  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function toJulianDay(DateInterface $date)
     if (!$date instanceof NativeDate) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The date must be NativeDate");
     return unixtojd($date->getTimeStamp());
Exemple #2
  * Creates an instance of user.
  * @param string  $email     The email
  * @param string  $username  The username
  * @param string  $firstName The firstName
  * @param string  $lastName  The lastName
  * @param boolean $enabled   Boolean that checks if the user is enabled or not, by default is false
  * @return \Kreta\Component\User\Model\Interfaces\UserInterface
 public function create($email, $username, $firstName, $lastName, $enabled = false)
     $user = new $this->className();
     if (false === $enabled) {
         $user->setConfirmationToken(sprintf('%s%s', uniqid('kreta'), unixtojd()));
     return $user->setUsername($username)->setFirstName($firstName)->setLastName($lastName)->setEmail($email)->setEnabled($enabled);
  * True if the event is in the past.
  * In practice, we check if the event's end date (if any) or start date is on a day before today.
  * @param Event $evt
  * @return bool
 public function eventInPast(Event $event)
     if (isset($evt->endDate)) {
         $evtDate = $event->endDate;
     } else {
         $evtDate = $event->start;
     return unixtojd($evtDate) < unixtojd(time());
function karma_calculate($statuses) {  
  $return = new stdClass();
  $daily_karma = array();
  //$daily_status_count = array();
  $comment_count = 0;
  $like_count = 0;
  $denominator = 0.;
  foreach ($statuses as $status) {
    // get the timestamp of the date
    $daystamp = unixtojd(strtotime(substr($status['updated_time'], 0, 11)));
    $karma = karma($status);
    array_accum($daily_karma, $daystamp, $karma);
    //array_accum($daily_status_count, $daystamp, 1);
    $comment_count += $status['comment_count'];
    $like_count += $status['like_count'];
    // For the Wilson score, we need to find a proportion of "positive values". Therefore we set an absolute value for max karma per status message.
    $denominator += max($karma, 10);
  //print 'sharpe: ' . sharpe_ratio($a);
  //print "\nsum:" . array_sum($daily_karma) . "\n";
  $wilson_score = Rating::ratingAverage(array_sum($daily_karma), $denominator);
	$return->pop_index = $wilson_score * 100;
  $daily_karma_full = array_fill_missing_desc($daily_karma);
  $return->comment_count = $comment_count;
  $return->like_count = $like_count;
  $return->day_count = count($daily_karma);
  $return->status_count = count($statuses);
	return $return;
 function display($tpl = null)
     // What type of event to we want?
     // TODO: Probably shouldn't return anything that isn't OK to publish - this is publicly accessible. This may be the cause of null events in the bottomless page output.
     $type = JRequest::getVar('eventtype', null, "get");
     $id = JRequest::getVar('id', null, "get", "INTEGER");
     if (isset($id) && isset($type)) {
         // Single event - connect directly to SWG backend
         // TODO: eventFactory method to take strings as well
         switch (strtolower($type)) {
             case "social":
                 $factory = SWG::socialFactory();
             case "walk":
                 $factory = SWG::walkInstanceFactory();
             case "weekend":
                 $factory = SWG::weekendFactory();
         $result = $factory->getSingle($id);
         print $result->jsonEncode();
     } else {
         // Go through the model
         $events = $this->get('Events');
         $result = array();
         foreach ($events as $event) {
             $evtProps = $event->sharedProperties();
             // Remove contact details from past events. Not really the best place to do it, but oh well. At least it means end users can't see them.
             if (isset($event->endDate) && unixtojd($event->endDate) < unixtojd(time()) || isset($event->start) && unixtojd($event->start) < unixtojd(time())) {
             $result[] = $evtProps;
         print json_encode($result);
  * Update the timestamp held by this entry.
  * @param int the timestamp held by this entry in the correct form
  * as indicated by the third argument. For {@link UNIX_TIMESTAMP}
  * this is an integer counting the number of seconds since January
  * 1st 1970, for {@link EXIF_STRING} this is a string of the form
  * 'YYYY:MM:DD hh:mm:ss', and for {@link JULIAN_DAY_COUNT} this is a
  * floating point number where the integer part denotes the day
  * count and the fractional part denotes the time of day (0.25 means
  * 6:00, 0.75 means 18:00).
