Exemple #1
 private function build_stats(Image $image)
     $h_owner = html_escape($image->get_owner()->name);
     $h_ownerlink = "<a href='" . make_link("user/{$h_owner}") . "'>{$h_owner}</a>";
     $h_ip = html_escape($image->owner_ip);
     $h_date = autodate($image->posted);
     $h_filesize = to_shorthand_int($image->filesize);
     global $user;
     if ($user->can("view_ip")) {
         $h_ownerlink .= " ({$h_ip})";
     $html = "\n\t\tId: {$image->id}\n\t\t<br>Posted: {$h_date} by {$h_ownerlink}\n\t\t<br>Size: {$image->width}x{$image->height}\n\t\t<br>Filesize: {$h_filesize}\n\t\t";
     if (!is_null($image->source)) {
         $h_source = html_escape($image->source);
         if (substr($image->source, 0, 7) != "http://" && substr($image->source, 0, 8) != "https://") {
             $h_source = "http://" . $h_source;
         $html .= "<br>Source: <a href='{$h_source}'>link</a>";
     if (class_exists("Ratings")) {
         if ($image->rating == null || $image->rating == "u") {
             $image->rating = "u";
         $h_rating = Ratings::rating_to_human($image->rating);
         $html .= "<br>Rating: {$h_rating}";
     return $html;
Exemple #2
 protected function build_upload_block()
     global $config;
     $upload_list = "";
     for ($i = 0; $i < $config->get_int('upload_count'); $i++) {
         if ($i == 0) {
             $style = "";
         } else {
             $style = "style='display:none'";
         $upload_list .= "<input accept='image/jpeg,image/png,image/gif' size='10' " . "id='data{$i}' name='data{$i}' {$style} onchange=\"\$('#data" . ($i + 1) . "').show()\" type='file'>\n";
     $max_size = $config->get_int('upload_size');
     $max_kb = to_shorthand_int($max_size);
     // <input type='hidden' name='max_file_size' value='$max_size' />
     return "\n\t\t\t<script>\n\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\$('#tag_input').DefaultValue('tagme');\n\t\t\t\t\$('#tag_input').autocomplete('" . make_link("api/internal/tag_list/complete") . "', {\n\t\t\t\t\twidth: 320,\n\t\t\t\t\tmax: 15,\n\t\t\t\t\thighlight: false,\n\t\t\t\t\tmultiple: true,\n\t\t\t\t\tmultipleSeparator: ' ',\n\t\t\t\t\tscroll: true,\n\t\t\t\t\tscrollHeight: 300,\n\t\t\t\t\tselectFirst: false\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t</script>\n\t\t\t<form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='" . make_link("upload") . "' method='POST'>\n\t\t\t\t{$upload_list}\n\t\t\t\t<input id='tag_input' name='tags' type='text' autocomplete='off'>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='submit' value='Post'>\n\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t\t<div id='upload_completions' style='clear: both;'><small>(Max file size is {$max_kb})</small></div>\n\t\t\t<noscript><a href='" . make_link("upload") . "'>Larger Form</a></noscript>\n\t\t";
Exemple #3
  * Collect the information and return it in a keyed array.
