$domXmlFile->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$domXmlFile->Load(get_ini('UPLOAD_FOLDER') . 'running/' . $proc->cmd);
if ($domXmlFile->schemaValidate('plugins/core/xsd/core.xsd')) {
    // Get header data
    $item_XML = $domXmlFile->getElementsByTagName('XML')->item(0);
    $item_HEADER = $item_XML->getElementsByTagName('HEADER')->item(0);
    $item_DATA = $item_XML->getElementsByTagName('DATA')->item(0);
    // Set timeout both on execution script and in the database
    $q0 = get_link()->prepare('UPDATE ' . get_ini('BDD_PREFIX') . 'core_processus SET timeout=:timeout WHERE id=:id');
    $q0->execute(array('timeout' => time() + $item_HEADER->getElementsByTagName('TIMEOUT')->item(0)->nodeValue, 'id' => $proc->id));
    // Include the file we need
    $g = $item_HEADER->getElementsByTagName('PLUGIN')->item(0)->nodeValue;
    $p = $item_HEADER->getElementsByTagName('PAGE')->item(0)->nodeValue;
    // Get the date
    $xmlDate = toTime($item_HEADER->getElementsByTagName('DATE')->item(0)->nodeValue);
    // If the Xsd file exist
    if (is_file('plugins/' . $g . '/xsd/' . $p . '.xsd') && $domXmlFile->schemaValidate('plugins/' . $g . '/xsd/' . $p . '.xsd') && is_file('plugins/' . $g . '/' . $p . '.php') || !is_file('plugins/' . $g . '/xsd/' . $p . '.xsd') && is_file('plugins/' . $g . '/' . $p . '.php')) {
        if ($g != 'core' && is_file('plugins/' . $g . '/__functions.php')) {
            require_once 'plugins/' . $g . '/__functions.php';
        include 'plugins/' . $g . '/' . $p . '.php';
    } else {
        $error = 'XML file is not valid or process file does not exist.';
} else {
    $error = 'XML file is not valid.';
// if ko, archive the file in the failed folder
if (isset($error)) {
    $procM->update($proc->id, 'failed', '100');
function calculNoturnas($noturno, $h_not_noite)
    /*$tempo_noturno = 0;
    	$temp_old = 0;
    	foreach($noturno->result() as $row)
    		$continu = true;
    		$temp = toSeconds($row->horas);
    		$dia = date($row->dia);
    		if($temp < MANHA_NOT && $temp > LAST_TIME_SEC)
    			$tempo_noturno += MANHA_NOT - $temp;
    			$temp_old = 0;
    			$continu = false;
    		if($h_not_noite < $temp  && $temp < (LAST_TIME_SEC + 86400) && $continu)
    			if($temp_old != 0)
    				//se o dia é o mesmo é que faço isso
    				if(strtotime($dia) > strtotime($old_dia))
    					$tempo_noturno += $temp - $temp_old;
    					$tempo_noturno += $temp - $temp_old - ($temp_old - $h_not_noite);
    				$temp_old = $temp;
    				$continu = false;	
    				$tempo_noturno += $temp - $h_not_noite;	
    				$temp_old = $temp;
    				$continu = false;
    		if($temp < LAST_TIME_SEC && $temp_old != 0 && $continu)
    			$tempo_noturno += ($temp + 86400) - $temp_old;	
    			$temp_old = $temp + 86400;
    			$continu = false;
    			$temp_old = 0;
    		$old_dia = $dia;					
    $tempo_noturno = 0;
    $i = true;
    $picagem_number = 0;
    $ar_picnum = array(3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25);
    $tempoinf = 0;
    $temposup = 0;
    $newdia = false;
    $old_dia = '';
    foreach ($noturno->result() as $row) {
        //$dia = new DateTime($row->dia);
        $dia = date($row->dia);
        $cont_cal = true;
        if (strtotime($dia) > strtotime($old_dia) && $old_dia != '' && toSeconds($row->horas) > LAST_TIME_SEC) {
            $newdia = true;
        //echo ' av '.var_export($newdia);
        if ($newdia) {
            //echo ' ENTREI ';
            $tempoinf = 0;
            $temposup = 0;
            $i = true;
            $picagem_number = 0;
            $newdia = false;
        //echo ' dp '.var_export($newdia);
        if ($i) {
            /*echo ' '.$row->horas.' ';*/
