function edit_block()
    global $COLLATE;
    global $block_id;
    include 'include/validation_functions.php';
    $dbo = getdbo();
    $edit = empty($_GET['edit']) ? '' : clean($_GET['edit']);
    $value = empty($_POST['value']) ? '' : clean($_POST['value']);
    $username = isset($COLLATE['user']['username']) ? $COLLATE['user']['username'] : '******';
    if ($edit == 'name') {
        $return = validate_text($value, 'blockname');
        if ($return['0'] === false) {
            header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
            echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected'][$return['error']];
        } else {
            $value = $return['1'];
        $sql = "SELECT id FROM blocks WHERE name='{$value}'";
        $result = $dbo->query($sql);
        if ($result->rowCount() != '0') {
            # a block by this name exists already
            $existing_block_id = $result->fetchColumn();
            if ($existing_block_id !== $block_id) {
                header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
                echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['duplicatename'];
        $sql = "SELECT name FROM blocks WHERE id='{$block_id}'";
        $result = $dbo->query($sql);
        $name = $result->fetchColumn();
        collate_log('4', "Block {$name} has been updated to {$value}");
        $sql = "UPDATE blocks SET name='{$value}', modified_by='{$username}', modified_at=NOW() WHERE id='{$block_id}'";
    } elseif ($edit == 'note') {
        $return = validate_text($value, 'note');
        if ($return['0'] === false) {
            header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
            echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected'][$return['error']];
        } else {
            $value = $return['1'];
        $sql = "SELECT name FROM blocks WHERE id='{$block_id}'";
        $result = $dbo->query($sql);
        $name = $result->fetchColumn();
        collate_log('4', "Block {$name} note edited");
        $sql = "UPDATE blocks SET note='{$value}', modified_by='{$username}', modified_at=NOW() WHERE id='{$block_id}'";
    } else {
        header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
        echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['invalidrequest'];
    echo $value;
function edit_subnet()
    global $COLLATE;
    global $dbo;
    include 'include/validation_functions.php';
    $subnet_id = empty($_GET['subnet_id']) ? '' : $_GET['subnet_id'];
    $edit = empty($_GET['edit']) ? '' : $_GET['edit'];
    $value = empty($_POST['value']) ? '' : $_POST['value'];
    $username = isset($COLLATE['user']['username']) ? $COLLATE['user']['username'] : '******';
    if (empty($subnet_id) || !is_numeric($subnet_id) || !preg_match('/name|note/', $edit)) {
        header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
        echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['invalidrequest'];
    if ($edit == 'name') {
        $return = validate_text($value, 'subnetname');
    } else {
        $return = validate_text($value, 'note');
    if ($return['0'] === false) {
        header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
        echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected'][$return['error']];
    } else {
        $value = $return['1'];
    $sql = "SELECT name, start_ip, mask FROM subnets WHERE id='{$subnet_id}'";
    $result = $dbo->query($sql);
    list($name, $subnet, $mask) = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
    $cidr = subnet2cidr($subnet, $mask);
    if ($edit == 'name') {
        collate_log('3', "Subnet {$name} ({$cidr}) name changed to {$value}");
        $sql = "UPDATE subnets SET name='{$value}', modified_by='{$username}', modified_at=NOW() WHERE id='{$subnet_id}'";
    } elseif ($edit == 'note') {
        collate_log('3', "Subnet {$name} ({$cidr}) note edited");
        $sql = "UPDATE subnets SET note='{$value}', modified_by='{$username}', modified_at=NOW() WHERE id='{$subnet_id}'";
    } else {
        header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
        echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['shortsubnetname'];
    echo $value;
function submit_subnet()
    global $dbo;
    include 'include/validation_functions.php';
    $block_id = isset($_POST['block_id']) && is_numeric($_POST['block_id']) ? $_POST['block_id'] : '';
    $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : '';
    $ip = isset($_POST['ip']) ? $_POST['ip'] : '';
    $gateway = isset($_POST['gateway']) ? $_POST['gateway'] : '';
    $acl_name = isset($_POST['acl_name']) ? $_POST['acl_name'] : '';