 private function get_info()
     global $config, $database;
     global $_event_listeners;
     // yay for using secret globals \o/
     $info = array();
     $info['site_title'] = $config->get_string("title");
     $info['site_theme'] = $config->get_string("theme");
     $info['site_url'] = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . get_base_href();
     $info['sys_shimmie'] = VERSION;
     $info['sys_schema'] = $config->get_string("db_version");
     $info['sys_php'] = phpversion();
     $info['sys_db'] = $database->get_driver_name();
     $info['sys_os'] = php_uname();
     $info['sys_disk'] = to_shorthand_int(disk_total_space("./") - disk_free_space("./")) . " / " . to_shorthand_int(disk_total_space("./"));
     $info['sys_server'] = $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"];
     $info['thumb_engine'] = $config->get_string("thumb_engine");
     $info['thumb_quality'] = $config->get_int('thumb_quality');
     $info['thumb_width'] = $config->get_int('thumb_width');
     $info['thumb_height'] = $config->get_int('thumb_height');
     $info['thumb_mem'] = $config->get_int("thumb_mem_limit");
     $info['stat_images'] = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM images");
     $info['stat_comments'] = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments");
     $info['stat_users'] = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users");
     $info['stat_tags'] = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tags");
     $info['stat_image_tags'] = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM image_tags");
     $els = array();
     foreach (get_declared_classes() as $class) {
         $rclass = new ReflectionClass($class);
         if ($rclass->isAbstract()) {
             // don't do anything
         } elseif (is_subclass_of($class, "Extension")) {
             $els[] = $class;
     $info['sys_extensions'] = join(', ', $els);
     //$cfs = array();
     //foreach($database->get_all("SELECT name, value FROM config") as $pair) {
     //	$cfs[] = $pair['name']."=".$pair['value'];
     //$info[''] = "Config: ".join(", ", $cfs);
     return $info;
Exemple #4
 private function build_stats($image)
     $h_owner = html_escape($image->get_owner()->name);
     $h_ownerlink = "<a href='" . make_link("user/{$h_owner}") . "'>{$h_owner}</a>";
     $h_ip = html_escape($image->owner_ip);
     $h_date = autodate($image->posted);
     $h_filesize = to_shorthand_int($image->filesize);
     global $user;
     if ($user->is_admin()) {
         $h_ownerlink .= " ({$h_ip})";
     $html = "\n\t\tId: {$image->id}\n\t\t<br>Posted: {$h_date} by {$h_ownerlink}\n\t\t<br>Size: {$image->width}x{$image->height}\n\t\t<br>Filesize: {$h_filesize}\n\t\t";
     if (!is_null($image->source)) {
         $h_source = html_escape($image->source);
         if (substr($image->source, 0, 7) != "http://") {
             $h_source = "http://" . $h_source;
         $html .= "<br>Source: <a href='{$h_source}'>link</a>";
     return $html;
Exemple #5
 public function display_comment_list($images, $page_number, $total_pages, $can_post)
     global $config, $page;
     //$prev = $page_number - 1;
     //$next = $page_number + 1;
     $page_title = $config->get_string('title');
     $page->add_block(new Block(null, $this->build_upload_box(), "main", 0));
     $page->add_block(new Block(null, "<hr>", "main", 80));
     $this->display_paginator($page, "comment/list", null, $page_number, $total_pages, 90);
     // parts for each image
     $position = 10;
     foreach ($images as $pair) {
         $image = $pair[0];
         $comments = $pair[1];
         $h_filename = html_escape($image->filename);
         $h_filesize = to_shorthand_int($image->filesize);
         $w = $image->width;
         $h = $image->height;
         $comment_html = "";
         $comment_id = 0;
         foreach ($comments as $comment) {
             $this->inner_id = $comment_id++;
             $comment_html .= $this->comment_to_html($comment, false);
         $html = "<p style='clear:both'>&nbsp;</p><hr height='1'>";
         $html .= "File: <a href=\"" . make_link("post/view/{$image->id}") . "\">{$h_filename}</a> - ({$h_filesize}, {$w}x{$h}) - ";
         $html .= html_escape($image->get_tag_list());
         $html .= "<div style='text-align: left'>";
         $html .= "<div style='float: left;'>" . $this->build_thumb_html($image) . "</div>";
         $html .= "<div class='commentset'>{$comment_html}</div>";
         $html .= "</div>";
         $page->add_block(new Block(null, $html, "main", $position++));
Exemple #6
 private function get_info()
     global $config, $database;
     global $_event_listeners;
