function display_date_range_selector($athlete_id, $start, $end)
    #  $monthago=date("j/n/Y",strtotime($start));
    #  $nextweek=date("j/n/Y",strtotime($end));
    $start = validate_date($start, "eu", "eu");
    $end = validate_date($end, "eu", "eu");
    echo <<<ENDHTML

  <form action=view_log.php method=post >

  Select Date range:
  From <input type=text id=cal1_container name=startdate value="{$start}" > &nbsp;
  to <input type=text id=cal2_container  name=enddate value="{$end}" >
  <input type=submit value=Go>
  <input type=hidden name=athlete_id value={$athlete_id} >

  <!-- <TD>
    Experimental links:
    <a href=my_event_calendar.php > My Event Calendar </a>
    <a href=my_training_plan.php> My Training Plan</a>
    <a href=my_training_plan.php> My Training Plan</a>

 protected function _post_args($key, $type = ARGS_TYPE_STRING, $default = '', $params = array())
     $value = '';
     $post_default = '';
     $key_exist = array_key_exists($key, $_POST);
     $override = array_key_exists('override', $params) ? $params['override'] : FALSE;
     $entities_to_ascii = array_key_exists('entities_to_ascii', $params) ? $params['entities_to_ascii'] : FALSE;
     $gtzero = array_key_exists('gtzero', $params) ? $params['gtzero'] : TRUE;
     switch ($type) {
         case ARGS_TYPE_STRING:
             $post_default = $override ? $default : '';
             $value = $key_exist ? $this->input->post($key, TRUE) ? $this->input->post($key, TRUE) : $post_default : $default;
             if ($entities_to_ascii) {
                 $value = entities_to_ascii($value);
         case ARGS_TYPE_INT:
             $default = validate_integer($default) ? to_int($default) : 0;
             $post_default = $override ? $default : 0;
             $value = $key_exist ? ($value = $this->input->post($key)) && gtzero_integer($value) ? to_int($value) : $post_default : $default;
         case ARGS_TYPE_TRUE_FALSE:
             $default = validate_integer($default) ? gtzero_integer($default) ? TRUE : FALSE : FALSE;
             $post_default = $override ? $default : FALSE;
             $value = $key_exist ? ($value = $this->input->post($key)) && ($gtzero && gtzero_integer($value) || !$gtzero && validate_integer($value)) ? TRUE : $post_default : $default;
         case ARGS_TYPE_ARRAY:
             $value = $key_exist ? ($value = $this->input->post($key)) && is_array($value) ? $value : array() : (is_array($default) ? $default : array());
         case ARGS_TYPE_DECIMAL:
             $default = gtzero_decimal($default) ? to_float($default) : 0;
             $post_default = $override ? $default : 0;
             $value = $key_exist ? ($value = $this->input->post($key)) && gtzero_decimal($value) ? to_float($value) : $post_default : $default;
         case ARGS_TYPE_DATE:
             $default = validate_date($default) ? $default : '';
             $post_default = $override ? $default : '';
             $value = $key_exist ? ($value = $this->input->post($key)) && validate_date($value) ? $value : $post_default : $default;
         case ARGS_TYPE_DATETIME:
             $default = validate_datetime($default) ? $default : '';
             $post_default = $override ? $default : '';
             $value = $key_exist ? ($value = $this->input->post($key)) && validate_date($value) ? $value : $post_default : $default;
             $post_default = $override ? $default : '';
             $value = $key_exist ? $this->input->post($key, TRUE) ? $this->input->post($key, TRUE) : $post_default : $default;
     return $value;
Exemple #3
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $app = $this->app;
     $yaml = new Parser();
     $dir = Migration::getDirectory();
     $files = Migration::getUnMigratedFiles($app);
     $output = Output::style($output);
     $total = count($files);
     $helper = $this->getHelper('question');
     if ($total == 0) {
         $output->writeln('<error>No new files to be migrated.</error>');
     $output->writeln('<highlight>Migration will run the following files:</highlight>');
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $output->writeln("<info>- {$file}</info>");
     $question = new ConfirmationQuestion('<question>Are you sure you want to proceed? (Y/n):</question> ', false);
     if (!$helper->ask($input, $output, $question)) {
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         $output->writeln("<info>- Migrating ({$file})</info>");
         $content = $yaml->parse(file_get_contents($dir . '/' . $file));
         $up = explode(';', trim($content['up']));
         $up = array_filter($up);
         $date = element('date', $content);
         $author = element('author', $content);
         $changelog = element('changelog', $content);
         $dateFormat = validate_date($date);
