Exemple #1
  * Override default entity saving
 public function save()
     // Format url
     $this->Url = str_replace(' ', '-', utf8_translit($this->Url));
     foreach (static::$fieldIDs as $fieldID => $fieldName) {
         $type = static::$fieldValueColumns[$fieldID];
         // If material field relation exists use it or create new
         $materialField = null;
         if (!$this->query->entity($relationEntity)->where(Field::F_PRIMARY, $fieldID)->where(Material::F_PRIMARY, $this->id)->first($materialField)) {
             /** @var Field $materialfield */
             $materialField = new $relationEntity();
             $materialField->Active = 1;
             $materialField->MaterialID = $this->id;
             $materialField->FieldID = $fieldID;
         // Set locale only if this field is localized
         if (array_key_exists($fieldID, static::$localizedFieldIDs)) {
             $materialField->locale = $this->locale;
         $materialField->{$type} = $this->{$fieldName};
  * Constructor
  * @param Form $form Pointer to parent Form
  * @param FormTab $parent Pointer to parent FormTab
 public function __construct(Form &$form, FormTab &$parent = null)
     // Save pointer to Form
     $this->form =& $form;
     // Save pointer to parent FormTab
     $this->parent =& $parent;
     // Generate identifier if it not passed
     $this->id = !isset($this->id[0]) ? utf8_translit($this->name) . '_tab' : $this->id;
     // Add this tab as child
     $this->tabs[] = $this;
  * Constructor
  * @param Form $form
  * @param FormTab $parent
  * @param CMSMaterialField $db_mf
  * @param string $locale
  * @param string $field_type
 public function __construct(Form &$form, FormTab &$parent, CMSMaterialField &$db_mf, $locale = null, $field_type = 'WYSIWYG')
     // Create CMS Field object from CMSMaterialField object
     $this->cmsfield = m('samsoncms_input_wysiwyg_application')->createField(new dbQuery(), $db_mf);
     // Save tab header name as locale name
     $this->name = $locale;
     // Generate unique html identifier
     $this->id = utf8_translit($parent->name) . '_' . $this->name . '_tab';
     // Save pointers to database CMSMaterialField object
     $this->db_mf =& $db_mf;
     // Call parent
     parent::__construct($form, $parent);
     // Render CMS Field
     $this->content_html = m('material')->view($this->content_view)->cmsfield($this->cmsfield)->output();
Exemple #4
  * Set parent structure element to work when building catalog tree
  * @param mixed $name Pointer to structure object or its name for searching/creating
  * @return \samson\parse\Excel2 Chaining
 public function setStructure($name)
     // If passed parent structure does not exists
     if (!ifcmsnav($name, $cmsnav, 'Name')) {
         // Create structure
         $cmsnav = new \samson\cms\cmsnav(false);
         $cmsnav->Name = $name;
         $cmsnav->Url = utf8_translit($name);
         $cmsnav->Active = 1;
         $cmsnav->Created = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
         $cmsnav->UserID = self::$user->id;
     // Store pointer to parent structure
     $this->parent_structure =& $cmsnav;
     return $this;
  * New material entity creation controller action
  * @param int $navigation Parent navigation identifier
 public function __new($navigation = array())
     // Create new entity
     $entity = new Material();
     $entity->Active = 1;
     $entity->Created = date('Y-m-d H:m:s');
     // Set user
     $user = $this->system->module('social')->user();
     if (isset($user->user_id)) {
         $entity->UserID = $user->userId;
     } else {
         $entity->UserID = '1';
     // Persist
     // Set name for created material
     $entity->Name = t($this->name, true) . ' №' . $entity->id;
     $entity->Url = utf8_translit($entity->Name);
     // Check unique url for material
     if ($this->query->entity(Material::class)->where(Material::F_IDENTIFIER, utf8_translit($entity->Name))->first()) {
         $entity->Url = md5(utf8_translit($entity->Name));
     // Persist
     Event::fire('samsoncms.app.material.new', array(&$entity));
     $navigation = is_array($navigation) ? $navigation : array($navigation);
     // Set navigation relation
     foreach (array_merge($navigation, static::$structures) as $structureID) {
         // Create relation with structure
