function treatPost() { $members = isset($_POST["lmembers"]) ? unserialize(base64_decode($_POST["lmembers"])) : null; $nonmemb = isset($_POST["lnonmemb"]) ? unserialize(base64_decode($_POST["lnonmemb"])) : null; $this->list = isset($_POST["list"]) ? unserialize(base64_decode($_POST["list"])) : null; if (!is_array($this->list)) { $this->loadList(); } if (isset($_POST["bdeluser_x"])) { if (isset($_POST["members"])) { foreach ($_POST["members"] as $member) { unset($members[$member]); } } } elseif (isset($_POST["badduser_x"])) { if (isset($_POST["nonmemb"])) { foreach ($_POST["nonmemb"] as $nm) { $members[$nm] = $this->list[$nm]; } } } elseif (isset($_POST["bconfirm"])) { header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect($this->set_order_uri, array('list' => base64_encode(serialize($this->list))))); exit; } else { $members = array(); $nonmemb = $this->list; } ksort($members); reset($members); ksort($nonmemb); $this->diff = array_diff_assoc($nonmemb, $members); natcasesort($this->diff); $this->members = $members; $this->nonmemb = $nonmemb; }
function _mail_baseGroupEdit($ldapArr, $postArr) { if (!isset($ldapArr["cn"][0])) { return; } print "<div class=\"formblock\" style=\"background-color: #FFD;\">"; print "<h3>" . _T("Mail plugin", "mail") . "</h3>\n"; $mail = ""; $maildomain = ""; if (hasGroupMailObjectClass($ldapArr['cn'][0])) { $hasMail = "checked"; if (isset($ldapArr["mail"])) { $mail = $ldapArr["mail"][0]; } if (hasVDomainSupport()) { $tmparr = explode("@", $mail); $mail = $tmparr[0]; $maildomain = $tmparr[1]; } } else { $mail = computeMailGroupAlias($ldapArr['cn'][0]); $hasMail = ""; if (hasVDomainSupport()) { $vdomains = getVDomains(""); if (count($vdomains) == 1) { $maildomain = $vdomains[0][1]["virtualdomain"][0]; } } } if ($hasMail == "" && $mail == "") { print _T("No mail alias can be set for this group", "mail"); } else { print '<table cellspacing="0">'; if (hasZarafaSupport()) { $trz = new TrFormElement(_T("Zarafa group", "mail"), new CheckboxTpl("zarafaGroup")); $trz->display(array("value" => isZarafaGroup($ldapArr['cn'][0]) ? "checked" : "")); } $test = new TrFormElement(_T("Enable mail alias for users of this group ", "mail"), new CheckboxTpl("mailgroupaccess")); $param = array("value" => $hasMail, "extraArg" => 'onclick="toggleVisibility(\'maildiv\');"'); $test->display($param); print "</table>"; if (!$hasMail) { $style = 'style =" display: none;"'; } print '<div id="maildiv" ' . $style . '>'; print '<table cellspacing="0">'; if (!hasVDomainSupport()) { $m = new TrFormElement(_T("Mail alias", "mail"), new InputTpl("mailgroupalias")); $m->displayRo(array("value" => $mail)); } else { print '<tr><td width="40%" style="text-align: right;">' . _T("Mail alias", "mail") . '</td><td>' . $mail . '<input type="hidden" value="' . $mail . '" name="mailgroupalias"> @ '; print '<input type="text" id="autocomplete" name="maildomain" value="' . $maildomain . '" /><div id="autocomplete_choices" class="autocomplete"></div>'; print '<script type="text/javascript">new Ajax.Autocompleter("autocomplete", "autocomplete_choices", "' . urlStrRedirect('mail/domains/ajaxMailDomainFilter') . '", {paramName: "value"});</script>'; print '</td></tr>'; } print "</table>"; print "</div>"; } print "</div>"; }
function display_links($module, $submod, $pages) { $MMCApp =& MMCApp::getInstance(); $moduleObj = $MMCApp->getModule($module); if ($moduleObj) { $submodObj = $moduleObj->getSubmod($submod); if ($submodObj) { $submodPages = $submodObj->getPages(); $hasPages = false; $links = "<ul>"; foreach ($pages as $page) { if (isset($submodPages[$page])) { $pageObj = $submodPages[$page]; if ($pageObj->hasAccess($moduleObj, $submodObj)) { $links .= '<li><a href="' . urlStrRedirect("{$module}/{$submod}/{$page}") . '">' . $pageObj->getDescription() . '</a></li>'; $hasPages = true; } } } $links .= "</ul>"; if ($hasPages) { echo <<<SUBPANEL <div class="subpanel"> <h4>{$submodObj->getDescription()}</h4> {$links} </div> SUBPANEL; } } } }
