function um_admin_user_actions_hook($actions)
    $actions = null;
    if (!um_user('super_admin')) {
        if (um_user('account_status') == 'awaiting_admin_review') {
            $actions['um_approve_membership'] = array('label' => __('Approve Membership', 'ultimatemember'));
            $actions['um_reject_membership'] = array('label' => __('Reject Membership', 'ultimatemember'));
        if (um_user('account_status') == 'rejected') {
            $actions['um_approve_membership'] = array('label' => __('Approve Membership', 'ultimatemember'));
        if (um_user('account_status') == 'approved') {
            $actions['um_put_as_pending'] = array('label' => __('Put as Pending Review', 'ultimatemember'));
        if (um_user('account_status') == 'awaiting_email_confirmation') {
            $actions['um_resend_activation'] = array('label' => __('Resend Activation E-mail', 'ultimatemember'));
        if (um_user('account_status') != 'inactive') {
            $actions['um_deactivate'] = array('label' => __('Deactivate this account', 'ultimatemember'));
        if (um_user('account_status') == 'inactive') {
            $actions['um_reenable'] = array('label' => __('Reactivate this account', 'ultimatemember'));
        if (um_current_user_can('delete', um_profile_id())) {
            $actions['um_delete'] = array('label' => __('Delete this user', 'ultimatemember'));
    if (current_user_can('delete_users')) {
        $actions['um_switch_user'] = array('label' => __('Login as this user', 'ultimatemember'));
    return $actions;
function um_admin_user_actions_hook($actions)
    $actions = null;
    if (!um_user('super_admin')) {
        if (um_user('account_status') == 'awaiting_admin_review') {
            $actions['um_approve_membership'] = array('label' => __('Утвердить Пользователя', 'ultimatemember'));
            $actions['um_reject_membership'] = array('label' => __('Отклонить Пользователя', 'ultimatemember'));
        if (um_user('account_status') == 'rejected') {
            $actions['um_approve_membership'] = array('label' => __('Одобрить Пользователя', 'ultimatemember'));
        if (um_user('account_status') == 'approved') {
            $actions['um_put_as_pending'] = array('label' => __('Положите в ожидании пересмотра', 'ultimatemember'));
        if (um_user('account_status') == 'awaiting_email_confirmation') {
            $actions['um_resend_activation'] = array('label' => __('Отправить повторно письмо для активации', 'ultimatemember'));
        if (um_user('account_status') != 'inactive') {
            $actions['um_deactivate'] = array('label' => __('Отключить эту учетную запись', 'ultimatemember'));
        if (um_user('account_status') == 'inactive') {
            $actions['um_reenable'] = array('label' => __('Активируйте эту учетную запись', 'ultimatemember'));
        if (um_current_user_can('delete', um_profile_id())) {
            $actions['um_delete'] = array('label' => __('Удалить этого пользователя', 'ultimatemember'));
    if (current_user_can('delete_users')) {
        $actions['um_switch_user'] = array('label' => __('Войдите в систему как этот пользователь', 'ultimatemember'));
    return $actions;
function bf_profile_tabs_content($bf_um_form_slug)
    global $buddyforms, $bf_um_tabs, $bf_um_form_slug;
    $form_slug = $bf_um_tabs[$bf_um_form_slug];
    // Get the correct tab slug
    $parent_tab = bf_ultimate_member_parent_tab($buddyforms[$form_slug]);
    // Check if the ultimate member view is a form view and add the coret content
    if (isset($_GET['profiletab']) && $_GET['profiletab'] == $parent_tab) {
        if (!isset($_GET['subnav']) || $_GET['subnav'] == 'posts-' . $bf_um_form_slug) {
            // Display the posts
            echo do_shortcode('[buddyforms_the_loop form_slug="' . $form_slug . '" author="' . um_profile_id() . '"]');
        } else {
            // Create the arguments aray for the form to get displayed
            $args = array('form_slug' => $form_slug);
            // Add the post id if post edit
            if (isset($_GET['bf_post_id'])) {
                $args['post_id'] = $_GET['bf_post_id'];
            // Add the revisionsid if needed
            if (isset($_GET['bf_rev_id'])) {
                $args['revision_id'] = $_GET['bf_rev_id'];
Exemple #4
 function add_profile_tabs($tabs)
     global $ultimatemember;
     $args = array('post_type' => 'um_tab', 'meta_key' => '_pp_position', 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num', 'order' => 'ASC', 'posts_per_page' => 99);
     $posts = get_posts($args);
     $user_role = get_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), 'role', true);
     $profile_role = get_user_meta(um_profile_id(), 'role', true);
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         $post_id = $post->ID;
         $meta = get_post_meta($post_id);
         $have_roles = array();
         $see_roles = array();
         $private_tab = isset($meta['_pp_private'][0]);
         if (isset($meta['_pp_have_roles'])) {
             $have_roles = maybe_unserialize($meta['_pp_have_roles'][0]);
         if (isset($meta['_pp_view_roles'])) {
             $see_roles = maybe_unserialize($meta['_pp_view_roles'][0]);
         $show = true;
         if (!empty($have_roles)) {
             if (!in_array($profile_role, $have_roles)) {
                 $show = false;
         if (!empty($see_roles)) {
             if (!in_array($user_role, $see_roles)) {
                 $show = false;
         if ($private_tab && um_profile_id() != get_current_user_id()) {
             $show = false;
         if ($show) {
             $tabs[$post->post_name] = array('name' => $post->post_title, 'icon' => $meta['_pp_icon'][0], 'custom' => true);
     return $tabs;
Exemple #5
function save_skills_as_woocommerce_products()
    // echo '<pre>';
    // print_r($_POST);die;
    global $wpdb;
    $skillid = get_query_var('skillid');
    $user_id = um_profile_id();
    $display_name = um_user('display_name');
    $product_cat = get_term($_POST['skillCategory'], 'product_cat');
    if (isset($_POST['skillStatus'])) {
        switch ($_POST['skillStatus']) {
            case 0:
                $product_status = 'draft';
            case 1:
                $product_status = 'publish';
    $post = array('ID' => $skillid, 'post_author' => $user_id, 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => $product_status, 'post_title' => $display_name . '-' . $product_cat->slug, 'post_parent' => '', 'post_type' => "product");
    $post_id = wp_insert_post($post);
    //add skill post.
    $logtxt = "PrdctID: {$post_id}\n";
    wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $product_cat->slug, 'product_cat');
    wp_set_object_terms($post_id, 'simple', 'product_type');
    $firstname = get_user_meta($user_id, 'first_name', true);
    $lastname = get_user_meta($user_id, 'last_name', true);
    $username = get_user_meta($user_id, 'username', true);
    $mobile = get_user_meta($user_id, 'mobile_number', true);
    $address = get_user_meta($user_id, 'address', true);
    $country = get_user_meta($user_id, 'countries', true);
    $state = get_user_meta($user_id, 'state', true);
    $city = get_user_meta($user_id, 'city', true);
    $zip = get_user_meta($user_id, 'zip_code', true);
    $compname = get_user_meta($user_id, 'company_name', true);
    $compurl = get_user_meta($user_id, 'Company_website', true);
    $background_check = get_user_meta($user_id, 'background_check_status', true);
    $license_check = '';
    $certification_check = '';
    $phone_messages = get_user_meta($user_id, 'allow_phone_message', true);
    $email_notifications = get_user_meta($user_id, 'allow_email_notification', true);
    $web_calls = get_user_meta($user_id, 'allow_web_call', true);
    $phone_calls = get_user_meta($user_id, 'allow_phone_call', true);
