Exemple #1
                echo isset($pagination['next_page']) ? '<span><a href="' . $pagination['next_page'] . '" class="btn">Next &#8594;</a></span>' : '<span class="btn" style="opacity: 0.2;">Next &#8594;</span>';
                echo '<span>Page ' . $pagination['page'] . ' / ' . $pagination['pages'] . '</span>';
                echo '</div>';
        } else {
            echo '<div style="text-align:center; margin-top: 20px;">On the wall appear only products from your favorite stores/brands. <br />
  <a href="' . tlink('stores') . '" class="nice_a">Choose from the list</a></div>';
    } else {
        $pagination = have_wall(array('firstchar' => isset($_GET['firstchar']) ? $_GET['firstchar'] : ''));
        echo '<div class="title">My Wall <span style="float: right;">' . ($pagination['results'] ? $pagination['results'] . ' ' . (is_first($pagination['results']) ? 'coupon' : 'coupons') : 'Nothing found yet') . '</span></div>';
        echo '<div style="margin-bottom: 20px;">

<ul class="category">
<li class="active">Coupons</li>';
        if (theme_has_products()) {
            echo '<li><a href="' . get_update(array('type' => 'products', 'page' => 1)) . '">Products</a></li>';
        echo '</ul>

        if ($pagination['results']) {
            foreach (wall(array('firstchar' => isset($_GET['firstchar']) ? $_GET['firstchar'] : '')) as $item) {
                echo '<article class="array_item">

<div class="table">

<div class="left">
<img src="' . store_avatar($item->store_img) . '" alt="">
<span class="rating"><span style="width:' . $item->stars * 16 . 'px;"></span></span>
<a href="' . $item->store_reviews_link . '">' . $item->reviews . ' reviews</a>';
Exemple #2
echo tlink('index');
"><div class="logo"></div></a>

<div class="right">

<form action="<?php 
echo tlink('search');
" method="GET" onsubmit='if( $(this).find("input").val().length == 0 ) return false;'>
<input type="text" name="s" maxlength="50" placeholder="Search and Save" />
<select name="type">
<option value="coupons">Coupons</option>
echo !theme_has_products() ?: '<option value="products">Products</option>';
<button class="search_button">Search</button>




<div class="top-categories">
