function comment_form() { global $comment, $id, $cid; block_begin(NEW_COMMENT); $comment = str_replace('\\r\\n', "\n", $comment); ?> <center> <form enctype='multipart/form-data' name='comment' method='post'> <input type='hidden' name='info_hash' value='<?php echo $id; ?> ' /> <table class='lista' border='0' cellpadding='10'> <tr> <tr><td align='left' class='header'><?php echo USER_NAME; ?> :</td><td class='lista' align='left'><input name='user' type='text' value='<?php echo security::html_safe($_GET["usern"]); ?> ' size='20' maxlength='100' disabled; readonly></td></tr> <tr><td align='left' class='header'><?php echo COMMENT_1; ?> :</td><td class='lista' align='left'><?php textbbcode("comment", "comment", security::html_safe(unesc($comment))); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td class='header' colspan='2' align='center'><input type='submit' name='confirm' value='<?php echo FRM_CONFIRM; ?> ' /> <input type='submit' name='confirm' value='<?php echo FRM_PREVIEW; ?> ' /></td></tr> </table> </form> </center> <?php block_end(); }
} $deadchkbox .= " /> including dead torrents\n"; $HTMLOUT .= " " . $catdropdown . " </select> " . $deadchkbox . " \r\n<input type='submit' value='Search!' class='btn' /></td></tr></table></form>\r\n<br />\n"; $HTMLOUT .= "<form method='post' name='compose' action='viewoffers.php?new_offer'><a name='add' id='add'></a>\r\n<table border='1' cellspacing='0' width='750px' cellpadding='5'><tr><td class='colhead' align='left' colspan='2'>\r\nOffers are for Users with a good ratio who have uploaded at least " . $INSTALLER09['offer_gigs_upped'] . " gigs Only... Share and you shall recieve!</td></tr>\r\n<tr><td align='right'><b>Title</b></td><td align='left'><input type='text' size='40' name='offertitle' />\r\n<select name='category'><option value='0'>(Select a Category)</option>\n"; $res2 = sql_query('SELECT id, name FROM categories order by name'); $num = mysql_num_rows($res2); $catdropdown2 = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; ++$i) { $cats2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2); $catdropdown2 .= "<option value='" . $cats2['id'] . "'"; $catdropdown2 .= ">" . htmlspecialchars($cats2['name']) . "</option>\n"; } $HTMLOUT .= $catdropdown2 . " </select></td></tr>\r\n<tr><td align='right' valign='top'><b>Image</b></td>\r\n<td align='left'>\r\n<input type='text' name='picture' size='80' /><br />\r\n(Direct link to image, NO TAGS NEEDED! Will be shown in description)<br />\r\n<!--\r\n<a href='panel.php?tool=bitbucket' rel='external'><strong>Upload Image</strong></a>\r\n-->\r\n</td></tr>\r\n\r\n<tr><td align='right'><b>Description</b></td><td align='left'>\n"; if ($INSTALLER09['textbbcode']) { require_once INCL_DIR . 'bbcode_functions.php'; $HTMLOUT .= textbbcode('add_offer', 'body', ''); } else { $HTMLOUT .= "<textarea name='body' rows='20' cols='80'></textarea>"; } $HTMLOUT .= "</td></tr>\r\n<tr><td align='center' colspan='2'>\r\n<input type='submit' value='Okay' class='btn' /></td></tr></table>\r\n</form>\r\n<br /><br />\n"; } $rescount = sql_query('SELECT id FROM offers LIMIT 1') or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysql_num_rows($rescount) > 0) { $res = sql_query("SELECT users.username,, offers.userid,, offers.offer, offers.added,, categories.image, uploaded, downloaded FROM users inner join offers ON offers.userid = left join categories ON = order by desc LIMIT 10") or sqlerr(); $num = mysql_num_rows($res); $HTMLOUT .= "<table border='1' cellspacing='0' width='750px' cellpadding='5'>\r\n <tr><td width='50px' class='colhead' align='left'>Category</td>\r\n <td class='colhead' align='left'>Offer</td><td class='colhead' align='center'>Added</td>\r\n <td class='colhead' align='center'>Offered By</td></tr>\n"; foreach ($cats as $key => $value) { $change[$value['id']] = array('id' => $value['id'], 'name' => $value['name'], 'image' => $value['image']); } while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $addedby = "<td style='padding: 0px' align='center'><b><a href='userdetails.php?id={$arr['userid']}'>{$arr['username']}</a></b></td>";