    $profile_status = get_user_meta($user_id, 'role', true) . '' . get_user_meta($user_id, 'account_status', true);
    $advisor_skill_count = count_user_posts($user_id, 'product');
    $current_date = date('my');
    $advisor_location = get_user_meta($user_id, 'user_location', true);
    //get advisor calender
    $calendar_id = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT id FROM quickqtscpabc_appointment_calendars WHERE conwer=' . $user_id);
    if (isset($skillid)) {
        $skills_id = $skillid;
    } else {
        $skills_id = $post_id;
    //Store skill description from POST to variable.
    $skilldescription = trim($_POST['skillDesc']);
    $thedata = array('pa_first_name' => array('name' => 'pa_first_name', 'value' => $firstname, 'is_visible' => '1', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_last_name' => array('name' => 'pa_last_name', 'value' => $lastname, 'is_visible' => '1', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_email_address' => array('name' => 'pa_email_address', 'value' => $username, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_mobile_number' => array('name' => 'pa_mobile_number', 'value' => $mobile, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_full_address' => array('name' => 'pa_full_address', 'value' => $address, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_country' => array('name' => 'pa_country', 'value' => $country, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_state' => array('name' => 'pa_state', 'value' => $state, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_city' => array('name' => 'pa_city', 'value' => $city, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_zip' => array('name' => 'pa_zip', 'value' => $zip, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_company_name' => array('name' => 'pa_company_name', 'value' => $compname, 'is_visible' => '1', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_company_url' => array('name' => 'pa_company_url', 'value' => $compurl, 'is_visible' => '1', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_background-check' => array('name' => 'pa_background-check', 'value' => $background_check, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_license_check' => array('name' => 'pa_license_check', 'value' => $license_check, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_certification_check' => array('name' => 'pa_certification_check', 'value' => $certification_check, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_username' => array('name' => 'pa_username', 'value' => $username, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_skill_description' => array('name' => 'pa_skill_description', 'value' => $skilldescription, 'is_visible' => '1', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_skill_level' => array('name' => 'pa_skill_level', 'value' => $_POST['skillLevel'], 'is_visible' => '1', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_phone_messages' => array('name' => 'pa_phone_messages', 'value' => $phone_messages, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_email_notifications' => array('name' => 'pa_email_notifications', 'value' => $email_notifications, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_web_calls' => array('name' => 'pa_web_calls', 'value' => $web_calls, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_phone_calls' => array('name' => 'pa_phone_calls', 'value' => $phone_calls, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_profile_status' => array('name' => 'pa_profile_status', 'value' => $profile_status, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_user_id' => array('name' => 'pa_user_id', 'value' => $user_id, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_calendar_id' => array('name' => 'pa_calendar_id', 'value' => $calendar_id, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_skills_id' => array('name' => 'pa_skills_id', 'value' => $skills_id, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'), 'pa_advisor_location' => array('name' => 'pa_advisor_location', 'value' => $advisor_location, 'is_visible' => '0', 'is_variation' => '1', 'is_taxonomy' => '1'));
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_product_attributes', $thedata);
    $firstname_termexist = term_exists($firstname, 'pa_first_name');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($firstname_termexist == 0 && $firstname_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $first_name_termid = wp_insert_term($firstname, 'pa_first_name');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $first_name_termid, 'pa_first_name');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $first_name_termid = get_term_by('name', $firstname, 'pa_first_name');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $first_name_termid->term_id, 'pa_first_name');
    $lastname_termexist = term_exists($lastname, 'pa_last_name');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($lastname_termexist == 0 && $lastname_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $last_name_termid = wp_insert_term($lastname, 'pa_last_name');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $last_name_termid, 'pa_last_name');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $last_name_termid = get_term_by('name', $lastname, 'pa_last_name');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $last_name_termid->term_id, 'pa_last_name');
    $username_termexist = term_exists($username, 'pa_email_address');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($username_termexist == 0 && $username_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $email_address_termid = wp_insert_term($username, 'pa_email_address');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $email_address_termid, 'pa_email_address');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $email_address_termid = get_term_by('name', $username, 'pa_email_address');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $email_address_termid->term_id, 'pa_email_address');
    $mobile_termexist = term_exists($mobile, 'pa_mobile_number');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($mobile_termexist == 0 && $mobile_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $mobile_number_termid = wp_insert_term($mobile, 'pa_mobile_number');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $mobile_number_termid, 'pa_mobile_number');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $mobile_number_termid = get_term_by('name', $mobile, 'pa_mobile_number');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $mobile_number_termid->term_id, 'pa_mobile_number');
    $address_termexist = term_exists($address, 'pa_full_address');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($address_termexist == 0 && $address_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $full_address_termid = wp_insert_term($address, 'pa_full_address');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $address, 'pa_full_address');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $full_address_termid = get_term_by('name', $address, 'pa_full_address');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $full_address_termid->term_id, 'pa_full_address');
    $country_termexist = term_exists($country, 'pa_country');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($country_termexist == 0 && $country_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $country_termid = wp_insert_term($country, 'pa_country');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $country, 'pa_country');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $country_termid = get_term_by('name', $country, 'pa_country');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $country_termid->term_id, 'pa_country');
