function getTagsView($aTotalTags, $sHrefTempl) { global $oTemplConfig; global $oSysTemplate; if (empty($aTotalTags)) { return MsgBox(_t('_Empty')); } $iMinFontSize = $oTemplConfig->iTagsMinFontSize; $iMaxFontSize = $oTemplConfig->iTagsMaxFontSize; $iFontDiff = $iMaxFontSize - $iMinFontSize; $iMinRating = min($aTotalTags); $iMaxRating = max($aTotalTags); $iRatingDiff = $iMaxRating - $iMinRating; $iRatingDiff = $iRatingDiff == 0 ? 1 : $iRatingDiff; $sCode = '<div class="tags_wrapper">'; $aUnit = array(); foreach ($aTotalTags as $sTag => $iCount) { $aUnit['tagSize'] = $iMinFontSize + round($iFontDiff * (($iCount - $iMinRating) / $iRatingDiff)); $aUnit['tagHref'] = str_replace('{tag}', urlencode(title2uri($sTag)), $sHrefTempl); $aUnit['countCapt'] = _t('_Count'); $aUnit['countNum'] = $iCount; $aUnit['tag'] = htmlspecialchars_adv($sTag); if ($this->_sTagTmplContent) { $sCode .= $oSysTemplate->parseHtmlByContent($this->_sTagTmplContent, $aUnit); } else { $sCode .= $oSysTemplate->parseHtmlByName($this->_sTagTmplName, $aUnit); } } $sCode .= '</div>'; $sCode .= '<div class="clear_both"></div>'; return $sCode; }
function getCategoriesView($aTotalCategories, $sHrefTempl, $iColumns) { global $oSysTemplate; if (empty($aTotalCategories)) { return MsgBox(_t('_Empty')); } if (!$iColumns) { $iColumns = 1; } $iCount = count($aTotalCategories); $iRowCount = floor($iCount / $iColumns) + ($iCount % $iColumns ? 1 : 0); $iWidthPr = floor(100 / $iColumns); $i = 0; $sCode = '<div class="categories_wrapper bx-def-bc-margin bx-def-font-large">'; foreach ($aTotalCategories as $sCategory => $iCatCount) { if (!($i % $iRowCount)) { if ($i) { $sCode .= '</div>'; } $sCode .= '<div class="categories_col" style="width: ' . $iWidthPr . '%">'; } $aUnit['catHref'] = str_replace('{tag}', rawurlencode(title2uri($sCategory)), $sHrefTempl); $aUnit['category'] = htmlspecialchars_adv($sCategory); $aUnit['count'] = $iCatCount; if ($this->_sCategTmplContent) { $sCode .= $oSysTemplate->parseHtmlByContent($this->_sCategTmplContent, $aUnit); } else { $sCode .= $oSysTemplate->parseHtmlByName($this->_sCategTmplName, $aUnit); } $i++; } $sCode .= '</div></div>'; return $sCode; }
function getLinkSet($sLinkString, $sUrlPrefix, $sDivider = ';,', $bUriConvert = false) { $aSet = preg_split('/[' . $sDivider . ']/', $sLinkString, 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $sFinalSet = ''; foreach ($aSet as $sKey) { $sLink = $sUrlPrefix . urlencode($bUriConvert ? title2uri($sKey) : $sKey); $sFinalSet .= '<a href="' . $sUrlPrefix . urlencode(title2uri(trim($sKey))) . '">' . $sKey . '</a> '; } return trim($sFinalSet, ' '); }
function __construct($sMode = '', $sValue = '', $sValue2 = '', $sValue3 = '') { switch ($sMode) { case 'pending': if (false !== bx_get('bx_store_filter')) { $this->aCurrent['restriction']['keyword'] = array('value' => process_db_input(bx_get('bx_store_filter'), BX_TAGS_STRIP), 'field' => '', 'operator' => 'against'); } $this->aCurrent['restriction']['activeStatus']['value'] = 'pending'; $this->sBrowseUrl = "administration"; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_pending_approval'); unset($this->aCurrent['rss']); break; case 'my_pending': $oMain = $this->getMain(); $this->aCurrent['restriction']['owner']['value'] = $oMain->_iProfileId; $this->aCurrent['restriction']['activeStatus']['value'] = 'pending'; $this->sBrowseUrl = "browse/user/" . getNickName($oMain->_iProfileId); $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_pending_approval'); unset($this->aCurrent['rss']); break; case 'search': if ($sValue) { $this->aCurrent['restriction']['keyword'] = array('value' => $sValue, 'field' => '', 'operator' => 'against'); } if ($sValue2) { $this->aCurrent['join']['category'] = array('type' => 'inner', 'table' => 'sys_categories', 'mainField' => 'id', 'onField' => 'ID', 'joinFields' => ''); $this->aCurrent['restriction']['category_type']['value'] = $this->aCurrent['name']; $this->aCurrent['restriction']['category']['value'] = $sValue2; if (is_array($sValue2)) { $this->aCurrent['restriction']['category']['operator'] = 