function AddBlock($nickname, $type, $steam, $length, $reason)
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    global $userbank, $username;
    if (!$userbank->HasAccess(ADMIN_OWNER | ADMIN_ADD_BAN)) {
        $objResponse->redirect("index.php?p=login&m=no_access", 0);
        $log = new CSystemLog("w", "Hacking Attempt", $username . " tried to add a block, but doesnt have access.");
        return $objResponse;
    $steam = trim($steam);
    $error = 0;
    // If they didnt type a steamid
    if (empty($steam)) {
        $objResponse->addAssign("steam.msg", "innerHTML", "You must type a Steam ID or Community ID");
        $objResponse->addScript("\$('steam.msg').setStyle('display', 'block');");
    } else {
        if (!is_numeric($steam) && !validate_steam($steam) || is_numeric($steam) && (strlen($steam) < 15 || !validate_steam($steam = FriendIDToSteamID($steam)))) {
            $objResponse->addAssign("steam.msg", "innerHTML", "Please enter a valid Steam ID or Community ID");
            $objResponse->addScript("\$('steam.msg').setStyle('display', 'block');");
        } else {
            $objResponse->addAssign("steam.msg", "innerHTML", "");
            $objResponse->addScript("\$('steam.msg').setStyle('display', 'none');");
    if ($error > 0) {
        return $objResponse;
    $nickname = RemoveCode($nickname);
    $reason = RemoveCode($reason);
    if (!$length) {
        $len = 0;
    } else {
        $len = $length * 60;
    // prune any old bans
    $typeW = "";
    switch ((int) $type) {
        case 1:
            $typeW = "type = 1";
        case 2:
            $typeW = "type = 2";
        case 3:
            $typeW = "(type = 1 OR type = 2)";
            $typeW = "";
    // Check if the new steamid is already banned
    $chk = $GLOBALS['db']->GetRow("SELECT count(bid) AS count FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "_comms WHERE authid = ? AND (length = 0 OR ends > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AND RemovedBy IS NULL AND " . $typeW, array($steam));
    if (intval($chk[0]) > 0) {
        $objResponse->addScript("ShowBox('Error', 'SteamID: {$steam} is already blocked.', 'red', '');");
        return $objResponse;
    // Check if player is immune
    $admchk = $userbank->GetAllAdmins();
    foreach ($admchk as $admin) {
        if ($admin['authid'] == $steam && $userbank->GetProperty('srv_immunity') < $admin['srv_immunity']) {
            $objResponse->addScript("ShowBox('Error', 'SteamID: Admin " . $admin['user'] . " ({$steam}) is immune.', 'red', '');");
            return $objResponse;
    if ((int) $type == 1 || (int) $type == 3) {
        $pre = $GLOBALS['db']->Prepare("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "_comms(created,type,authid,name,ends,length,reason,aid,adminIp ) VALUES\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),1,?,?,(UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + ?),?,?,?,?)");
        $GLOBALS['db']->Execute($pre, array($steam, $nickname, $length * 60, $len, $reason, $userbank->GetAid(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
    if ((int) $type == 2 || (int) $type == 3) {
        $pre = $GLOBALS['db']->Prepare("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "_comms(created,type,authid,name,ends,length,reason,aid,adminIp ) VALUES\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),2,?,?,(UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + ?),?,?,?,?)");
        $GLOBALS['db']->Execute($pre, array($steam, $nickname, $length * 60, $len, $reason, $userbank->GetAid(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
    $objResponse->addScript("ShowBlockBox('" . $steam . "', '" . (int) $type . "', '" . (int) $len . "');");
    $log = new CSystemLog("m", "Block Added", "Block against (" . $steam . ") has been added, reason: {$reason}, length: {$length}", true, $kickit);
    return $objResponse;
function AddBan($nickname, $type, $steam, $ip, $length, $dfile, $dname, $reason, $fromsub)