         $structureMaterial = new NavigationMaterial();
         $structureMaterial->MaterialID = $entity->id;
         $structureMaterial->StructureID = $structureID;
         $structureMaterial->Active = '1';
     // Go to correct form URL
     url()->redirect($this->system->module('cms')->baseUrl . '/' . $this->id . '/form/' . $entity->id);
Exemple #6
  * Recursively create CMSNavigation tree and relations with materials
  * @param string $nested_a CMSNav tree
  * @param array  $parents  Array of CMSNavs parents chain
  * @param null   $user
 public static function structure_create($nested_a, array $parents = array(), &$user = null)
     // Iterate structures array
     foreach ($nested_a as $k => $v) {
         // create structure
         if (is_array($v)) {
             /** @var \samson\activerecord\Structure $s */
             $s = null;
             $url = utf8_translit($k);
             // Try to find structure by url
             if (!dbQuery('structure')->Active(1)->Url($url)->first($s)) {
                 // Create new structure
                 $s = new \samson\activerecord\Structure(false);
                 $s->Name = $k;
                 $s->Active = 1;
                 $s->Url = $url;
                 $s->UserID = $user->id;
                 $s->Created = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
                 // Save structure to db
             // If parents chain is specified and has data
             if (sizeof($parents)) {
                 // Get last element from parents chain
                 $parent = end($parents);
                 /** @var \samson\activerecord\structure_relation $str_related */
                 if ($parent->id != $s->id) {
                     $str_related = new \samson\activerecord\structure_relation(false);
                     $str_related->parent_id = $parent->id;
                     $str_related->child_id = $s->id;
             // Add new created structure object to parents chain
             array_push($parents, $s);
             // Recursion
             self::structure_create($v, $parents, $user);
             // Remove added element from parents chain
         } else {
             // save structure material
             foreach ($parents as $parent) {
                 if (!dbQuery('\\samson\\activerecord\\structurematerial')->MaterialID($v->MaterialID)->StructureID($parent['StructureID'])->first($sm)) {
                     $sm = new \samson\activerecord\structurematerial(false);
                 $sm->MaterialID = $v->MaterialID;
                 $sm->StructureID = $parent['StructureID'];
                 $sm->Active = 1;
Exemple #7
  * Generic material table object parser
  * @param string $name Material unique identifier
  * @param null   $url
  * @param int    $published
  * @param int    $active
  * @param int    $user_id
  * @see \samson\parse\ColumnParser::parser()
  * @return \samson\activerecord\material Material table object
 public function &parser($name, $data, $url = null, $published = 1, $active = 1, $user_id = null)
     $m = null;
     if ($this->allowEmptyValues || !isset($this->uniques[$name])) {
         $this->uniques[$name] = '';
         $inArrayValue = isset($this->findByField['index']) ? $data[$this->findByField['index']] : $name;
         if (!in_array($inArrayValue, $this->uniqueArray)) {
             $m = new \samson\activerecord\material(false);
             $m->Name = $name;
             $m->Url = $this->url_prefix . utf8_translit($name);
             $m->Published = $published;
             $m->Active = $active;
             $m->UserID = !isset($user_id) ? Excel2::$user->id : $user_id;
         } elseif (!empty($this->findByField)) {
             $m = dbQuery('material')->cond($this->findByField['value'], $data[$this->findByField['index']])->first();
             if (!$m) {
                 $m = new \samson\activerecord\material(false);
             $m->Name = $name;
             $m->Url = $this->url_prefix . utf8_translit($name);
             $m->Published = $published;
             $m->Active = $active;
             $m->UserID = !isset($user_id) ? Excel2::$user->id : $user_id;
     } else {
         // Trigger duplicate warning
         //e('Found duplicate material by ## at ##', D_SAMSON_DEBUG, array($value, $row_idx));
     return $m;