function misc_videofile() { global $set, $db, $apx, $user; $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!$_REQUEST['id']) { die('missing ID!'); } if ($set['videos']['regonly'] && !$user->info['userid']) { die('video only for registered users!'); } $apx->lang->drop('detail', 'videos'); //Secure Check $res = $db->first("SELECT id,title,file,regonly,`limit`,password,source FROM " . PRE . "_videos WHERE ( id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' " . iif(!$user->is_team_member(), "AND ( '" . time() . "' BETWEEN starttime AND endtime )") . " " . section_filter() . " ) LIMIT 1"); if (!$res['id']) { die('file not found!'); } if ($res['regonly'] && !$user->info['userid']) { die('video only for registered users!'); } if (videos_limit_is_reached($res['id'], $res['limit'])) { message($apx->lang->get('MSG_LIMITREACHED'), 'back'); } if ($res['password'] && $_POST['password'] != $res['password']) { tmessage('pwdrequired', array('ID' => $_REQUEST['id'], 'SECHASH' => $_REQUEST['sechash']), 'videos'); } $checkhash = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $res['file'] . date('Y/m/d', time() - TIMEDIFF)); if ($checkhash != $_REQUEST['sechash']) { header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header('location:' . str_replace('&', '&', mklink('videos.php?id=' . $_REQUEST['id'], 'videos,id' . $_REQUEST['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html'))); exit; } //Datei downloadbar? if (!in_array($res['source'], array('apexx', 'external'))) { header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); exit; } //Statistik $thefsize = videos_filesize($res); videos_insert_stats($res['id'], $thefsize, $res['source'] == 'apexx'); //Datei senden if ($res['source'] == 'external') { header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header('location:' . $res['file']); exit; } else { header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header('location:' . HTTPDIR . getpath('uploads') . $res['file']); exit; } }
function check_forum_password($forum) { global $set; $forumid = $forum['password_fromid'] ? $forum['password_fromid'] : $forum['forumid']; if (!$forum['password']) { return true; } if ($_COOKIE[$set['main']['cookie_pre'] . '_forum_password_' . $forumid] == $forum['password']) { return true; } if (isset($_POST['password']) && $_POST['password'] == $forum['password']) { setcookie($set['main']['cookie_pre'] . '_forum_password_' . $forumid, $_POST['password'], time() + 100 * 24 * 3600); return true; } else { tmessage('forumpwd'); } }
<?php $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!$_REQUEST['id']) { die('missing ID!'); } $apx->lang->drop('delpm'); if ($_POST['send']) { $db->query("UPDATE " . PRE . "_user_pms SET del_to='1' WHERE ( id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' AND touser='******'userid'] . "' ) LIMIT 1"); $db->query("UPDATE " . PRE . "_user_pms SET del_from='1' WHERE ( id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' AND fromuser='******'userid'] . "' ) LIMIT 1"); message($apx->lang->get('MSG_OK'), mklink('user.php?action=pms', 'user,pms.html')); } else { tmessage('delpm', array('ID' => $_REQUEST['id'])); }
<?php $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!$_REQUEST['id']) { die('missing ID!'); } $apx->lang->drop('profile'); headline($apx->lang->get('HEADLINE_PROFILE'), str_replace('&', '&', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); titlebar($apx->lang->get('HEADLINE_PROFILE')); //Nur für Registrierte if ($set['user']['profile_regonly'] && !$user->info['userid']) { tmessage('profileregonly', array(), false, false); require 'lib/_end.php'; } //Userinfo auslesen $res = $db->first("SELECT * FROM " . PRE . "_user WHERE userid='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); $userid = $res['userid']; if (!$res['userid']) { filenotfound(); } //Nur für Freunde if ($res['pub_profileforfriends'] && !$user->is_buddy_of($res['userid']) && $user->info['userid'] != $res['userid'] && $user->info['groupid'] != 1) { message($apx->lang->get('MSG_FRIENDSONLY')); require 'lib/_end.php'; } //Verwendete Variablen auslesen $parse = $apx->tmpl->used_vars('profile'); //Besucher aufzeichnen und ausgeben if (in_array('VISITOR', $parse)) { if ($_REQUEST['id'] != $user->info['userid']) { user_count_visit('profile', $_REQUEST['id']);
