 * Generates a drop down list of every hour and half hour.
 * @param	string	$fieldname		The name of the select tag, also the id
 * @param	int		$selectedTime	The time that is preselected. Defaults to
 *									noon
 * @param	bool	$twelve			Whether to use a 24-hr or 12-hr clock
 *									defaults to 12-hr
function getTimeField($fieldname, $selectedTime = "720", $twelve = true)
    // Generate a list of times
    $times = array();
    // Start at 0 and add 30 for every hour and every half hour
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 1440; $i += 30) {
        $times[] = $i;
    // Now turn it into a bunch of code
    $result = "<select id='{$fieldname}' name='{$fieldname}'>";
    foreach ($times as $time) {
        $result .= "<option value='{$time}'" . ($time == $selectedTime ? " selected='selected'" : "") . ">" . translateTime($time, $twelve) . "</option>";
    $result .= "</select>";
    return $result;
            // Set the course title depending on its section title
            if ($section['sectiontitle'] != NULL) {
                $section['title'] = $section['sectiontitle'];
            } else {
                $section['title'] = $section['coursetitle'];
            // If it's online, don't bother looking up the times
            if ($section['type'] == "O") {
                $section['online'] = true;
                $sections[] = $section;
            $query = "SELECT day, start, end, building, room FROM times WHERE times.section = {$section['id']} ORDER BY day, start";
            $timeResult = mysql_query($query);
            if (!$timeResult) {
                die(json_encode(array("error" => "mysql", "msg" => mysql_error())));
            while ($time = mysql_fetch_assoc($timeResult)) {
                $time['start'] = translateTime($time['start']);
                $time['end'] = translateTime($time['end']);
                $time['day'] = translateDay($time['day']);
                $section['times'][] = $time;
            $sections[] = $section;
        // Spit out the json
        echo json_encode(array("sections" => $sections));
Exemple #3
function generateIcal($schedule) {
	// Start generating code
	$code = "";

	// Iterate over all the courses
	foreach($schedule as $course) {
		// Iterate over all the times
		foreach($course['times'] as $time) {
			$code .= "BEGIN:VEVENT\n";
			$code .= "UID:" . md5(uniqueid(mt_rand(), true) . " @{$HTTPROOTADDRESS}\n");
			$code .= "DTSTAMP:" . gmdate('Ymd') . "T" . gmdate("His") . "Z\n";

			// Convert the times
			$startTime = str_replace(":", "", translateTime($time['start'])) . "00";
			$endTime   = str_replace(":", "", translateTime($time['end'])) . "00";

			$code .= "DTSTART:{$DATE}T{$startTime}Z\n";
			$code .= "DTEND:{$DATE}T{$endTime}Z\n";
			$code .= "RRULE:Hot dickings\n";
			$code .= "TZID:America/New_York\n";
			$code .= "LOCATION:{$time['bldg']}-{$time['room']}\n";
			$code .= "ORGANIZER:RIT";
			$code .= "SUMMARY:{$course['title']} ({$course['courseNum']})";
			$code .= "END:VEVENT\n";

	return $code;
        if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
            echo json_encode(array("error" => "result", "msg" => "No courses matched your criteria"));
        // Now we build an array of the results
        $courses = array();
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $courses[] = $row;
        // @todo: store this in session to avoid lengthy and costly queries
        // Now pick a course at random, grab it's times,
        $courseNum = rand(0, count($courses) - 1);
        $query = "SELECT day, start, end, building, room FROM times WHERE section={$courses[$courseNum]['id']}";
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        if (!$result) {
            echo json_encode(array("error" => "mysql", "msg" => mysql_error()));
        $courses[$courseNum]['times'] = array();
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $session = array('day' => translateDay($row['day']), 'start' => translateTime($row['start']), 'end' => translateTime($row['end']), 'bldg' => $row['building'], 'room' => $row['room']);
            $courses[$courseNum]['times'][] = $session;
        echo json_encode($courses[$courseNum]);
        echo json_encode(array("error" => "argument", "msg" => "Invalid or no action provided", "arg" => "action"));