function display_content() { /* * Disable reverse SSH support as reverse SSH server is shutted down * if (established()) { echo '<p><div style="text-align: center"><font color="green">Your server is now connected to:</font></div></p> <div style="text-align: center"><font color="green"><b></b></font></div> <p><div style="text-align: center"><font color="green">(remote port: <b>'. get_port() . '</b>)</font></div></p> <div style="text-align: center"><a class="btn btn-info btn-small" href="' . urlStrRedirect("support/support/disconnect") . '">' . _('Disconnect') . '</a></div>'; } else { echo '<div style="text-align: center"><a class="btn btn-info btn-small" href="' . urlStrRedirect("support/support/connect") . '">' . _('Connect to support') . '</a></div>'; } */ if (collector_in_progress()) { echo '<p><div style="text-align: center"><img src="modules/msc/graph/images/status/inprogress.gif" alt=""/></div></p>'; } else { if (info_collected()) { echo '<p><div style="text-align: center"><a class="btn btn-info btn-small" href="' . urlStrRedirect("support/support/get_file", array('path' => get_archive_link())) . '">' . _('Download archive') . '</a></div></p>'; } else { echo '<p><div style="text-align: center"><a class="btn btn-info btn-small" href="' . urlStrRedirect("support/support/collect") . '">' . _('Extract log and config files') . '</a></div></p>'; } } }
function display_content() { echo '<p><a href="' . urlStrRedirect('samba/config/sambastatus') . '">'; printf(dngettext("samba", "%d open session", "%d open sessions", $this->data['sessions']), $this->data['sessions']); echo '</a><br/>'; echo '<a href="' . urlStrRedirect('samba/config/sambastatus') . '">'; printf(dngettext("samba", "%d share connection", "%d share connections", $this->data['shares']), $this->data['shares']); echo '</a></p>'; }
function service_add($type, $target_uuid) { $params = getParams(); $item_uuid = $_GET['itemid']; $label = urldecode($_GET['itemlabel']); $ret = xmlrpc_addServiceToTarget($item_uuid, $target_uuid, $type); // goto images list if ($ret[0]) { /* insert notification code here if needed */ header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("base/computers/imgtabs/" . $type . "tabservices", $params)); exit; } else { new NotifyWidgetFailure($ret[1]); } }
function display_content() { $MMCApp =& MMCApp::getInstance(); $errors = ''; foreach ($this->data as $module => $services_infos) { $moduleObj = $MMCApp->getModule($module); if ($errors) { $errors .= "<br/>"; } $errors .= '<strong>' . $moduleObj->getDescription() . ' : <a class="error" href="' . urlStrRedirect('services/control/index') . '">' . sprintf(dngettext("services", "%d inactive service", "%d inactive services", count($services_infos)), count($services_infos)) . '</a></strong>'; } if ($errors) { echo '<p class="alert alert-error">' . $errors . '</p>'; } else { echo '<p class="alert alert-success"><img src="img/common/icn_yes.gif" style="vertical-align: bottom" /> ' . _T("All services are up", "services") . '</p>'; } }
function display_content() { echo '<p style="text-align: center"> <script type="text/javascript"> reboot = function() { var message = "<strong>' . _T("The server will reboot. Are you sure ?", "services") . '</strong>"; var url = "' . urlStrRedirect('services/control/reboot') . '"; displayConfirmationPopup(message, url); } poweroff = function() { var message = "<strong>' . _T("The server will be poweroff. Are you sure ?", "services") . '</strong>"; var url = "' . urlStrRedirect('services/control/reboot') . '"; displayConfirmationPopup(message, url); } </script> <button class="btn btn-small" onclick="reboot(); return false">' . _T("Reboot", "services") . '</button> <button class="btn btn-small" onclick="poweroff(); return false">' . _T("Poweroff", "services") . '</button> </p>'; }
