public function submit_form()
     $subject = $_POST["subject"];
     $topic = $_POST["topic"];
     $question = $_POST["question"];
     $file = $_FILES["file"];
     $key = 0;
     $data = array();
     $data["file_path"] = "";
     if ($file["size"] != 0) {
         $uniquename = unique();
         $config['upload_path'] = $this->gallery_path;
         $config['allowed_types'] = 'jpeg|jpg|bmp|png|pdf|docx';
         $config['file_name'] = $uniquename;
         $config['max_size'] = '3000';
         $config['overwrite'] = false;
         $this->load->library('upload', $config);
         if ($this->upload->do_upload('file')) {
             $data["upload_data"] = $this->upload->data();
             $data["file_path"] = base_url() . 'vidhyasanidhi/files/' . $data["upload_data"]["file_name"];
     if ($subject == "") {
         $data["error"][$key]["type"] = "subject";
         $data["error"][$key]["msg"] = "You should select a subject";
     if ($topic == "") {
         $data["error"][$key]["type"] = "topic";
         $data["error"][$key]["msg"] = "Topic can not be blank";
     if ($question == "") {
         $data["error"][$key]["type"] = "question";
         $data["error"][$key]["msg"] = "Question can not be blank";
     if ($key == 0) {
         $data["success"] = 1;
         $session = $this->session->userdata("user_data");
         $user_id = $session["user_id"];
         $data_to = array();
         $data_to["user_id"] = $user_id;
         $data_to["subject"] = $subject;
         $data_to["topic"] = $topic;
         $data_to["question"] = $question;
         $data_to["post"] = 0;
         $data_to["course"] = $_POST["course"];
         $data_to["unique_id"] = uniqid();
         $data_to["file_url"] = $data["file_path"];
         $this->db->insert("tbl_ask_question", $data_to);
         $question_id = $this->db->insert_id();
         $this->session->set_flashdata("ask_question", 2);
     } else {
         $data["success"] = 0;
     return $data;
  * Run the migrations.
  * @return void
 public function up()
     Schema::create('categories', function (Blueprint $table) {
         $table->string('name') - unique();
function trier_rss($texte)
    if (preg_match_all(",<item.*</item>\\s*?,Uims", $texte, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        $placeholder = "<!--REINSERT-->";
        $items = array();
        foreach ($matches as $match) {
            if (preg_match(',<dc:date>(.*)</dc:date>,Uims', $match[0], $r)) {
                $items[strtotime($r[1])] = trim($match[0]);
                $texte = str_replace($match[0], unique($placeholder), $texte);
        $texte = str_replace($placeholder, implode("\n\t", $items) . "\n", $texte);
    return $texte;
Exemple #4
 public function salt($count = 10, $table_name = '', $field_name = '', $find = FALSE)
     function unique($count)
         return substr(strtoupper(sha1(uniqid() . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . microtime())), 0, $count);
     if ($this->CI->db->table_exists($table_name) && $this->CI->db->field_exists($field_name, $table_name)) {
         while (!$find) {
             $salt = unique($count);
             if ($this->CI->db->select('h.' . $field_name)->from($table_name . ' h')->where('h.' . $field_name, $salt)->get()->num_rows() == 0) {
                 $find = TRUE;
     return $salt;
function BOUCLE_langueshtml_9491858aea5af6033788aa1936ebca8d(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP)
    static $command = array();
    static $connect;
    $command['connect'] = $connect = '';
    if (!isset($command['table'])) {
        $command['table'] = 'rubriques';
        $command['id'] = '_langues';
        $command['from'] = array('rubriques' => 'spip_rubriques');
        $command['type'] = array();
        $command['groupby'] = array();
        $command['select'] = array("rubriques.lang", "rubriques.titre");
        $command['orderby'] = array('rubriques.lang');
        $command['join'] = array();
        $command['limit'] = '';
        $command['having'] = array();
    $command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('rubriques.statut', '!', 'publie', ''), array('=', 'rubriques.id_parent', 0), array('NOT', array('=', 'rubriques.lang', sql_quote(interdire_scripts(entites_html(table_valeur(@$Pile[0], (string) 'lang', null), true)), '', 'varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\''))));
    if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) {
        $timer = time() + microtime();
    $t0 = "";
    // REQUETE
    $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/inc/inc-bas_menu-lang.html', 'html_9491858aea5af6033788aa1936ebca8d', '_langues', 18, $GLOBALS['spip_lang']));
    if (!$iter->err()) {
        // RESULTATS
        while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) {
            lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], '', $Pile[$SP]['titre']);
            $t0 .= ($t1 = strval(traduire_nom_langue(unique(spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']))))) !== '' ? '
		<span lang="' . spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '" xml:lang="' . spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '">| 
		<a href="spip.php?action=converser&amp;var_lang=' . spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang']) . '&amp;redirect=/" rel="alternate"  title="' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:accueil_site') . ' : ' . traduire_nom_langue(spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])) . '" dir="' . lang_dir($Pile[$SP]['lang'], 'ltr', 'rtl') . '">' . $t1 . '</a>
' : '';
    if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) {
        spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_langues @ squelettes/inc/inc-bas_menu-lang.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT);
    return $t0;
 public function create_thread($uid, $id)
     //thread check if already created or not
     $thraedQuery = $this->db->query("select * from tbl_message_thread where (`sender_id`='{$uid}' and `receiver_id`='{$id}') or (`sender_id`='{$id}' and `receiver_id`='{$uid}')");
     if ($thraedQuery->num_rows() < 1) {
         $threadFields = array('thread_id' => unique(), 'sender_id' => $uid, 'receiver_id' => $id, 'created_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
         $threadResponse = $this->db->insert('tbl_message_thread', $threadFields);
     } else {
         return true;
Exemple #7
 * Afficher l'avancement de la copie
 * @staticvar int $etape    Nombre de fois ou on est passe dans cette foncion
 * @param <type> $courant   Flag pour indiquer si c'est la table sur laquelle on travaille actuellement
 * @param <type> $total     Nombre total de tables
 * @param <type> $table     Nom de la table
function dump_afficher_progres($courant, $total, $table)
    static $etape = 1;
    if (unique($table)) {
        if ($total < 0 or !is_numeric($total)) {
            echo "<br /><strong>" . $etape . '. ' . "</strong>{$table} ";
        } else {
            echo "<br /><strong>" . $etape . '. ' . "{$table}</strong> " . ($courant ? " <i>({$courant})</i> " : "");
    if (is_numeric($total) and $total >= 0) {
        echo ". ";
    } else {
        echo "(" . -intval($total) . ")";
function auditoria_sistema($conexion, $tabla, $id_user, $proceso, $id_registro, $fecha_larga, $fecha, $sql_nuevo, $sql_anterior)
    $cliente = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $server = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'];
    $id = unique($fecha_larga);
    if ($proceso == 'Insert') {
        $consulta = "insert into auditoria values ('{$id}','{$tabla}','{$id_registro}',array[''],{$sql_nuevo}::text[],'{$proceso}','{$id_user}','{$cliente}','{$server}','0','{$fecha}')";
    } else {
        if ($proceso == 'Update') {
            $consulta = "insert into auditoria values ('{$id}','{$tabla}','{$id_registro}',{$sql_anterior}::text[],{$sql_nuevo}::text[],'{$proceso}','{$id_user}','{$cliente}','{$server}','0','{$fecha}')";
        } else {
            if ($proceso == 'Backup') {
 public function library_material()
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
         $file = $_FILES["filename"];
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('course', 'Course', 'required');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('title', 'Title', 'required');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('message', 'Description', 'required');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('filename', 'PDF File', 'xss_clean');
         $this->form_validation->set_rules('course_subject', 'Subject', 'required');
         $this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<div class="alert alert-danger form-error">', '</div>');
         if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
             $value['msg'] = '<div class="alert alert-danger form-error">Class Edit Error</div>';
             $data__header['page_name'] = 'library_material';
             $this->load->view('admin/header', $data__header);
             $this->load->view('admin/library_material', $value);
         } else {
             if ($file["name"] != "") {
                 $uniquename = unique();
                 $config['upload_path'] = $this->gallery_path;
                 $config['allowed_types'] = 'pdf';
                 $config['file_name'] = $uniquename;
                 $config['max_size'] = '250000';
                 $config['overwrite'] = false;
                 $this->load->library('upload', $config);
                 if ($this->upload->do_upload('filename')) {
                     $data["upload_data"] = $this->upload->data();
                     $url = base_url() . 'vidhyasanidhi/files/' . $data["upload_data"]["file_name"];
                     $directory_path = $data['upload_data']['file_path'];
                     $directory_path_full = $data['upload_data']['full_path'];
                     $file_name = $data['upload_data']['raw_name'];
                 } else {
                     $this->custom_errors['avatar'] = $this->upload->display_errors();
             $this->form_validation->set_rules('course', 'Course', 'required');
             $this->form_validation->set_rules('title', 'Title', 'required');
             $this->form_validation->set_rules('message', 'Description', 'required');
             $this->form_validation->set_rules('filename', 'PDF File', 'xss_clean|callback_filecheck1');
             $this->form_validation->set_rules('course_subject', 'Subject', 'required');
             $this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<div class="alert alert-danger form-error">', '</div>');
             if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
                 $value['msg'] = '<div class="alert alert-danger form-error">Class Edit Error</div>';
                 $data__header['page_name'] = 'library_material';
                 $this->load->view('admin/header', $data__header);
                 $this->load->view('admin/library_material', $value);
             } else {
                 $course_details = $this->db->where(array("unique_id" => $_POST["course"]))->get("tbl_course")->row();
                 $data = array();
                 $data['board'] = $course_details->board;
                 $data['course_unique_id'] = $_POST["course"];
                 $data['stream'] = $course_details->stream;
