function ut_needed_js()
        global $detect;
        /* check for js cache */
        if (ot_get_option('ut_use_cache', 'off') == 'on' && is_front_page()) {
            $transient_prefix = $detect->isMobile() ? '_mobile' : '_desktop';
            $language_prefix = defined('ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE') ? '_' . ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE : '';
            $js = get_transient('ut_js_cache' . $transient_prefix . $language_prefix);
            if (!empty($js)) {
                echo apply_filters('ut-custom-js', $js);
        $accentcolor = get_option('ut_accentcolor', '#CC5E53');
        $ut_hero_type = ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_type');
        $js = '(function($){
				"use strict";
				$(document).ready(function(){ ';
        $js .= 'var brooklyn_scroll_offset = $("#header-section").outerHeight();';
        | Retina Logo
        /* check if current page has an option tp show a hero */
        $ut_activate_page_hero = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'ut_activate_page_hero', true);
        $sitelogo_retina = !is_front_page() && !is_home() && ($ut_activate_page_hero == 'off' || empty($ut_activate_page_hero)) ? get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo_alt_retina') : get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo_retina');
        $alternate_logo_retina = get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo_alt_retina') ? get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo_alt_retina') : get_theme_mod('ut_site_logo_retina');
        $js .= 'window.matchMedia||(window.matchMedia=function(){var c=window.styleMedia||;if(!c){var a=document.createElement("style"),d=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],e=null;a.type="text/css";"matchmediajs-test";d.parentNode.insertBefore(a,d);e="getComputedStyle"in window&&window.getComputedStyle(a,null)||a.currentStyle;c={matchMedium:function(b){b="@media "+b+"{ #matchmediajs-test { width: 1px; } }";a.styleSheet?a.styleSheet.cssText=b:a.textContent=b;return"1px"===e.width}}}return function(a){return{matches:c.matchMedium(a|| "all"),media:a||"all"}}}());';
        $js .= 'var ut_modern_media_query = window.matchMedia( "screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2)");';
        if (!empty($sitelogo_retina)) {
            $js .= 'if( ut_modern_media_query.matches ) {
                        var $logo = $(".site-logo img");
                        $logo.attr("src" , retina_logos.sitelogo_retina );
        if (!empty($alternate_logo_retina)) {
            $js .= 'if( ut_modern_media_query.matches ) {
                        var $logo = $(".site-logo img");
                        $"altlogo" , retina_logos.alternate_logo_retina );        
        | Pre Loader
        if (ot_get_option('ut_use_image_loader') == 'on') {
            if (ut_dynamic_conditional('ut_use_image_loader_on')) {
                /* settings for pre loader */
                $loadercolor = ot_get_option('ut_image_loader_color', $accentcolor);
                $barcolor = ot_get_option('ut_image_loader_bar_color', $accentcolor);
                $loader_bg_color = ot_get_option('ut_image_loader_background', '#FFF');
                $bar_height = ot_get_option('ut_image_loader_barheight', 3);
                $ut_show_loader_bar = ot_get_option('ut_show_loader_bar', 'on');
                if ($detect->isMobile()) {
                    $js .= 'window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
									showbar: "' . $ut_show_loader_bar . '",					
									barColor: "' . $barcolor . '",
									textColor: "' . $loadercolor . '",
									backgroundColor: "' . $loader_bg_color . '",
									barHeight: ' . $bar_height . ',
									percentage: true,						
									completeAnimation: "fade",
									minimumTime: 500,
									onComplete : function() {
										$(".ut-loader-overlay").fadeOut( 600 , "easeInOutExpo" , function() {
                } else {
                    $js .= '$("body").queryLoader2({						
								showbar: "' . $ut_show_loader_bar . '",			
								barColor: "' . $barcolor . '",
								textColor: "' . $loadercolor . '",
								backgroundColor: "' . $loader_bg_color . '",
								barHeight: ' . $bar_height . ',
								percentage: true,						
								completeAnimation: "fade",
								minimumTime: 500,
								onComplete : function() {
									$(".ut-loader-overlay").fadeOut( 600 , "easeInOutExpo" , function() {
        | Slogan / Welcome Message Animation
        if ($ut_hero_type != 'slider') {
            $js .= '
				$(window).load(function() {
					function show_slogan() {
						$(".hero-holder").animate({ opacity : 1 });
					var execute_slogan = setTimeout ( show_slogan , 800 );
        | Fittext for Hero Style 11