    $acl_start = isset($_POST['acl_start']) ? $_POST['acl_start'] : '';
    $acl_end = isset($_POST['acl_end']) ? $_POST['acl_end'] : '';
    $note = isset($_POST['note']) ? $_POST['note'] : '';
    $guidance = isset($_POST['guidance']) ? $_POST['guidance'] : '';
    if (empty($block_id)) {
        $notice = 'invalidrequest';
        header("Location: blocks.php?notice={$notice}");
    if (empty($name) || empty($ip)) {
        $notice = "blankfield-notice";
        $guidance = urlencode($guidance);
        header("Location: subnets.php?op=add&block_id={$block_id}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&gateway={$gateway}&acl_start={$acl_start}&acl_end={$acl_end}&note={$note}&guidance={$guidance}&notice={$notice}");
    $result = validate_text($name, 'subnetname');
    if ($result['0'] === false) {
        $notice = $result['error'];
        $guidance = urlencode($guidance);
        header("Location: subnets.php?op=add&block_id={$block_id}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&gateway={$gateway}&acl_start={$acl_start}&acl_end={$acl_end}&note={$note}&guidance={$guidance}&notice={$notice}");
    } else {
        $name = $result['1'];
    $result = validate_network($ip);
    if ($result['0'] === false) {
        $notice = $result['error'];
        $guidance = urlencode($guidance);
        header("Location: subnets.php?op=add&block_id={$block_id}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&gateway={$gateway}&acl_start={$acl_start}&acl_end={$acl_end}&note={$note}&guidance={$guidance}&notice={$notice}");
    } else {
        $start_ip = $result['start_ip'];
        $end_ip = $result['end_ip'];
        $mask = $result['mask'];
        $long_start_ip = $result['long_start_ip'];
        $long_end_ip = $result['long_end_ip'];
        $long_mask = $result['long_mask'];
    $username = !isset($COLLATE['user']['username']) ? 'system' : $COLLATE['user']['username'];
    $sql = "INSERT INTO subnets (name, start_ip, end_ip, mask, note, block_id, modified_by, modified_at, guidance) \r\n        VALUES('{$name}', '{$long_start_ip}', '{$long_end_ip}', '{$long_mask}', '{$note}', '{$block_id}', '{$username}', now(), '{$guidance}')";
    $subnet_id = $dbo->lastInsertId();
    if (!empty($acl_start) && !empty($acl_end)) {
        $result = validate_ip_range($acl_start, $acl_end, 'acl');
        if ($result['0'] === false) {
            $notice = $result['error'];
            $guidance = urlencode($guidance);
            header("Location: subnets.php?op=add&block_id={$block_id}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&gateway={$gateway}&acl_start={$acl_start}&acl_end={$acl_end}&note={$note}&guidance={$guidance}&notice={$notice}");
        } else {
            $long_acl_start = $result['long_start_ip'];
            $long_acl_end = $result['long_end_ip'];
        // Add an ACL for the acl range so users don't assign a static IP inside a acl scope.
        $sql = "INSERT INTO acl (name, start_ip, end_ip, subnet_id) VALUES('{$acl_name}', '{$long_acl_start}', '{$long_acl_end}', '{$subnet_id}')";
    // Add static IP for the Default Gateway
    if (!empty($gateway)) {
        $long_gateway = ip2decimal($gateway);
        $subnet_test = $long_gateway & $long_mask;
        if ($subnet_test !== $long_start_ip) {
            $notice = 'invalidip';
            $guidance = urlencode($guidance);
            header("Location: subnets.php?op=add&block_id={$block_id}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&gateway={$gateway}&acl_start={$acl_start}&acl_end={$acl_end}&note={$note}&guidance={$guidance}&notice={$notice}");
        $validate_gateway = validate_static_ip($gateway);
        if ($validate_gateway['0'] === false) {
            $notice = $validate_gateway['error'];
            $guidance = urlencode($guidance);
            header("Location: subnets.php?op=add&block_id={$block_id}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&gateway={$gateway}&acl_start={$acl_start}&acl_end={$acl_end}&note={$note}&guidance={$guidance}&notice={$notice}");
        $sql = "INSERT INTO statics (ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, modified_by, modified_at) \r\n           VALUES('{$long_gateway}', 'Gateway', 'Network Admin', 'Default Gateway', '{$subnet_id}', '{$username}', now())";
    $cidr = subnet2cidr($long_start_ip, $long_mask);
    $accesslevel = "3";
    $message = "Subnet {$name} ({$cidr}) has been created";
    AccessControl($accesslevel, $message);
    // No need to generate logs when nothing is really happening. This
    // goes down here where we know stuff has actually been written. Access
    // Control actually happened before submit_subnet() was called.
