Exemple #1
function can_navigate_by_proofer($projectid, $L_user)
    global $pguser;
    $answer = FALSE;
    // If user isn't logged in, they definitely can't
    if ($pguser == '') {
        return FALSE;
    $project = new Project($projectid);
    // if user can manage project, or is evaluator they can
    $answer = $project->can_be_managed_by_current_user || user_is_an_access_request_reviewer();
    // otherwise, they can if this diff is one of theirs
    if (!$answer) {
        $answer = $pguser == $L_user;
    return $answer;
// if the user isn't a site manager or an access request reviewer
// they can only access their own pages
if (!(user_is_a_sitemanager() || user_is_an_access_request_reviewer())) {
    $username = $pguser;
if ($username && !User::is_valid_user($username)) {
    die("Invalid username");
// start the page
$title = _('Reviewing work');
output_header($title, NO_STATSBAR);
echo "<h1>{$title}</h1>\n";
// show form
echo "<form action='review_work.php' method='GET'>";
echo "<table>";
if (user_is_a_sitemanager() || user_is_an_access_request_reviewer()) {
    // only let site admins or reviewers to access non-self records
    echo "<tr>";
    echo "<td>" . _("Username") . "</td>";
    echo "<td><input name='username' type='text' size='26' value='{$username}'></td>";
    echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . _("Work Round") . "</td>";
echo "<td><select name='work_round_id'>";
_echo_round_select($rounds, $work_round_id);
echo "</select>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . _("Review Round") . "</td>";
echo "<td><select name='review_round_id'>";