* MMC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MMC. If not, see <>. */ /* common ajax includes */ require "../includes/"; $t = new TitleElement(_T("Imaging server configuration", "imaging"), 3); $t->display(); $config = xmlrpc_getImagingServerConfig($location); $imaging_server = $config[0]; $default_menu = $config[1]; $f = new ValidatingForm(array("action" => urlStrRedirect("imaging/manage/save_configuration"))); $f->add(new HiddenTpl("is_uuid"), array("value" => $imaging_server['imaging_uuid'], "hide" => True)); $lang = xmlrpc_getAllKnownLanguages(); $lang_choices = array(); $lang_values = array(); $lang_id2uuid = array(); foreach ($lang as $l) { $lang_choices[$l['imaging_uuid']] = $l['label']; $lang_values[$l['imaging_uuid']] = $l['imaging_uuid']; $lang_id2uuid[$l['id']] = $l['imaging_uuid']; } $language = new SelectItem("language"); $language->setElements($lang_choices); $language->setElementsVal($lang_values); if ($imaging_server['fk_language']) { $language->setSelected($lang_id2uuid[$imaging_server['fk_language']]);
* * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MMC; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ require "modules/samba/includes/"; require "modules/samba/includes/"; require "modules/samba/mainSidebar.php"; require "graph/"; if (isset($_POST["baddmach"])) { $machine = $_POST["machine"]; $comment = stripslashes($_POST["comment"]); add_machine($machine, $comment); if (!isXMLRPCError()) { new NotifyWidgetSuccess(sprintf(_T("Computer %s successfully added"), $machine)); header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("samba/machines/index")); exit; } } $p = new PageGenerator(_T("Add a computer")); $p->setSideMenu($sidemenu); $p->display(); $f = new ValidatingForm(); $f->addSummary(_T("The computer name can only contains letters lowercase and numbers, and must begin with a letter.")); $f->push(new Table()); $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Computer name"), new NetbiosInputTpl("machine")), array("value" => $machine, "required" => True)); $f->add(new TrFormElement(_T("Comment"), new InputTpl("comment")), array("value" => $comment)); $f->pop(); $f->pop(); $f->addValidateButton("baddmach"); $f->display();
<?php /** * (c) 2004-2007 Linbox / Free&ALter Soft, * (c) 2007-2008 Mandriva, * * $Id$ * * This file is part of Mandriva Management Console (MMC). * * MMC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MMC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MMC; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ xmlCall("samba.restartSamba"); new NotifyWidgetSuccess(_T("The SAMBA service has been asked to restart.")); redirectTo(urlStrRedirect("samba/config/index"));
* GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MMC; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ require_once "modules/pkgs/includes/xmlrpc.php"; if (isset($_POST["bconfirm"])) { activateAppstreamFlow($_POST['id'], $_POST['package_name'], $_POST['package_label'], $_POST['duration']); if (!isXMLRPCError() and $ret != -1) { new NotifyWidgetSuccess(_T("The stream has been added successfully. You will receive the latest updates of this stream directly in your package list.", "pkgs")); } if ($ret == -1) { new NotifyWidgetFailure(_T("Unable to add stream.", "pkgs")); } header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("pkgs/pkgs/appstreamSettings", array())); exit; } else { $id = $_GET['id']; $package_name = $_GET['package_name']; $package_label = $_GET['package_label']; $duration = $_GET['duration']; $f = new PopupForm(_T("Activate this Appstream stream?")); $hidden = new HiddenTpl("id"); $f->add($hidden, array("value" => $id, "hide" => True)); $hidden = new HiddenTpl("package_name"); $f->add($hidden, array("value" => $package_name, "hide" => True)); $hidden = new HiddenTpl("package_label"); $f->add($hidden, array("value" => $package_label, "hide" => True)); $hidden = new HiddenTpl("duration"); $f->add($hidden, array("value" => $duration, "hide" => True));