    $notice = "subnetadded-notice";
    header("Location: subnets.php?block_id={$block_id}&notice={$notice}");
function edit_acl()
    global $COLLATE;
    $dbo = getdbo();
    include 'include/validation_functions.php';
    $acl_id = isset($_GET['acl_id']) && is_numeric($_GET['acl_id']) ? $_GET['acl_id'] : '';
    $value = isset($_POST['value']) ? $_POST['value'] : '';
    if (empty($acl_id)) {
        header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
        echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['invalidrequest'];
    $result = validate_text($value, 'aclname');
    if ($result['0'] === false) {
        header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
        echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected'][$result['error']];
    } else {
        $value = $result['1'];
    $sql = "SELECT name FROM subnets WHERE id=(SELECT subnet_id FROM acl WHERE id='{$acl_id}')";
    $result = $dbo->query($sql);
    if ($result->rowCount() != '1') {
        header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
        echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['invalidrequest'];
    $subnet_name = $result->fetchColumn();
    collate_log('3', "ACL statement name updated in {$subnet_name} subnet");
    $sql = "UPDATE acl SET name='{$value}' where id='{$acl_id}'";
    echo $value;
Exemple #5
// was really submitted.
if (isset($_POST['addcoupon'])) {
    $selectproduct = $_COOKIE['selectproduct'];
    //get values from the form
    $name = $_POST['name'];
    $amount = $_POST['amount'];
    $sdate = $_POST['sdate'];
    $edate = $_POST['edate'];
    if (!validate_discount($amount)) {
        error_message("Can't create zero value coupon!");
        $valid_discount = 0;
    } else {
        $valid_discount = 1;
    if (!validate_text($name)) {
        error_message("Name can't be blank!");
        $valid_name = 0;
    } else {
        $valid_name = 1;
    if (!validate_cost($amount)) {
        error_message("Amount can't be blank!");
        $valid_amount = 0;
    } else {
        $valid_amount = 1;
    if (!validate_date($sdate)) {
        error_message("Start date can't be blank!");
        $valid_sdate = 0;
    } else {
Exemple #6
 //if validation is successful
 if (!validate_name(htmlspecialchars($_POST['firstname']))) {
     error_message("Check entry for first name<br/>");
     $valid_fname = 0;
 } else {
     $firstname = htmlspecialchars($_POST['firstname']);
     $valid_fname = 1;
 if (!validate_name(htmlspecialchars($_POST['lastname']))) {
     error_message("Check entry for last name<br/>");
     $valid_lname = 0;
 } else {
     $lastname = htmlspecialchars($_POST['lastname']);
     $valid_lname = 1;
 if (!validate_text(0, htmlspecialchars($_POST['logonName']))) {
     error_message("Check entry for Logon Username<br/>");
     $valid_logonName = 0;
 } else {
     $logonName = htmlspecialchars($_POST['logonName']);
     $valid_logonName = 1;
 if (!empty($_POST['password'])) {
     if ($_POST['password'] != $_POST['confirmpassword']) {
         error_message("Passwords do not match!");
         $valid_password = 0;
     if (!validate_password(htmlspecialchars($_POST['password']))) {
         error_message("Check entry for password");
         $valid_password = 0;
     } else {
function validate_caption($val)
    return validate_text($val);
 function chk_address($val)
     require_once 'Tuxedo/inc/';
     if (strlen($val) > 80) {
         return false;
     if (!validate_text($val)) {
         return false;
     return true;
function edit_api_key_description()
    global $COLLATE;
    $dbo = getdbo();
    include 'include/validation_functions.php';
    $apikey = isset($_GET['apikey']) ? $_GET['apikey'] : '';
    $value = isset($_POST['value']) ? $_POST['value'] : '';
    $return = validate_api_key($apikey);
    if ($return['0'] === false) {
        header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
        echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected'][$return['error']];
    } else {
        $old_description = $return['description'];
    $return = validate_text($value, 'apidescription');
    if ($return['0'] === false) {
        header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
        echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected'][$return['error']];
    } else {
        $value = $return['1'];
    $sql = "update `api-keys` set description='{$value}' where apikey='{$apikey}'";
    $result = $dbo->query($sql);