     // yay for using secret globals \o/
     $info = array();
     $info['site_title'] = $config->get_string("title");
     $info['site_theme'] = $config->get_string("theme");
     $info['site_url'] = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . get_base_href();
     $info['sys_shimmie'] = VERSION;
     $info['sys_schema'] = $config->get_string("db_version");
     $info['sys_php'] = phpversion();
     $info['sys_os'] = php_uname();
     $info['sys_disk'] = to_shorthand_int(disk_total_space("./") - disk_free_space("./")) . " / " . to_shorthand_int(disk_total_space("./"));
     $info['sys_server'] = $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"];
     include "config.php";
     // more magical hax
     $proto = preg_replace("#(.*)://.*#", "\$1", $database_dsn);
     $db = $database->db->ServerInfo();
     $info['sys_db'] = "{$proto} / {$db['version']}";
     $info['stat_images'] = $database->db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM images");
     $info['stat_comments'] = $database->db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments");
     $info['stat_users'] = $database->db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users");
     $info['stat_tags'] = $database->db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tags");
     $info['stat_image_tags'] = $database->db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM image_tags");
     $els = array();
     foreach ($_event_listeners as $el) {
         $els[] = get_class($el);
     $info['sys_extensions'] = join(', ', $els);
     //$cfs = array();
     //foreach($database->get_all("SELECT name, value FROM config") as $pair) {
     //	$cfs[] = $pair['name']."=".$pair['value'];
     //$info[''] = "Config: ".join(", ", $cfs);
     return $info;
Exemple #7
 public function onDataUpload(DataUploadEvent $event)
     global $config;
     if ($this->is_full) {
         throw new UploadException("Upload failed; disk nearly full");
     if (filesize($event->tmpname) > $config->get_int('upload_size')) {
         $size = to_shorthand_int(filesize($event->tmpname));
         $limit = to_shorthand_int($config->get_int('upload_size'));
         throw new UploadException("File too large ({$size} &gt; {$limit})");
  * Someone please explain this
  * @param string $tmpl
  * @param string $_escape
  * @return string
 public function parse_link_template($tmpl, $_escape = "url_escape")
     global $config;
     // don't bother hitting the database if it won't be used...
     $tags = "";
     if (strpos($tmpl, '$tags') !== false) {
         // * stabs dynamically typed languages with a rusty spoon *
         $tags = $this->get_tag_list();
         $tags = str_replace("/", "", $tags);
         $tags = preg_replace("/^\\.+/", "", $tags);
     $base_href = $config->get_string('base_href');
     $fname = $this->get_filename();
     $base_fname = strpos($fname, '.') ? substr($fname, 0, strrpos($fname, '.')) : $fname;
     $tmpl = str_replace('$id', $this->id, $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$hash_ab', substr($this->hash, 0, 2), $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$hash_cd', substr($this->hash, 2, 2), $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$hash', $this->hash, $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$tags', $_escape($tags), $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$base', $base_href, $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$ext', $this->ext, $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$size', "{$this->width}x{$this->height}", $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$filesize', to_shorthand_int($this->filesize), $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$filename', $_escape($base_fname), $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$title', $_escape($config->get_string("title")), $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$date', $_escape(autodate($this->posted, false)), $tmpl);
     // nothing seems to use this, sending the event out to 50 exts is a lot of overhead
     if (!SPEED_HAX) {
         $plte = new ParseLinkTemplateEvent($tmpl, $this);
         $tmpl = $plte->link;
     static $flexihash = null;
     static $fh_last_opts = null;
     $matches = array();
     if (preg_match("/(.*){(.*)}(.*)/", $tmpl, $matches)) {
         $pre = $matches[1];
         $opts = $matches[2];
         $post = $matches[3];
         if ($opts != $fh_last_opts) {
             $fh_last_opts = $opts;
             $flexihash = new Flexihash();
             foreach (explode(",", $opts) as $opt) {
                 $parts = explode("=", $opt);
                 $parts_count = count($parts);
