} //check secret answer field if (!empty($_POST['secretAnswer'])) { $secretAnswer = strtolower(trim($_POST['secretAnswer'])); $createUser = $createUser & true; //create if all fields so far are valid } else { $message .= 'Please enter a secret answer.<br />'; $secretAnswerLabelStyle .= 'Highlight'; $createUser = false; } $authLevel = $_POST['authLevel']; //don't bother checking the select input if ($createUser) { $user = new User($username, $password, $secretQuestion, $secretAnswer, $authLevel); if (user_createUser($user)) { $message = 'The user was added successfully.'; } else { $message = 'This user already exists.'; $createUser = false; } } } ?> <form action="addUser.php" method="post" name="AddUserForm" onsubmit="return validateForm();"> <div id="divStatus"><?php print $message; ?> </div> <br /> <table>
if (!empty($userName) && !empty($passWord) && !empty($module) && !empty($location) && !empty($secretQuestion) && !empty($secretAnswer)) { //create download directory if it doesn't exist if (!file_exists($location)) { mkdir($location); } $installed = true; require_once 'lib/configuration.php'; // set up the configuration.xml $configuration = new Configuration($location, $module, 0, 0, 6, 4, 10, 60000, 60000); // write out the configuration.xml if (!config_setConfiguration($configuration)) { $message .= "The configuration XML file could not be written.<br />"; $installed = false; } //Check to see if the user information provided can be used to create a site admin if (user_createUser(new User($userName, $passWord, $secretQuestion, $secretAnswer, "Admin")) === 'file error') { $message .= "The users XML file could not be written.<br />"; $installed = false; } //check to see if the torrents.xml file is able to be written if (!torrent_createFile()) { $message .= "The torrents XML file could not be written.<br />"; $installed = false; } } else { if ($_POST) { $message = "Please fill out the install form completely.<br />"; } } if ($installed) { ?>