<?php $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!$_REQUEST['id']) { die('missing ID!'); } $apx->lang->drop('delbuddy'); if ($_POST['send']) { if ($user->is_buddy($_REQUEST['id'])) { $db->query("DELETE FROM " . PRE . "_user_friends WHERE userid='" . $user->info['userid'] . "' AND friendid='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); } message($apx->lang->get('MSG_OK'), mklink('user.php?action=friends', 'user,friends.html')); } else { tmessage('delbuddy', array('ID' => $_REQUEST['id'])); }
} //Nur für Registrierte if ($set['user']['profile_regonly'] && !$user->info['userid']) { tmessage('profileregonly', array(), false, false); require 'lib/_end.php'; } //Eintrag löschen $_REQUEST['del'] = (int) $_REQUEST['del']; if ($user->info['userid'] && $_REQUEST['del']) { $apx->lang->drop('guestbook'); if ($_POST['del']) { $db->query("DELETE FROM " . PRE . "_user_guestbook WHERE id='" . $_POST['del'] . "' AND owner='" . $user->info['userid'] . "' LIMIT 1"); $goto = mklink('user.php?action=guestbook&id=' . $user->info['userid'], 'user,guestbook,' . $user->info['userid'] . ',1.html'); message($apx->lang->get('MSG_DEL_OK'), $goto); } else { tmessage('delguestbook', array('ID' => $_REQUEST['del'])); } return; } //////////////////// $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!$_REQUEST['id']) { die('missing ID!'); } $apx->lang->drop('guestbook'); headline($apx->lang->get('HEADLINE_GUESTBOOK'), str_replace('&', '&', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); titlebar($apx->lang->get('HEADLINE_GUESTBOOK')); //Benutzernamen auslesen $profileInfo = $db->first("SELECT userid,username,pub_usegb,pub_profileforfriends FROM " . PRE . "_user WHERE userid='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); list($userid, $username, $usegb, $friendonly) = $profileInfo; $apx->tmpl->assign('USERID', $userid);
function checkage() { global $apx, $set, $db, $user; //Alter wurde bereits bestätigt if ($_COOKIE[$set['main']['cookie_pre'] . '_checkage'] || $user->is_team_member() || $user->info['ageconfirmed']) { return; } $apx->lang->drop('checkage', 'main'); //Alter prüfen if ($_POST['checkage'] && $_POST['birthday']['day'] && $_POST['birthday']['month'] && $_POST['birthday']['year']) { $stamp = intval(sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', $_POST['birthday']['year'], $_POST['birthday']['month'], $_POST['birthday']['day'])); $maxstamp = intval(sprintf('%04d%02d%02d', date('Y') - 18, date('n'), date('j'))); if ($stamp <= $maxstamp) { setcookie($set['main']['cookie_pre'] . '_checkage', 1); return; } else { message($apx->lang->get('MSG_TOOYOUNG'), HTTPDIR); require BASEDIR . 'lib/_end.php'; } } //Nachricht anzeigen //header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden'); tmessage('checkage', array(), 'main'); require BASEDIR . 'lib/_end.php'; }
} else { $db->query("INSERT INTO " . PRE . "_user_ignore (userid,ignored,reason) VALUES ('" . $user->info['userid'] . "','" . $userid . "','" . addslashes($_POST['reason']) . "')"); $goto = mklink('user.php?action=ignorelist', 'user,ignorelist.html'); message($apx->lang->get('MSG_ADD_OK'), $goto); } } } else { tmessage('addignore', array('USERNAME' => compatible_hsc($_REQUEST['username']))); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['del']) { if ($_POST['del']) { $db->query("DELETE FROM " . PRE . "_user_ignore WHERE userid='" . $user->info['userid'] . "' AND ignored='" . intval($_POST['del']) . "' LIMIT 1"); $goto = mklink('user.php?action=ignorelist', 'user,ignorelist.html'); message($apx->lang->get('MSG_DEL_OK'), $goto); } else { tmessage('delignore', array('ID' => $_REQUEST['del'])); } } else { //Ignorierte Benutzer auslesen $data = $db->fetch("SELECT u.userid,u.username,i.reason FROM " . PRE . "_user_ignore AS i LEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_user AS u ON i.ignored=u.userid WHERE i.userid='" . $user->info['userid'] . "' ORDER BY u.username ASC"); if (count($data)) { foreach ($data as $res) { ++$i; $tabledata[$i]['ID'] = $res['userid']; $tabledata[$i]['NAME'] = replace($res['username']); $tabledata[$i]['REASON'] = replace($res['reason']); $tabledata[$i]['LINK_DEL'] = mklink('user.php?action=ignorelist&del=' . $res['userid'], 'user,ignorelist.html?del=' . $res['userid']); } } $apx->tmpl->assign('LINK_ADD', mklink('user.php?action=ignorelist&add=1', 'user,ignorelist.html?add=1')); $apx->tmpl->assign('USER', $tabledata);
function resync() { global $set, $apx, $db; if ($_REQUEST['send']) { if (!checkToken()) { printInvalidToken(); } else { @set_time_limit(600); //Thread- und Beitragszahlen berichtigen $data = $db->fetch("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT forumid\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . PRE . "_forums\n\t\t\t"); if (count($data)) { foreach ($data as $res) { $forumid = $res['forumid']; $forumThreads = 0; $forumPosts = 0; $forumLastpost = array(); $forumLastthread = array(); //Threads auslesen $threaddata = $db->fetch("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT threadid, prefix, title, icon, del\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . PRE . "_forum_threads\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE del=0 AND moved=0 AND forumid='" . $forumid . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t"); if (count($threaddata)) { foreach ($threaddata as $tres) { $threadid = $tres['threadid']; list($threadPosts) = $db->first("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT count(postid)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . PRE . "_forum_posts\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE del=0 AND threadid='" . $threadid . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); $threadLastpost = $db->first("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT postid, userid, username, time\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM " . PRE . "_forum_posts\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE del=0 AND threadid='" . $threadid . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY time DESC\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); $db->query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE " . PRE . "_forum_threads\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSET\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tposts='" . $threadPosts . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlastpost='" . $threadLastpost['postid'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlastposter='" . addslashes($threadLastpost['username']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlastposter_userid='" . $threadLastpost['userid'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlastposttime='" . $threadLastpost['time'] . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE threadid='" . $threadid . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"); //Themen/Beiträge im Forum if (!$tres['del']) { ++$forumThreads; } $forumPosts += $threadPosts; //Lastpost im Forum if (!$forumLastpost || $forumLastpost['time'] < $threadLastpost['time']) { $forumLastthread = $tres; $forumLastpost = $threadLastpost; } } } //Forum aktualisieren $db->query("\n\t\t\t\t\t\tUPDATE " . PRE . "_forums\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSET\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tthreads='" . $forumThreads . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tposts='" . $forumPosts . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlastpost='" . $forumLastpost['postid'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlastposter='" . addslashes($forumLastpost['username']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlastposter_userid='" . $forumLastpost['userid'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlastposttime='" . $forumLastpost['time'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlastthread='" . $forumLastthread['threadid'] . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlastthread_title='" . addslashes($forumLastthread['title']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlastthread_icon='" . addslashes($forumLastthread['icon']) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlastthread_prefix='" . addslashes($forumLastthread['prefix']) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE forumid='" . $forumid . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1"); } } logit('FORUM_RESYNC'); message($apx->lang->get('MSG_OK')); } } else { tmessage('resync'); } }
if ($_REQUEST['option'] == 'addforum') { $_POST['type'] = 'forum'; } else { $_POST['type'] = 'thread'; } //Benachrichtigung if (in_array($_POST['subscription'], array('none', 'instant', 'daily', 'weekly'))) { $_POST['notification'] = $_POST['subscription']; } else { $_POST['notification'] = 'none'; } $_POST['userid'] = $user->info['userid']; $_POST['source'] = $_POST['id']; //Duplikate vermeiden list($duplicate) = $db->first("SELECT id FROM " . PRE . "_forum_subscriptions WHERE ( type='" . addslashes($_POST['type']) . "' AND source='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' AND userid='" . $user->info['userid'] . "' ) LIMIT 1"); if (!$duplicate) { $db->dinsert(PRE . '_forum_subscriptions', 'userid,type,source,notification'); } message($apx->lang->get('MSG_SUBADD_OK'), mklink('user.php?action=subscriptions', 'user,subscriptions.html')); } else { require_once BASEDIR . getmodulepath('forum') . 'basics.php'; //Titel auslesen if ($_REQUEST['option'] == 'addforum') { list($title) = $db->first("SELECT title FROM " . PRE . "_forums WHERE forumid='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); } else { list($prefix, $title) = $db->first("SELECT prefix,title FROM " . PRE . "_forum_threads WHERE threadid='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); $title = trim(compatible_hsc(strip_tags(forum_get_prefix($prefix) . ' ') . $title)); } $input = array('ID' => $_REQUEST['id'], 'TITLE' => $title, 'OPTION' => $_REQUEST['option']); tmessage('subscription_add', $input); }
checkage(); } //Passwortschutz if ($gallery['password']) { $password = $gallery['password']; $pwdid = $gallery['id']; } else { $parentIds = dash_unserialize($gallery['parents']); if ($parentIds) { list($pwdid, $password) = $db->first("SELECT id,password FROM " . PRE . "_gallery WHERE id='" . $parentIds[0] . "' LIMIT 1"); } } if ($password && $password == $_POST['password']) { setcookie('gallery_pwd_' . $pwdid, $_POST['password'], time() + 1 * 24 * 3600); } elseif ($password && $_COOKIE['gallery_pwd_' . $pwdid] != $password) { tmessage('pwdrequired', array('ID' => $_REQUEST['id'], 'PIC' => $_REQUEST['pic'])); } //Headline + Titlebar headline(strip_tags($gallery['title']), mklink('gallery.php?id=' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '&p=' . $_REQUEST['p'], 'gallery,list' . $_REQUEST['id'] . ',' . iif($_REQUEST['p'], $_REQUEST['p'], 1) . urlformat($gallery['title']) . '.html')); titlebar($apx->lang->get('HEADLINE') . ': ' . strip_tags($gallery['title'])); //Unter-Galerien auslesen, die veröffentlicht sind if ($set['gallery']['subgals'] && $gallery['children']) { $openData = $db->fetch("SELECT id FROM " . PRE . "_gallery WHERE id IN (" . implode(', ', $gallery['children']) . ") AND '" . time() . "' BETWEEN starttime AND endtime"); $openIds = array_merge(get_ids($openData), array($gallery['id'])); } else { $openIds = array($gallery['id']); } //////////////////// UNTERGALERIEN if ($set['gallery']['subgals']) { require_once BASEDIR . 'lib/class.recursivetree.php'; $tree = new RecursiveTree(PRE . '_gallery', 'id');
