Exemple #1
 public static function UpdateTopicAfterReply($topic_id)
     // Aggiorna:
     // - Il conto dei posts
     // - La data dell'ultimo post
     exequery("UPDATE forum_posts SET replies = replies + 1, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlast_post_date = " . time() . "\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE id = {$topic_id}");
 public function __construct($records_count, $records_for_each_page = 10, $current_page = 1)
     //Controllo che i parametri siano numerici
     //Controllo che i parametri siano positivi
     if ($records_count < 0 || $records_for_each_page < 0) {
         die("Errore, parametri negativi nel costruttore della classe Pagination");
     //Calcolo il numero delle pagine
     $this->pages_count = ceil($records_count / $records_for_each_page);
     //Salvo i valori
     $this->records_count = $records_count;
     $this->records_for_each_page = $records_for_each_page;
     $this->current_page = $current_page >= 1 && $current_page <= $this->pages_count ? $current_page : 1;
 public static function Find($name, $num_records = 20)
     //Controllo dei parametri
     // Se non c'e' niente da cercare
     if ($name == "") {
         return array();
     $q = exequery("SELECT user FROM users WHERE user LIKE'{$name}%' LIMIT {$num_records}");
     $array = array();
     while ($u = mysqli_fetch_array($q, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
         $array[] = $u['user'];
     return $array;
Exemple #4
 function isModOfForum($id)
     if ($this->isAdmin()) {
         return true;
     if ($this->isMod()) {
         // Lazy loading
         if (!isset($this['mod_of_forum'][$id])) {
             $q = exequery("SELECT moderators FROM forum_arguments WHERE id = {$id}");
             $res = mysqli_fetch_array($q, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
             $this['mod_of_forum'][$id] = $res['moderators'] == $this['member_nickname'];
         return $this['mod_of_forum'][$id];
     } else {
         return false;
Exemple #5

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/** Si occupa di spostare un messaggio dal cestino alla posta in arrivo
    method: GET
      id : id del messaggio da spostare
      dataType : formato della risposta (vedere Restful::PrintResponse)
      success: false => errore, true => OK
require_once "__inc__.php";
$response = new RestfulResponse(isset($_POST['dataType']) ? $_POST['dataType'] : 'html');
$ms = new MessageService($currentUser['id']);
Exemple #6
      subject : oggetto del messaggio
      from_or_to : stringa 'A' o 'Da'
      date : data dell'invio del messaggio (formattata in maniera leggibile)
      discursive_date: data dell'invio del messaggio (gg/mm/yy HH:mm)
      important : true o false se il messaggio è importante o no
      message_html : testo del messaggio (formattato in HTML)
      message_plain : testo del messaggio (non formattato)
      reply : true o false se bisonga mostrare il bottone rispondi o no
      from_to_user : nome dell'utente che ha inviato o ricevuto il messaggio
require_once "__inc__.php";
$response = new RestfulResponse("json");
$r = '';
$id = $_POST['id'];
$ms = new MessageService($currentUser['id']);
$m = $ms->getMessage($id);
if ($m['to_id'] == $currentUser['id']) {
$from_to = 'A';
$user = '******';
$write = "";
if ($m['to_id'] == $currentUser['id']) {
    $from_to = 'Da';
    $user = '******';
$user = DB::FindOne("SELECT user FROM users WHERE id=" . $m[$user] . " LIMIT 1");
$array = array("subject" => $m->getRaw('subject'), "from_or_to" => $from_to, "date" => DateUtils::GetNice($m['date_tm']), "discursive_date" => DateUtils::GetDiscursive($m['date_tm']), "important" => $m->isImportant(), "multiple" => $m->isMultiple(), "message_html" => Text::MessageToHtml($m->getRaw('message')), "message_plain" => $m->getRaw('message'), "reply" => $m['to_id'] == $currentUser['id'], "from_to_user" => $user['user']);
$response->set('value', $array);
Exemple #7
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/** Si occupa di aggiungere un voto ad un sondaggio
    method: POST
      topic_id: id del topic (base) su cui votare
      vote: id della scelta del sondaggio da votare
      success: false => errore, true => OK
      results_html: html contenente i risultati del sondaggio
require_once "__inc__.php";
$response = new RestfulResponse("json");
if ($currentUser->isLogged()) {
    // Valida i campi di input
    $topic = new Topic($_POST['topic_id']);
    if ($topic->isPoll() && $topic->isViewableBy($currentUser)) {
        $poll_data = $topic->getPollData();
        if (!$poll_data['user_has_voted']) {
            // Voto valido?
            $valid_vote = false;
            foreach ($poll_data['choices'] as $choice) {
                if ($choice['id'] == $_POST['vote']) {
                    $valid_vote = true;
            if ($valid_vote) {
                // OK. Inseriamo il voto
                exequery("INSERT INTO forum_poll (topic_id, user_id, vote)\n            VALUES ({$topic['id']}, {$currentUser['id']}, {$_POST['vote']})");
Exemple #8
/** Si occupa di aggiungere una risposta ad un topic
    method: POST
      topic_id: id del topic (base) su cui aggiungere una risposta
      message: messaggio
      success: false => errore, true => OK
      post_html: html contenente il post appena inserito
require_once "__inc__.php";
$response = new RestfulResponse("json");
$av = new AutoValidator("frm-forum-reply", $_POST);
if ($av->validate()) {
    if ($currentUser->isLogged()) {
        // Valida i campi di input
        $topic = new Topic($_POST['topic_id']);
        $message = db_escape(Charset::Utf8ToDB($_POST['message']));
        if (!Forum::IsUserFlooding($currentUser)) {
            if (!$topic['locked']) {
                // Trova il forum_id
                $values = DB::FindOne("SELECT argument FROM forum_posts WHERE id = {$_POST['topic_id']}");
                $forum_id = $values['argument'];
                exequery(sprintf("INSERT INTO forum_posts (user_id, root_topic, argument, message, type, post_date, last_post_date, ip) \n                          VALUES(%d, %d, %d, '%s', %d, %d, %d, '%s')", $currentUser['id'], $_POST['topic_id'], $forum_id, $message, Forum::TYPE_POST, time(), time(), get_ip()));
                $id = DB::LastId();
                $post = new ForumPost($id);
                $response->set("post_html", $post->render("forum/post.html"));
 private function trashOperation($id_array, $option)
     //Controllo che gli id dei messaggi siano numerici
     foreach ($id_array as $id) {
     //Controllo che i valori di $option siano corretti
     if ($option != self::DELETE && $option != self::RESTORE) {
         echo "Input invalido";
     //Scansiono l'array e aggiorno il campo di ogni messaggio
     foreach ($id_array as $message_id) {
         exequery("UPDATE messages SET deleted=" . ($option == self::DELETE ? 1 : 0) . " WHERE id={$message_id} AND to_id={$this->user_id}");

