?> " /> <id><?php the_guid(); ?> </id> <updated><?php echo get_post_modified_time('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', true); ?> </updated> <published><?php echo get_post_time('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', true); ?> </published> <?php the_category_rss('atom'); ?> <summary type="<?php html_type_rss(); ?> "><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss(); ?> ]]></summary> <?php if (!get_option('rss_use_excerpt')) { ?> <content type="<?php html_type_rss(); ?> " xml:base="<?php
?> </link> <comments><?php comments_link_feed(); ?> </comments> <pubDate><?php echo mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_post_time('Y-m-d H:i:s', true), false); ?> </pubDate> <dc:creator><?php the_author(); ?> </dc:creator> <?php the_category_rss('rss2'); ?> <guid isPermaLink="false"><?php the_guid(); ?> </guid> <?php if (get_option('rss_use_excerpt')) { ?> <description><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss(); ?> ]]></description>
function dsq_export_wp() { global $wpdb, $posts, $post, $wp_version; global $dsq_api; $filename = dsq_get_temp_dir() . 'disqus-wordpress.' . date('Y-m-d') . '.xml'; $fp = fopen($filename, 'w'); ob_start(); $where = ''; if (isset($_GET['author']) && $_GET['author'] != 'all') { $author_id = (int) $_GET['author']; $where = " WHERE post_author = '{$author_id}' "; } $posts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->posts} {$where} ORDER BY post_date_gmt ASC"); function wxr_site_url() { global $current_site; // mu: the base url if (isset($current_site->domain)) { return 'http://' . $current_site->domain . $current_site->path; } else { return get_bloginfo_rss('url'); } } function wxr_cdata($str) { if (seems_utf8($str) == false) { $str = utf8_encode($str); } // $str = ent2ncr(wp_specialchars($str)); $str = "<![CDATA[{$str}" . (substr($str, -1) == ']' ? ' ' : '') . "]]>"; return $str; } function wxr_cat_name($c) { if (empty($c->cat_name)) { return; } echo '<wp:cat_name>' . wxr_cdata($c->cat_name) . '</wp:cat_name>'; } function wxr_category_description($c) { if (empty($c->category_description)) { return; } echo '<wp:category_description>' . wxr_cdata($c->category_description) . '</wp:category_description>'; } print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . get_bloginfo('charset') . '"?' . ">\n"; ?> <!-- This is a WordPress eXtended RSS file generated by WordPress as an export of your blog. It contains information about your blog's posts, comments, and categories. You may use this file to transfer that content from one site to another. This file is not intended to serve as a complete backup of your blog. To import this information into a WordPress blog follow these steps: 1. Log into that blog as an administrator. 2. Go to Manage > Import in the blog's admin. 3. Choose "WordPress" from the list of importers. 4. Upload this file using the form provided on that page. 5. You will first be asked to map the authors in this export file to users on the blog. For each author, you may choose to map an existing user on the blog or to create a new user. 6. WordPress will then import each of the posts, comments, and categories contained in this file onto your blog. --> <!-- generator="wordpress/<?php bloginfo_rss('version'); ?> " created="<?php echo date('Y-m-d H:i'); ?> "--> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:wfw="http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:wp="http://wordpress.org/export/<?php echo WXR_VERSION; ?> /" > <channel> <title><?php bloginfo_rss('name'); ?> </title> <link><?php bloginfo_rss('url'); ?> </link> <description><?php bloginfo_rss("description"); ?> </description> <pubDate><?php echo mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_lastpostmodified('GMT'), false); ?> </pubDate> <generator>http://wordpress.org/?v=<?php bloginfo_rss('version'); ?> </generator> <language><?php echo get_option('rss_language'); ?> </language> <wp:wxr_version><?php echo WXR_VERSION; ?> </wp:wxr_version> <wp:base_site_url><?php echo wxr_site_url(); ?> </wp:base_site_url> <wp:base_blog_url><?php bloginfo_rss('url'); ?> </wp:base_blog_url> <?php $contents = ob_get_clean(); fwrite($fp, $contents); ?> <?php if ($cats) { foreach ($cats as $c) { ?> <?php ob_start(); ?> <wp:category><wp:category_nicename><?php echo $c->category_nicename; ?> </wp:category_nicename><wp:category_parent><?php echo $c->category_parent ? $cats[$c->category_parent]->cat_name : ''; ?> </wp:category_parent><wp:posts_private><?php echo $c->posts_private ? '1' : '0'; ?