                 $data['class'] = $course_details->class;
                 $data['subject'] = $_POST["course_subject"];
                 $data['section'] = "A";
                 $data["all_noti"] = $_POST["message"];
                 $data["url"] = $url;
                 $data['title'] = $_POST['title'];
                 $data['status'] = 1;
                 $data['unique_id'] = uniqid();
                 $this->db->insert('tbl_library', $data);
                 $this->session->set_flashdata('message_board_added', 'Added.');
     } else {
         $data__header['page_name'] = 'library_material';
         $this->load->view('admin/header', $data__header);
 * @param $string
 * @return bool
function _unique($string)
    return !unique($string);
Exemple #11
 * Afficher l'avancement de la copie
 * @staticvar int $etape
 * @param int $courant
 * @param int $total
 * @param string $table
function migrer_vers_afficher_progres($courant,$total,$table) {
	static $etape = 1;
	if (unique($table)) {
		if ($total<0 OR !is_numeric($total)){
			#echo "<br /><strong>".$etape. '. '."</strong>$table ";
			echo "<br /><strong>".$etape. '. '."$table</strong> ".($courant?" <i>($courant)</i> ":"");
	if (is_numeric($total) AND $total>=0)
		echo ". ";
		echo "(". (-intval($total)).")";
Exemple #12

include '../conexion.php';
include '../funciones_generales.php';
$conexion = conectarse();
$fecha = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
$fecha_larga = date('His', time());
$sql = "";
$id = unique($fecha_larga);
$id_c = unique($fecha_larga);
$check = "off";
if (isset($_POST["switch-field-1"])) {
    $check = "on";
$cadena = " " . $_POST['img'];
$buscar = 'data:image/png;base64,';
$id_user = sesion_activa();
if ($_POST['tipo'] == "g") {
    if (strpos($cadena, $buscar) == FALSE) {
        $sql = "insert into empresa values ('" . $id . "','" . $_POST['txt_1'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_12'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_2'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_13'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_3'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_4'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_11'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_14'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_5'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_7'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_6'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_17'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_18'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_15'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_8'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_16'] . "','" . $_POST['spinner1'] . "','" . $_POST['spinner2'] . "','" . $_POST['spinner3'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_19'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_20'] . "','default.png','" . $check . "','" . $fecha . "','" . $_POST['txt_21'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_22'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_23'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_24'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_25'] . "')";
    } else {
        $resp = img_64("img", $_POST['img'], 'png', $id);
        if ($resp == "true") {
            $sql = "insert into empresa values ('" . $id . "','" . $_POST['txt_1'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_12'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_2'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_13'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_3'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_4'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_11'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_14'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_5'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_7'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_6'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_17'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_18'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_15'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_8'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_16'] . "','" . $_POST['spinner1'] . "','" . $_POST['spinner2'] . "','" . $_POST['spinner3'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_19'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_20'] . "','" . $id . ".png','" . $check . "','" . $fecha . "','" . $_POST['txt_21'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_22'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_23'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_24'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_25'] . "')";
        } else {
            $sql = "insert into empresa values ('" . $id . "','" . $_POST['txt_1'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_12'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_2'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_13'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_3'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_4'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_11'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_14'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_5'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_7'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_6'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_17'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_18'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_15'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_8'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_16'] . "','" . $_POST['spinner1'] . "','" . $_POST['spinner2'] . "','" . $_POST['spinner3'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_19'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_20'] . "','default.png','" . $check . "','" . $fecha . "','" . $_POST['txt_21'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_22'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_23'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_24'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_25'] . "')";