  * @param int the type of the timestamp. This must be one of
  * {@link UNIX_TIMESTAMP}, {@link EXIF_STRING}, or
  * {@link JULIAN_DAY_COUNT}.
  * @todo How to deal with timezones? Use the TimeZoneOffset tag
  * 0x882A?
 function setValue($timestamp, $type = self::UNIX_TIMESTAMP)
     switch ($type) {
         case self::UNIX_TIMESTAMP:
             $this->day_count = unixtojd($timestamp);
             $this->seconds = $timestamp % 86400;
         case self::EXIF_STRING:
             /* Clean the timestamp: some timestamps are broken other
              * separators than ':' and ' '. */
             $d = split('[^0-9]+', $timestamp);
             $this->day_count = gregoriantojd($d[1], $d[2], $d[0]);
             $this->seconds = $d[3] * 3600 + $d[4] * 60 + $d[5];
         case self::JULIAN_DAY_COUNT:
             $this->day_count = (int) floor($timestamp);
             $this->seconds = (int) (86400 * ($timestamp - floor($timestamp)));
             throw new PelInvalidArgumentException('Expected UNIX_TIMESTAMP (%d), ' . 'EXIF_STRING (%d), or ' . 'JULIAN_DAY_COUNT (%d) for $type, ' . 'got %d.', self::UNIX_TIMESTAMP, self::EXIF_STRING, self::JULIAN_DAY_COUNT, $type);
     /* Now finally update the string which will be used when this is
      * turned into bytes. */

// this line has no impact on test output on Windows
// getenv('TZ') returns 'UTC' here
// putenv (basic_functions.c) does call tzset() when the env var being put is 'TZ'
//      -adding a call direct to GetEnvironmentVariableA just before tzset() is called to check the value of 'TZ' returns 'UTC'
// putting a call to date_default_timezone_set() here doesn't help
// on Windows, the only thing that gets this test to pass is to put TZ=UTC in --ENV-- section
// 		-since putenv() is written to call tzset() when env var is TZ, I assume that putenv("TZ=UTC") is intended to work
//			and should work on all platforms(including Windows).
// easter_date.phpt passes
//		-doesn't use --ENV-- section
//		-uses --INI-- section with date.timezone=UTC
//		-uses putenv('TZ=UTC')
// date.timezone=UTC
//		-if omitted from easter_date.phpt, outputs DATE_TZ_ERRMSG warning
//			-easter_date() calls mktime() and localtime()
//			-whereas unixtojd(1000000000) calls localtime(1000000000)
//		-if omitted from unixtojd.phpt, does NOT output DATE_TZ_ERRMSG
// unixtojd() calls php_localtime_r() which for Pacific timezone systems, returns a time -8 hours
//		-this incorrect localtime is passed to the julian date conversion (GregorianToSDN) function which works (probably correctly)
//			but returns -1 day from expected because its input is -1 from expected
echo unixtojd(40000) . "\n";
echo unixtojd(1000000000) . "\n";
echo unixtojd(1152459009) . "\n";
         if ($deviceIndex == count($devices)) {
         $days[$currentDay][$deviceIndex][$timeOfDay] = $parsedLine[8];
 if (count($days) > 0) {
     ksort($days, SORT_NUMERIC);
     $today = strtotime('today');
     $now = time() - $today;
     $today = unixtojd($today);
     $deviceStatus = array();
     // keyed by deviceIndex, valued by start time
     foreach ($days as $day => $deviceEvents) {
         preg_match("!(\\d+)/(\\d+)/(\\d+)!", jdtogregorian($day), $matched);
         print "<tr>\n";
         printf(" <td>%04d-%02d-%02d</td>\n", $matched[3], $matched[1], $matched[2]);
         print " <td colspan=\"24\"><div class=\"bar\">\n";
         foreach ($deviceEvents as $deviceIndex => $events) {
             foreach ($events as $timeOfDay => $event) {
                 if ($event == 1) {
                     if (!isset($deviceStatus[$deviceIndex])) {
                         $deviceStatus[$deviceIndex] = $timeOfDay;