'in'; } } $sValue = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->unescape($sValue); $sValue2 = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->unescape($sValue2); $this->sBrowseUrl = "search/{$sValue}/" . (is_array($sValue2) ? implode(',', $sValue2) : $sValue2); $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_search_results') . ' ' . (is_array($sValue2) ? implode(', ', $sValue2) : $sValue2) . ' ' . $sValue; unset($this->aCurrent['rss']); break; case 'user': $iProfileId = $GLOBALS['oBxStoreModule']->_oDb->getProfileIdByNickName($sValue, false); $GLOBALS['oTopMenu']->setCurrentProfileID($iProfileId); // select profile subtab, instead of module tab if (!$iProfileId) { $this->isError = true; } else { $this->aCurrent['restriction']['owner']['value'] = $iProfileId; } $sValue = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->unescape($sValue); $this->sBrowseUrl = "browse/user/{$sValue}"; $iProfileId = getID($sValue); $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_by_author', $iProfileId ? getNickName($iProfileId) : $sValue); if (bx_get('rss')) { $aData = getProfileInfo($iProfileId); if ($aData['Avatar']) { $a = array('ID' => $aData['author_id'], 'Avatar' => $aData['thumb']); $aImage = BxDolService::call('photos', 'get_image', array($a, 'browse'), 'Search'); if (!$aImage['no_image']) { $this->aCurrent['rss']['image'] = $aImage['file']; } } } break; case 'admin': $this->aCurrent['restriction']['owner']['value'] = 0; $this->sBrowseUrl = "browse/admin"; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_admin_products'); break; case 'category': $this->aCurrent['join']['category'] = array('type' => 'inner', 'table' => 'sys_categories', 'mainField' => 'id', 'onField' => 'ID', 'joinFields' => ''); $this->aCurrent['restriction']['category_type']['value'] = $this->aCurrent['name']; $this->aCurrent['restriction']['category']['value'] = $sValue; $sValue = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->unescape($sValue); $this->sBrowseUrl = "browse/category/" . title2uri($sValue); $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_by_category', $sValue); break; case 'tag': $this->aCurrent['restriction']['tag']['value'] = $sValue; $sValue = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->unescape($sValue); $this->sBrowseUrl = "browse/tag/" . title2uri($sValue); $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_by_tag', $sValue); break; case 'free': $this->aCurrent['restriction']['price'] = array('value' => 'Free', 'field' => 'price_range', 'operator' => '='); $this->sBrowseUrl = "browse/free"; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_free_products') . ' ' . $sValue; break; case 'recent': $this->sBrowseUrl = 'browse/recent'; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_recent'); break; case 'top': $this->sBrowseUrl = 'browse/top'; $this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'top'; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_top_rated'); break; case 'popular': $this->sBrowseUrl = 'browse/popular'; $this->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'popular'; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_popular'); break; case 'featured': $this->aCurrent['restriction']['featured'] = array('value' => 1, 'field' => 'featured', 'operator' => '='); $this->sBrowseUrl = 'browse/featured'; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_featured'); break; case 'calendar': $this->aCurrent['restriction']['calendar-min'] = array('value' => "UNIX_TIMESTAMP('{$sValue}-{$sValue2}-{$sValue3} 00:00:00')", 'field' => 'created', 'operator' => '>=', 'no_quote_value' => true); $this->aCurrent['restriction']['calendar-max'] = array('value' => "UNIX_TIMESTAMP('{$sValue}-{$sValue2}-{$sValue3} 23:59:59')", 'field' => 'created', 'operator' => '<=', 'no_quote_value' => true); $this->sEventsBrowseUrl = "browse/calendar/{$sValue}/{$sValue2}/{$sValue3}"; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store_page_title_browse_by_day', getLocaleDate(strtotime("{$sValue}-{$sValue2}-{$sValue3}"), BX_DOL_LOCALE_DATE_SHORT)); break; case '': $this->sBrowseUrl = 'browse/'; $this->aCurrent['title'] = _t('_bx_store'); unset($this->aCurrent['rss']); break; default: $this->isError = true; } $oMain = $this->getMain(); $this->aCurrent['paginate']['perPage'] = $oMain->_oDb->getParam('bx_store_perpage_browse'); if (isset($this->aCurrent['rss'])) { $this->aCurrent['rss']['link'] = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $oMain->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . $this->sBrowseUrl; } if (bx_get('rss')) { $this->aCurrent['ownFields'][] = 'desc'; $this->aCurrent['ownFields'][] = 'created'; $this->aCurrent['paginate']['perPage'] = $oMain->_oDb->getParam('bx_store_max_rss_num'); } bx_store_import('Voting', $this->getModuleArray()); $oVotingView = new BxStoreVoting('bx_store', 0); $this->oVotingView = $oVotingView->isEnabled() ? $oVotingView : null; $this->sFilterName = 'bx_store_filter'; parent::__construct(); }
/** * Generate a Block of searching result by Tag (GET is tagKey) * * @return HTML presentation of data */ function GenSearchResult() { if (!$this->isAllowedBlogPostSearch(true)) { return $this->_oTemplate->displayAccessDenied(); } $iCheckedMemberID = $this->_iVisitorID; $bNoProfileMode = false !== bx_get('ownerID') || false !== bx_get('blogOwnerName') ? false : true; $sRetHtml = ''; $sSearchedTag = uri2title(process_db_input(bx_get('tagKey'), BX_TAGS_STRIP)); $iMemberID = $this->defineUserId(); $sTagsC = _t('_Tags'); $sNoBlogC = _t('_bx_blog_No_blogs_available'); require_once $this->_oConfig->getClassPath() . 'BxBlogsSearchUnit.php'; $oTmpBlogSearch = new BxBlogsSearchUnit($this); $oTmpBlogSearch->PerformObligatoryInit($this, 4); $oTmpBlogSearch->aCurrent['restriction']['tag2']['value'] = $sSearchedTag; $oTmpBlogSearch->aCurrent['paginate']['perPage'] = $this->_oConfig->getPerPage(); if ($iMemberID > 0) { $oTmpBlogSearch->aCurrent['restriction']['owner']['value'] = $iMemberID; } if ($iMemberID != 0 && $iMemberID == $iCheckedMemberID || $this->isAdmin() == true) { $oTmpBlogSearch->aCurrent['restriction']['activeStatus'] = ''; } $sBlogPostsVal = $oTmpBlogSearch->displayResultBlock(); $sBlogPostsVal = '<div class="blogs-view bx-def-bc-padding">' . $sBlogPostsVal . '</div>'; $oTmpBlogSearch->aCurrent['paginate']['page_url'] = $oTmpBlogSearch->getCurrentUrl('tag', 0, title2uri($sSearchedTag)); $sBlogPostsVal .= $oTmpBlogSearch->showPagination3(); $sBlogPosts = $oTmpBlogSearch->aCurrent['paginate']['totalNum'] == 0 ? MsgBox(_t('_Empty')) : $sBlogPostsVal; $sContentSect = DesignBoxContent($sTagsC . ' - ' . $sSearchedTag, $sBlogPostsVal, 1); if ($bNoProfileMode == false) { $sRightSect = ''; if ($iMemberID > -1) { $aBlogsRes = $this->_oDb->getBlogInfo($iMemberID); if (!$aBlogsRes) { $sNoBlogC = MsgBox($sNoBlogC); $sRetHtml = <<<EOF <div class="{$sWidthClass}"> {$sNoBlogC} </div> <div class="clear_both"></div> EOF; } else { $sRightSect = $this->GenMemberDescrAndCat($aBlogsRes); $sWidthClass = $iMemberID > 0 ? 'cls_info_left' : 'cls_res_thumb'; $sRetHtml = $this->Templater($sContentSect, $sRightSect, $sWidthClass); } } else { $sRetHtml = MsgBox(_t('_Profile Not found Ex')); } } else { $sRetHtml = <<<EOF <div class="{$sWidthClass}"> {$sContentSect} </div> <div class="clear_both"></div> EOF; } return $sRetHtml; }
/** * Compose result of searching Advertisements by Tag * * @param $sTag selected tag string * @return HTML result */ function PrintAdvertisementsByTag($sTag) { $sSiteUrl = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT; $sSafeTag = addslashes(trim(strtolower($sTag))); $sTagResultC = _t('_bx_ads_search_results_by_tag'); $sBrowseAllAds = _t('_bx_ads_Browse_All_Ads'); $sHomeLink = $this->bUseFriendlyLinks ? BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . 'ads/' : "{$this->sCurrBrowsedFile}?Browse=1"; $sBreadCrumbs = <<<EOF <a href="{$sHomeLink}">{$sBrowseAllAds}</a> / {$sTagResultC} - {$sSafeTag} EOF; require_once $this->_oConfig->getClassPath() . 