Exemple #1
 * Main upgrade tasks to be executed on Moodle version bump
 * This function is automatically executed after one bump in the Moodle core
 * version is detected. It's in charge of performing the required tasks
 * to raise core from the previous version to the next one.
 * It's a collection of ordered blocks of code, named "upgrade steps",
 * each one performing one isolated (from the rest of steps) task. Usually
 * tasks involve creating new DB objects or performing manipulation of the
 * information for cleanup/fixup purposes.
 * Each upgrade step has a fixed structure, that can be summarised as follows:
 * if ($oldversion < XXXXXXXXXX.XX) {
 *     // Explanation of the update step, linking to issue in the Tracker if necessary
 *     upgrade_set_timeout(XX); // Optional for big tasks
 *     // Code to execute goes here, usually the XMLDB Editor will
 *     // help you here. See {@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/XMLDB_editor}.
 *     upgrade_main_savepoint(true, XXXXXXXXXX.XX);
 * }
 * All plugins within Moodle (modules, blocks, reports...) support the existence of
 * their own upgrade.php file, using the "Frankenstyle" component name as
 * defined at {@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Frankenstyle}, for example:
 *     - {@link xmldb_page_upgrade($oldversion)}. (modules don't require the plugintype ("mod_") to be used.
 *     - {@link xmldb_auth_manual_upgrade($oldversion)}.
 *     - {@link xmldb_workshopform_accumulative_upgrade($oldversion)}.
 *     - ....
 * In order to keep the contents of this file reduced, it's allowed to create some helper
 * functions to be used here in the {@link upgradelib.php} file at the same directory. Note
 * that such a file must be manually included from upgrade.php, and there are some restrictions
 * about what can be used within it.
 * For more information, take a look to the documentation available:
 *     - Data definition API: {@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Data_definition_API}
 *     - Upgrade API: {@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Upgrade_API}
 * @param int $oldversion
 * @return bool always true
function xmldb_main_upgrade($oldversion)
    global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT;
    require_once $CFG->libdir . '/db/upgradelib.php';
    // Core Upgrade-related functions
    $dbman = $DB->get_manager();
    // loads ddl manager and xmldb classes
    if ($oldversion < 2011120500) {
        // just in case somebody hacks upgrade scripts or env, we really can not continue
        echo "You need to upgrade to 2.2.x first!\n";
        // Note this savepoint is 100% unreachable, but needed to pass the upgrade checks
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2011120500);
    // Moodle v2.2.0 release upgrade line
    // Put any upgrade step following this
    if ($oldversion < 2011120500.02) {
        upgrade_set_timeout(60 * 20);
        // This may take a while
        // MDL-28180. Some missing restrictions in certain backup & restore operations
        // were causing incorrect duplicates in the course_completion_aggr_methd table.
        // This upgrade step takes rid of them.
        $sql = 'SELECT course, criteriatype, MIN(id) AS minid
                  FROM {course_completion_aggr_methd}
              GROUP BY course, criteriatype
                HAVING COUNT(*) > 1';
        $duprs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql);
        foreach ($duprs as $duprec) {
            // We need to handle NULLs in criteriatype diferently
            if (is_null($duprec->criteriatype)) {
                $where = 'course = ? AND criteriatype IS NULL AND id > ?';
                $params = array($duprec->course, $duprec->minid);
            } else {
                $where = 'course = ? AND criteriatype = ? AND id > ?';
                $params = array($duprec->course, $duprec->criteriatype, $duprec->minid);
            $DB->delete_records_select('course_completion_aggr_methd', $where, $params);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2011120500.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2011120500.03) {
        // Changing precision of field value on table user_preferences to (1333)
        $table = new xmldb_table('user_preferences');
        $field = new xmldb_field('value', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '1333', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, 'name');
        // Launch change of precision for field value
        $dbman->change_field_precision($table, $field);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2011120500.03);
    if ($oldversion < 2012020200.03) {
        // Define index rolecontext (not unique) to be added to role_assignments
        $table = new xmldb_table('role_assignments');
        $index = new xmldb_index('rolecontext', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('roleid', 'contextid'));
        // Conditionally launch add index rolecontext
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Define index usercontextrole (not unique) to be added to role_assignments
        $index = new xmldb_index('usercontextrole', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('userid', 'contextid', 'roleid'));
        // Conditionally launch add index usercontextrole
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012020200.03);
    if ($oldversion < 2012020200.06) {
        // Previously we always allowed users to override their email address via the messaging system
        // We have now added a setting to allow admins to turn this this ability on and off
        // While this setting defaults to 0 (off) we're setting it to 1 (on) to maintain the behaviour for upgrading sites
        set_config('messagingallowemailoverride', 1);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012020200.06);
    if ($oldversion < 2012021700.01) {
        // Changing precision of field uniquehash on table post to 255
        $table = new xmldb_table('post');
        $field = new xmldb_field('uniquehash', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '255', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, 'content');
        // Launch change of precision for field uniquehash
        $dbman->change_field_precision($table, $field);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012021700.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012021700.02) {
        // Somewhere before 1.9 summary and content column in post table were not null. In 1.9+
        // not null became false.
        $columns = $DB->get_columns('post');
        // Fix discrepancies in summary field after upgrade from 1.9
        if (array_key_exists('summary', $columns) && $columns['summary']->not_null != false) {
            $table = new xmldb_table('post');
            $summaryfield = new xmldb_field('summary', XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT, 'big', null, null, null, null, 'subject');
            if ($dbman->field_exists($table, $summaryfield)) {
                $dbman->change_field_notnull($table, $summaryfield);
        // Fix discrepancies in content field after upgrade from 1.9
        if (array_key_exists('content', $columns) && $columns['content']->not_null != false) {
            $table = new xmldb_table('post');
            $contentfield = new xmldb_field('content', XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT, 'big', null, null, null, null, 'summary');
            if ($dbman->field_exists($table, $contentfield)) {
                $dbman->change_field_notnull($table, $contentfield);
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012021700.02);
    // The ability to backup user (private) files is out completely - MDL-29248
    if ($oldversion < 2012030100.01) {
        unset_config('backup_general_user_files', 'backup');
        unset_config('backup_general_user_files_locked', 'backup');
        unset_config('backup_auto_user_files', 'backup');
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012030100.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012030100.02) {
        // migrate all numbers to signed - it should be safe to interrupt this and continue later
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012030100.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012030900.01) {
        // migrate all texts and binaries to big size - it should be safe to interrupt this and continue later
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012030900.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012031500.01) {
        // Upgrade old course_allowed_modules data to be permission overrides.
        if ($CFG->restrictmodulesfor === 'all') {
            $courses = $DB->get_records_menu('course', array(), 'id', 'id, 1');
        } else {
            if ($CFG->restrictmodulesfor === 'requested') {
                $courses = $DB->get_records_menu('course', array('retrictmodules' => 1), 'id', 'id, 1');
            } else {
                $courses = array();
        if (!$dbman->table_exists('course_allowed_modules')) {
            // Upgrade must already have been run on this server. This might happen,
            // for example, during development of these changes.