    $state_termexist = term_exists($state, 'pa_state');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($state_termexist == 0 && $state_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $state_termid = wp_insert_term($state, 'pa_state');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $state, 'pa_state');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $state_termid = get_term_by('name', $state, 'pa_state');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $state_termid->term_id, 'pa_state');
    $city_termexist = term_exists($city, 'pa_state');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($city_termexist == 0 && $city_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $city_termid = wp_insert_term($city, 'pa_city');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $city, 'pa_city');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $city_termid = get_term_by('name', $city, 'pa_city');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $city_termid->term_id, 'pa_city');
    $zip_termexist = term_exists($zip, 'pa_zip');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($zip_termexist == 0 && $zip_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $zip_termid = wp_insert_term($zip, 'pa_zip');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $zip, 'pa_zip');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $zip_termid = get_term_by('name', $zip, 'pa_zip');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $zip_termid->term_id, 'pa_zip');
    $background_check_termexist = term_exists($background_check, 'pa_background-check');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($background_check_termexist == 0 && $background_check_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $background_check_termid = wp_insert_term($background_check, 'pa_background-check');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $background_check_termid, 'pa_background-check');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $background_check_termid = get_term_by('name', $background_check, 'pa_background-check');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $background_check_termid->term_id, 'pa_background-check');
    $compname_termexist = term_exists($compname, 'pa_company_name');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($compname_termexist == 0 && $compname_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $company_name_termid = wp_insert_term($compname, 'pa_company_name');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $company_name_termid, 'pa_company_name');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $company_name_termid = get_term_by('name', $compname, 'pa_company_name');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $company_name_termid->term_id, 'pa_company_name');
    $compurl_termexist = term_exists($compurl, 'pa_company_url');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($compurl_termexist == 0 && $compurl_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $compurl_termid = wp_insert_term($compurl, 'pa_company_url');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $compurl_termid, 'pa_company_url');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $compurl_termid = get_term_by('name', $compurl, 'pa_company_url');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $compurl_termid->term_id, 'pa_company_url');
    $username_termexist = term_exists($username, 'pa_username');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($username_termexist == 0 && $username_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $username_termid = wp_insert_term($username, 'pa_username');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $username_termid, 'pa_username');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $username_termid = get_term_by('name', $username, 'pa_username');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $username_termid->term_id, 'pa_username');
    $user_id_termexist = term_exists($user_id, 'pa_user_id');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($user_id_termexist == 0 && $user_id_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $user_id_termid = wp_insert_term($user_id, 'pa_user_id');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $user_id_termid, 'pa_user_id');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $user_id_termid = get_term_by('name', $user_id, 'pa_user_id');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $user_id_termid->term_id, 'pa_user_id');
    $skillDesc_termexist = term_exists($skilldescription, 'pa_skill_description');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($skillDesc_termexist == 0 && $skillDesc_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $skillDesc_termid = wp_insert_term($skilldescription, 'pa_skill_description');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $skillDesc_termid, 'pa_skill_description');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $skillDesc_termid = get_term_by('name', $skilldescription, 'pa_skill_description');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $skillDesc_termid->term_id, 'pa_skill_description');
    $skillLevel_termexist = term_exists($_POST['skillLevel'], 'pa_skill_level');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($skillLevel_termexist == 0 && $skillLevel_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $skillLevel_termid = wp_insert_term($_POST['skillLevel'], 'pa_skill_level');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $skillLevel_termid, 'pa_skill_level');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $skillLevel_termid = get_term_by('name', $_POST['skillLevel'], 'pa_skill_level');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $skillLevel_termid->term_id, 'pa_skill_level');
    $skillCategory_termexist = term_exists($_POST['skillCategory'], 'pa_skills_id');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($skillCategory_termexist == 0 && $skillCategory_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $skillCategory_termid = wp_insert_term($_POST['skillCategory'], 'pa_skills_id');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $skillCategory_termid, 'pa_skills_id');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $skillCategory_termid = get_term_by('name', $_POST['skillCategory'], 'pa_skills_id');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $skillCategory_termid->term_id, 'pa_skills_id');
    $phone_messages_termexist = term_exists($phone_messages, 'pa_phone_messages');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($phone_messages_termexist == 0 && $phone_messages_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $phone_messages_termid = wp_insert_term($phone_messages, 'pa_phone_messages');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $phone_messages_termid, 'pa_phone_messages');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $phone_messages_termid = get_term_by('name', $phone_messages, 'pa_phone_messages');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $phone_messages_termid->term_id, 'pa_phone_messages');
    $email_notifications_termexist = term_exists($email_notifications, 'pa_email_notifications');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($email_notifications_termexist == 0 && $email_notifications_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $email_notifications_termid = wp_insert_term($email_notifications, 'pa_email_notifications');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $email_notifications_termid, 'pa_email_notifications');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $email_notifications_termid = get_term_by('name', $email_notifications, 'pa_email_notifications');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $email_notifications_termid->term_id, 'pa_email_notifications');