$params['tab'] = $prefix . 'tablaunch'; $halt_to = array(); foreach ($_POST as $p => $v) { if (preg_match('/^issue_halt_to_/', $p)) { $p = preg_replace('/^issue_halt_to_/', '', $p); if ($v == 'on') { $halt_to[] = $p; } } } $params['issue_halt_to'] = $halt_to; $mode = web_def_mode(); $prefix = ''; if (strlen($gid)) { $prefix = 'group'; } $cible = array($uuid); // TODO: activate this : msc_command_set_pause($cmd_id); $id_command = add_command_api($pid, $cible, $params, $p_api, $mode, $gid); if (!isXMLRPCError()) { scheduler_start_these_commands('', array($id_command)); header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("msc/logs/viewLogs", array('tab' => $prefix . $tab, 'uuid' => $uuid, 'hostname' => $hostname, 'gid' => $gid, 'cmd_id' => $id_command))); exit; } else { ## Return to the launch tab, the backtrace will be displayed header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("msc/logs/viewLogs", array('tab' => $prefix . 'tablaunch', 'uuid' => $uuid, 'hostname' => $hostname, 'gid' => $gid, 'cmd_id' => $id_command))); exit; } ?>
$item_uuid = $_POST['itemid']; $label = urldecode($_POST['itemlabel']); $ret = xmlrpc_delServiceToLocation($item_uuid, $location, $params); // goto images list if ($ret[0] and !isXMLRPCError()) { $str = sprintf(_T("Service <strong>%s</strong> removed from default boot menu", "imaging"), $label); new NotifyWidgetSuccess($str); // Synchronize boot menu $ret = xmlrpc_synchroLocation($location); if (isXMLRPCError()) { new NotifyWidgetFailure(sprintf(_T("Boot menu generation failed for package server: %s", "imaging"), implode(', ', $ret[1]))); } header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("imaging/manage/service", $params)); exit; } elseif ($ret[0]) { header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("imaging/manage/service", $params)); exit; } else { new NotifyWidgetFailure($ret[1]); } } $params = getParams(); $item_uuid = $_GET['itemid']; $label = urldecode($_GET['itemlabel']); $f = new PopupForm(sprintf(_T("Remove the boot service <b>%s</b> from the default boot menu", "imaging"), $label)); $f->push(new Table()); // form preseeding $f->add(new HiddenTpl("location"), array("value" => $location, "hide" => True)); $f->add(new HiddenTpl("itemlabel"), array("value" => $label, "hide" => True)); $f->add(new HiddenTpl("itemid"), array("value" => $item_uuid, "hide" => True)); $f->add(new HiddenTpl("default_mi_label"), array("value" => $label, "hide" => True));
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ require_once("modules/inventory/includes/xmlrpc.php"); require_once("modules/inventory/includes/html.php"); require_once("modules/base/includes/"); $params = array("from" => 'base%2computers%2Finvtabs'); foreach (array('uuid', 'hostname', 'gid', 'groupname', 'filter', 'tab', 'part') as $get) { if (isset($_GET[$get])) { $value = $_GET[$get]; $params[$get] = $value; } } $ajax = new AjaxFilterInventory(urlStrRedirect("inventory/inventory/ajaxViewPart"), "container", $params); /*$url = 'modules/inventory/inventory/ajaxViewPart.php?from=base%2Fcomputers%2Finvtabs'; foreach (array('uuid', 'hostname', 'gid', 'groupname', 'filter', 'tab', 'part') as $get) { $url .= "&$get=".$_GET[$get]; } $ajax = new AjaxFilter($url);*/ $ajax->display(); print "<br/><br/><br/>"; $ajax->displayDivToUpdate(); ?>
function display($arrParam = array()) { print '<div id="' . $this->name . '">'; if (isset($arrParam['value']) && $arrParam['value']) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($arrParam['value']); $i++) { $range = new RangeInputTpl('subnetpool_' . $i); $range->display(array("value" => $arrParam['value'][$i])); } } else { $range = new RangeInputTpl('subnetpool_0'); $range->display(); $i = 0; } $nbRanges = $i; $url = urlStrRedirect('network/network/ajaxRange'); print '</div>'; print <<<EOF <script> var nbRanges = {$nbRanges}; addRange = function() { var ranges = jQuery(jQuery.find('#{$this->name}')); jQuery.get("{$url}", { name: 'subnetpool_' + (nbRanges + 1) }). success(function(result) { ranges.append(result); nbRanges++; }); } delRange = function(elem) { jQuery(elem).parent().remove(); } updateRange = function(elem) { var range = jQuery(elem).parent().parent(); var rangeValue = jQuery(range.find('> input')[0]); rangeValue.val(""); range.find('span > input').each(function() { var str = rangeValue.val() + " " + jQuery(this).val(); rangeValue.val(str.trim()); }); } </script> EOF; print '<button type="button" class="btn btn-small" onclick="addRange(); return false;">' . _('Add') . '</button>'; }