    echo $value;
    collate_log('5', "Settings Updated: API key description changed from \"{$old_description}\" to \"{$value}\"");
function submit_acl()
    global $dbo;
    include 'include/validation_functions.php';
    $subnet_id = isset($_GET['subnet_id']) && is_numeric($_GET['subnet_id']) ? $_GET['subnet_id'] : '';
    $acl_name = isset($_POST['acl_name']) ? $_POST['acl_name'] : '';
    $acl_start = isset($_POST['acl_start']) ? $_POST['acl_start'] : '';
    $acl_end = isset($_POST['acl_end']) ? $_POST['acl_end'] : '';
    if (empty($subnet_id)) {
        $notice = "invalidrequest";
        header("Location: blocks.php?notice={$notice}");
    if (empty($acl_name) || empty($acl_start) || empty($acl_end)) {
        $notice = "blankfield-notice";
        header("Location: statics.php?subnet_id={$subnet_id}&notice={$notice}");
    $result = validate_text($acl_name, 'aclname');
    if ($result['0'] === false) {
        $notice = $result['error'];
        header("Location: statics.php?subnet_id={$subnet_id}&notice={$notice}");
    } else {
        $acl_name = $result['1'];
    $result = validate_ip_range($acl_start, $acl_end, 'acl', $subnet_id);
    if ($result['0'] === false) {
        $notice = $result['error'];
        header("Location: statics.php?subnet_id={$subnet_id}&notice={$notice}");
    } else {
        $long_acl_start = $result['long_start_ip'];
        $long_acl_end = $result['long_end_ip'];
        $subnet_name = $result['subnet_name'];
    AccessControl('3', "{$acl_name} ACL for {$subnet_name} subnet edited");
    $sql = "INSERT INTO acl (name, start_ip, end_ip, subnet_id) VALUES ('{$acl_name}', '{$long_acl_start}', '{$long_acl_end}', '{$subnet_id}')";
    $notice = "acladded-notice";
    header("Location: statics.php?subnet_id={$subnet_id}&notice={$notice}");
function read_in_csv_row($row)
    global $COLLATE;
    global $dbo;
    $recordtype = $row['0'];
    $fieldcount = count($row);
    $result = array();
     *  Record format:
     *  block: (5 fields)
     *  'block','$block_name','$start_ip','$end_ip','$block_note'
     *  subnet: (5 fields)
     *  'subnet','$block_name','$subnet_name','$subnet','$subnet_note'
     *  acl: (4 fields)
     *  'acl','$acl_name','$start_ip','$end_ip'
     *  static ip: (5 fields)
     *  'static','$static_name','$ip_address','$static_contact','$static_note'
    if ($recordtype == 'block' && $fieldcount != '5' || $recordtype == 'subnet' && $fieldcount != '5' || $recordtype == 'acl' && $fieldcount != '4' || $recordtype == 'static' && $fieldcount != '5') {
        $result['error'] = true;
        $result['errormessage'] = 'badfieldcount';
        return $result;
    $last_modified_by = !isset($COLLATE['user']['username']) ? 'system' : $COLLATE['user']['username'];
    if ($recordtype == 'block') {
        $block_name = $row['1'];
        $block_start_ip = $row['2'];
        $block_end_ip = $row['3'];
        $block_note = $row['4'];
        $validate = validate_text($block_name, 'blockname');
        if ($validate['0'] === false) {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error'];
            return $result;
        } else {
            $block_name = $validate['1'];
        $query_result = $dbo->query("SELECT id from blocks where name='{$block_name}'");
        if ($query_result->rowCount() != '0') {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['errormessage'] = 'duplicatename';
            return $result;
        if (preg_match('/^\\s*$/', $block_start_ip) && preg_match('/^\\s*$/', $block_end_ip)) {
            // block with no associated IP information
            $block_start_ip = '';
            $block_long_start_ip = '';
            $block_end_ip = '';
            $block_long_end_ip = '';
        } elseif (empty($block_end_ip) || ip2decimal($block_end_ip) === false) {
            // subnet
            $validate = validate_network($block_start_ip, 'block');
            if ($validate['0'] === false) {
                $result['error'] = true;
                $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error'];
                return $result;
            } else {
                $block_start_ip = $validate['start_ip'];
                $block_long_start_ip = $validate['long_start_ip'];
                $block_end_ip = $validate['end_ip'];
                $block_long_end_ip = $validate['long_end_ip'];
        } else {
            // range
            $validate = validate_ip_range($block_start_ip, $block_end_ip, 'block');
            if ($validate['0'] === false) {