        if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_style', 'ut-hero-style-1') == 'ut-hero-style-11') {
            $js .= '
                        $(".ut-hero-style-11 .hero-title").fitText(1.1, { minFontSize: "30px", maxFontSize: "130px" });
	                    $(".ut-hero-style-11 .hero-description").fitText(1.6, { minFontSize: "20px", maxFontSize: "72px" });
                        $(".ut-hero-style-11 .hero-description-bottom").fitText(2.0, { minFontSize: "14px", maxFontSize: "20px" });
        | Call to Action Button Scoll Animation
        | only available if shortcode plugin has been installed
        if (ut_is_plugin_active('ut-shortcodes/ut-shortcodes.php')) {
            $js .= '
                        $(".cta-btn a").click( function(event) { 
                            if(this.hash) {
                                $.scrollTo( this.hash , 650, { easing: "easeInOutExpo" , offset: -brooklyn_scroll_offset-1 , "axis":"y" } );			
        | Main Navigation Animation ( only for blog and front page )
        if ((is_home() || is_front_page() || is_singular('portfolio') || get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'ut_activate_page_hero', true) == 'on') && ot_get_option('ut_navigation_state', 'off') == 'off') {
            $ut_navigation_skin = ot_get_option('ut_navigation_skin', 'ut-header-light');
            $navigation_width = ot_get_option('ut_navigation_width', 'centered');
            $ut_site_border_header_class = ot_get_option('ut_site_border', 'hide') == 'show' ? 'bordered-navigation' : '';
            $js .= '				
					/* Header Animation
					================================================== */		
					var $header     = $("#header-section"),
						$logo	    = $(".site-logo img"),
						logo	    = $logo.attr("src"),
						logoalt     = $"altlogo"),
                        is_open     = false,
                        has_passed  = false;
                    var ut_nav_skin_changer = function( direction , animClassDown , animClassUp ) {
                        if( direction === "down" && animClassDown ) {
                            $header.attr("class", "ha-header ' . $ut_navigation_skin . ' ' . $navigation_width . '" + animClassDown + " ' . $ut_site_border_header_class . '" );
                            $logo.attr("src" , logoalt );
                        } else if( direction === "up" && animClassUp ){
                            $header.attr("class", "ha-header ' . $ut_navigation_skin . ' ' . $navigation_width . ' " + animClassUp + " ' . $ut_site_border_header_class . '");
                            $logo.attr("src" , logo );
					$( ".ha-waypoint" ).each( function(i) {
						/* needed vars */
						var $this = $( this ),
							animClassDown = $ "animateDown" ),
							animClassUp   = $ "animateUp" );
						$this.waypoint(function(direction) {
                            ut_nav_skin_changer( direction , animClassDown , animClassUp );
						}, { offset: brooklyn_scroll_offset+1 } );
        if ((is_home() || is_front_page() || is_singular('portfolio') || get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'ut_activate_page_hero', true) == 'on') && ot_get_option('ut_navigation_state', 'off') == 'on_transparent') {
            $ut_navigation_skin = ot_get_option('ut_navigation_skin', 'ut-header-light');
            $navigation_width = ot_get_option('ut_navigation_width', 'centered');
            $ut_site_border_header_class = ot_get_option('ut_site_border', 'hide') == 'show' ? 'bordered-navigation' : '';
            $js .= '				
					/* Header Animation
					================================================== */		
					var $header     = $("#header-section"),
						$logo	    = $(".site-logo img"),
						logo	    = $logo.attr("src"),
						logoalt     = $"altlogo"),
                        is_open     = false,
                        has_passed  = false;
                    var ut_update_header_skin = function() {
                        if (($(window).width() > 979) && is_open ) {
                            if( has_passed ) {
                                $header.attr("class", "ha-header ' . $ut_navigation_skin . ' ' . $navigation_width . ' ' . $ut_site_border_header_class . '");
                            } else {
                                $header.attr("class", "ha-header ha-transparent ' . $navigation_width . ' ' . $ut_site_border_header_class . '");
                    var ut_nav_skin_changer = function( direction ) {
                        if( direction === "down" && !is_open ) {
                            $header.attr("class", "ha-header ' . $ut_navigation_skin . ' ' . $navigation_width . ' ' . $ut_site_border_header_class . '");
                            $logo.attr("src" , logoalt );
                            has_passed = true;                            
