Exemple #1
function tzs_front_end_following_handler($atts)
    $sp = tzs_validate_search_parameters();
    $s_sql = tzs_search_parameters_to_sql($sp, 'sh');
    $s_title = tzs_search_parameters_to_str($sp);
    $errors = $sp['errors'];
    $show_table = true;
    if (strlen($s_title) == 0 && count($errors) == 0) {
        $show_table = false;
        //$errors = array("Укажите параметры поиска");
    if (count($errors) > 0) {
	<a href="javascript:showSearchDialog();" id="edit_search">Изменить параметры поиска</a>
    if (count($errors) == 0 && $show_table) {
        if (strlen($s_title) > 0) {
			<div id="search_info">Попутные грузы <?php 
            echo $s_title;
        } else {
			<div id="search_info">Параметры поиска не заданы</div>
        $page = current_page_number();
	<a tag="page" id="realod_btn" href="<?php 
        echo build_page_url($page);
        global $wpdb;
        $url = current_page_url();
        $pp = TZS_RECORDS_PER_PAGE;
        $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM " . TZS_SHIPMENT_TABLE . " WHERE active=1 {$s_sql};";
        $res = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
        if (count($res) == 0 && $wpdb->last_error != null) {
            print_error('Не удалось отобразить список грузов. Свяжитесь, пожалуйста, с администрацией сайта');
        } else {
            $records = $res->cnt;
            $pages = ceil($records / $pp);
            if ($pages == 0) {
                $pages = 1;
            if ($page > $pages) {
                $page = $pages;
            $from = ($page - 1) * $pp;
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TZS_SHIPMENT_TABLE . " WHERE active=1 {$s_sql} ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT {$from},{$pp};";
            $res = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
            if (count($res) == 0 && $wpdb->last_error != null) {
                print_error('Не удалось отобразить список грузов. Свяжитесь, пожалуйста, с администрацией сайта');
            } else {
                if (count($res) == 0) {
					<div id="info">По Вашему запросу ничего не найдено.</div>
                } else {
			<script src="/wp-content/plugins/tzs/assets/js/distance.js"></script>
			<table id="tbl_shipments">
				<th id="numb">Номер заявки</th>
				<th id="adds">Дата размещения</th>
				<th id="date-load">Дата погрузки<br>Дата выгрузки</th>
				<th id="numb-unload" nonclickable="true">Пункт погрузки<br>Пункт выгрузки</th>
				<th id="desc">Описание груза</th>
				<th id="wight">Вес</th>
				<th id="vol">Объем</th>
				<th id="type">Тип транспорта</th>
				<th id="cost">Цена</th>
				<th id="comm">Комментарии</th>
                    foreach ($res as $row) {
                        $type = isset($GLOBALS['tzs_tr_types'][$row->trans_type]) ? $GLOBALS['tzs_tr_types'][$row->trans_type] : "";
				<tr rid="<?php 
                        echo $row->id;
                        echo $row->id;
                        echo convert_date_no_year($row->time);
                        echo convert_time_only($row->time);
                        echo convert_date_no_year($row->sh_date_from);
                        echo convert_date_no_year($row->sh_date_to);
                        echo tzs_city_to_str($row->from_cid, $row->from_rid, $row->from_sid, $row->sh_city_from);
                        echo tzs_city_to_str($row->to_cid, $row->to_rid, $row->to_sid, $row->sh_city_to);
                        if ($row->distance > 0) {
                            echo tzs_make_distance_link($row->distance, false, array($row->sh_city_from, $row->sh_city_to));
                        echo htmlspecialchars($row->sh_descr);
                        if ($row->sh_weight > 0) {
                            echo remove_decimal_part($row->sh_weight);
                        } else {
                        if ($row->sh_volume > 0) {
                            echo remove_decimal_part($row->sh_volume);
                        } else {
                        echo $type;
                        echo tzs_cost_to_str($row->cost);
                        echo htmlspecialchars($row->comment);