stderr('Error', 'Invalid expiry selection'); } $expires = TIME_NOW + 86400 * $expiry; // 86400 seconds in one day. $created = TIME_NOW; $query = sprintf('INSERT INTO announcement_main ' . '(owner_id, created, expires, sql_query, subject, body) ' . 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)', sqlesc($CURUSER['id']), sqlesc($created), sqlesc($expires), sqlesc($ann_query), sqlesc($subject), sqlesc($body)); sql_query($query); if (mysqli_affected_rows($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) { stderr('Success', 'Announcement was successfully created'); } stderr('Error', 'Contact an administrator'); } echo stdhead("Create Announcement", false); $HTMLOUT = ""; $HTMLOUT .= "<table class='main' width='750' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>\r\n \t<tr>\r\n \t<td class='embedded'><div align='center'>\r\n \t<h1>Create Announcement for " . $n_pms . " user" . ($n_pms > 1 ? 's' : '') . " !</h1>"; $HTMLOUT .= "<form name='compose' method='post' action='{$INSTALLER09['baseurl']}/new_announcement.php'>\r\n \t<table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5'>\r\n \t<tr>\r\n \t<td colspan='2'><b>Subject: </b>\r\n \t<input name='subject' type='text' size='76' value='" . htmlsafechars($subject) . "' /></td>\r\n \t</tr>\r\n \t<tr><td colspan='2'><div align='center'>\r\n " . textbbcode("compose", "msg", $body) . "\r\n </div></td></tr>"; $HTMLOUT .= "<tr><td colspan='2' align='center'>"; $HTMLOUT .= "<select name='expiry'>"; reset($days); foreach ($days as $x) { $HTMLOUT .= '<option value="' . $x[0] . '"' . ($expiry == $x[0] ? '' : '') . '>' . $x[1] . '</option>'; } $HTMLOUT .= "</select>\r\n\r\n \t<input type='submit' name='buttonval' value='Preview' class='btn' />\r\n \t<input type='submit' name='buttonval' value='Submit' class='btn' />\r\n \t</td></tr></table>\r\n \t<input type='hidden' name='n_pms' value='" . $n_pms . "' />\r\n \t<input type='hidden' name='ann_query' value='" . $ann_query . "' />\r\n \t<input type='hidden' name='ann_hash' value='" . $ann_hash . "' />\r\n \t</form><br /><br />\r\n \t</div></td></tr></table>"; if ($body) { $newtime = TIME_NOW + 86400 * $expiry; $HTMLOUT .= "<table width='700' class='main' border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='1'>\r\n \t<tr><td bgcolor='#663366' align='center' valign='baseline'><h2><font color='white'>Announcement: \r\n \t" . htmlsafechars($subject) . "</font></h2></td></tr>\r\n \t<tr><td class='text'>\r\n \t" . format_comment($body) . "<br /><hr />Expires: " . get_date($newtime, 'DATE') . ""; $HTMLOUT .= "</td></tr></table>"; } } else { // Shouldn't be here header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
