function test_thematic_doctype() { $this->expectOutputRegex('/^<!DOCTYPE html>/', thematic_doctype()); }
<?php /** * Header Template * * This template calls a series of functions that output the head tag of the document. * The body and div #main elements are opened at the end of this file. * * @package Thematic * @subpackage Templates */ // Creates the doctype thematic_doctype(); // Opens the html tag with attributes thematic_html(); // Opens the head thematic_head(); // Create the meta charset thematic_meta_charset(); // Create the meta viewport if theme supports it thematic_meta_viewport(); // Create the title tag thematic_doctitle(); // Create the meta description thematic_meta_description(); // Create the tag <meta name="robots" thematic_meta_robots(); // Create pingback adress thematic_show_pingback(); /* Loads Thematic's stylesheet and scripts * Calling wp_head() is required to provide plugins and child themes