$ajax->display(); $p = new PageGenerator(_T("NAT Rules", "shorewall")); $p->setSideMenu($sidemenu); $p->display(); echo '<p>' . _T("Provide internet access to internal network(s).") . '</p>'; $ajax->displayDivToUpdate(); // Handle form return if (isset($_POST['badd'])) { addMasqueradeRule($_POST['external_if'], $_POST['internal_if']); enableIpFoward(); $n = new NotifyWidgetSuccess(_T("NAT rule added.")); handleServicesModule($n, array("shorewall" => _T("Firewall"))); redirectTo(urlStrRedirect("shorewall/shorewall/masquerade")); } if (isset($_POST['brestart'])) { redirectTo(urlStrRedirect("shorewall/shorewall/restart_service", array("page" => "masquerade"))); } // Add NAT rule form $t = new TitleElement(_T("Add NAT rule"), 2); $t->display(); $f = new ValidatingForm(); $f->push(new Table()); $zones_types = getZonesTypes(); $external = array(); $externalVals = array(); foreach (getZonesInterfaces($zones_types["external"]) as $zone) { $external[] = sprintf("%s (%s)", $zone[0], $zone[1]); $externalVals[] = $zone[1]; } $externalTpl = new SelectItem("external_if"); $externalTpl->setElements($external);
* This file is part of Mandriva Management Console (MMC). * * MMC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MMC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MMC; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ require_once 'modules/imaging/includes/includes.php'; require_once 'modules/imaging/includes/'; $params = getParams(); $location = getCurrentLocation(); $item_uuid = $_GET['itemid']; $label = urldecode($_GET['itemlabel']); $ret = xmlrpc_moveItemUpInMenu4Location($location, $item_uuid); if ($ret) { /* insert notification code here if needed */ } else { $str = sprintf(_T("Failed to move <strong>%s</strong> in the default boot menu", "imaging"), $label); new NotifyWidgetFailure($str); } header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("imaging/manage/bootmenu", $params)); exit;
* (at your option) any later version. * * MMC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MMC; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ require_once "graph/"; require_once "includes/ajaxTools.php"; require "localSidebar.php"; // ajax tools search filter/type, date etc ... displayInputLiveSearch(urlStrRedirect('base/logging/setsearch')); $p = new PageGenerator(_("Logged actions")); $p->setSideMenu($sidemenu); $p->display(); ?> <div id="container"> </div> <h2><?php echo _("Search action"); ?> </h2> <div class="fixheight"></div> <div style="height: 400px; overflow: auto;" id="logupdater"></div>
/** * add a user * @param $login user's login * @param $pass user's pass * @param $firstname user's firstname * @param $name user's name * @param $homedir user home directory */ function add_user($login, $pass, $firstname, $name, $homedir, $createhomedir, $ownHomeDir, $primaryGroup = "") { $param = array($login, prepare_string($pass), $firstname, $name, $homedir, $createhomedir, $ownHomeDir, $primaryGroup); $ret = xmlCall("base.createUser", $param); if ($ret == 5) { $msg = sprintf(_("User %s created but password is not valid regarding your password policies.<br/><strong>You must change the user password.</strong>"), $login) . "<br />"; return array("code" => $ret, "info" => $msg); } else { if ($ret == 10) { $msg = _("You cannot add more users.") . "<br />"; new NotifyWidgetFailure($msg); header('Location: ' . urlStrRedirect("base/users/index")); exit; } else { $msg = sprintf(_("User %s successfully created"), $login) . "<br />"; return array("code" => $ret, "info" => $msg); } } }
exit; } else { $alias = urldecode($_GET["alias"]); } ?> <p><?php echo _T("You will delete the virtual mail alias ", "mail"); ?> <strong><?php echo $alias; ?> </strong>.</p> <form action="<?php echo urlStrRedirect('mail/aliases/delete'); ?> " method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="alias" value="<?php echo $alias; ?> " /> <input type="submit" name="bconfirm" class="btnPrimary" value="<?php echo _('Delete'); ?> " /> <input type="submit" name="bback" class="btnSecondary" value="<?php echo _('Cancel'); ?> " onclick="new Effect.Fade('popup'); return false;" /> </form>