$aa = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT id FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE username='******'"); $ar = mysqli_fetch_assoc($aa); $team_owner = $ar["id"]; $query = "INSERT INTO {$TABLE_PREFIX}teams SET\tname = '{$team_name}', owner = '{$team_owner}' ,info = '{$team_description}', image = '{$team_image}'"; $sql = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], $query); $tid = is_null($___mysqli_res = mysqli_insert_id($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? false : $___mysqli_res; mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}users SET team = '{$tid}' WHERE id= '{$team_owner}'"); if ($sql) { write_log("has created new team ({$team_name})", "edit"); $success = TRUE; } else { $success = FALSE; } } $teamtpl = new bTemplate(); $desc = textbbcode("smolf3d", "team_description"); $addt = "<br>\n" . $language['TEAM_HEADER'] . "\n<form name='smolf3d' method='get' action='index.php'>\n<CENTER><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 width=50%>\n<input type='hidden' name='page' value='admin'>\n<input type='hidden' name='user' value='{$CURUSER['uid']}'>\n<input type='hidden' name='code' value='{$CURUSER['random']}'>\n<input type='hidden' name='do' value='teams'>\n<tr><td class=header colspan=2 align=center>" . $language['TEAM_ADD'] . "</td></tr><tr>\n<tr><td class=header>" . $language['TEAM_NAME'] . "</td><td align='left' class=lista><input type='text' size=50 name='team_name'></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=header>" . $language['TEAM_OWNER'] . "</td><td align='left' class=lista><input type='text' size=50 name='team_owner'>" . $language['TEAM_ONE'] . "</td></tr>\n<tr><td class=header>" . $language['TEAM_DESC'] . "</td><td class=lista align=center valign=top><center>{$desc}</center></td></tr>\n\n<tr><td class=header>" . $language['TEAM_LOGO'] . "</td><td align='left' class=lista><input type='text' size=50 name='team_image'><input type='hidden' name='add' value='true'></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=header colspan=2><div align='center'><input class=btn value='Add Team' type='Submit'></div></td></tr>\n</table></CENTER>"; $admintpl->set("add_team", $addt); if ($success == TRUE) { $successadd = "<br><h2>Team successfully added!</h2>"; } $admintpl->set("success", $successadd); $close = "<br>\n</form>"; $admintpl->set("close", $close); //ELSE Display Teams $current = "\n<table class=main cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3 width=50%><tr><td class=header align=center colspan=6>" . $language['TEAM_CURR'] . "</td></tr><tr>\n<td class=header style=\"text-align:center\">" . $language['TEAM_ID_H'] . "</td><td class=header style=\"text-align:center\">" . $language['TEAM_LOGO_H'] . "</td><td class=header style=\"text-align:center\">" . $language['TEAM_NAME_H'] . "</td><td class=header style=\"text-align:center\">" . $language['TEAM_OWNER_H'] . "</td><td class=header style=\"text-align:center\">" . $language['TEAM_DESC_H'] . "</td><td class=header style=\"text-align:center\">" . $language['TEAM_EDIT_H'] . "</td>"; $admintpl->set("current", $current); $teamsres = do_sqlquery("SELECT COUNT(*) from {$TABLE_PREFIX}teams where id>0 ORDER BY id ASC {$limit}"); $teamnum = mysqli_fetch_row($teamsres); $num2 = $teamnum[0]; $perpage = max(0, $CURUSER["torrentsperpage"]) > 0 ? $CURUSER["torrentsperpage"] : 10;
stderr("{$lang['comment_error']}", "{$lang['comment_body']}"); } $text = htmlsafechars($body); $editedat = TIME_NOW; if (isset($_POST['lasteditedby']) || $CURUSER['class'] < UC_STAFF) { sql_query("UPDATE comments SET text=" . sqlesc($text) . ", editedat={$editedat}, edit_name=" . sqlesc($CURUSER['username']) . ", editedby=" . sqlesc($CURUSER['id']) . " WHERE id=" . sqlesc($commentid)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); } else { sql_query("UPDATE comments SET text=" . sqlesc($text) . ", editedat={$editedat}, editedby=0 WHERE id=" . sqlesc($commentid)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); } header("Refresh: 0; url={$locale_link}.php?id=" . (int) $arr['tid'] . "{$extra_link}&viewcomm={$commentid}#comm{$commentid}"); die; } $HTMLOUT = ''; $HTMLOUT .