                build_pages_footer($page, $pages);
		<script src="/wp-content/plugins/tzs/assets/js/search.js"></script>
			var post = [];
    echo "// POST dump here\n";
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
        echo "post[" . tzs_encode2($key) . "] = " . tzs_encode2($value) . ";\n";
			function showSearchDialog() {
				doSearchDialog('cargo', post, null, true);
				jQuery('#tbl_shipments').on('click', 'td', function(e) {  
					var nonclickable = 'true' == e.delegateTarget.rows[0].cells[this.cellIndex].getAttribute('nonclickable');
					var id = this.parentNode.getAttribute("rid");
					if (!nonclickable)
						document.location = "/account/view-shipment/?id="+id;
    if (strlen($s_title) == 0) {
    $output = ob_get_contents();
    return $output;
Exemple #2
function tzs_front_end_tables_reload()
    // Возвращаемые переменные
    $output_info = '';
    $output_error = '';
    $output_tbody = '';
    $output_pnav = '';
    $lastrecid = 0;
    $form_type = get_param_def('form_type', '');
    $type_id = get_param_def('type_id', '0');
    $rootcategory = get_param_def('rootcategory', '0');
    $cur_type_id = get_param_def('cur_type_id', '0');
    $cur_post_name = get_param_def('cur_post_name', '');
    $p_title = get_param_def('p_title', '');
    $page = get_param_def('page', '1');
    $records_per_page = get_param_def('records_per_page', '' . TZS_RECORDS_PER_PAGE);
    $record_pickup_time = get_option('t3s_setting_record_pickup_time', '30');
    //$p_id = get_the_ID();
    //$p_title = the_title('', '', false);
    // Если указан параметр rootcategory, то выводим все товары раздела
    // Иначе - товары категории
    if ($rootcategory === '1' && $type_id === '0') {
        $sql1 = ' AND type_id IN (' . tzs_build_product_types_id_str($cur_type_id) . ')';
        $p_name = '';
    } else {
        //$sql1 = ' AND type_id='.$type_id;
        $sql1 = '';
        $p_name = get_post_field('post_name', $type_id);
    if ($form_type === 'products') {
        $sp = tzs_validate_pr_search_parameters();
    } else {
        $sp = tzs_validate_search_parameters();
    $errors = $sp['errors'];
    switch ($form_type) {
        case 'products':
            $pr_type_array = tzs_get_children_pages(TZS_PR_ROOT_CATEGORY_PAGE_ID);
            $table_name = TZS_PRODUCTS_TABLE;
            $table_error_msg = 'товаров';
            $table_order_by = 'created';
            $order_table_prefix = 'PR';
        case 'trucks':
            $table_name = TZS_TRUCK_TABLE;
            $table_error_msg = 'транспорта';
            $table_order_by = 'time';
            $table_prefix = 'tr';
            $order_table_prefix = 'TR';
        case 'shipments':
            $table_name = TZS_SHIPMENT_TABLE;
            $table_error_msg = 'грузов';
            $table_order_by = 'time';
            $table_prefix = 'sh';
            $order_table_prefix = 'SH';
            array_push($errors, "Неверно указан тип формы");
    if (count($errors) > 0) {
        $output_error = print_errors($errors);
    if (count($errors) == 0) {
        if ($form_type === 'products') {
            $s_sql = tzs_search_pr_parameters_to_sql($sp, '');
            $s_title = tzs_search_pr_parameters_to_str($sp);
        } else {
            $s_sql = tzs_search_parameters_to_sql($sp, $table_prefix);
            $s_title = tzs_search_parameters_to_str($sp);
        $output_info = $p_title;
        if (strlen($s_title) > 0) {
            $output_info .= ' * ' . $s_title;
        //$page = current_page_number();
        global $wpdb;
        //$url = current_page_url();
        $pp = floatval($records_per_page);
        $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt FROM " . $table_name . " a WHERE active=1 {$sql1} {$s_sql};";
        $res = $wpdb->get_row($sql);
        if (count($res) == 0 && $wpdb->last_error != null) {
            $output_error .= '<div>Не удалось отобразить список ' . $table_error_msg . '. Свяжитесь, пожалуйста, с администрацией сайта.<br>' . $sql . '<br>' . $wpdb->last_error . '</div>';
        } else {
            $records = $res->cnt;
            $pages = ceil($records / $pp);