> </wp:posts_private><wp:links_private><?php echo $c->links_private ? '1' : '0'; ?> </wp:links_private><?php wxr_cat_name($c); wxr_category_description($c); ?> </wp:category> <?php $contents = ob_get_clean(); fwrite($fp, $contents); ?> <?php } } ?> <?php do_action('rss2_head'); ?> <?php if ($posts) { foreach ($posts as $post) { ob_start(); start_wp(); ?> <item> <title><?php the_title_rss(); ?> </title> <link><?php permalink_single_rss(); ?> </link> <pubDate><?php echo mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_post_time('Y-m-d H:i:s', true), false); ?> </pubDate> <dc:creator><?php the_author(); ?> </dc:creator> <?php the_category_rss(); ?> <guid isPermaLink="false"><?php the_guid(); ?> </guid> <description></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<?php echo $post->post_content; ?> ]]></content:encoded> <wp:post_id><?php echo $post->ID; ?> </wp:post_id> <wp:post_date><?php echo $post->post_date; ?> </wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt><?php echo $post->post_date_gmt; ?> </wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status><?php echo $post->comment_status; ?> </wp:comment_status> <wp:ping_status><?php echo $post->ping_status; ?> </wp:ping_status> <wp:post_name><?php echo $post->post_name; ?> </wp:post_name> <wp:status><?php echo $post->post_status; ?> </wp:status> <wp:post_parent><?php echo $post->post_parent; ?> </wp:post_parent> <wp:menu_order><?php echo $post->menu_order; ?> </wp:menu_order> <wp:post_type><?php echo $post->post_type; ?> </wp:post_type> <?php $postmeta = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE post_id = {$post->ID}"); if ($postmeta) { ?> <?php foreach ($postmeta as $meta) { ?> <wp:postmeta> <wp:meta_key><?php echo $meta->meta_key; ?> </wp:meta_key> <wp:meta_value><?php echo $meta->meta_value; ?> </wp:meta_value> </wp:postmeta> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php $contents = ob_get_clean(); fwrite($fp, $contents); ?> <?php $comments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->comments} WHERE comment_post_ID = {$post->ID} AND comment_agent NOT LIKE 'Disqus/%'"); ob_start(); if ($comments) { foreach ($comments as $c) { ?> <wp:comment> <wp:comment_id><?php echo $c->comment_ID; ?> </wp:comment_id> <wp:comment_author><?php echo $c->comment_author; ?> </wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email><?php echo $c->comment_author_email; ?> </wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url><?php echo $c->comment_author_url; ?> </wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_author_IP><?php echo $c->comment_author_IP; ?> </wp:comment_author_IP> <wp:comment_date><?php echo $c->comment_date; ?> </wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt><?php echo $c->comment_date_gmt; ?> </wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_content><?php echo $c->comment_content; ?> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved><?php echo $c->comment_approved; ?> </wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_type><?php echo $c->comment_type; ?> </wp:comment_type> <wp:comment_parent><?php echo $c->comment_parent; ?> </wp:comment_parent> </wp:comment> <?php } } ?> </item> <?php $contents = ob_get_clean(); fwrite($fp, $contents); ?> <?php } } ?> <?php ob_start(); ?> </channel> </rss> <?php $contents = ob_get_clean(); fwrite($fp, $contents); $response = $dsq_api->import_wordpress_comments($filename); $import_id = $response; unlink($filename); if ($response < 0) { dsq_manage_dialog("There was an error exporting your comments. If your API key has changed, you may need to reinstall DISQUS (deactivate the plugin and then reactivate it). If you are still having issues, refer to the <a href='http://disqus.com/comments/wordpress'>WordPress help page</a>.", true); } else { update_option('disqus_last_import_id', $import_id); dsq_manage_dialog('Your comments have been queued for importing to DISQUS. You may check the advanced options tab for a status update.'); } }
permalink_single_rss(); ?> </link> <dc:date><?php the_time('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s'); ?> </dc:date> <dc:creator><?php the_author(); ?> (mailto:<?php the_author_email(); ?> )</dc:creator> <?php the_category_rss('rdf'); $more = 1; if ($rss_use_excerpt) { ?> <description><?php the_excerpt_rss(get_settings('rss_excerpt_length'), 2); ?> </description> <?php } else { // use content ?> <description><?php the_content_rss('', 0, '', get_settings('rss_excerpt_length'), 2); ?> </description>
