Exemple #1
 function search($where, $keyword, $exact_phrase, $case_sensitivity, $search_array)
     global $pdo;
     $remain = '';
     if ($exact_phrase != 'on') {
         $keyword = '%' . $keyword . '%';
     if ($case_sensitivity != 'on') {
         $equate = ' LIKE ';
     } else {
         $equate = ' LIKE BINARY ';
     $query_pre = "\n          SELECT\n            d.id\n          FROM\n            {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}data as d,\n            {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}user as u,\n            {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}department dept,\n            {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}category as c ";
     $query = "\n            WHERE\n                d.owner = u.id\n            AND\n                d.department = dept.id\n            AND\n                d.category = c.id AND (\n        ";
     $author_first_name = '';
     $author_last_name = '';
     $use_uid = false;
     switch ($where) {
         // Put all the category for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
         // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the category array are synchronized.
         case 'author_locked_files':
             $use_uid = true;
             $query .= "d.status {$equate} :keyword AND d.owner = :uid ";
             // Put all the category for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
             // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the category array are synchronized.
         // Put all the category for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
         // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the category array are synchronized.
         case 'category':
             $query .= "c.name {$equate} :keyword ";
             // Put all the author name for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
             // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the author name array are synchronized.
         // Put all the author name for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
         // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the author name array are synchronized.
         case 'author':
             if ($exact_phrase == 'on') {
                 $author_first_name = substr($keyword, strpos($keyword, ' ') + 1);
                 $author_last_name = substr($keyword, 0, strpos($keyword, ' '));
                 $query .= " u.first_name {$equate} :author_first_name AND u.last_name  {$equate} :author_last_name ";
             } else {
                 $query .= " u.first_name {$equate}  :keyword OR u.last_name {$equate} :keyword ";
             // Put all the department name for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
             // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the department name array are synchronized.case 'department':
         // Put all the department name for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
         // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the department name array are synchronized.case 'department':
         case 'department':
             $query .= "dept.name {$equate}  :keyword ";
             // Put all the description for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
             // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the description array are synchronized.
         // Put all the description for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
         // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the description array are synchronized.
         case 'descriptions':
             $query .= "d.description {$equate} :keyword ";
             // Put all the file name for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
             // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the file name array are synchronized.
         // Put all the file name for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
         // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the file name array are synchronized.
         case 'filenames':
             $query .= "d.realname {$equate} :keyword ";
             // Put all the comments for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
             // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the comments array are synchronized.
         // Put all the comments for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
         // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the comments array are synchronized.
         case 'comments':
             $query .= "d.comment {$equate} :keyword ";
         case 'file_id':
             $query .= "d.id {$equate} :keyword ";
         case 'all':
             $query .= "c.name {$equate}  :keyword OR " . "u.first_name {$equate} :keyword OR u.last_name {$equate} :keyword OR " . "dept.name {$equate} :keyword OR " . "d.description {$equate} :keyword OR " . "d.realname {$equate} :keyword OR " . "d.comment {$equate} :keyword ";
             list($query_pre, $query) = udf_functions_search($where, $query_pre, $query, $equate, $keyword);
     $query .= ") ORDER BY d.id ASC";
     $final_query = $query_pre . $query;
     $stmt = $pdo->prepare($final_query);
     if (!empty($use_uid)) {
         $stmt->bindParam(':uid', $_SESSION['uid']);
         $stmt->bindParam(':keyword', $keyword);
     } elseif (!empty($author_last_name) && $exact_phrase == 'on') {
         $stmt->bindParam(':author_first_name', $author_first_name);
         $stmt->bindParam(':author_last_name', $author_last_name);
     } else {
         $stmt->bindParam(':keyword', $keyword);
     $result = $stmt->fetchAll();
     $index = 0;
     $id_array = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $id_array[$index++] = $row['id'];
     if (@$remain != '' && $exact_phrase != "on") {
         return array_values(array_unique(array_merge($id_array, search($where, substr($remain, 1), $exact_phrase, $case_sensitivity, $search_array))));
     return array_values(array_intersect($id_array, $search_array));
Exemple #2
 function search($lwhere, $lkeyword, $lexact_phrase, $lcase_sensitivity, $lsearch_array)
     $lequate = '=';
     $l_remain = '';
     if ($lexact_phrase != 'on') {
         $lkeyword = '%' . $lkeyword . '%';
     if ($lcase_sensitivity != 'on') {
         $lequate = ' LIKE ';
     } else {
         $lequate = ' COLLATE latin1_general_cs LIKE ';
     $lkeyword = addslashes($lkeyword);
     $lquery_pre = "SELECT {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}data.id FROM {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}data, {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}user, {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}department, {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}category";
     $lquery = " WHERE {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}data.owner = {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}user.id\n\t\t\t\t\tAND {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}data.department={$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}department.id \n\t\t\t\t\tAND {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}data.category = {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}category.id AND (";
     $larray_len = sizeof($lsearch_array);
     switch ($lwhere) {
         // Put all the category for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
         // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the category array are synchronized.