         $fileFormat = Migration::validateFileFormat($file);
         if (!$fileFormat) {
             $output->writeln('<error>Invalid file format.</error>');
         } elseif (!$dateFormat) {
             $output->writeln('<error>Invalid date (YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss).</error>');
         } elseif (!$author) {
             $output->writeln('<error>Invalid author.</error>');
         } elseif (!$changelog) {
             $output->writeln('<error>Invalid changelog.</error>');
         foreach ($up as $query) {
         $info = Migration::getFileInfo($file);
         $app['db']->table('migrations')->insert(['version' => $info['version'], 'author' => $author, 'filename' => $file, 'changelog' => $changelog, 'created_at' => $date, 'updated_at' => new \DateTime()]);
Exemple #4
$seconds = array(convert_time_seconds($duration[0]), convert_time_seconds($duration[1]), convert_time_seconds($duration[2]), convert_time_seconds($duration[3]));
$distance = array($_POST["s_distance"], $_POST["b_distance"], $_POST["r_distance"], 0);
$notes = array($_POST["s_notes"], $_POST["b_notes"], $_POST["r_notes"], $_POST["str_notes"]);
$min_hr = array($_POST["s_min_hr"], $_POST["b_min_hr"], $_POST["r_min_hr"], 0);
$avg_hr = array($_POST["s_avg_hr"], $_POST["b_avg_hr"], $_POST["r_avg_hr"], 0);
$max_hr = array($_POST["s_max_hr"], $_POST["b_max_hr"], $_POST["r_max_hr"], 0);
$avg_rpms = $_POST["avg_rpms"];
$calsburned = array($_POST["s_calsburned"], $_POST["b_calsburned"], $_POST["r_calsburned"], 0);
$updatingswim = $_POST["updatingswim"];
$updatingbike = $_POST["updatingbike"];
$updatingrun = $_POST["updatingrun"];
$updatingblognotes = $_POST["updatingblognotes"];
$blog_notes = $_POST["blog_notes"];
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
    // Validate data.
    if (!validate_date($workout_date[$i])) {
        $error[$i] = true;
    if (!validate_time($workout_time[$i])) {
        $error[$i] = true;
    if (!validate_time($duration[$i])) {
        $error[$i] = true;
    if (!validate_distance($distance[$i])) {
        $error[$i] = true;
    if (!validate_notes($notes[$i])) {
        $error[$i] = true;
    if (!validate_heartrate($min_hr[$i])) {
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
require "headers.php";
$search_phase = mysql_escape_string($_POST['query']);
// for normal search
$next_link = $_GET['a'];
// for pagination
$predefined = $_GET['b'];
// for predefined
if ($predefined) {
    $search_phase = decode_predefined($predefined, $token, $url_key);
// for predefined
if ($next_link) {
    $s_variables = decode_search_url($next_link, $token, $url_key);
    $tslice_next = validate_date($s_variables[tslice]);
    $search_phase = $s_variables[search_phase];
    $offset_arch = $s_variables[offset_arch];
    $offset_day = $s_variables[offset_day];
    $tag_count = $s_variables[tag_count];
if ($tag_count == "t") {
    $start_from = $offset_day;
$plain_phase = $search_phase;
// fix me
include "upper.php";
//need to initialize counter here
$r = 0;
// we need to rewrite this part internaly...
if (!$search_phase) {
Exemple #6
    return '';
//error msgs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -
$image_type_error = "No valid image was selected. File must be of type gif, jpeg, png or bmp.";
$chars_error = "Please do not use symbols or special characters.";
$invalid_title_error = "Invalid Title.";
$invalid_title_error .= $chars_error;
$invalid_description_error = "Invalid description.";
$invalid_description_error .= $chars_error;
$invalid_date = "Invalid Date.";
$impossible_event_date = "The chosen date has already passed.";
//verify if input is valid - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
//validate date
$event_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($_POST['event_date']));
$current_datetime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
if (!validate_date($event_date)) {
    header("Location: create_event.php?errorMsg=" . urlencode($invalid_date));
    return '';
if (strtotime($event_date) - strtotime($current_datetime) < 0) {
    header("Location: create_event.php?errorMsg=" . urlencode($impossible_event_date));
    return '';
//validate image
$image_type = exif_imagetype($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']);
if ($image_type == null) {
    header("Location: create_event.php?errorMsg=" . urlencode($image_type_error));
    return '';
switch ($image_type) {
Exemple #7
 $active = isset($_POST['active']) && $_POST['active'] == 'on';
 // validate input
 $valid = true;
 if (empty($title)) {
     $title_error = 'Please enter Title';
     $valid = false;
 if (empty($url)) {
     $url_error = 'Please enter URL';
     $valid = false;
 if (empty($uploaded_on)) {
     $uploaded_on_error = 'Please enter Upload Date';
     $valid = false;
