  * Displays links to all products that have not been categorized.
  * @return
  *   Renderable form array.
 public function orphans()
     $build = array();
     if ($this->config('taxonomy.settings')->get('maintain_index_table')) {
         $vid = $this->config('uc_catalog.settings')->get('vocabulary');
         $product_types = uc_product_types();
         $field = FieldStorageConfig::loadByName('node', 'taxonomy_catalog');
         //@todo - figure this out
         // $field is a config object, not an array, so this doesn't work.
         //$types = array_intersect($product_types, $field['bundles']['node']);
         $types = $product_types;
         //temporary to get this to work at all
         $result = db_query('SELECT DISTINCT n.nid, n.title FROM {node_field_data} n LEFT JOIN (SELECT ti.nid, td.vid FROM {taxonomy_index} ti LEFT JOIN {taxonomy_term_data} td ON ti.tid = td.tid WHERE td.vid = :vid) txnome ON n.nid = txnome.nid WHERE n.type IN (:types[]) AND txnome.vid IS NULL', [':vid' => $vid, ':types[]' => $types]);
         $rows = array();
         while ($node = $result->fetchObject()) {
             $rows[] = $this->l($node->title, Url::fromRoute('entity.node.edit_form', ['node' => $node->nid], ['query' => ['destination' => 'admin/store/products/orphans']]));
         if (count($rows) > 0) {
             $build['orphans'] = array('#theme' => 'item_list', '#items' => $rows);
         } else {
             $build['orphans'] = array('#markup' => $this->t('All products are currently listed in the catalog.'), '#prefix' => '<p>', '#suffix' => '</p>');
     } else {
         $build['orphans'] = array('#markup' => $this->t('The node terms index is not being maintained, so Ubercart can not determine which products are not entered into the catalog.'), '#prefix' => '<p>', '#suffix' => '</p>');
     return $build;
  * Sets the order pane to show the product selection form.
 public function productSelectSearch($form, FormStateInterface $form_state)
     $types = uc_product_types();
     $options = array();
     $query = db_select('node_field_data', 'n')->fields('n', array('nid', 'title'))->condition('n.type', $types, 'IN')->orderBy('n.title')->addTag('node_access');
     if (!$form_state->isValueEmpty(['product_controls', 'product_search'])) {
         $search = strtolower(str_replace('*', '%', $form_state->getValue(['product_controls', 'product_search'])));
         $query->leftJoin('uc_products', 'p', 'n.nid = p.nid');
         $query->condition(db_or()->condition('n.title', $search, 'LIKE')->condition('p.model', $search, 'LIKE'));
     $result = $query->execute();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $options[$row->nid] = $row->title;
     if (count($options) == 0) {
         $options[0] = $this->t('No products found.');
     $form_state->set('products_action', 'select');
     $form_state->set('product_select_options', $options);
     $form_state->set('refresh_products', NULL);
Exemple #3
  * Overrides BooleanOperator::query().
 public function query()
     $types = uc_product_types();
     $this->query->addField('node', 'type');
     $this->query->addWhere($this->options['group'], 'node.type', $types, empty($this->value) ? 'NOT IN' : 'IN');
Exemple #4
  * Displays the custom product report.
 public function customProducts()
     $views_column = \Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('statistics') && $this->config('statistics.settings')->get('count_content_views');
     $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 0;
     $page_size = isset($_GET['nopage']) ? UC_REPORT_MAX_RECORDS : variable_get('uc_report_table_size', 30);
     $rows = array();
     $csv_rows = array();
     // Hard code the ignore of the product kit for this report.
     $ignored_types = array('product_kit');
     // Build an array of valid product types to include on the report.