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    global $userbank, $username;
    if (!$userbank->HasAccess(ADMIN_OWNER | ADMIN_ADD_BAN)) {
        $objResponse->redirect("index.php?p=login&m=no_access", 0);
        $log = new CSystemLog("w", "Ошибка доступа", $username . " пытался добавить бан, не имея на то прав.");
        return $objResponse;
    $steam = trim($steam);
    $error = 0;
    // If they didnt type a steamid
    if (empty($steam) && $type == 0) {
        $objResponse->addAssign("steam.msg", "innerHTML", "Введите Steam ID или Community ID");
        $objResponse->addScript("\$('steam.msg').setStyle('display', 'block');");
    } else {
        if ($type == 0 && !is_numeric($steam) && !validate_steam($steam) || is_numeric($steam) && (strlen($steam) < 15 || !validate_steam($steam = FriendIDToSteamID($steam)))) {
            $objResponse->addAssign("steam.msg", "innerHTML", "Введите действительный Steam ID или Community ID");
            $objResponse->addScript("\$('steam.msg').setStyle('display', 'block');");
        } else {
            if (empty($ip) && $type == 1) {
                $objResponse->addAssign("ip.msg", "innerHTML", "Введите IP");
                $objResponse->addScript("\$('ip.msg').setStyle('display', 'block');");
            } else {
                if ($type == 1 && !validate_ip($ip)) {
                    $objResponse->addAssign("ip.msg", "innerHTML", "Введите действительный IP");
                    $objResponse->addScript("\$('ip.msg').setStyle('display', 'block');");
                } else {
                    $objResponse->addAssign("steam.msg", "innerHTML", "");
                    $objResponse->addScript("\$('steam.msg').setStyle('display', 'none');");
                    $objResponse->addAssign("ip.msg", "innerHTML", "");
                    $objResponse->addScript("\$('ip.msg').setStyle('display', 'none');");
    if ($error > 0) {
        return $objResponse;
    $nickname = RemoveCode($nickname);
    $ip = preg_replace('#[^\\d\\.]#', '', $ip);
    //strip ip of all but numbers and dots
    $dname = RemoveCode($dname);
    $reason = RemoveCode($reason);
    if (!$length) {
        $len = 0;
    } else {
        $len = $length * 60;
    // prune any old bans
    if ((int) $type == 0) {
        // Check if the new steamid is already banned
        $chk = $GLOBALS['db']->GetRow("SELECT count(bid) AS count FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "_bans WHERE authid = ? AND (length = 0 OR ends > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AND RemovedBy IS NULL AND type = '0'", array($steam));
        if (intval($chk[0]) > 0) {
            $objResponse->addScript("ShowBox('Ошибка', 'SteamID: {$steam} уже забанен.', 'red', '');");
            return $objResponse;
        // Check if player is immune
        $admchk = $userbank->GetAllAdmins();
        foreach ($admchk as $admin) {
            if ($admin['authid'] == $steam && $userbank->GetProperty('srv_immunity') < $admin['srv_immunity']) {
                $objResponse->addScript("ShowBox('Ошибка', 'SteamID админа " . $admin['user'] . " ({$steam}) под иммунитетом.', 'red', '');");
                return $objResponse;
    if ((int) $type == 1) {
        $chk = $GLOBALS['db']->GetRow("SELECT count(bid) AS count FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "_bans WHERE ip = ? AND (length = 0 OR ends > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AND RemovedBy IS NULL AND type = '1'", array($ip));
        if (intval($chk[0]) > 0) {
            $objResponse->addScript("ShowBox('Ошибка', 'Этот IP ({$ip}) уже забанен.', 'red', '');");
            return $objResponse;
    $pre = $GLOBALS['db']->Prepare("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "_bans(created,type,ip,authid,name,ends,length,reason,aid,adminIp ) VALUES\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),?,?,?,?,(UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + ?),?,?,?,?)");