/** * Display post content XML. * * @since 2.3.0 */ function echo_entry() { ?> <entry xmlns="<?php echo $this->ATOM_NS; ?> " xmlns:app="<?php echo $this->ATOMPUB_NS; ?> " xml:lang="<?php echo get_option('rss_language'); ?> "> <id><?php the_guid($GLOBALS['post']->ID); ?> </id> <?php list($content_type, $content) = prep_atom_text_construct(get_the_title()); ?> <title type="<?php echo $content_type; ?> "><?php echo $content; ?> </title> <updated><?php echo get_post_modified_time('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', true); ?> </updated> <published><?php echo get_post_time('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', true); ?> </published> <app:edited><?php echo get_post_modified_time('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z', true); ?> </app:edited> <app:control> <app:draft><?php echo $GLOBALS['post']->post_status == 'draft' ? 'yes' : 'no'; ?> </app:draft> </app:control> <author> <name><?php the_author(); ?> </name> <?php if (get_the_author_meta('url') && get_the_author_meta('url') != 'http://') { ?> <uri><?php the_author_meta('url'); ?> </uri> <?php } ?> </author> <?php if ($GLOBALS['post']->post_type == 'attachment') { ?> <link rel="edit-media" href="<?php $this->the_media_url(); ?> " /> <content type="<?php echo $GLOBALS['post']->post_mime_type; ?> " src="<?php the_guid(); ?> "/> <?php } else { ?> <link href="<?php the_permalink_rss(); ?> " /> <?php if (strlen($GLOBALS['post']->post_content)) { list($content_type, $content) = prep_atom_text_construct(get_the_content()); ?> <content type="<?php echo $content_type; ?> "><?php echo $content; ?> </content> <?php } } ?> <link rel="edit" href="<?php $this->the_entry_url(); ?> " /> <?php the_category_rss('atom'); list($content_type, $content) = prep_atom_text_construct(get_the_excerpt()); ?> <summary type="<?php echo $content_type; ?> "><?php echo $content; ?> </summary> <?php do_action('app_entry'); ?> </entry> <?php }
<channel> <title><?php bloginfo_rss('name'); ?></title> <link><?php bloginfo_rss('url') ?></link> <description><?php bloginfo_rss("description") ?></description> <pubDate><?php echo mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_lastpostmodified('GMT'), false); ?></pubDate> <generator>http://wordpress.org/?v=<?php bloginfo_rss('version'); ?></generator> <language><?php echo get_option('rss_language'); ?></language> <?php do_action('rss2_head'); ?> <?php while( have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <item> <title><?php the_title_rss() ?></title> <link><?php permalink_single_rss() ?></link> <comments><?php comments_link(); ?></comments> <pubDate><?php echo mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_post_time('Y-m-d H:i:s', true), false); ?></pubDate> <dc:creator><?php the_author() ?></dc:creator> <?php the_category_rss() ?> <guid isPermaLink="false"><?php the_guid(); ?></guid> <?php if (get_option('rss_use_excerpt')) : ?> <description><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss() ?>]]></description> <?php else : ?> <description><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss() ?>]]></description> <?php if ( strlen( $post->post_content ) > 0 ) : ?> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<?php the_content() ?>]]></content:encoded> <?php else : ?> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss() ?>]]></content:encoded> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> <wfw:commentRss><?php echo comments_rss(); ?></wfw:commentRss> <?php rss_enclosure(); ?> <?php do_action('rss2_item'); ?>
?> </link> <comments><?php comments_link(); ?> </comments> <pubDate><?php echo mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_post_time('Y-m-d H:i:s', true), false); ?> </pubDate> <dc:creator><?php the_author(); ?> </dc:creator> <?php the_category_rss(); ?> <guid isPermaLink="false"><?php the_guid(); ?> </guid> <?php if (get_option('rss_use_excerpt')) { ?> <description><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss(); ?> ]]></description> <?php } else {
