Exemple #1
  * This function uses the file and directory patterns to pull out extra tag
  * information.
  *  parses TV show name variations:
  *    1. title.[date].S#[#]E#[#].ext		(Upper/lower case)
  *    2. title.[date].#[#]X#[#].ext		(both upper/lower case letters
  *    3. title.[date].Season #[#] Episode #[#].ext
  *    4. title.[date].###.ext		(maximum of 9 seasons)
  *  parse directory  path for name, season and episode numbers
  *   /TV shows/show name [(year)]/[season ]##/##.Episode.Title.ext
  *  parse movie names:
  *    title.[date].ext
  *    /movie title [(date)]/title.ext
 private function _parse_filename($filepath)
     $origin = $filepath;
     $results = array();
     if (strpos($filepath, '/') !== false) {
         $slash_type = '/';
         $slash_type_preg = $slash_type;
     } else {
         $slash_type = "\\";
         $slash_type_preg = $slash_type . $slash_type;
     $file = pathinfo($filepath, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
     if (in_array('tvshow', $this->gather_types)) {
         $season = array();
         $episode = array();
         $tvyear = array();
         $temp = array();
         preg_match("~(?<=\\(\\[\\<\\{)[1|2][0-9]{3}|[1|2][0-9]{3}~", $filepath, $tvyear);
         $results['year'] = !empty($tvyear) ? intval($tvyear[0]) : null;
         if (preg_match("~[Ss](\\d+)[Ee](\\d+)~", $file, $seasonEpisode)) {
             $temp = preg_split("~(((\\.|_|\\s)[Ss]\\d+(\\.|_)*[Ee]\\d+))~", $file, 2);
             preg_match("~(?<=[Ss])\\d+~", $file, $season);
             preg_match("~(?<=[Ee])\\d+~", $file, $episode);
         } else {
             if (preg_match("~[\\_\\-\\.\\s](\\d{1,2})[xX](\\d{1,2})~", $file, $seasonEpisode)) {
                 $temp = preg_split("~[\\.\\_\\s\\-\\_]\\d+[xX]\\d{2}[\\.\\s\\-\\_]*|\$~", $file);
                 preg_match("~\\d+(?=[Xx])~", $file, $season);
                 preg_match("~(?<=[Xx])\\d+~", $file, $episode);
             } else {
                 if (preg_match("~[S|s]eason[\\_\\-\\.\\s](\\d+)[\\.\\-\\s\\_]?\\s?[e|E]pisode[\\s\\-\\.\\_]?(\\d+)[\\.\\s\\-\\_]?~", $file, $seasonEpisode)) {
                     $temp = preg_split("~[\\.\\s\\-\\_][S|s]eason[\\s\\-\\.\\_](\\d+)[\\.\\s\\-\\_]?\\s?[e|E]pisode[\\s\\-\\.\\_](\\d+)([\\s\\-\\.\\_])*~", $file, 3);
                     preg_match("~(?<=[Ss]eason[\\.\\s\\-\\_])\\d+~", $file, $season);
                     preg_match("~(?<=[Ee]pisode[\\.\\s\\-\\_])\\d+~", $file, $episode);
                 } else {
                     if (preg_match("~[\\_\\-\\.\\s](\\d)(\\d\\d)[\\_\\-\\.\\s]*~", $file, $seasonEpisode)) {
                         $temp = preg_split("~[\\.\\s\\-\\_](\\d)(\\d\\d)[\\.\\s\\-\\_]~", $file);
                         $season[0] = $seasonEpisode[1];
                         if (preg_match("~[\\_\\-\\.\\s](\\d)(\\d\\d)[\\_\\-\\.\\s]~", $file, $seasonEpisode)) {
                             $temp = preg_split("~[\\.\\s\\-\\_](\\d)(\\d\\d)[\\.\\s\\-\\_]~", $file);
                             $season[0] = $seasonEpisode[1];
                             $episode[0] = $seasonEpisode[2];
         $results['tvshow_season'] = $season[0];
         $results['tvshow_episode'] = $episode[0];
         $results['tvshow'] = $this->formatVideoName($temp[0]);
         $results['original_name'] = $this->formatVideoName($temp[1]);
         // Try to identify the show information from parent folder
         if (!$results['tvshow']) {
             $folders = preg_split("~" . $slash_type . "~", $filepath, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             if ($results['tvshow_season'] && $results['tvshow_episode']) {