                $result['error'] = true;
                $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error'];
                return $result;
            } else {
                $block_start_ip = $validate['start_ip'];
                $block_long_start_ip = $validate['long_start_ip'];
                $block_end_ip = $validate['end_ip'];
                $block_long_end_ip = $validate['long_end_ip'];
        $validate = validate_text($block_note, 'note');
        if ($validate['0'] === false) {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error'];
            return $result;
        } else {
            $block_note = $validate['1'];
        $row_result['error'] = false;
        $row_result['sql'] = "INSERT INTO blocks (name, start_ip, end_ip, note, modified_by, modified_at) \r\n\t                  VALUES('{$block_name}', '{$block_long_start_ip}', '{$block_long_end_ip}', '{$block_note}', '{$last_modified_by}', now())";
        return $row_result;
    } elseif ($recordtype == 'subnet') {
        $block_name = $row['1'];
        $subnet_name = $row['2'];
        $subnet = $row['3'];
        $subnet_note = $row['4'];
        $validate = validate_text($block_name, 'blockname');
        if ($validate['0'] === false) {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error'];
            return $result;
        } else {
            $block_name = $validate['1'];
        $query_result = $dbo->query("SELECT id from blocks where name='{$block_name}'");
        if ($query_result->rowCount() != '1') {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['errormessage'] = 'blocknotfound';
            return $result;
        } else {
            $block_id = $query_result->fetchColumn();
        $validate = validate_text($subnet_name, 'subnetname');
        if ($validate['0'] === false) {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error'];
            return $result;
        } else {
            $subnet_name = $validate['1'];
        $validate = validate_network($subnet);
        if ($validate['0'] === false) {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error'];
            return $result;
        } else {
            $subnet_start_ip = $validate['start_ip'];
            $subnet_long_start_ip = $validate['long_start_ip'];
            $subnet_end_ip = $validate['end_ip'];
            $subnet_long_end_ip = $validate['long_end_ip'];
            $subnet_mask = $validate['mask'];
            $subnet_long_mask = $validate['long_mask'];
        $validate = validate_text($subnet_note, 'note');
        if ($validate['0'] === false) {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error'];
            return $result;
        } else {
            $subnet_note = $validate['1'];
        $return['error'] = false;
        $return['sql'] = "INSERT INTO subnets (name, start_ip, end_ip, mask, note, block_id, modified_by, modified_at) \r\n                      VALUES('{$subnet_name}', '{$subnet_long_start_ip}', '{$subnet_long_end_ip}', '{$subnet_long_mask}', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t  '{$subnet_note}', '{$block_id}', '{$last_modified_by}', now())";
        return $return;
    } elseif ($recordtype == 'acl') {
        $acl_name = $row['1'];
        $acl_start_ip = $row['2'];
        $acl_end_ip = $row['3'];
        $validate = validate_text($acl_name, 'blockname');
        if ($validate['0'] === false) {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error'];
            return $result;
        } else {
            $acl_name = $validate['1'];
        $validate = validate_ip_range($acl_start_ip, $acl_end_ip, 'acl', null);
        if ($validate['0'] === false) {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error'];
            return $result;
        } else {
            $subnet_id = $validate['subnet_id'];
            $acl_start_ip = $validate['start_ip'];
            $acl_long_start_ip = $validate['long_start_ip'];
            $acl_end_ip = $validate['end_ip'];
            $acl_long_end_ip = $validate['long_end_ip'];
        $return['error'] = false;
        $return['sql'] = "INSERT INTO acl (name, start_ip, end_ip, subnet_id) \r\n\t                  VALUES ('{$acl_name}', '{$acl_long_start_ip}', '{$acl_long_end_ip}', '{$subnet_id}')";
        return $return;
    } else {
        // $recordtype == static
        $static_name = $row['1'];
        $static_ip = $row['2'];
        $static_long_ip = ip2decimal($static_ip);
        $static_contact = $row['3'];
