function setAppliedFilters()
     $category_sql = $this->current_category_id != 0 ? "and s2c.categories_id = '" . $this->current_category_id . "'" : '';
     // Check for filters on each applicable Specification
     $specs_query_raw = "SELECT\n                            s.specifications_id,\n                            s.filter_class,\n                            s.products_column_name,\n                            sd.specification_name\n                          FROM\n                            " . TABLE_SPECIFICATION . " AS s\n                          INNER JOIN " . TABLE_SPECIFICATION_GROUPS . " AS sg\n                            ON s.specification_group_id = sg.specification_group_id\n                          INNER JOIN " . TABLE_SPECIFICATIONS_TO_CATEGORIES . " AS s2c\n                            ON sg.specification_group_id = s2c.specification_group_id\n                          INNER JOIN " . TABLE_SPECIFICATION_DESCRIPTION . " sd \n                            ON sd.specifications_id = s.specifications_id\n                          WHERE\n                            s.show_filter = 'True'\n                            AND sg.show_filter = 'True' \n                            " . $category_sql . "\n                         ";
     $specs_query = vam_db_query($specs_query_raw);
     while ($specs_array = vam_db_fetch_array($specs_query)) {
         // Retrieve the GET vars used as filters
         // Variable names are the letter "f" followed by the specifications_id for that spec.
         $var = $specs_array['specifications_id'];
         ${$var} = '0';
         if (isset($_GET['f' . $var]) && $_GET['f' . $var] != '') {
             // Decode the URL-encoded names, including arrays
             ${$var} = vam_decode_recursive($_GET['f' . $var]);
             // Sanitize variables to prevent hacking
             ${$var} = vam_clean_get__recursive(${$var});
             // Set the cporrect variable type (All _GET variables are strings by default)
             ${$var} = vam_set_type(${$var});
             $this->applied_filters[$var] = ${$var};
         // if (isset ($_GET[$var]
     // while ($specs_array
     $except_section = " AND s.specifications_id <> 52";
 $specs_query_raw = "select s.specifications_id,\n                               s.products_column_name,\n                               s.filter_class,\n                               s.filter_show_all,\n                               s.filter_display,\n                               sd.specification_name,\n                               sd.specification_prefix,\n                               sd.specification_suffix\n                        from " . TABLE_SPECIFICATION . " s,\n                             " . TABLE_SPECIFICATION_DESCRIPTION . " sd,\n                             " . TABLE_SPECIFICATION_GROUPS . " sg,\n                             " . TABLE_SPECIFICATIONS_TO_CATEGORIES . " s2c\n                        where s.specification_group_id = sg.specification_group_id\n                          and sg.specification_group_id = s2c.specification_group_id\n                          and sd.specifications_id = s.specifications_id\n                          " . $get_category . "\n                          and s.show_filter = 'True'\n                          and sg.show_filter = 'True'\n                          and sd.language_id = '" . $_SESSION['languages_id'] . "'\n                          " . $except_section . "\n                        order by s.specification_sort_order,\n                                 sd.specification_name\n                      ";
 // print $specs_query_raw . "<br>\n";
 $specs_query = vamDBquery($specs_query_raw);
 $first = true;
 while ($specs_array = vam_db_fetch_array($specs_query, true)) {
     // Retrieve the GET vars, sanitize, and assign to variables
     // Variable names are the letter "f" followed by the specifications_id for that spec.