            $courses = array();
        $modidtoname = $DB->get_records_menu('modules', array(), 'id', 'id, name');
        $coursecount = count($courses);
        if ($coursecount) {
            $pbar = new progress_bar('allowedmods', 500, true);
            $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($courses as $courseid => $notused) {
            $i += 1;
            // 1 minute per course should be fine.
            $allowedmoduleids = $DB->get_records_menu('course_allowed_modules', array('course' => $courseid), 'module', 'module, 1');
            if (empty($allowedmoduleids)) {
                // This seems to be the best match for backwards compatibility,
                // not necessarily with the old code in course_allowed_module function,
                // but with the code that used to be in the coures settings form.
                $allowedmoduleids = explode(',', $CFG->defaultallowedmodules);
                $allowedmoduleids = array_combine($allowedmoduleids, $allowedmoduleids);
            $context = context_course::instance($courseid);
            list($roleids) = get_roles_with_cap_in_context($context, 'moodle/course:manageactivities');
            list($managerroleids) = get_roles_with_cap_in_context($context, 'moodle/site:config');
            foreach ($managerroleids as $roleid) {
            foreach ($modidtoname as $modid => $modname) {
                if (isset($allowedmoduleids[$modid])) {
                    // Module is allowed, no worries.
                $capability = 'mod/' . $modname . ':addinstance';
                foreach ($roleids as $roleid) {
                    assign_capability($capability, CAP_PREVENT, $roleid, $context);
            $pbar->update($i, $coursecount, "Upgrading legacy course_allowed_modules data - {$i}/{$coursecount}.");
        if ($coursecount) {
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012031500.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012031500.02) {
        // Define field retrictmodules to be dropped from course
        $table = new xmldb_table('course');
        $field = new xmldb_field('restrictmodules');
        // Conditionally launch drop field requested
        if ($dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->drop_field($table, $field);
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012031500.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012031500.03) {
        // Define table course_allowed_modules to be dropped
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_allowed_modules');
        // Conditionally launch drop table for course_allowed_modules
        if ($dbman->table_exists($table)) {
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012031500.03);
    if ($oldversion < 2012031500.04) {
        // Clean up the old admin settings.
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012031500.04);
    if ($oldversion < 2012032300.02) {
        // Migrate the old admin debug setting.
        if ($CFG->debug == 38911) {
            set_config('debug', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        } else {
            if ($CFG->debug == 6143) {
                set_config('debug', DEBUG_ALL);
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012032300.02);
    return true;
Exemple #2
 * Main upgrade tasks to be executed on Moodle version bump
 * This function is automatically executed after one bump in the Moodle core
 * version is detected. It's in charge of performing the required tasks
 * to raise core from the previous version to the next one.
 * It's a collection of ordered blocks of code, named "upgrade steps",
 * each one performing one isolated (from the rest of steps) task. Usually
 * tasks involve creating new DB objects or performing manipulation of the
 * information for cleanup/fixup purposes.
 * Each upgrade step has a fixed structure, that can be summarised as follows:
 * if ($oldversion < XXXXXXXXXX.XX) {
 *     // Explanation of the update step, linking to issue in the Tracker if necessary
 *     upgrade_set_timeout(XX); // Optional for big tasks
 *     // Code to execute goes here, usually the XMLDB Editor will
 *     // help you here. See {@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/XMLDB_editor}.
 *     upgrade_main_savepoint(true, XXXXXXXXXX.XX);
 * }
 * All plugins within Moodle (modules, blocks, reports...) support the existence of
 * their own upgrade.php file, using the "Frankenstyle" component name as
 * defined at {@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Frankenstyle}, for example:
 *     - {@link xmldb_page_upgrade($oldversion)}. (modules don't require the plugintype ("mod_") to be used.
 *     - {@link xmldb_auth_manual_upgrade($oldversion)}.
 *     - {@link xmldb_workshopform_accumulative_upgrade($oldversion)}.
 *     - ....
 * In order to keep the contents of this file reduced, it's allowed to create some helper
 * functions to be used here in the {@link upgradelib.php} file at the same directory. Note
 * that such a file must be manually included from upgrade.php, and there are some restrictions
 * about what can be used within it.
 * For more information, take a look to the documentation available:
 *     - Data definition API: {@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Data_definition_API}
 *     - Upgrade API: {@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Upgrade_API}
 * @param int $oldversion
 * @return bool always true
function xmldb_main_upgrade($oldversion)
    global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $SITE;
    require_once $CFG->libdir . '/db/upgradelib.php';
    // Core Upgrade-related functions
    $dbman = $DB->get_manager();
    // loads ddl manager and xmldb classes
    if ($oldversion < 2011120500) {
        // just in case somebody hacks upgrade scripts or env, we really can not continue
        echo "You need to upgrade to 2.2.x first!\n";
        // Note this savepoint is 100% unreachable, but needed to pass the upgrade checks
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2011120500);
    // Moodle v2.2.0 release upgrade line
    // Put any upgrade step following this
    if ($oldversion < 2011120500.02) {
        upgrade_set_timeout(60 * 20);
        // This may take a while
        // MDL-28180. Some missing restrictions in certain backup & restore operations
        // were causing incorrect duplicates in the course_completion_aggr_methd table.
        // This upgrade step takes rid of them.
        $sql = 'SELECT course, criteriatype, MIN(id) AS minid
                  FROM {course_completion_aggr_methd}
              GROUP BY course, criteriatype
                HAVING COUNT(*) > 1';
        $duprs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql);
        foreach ($duprs as $duprec) {
            // We need to handle NULLs in criteriatype diferently
            if (is_null($duprec->criteriatype)) {
                $where = 'course = ? AND criteriatype IS NULL AND id > ?';
                $params = array($duprec->course, $duprec->minid);
            } else {
                $where = 'course = ? AND criteriatype = ? AND id > ?';
                $params = array($duprec->course, $duprec->criteriatype, $duprec->minid);
            $DB->delete_records_select('course_completion_aggr_methd', $where, $params);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2011120500.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2011120500.03) {
        // Changing precision of field value on table user_preferences to (1333)
        $table = new xmldb_table('user_preferences');
        $field = new xmldb_field('value', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '1333', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, 'name');
        // Launch change of precision for field value
        $dbman->change_field_precision($table, $field);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2011120500.03);
    if ($oldversion < 2012020200.03) {
        // Define index rolecontext (not unique) to be added to role_assignments
        $table = new xmldb_table('role_assignments');
        $index = new xmldb_index('rolecontext', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('roleid', 'contextid'));
        // Conditionally launch add index rolecontext
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Define index usercontextrole (not unique) to be added to role_assignments
        $index = new xmldb_index('usercontextrole', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('userid', 'contextid', 'roleid'));
        // Conditionally launch add index usercontextrole
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012020200.03);
    if ($oldversion < 2012020200.06) {
        // Previously we always allowed users to override their email address via the messaging system
        // We have now added a setting to allow admins to turn this this ability on and off
        // While this setting defaults to 0 (off) we're setting it to 1 (on) to maintain the behaviour for upgrading sites
        set_config('messagingallowemailoverride', 1);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012020200.06);
    if ($oldversion < 2012021700.01) {
        // Changing precision of field uniquehash on table post to 255
        $table = new xmldb_table('post');
        $field = new xmldb_field('uniquehash', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '255', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, 'content');
        // Launch change of precision for field uniquehash
        $dbman->change_field_precision($table, $field);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012021700.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012021700.02) {
        // Somewhere before 1.9 summary and content column in post table were not null. In 1.9+
        // not null became false.