'BxAdsSearchUnit.php'; $oTmpAdsSearch = new BxAdsSearchUnit(); if ($iRandLim > 0) { $oTmpAdsSearch->aCurrent['paginate']['perPage'] = (int) $iRandLim; } else { $oTmpAdsSearch->aCurrent['paginate']['perPage'] = 10; } $oTmpAdsSearch->aCurrent['sorting'] = 'last'; $oTmpAdsSearch->aCurrent['restriction']['tag']['value'] = $sSafeTag; $sAdsByTags = $oTmpAdsSearch->displayResultBlock(); if ($oTmpAdsSearch->aCurrent['paginate']['totalNum'] == 0) { $sAdsByTags = MsgBox(_t('_Empty')); } else { // Prepare link to pagination $sSafeTagS = title2uri($sSafeTag); if ($this->bUseFriendlyLinks == false) { $sRequest = $this->sHomeUrl . "classifieds_tags.php?tag={$sSafeTagS}&page={page}&per_page={per_page}"; } else { $sRequest = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . "ads/tag/{$sSafeTagS}/{per_page}/{page}"; } // End of prepare link to pagination $oTmpAdsSearch->aCurrent['paginate']['page_url'] = $sRequest; $sAdsByTags .= $oTmpAdsSearch->showPagination(); } return DesignBoxContent($sBreadCrumbs, $sAdsByTags, 1); }
function displaySearchUnit($aResSQL) { $iVisitorID = getLoggedId(); $oMain = $this->getBlogsMain(); $iPostID = (int) $aResSQL['id']; $sBlogsImagesUrl = BX_BLOGS_IMAGES_URL; $bPossibleToView = $oMain->oPrivacy->check('view', $iPostID, $oMain->_iVisitorID); if (!$bPossibleToView) { if ($this->sMobileWrapper) { return $this->_wrapMobileUnit($oMain->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByTemplateName('browse_unit_private_mobile', array()), $iPostID, $oMain); } else { return $oMain->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('browse_unit_private.html', array('extra_css_class' => '')); } } $sCategories = $aResSQL['Categories']; $aCategories = $oMain->getTagLinks($aResSQL['Categories'], 'category', CATEGORIES_DIVIDER); $sStyle = ''; $sFriendStyle = ''; $sPostVote = ''; $sPostMode = ''; $sVotePostRating = $this->oRate->getJustVotingElement(0, 0, $aResSQL['Rate']); $aProfileInfo = getProfileInfo($aResSQL['ownerId']); $sAuthorTitle = process_line_output(getNickName($aProfileInfo['ID'])); $sAuthorUsername = getUsername($aProfileInfo['ID']); $sAuthorLink = getProfileLink($aProfileInfo['ID']); $sCategoryName = $aResSQL['Categories']; $sPostLink = $this->getCurrentUrl('file', $iPostID, $aResSQL['uri']) . $sCategoryUrlAdd; $sAllCategoriesLinks = ''; if (count($aCategories) > 0) { foreach ($aCategories as $iKey => $sCatValue) { $sCatLink = $this->getCurrentUrl('category', title2uri($sCatValue), title2uri($sCatValue), array('ownerId' => $aResSQL['ownerId'], 'ownerName' => $sAuthorUsername)); $sCatName = process_line_output($sCatValue); $aAllCategoriesLinks[] = '<a href="' . $sCatLink . '">' . $sCatName . '</a>'; } $aAllCategoriesLinkHrefs = implode(", ", $aAllCategoriesLinks); $sAllCategoriesLinks = <<<EOF <span class="margined"> <span>{$aAllCategoriesLinkHrefs}</span> </span> EOF; } $sAdminCheck = $sAdminStatus = ''; if ($this->bShowCheckboxes) { $sAdminCheck = <<<EOF <div class="browseCheckbox"><input id="ch{$iPostID}" type="checkbox" name="bposts[]" value="{$iPostID}" /></div> EOF; $sPostStatus = process_line_output($aResSQL['PostStatus']); $sAdminStatus = <<<EOF ({$sPostStatus}) EOF; } $sPostCaption = process_line_output($aResSQL['title']); $sPostCaptionHref = <<<EOF <a class="unit_title bx-def-font-h2" href="{$sPostLink}">{$sPostCaption}</a>{$sAdminStatus} EOF; if ($this->iPostViewType == 3 || $this->sMobileWrapper) { $sFriendStyle = "2"; $sPostMode = '_post'; $sPostCaptionHref = '<div class="unit_title bx-def-font-h2">' . $sPostCaption . '</div>'; } $sDateTime = defineTimeInterval($aResSQL['date']); //$oCmtsView = new BxTemplCmtsView ('blogposts', (int)$iPostID); $iCommentsCnt = (int) $aResSQL['CommentsCount']; $sTagsCommas = $aResSQL['tag']; //$aTags = split(',', $sTagsCommas); $aTags = preg_split("/[;,]/", $sTagsCommas); //search by tag skiping if ($this->sSearchedTag != '' && in_array($this->sSearchedTag, $aTags) == false) { return; } $sTagsHrefs = ''; $aTagsHrefs = array(); foreach ($aTags as $sTagKey) { if ($sTagKey != '') { $sTagLink = $this->getCurrentUrl('tag', $iPostID, htmlspecialchars(title2uri($sTagKey))); $sTagsHrefAny = <<<EOF <a href="{$sTagLink}" title="{$sTagKey}">{$sTagKey}</a> EOF; $aTagsHrefs[] = $sTagsHrefAny; } } $sTagsHrefs = implode(", ", $aTagsHrefs); $sTags = <<<EOF <span class="margined"> <span>{$sTagsHrefs}</span> </span> EOF; $sPostText = $aResSQL['bodyText']; $bOwner = $iVisitorID == $aResSQL['ownerId'] ? true : false; $sOwnerThumb = $sPostPicture = $sPreviewPicture = ''; if ($aResSQL['PostPhoto'] && $this->iPostViewType == 3) { $oMain->_oTemplate->addJs('plugins/fancybox/|jquery.fancybox.js'); $oMain->_oTemplate->addCss('plugins/fancybox/|jquery.fancybox.css'); $sPostPicture = $oMain->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('picture_preview.html', array('img_url_big' => $sBlogsImagesUrl . 'orig_' . $aResSQL['PostPhoto'], 'img_url_small' => $sBlogsImagesUrl . 'big_' . $aResSQL['PostPhoto'])); } if ($aResSQL['PostPhoto'] && ($this->iPostViewType == 1 || $this->iPostViewType == 4 || $this->iPostViewType == 5)) { $sStyle = 'padding-right:' . ($this->iThumbSize + 10) . 'px; min-height:' . $this->iThumbSize . 'px;'; $sPreviewPicture = '<div class="unit_img"><img class="bx-def-shadow bx-def-round-corners" src="' . $sBlogsImagesUrl . 'big_' . $aResSQL['PostPhoto'] . '" /></div>'; } if ($this->iPostViewType == 4) { $sOwnerThumb = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->getMemberIcon($aResSQL['ownerId'], 'left'); } if ($this->iPostViewType == 4 || $this->iPostViewType == 1 || $this->iPostViewType == 5) { $iBlogLimitChars = (int) getParam('max_blog_preview'); $sPostText = trim(strip_tags($sPostText)); if (mb_strlen($sPostText) > $iBlogLimitChars) { $sPostText = mb_substr($sPostText, 0, $iBlogLimitChars); $sLinkMore = $this->sMobileWrapper ? '' : ' <a title="' . htmlspecialchars_adv(_t('_Read more')) . '" href="' . $sPostLink . '">…</a>'; } $sPostText = htmlspecialchars_adv($sPostText) . $sLinkMore; } $aUnitReplace = array('checkbox' => $sAdminCheck, 'post_caption' => $sPostCaptionHref, 'author_title' => $sAuthorTitle, 'author_username' => $sAuthorUsername, 'author_link' => $sAuthorLink, 'post_date' => $sDateTime, 'all_categories' => $sAllCategoriesLinks, 'comments_count' => $iCommentsCnt, 'post_tags' => $sTags, 'friend_style' => $sFriendStyle, 'post_uthumb' => $sOwnerThumb, 'post_picture2' => $sPostPicture, 'preview_picture' => $sPreviewPicture, 'post_description' => $sPostText, 'post_vote' => $sVotePostRating, 'post_mode' => $sPostMode, 'style' => $sStyle, 'bx_if:full' => array('condition' => $this->iPostViewType != 5, 'content' => array('author_title' => $sAuthorTitle, 'author_username' => $sAuthorUsername, 'author_link' => $sAuthorLink, 'post_date' => $sDateTime))); if ($this->sMobileWrapper) { return $this->_wrapMobileUnit($oMain->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByTemplateName('blogpost_unit_mobile', $aUnitReplace), $iPostID, $oMain); } else { return $oMain->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByTemplateName('blogpost_unit', $aUnitReplace); } }
function getTagContent($sTag = '', $iPage = 1, $iPerPage = 0) { $sTag = uri2title(process_db_input($sTag, BX_TAGS_STRIP)); $iPage = (int) $iPage; $iPerPage = (int) $iPerPage; $sTagDisplay = $GLOBALS['MySQL']->unescape($sTag); return array($sTagDisplay, $this->getSearchContent(array('tag' => $sTag), 'tag/' . title2uri($sTagDisplay) . '/', $iPage, $iPerPage)); }
function _parseAnything($s, $sDiv, $sLinkStart, $sClassName = '') { $sRet = ''; $a = explode($sDiv, $s); $sClass = $sClassName ? 'class="' . $sClassName . '"' : ''; foreach ($a as $sName) { $sRet .= '<a ' . $sClass . ' href="' . $sLinkStart . title2uri($sName) . '">' . $sName . '</a> '; } return $sRet; }
/** * Function will search poll used the recived category name; * * @param : $sCategory (string) - poll's category; * @param : $sExtraParam (string) - extra URI params; * @param : $bUseInitPart (boolean) - if isset this param, function will add poll's js part; * @return : (text) - html presentation data; */ function searchCategories($sCategory, $sExtraParam = null, $bUseInitPart = true) { $sOutputCode = null; //concat init part; if ($bUseInitPart) { $sOutputCode = $this->getInitPollPage(); } $this->oSearch->aCurrent['restriction']['category']['value'] = $sCategory; $sExtraParam .= '&category=' . urlencode(title2uri($sCategory)); $sOutputCode .= $this->showSearchResult(_t('_bx_poll_browse_category') . ': ' . htmlspecialchars_adv($sCategory), $sExtraParam); return $sOutputCode; }
