// Select all the rows in the markers table
    $query = sprintf("SELECT sl_address, sl_address2, sl_store, sl_city, sl_state, sl_zip, sl_latitude, sl_longitude, sl_description, sl_url, sl_hours, sl_phone, sl_fax, sl_email, sl_image, sl_tags" . " {$sl_custom_fields}" . " FROM " . SL_TABLE . " WHERE sl_store<>'' AND sl_longitude<>'' AND sl_latitude<>''" . " {$sl_param_where_clause}" . " {$sl_param_order_clause}" . " LIMIT %d", esc_sql($num_initial_displayed));
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (!$result) {
    die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
// Start XML file, echo parent node
echo "<markers>\n";
// Iterate through the rows, printing XML nodes for each
while ($row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $addr2 = trim($row['sl_address2']) != "" ? " " . parseToXML($row['sl_address2']) : "";
    $row['sl_distance'] = !empty($row['sl_distance']) ? $row['sl_distance'] : "";
    $row['sl_url'] = !url_test($row['sl_url']) && trim($row['sl_url']) != "" ? "http://" . $row['sl_url'] : $row['sl_url'];
    echo '<marker ';
    echo 'name="' . parseToXML($row['sl_store']) . '" ';
    echo 'address="' . parseToXML($row['sl_address']) . $addr2 . ', ' . parseToXML($row['sl_city']) . ', ' . parseToXML($row['sl_state']) . ' ' . parseToXML($row['sl_zip']) . '" ';
    echo 'street="' . parseToXML($row['sl_address']) . '" ';
    //should've been sl_street in DB
    echo 'street2="' . parseToXML($row['sl_address2']) . '" ';
    //should've been sl_street2 in DB
    echo 'city="' . parseToXML($row['sl_city']) . '" ';
    echo 'state="' . parseToXML($row['sl_state']) . '" ';
    echo 'zip="' . parseToXML($row['sl_zip']) . '" ';
    echo 'lat="' . $row['sl_latitude'] . '" ';
    echo 'lng="' . $row['sl_longitude'] . '" ';
    echo 'distance="' . $row['sl_distance'] . '" ';
    echo 'description="' . parseToXML($row['sl_description']) . '" ';
 if (function_exists("do_sl_hook") && !empty($sl_columns)) {
     # +4 : Represents the 5 db fields (organized in 4 columns) that aren't dynamically placed on location table (Checkbox, Actions, ID, 'Lat, Lon' <-1 column), but need to be part of the column count
     # -3 : Represents the 3 db fields (ID, 'Lat, Lon') that are part of normal columns, but aren't dynamically placed on location table
     $colspan = $sl_vars['location_table_view'] != "Normal" ? count($sl_columns) - count($sl_omitted_columns) + 4 : count($sl_normal_columns) - 3 + 4;
 } else {
     $colspan = $sl_vars['location_table_view'] != "Normal" ? 18 : 11;
 $bgcol = "";
 foreach ($locales as $value) {
     $bgcol = $bgcol === "" || $bgcol == "#eee" ? "#fff" : "#eee";
     $bgcol = $value['sl_latitude'] == "" || $value['sl_longitude'] == "" ? "salmon" : $bgcol;
     $value = array_map("trim", $value);
     if (!empty($_GET['edit']) && $value['sl_id'] == $_GET['edit']) {
         sl_single_location_info($value, $colspan, $bgcol);
     } else {
         $value['sl_url'] = !url_test($value['sl_url']) && trim($value['sl_url']) != "" ? "http://" . $value['sl_url'] : $value['sl_url'];
         $value['sl_url'] = $value['sl_url'] != "" ? "<a href='{$value['sl_url']}' target='blank'>" . __("View", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN) . "</a>" : "";
         $value['sl_image'] = $value['sl_image'] != "" ? "<a href='{$value['sl_image']}' target='blank'>" . __("View", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN) . "</a>" : "";
         $value['sl_description'] = $value['sl_description'] != "" ? "<a href='#description-{$value['sl_id']}' rel='sl_pop'>" . __("View", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN) . "</a><div id='description-{$value['sl_id']}' style='display:none;'>" . comma($value['sl_description']) . "</div>" : "";
         if (empty($_GET['edit'])) {
             $_GET['edit'] = "";
         $edit_link = str_replace("&edit={$_GET['edit']}", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . "&edit=" . $value['sl_id'] . "#a{$value['sl_id']}'";
         print "<tr style='background-color:{$bgcol}' id='sl_tr-{$value['sl_id']}'>\n\t\t\t<th><input type='checkbox' name='sl_id[]' value='{$value['sl_id']}'></th>\n\t\t\t<td><a class='edit_loc_link' href='" . $edit_link . " id='{$value['sl_id']}'>" . __("Edit", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN) . "</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a class='del_loc_link' href='" . wp_nonce_url("{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&delete={$value['sl_id']}", "delete-location_" . $value['sl_id']) . "' onclick=\"confirmClick('Sure?', this.href); return false;\" id='{$value['sl_id']}'>" . __("Delete", SL_TEXT_DOMAIN) . "</a></td>\n\t\t\t<td> {$value['sl_id']} </td>";
         if (function_exists("do_sl_hook") && !empty($sl_columns)) {
         } else {
             if ($is_normal_view) {
                 //tco = td_close_open
                 $tco_address = $tco_address2 = $tco_city = $tco_state = $tco_zip = "</td>\n<td>";
                 $strong_addr_open = $strong_addr_close = "";
Exemple #3
<td><input name='zip-$value[sl_id]' value='$value[sl_zip]'></td>
<td><input name='tags-$value[sl_id]' value='$value[sl_tags]'></td>";

if (get_option('sl_location_table_view')!="Normal") {
print "<td><input name='description-$value[sl_id]' value='$value[sl_description]'></td>
<td><input name='url-$value[sl_id]' value='$value[sl_url]'></td>
<td><input name='hours-$value[sl_id]' value='$value[sl_hours]'></td>
<td><input name='phone-$value[sl_id]' value='$value[sl_phone]'></td>
<td><input name='image-$value[sl_id]' value='$value[sl_image]'></td>";

print "<td>($value[sl_latitude],&nbsp;$value[sl_longitude])</td>";*/
print "</tr>";
			else {
			$value[sl_url]=(!url_test($value[sl_url]) && trim($value[sl_url])!="")? "http://".$value[sl_url] : $value[sl_url] ;
			$value[sl_url]=($value[sl_url]!="")? "<a href='$value[sl_url]' target='blank'>".__("View", $text_domain)."</a>" : "" ;
			$value[sl_image]=($value[sl_image]!="")? "<a href='$value[sl_image]' target='blank'>".__("View", $text_domain)."</a>" : "" ;
			$value[sl_description]=($value[sl_description]!="")? "<a onclick='alert(\"".comma($value[sl_description])."\")' href='#'>".__("View", $text_domain)."</a>" : "" ;
			print "<tr style='background-color:$bgcol'>
			<th><input type='checkbox' name='sl_id[]' value='$value[sl_id]'></th>
			<th><a href='".ereg_replace("&edit=$_GET[edit]", "",$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI])."&edit=" . $value[sl_id] ."#a$value[sl_id]'>".__("Edit", $text_domain)."</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href='$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]&delete=$value[sl_id]' onclick=\"confirmClick('Sure?', this.href); return false;\">".__("Delete", $text_domain)."</a></th>
			<th> $value[sl_id] </th>
			<td> $value[sl_store] </td>