    $guardar = guardarSql($conexion, $sql);
    $sql_nuevo = "select (id_empresa,ruc_empresa,nombre_empresa,propietario,slogan,telefono1,telefono2,ciudad,direccion,correo,fax,sitio_web,nombre_contador,autorizacion_factura,ascesor_legal,representante_legal,identificacion_repre,inicio_fac_preimpresa,item_factura,anio_contable,modo_costeo,comentario,imagen,estado,fecha_creacion,ruc_contador,serie_retencion,autorizacion_retencion,serie_nota_credito,autorizacion_nota_credito) from empresa where id_empresa= '" . $id . "'";
Exemple #13
include "header.php";
$pagesize = $show_user;
if (!isset($letter) or $letter == '') {
    $letter = translate("All");
$letter = removeHack(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($letter, ENT_QUOTES, cur_charset)));
if (!isset($sortby)) {
    $sortby = 'uid DESC';
$sortby = removeHack($sortby);
if (!isset($page)) {
    $page = 1;
if (isset($list)) {
    $tempo = unique(explode(',', $list));
    $list = urlencode(implode(',', $tempo));
$result = sql_query("SELECT uname, user_avatar FROM " . $NPDS_Prefix . "users ORDER BY uid DESC limit 0,1");
list($lastuser, $lastava) = sql_fetch_row($result);
echo '
   <h2><img src="images/admin/users.png" alt="' . translate("Members List") . '" />' . translate("Members List");
if (isset($uid_from_ws) and $uid_from_ws != '') {
    echo '<span class="text-muted"> ' . translate("for group") . ' #' . $gr_from_ws . '</span>';
echo '</h2>
   <hr />';
if (!isset($gr_from_ws)) {
    echo '
      <div class="media">';
    if ($ibid_avatar = avatar($lastava)) {
Exemple #14
include "header.php";
$pagesize = $show_user;
if (!isset($letter) or $letter == "") {
    $letter = translate("All");
$letter = removeHack(stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($letter, ENT_QUOTES, cur_charset)));
if (!isset($sortby)) {
    $sortby = "uid DESC";
$sortby = removeHack($sortby);
if (!isset($page)) {
    $page = 1;
if (isset($list)) {
    $tempo = unique(explode(",", $list));
    $list = urlencode(implode(",", $tempo));
$result = sql_query("select uname from " . $NPDS_Prefix . "users order by uid DESC limit 0,1");
list($lastuser) = sql_fetch_row($result);
echo '<h2><img src="images/admin/users.png" border="0" alt="' . translate("Members List") . '" />' . translate("Members List");
if (isset($uid_from_ws) and $uid_from_ws != "") {
    echo " " . translate("for group") . " " . $gr_from_ws;
echo '</h2>';
if (!isset($gr_from_ws)) {
    echo "<p>" . translate("Greetings to our latest registered user:"******" <a href=\"user.php?op=userinfo&amp;uname={$lastuser}\">{$lastuser}</a></p>";
echo "<br />";
$campo2 = $_POST['campo2'];
$campo3 = $_POST['campo3'];
$campo4 = $_POST['campo4'];
$campo5 = $_POST['campo5'];
/////descomponer detalle_inventario////
$arreglo1 = explode('|', $campo1);
$arreglo2 = explode('|', $campo2);
$arreglo3 = explode('|', $campo3);
$arreglo4 = explode('|', $campo4);
$arreglo5 = explode('|', $campo5);
$nelem = count($arreglo1);
for ($i = 1; $i < $nelem; $i++) {
    $id2 = unique($fecha_larga);
    ///guardar detalle_factura/////
    $sql2 = "insert into detalle_inventario values (\n\t\t'{$id2}','{$id}','" . $arreglo1[$i] . "','" . $arreglo2[$i] . "','" . $arreglo3[$i] . "','" . $arreglo4[$i] . "','Activo','{$fecha}')";
    $guardar = guardarSql($conexion, $sql2);
    //////////////modificar productos///////////
    $sql3 = "update productos set stock='" . $arreglo3[$i] . "' where id_productos='" . $arreglo1[$i] . "'";
    $guardar = guardarSql($conexion, $sql3);
    $sql_kardex = "select id_kardex from kardex where id_productos ='" . $arreglo1[$i] . "'";
    $id_kardex = id_unique($conexion, $sql_kardex);
    $id_det_kardex = unique($fecha_larga);
    $sql_kardex = "insert into detalles_kardex values ('" . $id_det_kardex . "','" . $id_kardex . "','" . $fecha . "','" . 'Ajuste de Inventario con una diferencia de ' . $arreglo4[$i] . "','" . $arreglo3[$i] . "','" . $arreglo5[$i] . "','" . $arreglo3[$i] * $arreglo5[$i] . "','','','','" . $arreglo3[$i] . "','" . $arreglo5[$i] . "','" . $arreglo3[$i] * $arreglo5[$i] . "')";
    $guardar = guardarSql($conexion, $sql_kardex);
     $destino = $ruta . $nombre_original;
     $root = getcwd();
     //move_uploaded_file($file_tmp, $root.$file_destination)
     move_uploaded_file($temporal, $root . $destino);
 if ($key['error'] == '') {
     $mensaje = 'Archivo ' . $nombre_original . ' subido correctamente';
     $data = 0;
     //cargamos el archivo_excel que deseamos leer
     $objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load('plan_cuentas/' . $nombre_original);
     $objHoja = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->toArray(null, true, true, true);
     $cont = 0;
     foreach ($objHoja as $iIndice => $objCelda) {
         if ($cont >= 1) {
             if ($objCelda['A'] != '') {
                 $id_cuentas = unique($fecha_larga);
                 $repetidos = repetidos($conexion, 'codigo_cuenta', $objCelda['A'], 'plan_cuentas', 'g', '', '');
                 if ($repetidos == 'false') {
                     $sql = "insert into plan_cuentas values ('{$id_cuentas}','" . $objCelda['A'] . "','" . $objCelda['B'] . "','" . $objCelda['D'] . "','{$fecha}','" . $objCelda['C'] . "')";