    $web_calls_termexist = term_exists($web_calls, 'pa_web_calls');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($web_calls_termexist == 0 && $web_calls_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $web_calls_termid = wp_insert_term($web_calls, 'pa_web_calls');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $web_calls_termid, 'pa_web_calls');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $web_calls_termid = get_term_by('name', $web_calls, 'pa_web_calls');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $web_calls_termid->term_id, 'pa_web_calls');
    $phone_calls_termexist = term_exists($phone_calls, 'pa_phone_calls');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($phone_calls_termexist == 0 && $phone_calls_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $phone_calls_termid = wp_insert_term($phone_calls, 'pa_phone_calls');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $phone_calls_termid, 'pa_phone_calls');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $phone_calls_termid = get_term_by('name', $phone_calls, 'pa_phone_calls');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $phone_calls_termid->term_id, 'pa_phone_calls');
    $profile_status_termexist = term_exists($profile_status, 'pa_profile_status');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($profile_status_termexist == 0 && $profile_status_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $profile_status_termid = wp_insert_term($profile_status, 'pa_profile_status');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $profile_status_termid, 'pa_profile_status');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $profile_status_termid = get_term_by('name', $profile_status, 'pa_profile_status');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $profile_status_termid->term_id, 'pa_profile_status');
    $calendar_id_termexist = term_exists($calendar_id, 'pa_calendar_id');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($calendar_id_termexist == 0 && $calendar_id_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $calendar_id_termid = wp_insert_term($calendar_id, 'pa_calendar_id');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $calendar_id_termid, 'pa_calendar_id');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $calendar_id_termid = get_term_by('name', $calendar_id, 'pa_calendar_id');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $calendar_id_termid->term_id, 'pa_calendar_id');
    $skills_id_termexist = term_exists($skills_id, 'pa_skills_id');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($skills_id_termexist == 0 && $skills_id_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $skills_id_termid = wp_insert_term($skills_id, 'pa_skills_id');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $skills_id_termid, 'pa_skills_id');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $skills_id_termid = get_term_by('name', $skills_id, 'pa_skills_id');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $skills_id_termid->term_id, 'pa_skills_id');
    $advisor_location_termexist = term_exists($advisor_location, 'pa_advisor_location');
    //Check if term exists.
    if ($advisor_location_termexist == 0 && $advisor_location_termexist == null) {
        //if term not exists
        $advisor_location_termid = wp_insert_term($advisor_location, 'pa_advisor_location');
        //insert term
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $advisor_location_termid, 'pa_advisor_location');
        //Set skill term
    } else {
        $advisor_location_termid = get_term_by('name', $skills_id, 'pa_advisor_location');
        wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $advisor_location_termid->term_id, 'pa_advisor_location');
    $skilltags = $_POST['skillTags'];
    $skilltagsarray = explode(',', $skilltags);
    wp_set_object_terms($post_id, $skilltagsarray, 'product_tag');
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_visibility', 'visible');
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_stock_status', 'instock');
    update_post_meta($post_id, 'total_sales', '0');
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_downloadable', 'no');
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_virtual', 'yes');
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_regular_price', $_POST['skillRate']);
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_sale_price', $_POST['skillRate']);
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_purchase_note', "");
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_featured', "no");
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_weight', "");
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_length', "");
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_width', "");
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_height', "");
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_sku', "{$firstname}-{$advisor_skill_count}-{$current_date}");
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_sale_price_dates_from', "");
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_sale_price_dates_to', "");
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_price', $_POST['skillRate']);
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_sold_individually', "yes");
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_manage_stock', "yes");
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_backorders', "no");
    update_post_meta($post_id, '_stock', "1");
    //add supporting link
    if (get_post_meta($post_id, 'supporting_link', true)) {
        update_post_meta($post_id, 'supporting_link', $_POST['skillSupportLink']);
    } else {
        add_post_meta($post_id, 'supporting_link', $_POST['skillSupportLink']);
    //add Skill Image of the advisor -Start
    if (!has_post_thumbnail($post_id)) {
        $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
        $user_id = $current_user->ID;
        $profilepic = get_user_meta($user_id, 'profile_photo', true);
        if ($profilepic != '') {
            $thumb_url = get_site_url() . "/wp-content/uploads/ultimatemember/" . $user_id . "/" . get_user_meta($user_id, 'profile_photo', true);
        } else {
            $thumb_url = get_site_url() . "/wp-content/uploads/ultimatemember/no-image.png";
        // Download file to temp location
        $tmp = download_url($thumb_url);
        // Set variables for storage
        // fix file name for query strings
        preg_match('/[^\\?]+\\.(jpg|JPG|jpe|JPE|jpeg|JPEG|gif|GIF|png|PNG)/', $thumb_url, $matches);
        $file_array['name'] = basename($matches[0]);
        $file_array['tmp_name'] = $tmp;
        // If error storing temporarily, unlink
        if (is_wp_error($tmp)) {
            $file_array['tmp_name'] = '';
            $logtxt .= "Error: download_url error - {$tmp}\n";
        } else {
            $logtxt .= "download_url: {$tmp}\n";
        if (!function_exists('media_handle_upload')) {
            require_once ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/image.php';
            require_once ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/file.php';
            require_once ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/media.php';
        //use media_handle_sideload to upload img:
        $thumbid = media_handle_sideload($file_array, $post_id, 'gallery desc');
        // If error storing permanently, unlink
        if (is_wp_error($thumbid)) {
            //return $thumbid;
            $logtxt .= "Error: media_handle_sideload error - {$thumbid}\n";
        } else {
            $logtxt .= "ThumbID: {$thumbid}\n";
        set_post_thumbnail($post_id, $thumbid);
    //add Skill Image of the advisor -End
    //Handle Certificate  Upload. -Start
    if ($_FILES['skillDegree']['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
        if (!function_exists('wp_handle_upload')) {