* This file is part of Mandriva Management Console (MMC). * * MMC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MMC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MMC; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ require("modules/mail/mainSidebar.php"); require("graph/"); $ajax = new AjaxFilter(urlStrRedirect("mail/domains/ajaxDomainFilter")); $ajax->display(); $p = new PageGenerator(_T("Mail domains list", "mail")); $p->setSideMenu($sidemenu); $p->display(); $ajax->displayDivToUpdate(); ?>
} setSubnetAuthoritative($subnet, isset($_POST["authoritative"])); /* Create or update the DHCP pools */ $poolsRanges = isset($_POST["hassubnetpools"]) ? $poolsRanges : array(); setPoolsRanges($subnet, $poolsRanges); if (!isXMLRPCError()) { if (isset($_POST["badd"])) { $n = new NotifyWidgetSuccess(_T("Subnet successfully added. You must restart the DHCP service.")); } else { if (isset($_POST["bedit"])) { $n = new NotifyWidgetSuccess(_T("Subnet successfully modified. You must restart the DHCP service.")); } } $services = getServicesNames(); handleServicesModule($n, array($services[1] => "DHCP")); redirectTo(urlStrRedirect("network/network/subnetindex")); } } if (isset($error)) { new NotifyWidgetFailure($error); $subnet = $_POST["subnet"]; $netmask = $_POST["netmask"]; $hasSubnetPools = count($poolsRanges) ? "checked" : ""; } if ($_GET["action"] == "subnetedit" && !isset($error)) { $subnetInfos = getSubnet($_GET["subnet"]); $subnet = $subnetInfos[0][1]["cn"][0]; $netmask = $subnetInfos[0][1]["dhcpNetMask"][0]; $description = $subnetInfos[0][1]["dhcpComments"][0]; $options = getSubnetOptions($subnetInfos); $statements = getSubnetStatements($subnetInfos);
$ret_add = $group->addMembers($newmem); $res = $group->delMembers($delmem) && $ret_add[0]; if ($res) { if ($already_exists) { if ($type == 0) { new NotifyWidgetSuccess(_T("Group successfully modified", "dyngroup")); } else { new NotifyWidgetSuccess(_T("Profile successfully modified", "dyngroup")); } } else { if ($type == 0) { new NotifyWidgetSuccess(_T("Group successfully created", "dyngroup")); } else { new NotifyWidgetSuccess(_T("Profile successfully created", "dyngroup")); } header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("base/computers/display", array('gid' => $group->id))); exit; } $list = $group->members(); $members = array(); foreach ($list as $member) { $listOfMembers[$member['uuid']] = $member; $members[$member['hostname'] . "##" . $member['uuid']] = $member['hostname']; } #if ($visibility == 'show') { # if ($type == 0) { # //header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("base/computers/computersgroupcreator", array('tab'=>'tabsta', 'id'=>$group->id))); # } else { # //header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("base/computers/computersprofilecreator", array('tab'=>'tabsta', 'id'=>$group->id))); # } #}
* MMC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MMC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MMC; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ require "localSidebar.php"; require "graph/"; $ajax = new AjaxFilter(urlStrRedirect("base/users/ajaxFilter")); $ajax->display(); $p = new PageGenerator(_("User list")); $p->setSideMenu($sidemenu); $p->display(); $ajax->displayDivToUpdate(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function(){ var $ = jQuery; $('#container').addClass('user_container'); }); </script>
addVDomain($domainname); setVDomainDescription($domainname, $description); if (strlen($domainquota) == 0) { $domainquota = "0"; } setVDomainQuota($domainname, $domainquota); $result = _T("The mail domain has been added.", "mail"); } // Display error message if ($error) { new NotifyWidgetFailure($error); } // Display result message if ($result && !isXMLRPCError()) { new NotifyWidgetSuccess($result); header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("mail/domains/index")); exit; } } else { if (isset($_POST["bedit"]) || isset($_POST["breset"])) { setVDomainDescription($domainname, $description); if (strlen($domainquota)) { setVDomainQuota($domainname, $domainquota); } $result = _T("The mail domain has been modified.", "mail") . "<br />"; if (isset($_POST["breset"])) { resetUsersVDomainQuota($domainname); $result .= _T(" The quota of all users of this mail domain have been reset.") . "<br />"; } // Display result message if ($result && !isXMLRPCError()) {