                     // else switched on again -- ignore
                 } else {

$num = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, 8, 2003);
// 31
echo "There was {$num} days in August 2003";
echo "<br/>";
echo "<pre>";
//cal_from_jd ( int $jd , int $calendar )
$today = unixtojd(mktime(0, 0, 0, 8, 16, 2003));
print_r(cal_from_jd($today, CAL_GREGORIAN));
echo "<br/>";
echo "<pre>";
$info = cal_info(0);
//指定年份的复活节 午夜时分的时间戳
echo "<br/>";
echo date("M-d-Y", easter_date(1999));
echo "<br/>";
echo easter_days(2016);
echo "<br/>";
$date = new DateTime('2000-01-01');
$date->add(new DateInterval('P10D'));
echo $date->format('Y-m-d') . "\n";
echo "<br/>";
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat('j-M-Y', '15-Feb-2009');
echo $date->format('Y-m-d');
echo "<br/>";
$date = new DateTime('2016-12-12');
$date->modify('+1 day');
  * Calculate the "corpus christi" i.e. 60 days after easter sunday
  * The year must be within the unix epoche (Gregorian years between 1970 and 2037 or 2440588 <= jday <= 2465342)
  * @param integer $year Year for which to calculate the holiday
  * @param integer &$day Day of the holiday within the given year
  * @param integer &$month Month of the holiday within the given year
  * @access private
  * @static
 function corpusChristi($year, &$day, &$month)
     $easter_timestamp = jdtounix(unixtojd(easter_date($year)) + 60);
     $day = date("d", $easter_timestamp);
     $month = date("m", $easter_timestamp);
  * Return language specific formatted date
  * @access public
  * @param $fmt (see date() in php.net)
  * @param $timestamp 
  * @return string
 function date_lang($fmt, $timestamp = 0)
     $jd = unixtojd($timestamp);
     $pdate = jd_to_persian($jd);
     $date_lang = date($fmt, $timestamp);
     if (strpos($fmt, 'a') !== false) {
         $a = date('a', $timestamp);
         // e.g. am or pm
         $date_lang = str_replace($a, lang($a), $date_lang);
     if (strpos($fmt, 'A') !== false) {
         $a = date('A', $timestamp);
         // e.g. AM or PM
         $date_lang = str_replace($a, lang($a), $date_lang);
     if (strpos($fmt, 'l') !== false) {
         $l = date('l', $timestamp);
         // e.g. Thursday
         $n = date('N', $timestamp);
         // e.g. 1=Monday, ..., 7=Sunday
         $date_lang = str_replace($l, lang('weekday full ' . $n), $date_lang);
     if (strpos($fmt, 'D') !== false) {
         $d = date('D', $timestamp);
         // e.g. Thu
         $n = date('N', $timestamp);
         // e.g. 1=Monday, ..., 7=Sunday
         $date_lang = str_replace($d, lang('weekday short ' . $n), $date_lang);
     if (strpos($fmt, 'M') !== false) {
         $m = date('M', $timestamp);
         // e.g. Feb
         $n = date('n', $timestamp);
         // e.g. 2
         $date_lang = str_replace($m, lang('month short ' . $n), $date_lang);
     if (strpos($fmt, 'F') !== false) {
         $f = date('F', $timestamp);
         // e.g. February
         $n = date('n', $timestamp);
         // e.g. 2
         $date_lang = str_replace($f, lang('month full ' . $n), $date_lang);
     if (strpos($fmt, 'S') !== false) {
         $s = date('S', $timestamp);
         // e.g. st, nd, rd or th
         $n = 4;
         if ($s == 'st') {
             $n = 1;
         if ($s == 'nd') {
             $n = 2;
         if ($s == 'rd') {
             $n = 3;
         $date_lang = str_replace($s, lang('ordinal ' . $n), $date_lang);
     //return $date_lang . ' reversed Persian=' . utf8_strrev(FormatPersianSmallDate ( $pdate )) . ' Persian=' . FormatPersianSmallDate ( $pdate );
     //return utf8_strrev(FormatPersianDate ( $pdate ));