    $GLOBALS['db']->Execute($pre, array($type, $ip, $steam, $nickname, $length * 60, $len, $reason, $userbank->GetAid(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
    $subid = $GLOBALS['db']->Insert_ID();
    if ($dname && $dfile) {
        $GLOBALS['db']->Execute("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "_demos(demid,demtype,filename,origname)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t     VALUES(?,'B', ?, ?)", array((int) $subid, $dfile, $dname));
    if ($fromsub) {
        $submail = $GLOBALS['db']->Execute("SELECT name, email FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "_submissions WHERE subid = '" . (int) $fromsub . "'");
        // Send an email when ban is accepted
        $requri = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, strrpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php") + 4);
        $headers = 'From: submission@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
        $message = "Привет,\n";
        $message .= "Ваша заявка на бан подтверждена админом.\nПерейдите по ссылке, чтобы посмотреть банлист.\n\nhttp://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $requri . "?p=banlist";
        mail($submail->fields['email'], "[SourceBans] Бан добавлен", $message, $headers);
        $GLOBALS['db']->Execute("UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . "_submissions` SET archiv = '2', archivedby = '" . $userbank->GetAid() . "' WHERE subid = '" . (int) $fromsub . "'");
    $GLOBALS['db']->Execute("UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . "_submissions` SET archiv = '3', archivedby = '" . $userbank->GetAid() . "' WHERE SteamId = ?;", array($steam));
    $kickit = isset($GLOBALS['config']['config.enablekickit']) && $GLOBALS['config']['config.enablekickit'] == "1";
    if ($kickit) {
        $objResponse->addScript("ShowKickBox('" . ((int) $type == 0 ? $steam : $ip) . "', '" . (int) $type . "');");
    } else {
        $objResponse->addScript("ShowBox('Бан добавлен', 'Бан успешно добавлен', 'green', 'index.php?p=admin&c=bans');");
    $log = new CSystemLog("m", "Бан добавлен", "Бан против (" . ((int) $type == 0 ? $steam : $ip) . ") был добавлен, причина: {$reason}, срок: {$reason}, length: {$length}", true, $kickit);
    return $objResponse;
    $PlayerName = "";
    $BanReason = "";
    $SubmitterName = "";
    $Email = "";
    $SID = -1;
} else {
    $SteamID = trim(htmlspecialchars($_POST['SteamID']));
    $BanIP = trim(htmlspecialchars($_POST['BanIP']));
    $PlayerName = htmlspecialchars($_POST['PlayerName']);
    $BanReason = htmlspecialchars($_POST['BanReason']);
    $SubmitterName = htmlspecialchars($_POST['SubmitName']);
    $Email = trim(htmlspecialchars($_POST['EmailAddr']));
    $SID = (int) $_POST['server'];
    $validsubmit = true;
    $errors = "";
    if (strlen($SteamID) != 0 && $SteamID != "STEAM_0:" && !validate_steam($SteamID)) {
        $errors .= '* Please type a valid STEAM ID.<br>';
        $validsubmit = false;
    if (strlen($BanIP) != 0 && !validate_ip($BanIP)) {
        $errors .= '* Please type a valid IP-address.<br>';
        $validsubmit = false;
    if (strlen($PlayerName) == 0) {
        $errors .= '* You must include a player name<br>';
        $validsubmit = false;
    if (strlen($BanReason) == 0) {
        $errors .= '* You must include comments<br>';
        $validsubmit = false;
isset($_GET["page"]) ? $pagelink = "&page=" . $_GET["page"] : ($pagelink = "");
$errorScript = "";
if (isset($_POST['name'])) {
    $_POST['steam'] = trim($_POST['steam']);
    $_POST['type'] = (int) $_POST['type'];
    // Form Validation
    $error = 0;
    // If they didn't type a steamid
    if (empty($_POST['steam'])) {
        $errorScript .= "\$('steam.msg').innerHTML = 'You must type a Steam ID or Community ID';";
        $errorScript .= "\$('steam.msg').setStyle('display', 'block');";
    } else {
        if (!is_numeric($_POST['steam']) && !validate_steam($_POST['steam']) || is_numeric($_POST['steam']) && (strlen($_POST['steam']) < 15 || !validate_steam($_POST['steam'] = FriendIDToSteamID($_POST['steam'])))) {