            $tempoinf = toSeconds($row->horas);
            $i = false;
            if ($tempoinf > $temposup && $temposup != 0 && $dia > $old_dia) {
                $temposup = 0;
                $picagem_number = 1;
                $cont_cal = false;
            /*echo ' dia '.$dia.' ';
            		echo ' old '.$old_dia.' ';
            		if(strtotime($dia) > strtotime($old_dia)) echo ' supppppppppppp ';*/
            if ($cont_cal && $tempoinf < $temposup && strtotime($dia) > strtotime($old_dia) && $old_dia != '') {
                //echo ' '.$picagem_number.' ';
                /*echo ' '.$row->horas.' ';
                		echo $tempoinf.' ';*/
                $temposup = 0;
                $picagem_number = 1;
                $cont_cal = false;
        } else {
            $temposup = toSeconds($row->horas);
            $i = true;
            //aqui vou fazer como se fosse para mudar de dia
            if ($temposup < $tempoinf && $temposup < LAST_TIME_SEC) {
                //aqui acrescento 24h
                $temposup = $temposup + 86400;
                $newdia = true;
        if ($temposup != 0) {
            if ($temposup > $h_not_noite || $tempoinf > $h_not_noite) {
                if (in_array($picagem_number, $ar_picnum)) {
                    //se é uma picagem a verificar
                    if ($tempoinf - $temposup < PAUSA) {
                        //$tempo_noturno += $tempoinf - $temposup;
                        /*if($tempoinf > $h_not_noite)
                        if ($temposup > $h_not_noite) {
                            $tempo_noturno += $tempoinf - $temposup;
                        } else {
                            $tempo_noturno += $tempoinf - $h_not_noite;
                        			$tempo_noturno += $temposup - $h_not_noite;	
                } else {
                    if ($tempoinf > $h_not_noite) {
                        $tempo_noturno += $temposup - $tempoinf;
                    } else {
                        $tempo_noturno += $temposup - $h_not_noite;
        } else {
            //aqui é para contar as horas da manha caso seja o caso
            if ($tempoinf < MANHA_NOT && $tempoinf > LAST_TIME_SEC) {
                $tempo_noturno += MANHA_NOT - $tempoinf;
        $old_dia = $dia;
    return toTime($tempo_noturno);
Exemple #3
$rs = pg_query($postgis, "SET TIME ZONE 'UTC'");
if (isset($_REQUEST["phenomena"])) {
    $year = isset($_GET["year"]) ? intval($_GET["year"]) : 2006;
    $wfo = isset($_GET["wfo"]) ? substr($_GET["wfo"], 0, 3) : "MPX";
    $eventid = isset($_GET["eventid"]) ? intval($_GET["eventid"]) : 103;
    $phenomena = isset($_GET["phenomena"]) ? substr($_GET["phenomena"], 0, 2) : "SV";
    $significance = isset($_GET["significance"]) ? substr($_GET["significance"], 0, 1) : "W";
    /* Now we fetch warning and perhaps polygon */
    $rs = pg_prepare($postgis, "SELECT", "SELECT l.*, \n  \t\tto_char(valid, 'YYYY-MM-DDThh24:MI:SSZ') as iso_valid,\n  \t\t\tST_x(l.geom) as lon, ST_y(l.geom) as lat\n           from sbw_{$year} w, lsrs_{$year} l\n           WHERE w.wfo = \$1 and w.phenomena = \$2 and \n           w.eventid = \$3 and w.significance = \$4\n           and w.geom && l.geom and l.valid BETWEEN w.issue and w.expire\n           and w.status = 'NEW'");
    $rs = pg_execute($postgis, "SELECT", array($wfo, $phenomena, $eventid, $significance));
} else {
    /* Look for calling values */
    $wfos = isset($_REQUEST["wfos"]) ? explode(",", $_REQUEST["wfos"]) : array();
    $sts = isset($_REQUEST["sts"]) ? toTime($_REQUEST["sts"]) : die("sts not defined");
    $ets = isset($_REQUEST["ets"]) ? toTime($_REQUEST["ets"]) : die("ets not defined");
    $wfoList = implode("','", $wfos);