 if (!validate_date($uploaded_on)) {
     $uploaded_on_error = 'Please enter upload date in format YYYY-MM-dd';
     $valid = false;
 // insert data
 if ($valid) {
     // first check if we already have this url
     $sql = "SELECT title FROM bayans WHERE url = '{$url}'";
     $already_saved = false;
     foreach ($PDO->query($sql) as $row) {
         $existing_url_for_title = $row['title'];
         $already_saved = true;
     if (!$already_saved) {
Exemple #8
require "headers.php";
include "upper.php";
print '<h2>' . $trash_name[$lang] . '</h2>';
print '<small>' . $trash_desc[$lang] . '</small></h2>';
$action = $_GET['a'];
// decompose link
$variables = decode_url2($action, $token, $url_key);
$tslice = $variables[tslice];
$talker = $variables[talker];
$server = $variables[server];
$action = $variables[action];
$lnk = $variables[lnk];
// validation
$talker = mysql_escape_string($talker);
$server = mysql_escape_string($server);
if (validate_date($tslice) == "f") {
if ($action == "undelete") {
    if (undo_deleted_chat($talker, $server, $user_id, $tslice, $xmpp_host, $lnk) == "t") {
        $back_link = "{$tslice}@{$talker}@{$server}@";
        $back_link = encode_url($back_link, $token, $url_key);
        print '<center><div style="background-color: #fad163; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; width: 200pt;">' . $undo_info[$lang] . '<br>';
        print '<a href="' . $view_type . '?a=' . $back_link . '" style="color: blue;">' . $trash_vit[$lang] . '</a></div></center><br>';
    } else {
        print '<center><div style="background-color: #fad163; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; width: 200pt;">';
        print 'Unusual error accured during processing your request. Please report it (Code:JUF).</div></center>';
Exemple #9
 } else {
     $valid_name = 1;
 if (!validate_cost($amount)) {
     error_message("Amount can't be blank!");
     $valid_amount = 0;
 } else {
     $valid_amount = 1;
 if (!validate_date($sdate)) {
     error_message("Start date can't be blank!");
     $valid_sdate = 0;
 } else {
     $valid_sdate = 1;
 if (!validate_date($edate)) {
     error_message("End date can't be blank!");
     $valid_edate = 0;
 } else {
     $valid_edate = 1;
 if ($valid_name && $valid_discount && $valid_amount && $valid_sdate && $valid_edate) {
     //add it!
     $addcoupon_query = "call couponAdd( '{$name}', '{$amount}', '{$sdate}', '{$edate}' )";
     if ($dbconn->query("{$addcoupon_query}")) {
         //Now, link the coupon the the product in the tbl_ProductCoupon table
         $addcoupon_id_query = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()";
         $addcoupon_id_query_result = $dbconn->query("{$addcoupon_id_query}");
         while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($addcoupon_id_query_result)) {
             $coupon_id = $row['LAST_INSERT_ID()'];
 if (isset($_POST['imdb_rating'])) {
     $imdb_rating = fix_string($_POST['imdb_rating']);
 if (isset($_POST['rating'])) {
     $rating = fix_string($_POST['rating']);
 if (isset($_POST['date'])) {
     $date = fix_string($_POST['date']);
 $fail = validate_title($title);
 $fail .= validate_director($director);
 $fail .= validate_year($year);
 $fail .= validate_rating($rating);
 $fail .= validate_imdb_rating($imdb_rating);
 $fail .= validate_date($date);
 if ($fail == '') {
     $connection = new mysqli($db_hostname, $db_username, $db_password, $db_database);
     $ti_temp = mysql_entities_fix_string($connection, $title);
     $di_temp = mysql_entities_fix_string($connection, $director);
     $ye_temp = mysql_entities_fix_string($connection, $year);
     $im_temp = mysql_entities_fix_string($connection, $imdb_rating);
     $ra_temp = mysql_entities_fix_string($connection, $rating);
     $da_temp = mysql_entities_fix_string($connection, $date);
     if (isset($_POST['entry_id'])) {
         $ei_temp = mysql_entities_fix_string($connection, $_POST['entry_id']);
         $query = "UPDATE movies SET title='{$ti_temp}', director='{$di_temp}', year='{$ye_temp}',\n                          imdb_rating='{$im_temp}', rating='{$ra_temp}', date='{$da_temp}'\n                          WHERE user_id='{$user_id}' AND entry_id='{$ei_temp}'";
     } else {
         $query = "INSERT INTO movies(title, director, year, imdb_rating, rating, date, user_id)\n                      VALUES('{$ti_temp}', '{$di_temp}', '{$ye_temp}', '{$im_temp}', '{$ra_temp}', '{$da_temp}',\n                             '{$user_id}')";
     $result = $connection->query($query);
Exemple #11
	<tr><td height="57"><a href="' . $view_type . '"><img src="img/' . $brand_logo . '" alt="logo" border="0"></a></td></tr>
	<tr><td valign="top" height="35"><form action="search_v2.php" method="post">
