?> </h4> <p><?php _e("You can add a new background to the list with this tool. Please send a valid image."); ?> </p> <div class="sub"> <p><?php printf(T_("The file you want to upload must be smaller than %s."), formatBytes(uploadMaxSize()) . ''); ?> </p> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?php echo uploadMaxSize() . ''; ?> "> <label for="background_image_upload"><?php _e("File"); ?> </label><input id="background_image_upload" type="file" name="background_image_upload" accept="image/*" /> <label for="background_image_upload"><?php _e("Upload"); ?> </label><input id="background_image_upload" type="submit" name="upload" value="<?php _e("Upload"); ?> " />
} // Generate the reference cache if ($has_compression) { $final = gzdeflate($output, 9); } else { $final = $output; } // Write it! genCache($final, $is_developer, $cache_hash); } // Filter the JS if ($type == 'javascripts') { // Set the JS locales $output = setLocales($output, $locale); // Set the JS configuration $output = setConfiguration($output, $hash, $locale, $version, uploadMaxSize()); // Set the Get API paths $output = setPath($output, $hash, HOST_STATIC, $type, $locale); // Translate the JS script require_once './gettext.php'; includeTranslation($locale, 'main'); $output = setTranslation($output); // Generate the cache if ($has_compression) { $final = gzdeflate($output, 9); } else { $final = $output; } // Write it! genCache($final, $is_developer, $cache_lang); }
</p> <?php } else { ?> <p class="<?php echo $service_class; ?> fail"><?php printf(T_("%1s is not installed on your system, you should install %2s."), $services_names[$i], '<em>' . $services_packages[$i] . '</em>'); ?> </p> <?php } } // Checks the upload size limit $upload_max = uploadMaxSize(); $upload_human = formatBytes($upload_max); if ($upload_max >= 7000000) { ?> <p class="info smallspace last success"><?php printf(T_("PHP maximum upload size is sufficient (%s)."), $upload_human); ?> </p> <?php } else { ?> <p class="info smallspace last fail"><?php printf(T_("PHP maximum upload size is not sufficient (%1s), you should define it to %2s in %3s."), $upload_human, '8M', '<em>php.ini</em>'); ?> </p> <?php