Exemple #1
function show_assignments() {
    global $m, $uid, $group_id, $langSubmit, $langDays, $langNoAssign, $tool_content,
    $langWorks, $course_id, $course_code, $themeimg, $langCancel, $urlServer;
    $gids = user_group_info($uid, $course_id);
    if (!empty($gids)) {
        $gids_sql_ready = implode(',',array_keys($gids));
    } else {
        $gids_sql_ready = "''";
    $res = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT *, CAST(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(deadline)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) AS SIGNED) AS time
                                 FROM assignment WHERE course_id = ?d AND active = '1' AND
                                 (assign_to_specific = '0' OR assign_to_specific = '1' AND id IN
                                    (SELECT assignment_id FROM assignment_to_specific WHERE user_id = ?d UNION SELECT assignment_id FROM assignment_to_specific WHERE group_id IN ($gids_sql_ready))
                                 ORDER BY CASE WHEN CAST(deadline AS UNSIGNED) = '0' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END, deadline", $course_id, $uid);

    if (count($res) == 0) {
        $tool_content .= $langNoAssign;
    $table_content = '';
    foreach ($res as $row) {
        if (!$row->active) {

        $table_content .= "<tr><td width=\"1%\">
			<img style='padding-top:2px;' src='$themeimg/arrow.png' alt=''></td>
			<td><div align='left'><a href='index.php?course=$course_code&amp;id=$row->id'>" . q($row->title) . "</a></td>
			<td align='center'>" . nice_format($row->deadline);
                        if ($row->time > 0) {
                            $table_content .= "<br>(<small>$langDaysLeft" . format_time_duration($row->time) . "</small>)";
                        } else if($row->deadline){
                            $table_content .= "<br> (<small><span class='expired'>$m[expired]</span></small>)";

        $table_content .= "</div></td>\n      <td align=\"center\">";
        $subm = was_submitted($uid, $group_id, $row->id);
        if ($subm == 'user') {
            $table_content .= $m['yes'];
        } elseif ($subm == 'group') {
            $table_content .= $m['by_groupmate'];
        } else {
            $table_content .= $m['no'];
        $table_content .= "</td><td align=\"center\">";
        if ($row->time >= 0 and !was_graded($uid, $row->id) and is_group_assignment($row->id)) {
            $table_content .= "<input type='radio' name='assign' value='$row->id'>";
        } else {
            $table_content .= '-';
        $table_content .= "</td>\n    </tr>";
    $tool_content .= "
            <div class='form-wrapper'>
                <form class='form-horizontal' action='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?course=$course_code' method='post'>
                    <input type='hidden' name='file' value='" . q($_GET['submit']) . "'>
                    <input type='hidden' name='group_id' value='$group_id'>
                    <div class='form-group'>
                        <label for='title' class='col-sm-2 control-label'>$langWorks ($m[select]):</label>
                        <div class='col-sm-10'>
                            <table class='table-default'>
                                    <th class='left' colspan='2'>$m[title]</th>
                                    <th align='center' width='30%'>$m[deadline]</th>
                                    <th align='center' width='10%'>$m[submitted]</th>
                                    <th align='center' width='10%'>$m[select]</th>
                    <div class='form-group'>
                        <label for='title' class='col-sm-2 control-label'>$m[comments]:</label>
                        <div class='col-sm-10'>
                            <textarea name='comments' rows='4' cols='60' class='form-control'></textarea>
                    <div class='form-group'>
                        <div class='col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-2'>
                            <input class='btn btn-primary' type='submit' name='submit' value='$langSubmit'>
                            <a class='btn btn-default' href='$urlServer/modules/group/document.php?course=$course_code&group_id=$group_id'>$langCancel</a>
Exemple #2
                    Indexer::queueAsync(Indexer::REQUEST_STORE, Indexer::RESOURCE_EXERCISE, $exerciseId);
                case 'clone':  // make exercise limited
                    Session::Messages($langCopySuccess, 'alert-success');
        // destruction of Exercise
    $result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT id, title, description, type, active, public, ip_lock, password_lock FROM exercise WHERE course_id = ?d ORDER BY id LIMIT ?d, ?d", $course_id, $from, $limitExPage);
    $qnum = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM exercise WHERE course_id = ?d", $course_id)->count;
} else {
        $gids = user_group_info($uid, $course_id);
        if (!empty($gids)) {
            $gids_sql_ready = implode(',',array_keys($gids));
        } else {
            $gids_sql_ready = "''";
	$result = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT id, title, description, type, active, public, start_date, end_date, time_constraint, attempts_allowed, score, ip_lock, password_lock " .