            require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php';
        // check filetype is pdf and return if not
        $file_type = $_FILES['skillDegree']['type'];
        if ($file_type != 'application/pdf') {
        // upload the file
        $overrides = array('test_form' => false);
        $skilldeg = $_FILES["skillDegree"];
        $file = wp_handle_upload($skilldeg, $overrides);
        if ($file && !isset($file['error'])) {
            //echo "File is valid, and was successfully uploaded.\n";
            //var_dump( $file);
            if (isset($file['file'])) {
                // Gather data for attachment
                $title = str_replace(".pdf", "", $_FILES["skillDegree"]['name']);
                $attachment = array('post_mime_type' => $file_type, 'post_title' => addslashes($title), 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_parent' => $post_id);
                //create attachment & update metadata
                $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $file['file']);
                // Before we update the post meta, trash any previously uploaded pdfs for this post.
                $existing_skillDegree = (int) get_post_meta($post_id, 'skillDegree', true);
                if (is_numeric($existing_skillDegree)) {
                // Now, update the post meta to associate the new pdf with the post
                update_post_meta($post_id, "skillDegree", $attach_id);
        } else {
             * Error generated by _wp_handle_upload()
             * @see _wp_handle_upload() in wp-admin/includes/file.php
            echo $file['error'];
    //Handle Certificate  Upload. -End
    //Handle Licence Upload. -Start
    if ($_FILES['skillLicense']['error'] === UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
        if (!function_exists('wp_handle_upload')) {
            require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php';
        // check filetype is pdf and return if not
        $file_type = $_FILES['skillLicense']['type'];
        if ($file_type != 'application/pdf') {
        // upload the file
        $overrides = array('test_form' => false);
        $skilldeg = $_FILES["skillLicense"];
        $file = wp_handle_upload($skilldeg, $overrides);
        if ($file && !isset($file['error'])) {
            //echo "File is valid, and was successfully uploaded.\n";
            //var_dump( $file);
            if (isset($file['file'])) {
                // Gather data for attachment
                $title = str_replace(".pdf", "", $_FILES["skillLicense"]['name']);
                $attachment = array('post_mime_type' => $file_type, 'post_title' => addslashes($title), 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_parent' => $post_id);
                //create attachment & update metadata
                $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment($attachment, $file['file']);
                // Before we update the post meta, trash any previously uploaded pdfs for this post.
                $existing_skillLicense = (int) get_post_meta($post_id, 'skillLicense', true);
                if (is_numeric($existing_skillLicense)) {
                // Now, update the post meta to associate the new pdf with the post
                update_post_meta($post_id, "skillLicense", $attach_id);
        } else {
             * Error generated by _wp_handle_upload()
             * @see _wp_handle_upload() in wp-admin/includes/file.php
            echo $file['error'];
    //Handle Licence Upload. -End
Exemple #6
    function view_field($key, $data, $rule = false)
        global $ultimatemember;
        $output = null;
        // get whole field data
        if (is_array($data)) {
            $data = $this->get_field($key);
        if (!isset($data['type'])) {
        if (isset($data['in_group']) && $data['in_group'] != '' && $rule != 'group') {
        if ($visibility == 'edit') {
        if (in_array($type, array('block', 'shortcode', 'spacing', 'divider', 'group'))) {
        } else {
            if (!$this->field_value($key, $default, $data)) {
        if (!um_can_view_field($data)) {
        // disable these fields in profile view only
        if (in_array($key, array('user_password')) && $this->set_mode == 'profile') {
        if (!um_field_conditions_are_met($data)) {
        switch ($type) {
            /* Default */
                $output .= '<div class="um-field' . $classes . '"' . $conditional . ' data-key="' . $key . '">';
                if (isset($data['label'])) {
                    $output .= $this->field_label($label, $key, $data);
                $res = stripslashes($this->field_value($key, $default, $data));
                $output .= '<div class="um-field-area">';
                $output .= '<div class="um-field-value">' . $res . '</div>';
                $output .= '</div>';
                $output .= '</div>';
                /* HTML */
            /* HTML */
            case 'block':
                $output .= '<div class="um-field' . $classes . '"' . $conditional . ' data-key="' . $key . '">
								<div class="um-field-block">' . $content . '</div>
                /* Shortcode */
            /* Shortcode */
            case 'shortcode':
                $content = str_replace('{profile_id}', um_profile_id(), $content);
                $output .= '<div class="um-field' . $classes . '"' . $conditional . ' data-key="' . $key . '">
								<div class="um-field-shortcode">' . do_shortcode($content) . '</div>
                /* Gap/Space */
            /* Gap/Space */
            case 'spacing':
                $output .= '<div class="um-field um-field-spacing' . $classes . '"' . $conditional . ' style="height: ' . $spacing . '"></div>';
                /* A line divider */
            /* A line divider */
            case 'divider':
                $output .= '<div class="um-field um-field-divider' . $classes . '"' . $conditional . ' style="border-bottom: ' . $borderwidth . 'px ' . $borderstyle . ' ' . $bordercolor . '">';
                if ($divider_text) {
                    $output .= '<div class="um-field-divider-text"><span>' . $divider_text . '</span></div>';
                $output .= '</div>';
                /* Rating */
            /* Rating */
            case 'rating':
                $output .= '<div class="um-field' . $classes . '"' . $conditional . ' data-key="' . $key . '">';
                if (isset($data['label'])) {
                    $output .= $this->field_label($label, $key, $data);
                $output .= '<div class="um-field-area">';
                $output .= '<div class="um-field-value">
										<div class="um-rating-readonly um-raty" id="' . $key . '" data-key="' . $key . '" data-number="' . $data['number'] . '" data-score="' . $this->field_value($key, $default, $data) . '"></div>
                $output .= '</div>';
                $output .= '</div>';
        // Custom filter for field output
        if (isset($this->set_mode)) {
            $output = apply_filters("um_{$key}_form_show_field", $output, $this->set_mode);
        return $output;
 function get_admin_actions()
     $items = '';
     $actions = array();
     $actions = apply_filters('um_admin_user_actions_hook', $actions);
     if (!isset($actions) || empty($actions)) {
         return false;
     foreach ($actions as $id => $arr) {
         $url = add_query_arg('um_action', $id);
         $url = add_query_arg('uid', um_profile_id(), $url);
         $items[] = '<a href="' . $url . '" class="real_url">' . $arr['label'] . '</a>';
     return $items;
    if ($ultimatemember->shortcodes->loop->found_posts >= 10) {
		<div class="um-load-items">
			<a href="#" class="um-ajax-paginate um-button" data-hook="um_load_posts" data-args="post,10,10,<?php 
        echo um_user('ID');
        _e('load more posts', 'ultimatemember');
} else {