    $str_wfo_list = "and wfo in ('{$wfoList}')";
    if ($wfoList == "") {
        $str_wfo_list = "";
    $rs = pg_prepare($postgis, "SELECT", "SELECT *, \n\t\t\tto_char(valid, 'YYYY-MM-DDThh24:MI:SSZ') as iso_valid,\n      ST_x(geom) as lon, ST_y(geom) as lat \n      FROM lsrs WHERE\n      valid BETWEEN \$1 and \$2 {$str_wfo_list}\n      LIMIT 3000");
    $rs = pg_execute($postgis, "SELECT", array(date("Y-m-d H:i", $sts), date("Y-m-d H:i", $ets)));
$ar = array("type" => "FeatureCollection", "crs" => array("type" => "EPSG", "properties" => array("code" => 4326, "coordinate_order" => array(1, 0))), "features" => array());
for ($i = 0; $row = @pg_fetch_assoc($rs, $i); $i++) {
    $lon = $row["lon"];
    $lat = $row["lat"];
    $wfo = $row["wfo"];
    $products = "N/A";
    if (isset($_GET["inc_ap"]) && $_GET["inc_ap"] == "yes") {
Exemple #4
 public function calculoHorasInventario($userid, $datefirst, $datesecond)
     $sql = "select CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),format(BDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd'),110) as datestart, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),format(DATEADD(DAY,1,BDate), 'yyyy-MM-dd'),110) as dateend from Holiday where BDate between '" . $datefirst . "' and '" . $datesecond . "' AND Name LIKE '%INV%' order by BDate";
     $result_inv = $this->db->query($sql);
     if ($result_inv->num_rows() > 0) {
         /*$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT vr.CheckTime, FORMAT(vr.CheckTime, 'HH:mm:ss') as horas, Format(CheckTime, 'dd/MM/yyyy') as dia, hol.Name as Name FROM V_Record as vr, Holiday as hol WHERE vr.Userid =".$userid." AND (";*/
         /*$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT vr.Logid FROM V_Record as vr, Holiday as hol WHERE vr.Userid = ".$userid." AND (";*/
         /*$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT vr.Logid FROM V_Record as vr, Holiday as hol WHERE vr.Userid = 22 AND (";*/
         /*$sql2 = "AND (";*/
         $tempo_inv = 0;
         $continue = false;
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($result_inv->result() as $row) {
             $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT vr.CheckTime, FORMAT(vr.CheckTime, 'HH:mm:ss') as horas, Format(CheckTime, 'dd/MM/yyyy') as dia, hol.Name as Name FROM V_Record as vr, Holiday as hol WHERE vr.Userid =" . $userid . " AND (vr.CheckTime between '" . $row->datestart . " " . FIRST_TIME . "' and '" . $row->dateend . " " . LAST_TIME . "') AND hol.Name LIKE '%INV%' AND Format(hol.BDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd') = '" . $row->datestart . "'";
             $result_inv2 = $this->db->query($sql);
             if ($result_inv2->num_rows() % 2 == 0) {
                 $tempo_inv += calculoInventario($result_inv2->result());
                 //$tempo_inv = 'ds';
             } else {
                 // é impar
                 $continue = true;
                 $tempo_inv = 'Faltam picagens';
             if ($continue) {
             /*if($i > 0) $sql.= " or ";*/
             /*$sql .= "vr.CheckTime between '".$row->datestart." ".FIRST_TIME."' and '".$row->dateend." ".LAST_TIME."'";*/
             /*if($i > 0) $sql2.= " or ";
             		$sql2 .= "Format(hol.BDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd') = '".$row->datestart."'";*/
         if (!$continue) {
             $tempo_inv = toTime($tempo_inv);
         /*$sql .= ") AND hol.Name LIKE '%INV%' AND (Format(vr.CheckTime, 'dd/MM/yyyy') = Format(hol.BDate, 'dd/MM/yyyy') or Format(vr.CheckTime, 'dd/MM/yyyy') = format(DATEADD(DAY,1,hol.BDate),'dd/MM/yyyy'))";*/
         /*$sql .= ") AND hol.Name LIKE '%INV%' ".$sql2." )";*/
         /*echo $sql;*/
         /*log_message('utilizadores', $sql);*/