            "FROM exercise WHERE course_id = ?d AND active = 1 "
            . "AND (assign_to_specific = '0' OR assign_to_specific != '0' AND id IN
                       (SELECT exercise_id FROM exercise_to_specific WHERE user_id = ?d UNION SELECT exercise_id FROM exercise_to_specific WHERE group_id IN ($gids_sql_ready))
                    ) "
            ."ORDER BY id LIMIT ?d, ?d", $course_id, $uid, $from, $limitExPage);
	$qnum = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM exercise WHERE course_id = ?d AND active = 1", $course_id)->count;
$paused_exercises = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT eurid, eid, title, attempt, password_lock FROM exercise_user_record a "
        . "JOIN exercise b ON a.eid = b.id WHERE b.course_id = ?d AND a.uid = ?d "
Exemple #3
function printPolls() {
    global $tool_content, $course_id, $course_code,
    $langTitle, $langCancel,
    $langPollStart, $langPollEnd, $langPollNone, $is_editor, $langAnswers,
    $langEditChange, $langDelete, $langSurveyNotStarted,
    $langDeactivate, $langPollHasEnded, $langActivate,
    $langParticipate,  $langHasParticipated, $langSee,
    $langHasNotParticipated, $uid, $langConfirmDelete, $langPurgeExercises,
    $langPurgeExercises, $langConfirmPurgeExercises, $langCreateDuplicate, 
    $head_content, $langCreateDuplicateIn, $langCurrentCourse, $langUsage, $langNoAccessPrivilages;
    $my_courses = Database::get()->queryArray("SELECT a.course_id Course_id, b.title Title FROM course_user a, course b WHERE a.course_id = b.id AND a.course_id != ?d AND a.user_id = ?d AND a.status = 1", $course_id, $uid);
    $courses_options = "";
    foreach ($my_courses as $row) {
        $courses_options .= "'<option value=\"$row->Course_id\">".q($row->Title)."</option>'+";
    $head_content .= "
        $(document).on('click', '.warnLink', function() {
            var pid = $(this).data('pid');
                title: '$langCreateDuplicateIn',
                message: '<form action=\"$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]\" method=\"POST\" id=\"clone_form\">'+
                            '<select class=\"form-control\" id=\"course_id\" name=\"clone_to_course_id\">'+
                                '<option value=\"$course_id\">--- $langCurrentCourse ---</option>'+
                    buttons: {
                        success: {
                            label: '$langCreateDuplicate',
                            className: 'btn-success',
                            callback: function (d) {    
                                $('#clone_form').attr('action', '$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?pid=' + pid);
                        cancel: {
                            label: '$langCancel',
                            className: 'btn-default'
    $poll_check = 0;
    $query = "SELECT * FROM poll WHERE course_id = ?d";
    $query_params[] = $course_id;
    //Bring only those assigned to the student
    if (!$is_editor) {
        $gids = user_group_info($uid, $course_id);
        if (!empty($gids)) {
            $gids_sql_ready = implode(',',array_keys($gids));
        } else {
            $gids_sql_ready = "''";
        $query .= " AND
                    (assign_to_specific = '0' OR assign_to_specific != '0' AND pid IN
                       (SELECT poll_id FROM poll_to_specific WHERE user_id = ?d UNION SELECT poll_id FROM poll_to_specific WHERE group_id IN ($gids_sql_ready))
        $query_params[] = $uid;
    $result = Database::get()->queryArray($query, $query_params);
    $num_rows = count($result);
    if ($num_rows > 0)
    if (!$poll_check) {
        $tool_content .= "\n    <div class='alert alert-warning'>" . $langPollNone . "</div><br>";
    } else {
        // Print active polls
        $tool_content .= "
                    <div class='table-repsonsive'>
		      <table class='table-default'>
		      <tr class='list-header'>
			<th><div align='left'>&nbsp;$langTitle</div></th>
			<th class='text-center'>$langPollStart</th>
			<th class='text-center'>$langPollEnd</th>";

        if ($is_editor) {
            $tool_content .= "<th class='text-center' width='16'>$langAnswers</th>";
        } else {
            $tool_content .= "<th class='text-center'>$langParticipate</th>";
        $tool_content .= "<th class='text-center'>".icon('fa-cogs')."</th>";
