/** * Registers options in the Theme Customizer. * * Adds theme options to the Theme Customizer by looping through * each settings section and implementing controls for option types * that are allowed to be added to the Customizer. */ function upfw_customize_register($wp_customize) { /** * Globalize the variable that holds * the Settings Page tab definitions * * @global array Settings Page Tab definitions */ global $up_tabs; /** * Register each tab section in the Theme Customizer * * Loops through each option tab and creates a customizer section. */ foreach ($up_tabs as $tab) { $tabname = $tab['name']; $tabsections = $tab['sections']; foreach ($tabsections as $section) { $sectionname = $section['name']; $sectiontitle = $section['title']; $sectiondescription = $section['description']; $wp_customize->add_section($sectionname, array('title' => $sectiontitle, 'description' => $sectiondescription)); } } $upfw_options = upfw_get_options(); $upfw_option_parameters = upfw_get_option_parameters(); foreach ($upfw_option_parameters as $option) { if ($option['type'] == 'editor' || $option['type'] == 'multicheck') { continue; } $optionname = $option['name']; $theme_id = upfw_get_current_theme_id(); $optiondb = "theme_{$theme_id}_options[{$optionname}]"; $option_section_name = $option['section']; $default = ''; if (isset($option['default'])) { $default = $option['default']; } $wp_customize->add_setting($optiondb, array('default' => $default, 'type' => 'option', 'capabilities' => 'edit_theme_options')); if ($option['type'] == 'text') { $wp_customize->add_control($option['name'], array('label' => $option['title'], 'section' => $option_section_name, 'settings' => $optiondb, 'type' => 'text')); } if ($option['type'] == 'textarea') { $wp_customize->add_control(new UpThemes_Customize_Textarea_Control($wp_customize, $option['name'], array('label' => $option['title'], 'section' => $option_section_name, 'settings' => $optiondb))); } if ($option['type'] == 'color') { $wp_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Color_Control($wp_customize, $option['name'], array('label' => $option['title'], 'section' => $option_section_name, 'settings' => $optiondb))); } if ($option['type'] == 'upload' || $option['type'] == 'image') { $wp_customize->add_control(new UpThemes_Customize_Image_Control($wp_customize, $option['name'], array('label' => $option['title'], 'section' => $option_section_name, 'settings' => $optiondb, 'context' => $option['name']))); } if ($option['type'] == 'radio_image') { $wp_customize->add_control(new UpThemes_Image_Radio_Control($wp_customize, $option['name'], array('label' => $option['title'], 'section' => $option_section_name, 'settings' => $optiondb, 'choices' => upfw_extract_valid_options_radio_image($option['valid_options'])))); } if ($option['type'] == 'radio' || $option['type'] == 'select') { $wp_customize->add_control($option['name'], array('label' => $option['title'], 'section' => $option_section_name, 'settings' => $optiondb, 'type' => $option['type'], 'choices' => upfw_extract_valid_options($option['valid_options']))); } } }
/** * Callback for get_settings_field() */ function upfw_setting_callback($option) { global $upfw_custom_callbacks; $upfw_options = (array) upfw_get_options(); $option_parameters = upfw_get_option_parameters(); $optionname = $option['name']; $optiontitle = $option['title']; $optiondescription = $option['description']; $fieldtype = $option['type']; $fieldname = "theme_" . upfw_get_current_theme_id() . "_options[{$optionname}]"; $attr = $option_parameters[$option['name']]; $value = $upfw_options[$optionname]; //Determine the type of input field switch ($fieldtype) { //Render Text Input case 'text': upfw_text($value, $attr); break; //Render textarea options //Render textarea options case 'textarea': upfw_textarea($value, $attr); break; //Render wordpress editor options //Render wordpress editor options case 'editor': upfw_editor($value, $attr); break; //Render select dropdowns //Render select dropdowns case 'select': upfw_select($value, $attr); break; //Render radio image dropdowns //Render radio image dropdowns case 'radio': upfw_radio($value, $attr); break; //Render radio image dropdowns //Render radio image dropdowns case 'radio_image': upfw_radio_image($value, $attr); break; //Render checkboxes //Render checkboxes case 'multicheck': upfw_multicheck($value, $attr); break; //Render color picker //Render color picker case 'color': upfw_color($value, $attr); break; //Render upload image //Render upload image case 'image': upfw_upload($value, $attr); break; //Render upload //Render upload case 'upload': upfw_upload($value, $attr); break; default: break; } // Check if there is a callback to envoke for custom fields if (isset($upfw_custom_callbacks[$fieldtype])) { $custom_field_name = 'theme_' . upfw_get_current_theme_id() . '_options[' . $attr['name'] . ']'; call_user_func($upfw_custom_callbacks[$fieldtype], $value, $attr, $custom_field_name); } }
/** * Separate settings by tab * * Returns an array of tabs, each of * which is an indexed array of settings * included with the specified tab. * * @uses upfw_get_option_parameters() defined in options.php * * @return array $settingsbytab array of arrays of settings by tab */ function upfw_get_settings_by_tab() { global $up_tabs; // Initialize an array to hold // an indexed array of tabnames $settingsbytab = array(); // Loop through the array of tabs foreach ($up_tabs as $tab) { $tabname = $tab['name']; // Add an indexed array key // to the settings-by-tab // array for each tab name $tabs[] = $tabname; } // Get the array of option parameters $option_parameters = upfw_get_option_parameters(); // Loop through the option parameters // array foreach ($option_parameters as $option_parameter) { $optiontab = $option_parameter['tab']; $optionname = $option_parameter['name']; // Add an indexed array key to the // settings-by-tab array for each // setting associated with each tab $settingsbytab[$optiontab][] = $optionname; $settingsbytab['all'][] = $optionname; } // Return the settings-by-tab // array return $settingsbytab; }
