function thinkup_custom_introbelow() { global $thinkup_header_styleswitch; global $thinkup_header_locationswitch; global $post; // Assign meta data variable if (!empty($post->ID)) { $_thinkup_meta_headerstyle = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_thinkup_meta_headerstyle', true); $_thinkup_meta_headerlocation = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_thinkup_meta_headerlocation', true); } if (empty($_thinkup_meta_headerstyle) or $_thinkup_meta_headerstyle == 'option1') { if ((empty($thinkup_header_styleswitch) or $thinkup_header_styleswitch == 'option1') and $thinkup_header_locationswitch == 'option2') { thinkup_custom_intro(); } } else { if ($_thinkup_meta_headerstyle == 'option2' and $_thinkup_meta_headerlocation == 'option2') { thinkup_custom_intro(); } } }
</div> </div> <!-- #pre-header --> </div> <?php /* Custom Slider */ thinkup_input_sliderhome(); ?> </header> <!-- header --> <?php /* Call To Action - Intro */ thinkup_input_ctaintro(); ?> <?php /* Pre-Designed HomePage Content */ thinkup_input_homepagesection(); ?> <?php /* Custom Intro */ thinkup_custom_intro(); ?> <div id="content"> <div id="content-core"> <div id="main"> <div id="main-core">
function thinkup_top_main() { if (!is_front_page()) { echo '<div id="content"><div id="content-core"><div id="main">'; thinkup_custom_intro(); echo '<div id="main-core">'; } }