        $columns = $DB->get_columns('post');
        // Fix discrepancies in summary field after upgrade from 1.9
        if (array_key_exists('summary', $columns) && $columns['summary']->not_null != false) {
            $table = new xmldb_table('post');
            $summaryfield = new xmldb_field('summary', XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT, 'big', null, null, null, null, 'subject');
            if ($dbman->field_exists($table, $summaryfield)) {
                $dbman->change_field_notnull($table, $summaryfield);
        // Fix discrepancies in content field after upgrade from 1.9
        if (array_key_exists('content', $columns) && $columns['content']->not_null != false) {
            $table = new xmldb_table('post');
            $contentfield = new xmldb_field('content', XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT, 'big', null, null, null, null, 'summary');
            if ($dbman->field_exists($table, $contentfield)) {
                $dbman->change_field_notnull($table, $contentfield);
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012021700.02);
    // The ability to backup user (private) files is out completely - MDL-29248
    if ($oldversion < 2012030100.01) {
        unset_config('backup_general_user_files', 'backup');
        unset_config('backup_general_user_files_locked', 'backup');
        unset_config('backup_auto_user_files', 'backup');
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012030100.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012030100.02) {
        // migrate all numbers to signed - it should be safe to interrupt this and continue later
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012030100.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012030900.01) {
        // migrate all texts and binaries to big size - it should be safe to interrupt this and continue later
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012030900.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012031500.01) {
        // Upgrade old course_allowed_modules data to be permission overrides.
        if ($CFG->restrictmodulesfor === 'all') {
            $courses = $DB->get_records_menu('course', array(), 'id', 'id, 1');
        } else {
            if ($CFG->restrictmodulesfor === 'requested') {
                $courses = $DB->get_records_menu('course', array('retrictmodules' => 1), 'id', 'id, 1');
            } else {
                $courses = array();
        if (!$dbman->table_exists('course_allowed_modules')) {
            // Upgrade must already have been run on this server. This might happen,
            // for example, during development of these changes.
            $courses = array();
        $modidtoname = $DB->get_records_menu('modules', array(), 'id', 'id, name');
        $coursecount = count($courses);
        if ($coursecount) {
            $pbar = new progress_bar('allowedmods', 500, true);
            $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($courses as $courseid => $notused) {
            $i += 1;
            // 1 minute per course should be fine.
            $allowedmoduleids = $DB->get_records_menu('course_allowed_modules', array('course' => $courseid), 'module', 'module, 1');
            if (empty($allowedmoduleids)) {
                // This seems to be the best match for backwards compatibility,
                // not necessarily with the old code in course_allowed_module function,
                // but with the code that used to be in the coures settings form.
                $allowedmoduleids = explode(',', $CFG->defaultallowedmodules);
                $allowedmoduleids = array_combine($allowedmoduleids, $allowedmoduleids);
            $context = context_course::instance($courseid);
            list($roleids) = get_roles_with_cap_in_context($context, 'moodle/course:manageactivities');
            list($managerroleids) = get_roles_with_cap_in_context($context, 'moodle/site:config');
            foreach ($managerroleids as $roleid) {
            foreach ($modidtoname as $modid => $modname) {
                if (isset($allowedmoduleids[$modid])) {
                    // Module is allowed, no worries.
                $capability = 'mod/' . $modname . ':addinstance';
                foreach ($roleids as $roleid) {
                    assign_capability($capability, CAP_PREVENT, $roleid, $context);
            $pbar->update($i, $coursecount, "Upgrading legacy course_allowed_modules data - {$i}/{$coursecount}.");
        if ($coursecount) {
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012031500.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012031500.02) {
        // Define field retrictmodules to be dropped from course
        $table = new xmldb_table('course');
        $field = new xmldb_field('restrictmodules');
        // Conditionally launch drop field requested
        if ($dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->drop_field($table, $field);
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012031500.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012031500.03) {
        // Define table course_allowed_modules to be dropped
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_allowed_modules');
        // Conditionally launch drop table for course_allowed_modules
        if ($dbman->table_exists($table)) {
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012031500.03);
    if ($oldversion < 2012031500.04) {
        // Clean up the old admin settings.
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012031500.04);
    if ($oldversion < 2012032300.02) {
        // Migrate the old admin debug setting.
        if ($CFG->debug == 38911) {
            set_config('debug', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        } else {
            if ($CFG->debug == 6143) {
                set_config('debug', DEBUG_ALL);
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012032300.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012042300.0) {
        // This change makes the course_section index unique.
        // xmldb does not allow changing index uniqueness - instead we must drop
        // index then add it again
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_sections');
        $index = new xmldb_index('course_section', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('course', 'section'));
        // Conditionally launch drop index course_section
        if ($dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->drop_index($table, $index);
        // Look for any duplicate course_sections entries. There should not be
        // any but on some busy systems we found a few, maybe due to previous
        // bugs.
        $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
        $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql('
                SELECT DISTINCT
                    cs.id, cs.course
                    {course_sections} cs
                    INNER JOIN {course_sections} older
                        ON cs.course = older.course AND cs.section = older.section
                        AND older.id < cs.id');
        foreach ($rs as $rec) {
            $DB->delete_records('course_sections', array('id' => $rec->id));
            // We can't use rebuild_course_cache() here because introducing sectioncache later
            // so reset modinfo manually.
            $DB->set_field('course', 'modinfo', null, array('id' => $rec->course));
        // Define index course_section (unique) to be added to course_sections
        $index = new xmldb_index('course_section', XMLDB_INDEX_UNIQUE, array('course', 'section'));
        // Conditionally launch add index course_section
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012042300.0);
    if ($oldversion < 2012042300.02) {
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/completion/criteria/completion_criteria.php';
        // Delete orphaned criteria which were left when modules were removed
        if ($DB->get_dbfamily() === 'mysql') {
            $sql = "DELETE cc FROM {course_completion_criteria} cc\n                    LEFT JOIN {course_modules} cm ON cm.id = cc.moduleinstance\n                    WHERE cm.id IS NULL AND cc.criteriatype = " . COMPLETION_CRITERIA_TYPE_ACTIVITY;
        } else {
            $sql = "DELETE FROM {course_completion_criteria}\n                    WHERE NOT EXISTS (\n                        SELECT 'x' FROM {course_modules}\n                        WHERE {course_modules}.id = {course_completion_criteria}.moduleinstance)\n                    AND {course_completion_criteria}.criteriatype = " . COMPLETION_CRITERIA_TYPE_ACTIVITY;
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012042300.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012050300.01) {
        // Make sure deleted users do not have picture flag.
