Exemple #1
function add_homecell()
    global $info, $errors, $messages;
    $data = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"));
    $hc_name = $data->hc_name;
    $desc = $data->description;
    $lastname = $hc_name == "" ? $errors['homecell_name'] .= "Enter Homecell name<br />" : validateText($hc_name, 'Homecell Name');
    $desc = validateMix($desc, 'Description');
    if (!empty($errors)) {
        $messages['success'] = false;
        $messages['errors'] = $errors;
        # code...
    } else {
        try {
            global $db_vars, $errors;
            $conn = new PDO("mysql:host=" . DB_SERVER . ";dbname=" . DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASS, array(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false, PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION));
            $str = "INSERT INTO cmishomecell (hcName, hcDescription) VALUES (?, ?)";
            $query = $conn->prepare($str);
            //echo $query->rowCount();
        } catch (PDOexception $e) {
            $errors['db'] = $e->getMessage();
        // if there are no errors, return a message
        $messages['success'] = true;
        $messages['message'] = 'Homecell has been successfully added!';
    // return all our data to an AJAX call
    echo json_encode($messages);
Exemple #2
// array to pass back data
$db_vars = array();
require 'validate.php';
$title = validateSelectOption($_REQUEST['title'], 'title');
	echo "<br/>";*/
$firstame = $_REQUEST['firstname'] == "" ? $errors['firstname'] .= "Enter Firstname<br />" : validateText($_REQUEST['firstname'], 'Firstname');
//$middlename = ($_REQUEST['middlename'] == "") ? "" : validateText($_REQUEST['middlename'], 'Middlename');
$middlename = validateText($_REQUEST['middlename'], 'Middlename');
$lastname = $_REQUEST['lastname'] == "" ? $errors['lastname'] .= "Enter Lastname<br />" : validateText($_REQUEST['lastname'], 'Lastname');
$dob = $_REQUEST['dob'] == "" ? $errors['dob'] .= "Select date of birth<br />" : validateDate($_REQUEST['dob'], 'dob');
$gender = validateSelectOption($_REQUEST['gender'], 'gender');
$marital_status = validateSelectOption($_REQUEST['marital_status'], 'marital status');
//$dob = ($_REQUEST['dob'] == "") ? $errors['dob'] .= "Select date of birth<br />" : validateDate($_REQUEST['dob'], 'dob');
//$age 		= ($_REQUEST['age'] == "") ? $errors['age'] .= "Enter age<br />" : validateNumber($_REQUEST['age'], 'Age');
$address = $_REQUEST['address'] == "" ? $errors['adress'] .= "Enter adress<br />" : validateMix($_REQUEST['address'], 'Address');
$district = $_REQUEST['district'] == "" ? $errors['district'] .= "Enter district<br />" : validateText($_REQUEST['district'], 'District');
//$phone 		= validatePhone($_REQUEST['cellphone'], 'cellphone');
array_push($db_vars, $_REQUEST['cellphone']);
$email = validateEmail($_REQUEST['email'], 'email');
$occupation = validateText($_REQUEST['occupation'], 'occupation');
// the second column is the label to be displayed on error
$homecell = validateSelectOption($_REQUEST['homecell'], 'homecell');
$membership = validateSelectOption($_REQUEST['membership'], 'membership');
$locations = validateSelectOption($_REQUEST['locations'], 'location');
$baptism = validateSelectOption($_REQUEST['baptism'], 'baptism');
$baptism_date = $_REQUEST['baptism_date'] == "" ? $errors['baptism_date'] .= "Select baptism date<br />" : validateDate($_REQUEST['baptism_date'], 'baptism date');
$sunday_class = validateSelectOption($_REQUEST['sunday_class'], 'sunday class');
$channel = validateSelectOption($_REQUEST['channel'], 'channel');
$ministry = validateSelectOption($_REQUEST['ministry'], 'ministry');