function header_social_links() { $social_links = tijara_option('social_links'); if (!is_array($social_links)) { return; } /** * Social sites to font icon reference * * Example: * $social_domains['google'] = '' * * Note: * If no corresponding value is found for a social site, * the domain without extention will be used (e.g.: twitter, facebook...) */ $social_domains = array('google' => array('google-plus', 'Google+'), 'facebook' => array('facebook', 'Facebook'), 'flickr' => array('flickr', 'Flickr'), 'instagram' => array('instagram', 'Instagram'), 'linkedin' => array('linkedin', 'LinkedIn'), 'pinterest' => array('pinterest', 'Pinterest'), 'skype' => array('skype', 'Skype'), 'twitter' => array('twitter', 'Twitter'), 'vimeo' => array('vimeo', 'Vimeo'), 'vk' => array('vk', 'VKontakte'), 'youtube' => array('youtube', 'YouTube')); foreach ($social_links as $social_link) { // Get link domain $social_domain = str_replace('www.', '', get_value(parse_url($social_link), 'host')); // Automatic slug $social_domain_no_ext = array_shift(preg_split('/(?=\\.[^.]+$)/', $social_domain)); // Slug from referece if (isset($social_domains[$social_domain_no_ext])) { $social_slug = $social_domains[$social_domain_no_ext][0]; $social_service = $social_domains[$social_domain_no_ext][1]; } else { $social_slug = 'question-circle'; } echo "<a title = \"" . sprintf(__('Follow on %s', 'tijara'), $social_service) . "\" href=\"{$social_link}\" ><i class=\"{$social_slug} fa fa-{$social_slug}\"></i></a> "; } }
function tijara_get_image_URL($image, $default = null) { $image = tijara_option($image); $image_URL = false; is_array($image) && ($image = $image[0]); if (!empty($image)) { $image_URL = wp_get_attachment_url($image); } if ($image_URL) { return $image_URL; } else { if (isset($default)) { return get_template_directory_uri() . '/' . $default; } else { return false; } } }
function tijara_inline_css() { $css = ''; if (tijara_option('boxed') === '1' && ($background_image = tijara_get_background_URL())) { $css = "body{background: url(\"{$background_image}\") fixed}"; switch (tijara_option('background_style')) { case 'repeat-x': $css .= "body{background-repeat:repeat-x}"; break; case 'repeat-y': $css .= "body{background-repeat:repeat-y}"; break; case 'stretch': $css .= "body{background-size:cover}"; break; } } wp_add_inline_style('tijara-main', $css); }
function tijara_body_class($classes) { global $sidebars_widgets; // Responsive $classes[] = (tijara_option('disable_responsive') ? 'no-' : '') . 'responsive'; // Main menu width if (tijara_option('menu_width') === 'wide') { $classes[] = 'menu-wide'; } // Top bar if (tijara_option('topbar_menu') === '0') { $classes[] = 'no-topbar'; } // Sticky if ('menu' === tijara_option('sticky') or in_array('menu', tijara_option('sticky', array()))) { $classes[] = 'sticky-menu'; } if ('topbar' === tijara_option('sticky') or in_array('topbar', tijara_option('sticky', array()))) { $classes[] = 'sticky-topbar'; } // Boxed if (tijara_option('boxed') === '1') { $classes[] = 'boxed'; } // Top menu $primary_menu = wp_nav_menu(array('container' => FALSE, 'container_class' => 'desktop-only', 'echo' => FALSE, 'fallback_cb' => FALSE, 'theme_location' => 'primary', 'walker' => new Tijara_Walker_Menu())); if (empty($primary_menu)) { $classes[] = 'no-menu'; } // Sidebar position $classes[] = 'sidebar-' . tijara_option('sidebar_position'); // Sidebar position if (empty($sidebars_widgets['sidebar'])) { $classes = array_values(array_diff($classes, array('sidebar-before'))); $classes = array_values(array_diff($classes, array('sidebar-after'))); $classes[] = 'sidebar-none'; } return $classes; }
?> " value="<?php echo esc_attr(get_search_query()); ?> " name="s" title="<?php _ex('Search for:', 'label', 'tijara'); ?> " /> </form> <label for="s" class="gray"><i class="fa fa-search double"></i></label> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (!tijara_option('disable_responsive')) { ?> <div id="mobile-cart"> <a href="<?php echo $GLOBALS['woocommerce']->cart->get_cart_url(); ?> "><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart double"></i></a> </div> <?php } ?> </nav><!-- #site-navigation --> <?php }
<?php /** * Prevent direct access to this file */ function_exists('tijara_option') or die; ?> <?php $topbar_plus = tijara_option('topbar_plus', tijara_default('topbar_plus')); $secondary_menu = wp_nav_menu(array('container' => FALSE, 'depth' => 1, 'echo' => FALSE, 'fallback_cb' => '__return_false', 'menu_class' => '', 'theme_location' => 'secondary_menu')); ?> <div id="masthead-top"> <div id="masthead-top-inner"> <?php // Prepare menu width if (strstr($topbar_plus, 'cart') && strstr($topbar_plus, 'social')) { $topbar_menu_width = 6; } else { if (strstr($topbar_plus, 'cart') || strstr($topbar_plus, 'social')) { $topbar_menu_width = 9; } else { $topbar_menu_width = 12; } } // Show menu if (!empty($secondary_menu)) { echo '<div id="secondary-menu" class="span' . $topbar_menu_width . '">' . $secondary_menu . '</div>'; } // Show cart and social
" rel="home"><img src="<?php echo tijara_get_logo_URL(); ?> " alt="<?php bloginfo('description'); ?> " /></a> </div><!-- #logo --> <?php } ?> <?php // Calculate the header widgets sidebar depending on logo position if (!tijara_option('logo_position') || tijara_option('logo_position') === 'header') { $header_sidebar_spans = tijara_option('logo_width') ? 12 - tijara_option('logo_width') : 9; $header_sidebar_spans = 'span' . $header_sidebar_spans . ' last'; } else { $header_sidebar_spans = 'span12'; } ?> <div class="<?php echo $header_sidebar_spans; ?> "> <?php dynamic_sidebar('header'); ?> </div>