        $DB->set_field('user', 'picture', 0, array('deleted' => 1, 'picture' => 1));
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012050300.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012050300.02) {
        // Changing precision of field picture on table user to (10)
        $table = new xmldb_table('user');
        $field = new xmldb_field('picture', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, '0', 'secret');
        // Launch change of precision for field picture
        $dbman->change_field_precision($table, $field);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012050300.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012050300.03) {
        // Define field coursedisplay to be added to course
        $table = new xmldb_table('course');
        $field = new xmldb_field('coursedisplay', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '2', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, '0', 'completionnotify');
        // Conditionally launch add field coursedisplay
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012050300.03);
    if ($oldversion < 2012050300.04) {
        // Define table course_display to be dropped
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_display');
        // Conditionally launch drop table for course_display
        if ($dbman->table_exists($table)) {
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012050300.04);
    if ($oldversion < 2012050300.05) {
        // Clean up removed admin setting.
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012050300.05);
    if ($oldversion < 2012050400.01) {
        // Define index sortorder (not unique) to be added to course
        $table = new xmldb_table('course');
        $index = new xmldb_index('sortorder', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('sortorder'));
        // Conditionally launch add index sortorder
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012050400.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012050400.02) {
        // Clean up removed admin setting.
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012050400.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012051100.01) {
        // Define field idnumber to be added to groups
        $table = new xmldb_table('groups');
        $field = new xmldb_field('idnumber', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '100', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, 'courseid');
        $index = new xmldb_index('idnumber', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('idnumber'));
        // Conditionally launch add field idnumber
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        // Conditionally launch add index idnumber
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Define field idnumber to be added to groupings
        $table = new xmldb_table('groupings');
        $field = new xmldb_field('idnumber', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '100', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, 'name');
        $index = new xmldb_index('idnumber', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('idnumber'));
        // Conditionally launch add field idnumber
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        // Conditionally launch add index idnumber
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012051100.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012051100.03) {
        // Amend course table to add sectioncache cache
        $table = new xmldb_table('course');
        $field = new xmldb_field('sectioncache', XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT, null, null, null, null, null, 'showgrades');
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        // Amend course_sections to add date, time and groupingid availability
        // conditions and a setting about whether to show them
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_sections');
        $field = new xmldb_field('availablefrom', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, '0', 'visible');
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        $field = new xmldb_field('availableuntil', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, '0', 'availablefrom');
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        $field = new xmldb_field('showavailability', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '1', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, '0', 'availableuntil');
        // Conditionally launch add field showavailability
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        $field = new xmldb_field('groupingid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, '0', 'showavailability');
        // Conditionally launch add field groupingid
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        // Add course_sections_availability to add completion & grade availability conditions
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_sections_availability');
        $table->add_field('id', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, XMLDB_SEQUENCE, null);
        $table->add_field('coursesectionid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null);
        $table->add_field('sourcecmid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_field('requiredcompletion', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '1', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_field('gradeitemid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_field('grademin', XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER, '10, 5', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_field('grademax', XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER, '10, 5', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_key('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('id'));
        $table->add_key('coursesectionid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('coursesectionid'), 'course_sections', array('id'));
        $table->add_key('sourcecmid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('sourcecmid'), 'course_modules', array('id'));
        $table->add_key('gradeitemid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('gradeitemid'), 'grade_items', array('id'));
        if (!$dbman->table_exists($table)) {
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012051100.03);
    if ($oldversion < 2012052100.0) {
        // Define field referencefileid to be added to files.
        $table = new xmldb_table('files');
        // Define field referencefileid to be added to files.
        $field = new xmldb_field('referencefileid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null, 'sortorder');
        // Conditionally launch add field referencefileid.
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        // Define field referencelastsync to be added to files.
        $field = new xmldb_field('referencelastsync', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null, 'referencefileid');
        // Conditionally launch add field referencelastsync.
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        // Define field referencelifetime to be added to files.
        $field = new xmldb_field('referencelifetime', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null, 'referencelastsync');
        // Conditionally launch add field referencelifetime.
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        $key = new xmldb_key('referencefileid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('referencefileid'), 'files_reference', array('id'));
        // Launch add key referencefileid
        $dbman->add_key($table, $key);
        // Define table files_reference to be created.
        $table = new xmldb_table('files_reference');
        // Adding fields to table files_reference.
        $table->add_field('id', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, XMLDB_SEQUENCE, null);
        $table->add_field('repositoryid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null);
        $table->add_field('lastsync', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_field('lifetime', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_field('reference', XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT, null, null, null, null, null);
        // Adding keys to table files_reference.
        $table->add_key('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('id'));
        $table->add_key('repositoryid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('repositoryid'), 'repository_instances', array('id'));
        // Conditionally launch create table for files_reference
        if (!$dbman->table_exists($table)) {
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012052100.0);
    if ($oldversion < 2012052500.03) {
        // fix invalid course_completion_records MDL-27368
        //first get all instances of duplicate records
        $sql = 'SELECT userid, course FROM {course_completions} WHERE (deleted IS NULL OR deleted <> 1) GROUP BY userid, course HAVING (count(id) > 1)';
        $duplicates = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, array());
        foreach ($duplicates as $duplicate) {
            $pointer = 0;
            //now get all the records for this user/course
            $sql = 'userid = ? AND course = ? AND (deleted IS NULL OR deleted <> 1)';
            $completions = $DB->get_records_select('course_completions', $sql, array($duplicate->userid, $duplicate->course), 'timecompleted DESC, timestarted DESC');
            $needsupdate = false;
            $origcompletion = null;
            foreach ($completions as $completion) {
                if ($pointer === 1) {
                    //keep 1st record but delete all others.
                    $origcompletion = $completion;
                } else {
                    //we need to keep the "oldest" of all these fields as the valid completion record.
                    $fieldstocheck = array('timecompleted', 'timestarted', 'timeenrolled');
                    foreach ($fieldstocheck as $f) {
                        if ($origcompletion->{$f} > $completion->{$f}) {
                            $origcompletion->{$f} = $completion->{$f};
                            $needsupdate = true;
                    $DB->delete_records('course_completions', array('id' => $completion->id));
            if ($needsupdate) {
                $DB->update_record('course_completions', $origcompletion);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012052500.03);
    if ($oldversion < 2012052900.0) {
        // Clean up all duplicate records in the course_completions table in preparation
        // for adding a new index there.
        upgrade_course_completion_remove_duplicates('course_completions', array('userid', 'course'), array('timecompleted', 'timestarted', 'timeenrolled'));
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012052900.0);
    if ($oldversion < 2012052900.01) {
        // Add indexes to prevent new duplicates in the course_completions table.