if ($_REQUEST['galid']) { $galid = $_REQUEST['galid']; //Zugangsrechte? $gallery = $db->first("SELECT * FROM " . PRE . "_user_gallery WHERE id='" . $galid . "' AND owner='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' LIMIT 1"); if (!$gallery['id']) { die('access denied!'); } //Passwortschutz if ($gallery['password']) { $password = $gallery['password']; $pwdid = $gallery['id']; } if ($password && $password == $_POST['password']) { setcookie('usergallery_pwd_' . $pwdid, md5(md5($_POST['password']) . $set['main']['crypt']), time() + 1 * 24 * 3600); } elseif ($user->info['gtype'] != 'admin' && $user->info['userid'] != $gallery['owner'] && $password && $_COOKIE['usergallery_pwd_' . $pwdid] != md5(md5($password) . $set['main']['crypt'])) { tmessage('gallerypwdrequired', array('ID' => $_REQUEST['id'], 'GALID' => $_REQUEST['galid'])); } //Verwendete Variablen $parse = $apx->tmpl->used_vars('gallery_pics'); //Besucher aufzeichnen und ausgeben if (in_array('VISITOR', $parse)) { if ($userid != $user->info['userid']) { user_count_visit('gallery', $_REQUEST['id']); } if (!$set['user']['visitorself'] || $userid == $user->info['userid']) { user_assign_visitors('gallery', $_REQUEST['id'], $apx->tmpl, $parse); } } //Galerie-Infos $images = 0; if (in_array('COUNT', $parse)) {
<?php $apx->module('forum'); //Diese Aktion gehört dem Forum $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!$_REQUEST['id']) { die('missing ID!'); } $apx->lang->drop('subscribe'); $subinfo = $db->first("SELECT type,notification FROM " . PRE . "_forum_subscriptions WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' AND userid='" . $user->info['userid'] . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($_POST['send']) { //Benachrichtigung if ($subinfo['type'] == 'thread' && !in_array($_POST['subscription'], array('none', 'instant', 'daily', 'weekly'))) { die('invalid notification type'); } if ($subinfo['type'] == 'forum' && !in_array($_POST['subscription'], array('none', 'daily', 'weekly'))) { die('invalid notification type'); } $db->query("UPDATE " . PRE . "_forum_subscriptions SET notification='" . $_POST['subscription'] . "' WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' AND userid='" . $user->info['userid'] . "' LIMIT 1"); message($apx->lang->get('MSG_SUBEDIT_OK'), mklink('user.php?action=subscriptions', 'user,subscriptions.html')); } else { $input = array('ID' => $_REQUEST['id'], 'SUBSCRIPTION' => $subinfo['notification'], 'ISTHREAD' => iif($subinfo['type'] == 'thread', 1, 0)); tmessage('subscription_edit', $input); }
<?php $apx->module('forum'); //Diese Aktion gehört dem Forum $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!$_REQUEST['id']) { die('missing ID!'); } $apx->lang->drop('subscribe'); if ($_POST['send']) { $db->query("DELETE FROM " . PRE . "_forum_subscriptions WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' AND userid='" . $user->info['userid'] . "' LIMIT 1"); message($apx->lang->get('MSG_SUBDEL_OK'), mklink('user.php?action=subscriptions', 'user,subscriptions.html')); } else { tmessage('subscription_del', array('ID' => $_REQUEST['id'])); }
function tmessageOverlay($file, $input = array(), $dir = false) { global $set, $db, $apx; $apx->tmpl->assign_static('OVERLAY', true); tmessage($file, $input, $dir); }
<?php $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; if (!$_REQUEST['id']) { die('missing ID!'); } $apx->lang->drop('bookmarks'); if ($_POST['send']) { $db->query("DELETE FROM " . PRE . "_user_bookmarks WHERE id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' AND userid='" . $user->info['userid'] . "' LIMIT 1"); message($apx->lang->get('MSG_OK_DEL'), mklink('user.php', 'user.html')); } else { tmessage('delbookmark', array('ID' => $_REQUEST['id'])); }