	<input id="t_search" type="text" name="query" class="cc" value="' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($search_phase)) . '">
if ($search_loc == 1) {
    if (isset($_GET[c])) {
        $time2_start = $enc->time_start;
        $time2_end = $enc->time_end;
    } else {
        $time2_start = $_POST[time2_start];
        $time2_end = $_POST[time2_end];
        if (validate_date($time2_start) === false) {
        if (validate_date($time2_start) === false) {
    if ($time2_start and $time2_end) {
        if (strtotime("{$time2_start}") > strtotime("{$time2_end}")) {
            $alert = $time_range_w[$lang];
    $result = $db->result;
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        $to_tble[$r] = $row[at];
if ($tslice != "") {
    list($y, $m, $selected) = split("-", $tslice);
    $mo = "{$y}-{$m}";
} else {
    if (isset($left)) {
        $mo = $left;
    if (isset($right)) {
        $mo = $right;
if (!isset($mo)) {
    $mo = date("Y-n");
// validate mo if fail, silently fallback to current date
if (validate_date($mo . "-1") === false) {
    $mo = date("Y-m");
// master div
// calendar div
if ($talker) {
    $float = "left;";
} else {
    $float = "none;";
// select list
Exemple #13
 } else {
     $valid_discount = 1;
 if (!validate_cost($amount)) {
     error_message("Check entry for amount<br/>");
     $valid_amount = 0;
 } else {
     $valid_amount = 1;
 if (!validate_date($startdate)) {
     error_message("Check entry for start date<br/>");
     $valid_startdate = 0;
 } else {
     $valid_startdate = 1;
 if (!validate_date($enddate)) {
     error_message("Check entry for end date<br/>");
     $valid_enddate = 0;
 } else {
     $valid_enddate = 1;
 // we should be validated at this point
 if ($valid_name && $valid_discount && $valid_amount && $valid_startdate && $valid_enddate) {
     $update_query = "UPDATE tbl_Coupon SET name='{$name}', amount='{$amount}', startDate='{$startdate}',endDate='{$enddate}' WHERE couponId='{$selectcoupon}'";
     //run the query and report the result.
     if ($dbconn->query("{$update_query}")) {
         ok_message("Coupon updated!");
     } else {
         error_message("Something went wrong");
 } else {
 * Validation of a date/time which checks if the string passed is a valid date and time.
 * **Allowed date formats**
 * - `d-m-y` 31-12-2014 separators can be a period, dash, forward slash, but not allow space
 * - `m-d-y` 12-31-2014 separators can be a period, dash, forward slash, but not allow space
 * - `y-m-d` 2014-12-31 separators can be a period, dash, forward slash, but not allow space
 * @param string $value The date/time string being checked
 * @param string $dateFormat The date format only to be validated against. Default is y-m-d for 2014-12-31.
 * @param string $timeFormat The time format: 12, 24 or both
 * @return bool TRUE on success; FALSE on failure
function validate_datetime($value, $dateFormat = 'y-m-d', $timeFormat = 'both')
    if (empty($value)) {
        return true;
    $value = trim($value);
    $generalPattern = '/^([\\d]{1,4}[-\\/.][\\d]{1,2}[-\\/.][\\d]{1,4})(\\s+.{4,}\\s*(am|pm)?)$/i';
    if (preg_match_all($generalPattern, $value, $matches)) {
        $date = $matches[1][0];
        $time = $matches[2][0];
        return validate_date($date, $dateFormat) && validate_time($time, $timeFormat);
    } else {
        return false;
Exemple #15
 if (!validate_text(1, htmlspecialchars($_POST['logonname']))) {
     error_message("Check entry for logon username");
     $valid_logon = 0;
 } else {
     $username = htmlspecialchars($_POST['logonname']);
     $valid_logon = 1;
 if (!validate_password(htmlspecialchars($_POST['password']))) {
     error_message("Check entry for password");
     $valid_password = 0;
 } else {
     $password = htmlspecialchars($_POST['password']);
     $valid_password = 1;
 if (!validate_date(htmlspecialchars($_POST['hiredate']))) {
     error_message("Check entry for hire date");
     $valid_hiredate = 0;
 } else {
     $hiredate = htmlspecialchars($_POST['hiredate']);
     $valid_hiredate = 1;
 // we should be validated at this point
 if ($valid_fname && $valid_lname && $valid_logon && $valid_password && $valid_hiredate) {
     //hash the password
     $password = md5($password);
     $admin = $_POST['role'];
     $add_query = "call employeeAdd('{$username}', '{$password}', '{$firstname}', '{$lastname}', '{$admin}', '{$hiredate}')";
     //run the query and report the result.
     if ($dbconn->query("{$add_query}")) {
         ok_message("User added!");
Exemple #16
    // Return FALSE if there aren't 3 items:
    if (count($array) != 3) {
        return false;
    // Return FALSE if it's not a valid date:
    if (!checkdate($array[0], $array[1], $array[2])) {
        return false;
    // Return the array:
    return $array;
// End of validate_date() function.