     $var = 'f' . $specs_array['specifications_id'];
     ${$var} = '0';
     if (isset($_GET[$var]) && $_GET[$var] != '') {
         // Decode the URL-encoded names, including arrays
         ${$var} = vam_decode_recursive($_GET[$var]);
         // Sanitize variables to prevent hacking
         ${$var} = vam_clean_get__recursive($_GET[$var]);
         // Get rid of extra values if Select All is selected
         ${$var} = vam_select_all_override(${$var});
     $filters_query_raw = "select sf.specification_filters_id,\n                                   sfd.filter\n                            from " . TABLE_SPECIFICATIONS_FILTERS . " sf,\n                                 " . TABLE_SPECIFICATIONS_FILTERS_DESCRIPTION . " sfd\n                            where sfd.specification_filters_id = sf.specification_filters_id\n                              and sf.specifications_id = '" . (int) $specs_array['specifications_id'] . "'\n                              and sfd.language_id = '" . $_SESSION['languages_id'] . "'\n                            order by sf.filter_sort_order,\n                                     sfd.filter\n                           ";
     // print $filters_query_raw . "<br>\n";
     $filters_query = vamDBquery($filters_query_raw);
     $count_filters = vam_db_num_rows($filters_query, true);
     $filters_select_array = array();
     if ($count_filters >= SPECIFICATIONS_FILTER_MINIMUM) {
         $filters_array = array();
         if ($first == false) {
             $box_text .= "<br>\n";
         $first = false;
         $box_text .= '<b>' . $specs_array['specification_name'] . '</b><br>';
 //HTML string goes into the text part of the box
 $specs_query_raw = "select s.specifications_id,\n                               s.products_column_name,\n                               s.filter_class,\n                               s.filter_show_all,\n                               s.filter_display,\n                               sd.specification_name,\n                               sd.specification_prefix,\n                               sd.specification_suffix\n                        from " . TABLE_SPECIFICATION . " s,\n                             " . TABLE_SPECIFICATION_DESCRIPTION . " sd,\n                             " . TABLE_SPECIFICATION_GROUPS . " sg,\n                             " . TABLE_SPECIFICATIONS_TO_CATEGORIES . " s2c\n                        where s.specification_group_id = sg.specification_group_id\n                          and sg.specification_group_id = s2c.specification_group_id\n                          and sd.specifications_id = s.specifications_id\n                          and s2c.categories_id = '" . $current_category_id . "'\n                          and s.show_filter = 'True'\n                          and sg.show_filter = 'True'\n                          and sd.language_id = '" . $_SESSION['languages_id'] . "'\n                        order by s.specification_sort_order,\n                                 sd.specification_name\n                      ";
 // print $specs_query_raw . "<br>\n";
 $specs_query = vamDBquery($specs_query_raw);
 $first = true;
 while ($specs_array = vam_db_fetch_array($specs_query, true)) {
     $box_text .= '<div class="filter">';
     // Retrieve the GET vars, sanitize, and assign to variables
     // Variable names are the letter "f" followed by the specifications_id for that spec.
     $var = 'f' . $specs_array['specifications_id'];
     ${$var} = '0';
     if (isset($_GET[$var]) && $_GET[$var] != '') {
         // Decode the URL-encoded names, including arrays
         ${$var} = vam_decode_recursive($_GET[$var]);
         // Sanitize variables to prevent hacking
         ${$var} = vam_clean_get__recursive(${$var});
         // Get rid of extra values if Select All is selected
         ${$var} = vam_select_all_override(${$var});
     $filters_query_raw = "select sf.specification_filters_id,\n                                   sfd.filter\n                            from " . TABLE_SPECIFICATIONS_FILTERS . " sf,\n                                 " . TABLE_SPECIFICATIONS_FILTERS_DESCRIPTION . " sfd\n                            where sfd.specification_filters_id = sf.specification_filters_id\n                              and sf.specifications_id = '" . (int) $specs_array['specifications_id'] . "'\n                              and sfd.language_id = '" . $_SESSION['languages_id'] . "'\n                            order by sf.filter_sort_order,\n                                     sfd.filter\n                           ";
     // print $filters_query_raw . "<br>\n";
     $filters_query = vamDBquery($filters_query_raw);
     $count_filters = vam_db_num_rows($filters_query, true);
     $filters_select_array = array();
     if ($count_filters >= SPECIFICATIONS_FILTER_MINIMUM) {
         $filters_array = array();
         if ($first == false) {
             //$box_text .=  "<br />\n";
         $first = false;
         $box_text .= '<b>' . $specs_array['specification_name'] . '</b><br />';