        // Define index useridcourse (unique) to be added to course_completions
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_completions');
        $index = new xmldb_index('useridcourse', XMLDB_INDEX_UNIQUE, array('userid', 'course'));
        // Conditionally launch add index useridcourse
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012052900.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012052900.02) {
        // Clean up all duplicate records in the course_completion_crit_compl table in preparation
        // for adding a new index there.
        upgrade_course_completion_remove_duplicates('course_completion_crit_compl', array('userid', 'course', 'criteriaid'), array('timecompleted'));
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012052900.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012052900.03) {
        // Add indexes to prevent new duplicates in the course_completion_crit_compl table.
        // Define index useridcoursecriteraid (unique) to be added to course_completion_crit_compl
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_completion_crit_compl');
        $index = new xmldb_index('useridcoursecriteraid', XMLDB_INDEX_UNIQUE, array('userid', 'course', 'criteriaid'));
        // Conditionally launch add index useridcoursecriteraid
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012052900.03);
    if ($oldversion < 2012052900.04) {
        // Clean up all duplicate records in the course_completion_aggr_methd table in preparation
        // for adding a new index there.
        upgrade_course_completion_remove_duplicates('course_completion_aggr_methd', array('course', 'criteriatype'));
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012052900.04);
    if ($oldversion < 2012052900.05) {
        // Add indexes to prevent new duplicates in the course_completion_aggr_methd table.
        // Define index coursecriteratype (unique) to be added to course_completion_aggr_methd
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_completion_aggr_methd');
        $index = new xmldb_index('coursecriteriatype', XMLDB_INDEX_UNIQUE, array('course', 'criteriatype'));
        // Conditionally launch add index coursecriteratype
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012052900.05);
    if ($oldversion < 2012060600.01) {
        // Add field referencehash to files_reference
        $table = new xmldb_table('files_reference');
        $field = new xmldb_field('referencehash', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '40', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, 'reference');
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012060600.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012060600.02) {
        // Populate referencehash field with SHA1 hash of the reference - this shoudl affect only 2.3dev sites
        // that were using the feature for testing. Production sites have the table empty.
        $rs = $DB->get_recordset('files_reference', null, '', 'id, reference');
        foreach ($rs as $record) {
            $hash = sha1($record->reference);
            $DB->set_field('files_reference', 'referencehash', $hash, array('id' => $record->id));
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012060600.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012060600.03) {
        // Merge duplicate records in files_reference that were created during the development
        // phase at 2.3dev sites. This is needed so we can create the unique index over
        // (repositoryid, referencehash) fields.
        $sql = "SELECT repositoryid, referencehash, MIN(id) AS minid\n                  FROM {files_reference}\n              GROUP BY repositoryid, referencehash\n                HAVING COUNT(*) > 1";
        $duprs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql);
        foreach ($duprs as $duprec) {
            // get the list of all ids in {files_reference} that need to be remapped
            $dupids = $DB->get_records_select('files_reference', "repositoryid = ? AND referencehash = ? AND id > ?", array($duprec->repositoryid, $duprec->referencehash, $duprec->minid), '', 'id');
            $dupids = array_keys($dupids);
            // relink records in {files} that are now referring to a duplicate record
            // in {files_reference} to refer to the first one
            list($subsql, $subparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($dupids);
            $DB->set_field_select('files', 'referencefileid', $duprec->minid, "referencefileid {$subsql}", $subparams);
            // and finally remove all orphaned records from {files_reference}
            $DB->delete_records_list('files_reference', 'id', $dupids);
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012060600.03);
    if ($oldversion < 2012060600.04) {
        // Add a unique index over repositoryid and referencehash fields in files_reference table
        $table = new xmldb_table('files_reference');
        $index = new xmldb_index('uq_external_file', XMLDB_INDEX_UNIQUE, array('repositoryid', 'referencehash'));
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012060600.04);
    if ($oldversion < 2012061800.01) {
        // Define field screenreader to be dropped from user
        $table = new xmldb_table('user');
        $field = new xmldb_field('ajax');
        // Conditionally launch drop field screenreader
        if ($dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->drop_field($table, $field);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012061800.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012062000.0) {
        // Add field newcontextid to backup_files_template
        $table = new xmldb_table('backup_files_template');
        $field = new xmldb_field('newcontextid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null, 'info');
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012062000.0);
    if ($oldversion < 2012062000.01) {
        // Add field newitemid to backup_files_template
        $table = new xmldb_table('backup_files_template');
        $field = new xmldb_field('newitemid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null, 'newcontextid');
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012062000.01);
    // Moodle v2.3.0 release upgrade line
    // Put any upgrade step following this
    if ($oldversion < 2012062500.02) {
        // Drop some old backup tables, not used anymore
        // Define table backup_files to be dropped
        $table = new xmldb_table('backup_files');
        // Conditionally launch drop table for backup_files
        if ($dbman->table_exists($table)) {
        // Define table backup_ids to be dropped
        $table = new xmldb_table('backup_ids');
        // Conditionally launch drop table for backup_ids
        if ($dbman->table_exists($table)) {
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012062500.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012070600.04) {
        // Define table course_modules_avail_fields to be created
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_modules_avail_fields');
        // Adding fields to table course_modules_avail_fields
        $table->add_field('id', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, XMLDB_SEQUENCE, null);
        $table->add_field('coursemoduleid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null);
        $table->add_field('userfield', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '50', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_field('customfieldid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_field('operator', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '20', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null);
        $table->add_field('value', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '255', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null);
        // Adding keys to table course_modules_avail_fields
        $table->add_key('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('id'));
        $table->add_key('coursemoduleid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('coursemoduleid'), 'course_modules', array('id'));
        // Conditionally launch create table for course_modules_avail_fields
        if (!$dbman->table_exists($table)) {
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012070600.04);
    if ($oldversion < 2012070600.05) {
        // Define table course_sections_avail_fields to be created
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_sections_avail_fields');
        // Adding fields to table course_sections_avail_fields
        $table->add_field('id', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, XMLDB_SEQUENCE, null);
        $table->add_field('coursesectionid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null);
        $table->add_field('userfield', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '50', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_field('customfieldid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_field('operator', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '20', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null);
        $table->add_field('value', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '255', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null);
        // Adding keys to table course_sections_avail_fields
        $table->add_key('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('id'));
        $table->add_key('coursesectionid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('coursesectionid'), 'course_sections', array('id'));
        // Conditionally launch create table for course_sections_avail_fields
        if (!$dbman->table_exists($table)) {
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012070600.05);
    if ($oldversion < 2012070600.06) {
        // Drop "deleted" fields
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_completions');
        $field = new xmldb_field('timenotified');
        $field = new xmldb_field('deleted');
        // Conditionally launch drop field deleted from course_completions
        if ($dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->drop_field($table, $field);
        $field = new xmldb_field('timenotified');
        // Conditionally launch drop field timenotified from course_completions
        if ($dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->drop_field($table, $field);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012070600.06);
    if ($oldversion < 2012070600.07) {
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_completion_crit_compl');
        $field = new xmldb_field('deleted');
        // Conditionally launch drop field deleted from course_completion_crit_compl
        if ($dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->drop_field($table, $field);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012070600.07);
    if ($oldversion < 2012070600.08) {
        // Drop unused table "course_completion_notify"
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_completion_notify');
        // Conditionally launch drop table course_completion_notify
        if ($dbman->table_exists($table)) {
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012070600.08);
    if ($oldversion < 2012070600.09) {
        // Define index path (not unique) to be added to context
        $table = new xmldb_table('context');
        $index = new xmldb_index('path', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('path'), array('varchar_pattern_ops'));
        // Recreate index with new pattern hint
        if ($DB->get_dbfamily() === 'postgres') {
            if ($dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
                $dbman->drop_index($table, $index);
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012070600.09);
    if ($oldversion < 2012070600.1) {
        // Define index name (unique) to be dropped form role
        $table = new xmldb_table('role');
        $index = new xmldb_index('name', XMLDB_INDEX_UNIQUE, array('name'));
        // Conditionally launch drop index name
        if ($dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->drop_index($table, $index);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012070600.1);
    if ($oldversion < 2012070600.11) {
        // Define index component-itemid-userid (not unique) to be added to role_assignments
        $table = new xmldb_table('role_assignments');
        $index = new xmldb_index('component-itemid-userid', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('component', 'itemid', 'userid'));
        // Conditionally launch add index component-itemid-userid
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012070600.11);
    if ($oldversion < 2012071900.01) {
        // Cleanup after simpeltests tool
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012071900.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012072400.0) {
        // Remove obsolete xhtml strict setting - use THEME->doctype in theme config if necessary,
        // see theme_config->doctype in lib/outputlib.php for more details.