                     $guardar = guardarSql($conexion, $sql);
     $sql = "update plan_cuentas set estado = '0'";
     guardarSql($conexion, $sql);
 } else {
     if ($key['error'] != '') {
         $mensaje = 'No se puedo subir el archivo ' . $nombre_original . ' debido al siguiente error ' . $key['error'];
         $data = 1;

include '../conexion.php';
include '../funciones_generales.php';
$conexion = conectarse();
$fecha = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
$fecha_larga = date('His', time());
$sql = "";
$id_user = sesion_activa();
$id = unique($fecha_larga);
$id_compras = unique($fecha_larga);
$id_ret_fuente = unique($fecha_larga);
$id_ret_iva = unique($fecha_larga);
if ($_POST['tipo'] == "g") {
    $repetidos = repetidos_1($conexion, "identificacion", strtoupper($_POST["txt_2"]), "proveedor", "g", "", "", "tipo_documento", $_POST['txt_1']);
    if ($repetidos == 'true') {
        $data = 1;
        /// este dato ya existe;
    } else {
        $sql = "insert into proveedor values ('{$id}','" . $_POST['txt_1'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_2'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_12'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_14'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_4'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_5'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_11'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_15'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_3'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_13'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_7'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_6'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_8'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_16'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_17'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_18'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_19'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_22'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_23'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_24'] . "','" . $id_user . "','" . $_POST['txt_26'] . "','0','{$fecha}','" . $_POST['txt_25'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_20'] . "','" . $_POST['txt_21'] . "')";
        $guardar = guardarSql($conexion, $sql);
        $sql_nuevo = "select (id_proveedor,tipo_documento,identificacion,nombres_completos,tipo,telefono1,telefono2,ciudad,direccion,empresa,visitador,fax,correo,forma_pago,principal,cupo_credito,serie_comprobante,autorizacion_sri,id,id_sustento,id_comprobante,id_usuario,comentario,estado,fecha_creacion,id_compras,id_ret_fuente,id_ret_iva) from proveedor where id_proveedor = '{$id}'";
        $sql_nuevo = sql_array($conexion, $sql_nuevo);
        auditoria_sistema($conexion, 'proveedor', $id_user, 'Insert', $id, $fecha_larga, $fecha, $sql_nuevo, '');
        if ($guardar == 'true') {
            $data = 0;
            ////datos guardados
        } else {
            $data = 2;
            /// error al guardar
Exemple #18
 public static function unique()
     return self::make(unique());
$fecha = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
$fecha_larga = date('His', time());
$sql = "";
$id_user = sesion_activa();
$id = unique($fecha_larga);
$campo1 = $_POST['vect1'];
$arreglo1 = explode(',', $campo1);
$campo2 = $_POST['vect2'];
$arreglo2 = explode(',', $campo2);
$nelem = count($arreglo1);
$data = 0;
if ($_POST['tipo'] == "g") {
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nelem; $i++) {
        $id_sust_compro = unique($fecha_larga);
        $repetidos = repetidos_1($conexion, "id_sustento", $arreglo1[$i], "sustento_comprobante", "g", "", "", "id_comprobante", $arreglo2[$i]);
        if ($repetidos == 'false') {
            $sql = "insert into  sustento_comprobante values('" . $id_sust_compro . "','" . $arreglo1[$i] . "','" . $arreglo2[$i] . "','0')";
            guardarSql($conexion, $sql);
            $sql_nuevo = "SELECT (id_sust_compro,id_sustento,id_comprobante,estado)  FROM  sustento_comprobante where id_sust_compro = '" . $id_sust_compro . "'";
            $sql_nuevo = sql_array($conexion, $sql_nuevo);
            $data = 1;
        } else {
            $data = 0;
} else {
echo $data;
Exemple #20
     $data = "2";
     /// este nombre ya existe;
 } else {
     $sql = "update grupos set codigo_grupo = '" . strtoupper($_POST['txt_1']) . "',nombre_grupo = '" . strtoupper($_POST['txt_2']) . "',estado = '1',fecha = '" . $fecha . "' where id = '" . $_POST['txt_0'] . "'";
     $sql_nuevo = "SELECT (id,codigo_grupo,nombre_grupo,estado,fecha)  FROM grupos where id = '" . $_POST['txt_0'] . "'";
     $sql_nuevo = sql_array($conexion, $sql_nuevo);
     $guardar = guardarSql($conexion, $sql);
     if ($guardar == 'true') {
         $data = '0';
         ////datos guardados
         $sql_anterior = "SELECT (id,codigo_grupo,nombre_grupo,estado,fecha)  FROM grupos where id = '" . $_POST['txt_0'] . "'";
         $sql_anterior = sql_array($conexion, $sql_anterior);
         auditoria_sistema($conexion, 'grupos', $id_user, 'Update', $id, $fecha_larga, $fecha, $sql_nuevo, $sql_anterior);
         /////////////////////detalles grupos////////////
         for ($i = 0; $i < $nelem; $i++) {
             $id_detalles = unique($fecha_larga);
             if ($arreglo4[$i] == '') {
                 $sql = "insert into cuentas_grupos values('" . $id_detalles . "','" . $_POST['txt_0'] . "','" . $arreglo1[$i] . "','" . $fecha . "')";
                 guardarSql($conexion, $sql);