= "<h1>{$lang['comment_edit']}'" . htmlsafechars($arr[$name]) . "'</h1>\n <form method='post' action='comment.php?action=edit&cid={$commentid}'>\n <input type='hidden' name='locale' value='{$name}' />\n <input type='hidden' name='tid' value='" . (int) $arr['tid'] . "' />\n <input type='hidden' name='cid' value='{$commentid}' />"; if ($INSTALLER09['BBcode'] && function_exists('textbbcode')) { $HTMLOUT .= textbbcode('comments', 'body', $arr["text"]); } else { $HTMLOUT .= "<textarea name='text' rows='10' cols='60'>" . htmlsafechars($arr["text"]) . "</textarea>"; } $HTMLOUT .= ' <br />' . ($CURUSER['class'] >= UC_STAFF ? '<input type="checkbox" value="lasteditedby" checked="checked" name="lasteditedby" id="lasteditedby" /> Show Last Edited By<br /><br />' : '') . ' <input type="submit" class="btn" value="' . $lang['comment_doit'] . '" /></form>'; echo stdhead("{$lang['comment_edit']}'" . $arr[$name] . "'", true, $stdhead) . $HTMLOUT . stdfoot($stdfoot); die; } elseif ($action == "delete") { if ($CURUSER['class'] < UC_STAFF) { stderr("{$lang['comment_error']}", "{$lang['comment_denied']}"); } $commentid = isset($_GET['cid']) ? (int) $_GET['cid'] : 0; $tid = isset($_GET['tid']) ? (int) $_GET['tid'] : 0; if (!is_valid_id($commentid)) { stderr("{$lang['comment_error']}", "{$lang['comment_invalid_id']}");
if (!defined('IN_OFFERS')) { exit('No direct script access allowed'); } $rs = sql_query("SELECT o.*, AS catid, AS catname FROM offers AS o LEFT JOIN categories AS c ON ( WHERE = {$id}") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $numz = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs); if ($CURUSER['id'] != $numz['userid'] && $CURUSER['class'] < UC_MODERATOR) { stderr('Error!', 'This is not your offer to edit.'); } $s = htmlspecialchars($numz['offer']); $catid = $numz['catid']; $body = htmlspecialchars($numz['descr']); $catname = $numz['catname']; $s2 = "<select name='category'><option value='{$catid}'> {$catname} </option>\n"; foreach ($cats as $row) { $s2 .= "<option value='" . $row['id'] . "'>" . htmlspecialchars($row['name']) . "</option>\n"; } $s2 .= "</select>\n"; $HTMLOUT .= "<br />\r\n<form method='post' name='compose' action='viewoffers.php?id={$id}&take_offer_edit'><a name='add' id='add'></a>\r\n<table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5'><tr><td align='left' colspan='2'>\r\n<h1 align='center'>Edit Offer : {$s}</h1>\r\n</td></tr>\r\n<tr><td align='right'><b>Title</b></td>\r\n<td align='left'><input type='text' size='40' name='offertitle' value='{$s}' /><b> Type</b> {$s2}</td></tr>\r\n<tr><td align='right' valign='top'><b>Image</b></td><td align='left'>\r\n<input type='text' name='picture' size='80' value='' />\r\n<br />(Direct link to image. NO TAG NEEDED! Will be shown in description)</td></tr>\r\n<tr><td align='right'><b>Description</b></td>\r\n\r\n<td align='left'>"; if ($INSTALLER09['textbbcode']) { require_once INCL_DIR . 'bbcode_functions.php'; $HTMLOUT .= textbbcode('edit_offer', 'body', $body); } else { $HTMLOUT .= "<textarea name='body' rows='10' cols='60'>{$body}</textarea>"; } $HTMLOUT .= '</td></tr>'; if ($CURUSER['class'] >= UC_MODERATOR) { $HTMLOUT .