        $static_note = $row['4'];
        $validate = validate_text($static_name, 'staticname');
        if ($validate['0'] === false) {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error'];
            return $result;
        } else {
            $static_name = $validate['1'];
        if ($static_long_ip === false) {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['errormessage'] = 'invalidip';
            return $result;
        $sql = "SELECT id from subnets where CAST('{$static_long_ip}' AS UNSIGNED) & CAST(mask AS UNSIGNED) = CAST(start_ip AS UNSIGNED)";
        $subnet_result = $dbo->query($sql);
        if ($subnet_result->rowCount() != '1') {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['errormessage'] = 'subnetnotfound';
            return $result;
        } else {
            $subnet_id = $subnet_result->fetchColumn();
        // Make sure the static IP isn't in use already or excluded from use via an ACL
        $validate = validate_static_ip($static_ip);
        if ($validate['0'] === false) {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error'];
            return $result;
        $validate = validate_text($static_contact, 'contact');
        if ($validate['0'] === false) {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error'];
            return $result;
        } else {
            $static_contact = $validate['1'];
        $validate = validate_text($static_note, 'note');
        if ($validate['0'] === false) {
            $result['error'] = true;
            $result['errormessage'] = $validate['error'];
            return $result;
        } else {
            $static_note = $validate['1'];
        $return['error'] = false;
        $return['sql'] = "INSERT INTO statics (ip, name, contact, note, subnet_id, modified_by, modified_at)\r\n                      VALUES('{$static_long_ip}', '{$static_name}', '{$static_contact}', '{$static_note}', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t  '{$subnet_id}', '{$last_modified_by}', now())";
        return $return;
    // We should never get here
Exemple #12
function submit_block()
    #validation here might look messy, but it's essentially in order of parameters listed below by
    # 1. all checks that don't require db lookups
    # 2. all other checks
    global $COLLATE;
    global $dbo;
    include 'include/validation_functions.php';
    $block_id = isset($_POST['block_id']) ? $_POST['block_id'] : '';
    $name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : '';
    $note = isset($_POST['note']) ? $_POST['note'] : '';
    # this input is optional
    $ip = isset($_POST['ip']) ? $_POST['ip'] : '';
    $end_ip = isset($_POST['end_ip']) ? $_POST['end_ip'] : '';
    $username = empty($_SESSION['username']) ? 'system' : $_SESSION['username'];
    $update_block = isset($_POST['update_block']) ? $_POST['update_block'] : false;
    $submit_op = $update_block == 'true' ? "modify&block_id={$block_id}" : 'add';
    $parent_block = isset($_POST['parent_block']) ? $_POST['parent_block'] : '';
    $block_type = isset($_POST['block_type']) ? $_POST['block_type'] : '';
    if ($block_type == 'container') {
        #containers don't have IP ranges associated with them
        $ip = '';
        $end_ip = '';
    if (empty($name) || !empty($end_ip) && empty($ip) || empty($block_type)) {
        $notice = "missingfield-notice";
        header("Location: blocks.php?op={$submit_op}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&end_ip={$end_ip}&note={$note}&block_type={$block_type}&parent_block={$parent_block}&notice={$notice}");
    if (empty($parent_block) || !preg_match("/[0-9]*/", $parent_block) && $parent_block != 'null') {
        $notice = "invalidrequest";
        header("Location: blocks.php?notice={$notice}");
    $return = validate_text($name, 'blockname');
    if ($return['0'] === false) {
        $notice = $return['error'];
        header("Location: blocks.php?op={$submit_op}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&end_ip={$end_ip}&note={$note}&block_type={$block_type}&parent_block={$parent_block}&notice={$notice}");
    } else {
        $name = $return['1'];
    if (!preg_match('/^container$|^ipv4$/', $block_type)) {
        $notice = 'invalidrequest';
        header("Location: blocks.php?op={$submit_op}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&end_ip={$end_ip}&note={$note}&parent_block={$parent_block}&notice={$notice}");
    if ($update_block === false) {
        # checking for duplicate block name