if ($_REQUEST['id'] && $_REQUEST['broken']) { $apx->lang->drop('broken'); if ($_POST['broken']) { $res = $db->first("SELECT title FROM " . PRE . "_videos WHERE ( id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' " . section_filter() . " ) LIMIT 1"); titlebar($apx->lang->get('HEADLINE') . ': ' . $res['title']); $link = mklink('videos.php?id=' . $_REQUEST['id'], 'videos,id' . $_REQUEST['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html'); $db->query("UPDATE " . PRE . "_videos SET broken='" . time() . "' WHERE ( id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' " . section_filter() . " ) LIMIT 1"); //eMail-Benachrichtigung if ($set['videos']['mailonbroken']) { $input = array('URL' => substr(HTTP, 0, -1) . $link); sendmail($set['videos']['mailonbroken'], 'BROKEN', $input); } message($apx->lang->get('MSG_BROKEN'), $link); require 'lib/_end.php'; } else { tmessage('broken', array('ID' => $_REQUEST['id'])); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NUR KOMMENTARE if ($_REQUEST['id'] && $_REQUEST['comments']) { $res = $db->first("SELECT title FROM " . PRE . "_videos WHERE ( id='" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' " . section_filter() . " ) LIMIT 1"); titlebar($apx->lang->get('HEADLINE') . ': ' . $res['title']); videos_showcomments($_REQUEST['id']); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DETAILS if ($_REQUEST['id']) { $apx->lang->drop('detail'); //Verwendete Variablen auslesen $parse = $apx->tmpl->used_vars('detail'); //Video-Info $res = $db->first("SELECT a.*,b.username,,b.pub_hidemail FROM " . PRE . "_videos AS a LEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_user AS b USING(userid) WHERE ('" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' AND a.status='finished' " . iif(!$user->is_team_member(), "AND ( '" . time() . "' BETWEEN a.starttime AND a.endtime )") . " " . section_filter() . " ) LIMIT 1");
} elseif (count($locids) > 1) { $inputfields = ''; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'locid') { continue; } $inputfields .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $key . '" value="' . compatible_hsc($value) . '" />'; } $select = array(); foreach ($data as $res) { ++$i; $select[$i]['ID'] = $res['id']; $select[$i]['NAME'] = $res['stamp'] . ' ' . replace($res['name']); } $input = array('INPUTS' => $inputfields, 'SELECT' => $select); tmessage('choosecity', $input); } //Locid-Suche list($l, $b) = $db->first("SELECT l,b FROM " . PRE . "_user_locations WHERE id='" . $locids[0] . "' LIMIT 1"); $distance = (int) $_POST['distance']; $data = $db->fetch("\n\t\t\tSELECT id\n\t\t\tFROM `" . PRE . "_user_locations`\n\t\t\tWHERE (sqrt((l-" . $l . ")*70*(l-" . $l . ")*70+(b-" . $b . ")*111*(b-" . $b . ")*111))<=" . $distance . "\n\t\t"); $neighbours = get_ids($data, 'id'); //Auf Locids eingrenzen $where .= " AND locid IN (" . implode(',', $neighbours) . ") "; } //Suchbegriff if ($_POST['item']) { $items = explode(' ', $_POST['item']); $items = array_map('trim', $items); $itemsearchfields = array('username', 'homepage', 'realname', 'interests', 'work'); for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
function sendpm_exec() { global $apx, $db, $set; //Token prüfen if (!checkToken()) { printInvalidToken(); return; } //FORWARDER if (!isset($_REQUEST['done'])) { tmessage('sending', array('FORWARDER' => 'action.php?action=user.sendpm&doit=1&sectoken=' . $apx->session->get('sectoken') . '&done=0')); return; } //VARS $done = (int) $_REQUEST['done']; $countPerCall = 50; @set_time_limit(600); //Newsletter-Info auslesen $newsletter = $set['user']['sendpm_data']; if (!isset($newsletter['text'])) { die('no valid newsletter!'); } $newsletter['text_clear'] = $newsletter['text']; while (preg_match('#\\[([a-z0-9]+)(=.*?)?\\](.*?)\\[/\\1\\]#si', $newsletter['text_clear'])) { $text = preg_replace('#\\[([a-z0-9]+)(=.*?)?\\](.*?)