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012072400.0);
    if ($oldversion < 2012072401.0) {
        // Saves orphaned questions from the Dark Side
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012072401.0);
    if ($oldversion < 2012072600.01) {
        // Handle events with empty eventtype //MDL-32827
        $DB->set_field('event', 'eventtype', 'site', array('eventtype' => '', 'courseid' => $SITE->id));
        $DB->set_field_select('event', 'eventtype', 'due', "eventtype = '' AND courseid != 0 AND groupid = 0 AND (modulename = 'assignment' OR modulename = 'assign')");
        $DB->set_field_select('event', 'eventtype', 'course', "eventtype = '' AND courseid != 0 AND groupid = 0");
        $DB->set_field_select('event', 'eventtype', 'group', "eventtype = '' AND groupid != 0");
        $DB->set_field_select('event', 'eventtype', 'user', "eventtype = '' AND userid != 0");
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012072600.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012080200.02) {
        // Drop obsolete question upgrade field that should have been added to the install.xml.
        $table = new xmldb_table('question');
        $field = new xmldb_field('oldquestiontextformat', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '2', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, '0');
        if ($dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->drop_field($table, $field);
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012080200.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012081400.01) {
        // Move the ability to disable blogs to its own setting MDL-25012.
        if (isset($CFG->bloglevel)) {
            // Only change settings if existing setting was set.
            if (empty($CFG->bloglevel)) {
                set_config('enableblogs', 0);
                // Now set the bloglevel to a valid setting as the disabled setting has been removed.
                // This prevents confusing results when users enable the blog system in future.
                set_config('bloglevel', BLOG_USER_LEVEL);
            } else {
                set_config('enableblogs', 1);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012081400.01);
    return true;
Exemple #3
 * Main upgrade tasks to be executed on Moodle version bump
 * This function is automatically executed after one bump in the Moodle core
 * version is detected. It's in charge of performing the required tasks
 * to raise core from the previous version to the next one.
 * It's a collection of ordered blocks of code, named "upgrade steps",
 * each one performing one isolated (from the rest of steps) task. Usually
 * tasks involve creating new DB objects or performing manipulation of the
 * information for cleanup/fixup purposes.
 * Each upgrade step has a fixed structure, that can be summarised as follows:
 * if ($oldversion < XXXXXXXXXX.XX) {
 *     // Explanation of the update step, linking to issue in the Tracker if necessary
 *     upgrade_set_timeout(XX); // Optional for big tasks
 *     // Code to execute goes here, usually the XMLDB Editor will
 *     // help you here. See {@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/XMLDB_editor}.
 *     upgrade_main_savepoint(true, XXXXXXXXXX.XX);
 * }
 * All plugins within Moodle (modules, blocks, reports...) support the existence of
 * their own upgrade.php file, using the "Frankenstyle" component name as
 * defined at {@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Frankenstyle}, for example:
 *     - {@link xmldb_page_upgrade($oldversion)}. (modules don't require the plugintype ("mod_") to be used.
 *     - {@link xmldb_auth_manual_upgrade($oldversion)}.
 *     - {@link xmldb_workshopform_accumulative_upgrade($oldversion)}.
 *     - ....
 * In order to keep the contents of this file reduced, it's allowed to create some helper
 * functions to be used here in the {@link upgradelib.php} file at the same directory. Note
 * that such a file must be manually included from upgrade.php, and there are some restrictions
 * about what can be used within it.
 * For more information, take a look to the documentation available:
 *     - Data definition API: {@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Data_definition_API}
 *     - Upgrade API: {@link http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Upgrade_API}
 * @param int $oldversion
 * @return bool always true
function xmldb_main_upgrade($oldversion)
    global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT;
    require_once $CFG->libdir . '/db/upgradelib.php';
    // Core Upgrade-related functions
    $dbman = $DB->get_manager();
    // loads ddl manager and xmldb classes
    if ($oldversion < 2011120500) {
        // just in case somebody hacks upgrade scripts or env, we really can not continue
        echo "You need to upgrade to 2.2.x first!\n";
        // Note this savepoint is 100% unreachable, but needed to pass the upgrade checks
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2011120500);
    // Moodle v2.2.0 release upgrade line
    // Put any upgrade step following this
    if ($oldversion < 2011120500.02) {
        upgrade_set_timeout(60 * 20);
        // This may take a while
        // MDL-28180. Some missing restrictions in certain backup & restore operations
        // were causing incorrect duplicates in the course_completion_aggr_methd table.
        // This upgrade step takes rid of them.