         /*$result_inv2 = $this->db->query($sql);*/
         /*echo $result_inv2->num_rows();*/
         /*if($result_inv2->num_rows() > 0)
         /*$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT vr.CheckTime,vr.Logid, FORMAT(vr.CheckTime, 'HH:mm:ss') as horas, Format(CheckTime, 'dd/MM/yyyy') as dia, hol.Name as Name FROM V_Record as vr, Holiday as hol WHERE (";
         		$i = 0;
         /*foreach($result_inv2->result() as $row)
         			if($i > 0) $sql.= " or ";
         			$sql .= "vr.Logid = ".$row->Logid;
         		$sql .= ") AND hol.Name LIKE '%INV%' AND (Format(vr.CheckTime, 'dd/MM/yyyy') = Format(hol.BDate, 'dd/MM/yyyy') or Format(DATEADD(DAY,-1,vr.CheckTime), 'dd/MM/yyyy') = format(hol.BDate,'dd/MM/yyyy'))";
         		echo $sql;
         		$tempo_inv = 0;
         		$result_inv3 = $this->db->query($sql);*/
         /*echo $result_inv3->num_rows().'  d  ';*/
         /*if(($result_inv2->num_rows()) % 2 == 0)
         			$tempo_inv = calculoInventario($result_inv2->result());	
         			//$tempo_inv = 'ds';
         			// é impar
         			$tempo_inv = 'Faltam picagens';				
         			$tempo_inv = 'Não Há Inv.';
     } else {
         $tempo_inv = 'Não Há Inv.';
     return $tempo_inv;
 if ($osName != 'ERROR' && $osName != '' && $osArch == 'ERROR') {
     $osArch = '32-bit';
 if (isset($osItem->getElementsByTagName("SERIALNUMBER")->item(0)->nodeValue)) {
     $osSerial = $osItem->getElementsByTagName("SERIALNUMBER")->item(0)->nodeValue;
 } else {
     $osSerial = '';
 if (isset($osItem->getElementsByTagName("INSTALLDATE")->item(0)->nodeValue)) {
     $osInstallDate = toTime($osItem->getElementsByTagName("INSTALLDATE")->item(0)->nodeValue);
 } else {
     $osInstallDate = '0';
 if (isset($osItem->getElementsByTagName("LASTBOOTDATE")->item(0)->nodeValue)) {
     $osLastBootDate = toTime($osItem->getElementsByTagName("LASTBOOTDATE")->item(0)->nodeValue);
 } else {
     $osLastBootDate = '0';
 if (isset($osItem->getElementsByTagName("MEMORYSIZE")->item(0)->nodeValue)) {
     $osMemorySize = $osItem->getElementsByTagName("MEMORYSIZE")->item(0)->nodeValue;
 } else {
     $osMemorySize = '0';
 if ($osName != 'ERROR') {
     $osM->update($os->id, $osName, $osVersion, $osType, $osArch, $osSerial, $osInstallDate, $osLastBootDate, $osMemorySize);
     // Cpus
     $cpuIndex = array();
     $cpuArray = array();
     $cpuItemCount = 0;
     while (is_object($cpuItems = $item->getElementsByTagName("CPUS")->item($cpuItemCount))) {
Exemple #6
require 'functions.php';
#> Required objects and preparation
$c = new Canvas(thisURL());
$q = new Query($db);
$data = new Template('player.tpl');
$id = getvar('id', '');
$inner = $q->run();
$cols = extractValues($inner);
$v = $cols['version'];
#> Some more values that do not depend on the frames (i.e., single values that do not change)
list($scwidth, $scheight) = explode(',', $cols['scsize']);
list($vpwidth, $vpheight) = explode(',', $cols['vpsize']);
$data->assign('scwidth', intval($scwidth * $scalefactor));
$data->assign('scheight', intval($scheight * $scalefactor));
$data->assign('totaltime', toTime($cols['tmax'] - $cols['tmin']));
$data->assign('version', $cols['Version']);
$data->assign('context', $cols['Context']);
$data->assign('intent', $cols['intent']);
$data->assign('browser', $cols['browser']);
$data->assign('os', $cols['os']);
#> We reset some needed values in the template.
$data->assign('obj1backg', '');
$data->assign('obj1top', '');
$data->assign('obj1left', '');
$data->assign('obj1width', '');
$data->assign('obj1height', '');
$data->assign('obj1backwidth', '');
$data->assign('obj1backheight', '');
$data->assign('obj2backg', '');
$data->assign('obj2top', '');