function displayList($aParams) { $sSampleType = $aParams['sample_type']; $iViewerType = $aParams['viewer_type']; $iStart = isset($aParams['start']) ? (int) $aParams['start'] : -1; $iPerPage = isset($aParams['count']) ? (int) $aParams['count'] : -1; $bShowEmpty = isset($aParams['show_empty']) ? $aParams['show_empty'] : true; $bAdminPanel = $iViewerType == BX_TD_VIEWER_TYPE_ADMIN && (isset($aParams['admin_panel']) && $aParams['admin_panel'] || $sSampleType == 'admin'); $sModuleUri = $this->_oConfig->getUri(); $aEntries = $this->_oDb->getEntries($aParams); if (empty($aEntries)) { return $bShowEmpty ? MsgBox(_t('_' . $sModuleUri . '_msg_no_results')) : ""; } $oTags = new BxDolTags(); $oCategories = new BxDolCategories(); //--- Language translations ---// $sLKLinkPublish = _t('_' . $sModuleUri . '_lcaption_publish'); $sLKLinkEdit = _t('_' . $sModuleUri . '_lcaption_edit'); $sLKLinkDelete = _t('_' . $sModuleUri . '_lcaption_delete'); $sBaseUri = BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri(); $sJsMainObject = $this->_oConfig->getJsObject(); $aResult['sample'] = $sSampleType; $aResult['bx_repeat:entries'] = array(); foreach ($aEntries as $aEntry) { $sVotes = ""; if ($this->_oConfig->isVotesEnabled()) { $oVotes = $this->_oModule->_createObjectVoting($aEntry['id']); $sVotes = $oVotes->getJustVotingElement(0, $aEntry['id']); } $aTags = $oTags->explodeTags($aEntry['tags']); $aCategories = $oCategories->explodeTags($aEntry['categories']); $aTagItems = array(); foreach ($aTags as $sTag) { $sTag = trim($sTag); $aTagItems[] = array('href' => $sBaseUri . 'tag/' . title2uri($sTag), 'title' => $sTag); } $aCategoryItems = array(); foreach ($aCategories as $sCategory) { $sCategory = trim($sCategory); $aCategoryItems[] = array('href' => $sBaseUri . 'category/' . title2uri($sCategory), 'title' => $sCategory); } $aResult['bx_repeat:entries'][] = array('id' => $this->_oConfig->getSystemPrefix() . $aEntry['id'], 'caption' => str_replace("\$", "$", $aEntry['caption']), 'class' => !in_array($sSampleType, array('view')) ? ' ' . $this->sCssPrefix . '-text-snippet' : '', 'date' => getLocaleDate($aEntry['when_uts'], BX_DOL_LOCALE_DATE), 'comments' => (int) $aEntry['cmts_count'], 'bx_repeat:categories' => $aCategoryItems, 'bx_repeat:tags' => $aTagItems, 'content' => str_replace("\$", "$", $aEntry['content']), 'link' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'view/' . $aEntry['uri'], 'voting' => $sVotes, 'bx_if:checkbox' => array('condition' => $bAdminPanel, 'content' => array('id' => $aEntry['id'])), 'bx_if:status' => array('condition' => $iViewerType == BX_TD_VIEWER_TYPE_ADMIN, 'content' => array('status' => _t('_' . $sModuleUri . '_status_' . $aEntry['status']))), 'bx_if:featured' => array('condition' => $iViewerType == BX_TD_VIEWER_TYPE_ADMIN && (int) $aEntry['featured'] == 1, 'content' => array()), 'bx_if:edit_link' => array('condition' => $iViewerType == BX_TD_VIEWER_TYPE_ADMIN, 'content' => array('edit_link_url' => BX_DOL_URL_ROOT . $this->_oConfig->getBaseUri() . 'admin/' . $aEntry['uri'], 'edit_link_caption' => $sLKLinkEdit))); } $aResult['paginate'] = ''; if (!in_array($sSampleType, array('id', 'uri', 'view', 'search_unit'))) { if (!empty($sSampleType)) { $this->_updatePaginate($aParams); } $aResult['paginate'] = $this->oPaginate->getPaginate($iStart, $iPerPage); } $aResult['loading'] = LoadingBox($sModuleUri . '-' . $sSampleType . '-loading'); $sRes = $this->parseHtmlByName('list.html', $aResult); return $sRes; }