<tagline><?php bloginfo_rss("description") ?></tagline> <modified><?php echo mysql2date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', get_lastpostmodified('GMT')); ?></modified> <copyright>Copyright <?php echo mysql2date('Y', get_lastpostdate('blog')); ?></copyright> <generator url="http://wordpress.org/" version="<?php bloginfo_rss('version'); ?>">WordPress</generator> <?php $items_count = 0; if ($posts) { foreach ($posts as $post) { start_wp(); ?> <entry> <author> <name><?php the_author() ?></name> </author> <title type="text/html" mode="escaped"><![CDATA[<?php the_title_rss() ?>]]></title> <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="<?php permalink_single_rss() ?>" /> <id><?php the_guid(); ?></id> <modified><?php the_time('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'); ?></modified> <issued> <?php the_time('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'); ?></issued> <?php the_category_rss('rdf') ?> <summary type="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>" mode="escaped"><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss(); ?>]]></summary> <?php if (!get_settings('rss_use_excerpt')) : ?> <?php if ( strlen( $post->post_content ) ) : ?> <content type="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>" mode="escaped" xml:base="<?php permalink_single_rss() ?>"><![CDATA[<?php the_content('', 0, '') ?>]]></content> <?php else : ?> <content type="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>" mode="escaped" xml:base="<?php permalink_single_rss() ?>"><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss(); ?>]]></content> <?php endif; ?> <?php else : ?> <content type="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>" mode="escaped" xml:base="<?php permalink_single_rss() ?>"><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss() ?>]]></content> <?php endif; ?> <?php rss_enclosure(); ?> </entry> <?php $items_count++; if (($items_count == get_settings('posts_per_rss')) && empty($m)) { break; } } } ?> </feed>
?> "> <title><?php the_title_rss(); ?> </title> <link><?php the_permalink_rss(); ?> </link> <dc:date><?php echo date("Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z", get_field("meet_start_time", get_the_ID())); ?> </dc:date> <?php the_category_rss("rdf"); if (get_option("rss_use_excerpt")) { ?> <description><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss(); ?> ]]></description> <?php } else { ?> <description><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss(); ?> ]]></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<?php the_content_feed("rdf");
function export_wp() { global $wpdb, $posts, $post; $filename = 'wordpress.' . date('Y-m-d') . '.xml'; header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename"); header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'), true); $where = ''; if ( isset( $_GET['author'] ) && $_GET['author'] != 'all' ) { $author_id = (int) $_GET['author']; $where = " WHERE post_author = '$author_id' "; } $posts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts $where ORDER BY post_date_gmt ASC"); $categories = (array) $wpdb->get_results("SELECT cat_ID, cat_name, category_nicename, category_description, category_parent, posts_private, links_private FROM $wpdb->categories LEFT JOIN $wpdb->post2cat ON (category_id = cat_id) LEFT JOIN $wpdb->posts ON (post_id <=> id) $where GROUP BY cat_id"); function wxr_missing_parents($categories) { if ( !is_array($categories) || empty($categories) ) return array(); foreach ( $categories as $category ) $parents[$category->cat_ID] = $category->category_parent; $parents = array_unique(array_diff($parents, array_keys($parents))); if ( $zero = array_search('0', $parents) ) unset($parents[$zero]); return $parents; } while ( $parents = wxr_missing_parents($categories) ) { $found_parents = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT cat_ID, cat_name, category_nicename, category_description, category_parent, posts_private, links_private FROM $wpdb->categories WHERE cat_ID IN (" . join(', ', $parents) . ")"); if ( is_array($found_parents) && count($found_parents) ) $categories = array_merge($categories, $found_parents); else break; } // Put them in order to be inserted with no child going before its parent $pass = 0; $passes = 1000 + count($categories); while ( ( $cat = array_shift($categories) ) && ++$pass < $passes ) { if ( $cat->category_parent == 0 || isset($cats[$cat->category_parent]) ) { $cats[$cat->cat_ID] = $cat; } else { $categories[] = $cat; } } unset($categories); function wxr_cdata($str) { if ( seems_utf8($str) == false ) $str = utf8_encode($str); // $str = ent2ncr(wp_specialchars($str)); $str = "<![CDATA[$str" . ( ( substr($str, -1) == ']' ) ? ' ' : '') . "]]>"; return $str; } function wxr_cat_name($c) { if ( empty($c->cat_name) ) return; echo '<wp:cat_name>' . wxr_cdata($c->cat_name) . '</wp:cat_name>'; } function wxr_category_description($c) { if ( empty($c->category_description) ) return; echo '<wp:category_description>' . wxr_cdata($c->category_description) . '</wp:category_description>'; } print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . get_bloginfo('charset') . '"?' . ">\n"; ?