            $errorScript .= "\$('steam.msg').innerHTML = 'Please enter a valid Steam ID or Community ID';";
            $errorScript .= "\$('steam.msg').setStyle('display', 'block');";
    // Didn't type a custom reason
    if ($_POST['listReason'] == "other" && empty($_POST['txtReason'])) {
        $errorScript .= "\$('reason.msg').innerHTML = 'You must type a reason';";
        $errorScript .= "\$('reason.msg').setStyle('display', 'block');";
    // prune any old bans
    if ($error == 0) {
        // Check if the new steamid is already banned
function AddBan($nickname, $type, $steam, $ip, $length, $dfile, $dname, $reason, $fromsub)
    $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
    global $userbank, $username;
    if (!$userbank->HasAccess(ADMIN_OWNER | ADMIN_ADD_BAN)) {
        $objResponse->redirect("index.php?p=login&m=no_access", 0);
        $log = new CSystemLog("w", "Hacking Attempt", $username . " tried to add a ban, but doesnt have access.");
        return $objResponse;
    $steam = trim($steam);
    $error = 0;
    // If they didnt type a steamid
    if (empty($steam) && $type == 0) {
        $objResponse->addAssign("steam.msg", "innerHTML", "You must type a Steam ID or Community ID");
        $objResponse->addScript("\$('steam.msg').setStyle('display', 'block');");
    } else {
        if ($type == 0 && !is_numeric($steam) && !validate_steam($steam) || is_numeric($steam) && (strlen($steam) < 15 || !validate_steam($steam = FriendIDToSteamID($steam)))) {
            $objResponse->addAssign("steam.msg", "innerHTML", "Please enter a valid Steam ID or Community ID");
            $objResponse->addScript("\$('steam.msg').setStyle('display', 'block');");
        } else {
            if (empty($ip) && $type == 1) {
                $objResponse->addAssign("ip.msg", "innerHTML", "You must type an IP");
                $objResponse->addScript("\$('ip.msg').setStyle('display', 'block');");
            } else {
                if ($type == 1 && !validate_ip($ip)) {
                    $objResponse->addAssign("ip.msg", "innerHTML", "You must type a valid IP");
                    $objResponse->addScript("\$('ip.msg').setStyle('display', 'block');");
                } else {
                    $objResponse->addAssign("steam.msg", "innerHTML", "");
                    $objResponse->addScript("\$('steam.msg').setStyle('display', 'none');");
                    $objResponse->addAssign("ip.msg", "innerHTML", "");
                    $objResponse->addScript("\$('ip.msg').setStyle('display', 'none');");
    if ($error > 0) {
        return $objResponse;
    $nickname = RemoveCode($nickname);
    $ip = preg_replace('#[^\\d\\.]#', '', $ip);
    //strip ip of all but numbers and dots
    $dname = RemoveCode($dname);
    $reason = RemoveCode($reason);
    if (!$length) {
        $len = 0;
    } else {
        $len = $length * 60;
    // prune any old bans
    if ((int) $type == 0) {
        // Check if the new steamid is already banned
        $chk = $GLOBALS['db']->GetRow("SELECT count(bid) AS count FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "_bans WHERE authid = ? AND (length = 0 OR ends > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AND RemovedBy IS NULL AND type = '0'", array($steam));
        if (intval($chk[0]) > 0) {
            $objResponse->addScript("ShowBox('Error', 'SteamID: {$steam} is already banned.', 'red', '');");
            return $objResponse;
        // Check if player is immune
        $admchk = $userbank->GetAllAdmins();
        foreach ($admchk as $admin) {
            if ($admin['authid'] == $steam && $userbank->GetProperty('srv_immunity') < $admin['srv_immunity']) {
                $objResponse->addScript("ShowBox('Error', 'SteamID: Admin " . $admin['user'] . " ({$steam}) is immune.', 'red', '');");
                return $objResponse;
    if ((int) $type == 1) {