function getPostCategoriesBlock() { $iMemberID = (int) $this->aViewingPostInfo['OwnerID']; $sOwnerNickname = getNickName($iMemberID); $aProf = array('Permalink' => $sOwnerNickname, 'Link' => $iMemberID); $sOwnerAddAp = $iMemberID == $this->_iVisitorID || $this->isAllowedApprove() || $this->isAllowedPostEdit(-1) || $this->isAllowedPostDelete(-1) ? '' : "AND `PostStatus`='approval'"; $sStatusFilter = $this->isAdmin() == true ? '' : $sOwnerAddAp; $sNewC = ucfirst(_t('_new')); $sCategoriesC = _t('_bx_blog_Categories'); $sPostsCL = strtolower(_t('_bx_blog_Posts')); $sFolderIcon = $this->_oTemplate->getIconUrl('folder_small.png'); $sCategories = ''; $oCategories = new BxDolCategories(); $aAllCategories = $oCategories->getCategoriesList('bx_blogs', $iMemberID); if (is_array($aAllCategories) && count($aAllCategories) > 0) { foreach ($aAllCategories as $iCatID => $sCategoryName) { $sCategoryNameS = addslashes($sCategoryName); $iCountCatPost = $this->_oDb->getPostsCntInCategory($sCategoryNameS, $sStatusFilter, $iMemberID); if ($iCountCatPost == 0) { continue; } $sCatName = process_line_output($sCategoryName); $sSpacerName = $this->sSpacerPath; $aCat = array('Permalink' => title2uri($sCategoryName), 'Link' => title2uri($sCategoryName)); $sCatLink = $this->genBlogLink('show_member_blog', $aProf, $aCat); $sCategories .= <<<EOF <div class="cls_result_row"> \t<div class="cls_res_thumb margined" > \t\t<div class="thumbnail_block" style="border-width:0px;"> \t\t\t<span style="vertical-align:middle;"> \t\t\t\t<img class="cls_categ_icon" src="{$sFolderIcon}" alt="" /> \t\t\t</span> \t\t</div> \t</div> \t<div class="cls_categ_name"> \t\t<a href="{$sCatLink}">{$sCatName}</a> <span class="blog_author">({$iCountCatPost} {$sPostsCL})</span> \t</div> \t<!-- {$sCatActions} --> \t<div class="clear_both"></div> </div> EOF; } } $sCategoriesActions = ''; if ($this->_iVisitorID == $iMemberID && $iMemberID > 0 || $this->bAdminMode == true) { $sCategoriesActions = BxDolPageView::getBlockCaptionMenu(mktime(), array('cat_new' => array('href' => bx_html_attribute($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?action=add_category&ownerID={$iMemberID}", 'title' => $sNewC, 'active' => 0))); } $sCategoriesVal = <<<EOF <div class="blog-cat-view"> \t{$sCategories} </div> EOF; return DesignBoxContent($sCategoriesC, $sCategoriesVal, 1, $sCategoriesActions); }
function displaySearchUnit($aResSQL) { $iVisitorID = (int) $_COOKIE['memberID']; $oMain = $this->getBlogsMain(); $sTagsSmallIcon = $sClockIcon = $sCommentsIcon = $sCategoryIcon = ''; if ($oMain->_oTemplate) { $sTagsSmallIcon = $oMain->_oTemplate->getIconUrl('tgs.png'); $sClockIcon = $oMain->_oTemplate->getIconUrl('clock.png'); $sCommentsIcon = $oMain->_oTemplate->getIconUrl('comments.png'); $sCategoryIcon = $oMain->_oTemplate->getIconUrl('folder_small.png'); } $iPostID = (int) $aResSQL['id']; $sBlogsImagesUrl = BX_BLOGS_IMAGES_URL; $bPossibleToView = $oMain->oPrivacy->check('view', $iPostID, $oMain->_iVisitorID); if (!$bPossibleToView) { return $oMain->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByName('browse_unit_private.html', array('extra_css_class' => '')); } $sCategories = $aResSQL['Categories']; $aCategories = $oMain->getTagLinks($aResSQL['Categories'], 'category', CATEGORIES_DIVIDER); $sFriendStyle = ''; $sPostVote = ''; $sPostMode = ''; $sVotePostRating = $this->oRate->getJustVotingElement(0, 0, $aResSQL['Rate']); $aProfileInfo = getProfileInfo($aResSQL['ownerId']); $sOwnerNickname = process_line_output($aProfileInfo['NickName']); $sCategoryName = $aResSQL['Categories']; $sPostLink = $this->getCurrentUrl('file', $iPostID, $aResSQL['uri']) . $sCategoryUrlAdd; $sAllCategoriesLinks = ''; if (count($aCategories) > 0) { foreach ($aCategories as $iKey => $sCatValue) { $sCatLink = $this->getCurrentUrl('category', title2uri($sCatValue), title2uri($sCatValue), array('ownerId' => $aResSQL['ownerId'], 'ownerName' => $sOwnerNickname)); $sCatName = process_line_output($sCatValue); $aAllCategoriesLinks[] = '<a href="' . $sCatLink . '">' . $sCatName . '</a>'; } $aAllCategoriesLinkHrefs = implode(", ", $aAllCategoriesLinks); $sAllCategoriesLinks = <<<EOF <span class="margined"> \t<span>{$aAllCategoriesLinkHrefs}</span> </span> EOF; } $sAdminCheck = $sAdminStatus = ''; if ($this->bShowCheckboxes) { $sAdminCheck = <<<EOF <div class="browseCheckbox"><input id="ch{$iPostID}" type="checkbox" name="bposts[]" value="{$iPostID}" /></div> EOF; $sPostStatus = process_line_output($aResSQL['PostStatus']); $sAdminStatus = <<<EOF ({$sPostStatus}) EOF; } $sPostCaption = process_line_output($aResSQL['title']); $sPostCaptionHref = <<<EOF <a class="actions" href="{$sPostLink}">{$sPostCaption}</a>{$sAdminStatus} EOF; if ($this->iPostViewType == 3) { $sFriendStyle = "2"; $sPostMode = '_post'; $sPostCaptionHref = '<div class="actions">' . $sPostCaption . '</div>'; } $sDateTime = defineTimeInterval($aResSQL['date']); //$oCmtsView = new BxTemplCmtsView ('blogposts', (int)$iPostID); $iCommentsCnt = (int) $aResSQL['CommentsCount']; $sAuthor = ''; if ($this->iPostViewType == 2) { $sAuthor = getProfileLink($aResSQL['ownerId']); $sAuthor = '<a href="' . $sAuthor . '">' . $sOwnerNickname . '</a>'; } $sTagsCommas = $aResSQL['tag']; //$aTags = split(',', $sTagsCommas); $aTags = preg_split("/[;,]/", $sTagsCommas); //search by tag skiping if ($this->sSearchedTag != '' && in_array($this->sSearchedTag, $aTags) == false) { return; } $sTagsHrefs = ''; $aTagsHrefs = array(); foreach ($aTags as $sTagKey) { if ($sTagKey != '') { $sTagLink = $this->getCurrentUrl('tag', $iPostID, htmlspecialchars(title2uri($sTagKey))); $sTagsHrefAny = <<<EOF <a href="{$sTagLink}" title="{$sTagKey}">{$sTagKey}</a> EOF; $aTagsHrefs[] = $sTagsHrefAny; } } $sTagsHrefs = implode(", ", $aTagsHrefs); $sTags = <<<EOF <span class="margined"> \t<span>{$sTagsHrefs}</span> </span> EOF; $sPostText = process_html_output($aResSQL['bodyText']); //$sPostText = addslashes( clear_xss( trim( process_pass_data($aResSQL['bodyText'])))); $bFriend = is_friends($iVisitorID, $aResSQL['ownerId']); $bOwner = $iVisitorID == $aResSQL['ownerId'] ? true : false; $sOwnerThumb = $sPostPicture = ''; if ($aResSQL['PostPhoto'] && $this->iPostViewType == 3) { $sSpacerName = getTemplateIcon('spacer.gif'); $sPostPicture = <<<EOF <div class="marg_both_left"> \t<img alt="{$aResSQL['PostPhoto']}" style="width:{$this->iThumbSize}px; height:{$this->iThumbSize}px; background-image: url({$sBlogsImagesUrl}big_{$aResSQL['PostPhoto']});cursor:pointer;" src="{$sSpacerName}" onclick="javascript: '{$sBlogsImagesUrl}orig_{$aResSQL['PostPhoto']}', 'blog post', 'width={$this->iImgSize}, height={$this->iImgSize}, menubar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,location=no' );" /> </div> EOF; } if ($this->iPostViewType == 4) { $sOwnerThumb = $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->getMemberIcon($aResSQL['ownerId'], 'left'); } if ($this->iPostViewType == 4 || $this->iPostViewType == 1) { $iBlogLimitChars = (int) getParam('max_blog_preview'); $iBlogLimitChars = 200; if (strlen($aResSQL['bodyText']) > $iBlogLimitChars) { //$sLinkMore = "... <a href=\"".$sPostLink."\">"._t('_Read more')."</a>"; $sLinkMore = ''; $sPostText = html_entity_decode(process_line_output($aResSQL['bodyText'])); $sPostText = mb_substr(strip_tags($sPostText), 0, $iBlogLimitChars); } } $aUnitReplace = array(); $aUnitReplace['checkbox'] = $sAdminCheck; $aUnitReplace['post_caption'] = $sPostCaptionHref; $aUnitReplace['author'] = $sAuthor; $aUnitReplace['clock_icon'] = $sClockIcon; $aUnitReplace['post_date'] = strtolower($sDateTime); $aUnitReplace['category_icon'] = $sCategoryIcon; $aUnitReplace['all_categories'] = $sAllCategoriesLinks; $aUnitReplace['comments_icon'] = $sCommentsIcon; $aUnitReplace['comments_count'] = $iCommentsCnt; $aUnitReplace['post_tags'] = $sTags; $aUnitReplace['friend_style'] = $sFriendStyle; $aUnitReplace['post_uthumb'] = $sOwnerThumb; $aUnitReplace['post_picture2'] = $sPostPicture; $aUnitReplace['post_description'] = $sPostText; $aUnitReplace['post_vote'] = $sVotePostRating; $aUnitReplace['post_mode'] = $sPostMode; return $oMain->_oTemplate->parseHtmlByTemplateName('blogpost_unit', $aUnitReplace); }
/** * @see title2uri * @dataProvider providerForTitleToUri */ function testTitleToUri($sIn, $sOut) { $this->assertEquals(title2uri($sIn), $sOut); }