        $sql = "SELECT id from blocks where name='{$name}'";
        $result = $dbo->query($sql);
        if ($result->rowCount() != '0') {
            header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
            $notice = 'duplicatename';
            header("Location: blocks.php?op={$submit_op}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&end_ip={$end_ip}&note={$note}&block_type={$block_type}&parent_block={$parent_block}&notice={$notice}");
    } else {
        # checking that we're updating a block that actually exists
        $sql = "SELECT name FROM blocks WHERE id='{$block_id}'";
        $result = $dbo->query($sql);
        if ($result->rowCount() != '1') {
            header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
            $notice = 'selectblock';
            header("Location: blocks.php?notice={$notice}");
        $old_block_name = $result->fetchColumn();
    $return = validate_text($note, 'note');
    if ($return['0'] === false) {
        $notice = $return['error'];
        header("Location: blocks.php?op={$submit_op}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&end_ip={$end_ip}&note={$note}&block_type={$block_type}&parent_block={$parent_block}&notice={$notice}");
    } else {
        $note = $return['1'];
    if (empty($end_ip) && !empty($ip)) {
        # subnet supplied
        $return = validate_network($ip, 'block', $block_id);
    } elseif (!empty($ip)) {
        # range supplied
        $return = validate_ip_range($ip, $end_ip, 'block', $block_id);
    if (isset($return) && $return['0'] === false) {
        $notice = $return['error'];
        header("Location: blocks.php?op={$submit_op}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&end_ip={$end_ip}&note={$note}&block_type={$block_type}&parent_block={$parent_block}&notice={$notice}");
    } elseif (isset($return)) {
        $long_start_ip = $return['long_start_ip'];
        $long_end_ip = $return['long_end_ip'];
    $result = '';
    if ($parent_block != 'null') {
        $sql = "SELECT id FROM blocks WHERE id='{$parent_block}'";
        $result = $dbo->query($sql);
        if ($result->rowCount() != '1') {
            $notice = "invalidrequest";
            header("Location: blocks.php?notice={$notice}");
        $parent_id = "'{$parent_block}'";
    } else {
        $parent_id = 'null';
    if ($update_block === false) {
        # new block
        $old_parent_block = $parent_block;
        #we're going to redirect the user to the block they put this block into
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT parent_id FROM blocks WHERE id='{$block_id}'";
        $result = $dbo->query($sql);
        $old_parent_block = $result->fetchColumn();
    # If we're changing an existing block, we must make sure we don't orphan a child object
    if ($update_block !== false) {
        if ($block_type == 'ipv4' && find_child_blocks($block_id) !== false) {
            $notice = 'wouldorphanblocks';
            header("Location: blocks.php?op={$submit_op}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&end_ip={$end_ip}&note={$note}&notice={$notice}");
        } elseif ($block_type == 'container') {
            # just check this block for subnets
            $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM subnets where block_id='{$block_id}'";
            $result = $dbo->query($sql);
            if ($result->fetchColumn() != '0') {
                $notice = 'wouldorphansubnets';
                header("Location: blocks.php?op={$submit_op}&name={$name}&ip={$ip}&end_ip={$end_ip}&note={$note}&parent_block={$parent_block}&notice={$notice}");
    if ($update_block) {
        $sql = "UPDATE blocks SET name='{$name}', start_ip='{$long_start_ip}', end_ip='{$long_end_ip}', note='{$note}', modified_by='{$username}', modified_at=now(),\r\n           parent_id={$parent_id}, type='{$block_type}' WHERE id='{$block_id}'";
    } else {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO blocks (name, start_ip, end_ip, note, modified_by, modified_at, parent_id, type) \r\n\t       VALUES('{$name}', '{$long_start_ip}', '{$long_end_ip}', '{$note}', '{$username}', now(), {$parent_id}, '{$block_type}')";
    $accesslevel = "4";
    $message = $update_block ? "IP Block updated: {$name}" : "IP Block added: {$name}";
    $message .= $name != $old_block_name ? "(previously {$old_block_name})" : '';
    AccessControl($accesslevel, $message);
    // We don't want to generate logs when nothing is really happening, so this goes down here.