     $product_types = array();
     foreach (uc_product_types() as $type) {
         // Pass over any ignored types.
         if (!in_array($type, $ignored_types)) {
             $product_types[] = $type;
     // Use default report parameters if we don't detect values in the URL.
     if (arg(5) == '') {
         $args = array('start_date' => mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n'), 1, date('Y') - 1), 'end_date' => REQUEST_TIME, 'status' => uc_report_order_statuses());
     } else {
         $args = array('start_date' => arg(5), 'end_date' => arg(6), 'status' => explode(',', arg(7)));
     $query = db_select('node', 'n', array('fetch' => \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))->extend('Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Query\\PagerSelectExtender')->extend('Drupal\\Core\\Database\\Query\\TableSortExtender')->limit($page_size)->fields('n', array('nid', 'title'))->condition('type', $product_types, 'IN')->groupBy('n.nid');
     $query->addExpression("(SELECT SUM(qty) FROM {uc_order_products} p LEFT JOIN {uc_orders} o ON p.order_id = o.order_id WHERE o.order_status IN (:statuses[]) AND p.nid = n.nid AND o.created >= :start AND o.created <= :end)", 'sold', array(':statuses[]' => $args['status'], ':start' => $args['start_date'], ':end' => $args['end_date']));
     $query->addExpression("(SELECT (SUM(p2.price * p2.qty)) FROM {uc_order_products} p2 LEFT JOIN {uc_orders} o ON p2.order_id = o.order_id WHERE o.order_status IN (:statuses[]) AND p2.nid = n.nid AND o.created >= :start AND o.created <= :end)", 'revenue', array(':statuses[]' => $args['status'], ':start' => $args['start_date'], ':end' => $args['end_date']));
     $query->addExpression("(SELECT (SUM(p3.price * p3.qty) - SUM(p3.cost * p3.qty)) FROM {uc_order_products} p3 LEFT JOIN {uc_orders} o ON p3.order_id = o.order_id WHERE o.order_status IN (:statuses[]) AND p3.nid = n.nid AND o.created >= :start AND o.created <= :end)", 'gross', array(':statuses[]' => $args['status'], ':start' => $args['start_date'], ':end' => $args['end_date']));
     $header = array(array('data' => t('#')), array('data' => t('Product'), 'field' => 'n.title'), array('data' => t('Sold'), 'field' => 'sold'), array('data' => t('Revenue'), 'field' => 'revenue', 'sort' => 'desc'), array('data' => t('Gross'), 'field' => 'gross'));
     $csv_rows[] = array(t('#'), t('Product'), t('Sold'), t('Revenue'), t('Gross'));
     if ($views_column) {
         $header[] = array('data' => t('Views'), 'field' => 'nc.totalcount');
         $csv_rows[0][] = t('Views');
     if ($views_column) {
         $query->leftJoin('node_counter', 'c', 'n.nid = c.nid');
         $query->addField('c', 'totalcount');
     $products = $query->execute();
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         $row_cell = $page * variable_get('uc_report_table_size', 30) + count($rows) + 1;
         $product_cell = $this->l($product['title'], Url::fromRoute('entity.node.canonical', ['node' => $product['nid']]));
         $product_csv = $product['title'];
         $sold_cell = empty($product['sold']) ? 0 : $product['sold'];
         $sold_csv = $sold_cell;
         $revenue_csv = empty($product['revenue']) ? 0 : $product['revenue'];
         $revenue_cell = uc_currency_format($revenue_csv);
         $gross_csv = empty($product['gross']) ? 0 : $product['gross'];
         $gross_cell = uc_currency_format($gross_csv);
         if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('uc_attribute')) {
             $breakdown_product = $breakdown_sold = $breakdown_revenue = $breakdown_gross = '';
             // Get the SKUs from this product.
