Exemple #1
function echo_publish_buttons($Form, $creating, $edited_Item, $inskin = false, $display_preview = false)
    global $Blog, $current_User;
    global $next_action, $highest_publish_status;
    // needs to be passed out for echo_publishnowbutton_js( $action )
    // ---------- PREVIEW ----------
    if (!$inskin || $display_preview) {
        $url = url_same_protocol($Blog->get('url'));
        // was dynurl
        $Form->button(array('button', '', T_('Preview'), 'PreviewButton', 'b2edit_open_preview(this.form, \'' . $url . '\');'));
    // ---------- SAVE ----------
    $next_action = $creating ? 'create' : 'update';
    if (!$inskin) {
        // Show Save & Edit only on admin mode
        $Form->submit(array('actionArray[' . $next_action . '_edit]', T_('Save & edit'), 'SaveEditButton'));
    $Form->submit(array('actionArray[' . $next_action . ']', T_('Save'), 'SaveButton'));
    list($highest_publish_status, $publish_text) = get_highest_publish_status('post', $Blog->ID);
    if (!isset($edited_Item->status)) {
        $edited_Item->status = $highest_publish_status;
    if ($edited_Item->status != $highest_publish_status) {
        // Only allow publishing if in draft mode. Other modes are too special to run the risk of 1 click publication.
        $publish_style = 'display: inline';
    } else {
        $publish_style = 'display: none';
    $Form->hidden('publish_status', $highest_publish_status);
    $Form->submit(array('actionArray[' . $next_action . '_publish]', $publish_text, 'SaveButton', '', $publish_style));
Exemple #2
$Form->fieldstart = '<div class="tile">';
$Form->fieldend = '</div>';
	<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
		// This is for toolbar plugins
		var b2evoCanvas = document.getElementById('itemform_post_content');

// ------------------------------- ACTIONS ----------------------------------
echo '<div class="edit_actions">';
if ($use_preview) {
    // ---------- PREVIEW ----------
    $url = url_same_protocol($Blog->get('url'));
    // was dynurl
    $Form->button(array('button', '', T_('Preview'), '', 'b2edit_open_preview(this.form, \'' . $url . '\');'));
// ---------- SAVE ----------
$Form->submit(array('', T_('Save !'), 'SaveButton'));
// ---------- DELETE ----------
if (!$creating) {
    // Editing post
    // Display delete button if current user has the rights:
    $edited_Item->delete_link(' ', ' ', '#', '#', 'DeleteButton', true);
if ($Settings->get('fm_enabled')) {
    // ---------- UPLOAD ----------
    // Note: we try to land in the Blog media folder if possible
    // fp> TODO: check what happens if blog folders are disabled
Exemple #3
 * Display buttons to update a post
 * @param object Form
 * @param boolean Is creating action
 * @param object edited Item
 * @param boolean Is in-skin editing
 * @param boolean TRUE to display a preview button
function echo_publish_buttons($Form, $creating, $edited_Item, $inskin = false, $display_preview = false)
    global $Blog, $current_User, $UserSettings;
    global $next_action, $highest_publish_status;
    // needs to be passed out for echo_publishnowbutton_js( $action )
    list($highest_publish_status, $publish_text) = get_highest_publish_status('post', $Blog->ID);
    if (!isset($edited_Item->status)) {
        $edited_Item->status = $highest_publish_status;
    // ---------- PREVIEW ----------
    if (!$inskin || $display_preview) {
        $url = url_same_protocol($Blog->get('url'));
        // was dynurl
        $Form->button(array('button', '', T_('Preview'), 'PreviewButton', 'b2edit_open_preview(this.form, \'' . $url . '\');'));
    // ---------- VISIBILITY ----------
    if (!$inskin) {
        // Only for back-office
        global $AdminUI;
        echo '<span class="edit_actions_text">' . T_('Visibility') . get_manual_link('visibility-status') . ': </span>';
        // Get those statuses which are not allowed for the current User to create posts in this blog
        $exclude_statuses = array_merge(get_restricted_statuses($Blog->ID, 'blog_post!', 'create'), array('trash'));
        // Get allowed visibility statuses
        $status_options = get_visibility_statuses('', $exclude_statuses);
        if (isset($AdminUI, $AdminUI->skin_name) && $AdminUI->skin_name == 'bootstrap') {
            // Use dropdown for bootstrap skin
            $status_icon_options = get_visibility_statuses('icons', $exclude_statuses);
            $Form->hidden('post_status', $edited_Item->status);
            echo '<div class="btn-group dropup post_status_dropdown">';