// Check for a form submission:
if (isset($_POST['start'], $_POST['end'])) {
    // Call the validation function on both dates:
    if ((list($sm, $sd, $sy) = validate_date($_POST['start'])) && (list($em, $ed, $ey) = validate_date($_POST['end']))) {
        // If it's okay, adjust the DateTime objects:
        $start->setDate($sy, $sm, $sd);
        $end->setDate($ey, $em, $ed);
        // The start date must come first:
        if ($start < $end) {
            // Determine the interval:
            $interval = $start->diff($end);
            // Print the results:
            echo "<p>The event has been planned starting on {$start->format($format)} and ending on {$end->format($format)}, which is a period of {$interval->days} day(s).</p>";
        } else {
            // End date must be later!
            echo '<p class="error">The starting date must precede the ending date.</p>';
    } else {
        // An invalid date!
Exemple #17
 * Change date format
 * @param string $date
 * @param string $formatFrom d-m-Y
 * @param string $formatTo Y-m-d
 * @return string
function change_date_format($date, $formatFrom, $formatTo)
    if (!$date || !validate_date($date, $formatFrom)) {
        return '';
    return \DateTime::createFromFormat($formatFrom, $date)->format($formatTo);
if ($process_id == "2") {
    // remove first seq as this is always request_id...
    // control
    $num = count($_POST);
    $i = 0;
    while (array_keys($_POST)) {
        $enc_data = array_shift($_POST);
        // decompose data
        $variables = decode_url2($enc_data, $token, $url_key);
        $tslice = $variables[tslice];
        $talker = $variables[talker];
        $server = $variables[server];
        // validate
        if (validate_date($tslice) == "f" or !ctype_digit($talker) or !ctype_digit($server)) {
            print '<div class="message" style="width: 400px;">';
            print $ajax_error[$lang] . '<br><a href="#" onClick="$(\'#fav_result\').fadeOut(\'slow\');" ><u>' . $fav_discard[$lang] . '</u></a></div>';
        $query = "delete from jorge_favorites where owner_id='{$user_id}' and peer_name_id='{$talker}' and peer_server_id='{$server}' and tslice='{$tslice}'";
        // stop on any error
        if (mysql_errno() > 0) {
            print '<div class="message" style="width: 400px;">';
            print $ajax_error[$lang] . '<br><a style="font-weight: normal;" href="#" onClick="$(\'#fav_result\').fadeOut(\'slow\');" ><u>' . $fav_discard[$lang] . '</u></a>';
            print '</div><br>';
    if ($i == $num and $num != 0) {
function is_time_format($timeFormatString)
    return validate_date($timeFormatString, 'H:i:s');
Exemple #20
print '<input id="t_search" type="text" name="query" class="cc" value="' . $search_phase . '">' . "\n";
if ($search_loc == 1) {
    if (isset($_GET[c])) {
        $trange_from_get = $_GET[c];
        $time2s = decode_trange($trange_from_get, $token, $url_key);
        $time2_start = $time2s[0];
        $time2_end = $time2s[1];
    } else {
        $time2_start = $_POST[time2_start];
        $time2_end = $_POST[time2_end];
    if ($time2_start or $time2_end) {
        if (validate_date($time2_start == "f")) {
        if (validate_date($time2_start == "f")) {
        if ($time2_start and $time2_end) {
            if (strtotime("{$time2_start}") > strtotime("{$time2_end}")) {
                $alert = $time_range_w[$lang];
    $result = db_q($user_id, $server, $tslice_table, $talker, $search_p, 1, $offset_arch, $xmpp_host);
    while ($results = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $to_tble[$r] = $results[at];
    print '<select class="cc" name="time2_start" style="text-align: center;">' . "\n";
function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs)
    global $all_data, $CVE, $debug, $output, $insert, $vendor, $vendors, $product, $products, $vers, $count_entries, $desc_type, $html_output, $vendor_array;
    if ($debug) {
        echo "processing tag named '{$name}'\n";
    // the switch statement should enumerate all of the possible name tags.