                 $opt_val = "";
                 $opt_weight = 0;
                 if ($parts_count === 2) {
                     $opt_val = $parts[0];
                     $opt_weight = $parts[1];
                 } elseif ($parts_count === 1) {
                     $opt_val = $parts[0];
                     $opt_weight = 1;
                 $flexihash->addTarget($opt_val, $opt_weight);
         $choice = $flexihash->lookup($pre . $post);
         $tmpl = $pre . $choice . $post;
     return $tmpl;
Exemple #9
  * @param string $name
  * @param null|string $label
 public function add_shorthand_int_option($name, $label = null)
     global $config;
     $val = to_shorthand_int($config->get_string($name));
     if (!is_null($label)) {
         $this->body .= "<label for='{$name}'>{$label}</label>";
     $this->body .= "<input type='text' id='{$name}' name='_config_{$name}' value='{$val}' size='6' style='text-align: center;'>\n";
     $this->body .= "<input type='hidden' name='_type_{$name}' value='int'>\n";
Exemple #10
  * @return string
 protected function build_upload_block()
     global $config;
     $upload_list = "";
     $upload_count = $config->get_int('upload_count');
     for ($i = 0; $i < $upload_count; $i++) {
         if ($i == 0) {
             $style = "";
         } else {
             $style = "style='display:none'";
         $upload_list .= "<input id='data{$i}' name='data{$i}' {$style} onchange=\"\$('#data" . ($i + 1) . "').show()\" size='16' type='file'>\n";
     $max_size = $config->get_int('upload_size');
     $max_kb = to_shorthand_int($max_size);
     // <input type='hidden' name='max_file_size' value='$max_size' />
     return "\n\t\t\t<div class='mini_upload'>\n\t\t\t" . make_form(make_link("upload"), "POST", $multipart = True) . "\n\t\t\t\t{$upload_list}\n\t\t\t\t<input name='tags' type='text' placeholder='tagme' class='autocomplete_tags' required='required' autocomplete='off'>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='submit' value='Post'>\n\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t\t<small>(Max file size is {$max_kb})</small>\n\t\t\t<noscript><br><a href='" . make_link("upload") . "'>Larger Form</a></noscript>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t";
Exemple #11
 public function receive_event(Event $event)
     global $config, $database, $page, $user;
     if (is_null($this->theme)) {
         $this->theme = get_theme_object($this);
     // f*****g PHP "security" measures -_-;;;
     $free_num = @disk_free_space(realpath("./images/"));
     if ($free_num === FALSE) {
         $is_full = false;
     } else {
         $is_full = $free_num < 100 * 1024 * 1024;
     if ($event instanceof InitExtEvent) {
         $config->set_default_int('upload_count', 3);
         $config->set_default_int('upload_size', '1MB');
         $config->set_default_bool('upload_anon', false);
         $config->set_default_bool('upload_replace', true);
     if ($event instanceof PostListBuildingEvent) {
         if ($this->can_upload($user)) {
             if ($is_full) {
             } else {
     if ($event instanceof PageRequestEvent) {
         if ($event->page_matches("upload/replace")) {
             /* Upload & Replace Image Request */
             if (!$config->get_bool("upload_replace")) {
                 throw new UploadException("Upload Replacing Images is not enabled.");
             // check if the user is an administrator and can upload files.
             if (!$user->is_admin()) {
             } else {
                 if ($is_full) {
                     throw new UploadException("Can not replace Image: disk nearly full");
                 // Try to get the image ID
                 $image_id = int_escape($event->get_arg(0));
                 if (empty($image_id)) {
                     $image_id = isset($_POST['image_id']) ? $_POST['image_id'] : null;
                 if (empty($image_id)) {
                     throw new UploadException("Can not replace Image: No valid Image ID given.");
                 $image_old = Image::by_id($image_id);
                 if (is_null($image_old)) {
                     $this->theme->display_error($page, "Image not found", "No image in the database has the ID #{$image_id}");
                 if (count($_FILES) + count($_POST) > 0) {
                     if (count($_FILES) > 1) {
                         throw new UploadException("Can not upload more than one image for replacing.");
                     $source = isset($_POST['source']) ? $_POST['source'] : null;
                     $tags = '';
                     // Tags aren't changed when uploading. Set to null to stop PHP warnings.
