function tguy_sm_options_page() { if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { check_admin_referer('search-meter-update-options_all'); $options = get_option('tguy_search_meter'); $options['sm_view_stats_capability'] = $_POST['sm_view_stats_capability']; $sm_filter_words = $_POST['sm_filter_words']; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $sm_filter_words = stripslashes($sm_filter_words); } $options['sm_filter_words'] = preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', trim($sm_filter_words)); $options['sm_ignore_admin_search'] = (bool) $_POST['sm_ignore_admin_search']; $options['sm_details_verbose'] = (bool) $_POST['sm_details_verbose']; $options['sm_disable_donation'] = (bool) $_POST['sm_disable_donation']; update_option('tguy_search_meter', $options); echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>Plugin settings saved.</strong></p></div>'; } else { if (isset($_POST['tguy_sm_reset'])) { check_admin_referer('search-meter-reset-stats'); tguy_sm_reset_stats(); echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>Statistics have been reset.</strong></p></div>'; } } $options = get_option('tguy_search_meter'); $view_stats_capability = tguy_sm_array_value($options, 'sm_view_stats_capability'); if ($view_stats_capability == '') { $view_stats_capability = TGUY_SM_DEFAULT_VIEW_STATS_CAPABILITY; } ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2>Search Meter Settings</h2> <form name="searchmeter" action="" method="post"> <?php if (function_exists('wp_nonce_field')) { wp_nonce_field('search-meter-update-options_all'); } ?> <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="1" /> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th scope="row">Show statistics to</th> <td> <fieldset> <label title='Users with "read" capability'> <input type="radio" name="sm_view_stats_capability" value="read" <?php echo $view_stats_capability == 'read' ? "checked=\"checked\"" : ""; ?> /> All logged-in users</label><br> <label title='Users with "publish_posts" capability'> <input type="radio" name="sm_view_stats_capability" value="publish_posts" <?php echo $view_stats_capability == 'publish_posts' ? "checked=\"checked\"" : ""; ?> /> Post authors and administrators</label><br> <label title='Users with "manage_options" capability'> <input type="radio" name="sm_view_stats_capability" value="manage_options" <?php echo $view_stats_capability == 'manage_options' ? "checked=\"checked\"" : ""; ?> /> Administrators only</label> </fieldset> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row">Search filter</th> <td> <fieldset> <label for="sm_filter_words">When a search term contains any of these words, it will be filtered and will not show up in the Recent Searches or Popular Searches widgets. This will match inside words, so “press” will match “WordPress”.</label> <textarea name="sm_filter_words" rows="3" cols="40" id="sm_filter_words" class="large-text code"><?php echo esc_html(tguy_sm_array_value($options, 'sm_filter_words')); ?> </textarea> </fieldset> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="th-full" scope="row" colspan="2"> <label for="sm_ignore_admin_search" title='Administrators are users with "manage_options" capability'> <input type="checkbox" id="sm_ignore_admin_search" name="sm_ignore_admin_search" <?php echo tguy_sm_array_value($options, 'sm_ignore_admin_search') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> /> Ignore searches made by logged-in administrators </label> </th> </tr> <tr> <th class="th-full" scope="row" colspan="2"> <label for="sm_details_verbose"> <input type="checkbox" id="sm_details_verbose" name="sm_details_verbose" <?php echo tguy_sm_array_value($options, 'sm_details_verbose') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> /> Keep detailed information about recent searches (taken from HTTP headers) </label> </th> </tr> <tr> <th class="th-full" scope="row" colspan="2"> <label for="sm_disable_donation"> <input type="checkbox" id="sm_disable_donation" name="sm_disable_donation" <?php echo tguy_sm_array_value($options, 'sm_disable_donation') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> /> Hide the “Do you find this plugin useful?” box </label> </th> </tr> </table> <p class="submit"> <input name="Submit" class="button-primary" value="Save Changes" type="submit"> </p> </form> <h3>Reset statistics</h3> <p>Click this button to reset all search statistics. This will delete all information about previous searches.</p> <form name="tguy_sm_admin" action="" method="post"> <?php if (function_exists('wp_nonce_field')) { wp_nonce_field('search-meter-reset-stats'); } ?> <p class="submit"> <input name="tguy_sm_reset" class="button-secondary delete" value="Reset Statistics" type="submit" onclick="return confirm('You are about to delete all saved search statistics.\n \'Cancel\' to stop, \'OK\' to delete.');" /> </p> </form> <h3>Notes</h3> <p>To see your search statistics, go to the <a href="index.php?page=<?php echo plugin_basename(__FILE__); ?> ">Search Meter Dashboard</a>.</p> <p>For information and updates, see the <a href="">Search Meter home page</a>. At that page, you can also offer suggestions, request new features or report problems.</p> <?php if (!tguy_sm_array_value($options, 'sm_disable_donation')) { tguy_sm_show_donation_message(); } ?> </div> <?php }
function tguy_sm_options_page() { if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { check_admin_referer('search-meter-update-options_all'); $options = get_option('tguy_search_meter'); $options['sm_details_verbose'] = (bool) $_POST['sm_details_verbose']; $options['sm_disable_donation'] = (bool) $_POST['sm_disable_donation']; update_option('tguy_search_meter', $options); echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>Plugin settings saved.</strong></p></div>'; } else { if (isset($_POST['tguy_sm_reset'])) { check_admin_referer('search-meter-reset-stats'); tguy_sm_reset_stats(); echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>Statistics have been reset.</strong></p></div>'; } } $options = get_option('tguy_search_meter'); ?> <div class="wrap"> <h2>Search Meter Options</h2> <form name="searchmeter" action="" method="post"> <?php if (function_exists('wp_nonce_field')) { wp_nonce_field('search-meter-update-options_all'); } ?> <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="1" /> <table class="form-table"> <tr> <th class="th-full" scope="row"> <label for="sm_details_verbose"> <input type="checkbox" id="sm_details_verbose" name="sm_details_verbose" <?php echo $options['sm_details_verbose'] == true ? "checked=\"checked\"" : ""; ?> /> Keep detailed information about recent searches (taken from HTTP headers) </label> </th> </tr> <tr> <th class="th-full" scope="row"> <label for="sm_disable_donation"> <input type="checkbox" id="sm_disable_donation" name="sm_disable_donation" <?php echo $options['sm_disable_donation'] == true ? "checked=\"checked\"" : ""; ?> /> Hide the “Do you find this plugin useful?” box </label> </th> </tr> </table> <p class="submit"> <input name="Submit" class="button-primary" value="Save Changes" type="submit"> </p> </form> <h3>Reset statistics</h3> <p>Click this button to reset all search statistics. This will delete all information about previous searches.</p> <form name="tguy_sm_admin" action="" method="post"> <?php if (function_exists('wp_nonce_field')) { wp_nonce_field('search-meter-reset-stats'); } ?> <p class="submit"> <input name="tguy_sm_reset" class="button-secondary delete" value="Reset Statistics" type="submit" onclick="return confirm('You are about to delete all saved search statistics.\n \'Cancel\' to stop, \'OK\' to delete.');" /> </p> </form> <h3>Notes</h3> <p>To see your search statistics, go to the <strong>Dashboard</strong> and choose <strong>Search Meter</strong>.</p> <p>For information and updates, see the <a href="">Search Meter home page</a>. At that page, you can also offer suggestions, request new features or report problems.</p> <?php if (!$options['sm_disable_donation']) { tguy_sm_show_donation_message(); } ?> </div> <?php }