        $tool_content .= "</tr>";
        $index_aa = 1;
        $k = 0;
        foreach ($result as $thepoll) {
            $total_participants = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS total FROM poll_answer_record WHERE pid = ?d", $thepoll->pid)->total;
            $visibility = $thepoll->active;

            if (($visibility) or ($is_editor)) {
                if ($visibility) {
                    $visibility_css = "";
                    $visibility_gif = "fa-eye";
                    $visibility_func = "deactivate";
                    $arrow_png = "arrow";
                } else {
                    $visibility_css = " class=\"not_visible\"";
                    $visibility_gif = "fa-eye-slash";
                    $visibility_func = "activate";
                    $arrow_png = "arrow";
                $tool_content .= "<tr $visibility_css>";

                $temp_CurrentDate = date("Y-m-d H:i");
                $temp_StartDate = $thepoll->start_date;
                $temp_EndDate = $thepoll->end_date;
                $temp_StartDate = mktime(substr($temp_StartDate, 11, 2), substr($temp_StartDate, 14, 2), 0, substr($temp_StartDate, 5, 2), substr($temp_StartDate, 8, 2), substr($temp_StartDate, 0, 4));
                $temp_EndDate = mktime(substr($temp_EndDate, 11, 2), substr($temp_EndDate, 14, 2), 0, substr($temp_EndDate, 5, 2), substr($temp_EndDate, 8, 2), substr($temp_EndDate, 0, 4));
                $temp_CurrentDate = mktime(substr($temp_CurrentDate, 11, 2), substr($temp_CurrentDate, 14, 2), 0, substr($temp_CurrentDate, 5, 2), substr($temp_CurrentDate, 8, 2), substr($temp_CurrentDate, 0, 4));
                $creator_id = $thepoll->creator_id;
                $theCreator = uid_to_name($creator_id);
                $pid = $thepoll->pid;
                $countAnswers = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(user_id)) as counter FROM poll_answer_record WHERE pid = ?d", $pid)->counter;
                // check if user has participated
                $has_participated = Database::get()->querySingle("SELECT COUNT(*) as counter FROM poll_answer_record
                                        WHERE user_id = ?d AND pid = ?d", $uid, $pid)->counter;
                // check if poll has ended OR not strarted yet
                $poll_ended = 0;
                $poll_not_started = 0;
                if($temp_CurrentDate < $temp_StartDate) {
                    $poll_not_started = 1;
                } else if ($temp_CurrentDate >= $temp_EndDate) {
                    $poll_ended = 1;
                if ($is_editor) {
                    $tool_content .= "
                        <td><a href='pollparticipate.php?course=$course_code&amp;UseCase=1&pid=$pid'>".q($thepoll->name)."</a>";
                } else {
                    $tool_content .= "
                    if (($has_participated == 0) and $poll_ended == 0) {
                        $tool_content .= "<a href='pollparticipate.php?course=$course_code&amp;UseCase=1&pid=$pid'>".q($thepoll->name)."</a>";
                    } else {
                        $tool_content .= q($thepoll->name);
                $tool_content .= "                       
                        <td class='text-center'>" . nice_format(date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime($thepoll->start_date)), true) . "</td>
                        <td class='text-center'>" . nice_format(date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime($thepoll->end_date)), true) . "</td>";
                if ($is_editor) {
                    $tool_content .= "
                        <td class='text-center'>$countAnswers</td>
                        <td class='text-center option-btn-cell'>" .action_button(array(
                                'title' => $langEditChange,
                                'icon' => 'fa-edit',
                                'url' => "admin.php?course=$course_code&amp;pid=$pid"                              
                                'title' => $visibility?  $langDeactivate : $langActivate,
                                'icon' => $visibility ?  'fa-toggle-off' : 'fa-toggle-on',
                                'url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?course=$course_code&amp;visibility=$visibility_func&amp;pid={$pid}"