> <!-- This is a WordPress eXtended RSS file generated by WordPress as an export of your blog. It contains information about your blog's posts, comments, and categories. You may use this file to transfer that content from one site to another. This file is not intended to serve as a complete backup of your blog. To import this information into a WordPress blog follow these steps: 1. Log into that blog as an administrator. 2. Go to Manage > Import in the blog's admin. 3. Choose "WordPress" from the list of importers. 4. Upload this file using the form provided on that page. 5. You will first be asked to map the authors in this export file to users on the blog. For each author, you may choose to map an existing user on the blog or to create a new user. 6. WordPress will then import each of the posts, comments, and categories contained in this file onto your blog. --> <!-- generator="wordpress/<?php bloginfo_rss('version') ?>" created="<?php echo date('Y-m-d H:m'); ?>"--> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:wfw="http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:wp="http://wordpress.org/export/1.0/" > <channel> <title><?php bloginfo_rss('name'); ?></title> <link><?php bloginfo_rss('url') ?></link> <description><?php bloginfo_rss("description") ?></description> <pubDate><?php echo mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_lastpostmodified('GMT'), false); ?></pubDate> <generator>http://wordpress.org/?v=<?php bloginfo_rss('version'); ?></generator> <language><?php echo get_option('rss_language'); ?></language> <?php if ( $cats ) : foreach ( $cats as $c ) : ?> <wp:category><wp:category_nicename><?php echo $c->category_nicename; ?></wp:category_nicename><wp:category_parent><?php echo $c->category_parent ? $cats[$c->category_parent]->cat_name : ''; ?></wp:category_parent><wp:posts_private><?php echo $c->posts_private ? '1' : '0'; ?></wp:posts_private><wp:links_private><?php echo $c->links_private ? '1' : '0'; ?></wp:links_private><?php wxr_cat_name($c); ?><?php wxr_category_description($c); ?></wp:category> <?php endforeach; endif; ?> <?php do_action('rss2_head'); ?> <?php if ($posts) { foreach ($posts as $post) { start_wp(); ?> <item> <title><?php the_title_rss() ?></title> <link><?php permalink_single_rss() ?></link> <pubDate><?php echo mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_post_time('Y-m-d H:i:s', true), false); ?></pubDate> <dc:creator><?php the_author() ?></dc:creator> <?php the_category_rss() ?> <guid isPermaLink="false"><?php the_guid(); ?></guid> <description></description> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<?php echo $post->post_content ?>]]></content:encoded> <wp:post_id><?php echo $post->ID; ?></wp:post_id> <wp:post_date><?php echo $post->post_date; ?></wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt><?php echo $post->post_date_gmt; ?></wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status><?php echo $post->comment_status; ?></wp:comment_status> <wp:ping_status><?php echo $post->ping_status; ?></wp:ping_status> <wp:post_name><?php echo $post->post_name; ?></wp:post_name> <wp:status><?php echo $post->post_status; ?></wp:status> <wp:post_parent><?php echo $post->post_parent; ?></wp:post_parent> <wp:menu_order><?php echo $post->menu_order; ?></wp:menu_order> <wp:post_type><?php echo $post->post_type; ?></wp:post_type> <?php $postmeta = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id = $post->ID"); if ( $postmeta ) { ?> <?php foreach( $postmeta as $meta ) { ?> <wp:postmeta> <wp:meta_key><?php echo $meta->meta_key; ?></wp:meta_key> <wp:meta_value><?Php echo $meta->meta_value; ?></wp:meta_value> </wp:postmeta> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php $comments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_post_ID = $post->ID"); if ( $comments ) { foreach ( $comments as $c ) { ?> <wp:comment> <wp:comment_id><?php echo $c->comment_ID; ?></wp:comment_id> <wp:comment_author><?php echo $c->comment_author; ?></wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email><?php echo $c->comment_author_email; ?></wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url><?php echo $c->comment_author_url; ?></wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_author_IP><?php echo $c->comment_author_IP; ?></wp:comment_author_IP> <wp:comment_date><?php echo $c->comment_date; ?></wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt><?php echo $c->comment_date_gmt; ?></wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_content><?php echo $c->comment_content; ?></wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved><?php echo $c->comment_approved; ?></wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_type><?php echo $c->comment_type; ?></wp:comment_type> <wp:comment_parent><?php echo $c->comment_parent; ?></wp:comment_parent> </wp:comment> <?php } } ?> </item> <?php } } ?> </channel> </rss> <?php die(); }