	<div class="um-profile-note"><span><?php 
    echo um_profile_id() == get_current_user_id() ? __('You have not created any posts.', 'ultimatemember') : __('This user has not created any posts.', 'ultimatemember');
 function load($args)
     global $ultimatemember;
     $defaults = array();
     $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults);
     // when to not continue
     $this->form_id = isset($args['form_id']) ? $args['form_id'] : null;
     if (!$this->form_id) {
     $this->form_status = get_post_status($this->form_id);
     if ($this->form_status != 'publish') {
     // get data into one global array
     $post_data = $ultimatemember->query->post_data($this->form_id);
     $args = apply_filters('um_pre_args_setup', $post_data);
     if (!isset($args['template'])) {
         $args['template'] = '';
     if (isset($post_data['template']) && $post_data['template'] != $args['template']) {
         $args['template'] = $post_data['template'];
     if (!$this->template_exists($args['template'])) {
         $args['template'] = $post_data['mode'];
     if (!isset($post_data['template'])) {
         $post_data['template'] = $post_data['mode'];
     $args = array_merge($post_data, $args);
     if (isset($args['use_globals']) && $args['use_globals'] == 1) {
         $args = array_merge($args, $this->get_css_args($args));
     } else {
         $args = array_merge($this->get_css_args($args), $args);
     // filter for arguments
     $args = apply_filters('um_shortcode_args_filter', $args);
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     // for profiles only
     if ($mode == 'profile' && um_profile_id() && isset($args['role']) && $args['role'] && $args['role'] != $ultimatemember->query->get_role_by_userid(um_profile_id())) {
     // start loading the template here
     do_action("um_pre_{$mode}_shortcode", $args);
     do_action("um_before_form_is_loaded", $args);
     do_action("um_before_{$mode}_form_is_loaded", $args);
     $this->template_load($template, $args);
     if (um_get_requested_user() || $mode == 'logout') {
     $output = ob_get_contents();
     return $output;
Exemple #10
    function wp_ulike_comments_um_profile_content($args)
        global $wp_ulike_class, $ultimatemember;
        $args = array("user_id" => um_profile_id(), "col" => 'comment_id', "table" => 'ulike_comments', "limit" => 10);
        $user_logs = $wp_ulike_class->get_current_user_likes($args);
        if ($user_logs != null) {
            echo '<div class="um-profile-note"><span>' . __('Recent Comments Liked', 'alimir') . '</span></div>';
            foreach ($user_logs as $user_log) {
                $comment = get_comment(stripslashes($user_log->comment_id));
                $get_date = $user_log->date_time;
                echo '<div class="um-item">';
                echo '<div class="um-item-link">
						  <i class="um-icon-ios-chatboxes"></i>
						  <a href="' . get_comment_link($comment->comment_ID) . '">' . $comment->comment_content . '</a>
						  <em style="font-size:.7em;padding:0 10px;"><span class="um-faicon-quote-left"></span> ' . $comment->comment_author . ' <span class="um-faicon-quote-right"></span></em>
                echo '<div class="um-item-meta">
						  <span>' . wp_ulike_date_i18n($get_date) . '</span>
						  <span class="badge"><i class="um-faicon-thumbs-o-up"></i> ' . get_comment_meta($comment->comment_ID, '_commentliked', true) . '</span>
                echo '</div>';
        } else {
            echo '<div style="display: block;" class="um-profile-note"><i class="um-faicon-frown-o"></i><span>' . __('This user has not made any likes.', 'alimir') . '</span></div>';
function um_add_edit_icon($args)
    global $ultimatemember;
    $output = '';
    if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
    // not allowed for guests
    if (isset($ultimatemember->user->cannot_edit) && $ultimatemember->user->cannot_edit == 1) {
    // do not proceed if user cannot edit
    if ($ultimatemember->fields->editing == true) {