                                'title' => $langUsage,
                                'icon' => 'fa-line-chart',
                                'url' => "pollresults.php?course=$course_code&pid=$pid",
                                'show' => $total_participants > 0
                                'title' => $langSee,
                                'icon' => 'fa-search',
                                'url' => "pollparticipate.php?course=$course_code&amp;UseCase=1&pid=$pid"
                                'title' => $langCreateDuplicate,
                                'icon' => 'fa-copy',
                                'icon-class' => 'warnLink',
                                'icon-extra' => "data-pid='$pid'",
                                'url' => "#"
                                'title' => $langPurgeExercises,
                                'icon' => 'fa-eraser',
                                'url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?course=$course_code&amp;delete_results=yes&amp;pid=$pid",
                                'confirm' => $langConfirmPurgeExercises,
                                'show' => $total_participants > 0
                                'title' => $langDelete,
                                'icon' => 'fa-times',
                                'class' => 'delete',
                                'url' => "$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?course=$course_code&amp;delete=yes&amp;pid=$pid",
                                'confirm' => $langConfirmDelete                               
                } else {
                    $tool_content .= "
                        <td class='text-center'>";
                    if ($has_participated == 0 && $poll_ended == 0 && $poll_not_started == 0) {
                        $tool_content .= "$langHasNotParticipated";
                    } else {
                        if ($poll_ended == 1) {
                            $tool_content .= $langPollHasEnded;
                        } elseif($poll_not_started == 1) {
                            $tool_content .= $langSurveyNotStarted;                           
                        } else {
                            $tool_content .= $langHasParticipated;
                    $tool_content .= "</td>";
                    $line_chart_link = ($has_participated && $thepoll->show_results)? "<a href='pollresults.php?course=$course_code&pid=$pid'><span class='fa fa-line-chart'></span></a>" : "<span class='fa fa-line-chart' data-toggle='tooltip' title='$langNoAccessPrivilages'></span>" ;
                    $tool_content .= "<td class='text-center option-btn-cell'><div style='padding-top:7px;padding-bottom:7px;'>$line_chart_link</div></td></tr>";
//                    $tool_content .= "
//                        <td class='text-center option-btn-cell'>" .action_button(array(
//                            array(
//                                'title' => $langUsage,
//                                'icon' => 'fa-line-chart',
//                                'url' => "pollresults.php?course=$course_code&pid=$pid",
//                                'show' => $has_participated
//                            )         
//                        ))."</td></tr>";
            $index_aa ++;
        $tool_content .= "</table></div>";
Exemple #4
function groups_with_no_submissions($id)
    global $course_id;
    $q = Database::get()->queryArray('SELECT group_id FROM assignment_submit WHERE assignment_id = ?d', $id);
    $groups = user_group_info(null, $course_id, $id);
    if (count($q) > 0) {
        foreach ($q as $row) {
    return $groups;
 *  returns whether the user has submitted an assignment
function submitted($uid, $assignment_id, $lesson_id)
    // find prefix
    $prefix = './modules';
    if (!file_exists($prefix) && file_exists('../group') && file_exists('../work')) {
        $prefix = '..';
    require_once $prefix . '/group/group_functions.php';
    require_once $prefix . '/work/work_functions.php';
    $gids = user_group_info($uid, $lesson_id);
    $GLOBALS['course_id'] = $lesson_id;
    if ($submission = find_submissions(is_group_assignment($assignment_id), $uid, $assignment_id, $gids)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;