= "<tr><td align='center' colspan='2'>Staff Only</td></tr>\r\n <tr><td align='right'><b>Filled</b></td>\r\n <td><input type='checkbox' name='filled'" . ($numz['torrentid'] != 0 ? " checked='checked'" : '') . " /></td></tr>\r\n <tr><td align='right'><b>Accepted by ID</b></td><td>\r\n <input type='text' size='10' value='{$numz['acceptedby']}' name='acceptedby' /></td></tr>\r\n <tr><td align='right'>\r\n <b>Torrent ID</b></td><td><input type='text' size='10' name='torrentid' value='{$numz['torrentid']}' /></td></tr>"; } $HTMLOUT .= "<tr><td align='center' colspan='2'><input type='submit' value='Edit Offer' class='btn' /></td></tr></table></form><br />\n"; /////////////////////// HTML OUTPUT ////////////////////////////// print stdhead('Edit Offer') . $HTMLOUT . stdfoot();
( U | - | 2 | 3 | 2 )-( S | o | u | r | c | e )-( C | o | d | e ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ */ $rs = sql_query("SELECT r.*, AS catid, AS catname FROM requests AS r LEFT JOIN categories AS c ON ( WHERE = {$id}") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $numz = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs); if ($CURUSER['id'] != $numz['userid'] && $CURUSER['class'] < UC_MODERATOR) { stderr("{$lang['error_error']}", "{$lang['error_not_yours1']}"); } $s = htmlspecialchars($numz['request']); $catid = $numz['catid']; $body = htmlspecialchars($numz['descr']); $catname = $numz['catname']; $s2 = "<select name='category'><option value='{$catid}'> {$catname} </option>\n"; foreach ($cats as $row) { $s2 .= "<option value='" . $row['id'] . "'>" . htmlspecialchars($row['name']) . "</option>\n"; } $s2 .= "</select>\n"; $HTMLOUT .= "<br />\n<form method='post' name='compose' action='viewrequests.php?id={$id}&take_req_edit'><a name='add' id='add'></a>\n<table border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5'><tr><td align='left' colspan='2'>\n<h1 align='center'>{$lang['details_edit']} {$s}</h1>\n</td></tr>\n<tr><td align='right'><b>{$lang['add_title']}</b></td>\n<td align='left'><input type='text' size='40' name='requesttitle' value='{$s}' /><b> {$lang['req_type']}</b> {$s2}</td></tr>\n<tr><td align='right' valign='top'><b>{$lang['add_image']}</b></td><td align='left'>\n<input type='text' name='picture' size='80' value='' />\n<br />{$lang['add_direct_link']}</td></tr>\n<tr><td align='right'><b>{$lang['add_description']}</b></td>\n\n<td align='left'>"; if ($INSTALLER09['textbbcode']) { require_once INCL_DIR . 'bbcode_functions.php'; $HTMLOUT .= textbbcode('edit_request', 'body', $body); } else { $HTMLOUT .= "<textarea name='body' rows='10' cols='60'>{$body}</textarea>"; } $HTMLOUT .= '</td></tr>'; if ($CURUSER['class'] >= UC_MODERATOR) { $HTMLOUT .= "<tr><td align='center' colspan='2'>{$lang['edit_staff']}</td></tr>\n <tr><td align='right'><b>{$lang['details_filled']}</b></td>\n <td><input type='checkbox' name='filled'" . ($numz['torrentid'] != 0 ? " checked='checked'" : '') . " /></td></tr>\n <tr><td align='right'><b>{$lang['edit_filled_by']}</b></td><td>\n <input type='text' size='10' value='{$numz['filledby']}' name='filledby' /></td></tr>\n <tr><td align='right'>\n <b>{$lang['edit_torrent_id']}</b></td><td><input type='text' size='10' name='torrentid' value='{$numz['torrentid']}' /></td></tr>"; } $HTMLOUT .= "<tr><td align='center' colspan='2'><input type='submit' value='{$lang['details_edit']}' class='btn' /></td></tr></table></form><br />\n"; /////////////////////// HTML OUTPUT ////////////////////////////// echo stdhead('Edit Request') . $HTMLOUT . stdfoot();