     return $date_lang;

$jday = unixtojd();
echo jdtojewish($jday);
Exemple #13
 *	Fonction retournant le nombre de jour feries, samedis et dimanches entre 2 dates entrees en timestamp. Dates must be UTC with hour, day, min to 0
 *	Called by function num_open_day
 *	@param	    int			$timestampStart     Timestamp de debut
 *	@param	    int			$timestampEnd       Timestamp de fin
 *  @param      string		$countrycode        Country code
 *	@return   	int								Nombre de jours feries
function num_public_holiday($timestampStart, $timestampEnd, $countrycode = 'FR')
    $nbFerie = 0;
    // Check to ensure we use correct parameters
    if (($timestampEnd - $timestampStart) % 86400 != 0) {
        return 'ErrorDates must use same hours and must be GMT dates';
    $i = 0;
    while ($timestampStart < $timestampEnd && $i < 50000) {
        $ferie = false;
        $countryfound = 0;
        $jour = date("d", $timestampStart);
        $mois = date("m", $timestampStart);
        $annee = date("Y", $timestampStart);
        if ($countrycode == 'FR') {
            $countryfound = 1;
            // Definition des dates feriees fixes
            if ($jour == 1 && $mois == 1) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 1er janvier
            if ($jour == 1 && $mois == 5) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 1er mai
            if ($jour == 8 && $mois == 5) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 5 mai
            if ($jour == 14 && $mois == 7) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 14 juillet
            if ($jour == 15 && $mois == 8) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 15 aout
            if ($jour == 1 && $mois == 11) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 1 novembre
            if ($jour == 11 && $mois == 11) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 11 novembre
            if ($jour == 25 && $mois == 12) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 25 decembre
            // Calcul du jour de paques
            $date_paques = easter_date($annee);
            $jour_paques = date("d", $date_paques);
            $mois_paques = date("m", $date_paques);
            if ($jour_paques == $jour && $mois_paques == $mois) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Paques
            // Calcul du jour de l ascension (38 jours apres Paques)
            $date_ascension = mktime(date("H", $date_paques), date("i", $date_paques), date("s", $date_paques), date("m", $date_paques), date("d", $date_paques) + 38, date("Y", $date_paques));
            $jour_ascension = date("d", $date_ascension);
            $mois_ascension = date("m", $date_ascension);
            if ($jour_ascension == $jour && $mois_ascension == $mois) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Calcul de Pentecote (11 jours apres Paques)
            $date_pentecote = mktime(date("H", $date_ascension), date("i", $date_ascension), date("s", $date_ascension), date("m", $date_ascension), date("d", $date_ascension) + 11, date("Y", $date_ascension));
            $jour_pentecote = date("d", $date_pentecote);
            $mois_pentecote = date("m", $date_pentecote);
            if ($jour_pentecote == $jour && $mois_pentecote == $mois) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Calul des samedis et dimanches
            $jour_julien = unixtojd($timestampStart);
            $jour_semaine = jddayofweek($jour_julien, 0);
            if ($jour_semaine == 0 || $jour_semaine == 6) {
                $ferie = true;
            //Samedi (6) et dimanche (0)
        // Pentecoste and Ascensione in Italy go to the sunday after: isn't holiday.