/** * Return XML for full feed. * * @param array $feed_items Array of objects. Required attributes: ID (=post id), blog_id * @return string */ function get_feed_xml($feed_items) { global $post; $rss_language = Settings\get_site_option('language_slug'); if (empty($rss_language) && defined('WPLANG')) { $rss_language = substr(WPLANG, 0, 2); } ob_start(); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . get_option('blog_charset') . '"?' . '>'; ?> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:wfw="http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:sy="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/" xmlns:slash="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/slash/" <?php do_action('rss2_ns'); ?> > <channel> <title><?php echo get_feed_title(); ?> </title> <atom:link href="<?php echo get_feed_url(); ?> " rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" /> <link><?php echo get_feed_url(); ?> </link> <description><?php echo get_feed_description(); ?> </description> <lastBuildDate><?php echo mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_lastpostmodified('GMT'), FALSE); ?> </lastBuildDate> <language><?php echo $rss_language; ?> </language> <sy:updatePeriod><?php echo apply_filters('rss_update_period', 'hourly'); ?> </sy:updatePeriod> <sy:updateFrequency><?php echo apply_filters('rss_update_frequency', '1'); ?> </sy:updateFrequency> <?php do_action('rss2_head'); foreach ($feed_items as $feed_item) { switch_to_blog($feed_item->blog_id); $post = get_post($feed_item->ID); setup_postdata($post); ?> <item> <title><?php the_title_rss(); ?> </title> <link><?php the_permalink_rss(); ?> </link> <comments><?php comments_link_feed(); ?> </comments> <pubDate><?php echo mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_post_time('Y-m-d H:i:s', TRUE), FALSE); ?> </pubDate> <dc:creator><?php the_author(); ?> </dc:creator> <?php the_category_rss('rss2'); ?> <guid isPermaLink="false"><?php the_guid(); ?> </guid> <?php if (get_option('rss_use_excerpt')) { ?> <description><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss(); ?> ]]></description> <?php } else { ?> <description><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss(); ?> ]]></description> <?php $content = \Inpsyde\MultisiteFeed\get_the_content_feed('rss2'); ?> <?php if (strlen($content) > 0) { ?> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<?php echo $content; ?> ]]></content:encoded> <?php } else { ?> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss(); ?> ]]></content:encoded> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <wfw:commentRss><?php echo esc_url(get_post_comments_feed_link(NULL, 'rss2')); ?> </wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments><?php echo get_comments_number(); ?> </slash:comments> <?php rss_enclosure(); do_action('rss2_item'); ?> </item> <?php restore_current_blog(); } ?> </channel> </rss> <?php $xml = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $xml; }
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/** * Fires at the end of the RSS2 Feed Header. * * @since 2.0.0 */ do_action( 'rss2_head'); while( have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <item> <title><?php the_title_rss() ?></title> <link><?php the_permalink_rss() ?></link> <comments><?php comments_link_feed(); ?></comments> <pubDate><?php echo mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_post_time('Y-m-d H:i:s', true), false); ?></pubDate> <dc:creator><![CDATA[<?php the_author() ?>]]></dc:creator> <?php the_category_rss('rss2') ?> <guid isPermaLink="false"><?php the_guid(); ?></guid> <?php if (get_option('rss_use_excerpt')) : ?> <description><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss(); ?>]]></description> <?php else : ?> <description><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss(); ?>]]></description> <?php $content = get_the_content_feed('rss2'); ?> <?php if ( strlen( $content ) > 0 ) : ?> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<?php echo $content; ?>]]></content:encoded> <?php else : ?> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<?php the_excerpt_rss(); ?>]]></content:encoded> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> <wfw:commentRss><?php echo esc_url( get_post_comments_feed_link(null, 'rss2') ); ?></wfw:commentRss> <slash:comments><?php echo get_comments_number(); ?></slash:comments>