                 // We have season and episode, we assume parent folder is the tvshow name
                 $filetitle = end($folders);
                 $results['tvshow'] = $this->formatVideoName($filetitle);
             } else {
                 // Or we assume each parent folder contains one missing information
                 if (preg_match('/[\\/\\\\]([^\\/\\\\]*)[\\/\\\\]Season (\\d{1,2})[\\/\\\\]((E|Ep|Episode)\\s?(\\d{1,2})[\\/\\\\])?/i', $filepath, $matches)) {
                     if ($matches != null) {
                         $results['tvshow'] = $this->formatVideoName($matches[1]);
                         $results['tvshow_season'] = $matches[2];
                         if (isset($matches[5])) {
                             $results['tvshow_episode'] = $matches[5];
                         } else {
                             //match pattern like 10.episode name.mp4
                             if (preg_match("~^(\\d\\d)[\\_\\-\\.\\s]?(.*)~", $file, $matches)) {
                                 $results['tvshow_episode'] = $matches[1];
                                 $results['original_name'] = $this->formatVideoName($matches[2]);
                             } else {
                                 //Fallback to match any 3-digit Season/Episode that fails the standard pattern above.
                                 preg_match("~(\\d)(\\d\\d)[\\_\\-\\.\\s]?~", $file, $matches);
                                 $results['tvshow_episode'] = $matches[2];
         $results['title'] = $results['tvshow'];
     if (in_array('movie', $this->gather_types)) {
         $results['original_name'] = $results['title'] = $this->formatVideoName($file);
     if (in_array('music', $this->gather_types) || in_array('clip', $this->gather_types)) {
         // Combine the patterns
         $pattern = preg_quote($this->_dir_pattern) . $slash_type_preg . preg_quote($this->_file_pattern);
         // Remove first left directories from filename to match pattern
         $cntslash = substr_count($pattern, preg_quote($slash_type)) + 1;
         $filepart = explode($slash_type, $filepath);
         if (count($filepart) > $cntslash) {
             $filepath = implode($slash_type, array_slice($filepart, count($filepart) - $cntslash));
         // Pull out the pattern codes into an array
         preg_match_all('/\\%\\w/', $pattern, $elements);
         // Mangle the pattern by turning the codes into regex captures
         $pattern = preg_replace('/\\%[Ty]/', '([0-9]+?)', $pattern);
         $pattern = preg_replace('/\\%\\w/', '(.+?)', $pattern);
         $pattern = str_replace('/', '\\/', $pattern);
         $pattern = str_replace(' ', '\\s', $pattern);
         $pattern = '/' . $pattern . '\\..+$/';
         // Pull out our actual matches
         preg_match($pattern, $filepath, $matches);
         if ($matches != null) {
             // The first element is the full match text
             $matched = array_shift($matches);
             debug_event('vainfo', $pattern . ' matched ' . $matched . ' on ' . $filepath, 5);
             // Iterate over what we found
             foreach ($matches as $key => $value) {
                 $new_key = translate_pattern_code($elements['0'][$key]);
                 if ($new_key) {
                     $results[$new_key] = $value;
             $results['title'] = $results['title'] ?: basename($filepath);
             if ($this->islocal) {
                 $results['size'] = Core::get_filesize(Core::conv_lc_file($origin));
     return $results;
Exemple #2
  * _parse_filename
  * This function uses the file and directory patterns to pull out extra tag
  * information.