                 $sql_nuevo = "SELECT (id,id_grupo,id_plan,fecha)  FROM cuentas_grupos where id = '" . $id_detalles . "'";
                 $sql_nuevo = sql_array($conexion, $sql_nuevo);
                 auditoria_sistema($conexion, 'cuentas_grupos', $id_user, 'Insert', $id, $fecha_larga, $fecha, $sql_nuevo, '');
             } else {
                 $sql_anterior = "SELECT (id,id_grupo,id_plan,fecha)  FROM cuentas_grupos where id = '" . $arreglo4[$i] . "'";
                 $sql_anterior = sql_array($conexion, $sql_anterior);
                 $sql = "update cuentas_grupos set id_plan = '" . $arreglo1[$i] . "' where id = '" . $arreglo4[$i] . "'";
                 guardarSql($conexion, $sql);
                 $sql_nuevo = "SELECT (id,id_grupo,id_plan,fecha)  FROM cuentas_grupos where id = '" . $arreglo4[$i] . "'";
                 $sql_nuevo = sql_array($conexion, $sql_nuevo);
                 auditoria_sistema($conexion, 'cuentas_grupos', $id_user, 'Update', $id, $fecha_larga, $fecha, $sql_nuevo, $sql_anterior);
Exemple #21
function insert($data)
    global $dbCom;
    $temp = $dbCom->get("cb_combusiness", array('cid'), array('comname' => $data['Name'], 'LIMIT' => 1));
    if (!empty($temp['cid'])) {
        //根据注册号 判断是否有重复
        if (!empty($data['No']) && (strlen($data['No']) == 13 || strlen($data['No']) == 15)) {
            $temp = $dbCom->get("cb_combusiness", array('cid'), array('regno' => $data['No'], 'LIMIT' => 1));
            if (is_array($temp) && !empty($temp) && $temp['cid'] > 0) {
                $update = array('comname' => $data['Name'], 'uniqueno' => unique($data['Name'], $data['No']), 'scope' => $data['Scope'], 'state' => $data['Status'], 'comtype' => $data['EconKind'], 'regcapital' => regcap($data['RegistCapi']), 'address' => $data['Address'], 'businessstart' => strtotime($data['TermStart']), 'businessend' => strtotime($data['TeamEnd']), 'checkdate' => strtotime($data['CheckDate']), 'regagency' => $data['BelongOrg'], 'legal' => $data['OperName'], 'startdate' => strtotime($data['StartDate']), 'enddate' => strtotime($data['EndDate']), 'cate1' => 0, 'cate2' => 0, 'uptime' => strtotime($data['UpdatedDate']), 'areaid' => getAreaId($data['No']), 'RegistCapi' => $data['RegistCapi']);
                $update = area($update, $data);
                $dbCom->update("cb_combusiness", $update, array('cid' => $temp['cid']));
        return $temp['cid'];
    $insert = array('comname' => $data['Name'], 'regno' => $data['No'], 'uniqueno' => unique($data['Name'], $data['No']), 'scope' => $data['Scope'], 'state' => $data['Status'], 'comtype' => $data['EconKind'], 'regcapital' => regcap($data['RegistCapi']), 'address' => $data['Address'], 'businessstart' => strtotime($data['TermStart']), 'businessend' => strtotime($data['TeamEnd']), 'checkdate' => strtotime($data['CheckDate']), 'regagency' => $data['BelongOrg'], 'legal' => $data['OperName'], 'startdate' => strtotime($data['StartDate']), 'enddate' => strtotime($data['EndDate']), 'cate1' => 0, 'cate2' => 0, 'uptime' => strtotime($data['UpdatedDate']), 'areaid' => getAreaId($data['No']), 'RegistCapi' => $data['RegistCapi']);
    empty($insert['scope']) && ($insert['scope'] = '无');
    empty($insert['regno']) && ($insert['regno'] = '0');
    //    empty($insert['comtype']) && $insert['comtype'] = '无';
    //    empty($insert['state']) && $insert['state'] = '无';
    //    empty($insert['regcapital']) && $insert['regcapital'] = 0;
    //    empty($insert['address']) && $insert['address'] = '无';
    empty($insert['regagency']) && ($insert['regagency'] = '无');
    //    empty($insert['legal']) && $insert['legal'] = '无';
    //省 市 区处理
    $insert = area($insert, $data);
    $cid = $dbCom->insert('cb_combusiness', $insert);
    if ($cid <= 0) {
    if (is_array($data['Branches']) && !empty($data['Branches'])) {
        $insert = array();
        foreach ($data['Branches'] as $value) {
            $insert[] = array('cid' => $cid, 'regno' => $value['RegNo'], 'comname' => $value['Name']);
        if (is_array($insert) && !empty($insert)) {
            $dbCom->insert('cb_branch', $insert);
    if (isset($data['ContactInfo']) && $data['ContactInfo'] && !empty($data['ContactInfo'])) {
        $insert = array('cid' => $cid, 'WebSite' => isset($data['ContactInfo']['WebSite']) ? json_encode($data['ContactInfo']['WebSite'], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE) : json_encode(array()), 'PhoneNumber' => isset($data['ContactInfo']['PhoneNumber']) ? $data['ContactInfo']['PhoneNumber'] : '', 'Email' => isset($data['ContactInfo']['Email']) ? $data['ContactInfo']['Email'] : array());
        if (is_array($insert) && !empty($insert)) {
            $dbCom->insert('cb_com_contact', $insert);
    if (is_array($data['ChangeRecords']) && !empty($data['ChangeRecords'])) {
        $insert = array();
        foreach ($data['ChangeRecords'] as $value) {
            $insert[] = array('cid' => $cid, 'infoname' => $value['ProjectName'], 'oldvalue' => $value['BeforeContent'], 'newvalue' => $value['AfterContent'], 'uptime' => strtotime($value['ChangeDate']));
        if (is_array($insert) && !empty($insert)) {
            $dbCom->insert('cb_changelog', $insert);
    if (is_array($data['Employees']) && !empty($data['Employees'])) {
        $insert = array();
        foreach ($data['Employees'] as $value) {
            $insert[] = array('cid' => $cid, 'name' => $value['Name'], 'job' => $value['Job'], 'certno' => isset($value['CerNo']) && !empty($value['CerNo']) ? $value['CerNo'] : '无');
        if (is_array($insert) && !empty($insert)) {
            $dbCom->insert('cb_employee', $insert);
    if (is_array($data['Partners']) && !empty($data['Partners'])) {
        $insert = array();