/** * Validate and sanitize options on save * * This function iterates through our options, sanitizes them, and * saves them to the database. * * @uses has_filter() * @uses apply_filters() * */ function upfw_options_validate($input) { global $up_tabs; // This is the "whitelist": current settings $valid_input = (array) upfw_get_options(); // Get the array of Theme settings, by Settings Page tab $settingsbytab = upfw_get_settings_by_tab(); // Get the array of option parameters $option_parameters = upfw_get_option_parameters(); // Get the array of option defaults $option_defaults = upfw_get_option_defaults(); // Get list of tabs // Determine what type of submit was input $submittype = 'submit'; foreach ($up_tabs as $tab) { $resetname = 'reset-' . $tab['name']; if (!empty($input[$resetname])) { $submittype = 'reset'; } } // Determine what tab was input $submittab = ''; foreach ($up_tabs as $tab) { $submitname = 'submit-' . $tab['name']; $resetname = 'reset-' . $tab['name']; if (!empty($input[$submitname]) || !empty($input[$resetname])) { $submittab = $tab['name']; } } global $wp_customize; // Get settings by tab $tabsettings = isset($wp_customize) ? $settingsbytab['all'] : $settingsbytab[$submittab]; // Loop through each tab setting foreach ($tabsettings as $setting) { // If no option is selected, set the default $valid_input[$setting] = !isset($input[$setting]) ? $option_defaults[$setting] : $input[$setting]; // If submit, validate/sanitize $input if ('submit' == $submittype) { // Get the setting details from the defaults array $option = $option_parameters[$setting]; // Get the array of valid options, if applicable $valid_options = isset($option['valid_options']) ? $option['valid_options'] : false; if (!isset($option['name'])) { continue; } if (!isset($option['type'])) { continue; } $setting = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._\\-]/', '', strtolower($option['name'])); // Set checkbox to false if it wasn't sent in the $_POST if ('checkbox' == $option['type'] && !isset($input[$setting])) { $input[$setting] = false; } // Set each item in the multicheck to false if it wasn't sent in the $_POST if ('multicheck' == $option['type'] && !isset($input[$setting])) { foreach ($option['valid_options'] as $key => $value) { $input[$setting][$key] = false; } } // For a value to be submitted to database it must pass through a sanitization filter if (has_filter('upfw_sanitize_' . $option['type'])) { $clean[$setting] = apply_filters('upfw_sanitize_' . $option['type'], $input[$setting], $option); } } elseif ('reset' == $submittype) { // Set $setting to the default value $clean[$setting] = $option_defaults[$setting]; } } // Hook to run after validation do_action('upfw_after_validate', $clean); return $clean; }
/** * Callback for get_settings_field() */ function upfw_setting_callback($option) { $upfw_options = upfw_get_options(); //print_r($upfw_options); $option_parameters = upfw_get_option_parameters(); $optionname = $option['name']; $optiontitle = $option['title']; $optiondescription = $option['description']; $fieldtype = $option['type']; $fieldname = "theme_" . get_current_theme_id() . "_options[{$optionname}]"; $attr = $option_parameters[$option['name']]; $value = $upfw_options[$optionname]; //Determine the type of input field switch ($fieldtype) { //Render Text Input case 'text': upfw_text_field($value, $attr); break; //Render Custom User Text Inputs //Render Custom User Text Inputs case 'text_list': upfw_text_list($value, $attr); break; //Render textarea options //Render textarea options case 'textarea': upfw_textarea($value, $attr); break; //Render select dropdowns //Render select dropdowns case 'select': upfw_select($value, $attr); break; //Render multple selects //Render multple selects case 'multiple': upfw_multiple($value, $attr); break; //Render checkboxes //Render checkboxes case 'checkbox': upfw_checkbox($value, $attr); break; //Render color picker //Render color picker case 'color': upfw_color($value, $attr); break; //Render upload image //Render upload image case 'image': upfw_image($value, $attr); break; //Render category dropdown //Render category dropdown case 'category': upfw_category($value, $attr); break; //Render categories multiple select //Render categories multiple select case 'categories': upfw_categories($value, $attr); break; //Render page dropdown //Render page dropdown case 'page': upfw_page($value, $attr); break; //Render pages muliple select //Render pages muliple select case 'pages': upfw_pages($value, $attr); break; //Render Form Button //Render Form Button case 'submit': upfw_submit($value, $attr); break; //Render taxonomy multiple select //Render taxonomy multiple select case 'taxonomy': upfw_taxonomy($value, $attr); break; //Render Typography Selector //Render Typography Selector case 'typography': upfw_typography($value, $attr); break; //Render Style Selector //Render Style Selector case 'styles': upfw_style($value, $attr); break; //Render Form Button //Render Form Button case 'button': upfw_button($value, $attr); break; //Render Text Input //Render Text Input case 'divider': upfw_divider($value, $attr); break; //Render Layouts //Render Layouts case 'layouts': upfw_layouts($value, $attr); break; default: break; } }