                     if (count($_FILES)) {
                         foreach ($_FILES as $file) {
                             $ok = $this->try_upload($file, $tags, $source, $image_id);
                             // leave the foreach loop.
                     } else {
                         foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
                             if (substr($name, 0, 3) == "url" && strlen($value) > 0) {
                                 $ok = $this->try_transload($value, $tags, $source, $image_id);
                                 // leave the foreach loop.
                     $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $ok);
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($_GET['url'])) {
                         $url = $_GET['url'];
                         $ok = $this->try_transload($url, $tags, $url, $image_id);
                         $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $ok);
                     } else {
                         $this->theme->display_replace_page($page, $image_id);
             // END of if admin / can_upload
         } else {
             if ($event->page_matches("upload")) {
                 if (!$this->can_upload($user)) {
                 } else {
                     /* Regular Upload Image */
                     if (count($_FILES) + count($_POST) > 0) {
                         $tags = Tag::explode($_POST['tags']);
                         $source = isset($_POST['source']) ? $_POST['source'] : null;
                         $ok = true;
                         foreach ($_FILES as $file) {
                             $ok = $ok & $this->try_upload($file, $tags, $source);
                         foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
                             if (substr($name, 0, 3) == "url" && strlen($value) > 0) {
                                 $ok = $ok & $this->try_transload($value, $tags, $source);
                         $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $ok);
                     } else {
                         if (!empty($_GET['url'])) {
                             $url = $_GET['url'];
                             $tags = array('tagme');
                             if (!empty($_GET['tags']) && $_GET['tags'] != "null") {
                                 $tags = Tag::explode($_GET['tags']);
                             $ok = $this->try_transload($url, $tags, $url);
                             $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $ok);
                         } else {
                             if (!$is_full) {
                 // END of if  can_upload
     // END of if PageRequestEvent
     if ($event instanceof SetupBuildingEvent) {
         $tes = array();
         $tes["Disabled"] = "none";
         if (function_exists("curl_init")) {
             $tes["cURL"] = "curl";
         $tes["fopen"] = "fopen";
         $tes["WGet"] = "wget";
         $sb = new SetupBlock("Upload");
         $sb->position = 10;
         // Output the limits from PHP so the user has an idea of what they can set.
         $sb->add_label("<i>PHP's Upload Limit = " . ini_get('max_file_uploads') . "</i><br/>");
         $sb->add_int_option("upload_count", "Max uploads: ");
         $sb->add_label("<br/><i>PHP's Max Size Upload = " . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . "</i><br/>");
         $sb->add_shorthand_int_option("upload_size", "<br/>Max size per file: ");
         $sb->add_bool_option("upload_anon", "<br/>Allow anonymous uploads: ");
         $sb->add_bool_option("upload_replace", "<br/>Allow replacing images: ");
         $sb->add_choice_option("transload_engine", $tes, "<br/>Transload: ");
     if ($event instanceof DataUploadEvent) {
         if ($is_full) {
             throw new UploadException("Upload failed; disk nearly full");
         if (filesize($event->tmpname) > $config->get_int('upload_size')) {
             $size = to_shorthand_int(filesize($event->tmpname));
             $limit = to_shorthand_int($config->get_int('upload_size'));
             throw new UploadException("File too large ({$size} &gt; {$limit})");
  * Someone please explain this
  * @retval string
 public function parse_link_template($tmpl, $_escape = "url_escape")
     global $config;
     // don't bother hitting the database if it won't be used...