        // Pentecoste is 50 days after Easter, Ascensione 40
        if ($countrycode == 'IT') {
            $countryfound = 1;
            // Definition des dates feriees fixes
            if ($jour == 1 && $mois == 1) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Capodanno
            if ($jour == 6 && $mois == 1) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Epifania
            if ($jour == 25 && $mois == 4) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Anniversario Liberazione
            if ($jour == 1 && $mois == 5) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Festa del Lavoro
            if ($jour == 2 && $mois == 6) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Festa della Repubblica
            if ($jour == 15 && $mois == 8) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Ferragosto
            if ($jour == 1 && $mois == 11) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Tutti i Santi
            if ($jour == 8 && $mois == 12) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Immacolata Concezione
            if ($jour == 25 && $mois == 12) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 25 decembre
            if ($jour == 26 && $mois == 12) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Santo Stefano
            // Calcul du jour de paques
            $date_paques = easter_date($annee);
            $jour_paques = date("d", $date_paques);
            $mois_paques = date("m", $date_paques);
            if ($jour_paques == $jour && $mois_paques == $mois) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Paques
            // Calul des samedis et dimanches
            $jour_julien = unixtojd($timestampStart);
            $jour_semaine = jddayofweek($jour_julien, 0);
            if ($jour_semaine == 0 || $jour_semaine == 6) {
                $ferie = true;
            //Samedi (6) et dimanche (0)
        if ($countrycode == 'ES') {
            $countryfound = 1;
            // Definition des dates feriees fixes
            if ($jour == 1 && $mois == 1) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Año nuevo
            if ($jour == 6 && $mois == 1) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Día Reyes
            if ($jour == 1 && $mois == 5) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 1 Mayo
            if ($jour == 15 && $mois == 8) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 15 Agosto
            if ($jour == 12 && $mois == 10) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Día Hispanidad
            if ($jour == 1 && $mois == 11) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 1 noviembre
            if ($jour == 6 && $mois == 12) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Constitución
            if ($jour == 8 && $mois == 12) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Inmaculada
            if ($jour == 25 && $mois == 12) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 25 diciembre
            // Calcul día de Pascua
            $date_paques = easter_date($annee);
            $jour_paques = date("d", $date_paques);
            $mois_paques = date("m", $date_paques);
            if ($jour_paques == $jour && $mois_paques == $mois) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Paques
            // Viernes Santo
            $date_viernes = mktime(date("H", $date_paques), date("i", $date_paques), date("s", $date_paques), date("m", $date_paques), date("d", $date_paques) - 2, date("Y", $date_paques));
            $jour_viernes = date("d", $date_viernes);
            $mois_viernes = date("m", $date_viernes);
            if ($jour_viernes == $jour && $mois_viernes == $mois) {
                $ferie = true;
            //Viernes Santo
            // Calul des samedis et dimanches
            $jour_julien = unixtojd($timestampStart);
            $jour_semaine = jddayofweek($jour_julien, 0);
            if ($jour_semaine == 0 || $jour_semaine == 6) {
                $ferie = true;
            //Samedi (6) et dimanche (0)
        // Cas pays non defini
        if (!$countryfound) {
            // Calul des samedis et dimanches
            $jour_julien = unixtojd($timestampStart);
            $jour_semaine = jddayofweek($jour_julien, 0);
            if ($jour_semaine == 0 || $jour_semaine == 6) {
                $ferie = true;
            //Samedi (6) et dimanche (0)
