'default_tax_id' => $_POST['default_tax_id'], /*'default_tax_id_2' => NULL,*/ 'cost' => $_POST['cost'], 'reorder_level' => $_POST['reoder_level'], 'custom_field1' => $_POST['custom_field1'], 'custom_field2' => $_POST['custom_field2'], 'custom_field3' => $_POST['custom_field3'], 'custom_field4' => $_POST['custom_field4'], 'notes' => $_POST['notes'], 'enabled' => $_POST['enabled'] /*'visible' => $visible*/ ); if (isset($_POST['save_product']) && $SI_PRODUCTS->update($product_data,$_GET['id'])) { $saved = true; updateCustomFieldValues($_POST['categorie'],$_GET['id']); } $i = 1; while ($i <= 3 ) { /* 1 - check if attribue exists for that product in the matrix - 2 if not INSERT 3 if is UPDATE*/ /* $sql1 = "select attribute_id from ".TB_PREFIX."products_matrix where product_id = ".$_GET['id']; $result1 = dbQuery($sql1); $attributes = $result1->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($attributes as $key=>$value) { if ($value == $_POST['attribute_'.$i]) { echo "<br /><br /><b>".$_POST['attribute_'.$i]."in db</b><br />";
$product = lastInsertId(); } else { $product = $_POST["products{$i}"]; } if (matrix_invoice::insertInvoiceItem($invoice_id, $_POST["quantity{$i}"], $product, $_POST['tax_id'], $_POST["description{$i}"], $_POST["attr1-{$i}"], $_POST["attr2-{$i}"], $_POST["attr3-{$i}"], $_POST["unit_price{$i}"])) { //$saved = true; } else { die(end($dbh->errorInfo())); } } } } elseif ($_POST['action'] == "edit") { //Get type id - so do add into redirector header $invoice_id = $_POST['invoice_id']; if (updateInvoice($_POST['invoice_id'])) { updateCustomFieldValues($_POST['categorie'], $_POST['invoice_id']); $saved = true; } if ($type == 1 && $saved) { $sql = "UPDATE " . TB_PREFIX . "products SET unit_price = :price, description = :description WHERE id = :id"; dbQuery($sql, ':price', $_POST['unit_price'], ':description', $_POST['description0'], ':id', $_POST['products0']); } for ($i = 0; !empty($_POST["quantity{$i}"]) && $i < $_POST['max_items']; $i++) { if (matrix_invoice::updateInvoiceItem($_POST["id{$i}"], $_POST["quantity{$i}"], $_POST["products{$i}"], $_POST['tax_id'], $_POST["description{$i}"], $_POST["attr1-{$i}"], $_POST["attr2-{$i}"], $_POST["attr3-{$i}"], $_POST["unit_price{$i}"]) && $saved) { //$saved = true; } else { die(end($dbh->errorInfo())); } } } //Get type id - so do add into redirector header