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/** Ricava il contenuto raw di un post (o topic) del forum
      La richiesta dev'essere effettuata da un utente che ha i permessi per editare il post/topic
    method: GET
      id: id del post/topic
      informazioni del post/topic, inclusi:
      - messaggio, username del postatore
require_once "__inc__.php";
$response = new RestfulResponse("json");
if ($currentUser->isLogged()) {
    $post = new ForumPost($_GET['id']);
    if ($post->isViewableBy($currentUser)) {
        $response->set('message', $post['message']);
        $response->set('username', $post['user']);
    } else {
        $response->setError("Non hai i permessi per leggere queste informazioni.");
} else {
    $response->setError("Non loggato");
echo $response->send();
Exemple #11
      forum_id: id del forum in cui inserire il topic
      subject: oggetto del topic
      message: messaggio
      poll (facoltativo): lista di opzioni da inserire in un sondaggio (implica che il post e' un sondaggio)
      success: false => errore, true => OK
      topic_url: url (relativo) del topic appena inserito
require_once "__inc__.php";
$response = new RestfulResponse("json");
$av = new AutoValidator("frm-forum-post", $_POST);
if ($av->validate()) {
    if ($currentUser->isLogged()) {
        // Valida i campi di input
        $subject = db_escape(Charset::Utf8ToDB($_POST['subject']));
        $message = db_escape(Charset::Utf8ToDB($_POST['message']));
        $is_poll = isset($_POST['poll']);
        // Le domande del sondaggio vengono memorizzate nel campo
        // "poll" come array serializzato. Se "poll" e' null, allora
        // vuol dire che il topic non e' un sondaggio
        if ($is_poll) {
            $poll_questions = explode("\n", trim(purify(Charset::Utf8ToDB($_POST['poll']))));
            if (count($poll_questions) >= 2) {
                $poll_data = db_escape(serialize($poll_questions));
            } else {
                // Numero di domande nel sondaggio non valido (< 2)
                $poll_data = null;
 public static function CreateFromId($id)
     return new User("id = {$id}");
Exemple #13
 public function getChapter($num)
     return new GuideChapter("guide_id={$this['id']} AND chapter={$num}", $this->link);
 //$Expiry = array();
 foreach ($vouchernames as $key => $name) {
     // There are attributes set but no group name
     if (\Grase\Clean::text($name) == '') {
         if (isset($voucherprice[$key]) || isset($vouchermaxmb[$key]) || isset($vouchermaxtime[$key]) || isset($voucherinit[$key]) || isset($vouchertopup[$key]) || isset($voucherdesc[$key])) {
             $warning[] = T_("Invalid voucher name or voucher name missing");
         // Just loop as trying to process a group without a name is hard so they will just have to reenter those details
     if (!isset($voucherprice[$key])) {
         $error[] = T_("Vouchers need a price");
     } else {
         // Don't want to show both errors
         $error[] = @validate_num($voucherprice[$key], T_('Invalid price'));
     if (!(isset($vouchermaxmb[$key]) || isset($vouchermaxtime[$key]))) {
         $warning[] = T_("It is not recommended having vouchers without a data or time limit");
     // validate limits
     //$error[] = validate_datalimit($groupdatalimit[$key]);
     // Silence warnings (@) as we don't care if they are set or not'
     if (!\Grase\Validate::numericLimit($vouchermaxtime[$key])) {
         $error[] = sprintf(T_("Invalid value '%s' for Time Limit"), $vouchermaxtime[$key]);
     if (!\Grase\Validate::numericLimit($vouchermaxmb[$key])) {
         $error[] = sprintf(T_("Invalid value '%s' for Data Limit"), $vouchermaxmb[$key]);
     // TODO validate groupname, it already comes in in the correct format though
     $error = array_filter($error);