        // On incremente compteur
        if ($ferie) {
        // Increase number of days (on go up into loop)
        $timestampStart = dol_time_plus_duree($timestampStart, 1, 'd');
        //var_dump($jour.' '.$mois.' '.$annee.' '.$timestampStart);
    return $nbFerie;
Exemple #14
  * 获得用户笔记的月分布情况
  * @param  $uid
 public function getNoteProfileOfMonth($uid, $year, $month)
     $calMonth = array();
     $daysInMonth = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, $year);
     $inday = 1;
     for ($ws = 0; $ws < 6; $ws++) {
         $calWeek = array();
         for ($date = 0; $date < 7; $date++) {
             $jd = unixtojd(mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $inday, $year));
             $calDay = cal_from_jd($jd, CAL_GREGORIAN);
             if ($calDay['dow'] == $date & $inday <= $daysInMonth) {
                 $daily = array();
                 $daily['date'] = $inday;
                 $daily['note_num'] = $this->getUserDailyNotesNumb($uid, $month, $inday, $year);
                 array_push($calWeek, $daily);
             } else {
                 array_push($calWeek, 0);
         array_push($calMonth, $calWeek);
     return $calMonth;
Exemple #15

require '../../../db.php';
$user_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['user_id']);
$sql = "select school_id from users where user_id = " . $user_id;
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$school_id = $row['school_id'];
$chaiElul = 2457268;
$jd = unixtojd();
$amount = 40;
switch ($school_id) {
    case 61:
        if ($jd > $chaiElul) {
            $amount = 55;
        } else {
            $amount = 45;
    case 5:
    case 42:
    case 63:
    case 263:
        if ($jd > 2457269) {
            $amount = 50;
    case 3:
    case 49:
    case 81:
    case 185:
  * Startup activity
 public function __construct()
     global $WT_TREE;
     $this->facts = explode('|', WT_EVENTS_BIRT . '|' . WT_EVENTS_DEAT . '|' . WT_EVENTS_MARR . '|' . WT_EVENTS_DIV);
     $tmp = explode('\\', get_class(I18N::defaultCalendar()));
     $cal = strtolower(array_pop($tmp));
     $this->defaultCalendar = str_replace('calendar', '', $cal);
     $filterPids = false;
     // Request parameters
     $clear = Filter::getBool('clear');
     $newpid = Filter::get('newpid', WT_REGEX_XREF);
     $addfam = Filter::getBool('addFamily');
     $this->place = Filter::get('place');
     $this->beginYear = Filter::getInteger('beginYear', 0, PHP_INT_MAX, null);
     $this->endYear = Filter::getInteger('endYear', 0, PHP_INT_MAX, null);
     $this->calendar = Filter::get('calendar', null, $this->defaultCalendar);
     $this->strictDate = Filter::getBool('strictDate');
     // Set up base color parameters
     $this->colors['M'] = new ColorGenerator(240, self::SATURATION, self::LIGHTNESS, self::ALPHA, self::RANGE * -1);
     $this->colors['F'] = new ColorGenerator(00, self::SATURATION, self::LIGHTNESS, self::ALPHA, self::RANGE);
     // Build a list of people based on the input parameters
     if ($clear) {
         // Empty list & reset form
         $xrefs = array();
         $this->place = null;
         $this->beginYear = null;
         $this->endYear = null;
         $this->calendar = $this->defaultCalendar;
     } elseif ($this->place) {
         // Get all individual & family records found for a place
         $this->place_obj = new Place($this->place, $WT_TREE);
         $xrefs = Database::prepare("SELECT DISTINCT `i_id` FROM `##placelinks`" . " JOIN `##individuals` ON `pl_gid`=`i_id` AND `pl_file`=`i_file`" . " WHERE `i_file`=:tree_id" . " AND `pl_p_id`=:place_id" . " UNION" . " SELECT DISTINCT `f_id` FROM `##placelinks`" . " JOIN `##families` ON `pl_gid`=`f_id` AND `pl_file`=`f_file`" . " WHERE `f_file`=:tree_id" . " AND `pl_p_id`=:place_id")->execute(array('tree_id' => $WT_TREE->getTreeId(), 'place_id' => $this->place_obj->getPlaceId()))->fetchOneColumn();
     } else {
         // Modify an existing list of records
         $xrefs = Session::get(self::SESSION_DATA, array());
         if ($newpid) {
             $xrefs = array_merge($xrefs, $this->addFamily(Individual::getInstance($newpid, $WT_TREE), $addfam));
             $xrefs = array_unique($xrefs);
         } elseif (!$xrefs) {
             $xrefs = $this->addFamily($this->getSignificantIndividual(), false);
     $tmp = $this->getCalendarDate(unixtojd());