                        } else if( direction === "up" && !is_open ) {
                            $header.attr("class", "ha-header ha-transparent ' . $navigation_width . ' ' . $ut_site_border_header_class . '");
                            $logo.attr("src" , logo );
                            has_passed = false;
                        if( $header.hasClass("ha-transparent") && !has_passed ) {
                            $header.attr("class", "ha-header ' . $navigation_width . ' ' . $ut_navigation_skin . ' ' . $ut_site_border_header_class . '");
                            $logo.attr("src" , logoalt );                            
                        } else if ( $header.hasClass("' . $ut_navigation_skin . '") && !has_passed ) {
                            $header.attr("class", "ha-header ' . $navigation_width . ' ha-transparent ' . $ut_site_border_header_class . '");
                            $logo.attr("src" , logo );                            
                    }).toggle(function(){ is_open = true; }, function() { is_open = false; });   
					$( "#main-content" ).waypoint(function(direction) {
                        if( direction === "down" ) {
                            has_passed = true;                           
                        } else if( direction === "up" ) {
                            has_passed = false;                           
					}, { offset: brooklyn_scroll_offset+1 });';
        | Rain Effect for images
        if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_rain_effect', 'off') == 'on' && ($ut_hero_type == 'image' || $ut_hero_type == 'tabs' || $ut_hero_type == 'splithero')) {
            $js .= '
					$.fn.utFullSize = function( callback ) {
						var fullsize = $(this);		
						function utResizeObject() {
						  	var imgwidth = fullsize.width(),
						   		imgheight = fullsize.height(),
								winwidth = $(window).width(),
						  		winheight = $(window).height(),
								widthratio = winwidth / imgwidth,
						  		heightratio = winheight / imgheight,
								widthdiff = heightratio * imgwidth,
						  		heightdiff = widthratio * imgheight;
							if( heightdiff > winheight ) {
									width: winwidth+"px",
									height: heightdiff+"px"
							} else {
									width: widthdiff+"px",
									height: winheight+"px"
						if (callback && typeof(callback) === "function") {   

					function ut_init_RainyDay( callback ) {
						var $image = document.getElementById("ut-rain-background"),
							$hero  = document.getElementById("ut-hero");						
							var engine = new RainyDay({
								image: $image,
								parentElement : $hero,
								blur: 20,
								opacity: 1,
								fps: 24
							engine.gravity = engine.GRAVITY_NON_LINEAR;
							engine.trail = engine.TRAIL_SMUDGE;
							engine.rain([ [6, 6, 0.1], [2, 2, 0.1] ], 50 );
						$image.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
						if (callback && typeof(callback) === "function") {   
						$("#ut-rain-background").utFullSize( function() {
							/* play rainday sound and remove section image and adjust canvas */
							ut_init_RainyDay( function() {
								$("#ut-hero").css("background-image" , "none");
								$("#ut-hero canvas").utFullSize();
								if( $("#ut-hero-audio").length != 0 ) {
									$("#ut-hero-audio").find(".mejs-play button").click();
            if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_rain_sound', 'off') == 'on') {
                $js .= '

						var $audioPlayer = $("#ut-hero-audio");
						if( $(".ut-audio-control").hasClass("ut-unmute") ) {
							$audioPlayer.find(".mejs-mute button").click();							
						} else {
							$audioPlayer.find(".mejs-unmute button").click();							
        | Video Player Call
        if (!$detect->isMobile() && $ut_hero_type == 'video' || !$detect->isMobile() && $ut_hero_type == 'tabs' && ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_containment', 'hero') == 'body') {
            $volume = ut_return_hero_config('ut_video_volume', "5");
            $js .= '
						if( $("#ut-background-video-hero").length ) {						
							/* player mute control */
								if( $(this).hasClass("ut-unmute") ) {
									$("#ut-background-video-hero").setYTPVolume(' . $volume . ');
								} else {
        | Slider Settings Hook
        if ($ut_hero_type == 'slider' || is_singular("portfolio") && get_post_format() == 'gallery') {
            $animation = ut_return_hero_config('ut_background_slider_animation', 'fade');
            $slideshowSpeed = ut_return_hero_config('ut_background_slider_slideshow_speed', 7000);
            $animationSpeed = ut_return_hero_config('ut_background_slider_animation_speed', 600);
            if (is_singular("portfolio")) {
                $animation = 'fade';
                $slideshowSpeed = '7000';