		<div class="um-profile-edit um-profile-headericon">

			<a href="#" class="um-profile-edit-a um-profile-save"><i class="um-faicon-check"></i></a>


    } else {

		<div class="um-profile-edit um-profile-headericon">

			<a href="#" class="um-profile-edit-a"><i class="um-faicon-cog"></i></a>

        $items = array('editprofile' => '<a href="' . um_edit_profile_url() . '" class="real_url">' . __('Edit Profile', 'ultimatemember') . '</a>', 'myaccount' => '<a href="' . um_get_core_page('account') . '" class="real_url">' . __('My Account', 'ultimatemember') . '</a>', 'logout' => '<a href="' . um_get_core_page('logout') . '" class="real_url">' . __('Logout', 'ultimatemember') . '</a>', 'cancel' => '<a href="#" class="um-dropdown-hide">' . __('Cancel', 'ultimatemember') . '</a>');
        $cancel = $items['cancel'];
        if (!um_is_myprofile()) {
            $actions = $ultimatemember->user->get_admin_actions();
            if (is_array($actions)) {
                $items = array_merge($items, $actions);
            $items = apply_filters('um_profile_edit_menu_items', $items, um_profile_id());
            $items['cancel'] = $cancel;
        } else {
            $items = apply_filters('um_myprofile_edit_menu_items', $items);
        echo $ultimatemember->menu->new_ui($args['header_menu'], '', 'click', $items);


Exemple #12
		<div class="um-load-items">
			<a href="#" class="um-ajax-paginate um-button" data-hook="um_load_comments" data-args="comment,10,10,<?php 
        echo um_user('ID');
        _e('load more comments', 'ultimatemember');

} else {

	<div class="um-profile-note"><span><?php 
    echo um_profile_id() == get_current_user_id() ? __('You have not made any comments.', 'ultimatemember') : __('This user has not made any comments.', 'ultimatemember');
Exemple #13
function um_profile_content_deals_default($args)
    global $ultimatemember;
    $user_deals = $ultimatemember->query->make('post_type=deal&posts_per_page=10&offset=0&author=' . um_profile_id());
    if ($user_deals->have_posts()) {

	<div class="isotope-wrapper" data-isotope-cols="4" data-isotope-gutter="30">
        while ($user_deals->have_posts()) {
			<div class="deal-item-wrapper">
            get_template_part('loop/content', 'deal');

	</div><!-- end isotope-wrapper -->
Exemple #14
    if ($ultimatemember->shortcodes->loop->found_posts >= 10) {
		<div class="um-load-items">
			<a href="#" class="um-ajax-paginate um-button" data-hook="um_load_posts" data-args="post,10,10,<?php 
        echo um_user('ID');
        _e('load more posts', 'ultimatemember');
} else {

	<div class="um-icon-ios-paper-outline"> <span><?php 
    echo um_profile_id() == get_current_user_id() ? __('Todavía no has creado ninguna clase.  <a href=>Crea una ahora.</a>', 'ultimatemember') : __('Este miembro todavía no ha creado ninguna clase. ¿Quieres crear una clase? <a href=>Registra tu cuenta y empieza.</a> ', 'ultimatemember');

// Admin Send Deal Mail
$email_to = fw_ssd_get_option('new-deal-email');
// Allow deal submit without registration
$allow_no_reg = fw_ssd_get_option('member-submit-switch');
if (function_exists('um_profile_id') || $allow_no_reg) {
    if (function_exists('um_profile_id') && !um_profile_id()) {
    if ($email_to) {
    /* Template Name: Submit Deal */

