {
        if ($controller == false) {
            $controller = params('controller');
    # set the template and object name
    $slashloc = strrpos($action, '/');
    if ($slashloc !== false) {
        $objectname = substr($action, $slashloc + 1);
        if ($action[0] == '/') {
            $template = substr(substr($action, 0, $slashloc) . '/_' . $objectname, 1);
        } else {
            $template = url_name($controller) . '/' . substr($action, 0, $slashloc) . '/_' . $objectname;
    } else {
        $template = url_name($controller) . '/_' . $action;
        $objectname = $action;
    $view = ViewFactory::make_view($template);
    # include the helpers
    if (file_exists(PROJECT_ROOT . '/app/helpers/app.php')) {
        include_once PROJECT_ROOT . '/app/helpers/app.php';
    if (file_exists(PROJECT_ROOT . '/app/helpers/' . $controller . '.php')) {
        include_once PROJECT_ROOT . '/app/helpers/' . $controller . '.php';
    # if it's a collection, call it for each item in the obj
    $objectname = var_name(class_name($objectname));
    if ($collect === true) {
        foreach ($object as $k => $v) {
            echo $view->parse_partial($objectname, $v);
    } else {
        echo $view->parse_partial($objectname, $object);