     $tags = "";
     if (strpos($tmpl, '$tags') !== false) {
         // * stabs dynamically typed languages with a rusty spoon *
         $tags = $this->get_tag_list();
         $tags = str_replace("/", "", $tags);
         $tags = preg_replace("/^\\.+/", "", $tags);
     $base_href = $config->get_string('base_href');
     $fname = $this->get_filename();
     $base_fname = strpos($fname, '.') ? substr($fname, 0, strrpos($fname, '.')) : $fname;
     $tmpl = str_replace('$id', $this->id, $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$hash_ab', substr($this->hash, 0, 2), $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$hash_cd', substr($this->hash, 2, 2), $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$hash', $this->hash, $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$tags', $_escape($tags), $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$base', $base_href, $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$ext', $this->ext, $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$size', "{$this->width}x{$this->height}", $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$filesize', to_shorthand_int($this->filesize), $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$filename', $_escape($base_fname), $tmpl);
     $tmpl = str_replace('$title', $_escape($config->get_string("title")), $tmpl);
     $plte = new ParseLinkTemplateEvent($tmpl, $this);
     $tmpl = $plte->link;
     return $tmpl;
Exemple #13
 public function receive_event(Event $event)
     global $config, $database, $page, $user;
     if (is_null($this->theme)) {
         $this->theme = get_theme_object($this);
     $is_full = disk_free_space(realpath("./images/")) < 100 * 1024 * 1024;
     if ($event instanceof InitExtEvent) {
         global $config;
         $config->set_default_int('upload_count', 3);
         $config->set_default_int('upload_size', '1MB');
         $config->set_default_bool('upload_anon', false);
     if ($event instanceof PostListBuildingEvent) {
         global $user;
         if ($this->can_upload($user)) {
             if ($is_full) {
             } else {
     if ($event instanceof PageRequestEvent && $event->page_matches("upload")) {
         if (count($_FILES) + count($_POST) > 0) {
             $tags = Tag::explode($_POST['tags']);
             $source = isset($_POST['source']) ? $_POST['source'] : null;
             if ($this->can_upload($user)) {
                 $ok = true;
                 foreach ($_FILES as $file) {
                     $ok = $ok & $this->try_upload($file, $tags, $source);
                 foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
                     if (substr($name, 0, 3) == "url" && strlen($value) > 0) {
                         $ok = $ok & $this->try_transload($value, $tags, $source);
                 $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $ok);
             } else {
         } else {
             if (!empty($_GET['url'])) {
                 global $user;
                 if ($this->can_upload($user)) {
                     $url = $_GET['url'];
                     $tags = array('tagme');
                     if (!empty($_GET['tags']) && $_GET['tags'] != "null") {
                         $tags = Tag::explode($_GET['tags']);
                     $ok = $this->try_transload($url, $tags, $url);
                     $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $ok);
                 } else {
             } else {
                 if (!$is_full) {
     if ($event instanceof SetupBuildingEvent) {
         $sb = new SetupBlock("Upload");
         $sb->position = 10;
         $sb->add_int_option("upload_count", "Max uploads: ");
         $sb->add_shorthand_int_option("upload_size", "<br>Max size per file: ");
         $sb->add_bool_option("upload_anon", "<br>Allow anonymous uploads: ");
         $sb->add_choice_option("transload_engine", array("Disabled" => "none", "cURL" => "curl", "fopen" => "fopen", "WGet" => "wget"), "<br>Transload: ");
     if ($event instanceof DataUploadEvent) {
         global $config;
         if ($is_full) {
             throw new UploadException("Upload failed; disk nearly full");
         if (filesize($event->tmpname) > $config->get_int('upload_size')) {
             $size = to_shorthand_int(filesize($event->tmpname));
             $limit = to_shorthand_int($config->get_int('upload_size'));
             throw new UploadException("File too large ({$size} &gt; {$limit})");