            echo '<button type="button" class="btn btn-status-' . $edited_Item->status . ' dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false" id="post_status_dropdown">' . '<span>' . $status_options[$edited_Item->status] . '</span>' . ' <span class="caret"></span></button>';
            echo '<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="post_status_dropdown">';
            foreach ($status_options as $status_key => $status_title) {
                echo '<li rel="' . $status_key . '" role="presentation"><a href="#" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1">' . $status_icon_options[$status_key] . ' <span>' . $status_title . '</span></a></li>';
            echo '</ul>';
            echo '</div>';
        } else {
            // Use standard select element for other skins
            echo '<select name="post_status">';
            foreach ($status_options as $status_key => $status_title) {
                echo '<option value="' . $status_key . '"' . ($edited_Item->status == $status_key ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . ' class="btn-status-' . $status_key . '">' . $status_title . '</option>';
            echo '</select>';
    echo '<span class="btn-group">';
    // ---------- SAVE ----------
    $next_action = $creating ? 'create' : 'update';
    if (!$inskin && $current_User->check_perm('item_post!CURSTATUS', 'edit', false, $edited_Item)) {
        // Show Save & Edit only on admin mode
        $Form->submit(array('actionArray[' . $next_action . '_edit]', T_('Save & edit'), 'SaveEditButton btn-status-' . $edited_Item->status));
    if ($inskin) {
        // Front-office: display a save button with title depending on post status
        $button_titles = get_visibility_statuses('button-titles');
        $button_title = isset($button_titles[$edited_Item->status]) ? T_($button_titles[$edited_Item->status]) : T_('Save Changes!');
    } else {
        // Use static button title on back-office
        $button_title = T_('Save');
    $Form->submit(array('actionArray[' . $next_action . ']', $button_title, 'SaveButton btn-status-' . $edited_Item->status));
    echo '</span>';
    $Form->hidden('publish_status', $highest_publish_status);
    if ($highest_publish_status == 'published' && $UserSettings->get_collection_setting('show_quick_publish', $Blog->ID)) {
        // Display this button to make a post published
        // Only allow publishing if in draft mode. Other modes are too special to run the risk of 1 click publication.
        $publish_style = $edited_Item->status == $highest_publish_status ? 'display: none' : 'display: inline';
        $Form->submit(array('actionArray[' . $next_action . '_publish]', T_('Publish!'), 'SaveButton btn-status-published quick-publish', '', $publish_style));
Exemple #4
  * Get the absolute URL to the plugin's directory (where the plugins classfile is).
  * Trailing slash included.
  * @param string Get absolute URL? (or make it relative to $ReqHost)
  * @return string
 function get_plugin_url($abs = false)
     global $plugins_url, $plugins_path;
     // Get sub-path below $plugins_path, if any:
     $sub_path = preg_replace(':^' . preg_quote($plugins_path, ':') . ':', '', dirname($this->classfile_path) . '/');
     $r = $plugins_url . $sub_path;
     // Use the same protocol as with current host (so includes from within https do not fail when on http):
     $r = url_same_protocol($r);
     // Make it relative to current host, if absolute is not required:
     if (!$abs) {
         global $ReqHost;
         $r = url_rel_to_same_host($r, $ReqHost);
     return $r;
  * Get the absolute URL to the plugin's directory (where the plugins classfile is).
  * Trailing slash included.
  * @param string Get absolute URL? (or make it relative to $ReqHost)
  * @return string
 function get_plugin_url($abs = false)
     global $ReqHost, $plugins_url, $plugins_path;
     $key = $abs ? 'abs' : 'rel';
     if (empty($this->_plugin_url)) {
         // Get sub-path below $plugins_path, if any
         $sub_path = preg_replace(':^' . preg_quote($plugins_path, ':') . ':', '', dirname($this->classfile_path) . '/');
         $r = $plugins_url . $sub_path;
         // Use the same protocol as with current host (so includes from within https do not fail when on http)
         $r = url_same_protocol($r);
         $this->_plugin_url = array('abs' => $r, 'rel' => url_rel_to_same_host($r, $ReqHost));
     return $this->_plugin_url[$key];