            if ($pages == 0) {
                $pages = 1;
            if ($page > $pages) {
                $page = $pages;
            $from = ($page - 1) * $pp;
            //$sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$table_name." WHERE active=1 $sql1 $s_sql ORDER BY ".$table_order_by." DESC LIMIT $from,$pp;";
            // Хитрый запрос для отбора ТОП
            $sql = "SELECT a.*,";
            $sql .= " b.number AS order_number,";
            $sql .= " b.status AS order_status,";
            $sql .= " b.dt_pay AS order_dt_pay,";
            $sql .= " b.dt_expired AS order_dt_expired,";
            $sql .= " IFNULL(b.dt_pay, a." . $table_order_by . ") AS dt_sort,";
            $sql .= " IF(b.status IS NOT NULL, 2, IF(ROUND((UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.dt_pickup))/60, 0) <= " . $record_pickup_time . ", 1, 0)) AS top_status,";
            $sql .= " LOWER(c.code) AS from_code";
            if ($form_type != 'products') {
                $sql .= ", LOWER(d.code) AS to_code";
            $sql .= " FROM " . $table_name . " a";
            $sql .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN wp_tzs_orders b ON (b.tbl_type = '" . $order_table_prefix . "' AND a.id = b.tbl_id AND b.status = 1 AND b.dt_expired > NOW())";
            $sql .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN wp_tzs_countries c ON (a.from_cid = c.country_id)";
            if ($form_type != 'products') {
                $sql .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN wp_tzs_countries d ON (a.to_cid = d.country_id)";
            $sql .= " WHERE active=1 {$sql1} {$s_sql}";
            $sql .= " ORDER BY top_status DESC, order_status DESC, dt_sort DESC";
            $sql .= " LIMIT {$from},{$pp};";
            $res = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
            if (count($res) == 0 && $wpdb->last_error != null) {
                $output_error .= '<div>Не удалось отобразить список ' . $table_error_msg . '. Свяжитесь, пожалуйста, с администрацией сайта.<br>' . $sql . '<br>' . $wpdb->last_error . '</div>';
            } else {
                if (count($res) == 0) {
                    $output_error .= '<div>По Вашему запросу ничего не найдено.</div>';
                } else {
                    foreach ($res as $row) {
                        if ($form_type === 'products') {
                            $output_tbody .= tzs_products_table_record_out($row, $form_type, $pr_type_array);
                        } else {
                            $output_tbody .= tzs_tr_sh_table_record_out($row, $form_type);
                        $lastrecid = $row->id;
                // Пагинация
                if ($pages > 1) {
                    if ($page > 1) {
                        $page0 = $page - 1;
                        $output_pnav .= '<a tag="page" page="' . $page0 . '" href="javascript:TblTbodyReload(' . $page0 . ')">« Предыдущая</a>&nbsp;';
                    $start = 1;
                    $stop = $pages;
                    for ($i = $start; $i <= $stop; $i++) {
                        if ($i == $page) {
                            $output_pnav .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<span>' . $i . '</span>&nbsp;';
                        } else {
                            $output_pnav .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a tag="page" page="' . $i . '" href="javascript:TblTbodyReload(' . $i . ')">' . $i . '</a>&nbsp;';
                    if ($page < $pages) {
                        $page1 = $page + 1;
                        $output_pnav .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a tag="page" page="' . $page1 . '" href="javascript:TblTbodyReload(' . $page1 . ')">Следующая »</a>';
    $output = array('output_info' => $output_info, 'output_error' => $output_error, 'output_tbody' => $output_tbody, 'output_pnav' => $output_pnav, 'output_tbody_cnt' => count($res), 'lastrecid' => $lastrecid, 'type_id' => $type_id, 'rootcategory' => $rootcategory, 'sql' => $sql, 'sql1' => $sql1, 's_sql' => $s_sql);
    //echo json_encode($output);
    // print_r($output_tbody);
    return $output;