                $animationSpeed = '600';
            $js .= '
					 var $hero_captions = $("#ut-hero-captions"),
					 	 animatingTo = 0;
					 $hero_captions.find(".hero-holder").each(function() {						
						var pos = $(this).data("animation"),
							add = "-50%";
						if( pos==="left" || pos==="right" ) { add = "-25%" };						
						$(this).css( pos , add );	
                        animation: "fade",
						animationSpeed: ' . $animationSpeed . ',
						slideshowSpeed: ' . $slideshowSpeed . ',
                        controlNav: false,
						directionNav: false,
                        animationLoop: true,
                        slideshow: true,
                        before: function(slider){                        	
							/* hide hero holder */
							$(".flex-active-slide").find(".hero-holder").fadeOut("fast", function() {
								var pos = $(this).data("animation"),
									anim = { opacity: 0 , display : "table" },
									add = "-50%";
								if( pos==="left" || pos==="right" ) { add = "-25%" };
								anim[pos] = add;
							/* animate background slider */
						after: function(slider) {
							/* change position of caption slider */
							slider.animate( { top : ( $(window).height() - $hero_captions.find(".flex-active-slide").height() ) / 2 } , 100 , function() {
								/* show hero holder */
								var pos = $(".flex-active-slide").find(".hero-holder").data("animation"),
									anim = { opacity: 1 };
								anim[pos] = 0;
								$(".flex-active-slide").find(".hero-holder").animate( anim );
						start: function(slider) {
							/* create external navigation */
								if ($(this).hasClass("next")) {
								  slider.flexAnimate(slider.getTarget("next"), true);
								} else {
								  slider.flexAnimate(slider.getTarget("prev"), true);
							$(".hero.slider .parallax-overlay").fadeIn("fast");
							/* change position of caption slider */
							slider.animate( { top : ( $(window).height() - $hero_captions.find(".flex-active-slide").height() ) / 2 } , 100 , function() { 
								/* show hero holder */
								var pos = $(".flex-active-slide").find(".hero-holder").data("animation"),
									anim = { opacity: 1 };
								anim[pos] = 0;
								$(".flex-active-slide").find(".hero-holder").animate( anim );
                    var ut_trigger = 0;
                        /* do not fire on window load resize event */    
                        if( ut_trigger > 0 ) {
                            /* adjust first slide browser bug */
                            $hero_captions.find(".hero-holder").each(function() {
                                if( $(this).width() > $(this).parent().width() ) {
                                    $(this).find(".hero-title").width( $(this).parent().width()-20 );
                            /* change slide */
						animation: "fade",
						animationSpeed: ' . $animationSpeed . ',
						slideshowSpeed: ' . $slideshowSpeed . ', 
                        directionNav: false,
						controlNav: false,
    					animationLoop: true,
                        slideshow: true
        | Parallax Effect for Hero on Front Page
        if (ut_return_hero_config('ut_hero_image_parallax') == 'on') {
            if (!$detect->isMobile()) {
                $js .= '$(".hero .parallax-scroll-container").parallax("50%", 0.6);';
        | Parallax Effect - disabled for mobile devices to much repaint cost
        if (!$detect->isMobile()) {
            $js .= '$(".parallax-banner .parallax-scroll-container").each(function() {                
                                "height" : $(window).height() * 1.1 + "px",
                                "width"  : $(window).width()  * 1.1 + "px",
                                "left"   : "-5%"                            
                            }).parallax( "50%", 0.6 ); 
        | Parallax Effect for Footer
        $ut_csection_parallax = ot_get_option('ut_csection_parallax', 'on');
        if ($ut_csection_parallax == 'on') {
            if (!$detect->isMobile()) {
                $js .= '$(".contact-section .parallax-scroll-container").css({
                            "height" : $(window).height() * 1.1 + "px",
                            "width"  : $(window).width()  * 1.1 + "px",
                            "left"   : "-5%"                            
                        }).parallax("50%", 0.6,true);';
        | Lightbox
        $ut_lightbox_script = ot_get_option('ut_lightbox_script', 'prettyphoto');
        if ($ut_lightbox_script == 'prettyphoto') {
            $js .= '$(".ut-lightbox").prettyPhoto({
                        social_tools : false,
                        markup: \'<div class="pp_pic_holder"> \\
                                    <div class="pp_top"> \\
                                        <div class="pp_left"></div> \\