<div id="post-<?php 
" <?php 

	<div class="container">

		<div class="row">
Exemple #16
function get_phone_messages_details()
    $calldetails[] = '';
    $user_id = um_profile_id();
    $mobile_number = get_user_meta($user_id, 'mobile_number', true);
    //echo $mobile_number."<br/>";
    $myoptions = get_option('twilio_settings');
    $AccountSid = $myoptions['twilio_account_sid'];
    $AuthToken = $myoptions['twilio_auth_token'];
    //$appSid = "AP3474e136f42acf5fcc40d20c64d78d12";
    $callerID = $myoptions['twilio_app_twilionumber'];
    $http = new Services_Twilio_TinyHttp('', array('curlopts' => array(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => true, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => 2)));
    $client = new Services_Twilio($AccountSid, $AuthToken, "2010-04-01", $http);
    $messages = $client->account->messages->getIterator(0, 50, array('From' => $callerID));
    $html = "<h1>My Phone Messages</h1><br><table class='footable'>";
    $html .= "<thead><th>Date-Time</th></th><th>Message From</th><th>Message To</th><th>Credit Used</th><th>Status</th></thead>";
    $html .= "<tbody>";
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        if ($message->price == "") {
            $message = 0;
        } else {
            $price = $message->price;
        $html .= "<tr><td>" . $message->date_sent . "</td><td>" . $message->from . "</td><td>" . $message->to . "</td>" . "<td>" . $price . "&nbsp" . '0.5 Credits' . "</td><td>" . $message->status . "</td></tr>";
    $html .= "</tbody>";
    $html .= "</table>";
    echo $html;
Exemple #17
    function pp_tabs_output_field($atts)
        global $ultimatemember;
        $a = shortcode_atts(array('field' => '', 'label' => '0'), $atts);
        $key = $a['field'];
        $showlabel = $a['label'];
        if (um_user($key)) {
            $output = null;
            $data = $ultimatemember->fields->get_field($key);
            if (!isset($data['type'])) {
            if (isset($data['in_group']) && $data['in_group'] != '' && $rule != 'group') {
            if (in_array($type, array('block', 'shortcode', 'spacing', 'divider', 'group'))) {
            } else {
                if (!$ultimatemember->fields->field_value($key, $default, $data)) {
            if (!um_can_view_field($data)) {
            if (!um_field_conditions_are_met($data)) {
            switch ($type) {
                /* Default */
                    if ($showlabel == '1') {
                        $output .= $ultimatemember->fields->field_label($label, $key, $data);
                    $res = stripslashes($ultimatemember->fields->field_value($key, $default, $data));
                    $output .= $res;
                    /* HTML */
                /* HTML */
                case 'block':
                    $output .= '<div class="um-field' . $classes . '"' . $conditional . ' data-key="' . $key . '">
									<div class="um-field-block">' . $content . '</div>
                    /* Shortcode */
                /* Shortcode */
                case 'shortcode':
                    $content = str_replace('{profile_id}', um_profile_id(), $content);
                    $output .= '<div class="um-field' . $classes . '"' . $conditional . ' data-key="' . $key . '">
									<div class="um-field-shortcode">' . do_shortcode($content) . '</div>
                    /* Gap/Space */
                /* Gap/Space */
                case 'spacing':
                    $output .= '<div class="um-field um-field-spacing' . $classes . '"' . $conditional . ' style="height: ' . $spacing . '"></div>';
                    /* A line divider */
                /* A line divider */
                case 'divider':
                    $output .= '<div class="um-field um-field-divider' . $classes . '"' . $conditional . ' style="border-bottom: ' . $borderwidth . 'px ' . $borderstyle . ' ' . $bordercolor . '">';
                    if ($divider_text) {
                        $output .= '<div class="um-field-divider-text"><span>' . $divider_text . '</span></div>';
                    $output .= '</div>';
                    /* Rating */
                /* Rating */
                case 'rating':
                    $output .= '<div class="um-field' . $classes . '"' . $conditional . ' data-key="' . $key . '">';
                    if (isset($data['label'])) {
                        $output .= $ultimatemember->fields->field_label($label, $key, $data);
                    $output .= '<div class="um-field-area">';
                    $output .= '<div class="um-field-value">
											<div class="um-rating-readonly um-raty" id="' . $key . '" data-key="' . $key . '" data-number="' . $data['number'] . '" data-score="' . $ultimatemember->fields->field_value($key, $default, $data) . '"></div>
                    $output .= '</div>';
                    $output .= '</div>';
            // Custom filter for field output
            if (isset($ultimatemember->fields->set_mode)) {
                $output = apply_filters("um_{$key}_form_show_field", $output, $ultimatemember->fields->set_mode);
            return $output;
        } else {
            return '';

* Template Name: Skills List
global $product;
if (have_posts()) {
    while (have_posts()) {
        $user_id = um_profile_id();
        $main_content_style = "";
        if (vp_metabox('background_settings.hb_content_background_color')) {
            $main_content_style = ' style="background-color: ' . vp_metabox('background_settings.hb_content_background_color') . ';"';
            echo "<style type=\"text/css\">#pre-footer-area:after{border-top-color:" . vp_metabox('background_settings.hb_content_background_color') . "}</style>";
<!-- BEGIN #main-content -->
<div id="main-content"<?php 
        echo $main_content_style;
	<div class="container">
        $sidebar_layout = vp_metabox('layout_settings.hb_page_layout_sidebar');
        $sidebar_name = vp_metabox('layout_settings.hb_choose_sidebar');
        if ($sidebar_layout == "default" || $sidebar_layout == "") {
            $sidebar_layout = hb_options('hb_page_layout_sidebar');
            $sidebar_name = hb_options('hb_choose_sidebar');
        if (vp_metabox('misc_settings.hb_onepage')) {