     $this->currentYear = $tmp->today()->y;
     $tmp = strtoupper(strtr($this->calendar, array('jewish' => 'hebrew', 'french' => 'french r')));
     $this->calendarEscape = sprintf('@#D%s@', $tmp);
     if ($xrefs) {
         // ensure date ranges are valid in preparation for filtering list
         if ($this->beginYear || $this->endYear) {
             $filterPids = true;
             if (!$this->beginYear) {
                 $tmp = new Date($this->calendarEscape . ' 1');
                 $this->beginYear = $tmp->minimumDate()->y;
             if (!$this->endYear) {
                 $this->endYear = $this->currentYear;
             $this->startDate = new Date($this->calendarEscape . $this->beginYear);
             $this->endDate = new Date($this->calendarEscape . $this->endYear);
         // Test each xref to see if the search criteria are met
         foreach ($xrefs as $key => $xref) {
             $valid = false;
             $person = Individual::getInstance($xref, $WT_TREE);
             if ($person) {
                 if ($person->canShow()) {
                     foreach ($person->getFacts() as $fact) {
                         if ($this->checkFact($fact)) {
                             $this->people[] = $person;
                             $valid = true;
             } else {
                 $family = Family::getInstance($xref, $WT_TREE);
                 if ($family && $family->canShow() && $this->checkFact($family->getMarriage())) {
                     $valid = true;
                     $this->people[] = $family->getHusband();
                     $this->people[] = $family->getWife();
             if (!$valid) {
                 // no point in storing a xref if we can't use it
         Session::put(self::SESSION_DATA, $xrefs);
     } else {
     $this->people = array_filter(array_unique($this->people));
     $count = count($this->people);
     if ($count) {
         // Build the subtitle
         if ($this->place && $filterPids) {
             $this->subtitle = I18N::plural('%s individual with events in %s between %s and %s', '%s individuals with events in %s between %s and %s', $count, I18N::number($count), $this->place, $this->startDate->display(false, '%Y'), $this->endDate->display(false, '%Y'));
         } elseif ($this->place) {
             $this->subtitle = I18N::plural('%s individual with events in %s', '%s individuals with events in %s', $count, I18N::number($count), $this->place);
         } elseif ($filterPids) {
             $this->subtitle = I18N::plural('%s individual with events between %s and %s', '%s individuals with events between %s and %s', $count, I18N::number($count), $this->startDate->display(false, '%Y'), $this->endDate->display(false, '%Y'));
         } else {
             $this->subtitle = I18N::plural('%s individual', '%s individuals', $count, I18N::number($count));
         // Sort the array in order of birth year
         usort($this->people, function (Individual $a, Individual $b) {
             return Date::compare($a->getEstimatedBirthDate(), $b->getEstimatedBirthDate());
         //Find the mimimum birth year and maximum death year from the individuals in the array.
         $bdate = $this->getCalendarDate($this->people[0]->getEstimatedBirthDate()->minimumJulianDay());
         $minyear = $bdate->y;
         $that = $this;
         // PHP5.3 cannot access $this inside a closure
         $maxyear = array_reduce($this->people, function ($carry, Individual $item) use($that) {
             $date = $that->getCalendarDate($item->getEstimatedDeathDate()->maximumJulianDay());
             return max($carry, $date->y);
         }, 0);
     } elseif ($filterPids) {
         $minyear = $this->endYear;
         $maxyear = $this->endYear;
     } else {
         $minyear = $this->currentYear;
         $maxyear = $this->currentYear;
     $maxyear = min($maxyear, $this->currentYear);
     // Limit maximum year to current year as we can't forecast the future
     $minyear = min($minyear, $maxyear - $WT_TREE->getPreference('MAX_ALIVE_AGE'));
     // Set default minimum chart length
     $this->timelineMinYear = (int) floor($minyear / 10) * 10;
     // round down to start of the decade
     $this->timelineMaxYear = (int) ceil($maxyear / 10) * 10;
     // round up to start of next decade
Exemple #17
  * Get today’s date in the current calendar.