                                        <div class="pp_middle"></div> \\
                                        <div class="pp_right"></div> \\
                                    </div> \\
                                    <div class="pp_content_container"> \\
                                        <div class="pp_left"> \\
                                        <div class="pp_right"> \\
                                            <div class="pp_content"> \\
                                                <div class="pp_loaderIcon"></div> \\
                                                <div class="pp_fade"> \\
                                                    <a href="#" class="pp_expand" title="Expand the image">Expand</a> \\
                                                    <div class="pp_hoverContainer"> \\
                                                        <a class="pp_next" href="#">next</a> \\
                                                        <a class="pp_previous" href="#">previous</a> \\
                                                    </div> \\
                                                    <div id="pp_full_res"></div> \\
                                                    <div class="pp_details"> \\
                                                        <div class="pp_nav"> \\
                                                            <a href="#" class="pp_arrow_previous">Previous</a> \\
                                                            <p class="currentTextHolder">0/0</p> \\
                                                            <a href="#" class="pp_arrow_next">Next</a> \\
                                                        </div> \\
                                                        <p class="pp_description"></p> \\
                                                        <div class="ppt">&nbsp;</div> \\
                                                        {pp_social} \\
                                                        <a class="pp_close" href="#">Close</a> \\
                                                    </div> \\
                                                </div> \\
                                            </div> \\
                                        </div> \\
                                        </div> \\
                                    </div> \\
                                    <div class="pp_bottom"> \\
                                        <div class="pp_left"></div> \\
                                        <div class="pp_middle"></div> \\
                                        <div class="pp_right"></div> \\
                                    </div> \\
                                </div> \\
                                <div class="pp_overlay"></div>\',
        } else {
            $js .= '$(".ut-lightbox").lightGallery({
                        selector: "this",
                        hash: false
        | Section Animation
        global $detect;
        if (!$detect->isMobile() && ot_get_option('ut_animate_sections', 'on') == 'on') {
            $csection_timer = ot_get_option('ut_animate_sections_timer', '1600');
            $js .= '$("section").each(function() {
							var outerHeight = $(this).outerHeight(),
								offset		= "90%",
								effect		= $(this).data("effect");
							if( outerHeight > $(window).height() / 2 ) {
								offset = "70%";
							$(this).waypoint( function( direction ) {
								var $this = $(this);
								if( direction === "down" && !$(this).hasClass( "animated-" + effect ) ) {
									$this.find(".section-content").animate( { opacity: 1 } , ' . $csection_timer . ' );
									$this.find(".section-header-holder").animate( { opacity: 1 } , ' . $csection_timer . ' );
                                    $this.addClass( "animated-" + effect );
							} , { offset: offset } );			
        $js .= '});
        /* check for css cache */
        if (ot_get_option('ut_use_cache', 'off') == 'on' && is_front_page()) {
            $transient_prefix = $detect->isMobile() ? '_mobile' : '_desktop';
            $language_prefix = defined('ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE') ? '_' . ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE : '';
            $cacheTime = ot_get_option('ut_cache_ltime', '10');
            set_transient('ut_js_cache' . $transient_prefix . $language_prefix, $js, 60 * $cacheTime);
        //echo $js;
        echo apply_filters('ut-custom-js', $js);
Exemple #2
" data-scrollspeed="<?php 
echo $scrollspeed;

<a class="ut-offset-anchor" id="top" style="top:0px !important;"></a>

| Pre Loader Overlay
if (ot_get_option('ut_use_image_loader') == 'on') {
    if (ut_dynamic_conditional('ut_use_image_loader_on')) {
	<div class="ut-loader-overlay"></div>