        $sql = 'SELECT course, criteriatype, MIN(id) AS minid
                  FROM {course_completion_aggr_methd}
              GROUP BY course, criteriatype
                HAVING COUNT(*) > 1';
        $duprs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql);
        foreach ($duprs as $duprec) {
            // We need to handle NULLs in criteriatype diferently
            if (is_null($duprec->criteriatype)) {
                $where = 'course = ? AND criteriatype IS NULL AND id > ?';
                $params = array($duprec->course, $duprec->minid);
            } else {
                $where = 'course = ? AND criteriatype = ? AND id > ?';
                $params = array($duprec->course, $duprec->criteriatype, $duprec->minid);
            $DB->delete_records_select('course_completion_aggr_methd', $where, $params);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2011120500.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2011120500.03) {
        // Changing precision of field value on table user_preferences to (1333)
        $table = new xmldb_table('user_preferences');
        $field = new xmldb_field('value', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '1333', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, 'name');
        // Launch change of precision for field value
        $dbman->change_field_precision($table, $field);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2011120500.03);
    if ($oldversion < 2012020200.03) {
        // Define index rolecontext (not unique) to be added to role_assignments
        $table = new xmldb_table('role_assignments');
        $index = new xmldb_index('rolecontext', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('roleid', 'contextid'));
        // Conditionally launch add index rolecontext
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Define index usercontextrole (not unique) to be added to role_assignments
        $index = new xmldb_index('usercontextrole', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('userid', 'contextid', 'roleid'));
        // Conditionally launch add index usercontextrole
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012020200.03);
    if ($oldversion < 2012020200.06) {
        // Previously we always allowed users to override their email address via the messaging system
        // We have now added a setting to allow admins to turn this this ability on and off
        // While this setting defaults to 0 (off) we're setting it to 1 (on) to maintain the behaviour for upgrading sites
        set_config('messagingallowemailoverride', 1);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012020200.06);
    if ($oldversion < 2012021700.01) {
        // Changing precision of field uniquehash on table post to 255
        $table = new xmldb_table('post');
        $field = new xmldb_field('uniquehash', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '255', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, 'content');
        // Launch change of precision for field uniquehash
        $dbman->change_field_precision($table, $field);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012021700.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012021700.02) {
        // Somewhere before 1.9 summary and content column in post table were not null. In 1.9+
        // not null became false.
        $columns = $DB->get_columns('post');
        // Fix discrepancies in summary field after upgrade from 1.9
        if (array_key_exists('summary', $columns) && $columns['summary']->not_null != false) {
            $table = new xmldb_table('post');
            $summaryfield = new xmldb_field('summary', XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT, 'big', null, null, null, null, 'subject');
            if ($dbman->field_exists($table, $summaryfield)) {
                $dbman->change_field_notnull($table, $summaryfield);
        // Fix discrepancies in content field after upgrade from 1.9
        if (array_key_exists('content', $columns) && $columns['content']->not_null != false) {
            $table = new xmldb_table('post');
            $contentfield = new xmldb_field('content', XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT, 'big', null, null, null, null, 'summary');
            if ($dbman->field_exists($table, $contentfield)) {
                $dbman->change_field_notnull($table, $contentfield);
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012021700.02);
    // The ability to backup user (private) files is out completely - MDL-29248
    if ($oldversion < 2012030100.01) {
        unset_config('backup_general_user_files', 'backup');
        unset_config('backup_general_user_files_locked', 'backup');
        unset_config('backup_auto_user_files', 'backup');
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012030100.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012030100.02) {
        // migrate all numbers to signed - it should be safe to interrupt this and continue later
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012030100.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012030900.01) {
        // migrate all texts and binaries to big size - it should be safe to interrupt this and continue later
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012030900.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012031500.01) {
        // Upgrade old course_allowed_modules data to be permission overrides.
        if ($CFG->restrictmodulesfor === 'all') {
            $courses = $DB->get_records_menu('course', array(), 'id', 'id, 1');
        } else {
            if ($CFG->restrictmodulesfor === 'requested') {
                $courses = $DB->get_records_menu('course', array('retrictmodules' => 1), 'id', 'id, 1');
            } else {
                $courses = array();
        if (!$dbman->table_exists('course_allowed_modules')) {
            // Upgrade must already have been run on this server. This might happen,
            // for example, during development of these changes.
            $courses = array();
        $modidtoname = $DB->get_records_menu('modules', array(), 'id', 'id, name');
        $coursecount = count($courses);
        if ($coursecount) {
            $pbar = new progress_bar('allowedmods', 500, true);
            $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($courses as $courseid => $notused) {
            $i += 1;
            // 1 minute per course should be fine.
            $allowedmoduleids = $DB->get_records_menu('course_allowed_modules', array('course' => $courseid), 'module', 'module, 1');
            if (empty($allowedmoduleids)) {
                // This seems to be the best match for backwards compatibility,
                // not necessarily with the old code in course_allowed_module function,
                // but with the code that used to be in the coures settings form.
                $allowedmoduleids = explode(',', $CFG->defaultallowedmodules);
                $allowedmoduleids = array_combine($allowedmoduleids, $allowedmoduleids);
            $context = context_course::instance($courseid);
            list($roleids) = get_roles_with_cap_in_context($context, 'moodle/course:manageactivities');
            list($managerroleids) = get_roles_with_cap_in_context($context, 'moodle/site:config');
            foreach ($managerroleids as $roleid) {
            foreach ($modidtoname as $modid => $modname) {
                if (isset($allowedmoduleids[$modid])) {
                    // Module is allowed, no worries.
                $capability = 'mod/' . $modname . ':addinstance';
                foreach ($roleids as $roleid) {
                    assign_capability($capability, CAP_PREVENT, $roleid, $context);
            $pbar->update($i, $coursecount, "Upgrading legacy course_allowed_modules data - {$i}/{$coursecount}.");
        if ($coursecount) {
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012031500.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012031500.02) {
        // Define field retrictmodules to be dropped from course
        $table = new xmldb_table('course');
        $field = new xmldb_field('restrictmodules');
        // Conditionally launch drop field requested
        if ($dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->drop_field($table, $field);
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012031500.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012031500.03) {
        // Define table course_allowed_modules to be dropped
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_allowed_modules');
        // Conditionally launch drop table for course_allowed_modules
        if ($dbman->table_exists($table)) {
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012031500.03);
    if ($oldversion < 2012031500.04) {
        // Clean up the old admin settings.
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012031500.04);
    if ($oldversion < 2012032300.02) {
        // Migrate the old admin debug setting.
        if ($CFG->debug == 38911) {
            set_config('debug', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
        } else {
            if ($CFG->debug == 6143) {
                set_config('debug', DEBUG_ALL);
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012032300.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012042300.0) {
        // This change makes the course_section index unique.
        // xmldb does not allow changing index uniqueness - instead we must drop
        // index then add it again
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_sections');
        $index = new xmldb_index('course_section', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('course', 'section'));
        // Conditionally launch drop index course_section
        if ($dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->drop_index($table, $index);
        // Look for any duplicate course_sections entries. There should not be
        // any but on some busy systems we found a few, maybe due to previous
        // bugs.