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
require_once "__inc__.php";

if (isset($_GET['guide_id']) && isset($_GET['chapter_id'])) {
    // Creo un istanza di Guide e vedo se la guida è presente nel DB
    $guide = new Guide($_GET['guide_id']);
    if ($guide->exists()) {
        $chapter = $guide->getChapter($_GET['chapter_id']);
        if ($chapter->exists()) {
            $backUrl = $guide->getLink();
            $pagTitle = "{$guide['name']} - {$chapter['name']}";
            require_once ROOT_PATH . "header.php";
            echo "<div id='chapters-navigator' class='center'>";
            $back_next_button = "<div style='overflow: auto;'>";
            $prev_chapter = $chapter->getPrevious();
            $next_chapter = $chapter->getNext();
            if ($prev_chapter != NULL) {
                $back_next_button .= '<div style="float:left;">
            <button class="btn" onclick="location.href=\'' . $prev_chapter->getLink() . '\';">&laquo;<span class="hide-phone"> Precedente</span></button>
            if ($next_chapter != NULL) {
                $back_next_button .= '<div style="float:right;">
Exemple #16

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
require_once "__inc__.php";
$forum_info = Forum::GetForumInfo($_GET['id']);
$pagTitle = "Forum " . $forum_info['title'];
$backUrl = "/p/forum/";
require_once ROOT_PATH . "header.php";
if (!Forum::IsAccessGrantedTo($forum_info, $currentUser)) {
    AlertMessage::Show("Non hai i permessi per visualizzare questo forum.", AlertMessage::WARN);
// TODO: cerca topic
// argument e' l'id del canale del forum (Android, C++, Off-Topic, etc.)
$limit = DB::GetLimit($_GET['p'], Forum::TOPICS_PER_PAGE);
$q = exequery(DB::SelectCalcFoundRows(Topic::SELECT_SQL) . "\n\t\t\t\tWHERE p.argument = {$_GET['id']} AND p.type = " . Forum::TYPE_TOPIC . " \n\t\t\t\tORDER BY p.show_as DESC, p.last_post_date DESC\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT {$limit}");
$topics_count = DB::GetCalcFoundRows();
// TODO: aggiungi indice su show_as

<div class="center" style="margin-bottom: 1em;"> <!-- nuovo post -->
$formBuilder = new FormBuilder("frm-forum-post", "/restful/forum/newtopic.php");
$fields = array();
$fields[] = array("id" => "subject", "type" => "textinput", "label" => "Oggetto:", "validation" => "required,Specifica un oggetto per il messaggio");
$fields[] = array("id" => "poll", "type" => "textarea", "label" => "Sondaggio:<br/><span class='small'>(1 domanda per linea)</span>", "attrs" => "style='height: 6em;'");
$fields[] = array("id" => "message", "type" => "textarea", "validation" => "required,Devi scrivere un messaggio");