        $chk = $GLOBALS['db']->GetRow("SELECT count(bid) AS count FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "_bans WHERE ip = ? AND (length = 0 OR ends > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) AND RemovedBy IS NULL AND type = '1'", array($ip));
        if (intval($chk[0]) > 0) {
            $objResponse->addScript("ShowBox('Error', 'IP: {$ip} is already banned.', 'red', '');");
            return $objResponse;
    $pre = $GLOBALS['db']->Prepare("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "_bans(created,type,ip,authid,name,ends,length,reason,aid,adminIp ) VALUES\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),?,?,?,?,(UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + ?),?,?,?,?)");
    $GLOBALS['db']->Execute($pre, array($type, $ip, $steam, $nickname, $length * 60, $len, $reason, $userbank->GetAid(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
    $subid = $GLOBALS['db']->Insert_ID();
    if ($dname && $dfile && preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]*$/i', $dfile)) {
        $GLOBALS['db']->Execute("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "_demos(demid,demtype,filename,origname)\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t     VALUES(?,'B', ?, ?)", array((int) $subid, $dfile, $dname));
    if ($fromsub) {
        $submail = $GLOBALS['db']->Execute("SELECT name, email FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "_submissions WHERE subid = '" . (int) $fromsub . "'");
        // Send an email when ban is accepted
        $requri = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, strrpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php") + 4);
        $headers = 'From: submission@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
        $message = "Hello,\n";
        $message .= "Your ban submission was accepted by our admins.\nThank you for your support!\nClick the link below to view the current ban list.\n\nhttp://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $requri . "?p=banlist";
        mail($submail->fields['email'], "[SourceBans] Ban Added", $message, $headers);
        $GLOBALS['db']->Execute("UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . "_submissions` SET archiv = '2', archivedby = '" . $userbank->GetAid() . "' WHERE subid = '" . (int) $fromsub . "'");
    $GLOBALS['db']->Execute("UPDATE `" . DB_PREFIX . "_submissions` SET archiv = '3', archivedby = '" . $userbank->GetAid() . "' WHERE SteamId = ?;", array($steam));
    $kickit = isset($GLOBALS['config']['config.enablekickit']) && $GLOBALS['config']['config.enablekickit'] == "1";
    if ($kickit) {
        $objResponse->addScript("ShowKickBox('" . ((int) $type == 0 ? $steam : $ip) . "', '" . (int) $type . "');");
    } else {
        $objResponse->addScript("ShowBox('Ban Added', 'The ban has been successfully added', 'green', 'index.php?p=admin&c=bans');");
    $log = new CSystemLog("m", "Ban Added", "Ban against (" . ((int) $type == 0 ? $steam : $ip) . ") has been added, reason: {$reason}, length: {$length}", true, $kickit);
    return $objResponse;
    $UnbanReason = "";
    $Email = "";
} else {
    $Type = (int) $_POST['Type'];
    $SteamID = htmlspecialchars($_POST['SteamID']);
    $IP = htmlspecialchars($_POST['IP']);
    $PlayerName = htmlspecialchars($_POST['PlayerName']);
    $UnbanReason = htmlspecialchars($_POST['BanReason']);
    $Email = htmlspecialchars($_POST['EmailAddr']);
    $validsubmit = true;
    $errors = "";
    $BanId = -1;
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        $UnbanReason = stripslashes($UnbanReason);
    if ($Type == 0 && !validate_steam($SteamID)) {
        $errors .= '* Введите действительный STEAM ID.<br>';
        $validsubmit = false;
    } elseif ($Type == 0) {
        $pre = $GLOBALS['db']->Prepare("SELECT bid FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "_bans WHERE authid=? AND RemovedBy IS NULL AND type=0;");
        $res = $GLOBALS['db']->Execute($pre, array($SteamID));
        if ($res->RecordCount() == 0) {
            $errors .= '* Этот STEAM ID не забанен!<br>';