    $notice = $update_block ? 'blockupdated-notice' : 'blockadded-notice';
    if ($old_parent_block == 'null') {
        header("Location: blocks.php?notice={$notice}");
    } else {
        header("Location: blocks.php?block_id={$old_parent_block}&notice={$notice}");
Exemple #13

require_once 'include/common.php';
AccessControl('5', null, false);
# null means no log, false means don't redirect
include 'include/validation_functions.php';
$op = empty($_GET['op']) ? 'default' : $_GET['op'];
$username = isset($_GET['username']) ? $_GET['username'] : '';
$result = validate_text($username, 'username');
if ($result['0'] === false) {
    header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
    echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected'][$result['error']];
} else {
    $username = $result['1'];
$sql = "select count(*) from users where username='******'";
$result = $dbo->query($sql);
$count = $result->fetchColumn();
if ($count != '1') {
    header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
    echo $COLLATE['languages']['selected']['invalidrequest'];
switch ($op) {
    case "deleteuser":
Exemple #14
function submit_user()
    global $COLLATE;
    global $dbo;
    include 'include/validation_functions.php';
    # validations are organized by all checks that don't require db lookups, then all that do
    # in the order that the vars are listed below
    $username = isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : '';
    $tmppasswd = isset($_POST['tmppasswd']) && !empty($_POST['tmppasswd']) ? sha1(clean($_POST['tmppasswd'])) : '';
    $phone = isset($_POST['phone']) ? $_POST['phone'] : '';
    $email = isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : '';
    $language = isset($_POST['languages']) ? $_POST['languages'] : '';
    $perms = isset($_POST['perms']) && preg_match("/^[012345]{1}\$/", $_POST['perms']) ? $_POST['perms'] : '';
    $locked = isset($_POST['locked']) ? 'on' : 'off';
    $loginattempts = $locked == 'on' ? '9' : '0';
    $ldapexempt = isset($_POST['ldapexempt']) && $_POST['ldapexempt'] == "on" ? true : false;
    $edit = isset($_GET['edit']) && preg_match("/true|false/", $_GET['edit']) ? true : false;
    $logged_in_user = isset($COLLATE['user']['username']) ? $COLLATE['user']['username'] : '';
    if ($logged_in_user != $username) {
        AccessControl('5', null);
    if ($edit === false) {
        $return = validate_text($username, 'username');
        if ($return['0'] === false) {
            $notice = $return['error'];
            header("Location: users.php?op=add&username={$username}&phone={$phone}&email={$email}&notice={$notice}");
        $action = 'add';
    } else {
        $action = 'edit';
    $return = validate_text($phone, 'phone');
    if ($return['0'] === false) {
        $notice = $return['error'];
        header("Location: users.php?op={$action}&username={$username}&phone={$phone}&email={$email}&notice={$notice}");
    $return = validate_text($email, 'email');
    if ($return['0'] === false) {
        $notice = $return['error'];
        header("Location: users.php?op={$action}&username={$username}&phone={$phone}&email={$email}&notice={$notice}");
    if (empty($email) && empty($phone)) {
        $notice = "onecontact";
        header("Location: users.php?op={$action}&username={$username}&phone={$phone}&email={$email}&notice={$notice}");
    foreach (glob("languages/*.php") as $filename) {
        include $filename;
    if (!isset($languages[$language]['isocode']) || $language != $languages[$language]['isocode']) {
        header("Location: users.php?op={$action}&username={$username}&phone={$phone}&email={$email}&notice=invalidrequest");
    $test = $dbo->query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username='******'");
    if ($test->rowCount() > "0" && $edit === false) {
        #duplicate user
        $notice = "nameconflict-notice";
        header("Location: users.php?op=add&username={$username}&phone={$phone}&email={$email}&notice={$notice}");
    } elseif ($test->rowCount() !== 1 && $edit !== false) {
        #can't edit a user that doesn't exist
        $notice = "invalidrequest";
        header("Location: users.php?op=add&username={$username}&phone={$phone}&email={$email}&notice={$notice}");
    if ($edit === false) {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO users (username, tmppasswd, accesslevel, phone, email, loginattempts, ldapexempt, language) \r\n           VALUES('{$username}', '{$tmppasswd}', '{$perms}', '{$phone}', '{$email}', '{$loginattempts}', '{$ldapexempt}', '{$language}')";
    } else {
        if ($COLLATE['user']['accesslevel'] == '5' || $COLLATE['settings']['perms'] > '5') {
            #can update all vars
            if (empty($tmppasswd)) {
                $sql = "UPDATE users SET accesslevel='{$perms}', phone='{$phone}', email='{$email}', loginattempts='{$loginattempts}', \r\n\t\t        ldapexempt='{$ldapexempt}', language='{$language}' \r\n\t            WHERE username='******'";
            } else {
                $sql = "UPDATE users SET tmppasswd='{$tmppasswd}', accesslevel='{$perms}', phone='{$phone}',\r\n\t            email='{$email}', loginattempts='{$loginattempts}', ldapexempt='{$ldapexempt}', language='{$language}' \r\n\t            WHERE username='******'";
        } else {
            # can only update basic info
            $sql = "UPDATE users SET username='******', phone='{$phone}', email='{$email}', language='{$language}' \r\n\t          WHERE username='******'";
    if ($edit === false) {
        $message = "User added: {$username}";
        $notice = "useradded-notice";
    } else {
        $message = "User updated: {$username}";
        $notice = "userupdated-notice";
    collate_log('5', $message);
    // adds and modifications are always logged
    header("Location: users.php?op=edit&username={$username}&notice={$notice}");