        foreach ($data['Partners'] as $value) {
            $insert[] = array('cid' => $cid, 'stockholder' => $value['StockName'], 'stocktype' => $value['StockType'], 'stockpercent' => $value['StockPercent'], 'identifyname' => $value['IdentifyType'], 'identifyno' => $value['IdentifyNo'], 'shouldcapi' => $value['ShouldCapi'], 'shoulddate' => is_string($value['ShoudDate']) ? strtotime($value['ShoudDate']) : '', 'shouldtype' => $value['InvestType'], 'realtype' => $value['InvestType'], 'realcapi' => $value['RealCapi'], 'realdate' => is_string($value['CapiDate']) ? strtotime($value['CapiDate']) : '');
            if (!is_string($value['ShoudDate']) || !is_string($value['CapiDate'])) {
                //                print_r($value);
        if (is_array($insert) && !empty($insert)) {
            $dbCom->insert('cb_partner', $insert);
    return $cid;
function BOUCLE_secteurshtml_7b757a9211fae3c1871c26ec4415f046(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP)
    static $command = array();
    static $connect;
    $command['connect'] = $connect = '';
    if (!isset($command['table'])) {
        $command['table'] = 'rubriques';
        $command['id'] = '_secteurs';
        $command['from'] = array('rubriques' => 'spip_rubriques');
        $command['type'] = array();
        $command['groupby'] = array();
        $command['select'] = array("rubriques.id_rubrique", "rubriques.lang", "0+rubriques.titre AS num1", "rubriques.titre");
        $command['orderby'] = array('rubriques.lang DESC', 'num1', 'rubriques.titre');
        $command['join'] = array();
        $command['limit'] = '';
        $command['having'] = array();
    $command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('rubriques.statut', '!', 'publie', ''), array('=', 'rubriques.id_parent', 0), array('=', 'rubriques.lang', sql_quote($GLOBALS['spip_lang'], '', 'varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\'')));
    if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) {
        $timer = time() + microtime();
    $t0 = "";
    // REQUETE
    $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/plan.html', 'html_7b757a9211fae3c1871c26ec4415f046', '_secteurs', 39, $GLOBALS['spip_lang']));
    if (!$iter->err()) {
        // RESULTATS
        while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) {
            lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], '', $Pile[$SP]['titre']);
            $t0 .= '
			' . (($t1 = strval(traduire_nom_langue(unique(spip_htmlentities($Pile[$SP]['lang'] ? $Pile[$SP]['lang'] : $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])), 'langues'))) !== '' ? '<h2>' . $t1 . '</h2>' : '') . '
				<div class="plan-archives" style="clear:both;">
				' . filtrer('image_graver', filtrer('image_reduire', !is_array($l = quete_logo('id_rubrique', 'ON', $Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique'], quete_parent($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique']), 0)) ? '' : "<img class=\"spip_logo spip_logo_right spip_logos\" alt=\"\" style=\"float:right\" src=\"{$l['0']}\"" . $l[2] . ($l[1] ? " onmouseover=\"this.src='{$l['1']}'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='{$l['0']}'\"" : "") . ' />', '120', '0')) . '
				<h3><a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_rubrique'], 'rubrique', '', '', true))) . '">' . interdire_scripts(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '</a></h3>
				' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_articles_racinehtml_7b757a9211fae3c1871c26ec4415f046($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
					' . $t1 . '
				' : '') . '
					' . (($t1 = BOUCLE_rubriqueshtml_7b757a9211fae3c1871c26ec4415f046($Cache, $Pile, $doublons, $Numrows, $SP)) !== '' ? '
						' . $t1 . '
				' : '') . '
    if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) {
        spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_secteurs @ squelettes/plan.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT);
    return $t0;
    $id2 = unique($fecha_larga);
    // guardar pagos
    pg_query("insert into pagos_pagar values('{$id1}','" . $_POST['id_proveedor'] . "','" . $id_session . "', '" . $_POST['fecha_actual'] . "','" . $_POST['hora_actual'] . "','" . $_POST['formas'] . "','{$arreglo2[$i]}','{$arreglo3[$i]}','{$arreglo4[$i]}','{$arreglo5[$i]}','{$arreglo6[$i]}','" . $_POST['observaciones'] . "','Activo','{$fecha}','" . $_SESSION['id'] . "')");
    // fin
    // modificar pagos
    $consulta = pg_query("select * from pagos_compra where id_pagos_compra = '" . $arreglo1[$i] . "'");
    while ($row = pg_fetch_row($consulta)) {
        $saldo = $row[6];
    // fin
    $cal = $saldo - $arreglo5[$i];
    $format_numero = number_format($cal, 2, '.', '');
    if ($format_numero == 0.0) {
        pg_query("Update pagos_compra Set saldo='" . $format_numero . "', estado='Cancelado' where id_pagos_compra='" . $arreglo1[$i] . "'");
    } else {
        pg_query("Update pagos_compra Set saldo='" . $format_numero . "' where id_pagos_compra='" . $arreglo1[$i] . "'");
    // registrar libro diario
    $id_libro = unique($fecha_larga);
    $sql_libro = "insert into libro_diario values ('" . $id_libro . "','" . $fecha . "','','" . $arreglo5[$i] . "','11501155240ac39d2f0','Tabla Pagos Pagar','Pago en efectivo del documento'.{$arreglo1['1']})";
    $guardar = guardarSql($conexion, $sql_libro);
    $id_libro = unique($fecha_larga);
    $sql_libro = "insert into libro_diario values ('" . $id_libro . "','" . $fecha . "','" . $arreglo5[$i] . "','','11501155240ac39f4e6','Tabla Pagos Pagar','Pago cuentas pagar')";
    ///cuentas por cobrar
    $guardar = guardarSql($conexion, $sql_libro);
    // fin
$data = 0;