             $models = uc_report_product_get_skus($product['nid']);
             // Add the product breakdown rows
             foreach ($models as $model) {
                 $sold = db_query("SELECT SUM(qty) FROM {uc_order_products} p LEFT JOIN {uc_orders} o ON p.order_id = o.order_id WHERE o.order_status IN (:statuses[]) AND p.model = :model AND p.nid = :nid AND o.created >= :start AND o.created <= :end", array(':statuses[]' => $args['status'], ':start' => $args['start_date'], ':end' => $args['end_date'], ':model' => $model, ':nid' => $product['nid']))->fetchField();
                 $sold = empty($sold) ? 0 : $sold;
                 $revenue = db_query("SELECT SUM(p.price * p.qty) FROM {uc_order_products} p LEFT JOIN {uc_orders} o ON p.order_id = o.order_id WHERE o.order_status IN (:statuses[]) AND p.model = :model AND p.nid = :nid AND o.created >= :start AND o.created <= :end", array(':statuses[]' => $args['status'], ':start' => $args['start_date'], ':end' => $args['end_date'], ':model' => $model, ':nid' => $product['nid']))->fetchField();
                 $revenue = empty($revenue) ? 0 : $revenue;
                 $gross = db_query("SELECT (SUM(p.price * p.qty) - SUM(p.cost * p.qty)) FROM {uc_order_products} p LEFT JOIN {uc_orders} o ON p.order_id = o.order_id WHERE o.order_status IN (:statuses[]) AND p.model = :model AND p.nid = :nid AND o.created >= :start AND o.created <= :end", array(':statuses[]' => $args['status'], ':start' => $args['start_date'], ':end' => $args['end_date'], ':model' => $model, ':nid' => $product['nid']))->fetchField();
                 $gross = empty($gross) ? 0 : $gross;
                 $breakdown_product .= "<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{$model}";
                 $product_csv .= "\n     {$model}";
                 $breakdown_sold .= "<br />" . $sold;
                 $sold_csv .= "\n     " . $sold;
                 $breakdown_revenue .= "<br />" . uc_currency_format($revenue);
                 $revenue_csv .= "\n     " . $revenue;
                 $breakdown_gross .= "<br />" . uc_currency_format($gross);
                 $gross_csv .= "\n     " . $gross;
             $product_cell = $product_cell . $breakdown_product;
             $sold_cell = '<strong>' . $sold_cell . '</strong>' . $breakdown_sold;
             $revenue_cell = '<strong>' . $revenue_cell . '</strong>' . $breakdown_revenue;
             $gross_cell = '<strong>' . $gross_cell . '</strong>' . $breakdown_gross;
         if ($views_column) {
             $views = empty($product['totalcount']) ? 0 : $product['totalcount'];
             $rows[] = array(array('data' => $row_cell), array('data' => $product_cell), array('data' => $sold_cell), array('data' => $revenue_cell), array('data' => $gross_cell), array('data' => $views));
             $csv_rows[] = array($row_cell, $product_csv, $sold_csv, $revenue_csv, $gross_csv, $views);
         } else {
             $rows[] = array(array('data' => $row_cell), array('data' => $product_cell), array('data' => $sold_cell), array('data' => $revenue_cell), array('data' => $gross_cell));
             $csv_rows[] = array($row_cell, $product_csv, $sold_csv, $revenue_csv, $gross_csv);
     $csv_data = $this->store_csv('uc_products', $csv_rows);
     // Build the page output holding the form, table, and CSV export link.
     $build['form'] = \Drupal::formBuilder()->getForm('uc_report_products_custom_form', $args);
     $build['report'] = array('#theme' => 'table', '#header' => $header, '#rows' => $rows, '#attributes' => array('width' => '100%', 'class' => array('uc-sales-table')), '#empty' => t('No products found'));
     $build['pager'] = array('#type' => 'pager');
     $build['links'] = array('#prefix' => '<div class="uc-reports-links">', '#suffix' => '</div>');
     $build['links']['export_csv'] = array('#markup' => $this->l(t('Export to CSV file.'), Url::fromRoute('uc_report.getcsv', ['report_id' => $csv_data['report'], 'user_id' => $csv_data['user']])), '#suffix' => '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;');
     if (isset($_GET['nopage'])) {
         $build['links']['toggle_pager'] = array('#markup' => $this->l(t('Show paged records'), Url::fromUri('base:admin/store/reports/products/custom')));
     } else {
         $build['links']['toggle_pager'] = array('#markup' => $this->l(t('Show all records'), Url::fromUri('base:admin/store/reports/products/custom', array('query' => array('nopage' => '1')))));
     $build['instructions'] = array('#markup' => '<small>*' . t('Make sure %setting_name is set to %state in the <a href=":url">access log settings page</a> to enable views column.', ['%setting_name' => 'count content views', '%state' => 'enabled', ':url' => Url::fromUri('base:admin/config/system/statistics', ['query' => ['destination' => 'admin/store/reports/products/custom']])->toString()]) . '</small>');
     return $build;