\\[/\\1\\]#si', '\\3', $newsletter['text_clear']); } //SEND NEWSLETTER if (is_array($newsletter['groups']) && count($newsletter['groups'])) { $data = $db->fetch("SELECT userid, email, pub_poppm, pub_mailpm FROM " . PRE . "_user WHERE active=1 AND reg_key='' AND groupid IN (" . implode(',', $newsletter['groups']) . ") ORDER BY email ASC LIMIT " . $done . "," . $countPerCall); } else { $data = $db->fetch("SELECT userid, email, pub_poppm, pub_mailpm FROM " . PRE . "_user WHERE active=1 AND reg_key='' ORDER BY email ASC LIMIT " . $done . "," . $countPerCall); } if (count($data)) { foreach ($data as $res) { ++$i; $this->sendpm_send($res, $newsletter['subject'], $newsletter['text'], $newsletter['text_clear']); } ////// FORWARDER //Vorgang beendet if ($i < $countPerCall) { $db->query("UPDATE " . PRE . "_config SET value='' WHERE module='user' AND varname='sendpm_data' LIMIT 1"); logit('USER_SENDPM'); message($apx->lang->get('MSG_OK')); return; } else { tmessage('sending', array('FORWARDER' => 'action.php?action=user.sendpm&doit=1&sectoken=' . $apx->session->get('sectoken') . '&done=' . ($done + $countPerCall))); return; } } else { $db->query("UPDATE " . PRE . "_config SET value='' WHERE module='user' AND varname='sendpm_data' LIMIT 1"); logit('USER_SENDPM'); message($apx->lang->get('MSG_OK')); return; } }
function add() { global $set, $db, $apx; //Typ wählen if (!$_REQUEST['type'] || !in_array($_REQUEST['type'], $this->alltypes)) { //Typliste $typelist = ''; foreach ($this->alltypes as $type) { $typelist .= '<option value="' . $type . '"' . iif($type == $_POST['type'], ' selected="selected"') . '>' . $apx->lang->get('PRODTYPE_' . strtoupper($type)) . '</option>'; } tmessage('choosetype', array('TYPELIST' => $typelist, 'UPDATEPARENT' => $_REQUEST['updateparent'])); return; } else { $call = 'add_' . $_REQUEST['type']; $this->{$call}(); } }
die('missing post-ID!'); } $postinfo = post_info($_REQUEST['id']); if (!$postinfo['postid'] || $postinfo['del']) { message($apx->lang->get('MSG_POSTNOTEXIST')); } $threadinfo = thread_info($postinfo['threadid']); if (!$threadinfo['threadid'] || $threadinfo['del']) { message($apx->lang->get('MSG_THREADNOTEXIST')); } $foruminfo = forum_info($threadinfo['forumid']); if (!$foruminfo['forumid']) { message($apx->lang->get('MSG_FORUMNOTEXIST')); } if (!forum_access_admin($foruminfo)) { tmessage('noright', array(), false, false); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SUCHERGEBNISSE ANZEIGEN //Beiträge von dieser IP $data = $db->fetch("SELECT userid,username,count(postid) AS posts FROM " . PRE . "_forum_posts WHERE ip='" . addslashes($postinfo['ip']) . "' GROUP BY username ORDER BY username ASC"); if (count($data)) { foreach ($data as $res) { ++$i; $fromdata[$i]['USERID'] = $res['userid']; $fromdata[$i]['USERNAME'] = replace($res['username']); $fromdata[$i]['POSTS'] = $res['posts']; } } //Weitere IPs des Benutzers if ($postinfo['userid']) { $data = $db->fetch("SELECT ip,count(postid) AS posts FROM " . PRE . "_forum_posts WHERE userid='" . $postinfo['userid'] . "' GROUP BY ip ORDER BY posts DESC");
foreach ($data as $res) { $picture = $res['picture']; $thumbnail = $res['thumbnail']; if ($picture && file_exists(BASEDIR . getpath('uploads') . $picture)) { $mm->deletefile($picture); } if ($thumbnail && file_exists(BASEDIR . getpath('uploads') . $thumbnail)) { $mm->deletefile($thumbnail); } } } $mm->deletedir('user/gallery-' . $_REQUEST['id']); } message($apx->lang->get('MSG_DEL_OK'), mklink('user.php?action=mygallery', 'user,mygallery.html')); } else { tmessage('delgallery', array('ID' => $_REQUEST['id'])); } require 'lib/_end.php'; } //GALERIEN AUFLISTEN $data = $db->fetch("SELECT id,title FROM " . PRE . "_user_gallery WHERE owner='" . $user->info['userid'] . "'"); if (count($data)) { foreach ($data as $res) { ++$i; //Bilder list($images) = $db->first("SELECT count(*) FROM " . PRE . "_user_pictures WHERE galid='" . $res['id'] . "'"); //Link $link = mklink('user.php?action=gallery&id=' . $user->info['userid'] . '&galid=' . $res['id'], 'user,gallery,' . $user->info['userid'] . ',' . $res['id'] . ',0.html'); $tabledata[$i]['ID'] = $res['id']; $tabledata[$i]['TITLE'] = replace($res['title']); $tabledata[$i]['LINK'] = $link;