function export_wp($cats) { global $wpdb, $posts, $post; $filename = 'wordpress.' . date('Y-m-d') . '.xml'; header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$filename}"); header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=' . get_settings('blog_charset'), true); $posts = query_posts(''); $cats = implode(',', $cats); $postswithcats = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT DISTINCT(post_id) FROM " . $wpdb->post2cat . " WHERE category_id IN ({$cats})"); $postcats = implode(',', $postswithcats); $posts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID IN ({$postcats}) ORDER BY post_date_gmt ASC"); ?> <!-- generator="wordpress/<?php bloginfo_rss('version'); ?> " created="<?php echo date('Y-m-d H:m'); ?> "--> <rss version="2.0" xmlns:content="http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" xmlns:wfw="http://wellformedweb.org/CommentAPI/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:wp="http://wordpress.org/export/1.0/" > <channel> <title><?php bloginfo_rss('name'); ?> </title> <link><?php bloginfo_rss('url'); ?> </link> <description><?php bloginfo_rss("description"); ?> </description> <pubDate><?php echo mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_lastpostmodified('GMT'), false); ?> </pubDate> <generator>http://wordpress.org/?v=<?php bloginfo_rss('version'); ?> </generator> <language><?php echo get_option('rss_language'); ?> </language> <?php do_action('rss2_head'); if ($posts) { foreach ($posts as $post) { start_wp(); ?> <item> <title><?php the_title_rss(); ?> </title> <link><?php permalink_single_rss(); ?> </link> <pubDate><?php echo mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_post_time('Y-m-d H:i:s', true), false); ?> </pubDate> <dc:creator><?php the_author(); ?> </dc:creator> <?php the_category_rss(); ?> <guid isPermaLink="false"><?php the_guid(); ?> </guid> <description></description> <wp:excerpt><![CDATA[<?php echo $post->post_excerpt; ?> ]]></wp:excerpt> <content:encoded><![CDATA[<?php echo $post->post_content; ?> ]]></content:encoded> <wp:post_date><?php echo $post->post_date; ?> </wp:post_date> <wp:post_date_gmt><?php echo $post->post_date_gmt; ?> </wp:post_date_gmt> <wp:comment_status><?php echo $post->comment_status; ?> </wp:comment_status> <wp:ping_status><?php echo $post->ping_status; ?> </wp:ping_status> <wp:post_name><?php echo $post->post_name; ?> </wp:post_name> <wp:status><?php echo $post->post_status; ?> </wp:status> <wp:post_parent><?php echo $post->post_parent; ?> </wp:post_parent> <wp:post_type><?php echo $post->post_type; ?> </wp:post_type> <?php $postmeta = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE post_id = {$post->ID}"); if ($postmeta) { foreach ($postmeta as $meta) { ?> <wp:postmeta> <wp:meta_key><?php echo $meta->meta_key; ?> </wp:meta_key> <wp:meta_value><?php echo $meta->meta_value; ?> </wp:meta_value> </wp:postmeta> <?php } } $comments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->comments} WHERE comment_post_ID = {$post->ID}"); if ($comments) { foreach ($comments as $c) { ?> <wp:comment> <wp:comment_author><?php echo htmlent2numeric($c->comment_author); ?> </wp:comment_author> <wp:comment_author_email><?php echo $c->comment_author_email; ?> </wp:comment_author_email> <wp:comment_author_url><?php echo $c->comment_author_url; ?> </wp:comment_author_url> <wp:comment_author_IP><?php echo $c->comment_author_IP; ?> </wp:comment_author_IP> <wp:comment_date><?php echo $c->comment_date; ?> </wp:comment_date> <wp:comment_date_gmt><?php echo $c->comment_date_gmt; ?> </wp:comment_date_gmt> <wp:comment_content><?php echo htmlent2numeric($c->comment_content); ?> </wp:comment_content> <wp:comment_approved><?php echo $c->comment_approved; ?> </wp:comment_approved> <wp:comment_type><?php echo $c->comment_type; ?> </wp:comment_type> <wp:comment_parent><?php echo $c->comment_parent; ?> </wp:comment_parent> </wp:comment> <?php } } ?> </item> <?php } } ?> </channel> </rss> <?php exit; wp_redirect('admin.php'); }