    // State is kept using global variables, so that nested tags can
    // access their context.
    switch ($name) {
        case 'ENTRY':
            // get name and publication date
            $CVE = validate_CVE($attrs['NAME']);
            $published = validate_date($attrs['PUBLISHED']);
            $CVSS_score = '';
            $severity = '';
            $CVSS_base = '';
            $custom_severity = '';
            if (isset($attrs['CVSS_SCORE'])) {
                $CVSS_score = $attrs['CVSS_SCORE'];
            if (isset($attrs['SEVERITY'])) {
                $severity = $attrs['SEVERITY'];
            if (isset($attrs['CVSS_BASE_SCORE'])) {
                $CVSS_base = $attrs['CVSS_BASE_SCORE'];
            //assign custom severity here
            if (floatval($CVSS_base) > 4) {
                $custom_severity = 'HIGH';
            } else {
                if (floatval($CVSS_base) > 3) {
                    $custom_severity = 'MEDIUM';
                } else {
                    $custom_severity = 'LOW';
            $vendors = '';
            $products = '';
            $versions = '';
            // other attributes, such as severity, are available
            // see
            if ($debug) {
                echo "found CVE entry {$CVE} with publication date " . $attrs['PUBLISHED'] . "\n";
            if ($output) {
                if ($html_output) {
                    echo "\"<a href = \"{$CVE}\">{$CVE}</a>\",";
                } else {
                    echo "\"{$CVE}\",";
                echo "\"{$published}\",\"{$CVSS_score}\",\"{$severity}\",\"{$custom_severity}\",";
        case 'DESCRIPT':
            // if there ever was more than one type of description
            // remember which source with a global
            // NVD or CVE
            $desc_type = $attrs['SOURCE'];
            // reset data accumulator
            $all_data = '';
            // need to wait for end tag to get contents
            //if ($output) {
            //  echo "\"$desc_type\",";
        case 'PROD':
            $vendor = $attrs['VENDOR'];
            $product = $attrs['NAME'];
            $vendor_array = '';
            $vers = '';
            if ($CVE == '') {
                echo "error, no CVE number";
            if ($debug) {
                echo "found vendor {$vendor}";
                echo " found product {$product}\n";
            if ($vendor == "") {
                // this happens
                echo "NVD integrity alert: no vendor for product {$product}, CVE is {$CVE}\n";
            if ($product == "") {
                echo "NVD integrity alert: no product, CVE is {$CVE}\n";
            if ($output) {
                $vendor_array .= "{$vendor} - {$product};";
                //$products .= $product;
                echo "\"{$vendor}\",\"{$product}\",";
        case 'LOSS_TYPES':
        case 'VULNS_TYPES':
        case 'REF':
            // source, url, etc...
            if ($debug) {
                echo " reference from " . $attrs['SOURCE'];
                echo " is available at " . $attrs['URL'];
                echo "\n";
            $all_data = '';
            // need to wait for end tag to get contents
            #if ($output) {
            #  echo "\"" . $attrs['SOURCE'] . "\",\"" . $attrs['URL'] . "\",";
        case 'VERS':
            if (isset($attrs['NUM'])) {
                $vers .= $attrs['NUM'];
            if (isset($attrs['EDITION'])) {
                $vers .= ' ' . $attrs['EDITION'];
            if ($debug) {
                echo " version " . $attrs['NUM'];
                echo " of product {$product} is vulnerable\n";
            if ($output) {
                echo "\"{$vers}\",";
        case '':
function validate_form_data($details, $columns)
    # Validate Form Data
    # check Date fields
    foreach ($details as $column) {
        # Get Form Data
        ${$column} = $columns[$column];
        # if a field has been left blank then remove it from the columns list
        # prevents attempts to add a null value to a not null field type
        # (eg. integer).  Will have to add an extra check for mandatory fields tba.
        if ("X{${$column}}" == "X") {
            # Skip the rest of this foreach loop
        $query = "SELECT {$column} from log limit 1";
        #$result = pg_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error());
        $result = do_sql($query);
        $type = pg_field_type($result, 0);
        // Check some specific columns
        // Distance: if not set then set to zero
        switch ($column) {
            case "distance":
                if ("X{$columns[$column]}" == "X") {
                    $columns[$column] = 0;
                } elseif (preg_match("/\\s*(\\d+\\.?\\d*)\\s*(\\w*)\\s*/", $columns[$column], $parts)) {
                    #$parts = $matches[0];
                    $units = array("km", "m", "miles", "mi");
                    if (in_array($parts[2], $units)) {
                        $columns[$column] = $parts[1];
                        $columns["distance_units"] = $parts[2];
                    } else {
                        $columns[$column] = $parts[1];
        // Check that all field entries are valid for their data type.
        switch ($type) {
            case "date":
                if ($formatted_date = validate_date(${$column}, "eu", "eu")) {
                    #${$column}=$formatted_date ;
                    $columns[$column] = $formatted_date;
                } else {
                    bad_data($column, $type, $columns[$column]);
            case "interval":
                if ($formatted_interval = validate_interval(${$column})) {
                    #${$column}=$formatted_interval ;
                    $columns[$column] = $formatted_interval;
                } else {
                    bad_data($column, $type, $columns[$column]);
            case "bool":
                if ("X{$columns[$column]}" == "X") {
                    // if blank then assume false.