/// error al guardar
echo $data;
function BOUCLE_archivehtml_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP)
    static $command = array();
    static $connect;
    $command['connect'] = $connect = '';
    $doublons_index = array();
    // Initialise le(s) critère(s) doublons
    if (!isset($doublons[$d = 'articles' . 'archives'])) {
        $doublons[$d] = '';
    if (!isset($command['table'])) {
        $command['table'] = 'articles';
        $command['id'] = '_archive';
        $command['from'] = array('articles' => 'spip_articles', 'L1' => 'spip_mots_liens', 'L2' => 'spip_mots');
        $command['type'] = array();
        $command['groupby'] = array("articles.id_article");
        $command['select'] = array("articles.date_redac", "articles.id_article", "articles.titre", "articles.lang");
        $command['orderby'] = array('articles.date_redac DESC');
        $command['join'] = array('L1' => array('articles', 'id_objet', 'id_article', 'L1.objet=' . sql_quote('article')), 'L2' => array('L1', 'id_mot'));
        $command['limit'] = '';
        $command['having'] = array();
    $command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('articles.statut', 'publie,prop,prepa/auteur', 'publie', ''), array('=', 'L2.titre', "'Agenda'"), array('=', 'articles.lang', sql_quote($GLOBALS['spip_lang'], '', 'varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\'')), array(sql_in('articles.id_article', $doublons[$doublons_index[] = 'articles' . 'archives'], 'NOT')));
    if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) {
        $timer = time() + microtime();
    $t0 = "";
    // REQUETE
    $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/agenda.html', 'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500', '_archive', 77, $GLOBALS['spip_lang']));
    if (!$iter->err()) {
        // COMPTEUR
        $Numrows['_archive']['compteur_boucle'] = 0;
        // RESULTATS
        while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) {
            foreach ($doublons_index as $k) {
                $doublons[$k] .= "," . $Pile[$SP]['id_article'];
            // doublons
            lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], '', $Pile[$SP]['titre']);
            $t0 .= '
		' . (($t1 = strval(unique(annee(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac']))))) !== '' ? '
			' . ($Numrows['_archive']['compteur_boucle'] > '1' ? '</ul></li></ul></div>' : '') . '
			<div id="plan">
			<h3>' . $t1 . '</h3>

		' : '') . '
		' . (($t1 = strval(nom_mois(unique(affdate(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac']), 'Y-m'))))) !== '' ? '
			' . (unique(annee(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac'])), 'nouvelle') ? '' : '</ul></li>') . '
			  <li>' . $t1 . '
		' : '') . '
				  <li><a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '">' . interdire_scripts(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '</a></li>
    if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) {
        spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_archive @ squelettes/agenda.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT);
    return $t0;
include '../conexion.php';
include '../funciones_generales.php';
$conexion = conectarse();
$fecha = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
$fecha_larga = date('His', time());
$sql = "";
$id = unique($fecha_larga);
$id_user = sesion_activa();
if ($_POST['oper'] == "add") {
    $repetidos = repetidos($conexion, "nombre_categoria", strtoupper($_POST['nombre_categoria']), "categoria", "g", "", "");
    if ($repetidos == 'true') {
        $data = "1";
        /// este dato ya existe;
    } else {
        $sql = "insert into categoria values ('{$id}','" . strtoupper($_POST['nombre_categoria']) . "','{$fecha}','1')";
        $guardar = guardarSql($conexion, $sql);
        $sql_nuevo = "select (id_categoria,nombre_categoria,fecha_creacion,estado) from categoria where id_categoria = '{$id}'";
        $sql_nuevo = sql_array($conexion, $sql_nuevo);
        auditoria_sistema($conexion, 'categoria', $id_user, 'Insert', $id, $fecha_larga, $fecha, $sql_nuevo, '');
        $data = "2";
} else {
    if ($_POST['oper'] == "edit") {
        $repetidos = repetidos($conexion, "nombre_categoria", strtoupper($_POST['nombre_categoria']), "categoria", "m", $_POST['id'], "id_categoria");
        if ($repetidos == 'true') {
            $data = "1";
            /// este dato ya existe;
        } else {
Exemple #26
include '../conexion.php';
include '../funciones_generales.php';
$conexion = conectarse();
$nivel_1_admin = array(1, 1, 1, 1);
$nivel_2_admin = array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
$nivel_3_admin = array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
$nivel_1_otros = array(1, 1, 1, 1);
$nivel_2_otros = array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
$nivel_3_otros = array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
$fecha = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
$fecha_larga = date('His', time());
$sql = "";
$id = unique($fecha_larga);
$id_c = unique($fecha_larga);
$id_p = unique($fecha_larga);
$id_user = sesion_activa();
$check = "OFF";
if (isset($_POST["form-field-checkbox"])) {
    $check = "ON";
$cadena = " " . $_POST['img'];
$buscar = 'data:image/png;base64,';
if ($_POST['tipo'] == "g") {
    $repetidos = repetidos($conexion, "usuario", strtoupper($_POST["txt_13"]), "usuario", "g", "", "");
    if ($repetidos == 'true') {
        $data = 1;
        /// este usuario ya existe;
    } else {
        $repetidos = repetidos($conexion, "identificacion", strtoupper($_POST["txt_1"]), "usuario", "g", "", "");
        if ($repetidos == 'true') {