  * @return int[]
 public function todayYmd()
     return $this->calendar->jdToYmd(unixtojd());
Exemple #18
 *	Fonction retournant le nombre de jour fieries samedis et dimanches entre 2 dates entrees en timestamp
 *	Called by function num_open_day
 *	@param	    timestamp	$timestampStart     Timestamp de debut
 *	@param	    timestamp	$timestampEnd       Timestamp de fin
 *  @param      string		$countrycode        Country code
 *	@return   	int								Nombre de jours feries
function num_public_holiday($timestampStart, $timestampEnd, $countrycode = 'FR')
    $nbFerie = 0;
    while ($timestampStart != $timestampEnd) {
        $ferie = false;
        $countryfound = 0;
        $jour = date("d", $timestampStart);
        $mois = date("m", $timestampStart);
        $annee = date("Y", $timestampStart);
        if ($countrycode == 'FR') {
            $countryfound = 1;
            // Definition des dates feriees fixes
            if ($jour == 1 && $mois == 1) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 1er janvier
            if ($jour == 1 && $mois == 5) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 1er mai
            if ($jour == 8 && $mois == 5) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 5 mai
            if ($jour == 14 && $mois == 7) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 14 juillet
            if ($jour == 15 && $mois == 8) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 15 aout
            if ($jour == 1 && $mois == 11) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 1 novembre
            if ($jour == 11 && $mois == 11) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 11 novembre
            if ($jour == 25 && $mois == 12) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 25 decembre
            // Calcul du jour de paques
            $date_paques = easter_date($annee);
            $jour_paques = date("d", $date_paques);
            $mois_paques = date("m", $date_paques);
            if ($jour_paques == $jour && $mois_paques == $mois) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Paques
            // Calcul du jour de l ascension (38 jours apres Paques)
            $date_ascension = mktime(date("H", $date_paques), date("i", $date_paques), date("s", $date_paques), date("m", $date_paques), date("d", $date_paques) + 38, date("Y", $date_paques));
            $jour_ascension = date("d", $date_ascension);
            $mois_ascension = date("m", $date_ascension);
            if ($jour_ascension == $jour && $mois_ascension == $mois) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Calcul de Pentecote (11 jours apres Paques)
            $date_pentecote = mktime(date("H", $date_ascension), date("i", $date_ascension), date("s", $date_ascension), date("m", $date_ascension), date("d", $date_ascension) + 11, date("Y", $date_ascension));
            $jour_pentecote = date("d", $date_pentecote);
            $mois_pentecote = date("m", $date_pentecote);
            if ($jour_pentecote == $jour && $mois_pentecote == $mois) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Calul des samedis et dimanches
            $jour_julien = unixtojd($timestampStart);
            $jour_semaine = jddayofweek($jour_julien, 0);
            if ($jour_semaine == 0 || $jour_semaine == 6) {
                $ferie = true;
            //Samedi (6) et dimanche (0)
        // Pentecoste and Ascensione in Italy go to the sunday after: isn't holiday.
        // Pentecoste is 50 days after Easter, Ascensione 40
        if ($countrycode == 'IT') {
            $countryfound = 1;
            // Definition des dates feriees fixes
            if ($jour == 1 && $mois == 1) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Capodanno
            if ($jour == 6 && $mois == 1) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Epifania
            if ($jour == 25 && $mois == 4) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Anniversario Liberazione
            if ($jour == 1 && $mois == 5) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Festa del Lavoro
            if ($jour == 2 && $mois == 6) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Festa della Repubblica
            if ($jour == 15 && $mois == 8) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Ferragosto
            if ($jour == 1 && $mois == 11) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Tutti i Santi
            if ($jour == 8 && $mois == 12) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Immacolata Concezione
            if ($jour == 25 && $mois == 12) {
                $ferie = true;
            // 25 decembre
            if ($jour == 26 && $mois == 12) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Santo Stefano
            // Calcul du jour de paques
            $date_paques = easter_date($annee);
            $jour_paques = date("d", $date_paques);
            $mois_paques = date("m", $date_paques);
            if ($jour_paques == $jour && $mois_paques == $mois) {
                $ferie = true;
            // Paques
            // Calul des samedis et dimanches
            $jour_julien = unixtojd($timestampStart);
            $jour_semaine = jddayofweek($jour_julien, 0);
            if ($jour_semaine == 0 || $jour_semaine == 6) {
                $ferie = true;
            //Samedi (6) et dimanche (0)
        // Cas pays non defini
        if (!$countryfound) {
            // Calul des samedis et dimanches
            $jour_julien = unixtojd($timestampStart);
            $jour_semaine = jddayofweek($jour_julien, 0);
            if ($jour_semaine == 0 || $jour_semaine == 6) {
                $ferie = true;
            //Samedi (6) et dimanche (0)
        // On incremente compteur
        if ($ferie) {
        // Incrementation du nombre de jour (on avance dans la boucle)
        $timestampStart = mktime(0, 0, 0, $mois, $jour, $annee);
    return $nbFerie;
Exemple #19
function hanukkahStart($year = null)
    $reference = ($year == '2021' || $year == '2032' ? '11/1/' : '12/1/') . ($year !== null ? $year : date('Y'));
    list($month, $day, $year) = explode("/", jdtojewish(unixtojd(strtotime($reference))));
    return jdtounix(jewishtojd(3, 25, $year));