                    $columns[$column] = "n";
                } elseif (!validate_boolean(${$column})) {
                    bad_data($column, $type, $columns[$column]);
            case "int4":
                if (is_int(intval($columns[$column])) || $columns[$column] == 0) {
                    $columns[$column] = intval($columns[$column]);
                } else {
                    bad_data($column, $type, $columns[$column]);
            case "float4":
                if (is_numeric($columns[$column])) {
                } else {
                    bad_data($column, $type, $columns[$column]);
            case "text":
                # Might want to limit length here
    // return the array of corrected columns
    return $columns;
Exemple #23
    $sql = "update project p set owner_id={$owner_id} where prj_id={$prj_id}";
    $resultSet = $dbConn->Execute($sql);
// update
if ($validator_clearance) {
    if (isset($_POST['bsubmit']) && isset($_POST['prj_id']) && isset($_POST['afko']) && isset($_POST['project_description']) && isset($_POST['year'])) {
        if (isset($_POST['comment'])) {
            $comment = pg_escape_string($_POST['comment']);
        } else {
            $comment = '';
        $description = $_POST['project_description'];
        $afko = trim($_POST['afko']);
        $year = $_POST['year'];
        $course = $_POST['course'];
        $valid_until = validate_date($_POST['valid_until']);
        if ($_POST['bsubmit'] == 'Update' && isset($_POST['prj_id'])) {
            $sql = "begin work;\n" . "update project set prj_id={$prj_id}, afko='{$afko}', description='{$description}',\n" . "year={$year}, comment='{$comment}', valid_until='{$valid_until}',course={$course}\n" . "where prj_id={$prj_id} and owner_id='{$peer_id}';";
            if (isset($_POST['activity_project'])) {
                $sql .= "insert into activity_project select {$prj_id} where {$prj_id} not in (select prj_id from activity_project);\n";
            } else {
                $sql .= "delete from activity_project where prj_id={$prj_id};\n";
            $sql .= "commit;\n";
            $resultSet = $dbConn->Execute($sql);
            if ($resultSet === false) {
                die("<br>Cannot update project values with " . $sql . " reason " . $dbConn->ErrorMsg() . "<br>");
            $_SESSION['prj_id'] = $prj_id;
function load_the_form()
    $html = '';
    //check if exitst
    if (isset($_POST['lessons-id'])) {
        if (get_posts($_POST['lessons-id'])) {
            //update or add database
            if (get_option('namaste_csv_lesson_id')) {
                update_option('namaste_csv_lesson_id', $_POST['lessons-id']);
            } else {
                add_option('namaste_csv_lesson_id', $_POST['lessons-id']);
        } else {
            //error msg
            $html .= '<p style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">' . __('Either lesson id is not in the data base or it is not a number.', 'namaste-csv') . '</p>';
    //check if exitst
    if (isset($_POST['namaste_csv_start_date'])) {
        if (validate_date($_POST['namaste_csv_start_date'])) {
            //update database
            if (get_option('namaste_csv_start_date')) {
                update_option('namaste_csv_start_date', $_POST['namaste_csv_start_date']);
            } else {
                add_option('namaste_csv_start_date', $_POST['namaste_csv_start_date']);
        } else {
            //error msg
            $html .= '<p style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">' . __('Incorrect date or date format.', 'namaste-csv') . '</p>';
    if (isset($_POST['namaste_csv_end_date'])) {
        if (validate_date($_POST['namaste_csv_end_date'])) {
            //update database
            if (get_option('namaste_csv_end_date')) {
                update_option('namaste_csv_end_date', $_POST['namaste_csv_end_date']);
            } else {
                add_option('namaste_csv_end_date', $_POST['namaste_csv_end_date']);
        } else {
            //error msg
            $html .= '<p style="color:red;font-weight:bold;">' . __('Incorrect date or date format.', 'namaste-csv') . '</p>';
    $html .= "<form method='post'>";
    $html .= "<label for='lessons-id'>" . __('Lessons id', 'namaste-csv') . "</br><input type='number' name='lessons-id' id='lessons-id' value='" . get_option('namaste_csv_lesson_id') . "'></label></br>";
    $html .= "<label for='namaste_csv_start_date'>" . __('Lessons start date', 'namaste-csv') . "</br><input type='text' name='namaste_csv_start_date' id='namaste_csv_start_date' value='" . get_option('namaste_csv_start_date') . "' placeholder='format: yyyy-mm-dd'></label></br>";
    $html .= "<label for='namaste_csv_end_date'>" . __('Lessons end date', 'namaste-csv') . "</br><input type='text' name='namaste_csv_end_date' id='namaste_csv_end_date' value='" . get_option('namaste_csv_end_date') . "' placeholder='format: yyyy-mm-dd'></label></br>";
    $html .= "<input type='submit' value='" . __('Submit', 'namaste-csv') . "'>";
    $html .= "</form>";
    return $html;
Exemple #25