        $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
        $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql('
                SELECT DISTINCT
                    cs.id, cs.course
                    {course_sections} cs
                    INNER JOIN {course_sections} older
                        ON cs.course = older.course AND cs.section = older.section
                        AND older.id < cs.id');
        foreach ($rs as $rec) {
            $DB->delete_records('course_sections', array('id' => $rec->id));
            rebuild_course_cache($rec->course, true);
        // Define index course_section (unique) to be added to course_sections
        $index = new xmldb_index('course_section', XMLDB_INDEX_UNIQUE, array('course', 'section'));
        // Conditionally launch add index course_section
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012042300.0);
    if ($oldversion < 2012042300.02) {
        require_once $CFG->libdir . '/completion/completion_criteria.php';
        // Delete orphaned criteria which were left when modules were removed
        if ($DB->get_dbfamily() === 'mysql') {
            $sql = "DELETE cc FROM {course_completion_criteria} cc\n                    LEFT JOIN {course_modules} cm ON cm.id = cc.moduleinstance\n                    WHERE cm.id IS NULL AND cc.criteriatype = " . COMPLETION_CRITERIA_TYPE_ACTIVITY;
        } else {
            $sql = "DELETE FROM {course_completion_criteria}\n                    WHERE NOT EXISTS (\n                        SELECT 'x' FROM {course_modules}\n                        WHERE {course_modules}.id = {course_completion_criteria}.moduleinstance)\n                    AND {course_completion_criteria}.criteriatype = " . COMPLETION_CRITERIA_TYPE_ACTIVITY;
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012042300.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012050300.01) {
        // Make sure deleted users do not have picture flag.
        $DB->set_field('user', 'picture', 0, array('deleted' => 1, 'picture' => 1));
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012050300.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012050300.02) {
        // Changing precision of field picture on table user to (10)
        $table = new xmldb_table('user');
        $field = new xmldb_field('picture', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, '0', 'secret');
        // Launch change of precision for field picture
        $dbman->change_field_precision($table, $field);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012050300.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012050300.03) {
        // Define field coursedisplay to be added to course
        $table = new xmldb_table('course');
        $field = new xmldb_field('coursedisplay', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '2', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, '0', 'completionnotify');
        // Conditionally launch add field coursedisplay
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012050300.03);
    if ($oldversion < 2012050300.04) {
        // Define table course_display to be dropped
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_display');
        // Conditionally launch drop table for course_display
        if ($dbman->table_exists($table)) {
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012050300.04);
    if ($oldversion < 2012050300.05) {
        // Clean up removed admin setting.
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012050300.05);
    if ($oldversion < 2012050400.01) {
        // Define index sortorder (not unique) to be added to course
        $table = new xmldb_table('course');
        $index = new xmldb_index('sortorder', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('sortorder'));
        // Conditionally launch add index sortorder
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012050400.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012050400.02) {
        // Clean up removed admin setting.
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012050400.02);
    if ($oldversion < 2012051100.01) {
        // Define field idnumber to be added to groups
        $table = new xmldb_table('groups');
        $field = new xmldb_field('idnumber', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '100', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, 'courseid');
        $index = new xmldb_index('idnumber', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('idnumber'));
        // Conditionally launch add field idnumber
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        // Conditionally launch add index idnumber
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Define field idnumber to be added to groupings
        $table = new xmldb_table('groupings');
        $field = new xmldb_field('idnumber', XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR, '100', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null, 'name');
        $index = new xmldb_index('idnumber', XMLDB_INDEX_NOTUNIQUE, array('idnumber'));
        // Conditionally launch add field idnumber
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        // Conditionally launch add index idnumber
        if (!$dbman->index_exists($table, $index)) {
            $dbman->add_index($table, $index);
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012051100.01);
    if ($oldversion < 2012051100.03) {
        // Amend course table to add sectioncache cache
        $table = new xmldb_table('course');
        $field = new xmldb_field('sectioncache', XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT, null, null, null, null, null, 'showgrades');
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        // Amend course_sections to add date, time and groupingid availability
        // conditions and a setting about whether to show them
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_sections');
        $field = new xmldb_field('availablefrom', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, '0', 'visible');
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        $field = new xmldb_field('availableuntil', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, '0', 'availablefrom');
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        $field = new xmldb_field('showavailability', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '1', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, '0', 'availableuntil');
        // Conditionally launch add field showavailability
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        $field = new xmldb_field('groupingid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, '0', 'showavailability');
        // Conditionally launch add field groupingid
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        // Add course_sections_availability to add completion & grade availability conditions
        $table = new xmldb_table('course_sections_availability');
        $table->add_field('id', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, XMLDB_SEQUENCE, null);
        $table->add_field('coursesectionid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null);
        $table->add_field('sourcecmid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_field('requiredcompletion', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '1', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_field('gradeitemid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_field('grademin', XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER, '10, 5', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_field('grademax', XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER, '10, 5', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_key('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('id'));
        $table->add_key('coursesectionid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('coursesectionid'), 'course_sections', array('id'));
        $table->add_key('sourcecmid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('sourcecmid'), 'course_modules', array('id'));
        $table->add_key('gradeitemid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('gradeitemid'), 'grade_items', array('id'));
        if (!$dbman->table_exists($table)) {
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012051100.03);
    if ($oldversion < 2012052100.0) {
        // Define field referencefileid to be added to files.
        $table = new xmldb_table('files');
        // Define field referencefileid to be added to files.
        $field = new xmldb_field('referencefileid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null, 'sortorder');
        // Conditionally launch add field referencefileid.
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        // Define field referencelastsync to be added to files.
        $field = new xmldb_field('referencelastsync', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null, 'referencefileid');
        // Conditionally launch add field referencelastsync.
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        // Define field referencelifetime to be added to files.
        $field = new xmldb_field('referencelifetime', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null, 'referencelastsync');
        // Conditionally launch add field referencelifetime.
        if (!$dbman->field_exists($table, $field)) {
            $dbman->add_field($table, $field);
        $key = new xmldb_key('referencefileid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('referencefileid'), 'files_reference', array('id'));
        // Launch add key referencefileid
        $dbman->add_key($table, $key);
        // Define table files_reference to be created.
        $table = new xmldb_table('files_reference');
        // Adding fields to table files_reference.
        $table->add_field('id', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, XMLDB_SEQUENCE, null);
        $table->add_field('repositoryid', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, XMLDB_NOTNULL, null, null);
        $table->add_field('lastsync', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_field('lifetime', XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER, '10', null, null, null, null);
        $table->add_field('reference', XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT, null, null, null, null, null);
        // Adding keys to table files_reference.
        $table->add_key('primary', XMLDB_KEY_PRIMARY, array('id'));
        $table->add_key('repositoryid', XMLDB_KEY_FOREIGN, array('repositoryid'), 'repository_instances', array('id'));
        // Conditionally launch create table for files_reference
        if (!$dbman->table_exists($table)) {
        // Main savepoint reached
        upgrade_main_savepoint(true, 2012052100.0);
    return true;