            $validsubmit = false;
        } else {
            $BanId = (int) $res->fields[0];
            $res = $GLOBALS['db']->Execute("SELECT pid FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "_protests WHERE bid={$BanId}");
            if ($res->RecordCount() > 0) {
                $errors .= '* Бан этого STEAM ID уже был опротестован.<br>';
                $validsubmit = false;
     } else {
         if ($a_name != $userbank->GetProperty('user', $_GET['id']) && is_taken("admins", "user", $a_name)) {
             $errorScript .= "\$('adminname.msg').innerHTML = 'An admin with this name already exists.';";
             $errorScript .= "\$('adminname.msg').setStyle('display', 'block');";
 // If they didnt type a steamid
 if (empty($a_steam) || strlen($a_steam) < 10) {
     $errorScript .= "\$('steam.msg').innerHTML = 'You must type a Steam ID or Community ID for the admin.';";
     $errorScript .= "\$('steam.msg').setStyle('display', 'block');";
 } else {
     // Validate the steamid or fetch it from the community id
     if (!is_numeric($a_steam) && !validate_steam($a_steam) || is_numeric($a_steam) && (strlen($a_steam) < 15 || !validate_steam($a_steam = FriendIDToSteamID($a_steam)))) {
         $errorScript .= "\$('steam.msg').innerHTML = 'Please enter a valid Steam ID or Community ID.';";
         $errorScript .= "\$('steam.msg').setStyle('display', 'block');";
     } else {
         // Is an other admin already registred with that steam id?
         if ($a_steam != $userbank->GetProperty('authid', $_GET['id']) && is_taken("admins", "authid", $a_steam)) {
             $admins = $userbank->GetAllAdmins();
             foreach ($admins as $admin) {
                 if ($admin['authid'] == $a_steam) {
                     $name = $admin['user'];
             $errorScript .= "\$('steam.msg').innerHTML = 'Admin " . htmlspecialchars(addslashes($name)) . " already uses this Steam ID.';";
Exemple #8
if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == "importBans") {
    $bannedcfg = file($_FILES["importFile"]["tmp_name"]);
    $bancnt = 0;
    foreach ($bannedcfg as $ban) {
        $line = explode(" ", trim($ban));
        if ($line[1] == "0") {
            if (validate_ip($line[2])) {
                $check = $GLOBALS['db']->Execute("SELECT ip FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "_bans` WHERE ip = ? AND RemoveType IS NULL", array($line[2]));
                if ($check->RecordCount() == 0) {
                    $pre = $GLOBALS['db']->Prepare("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "_bans(created,authid,ip,name,ends,length,reason,aid,adminIp,type) VALUES\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),?,?,?,(UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + ?),?,?,?,?,?)");
                    $GLOBALS['db']->Execute($pre, array("", $line[2], "Imported Ban", 0, 0, "banned_ip.cfg import", $_COOKIE['aid'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 1));
            } else {
                // if its an banned_user.cfg
                if (!validate_steam($line[2])) {
                    if (($accountId = getAccountId($line[2])) !== -1) {
                        $steam = renderSteam2($accountId, 0);
                    } else {
                } else {
                    $steam = $line[2];
                $check = $GLOBALS['db']->Execute("SELECT authid FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "_bans` WHERE authid = ? AND RemoveType IS NULL", array($steam));
                if ($check->RecordCount() == 0) {
                    if (!isset($_POST['friendsname']) || $_POST['friendsname'] != "on" || ($pname = GetCommunityName($steam)) == "") {
                        $pname = "Imported Ban";
                    $pre = $GLOBALS['db']->Prepare("INSERT INTO " . DB_PREFIX . "_bans(created,authid,ip,name,ends,length,reason,aid,adminIp,type) VALUES\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),?,?,?,(UNIX_TIMESTAMP() + ?),?,?,?,?,?)");