         case 'author_locked_files':
             $lquery .= $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'data.status' . $lequate . '\'' . $lkeyword . '\' AND ' . $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'data.owner=\'' . $_SESSION['uid'] . '\'';
             // Put all the category for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
             // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the category array are synchronized.
         // Put all the category for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
         // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the category array are synchronized.
         case 'category':
             $lquery .= $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'category.name' . $lequate . '\'' . $lkeyword . '\'';
             // Put all the author name for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
             // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the author name array are synchronized.
         // Put all the author name for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
         // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the author name array are synchronized.
         case 'author':
             if ($lexact_phrase == 'on') {
                 $lquery .= $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'user.first_name' . $lequate . '\'' . substr($lkeyword, strpos($lkeyword, ' ') + 1) . '\' AND ' . $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'user.last_name' . $lequate . '\'' . substr($lkeyword, 0, strpos($lkeyword, ' ')) . '\'';
             } else {
                 $lquery .= $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'user.first_name' . $lequate . '\'' . $lkeyword . '\' OR ' . $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'user.last_name' . $lequate . '\'' . $lkeyword . '\'';
             // Put all the department name for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
             // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the department name array are synchronized.case 'department':
         // Put all the department name for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
         // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the department name array are synchronized.case 'department':
         case 'department':
             $lquery .= $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'department.name' . $lequate . '\'' . $lkeyword . '\'';
             // Put all the description for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
             // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the description array are synchronized.
         // Put all the description for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
         // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the description array are synchronized.
         case 'descriptions':
             $lquery .= $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'data.description' . $lequate . '\'' . $lkeyword . '\'';
             // Put all the file name for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
             // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the file name array are synchronized.
         // Put all the file name for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
         // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the file name array are synchronized.
         case 'filenames':
             $lquery .= $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'data.realname' . $lequate . '\'' . $lkeyword . '\'';
             // Put all the comments for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
             // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the comments array are synchronized.
         // Put all the comments for each of the OBJ in the OBJ array into an array
         // Notice, the index of the OBJ_array and the comments array are synchronized.
         case 'comments':
             $lquery .= $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'data.comment' . $lequate . '\'' . $lkeyword . '\'';
         case 'file_id':
             $lquery .= $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'data.id' . $lequate . '\'' . $lkeyword . '\'';
         case 'all':
             $lquery .= $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'category.name' . $lequate . '\'' . $lkeyword . '\' OR ' . $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'user.first_name' . $lequate . '\'' . $lkeyword . '\' OR ' . $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'user.last_name ' . $lequate . '\'' . $lkeyword . '\' OR ' . $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'department.name' . $lequate . '\'' . $lkeyword . '\' OR ' . $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'data.description' . $lequate . '\'' . $lkeyword . '\' OR ' . $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'data.realname' . $lequate . '\'' . $lkeyword . '\' OR ' . $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix'] . 'data.comment' . $lequate . '\'' . $lkeyword . '\'';
             list($lquery_pre, $lquery) = udf_functions_search($lwhere, $lquery_pre, $lquery, $lequate, $lkeyword);
     $lquery .= ") ORDER BY {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}data.id ASC";
     $final_query = $lquery_pre . $lquery;
     $lresult = mysql_query($final_query);
     $lindex = 0;
     $lid_array = array();
     if ($lresult) {
         $llen = mysql_num_rows($lresult);
     } else {
         $llen = 0;
     while ($lindex < $llen) {
         list($lid_array[$lindex++]) = mysql_fetch_row($lresult);
     if (@$l_remain != '' && $lexact_phrase != "on") {
         return array_values(array_unique(array_merge($lid_array, search($lwhere, substr($l_remain, 1), $lexact_phrase, $lcase_sensitivity, $lsearch_array))));
     return array_values(array_intersect($lid_array, $lsearch_array));