 private function _parse_filename($filename)
     $origin = $filename;
     $results = array();
     if (in_array('music', $this->gather_types) || in_array('clip', $this->gather_types)) {
         // Correctly detect the slash we need to use here
         if (strpos($filename, '/') !== false) {
             $slash_type = '/';
             $slash_type_preg = $slash_type;
         } else {
             $slash_type = '\\';
             $slash_type_preg = $slash_type . $slash_type;
         // Combine the patterns
         $pattern = preg_quote($this->_dir_pattern) . $slash_type_preg . preg_quote($this->_file_pattern);
         // Remove first left directories from filename to match pattern
         $cntslash = substr_count($pattern, preg_quote($slash_type)) + 1;
         $filepart = explode($slash_type, $filename);
         if (count($filepart) > $cntslash) {
             $filename = implode($slash_type, array_slice($filepart, count($filepart) - $cntslash));
         // Pull out the pattern codes into an array
         preg_match_all('/\\%\\w/', $pattern, $elements);
         // Mangle the pattern by turning the codes into regex captures
         $pattern = preg_replace('/\\%[Ty]/', '([0-9]+?)', $pattern);
         $pattern = preg_replace('/\\%\\w/', '(.+?)', $pattern);
         $pattern = str_replace('/', '\\/', $pattern);
         $pattern = str_replace(' ', '\\s', $pattern);
         $pattern = '/' . $pattern . '\\..+$/';
         // Pull out our actual matches
         preg_match($pattern, $filename, $matches);
         if ($matches != null) {
             // The first element is the full match text
             $matched = array_shift($matches);
             debug_event('vainfo', $pattern . ' matched ' . $matched . ' on ' . $filename, 5);
             // Iterate over what we found
             foreach ($matches as $key => $value) {
                 $new_key = translate_pattern_code($elements['0'][$key]);
                 if ($new_key) {
                     $results[$new_key] = $value;
             $results['title'] = $results['title'] ?: basename($filename);
             if ($this->islocal) {
                 $results['size'] = Core::get_filesize(Core::conv_lc_file($origin));
     if (in_array('tvshow', $this->gather_types)) {
         $pathinfo = pathinfo($filename);
         $filetitle = $pathinfo['filename'];
         $results = array_merge($results, $this->parseEpisodeName($filetitle));
         if (!$results['tvshow']) {
             // Try to identify the show information from parent folder
             $filetitle = basename($pathinfo['dirname']);
             $results = array_merge($results, $this->parseEpisodeName($filetitle));
             if (!$results['tvshow']) {
                 if ($results['tvshow_season'] && $results['tvshow_episode']) {
                     // We have season and episode, we assume parent folder is the tvshow name
                     $pathinfo = pathinfo($pathinfo['dirname']);
                     $filetitle = basename($pathinfo['dirname']);
                     $results['tvshow'] = $this->fixSerieName($filetitle);
                 } else {
                     // Or we assume each parent folder contains one missing information
                     if (preg_match('/[\\/\\\\]([^\\/\\\\]*)[\\/\\\\]Season (\\d{1,2})[\\/\\\\]((E|Ep|Episode)\\s?(\\d{1,2})[\\/\\\\])?/i', $filename, $matches)) {
                         if ($matches != null) {
                             $results['tvshow'] = $this->fixSerieName($matches[1]);
                             $results['tvshow_season'] = $matches[2];
                             if (isset($matches[5])) {
                                 $results['tvshow_episode'] = $matches[5];
     if (in_array('movie', $this->gather_types)) {
         $pathinfo = pathinfo($filename);
         $filetitle = $pathinfo['filename'];
         $results['title'] = $this->fixVideoReleaseName($filetitle);
         if (!$results['title']) {
             // Try to identify the movie information from parent folder
             $filetitle = basename($pathinfo['dirname']);
             $results['title'] = $this->fixVideoReleaseName($filetitle);
     return $results;