if (isset($_GET['mod'])) { $mod = $_GET['mod']; } else { $mod = "none"; } switch ($mod) { case 'details': log_details(); break; default: log_list(); break; } } else { # register the target (computer or profile) $params = array('target_uuid' => $target_uuid, 'type' => $type, 'from' => "services", "target_name" => $target_name); header("Location: " . urlStrRedirect("base/computers/" . $type . "register_target", $params)); exit; } function log_details() { echo 'details'; } function log_list() { $ajax = new AjaxFilter("modules/imaging/imaging/ajaxLogs.php", "container", getParams()); //$ajax->setRefresh(10000); $ajax->display(); echo '<br/><br/><br/>'; $ajax->displayDivToUpdate(); }
* $Id$ * * This file is part of Management Console. * * MMC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MMC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MMC; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ require "localSidebar.php"; require "graph/"; $zone = $_GET["zone"]; $ajax = new AjaxFilter(urlStrRedirect("network/network/ajaxZoneMembersFilter", array("zone" => $zone))); $ajax->display(); $p = new PageGenerator(sprintf(_T("Members of zone %s"), $zone)); $sidemenu->forceActiveItem("index"); $p->setSideMenu($sidemenu); $p->display(); $ajax->displayDivToUpdate(); $f = new Form(); $f->addOnClickButton(_T("Add a host"), urlStr("network/network/addhost", array("zone" => $zone))); $f->display();
foreach (getPolicies() as $policy) { if (startsWith($policy[0], $src) && startsWith($policy[1], $dst)) { $label = sprintf("%s (%s) → %s (%s)", getZoneType($policy[0]), $policy[0], getZoneType($policy[1]), $policy[1]); $decisionTpl = new SelectItem($policy[0] . "_" . $policy[1] . "_policy"); $decisionTpl->setElements(array(_T("Accept"), _T("Drop"))); $decisionTpl->setElementsVal(array("ACCEPT", "DROP")); $decisionTpl->setSelected($policy[2]); $f->add(new TrFormElement($label, $decisionTpl)); } } $f->pop(); $f->addButton("bpolicy", _T("Save")); $f->display(); print '<br />'; // Rules list display $ajax = new AjaxFilter(urlStrRedirect("shorewall/shorewall/ajax_" . $page)); $ajax->display(); $t = new TitleElement(_T("Port forwarding rules"), 2); $t->display(); $ajax->displayDivToUpdate(); // Add rule form print '<script type="text/javascript" src="modules/shorewall/includes/functions.js"></script><br />'; $t = new TitleElement(_T("Add port forwarding rule"), 2); $t->display(); $f = new ValidatingForm(array("id" => "rule")); $f->push(new Table()); $macros = getServices(); $services = array("", _T("Custom...")) + $macros; $servicesVals = array("", "custom") + $macros; $serviceTpl = new SelectItem("service", "toggleCustom"); $serviceTpl->setElements($services);
* GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MMC; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* $Id$ */ require "modules/samba/includes/"; if (isset($_POST["bdelshare"])) { $share = $_POST["share"]; del_share($share, $_POST["delFiles"]); if (!isXMLRPCError()) { $str = sprintf(_T("Share %s deleted"), $share); new NotifyWidgetSuccess($str); } else { $str = sprintf(_T("An error has occured during delete process on %s", $share)); new NotifyWidgetFailure($str); } header("location: " . urlStrRedirect('samba/shares/index')); } else { $share = urldecode($_GET["share"]); $f = new PopupForm(_T("Delete a share")); $f->addText(sprintf(_T("You will delete the share <b>%s</b>"), $share)); $cb = new CheckboxTpl("delFiles", _T("Delete all data")); $f->add($cb, array("value" => "")); $hidden = new HiddenTpl("share"); $f->add($hidden, array("value" => $share, "hide" => True)); $f->addValidateButton("bdelshare"); $f->addCancelButton("bback"); $f->display(); }