function get_athlete_data($athlete_id, $details_to_view, $split, $startdate, $enddate, $extra)
    // Set start and end dates
    $startdmy = validate_date($startdate, "eu", "eu");
    $enddmy = validate_date($enddate, "eu", "eu");
    // Get array of dates in this range (range array dates are in Epoch secs)
    $daterange = generate_date_range($startdmy, $enddmy);
    $numcols = count($details_to_view);
    # Get this athlete's data from the db
    $result = do_sql("SELECT * from log \n     WHERE athlete_id = '{$athlete_id}' and parent_session=0 \n     and start_date >= '{$startdmy}' and start_date <= '{$enddmy}'\n     ORDER BY start_date, start_time, stage ");
    // get first entry
    $row = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC);
    // Start date loop to print each date
    foreach ($daterange as $date) {
        // Check for new week (Monday)
        if (preg_match("/Mon/i", date("D", $date))) {
            // if it is Monday then print a weekly totals row
            show_week_row($athlete_id, $date, $numcols);
        // print the day info row
        // Check that main entry has been selected for viewing and print it
        // need pg style Y-n-j date for comparison
        $pgdate = date("Y-m-d", $date);
        // Display the entries for the day if they exist
        do {
            // if the row does not match the current date then break
            // from this while loop into the next date loop iteration
            $start_date = $row['start_date'];
            if ("{$pgdate}" == "{$start_date}") {
                $session_id = $row['session_id'];
                check_for_subsessions_and_print($athlete_id, $session_id, $details_to_view, $split, $row, $extra);
                // Get next row data and see if it is for this date
                while ($row = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
                    $start_date = $row['start_date'];
                    if ("{$pgdate}" == "{$start_date}") {
                        echo "<TR><TD class=firstcolumn>&nbsp;</TD>\n";
                        $session_id = $row['session_id'];
                        check_for_subsessions_and_print($athlete_id, $session_id, $details_to_view, $split, $row, $extra);
                    } else {
                        //if it's not then get the next date (hanging on to this row data)
                        break 2;
                    // end of while loop
            } else {
            // end of do/while loop
        } while ($row = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC));
        //end of foreach date loop
if ($tslice != "") {
    list($y, $m, $selected) = split("-", $tslice);
    $mo = "{$y}-{$m}";
} else {
    if (isset($left)) {
        $mo = $left;
    if (isset($right)) {
        $mo = $right;
if (!isset($mo)) {
    $mo = date("Y-n");
// validate mo if fail, silently fallback to current date
if (validate_date($mo . "-1") == "f") {
    $mo = date("Y-m");
$get_chats = "select substring(at,1,7) as at_send, at from `logdb_stats_{$xmpp_host}` where owner_id = '{$user_id}' group by substring(at,1,7) order by str_to_date(at,'%Y-%m-%d') desc";
$ch_mo = mysql_query($get_chats);
// master div
print '<div>' . "\n";
// calendar div
if ($talker) {
    $float = "left;";
} else {
    $float = "none;";
Exemple #27
 if ($canAdd) {
     // Check that user can add a contract to this property
     $errors = array();
     // Check if post values are set. If false, user has opened page the first time
     if (isset($_POST['tenant']) || isset($_POST['tenantCnt']) || isset($_POST['startDate']) || isset($_POST['endDate']) || isset($_POST['dayOfPayment']) || isset($_POST['frequency'])) {
         require $relative . 'data/php/user/';
         // Validate POST values
         if (!isset($_POST['tenant']) || $_POST['tenant'] == '') {
             $errors['tenant'] = 'Please select a tenant';
         if (!is_numeric($_POST['tenantCnt'])) {
             $errors['tenantCnt'] = 'Please specify a valid number of tenants';
         validate_date($errors, $_POST['startDate'], 'startDate');
         if (isset($_POST['endDate']) && $_POST['endDate'] != '') {
             validate_date($errors, $_POST['endDate'], 'endDate');
         if (!isset($_POST['dayOfPayment']) || $_POST['dayOfPayment'] == '') {
             $errors['dayOfPayment'] = 'Please select a day of payment';
         if (!isset($_POST['frequency']) || $_POST['frequency'] == '') {
             $errors['frequency'] = 'Please select the frequency of rent payment';
         if (!isset($errors['tenant']) && !isset($errors['tenantCnt']) && !isset($errors['startDate']) && !isset($errors['endDate']) && !isset($errors['dayOfPayment']) && !isset($errors['frequency'])) {
             // form is valid
             // Check to see if the tenant is in a contract that hasn't ended yet
             $query = 'SELECT tenant FROM contract WHERE tenant = ? AND ended = 0;';
             $result = select($query, array(intval($_POST['tenant'])), false);
             if ($result == false) {
                 // Tenant can have a new contract
                 $tenant = intval($_POST['tenant']);