send_pm($gonderen, $degeri, $baslik, $mesajmetni); $dis .= "PM send to User <b>" . $degeri . "</b><br />"; } $dis .= "</div>"; } $admintpl->set("show_tasks", $dis); $admintpl->set("language", $language); $admintpl->set("final_result", true, true); $admintpl->set("display_result", false, true); } if ($readyto == "Go") { $mdiff = $_POST["diff"] * $s[$_POST["type"]]; $admintpl->set("search_diff_title", "Search for difference >" . makesize($mdiff) . " and User Group = " . ($kullan == 0 ? "ALL" : $kullan)); $admintpl->set("final_result", false, true); $admintpl->set("display_result", true, true); $admintpl->set("pm_bbcode", textbbcode("act", "mesajmetni", "")); if ($XBTT_USE) { $udownloaded = "u.downloaded+IFNULL(x.downloaded,0)"; $uuploaded = "u.uploaded+IFNULL(x.uploaded,0)"; $utables = "{$TABLE_PREFIX}users u LEFT JOIN xbt_users x ON"; } else { $udownloaded = "u.downloaded"; $uuploaded = "u.uploaded"; $utables = "{$TABLE_PREFIX}users u"; } if ($kullan == 0) { $q = do_sqlquery("SELECT as fid, username, {$udownloaded} as downloaded, {$uuploaded} as uploaded, level, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(joined) as joined, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastconnect) as lastconnect FROM {$utables} LEFT JOIN {$TABLE_PREFIX}users_level ul ON where (ABS({$udownloaded} - {$uuploaded}) > '" . $mdiff . "') ORDER BY ({$uuploaded} / {$udownloaded}) ASC", true); } else { $q = do_sqlquery("SELECT as fid, username, {$udownloaded} as downloaded, {$uuploaded} as uploaded, level, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(joined) as joined, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastconnect) as lastconnect FROM {$utables} LEFT JOIN {$TABLE_PREFIX}users_level ul ON where (u.id_level='" . $kullan . "' and ABS({$udownloaded} - {$uuploaded}) > '" . $mdiff . "') ORDER BY ({$uuploaded} / {$udownloaded}) ASC", true); } $lusers = array();
user<?php print $n_pms > 1 ? 's' : ''; ?> !</h1> <form name=compose method=post action=new_announcement.php> <table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5> <tr> <td colspan="2"><b>Subject: </b> <input name="subject" type="text" size="76" value='<?php print safe($subject); ?> ' ></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><div align="center"> <?php textbbcode("compose", "body", $body); ?> <!-- The following line is for backward compatability with scripts that don't have the textbbcode() function installed in the global.php script --> <!--<textarea name=msg cols=80 rows=15><?php print safe($body); ?> </textarea>--> </div></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" align=center> <select name="expiry"> <?php reset($days);
print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"returnto\" value=\"details.php?id={$arr["tid"]}&viewcomm={$commentid}#comm{$commentid}\" />\n"; print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cid\" value=\"{$commentid}\" />\n"; ?> <table class=main border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3> <tr> <td class="colhead"> <?php print "Редактирование комментария к \"" . htmlspecialchars_uni($arr["name"]) . "\""; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <?php textbbcode("comment", "text", htmlspecialchars_uni($arr["text"])); ?> </td></tr></table> <?php print "<p><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Отредактировать\" /></p></form>\n"; stdfoot(); die; } elseif ($action == "check" || $action == "checkoff") { $tid = intval($_GET["tid"]); if (!is_valid_id($tid)) { stderr($tracker_lang['error'], "Неверный идентификатор {$tid}."); } $docheck = mysql_fetch_array(sql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM checkcomm WHERE checkid = " . $tid . " AND userid = " . $CURUSER["id"] . " AND torrent = 1")); if ($docheck[0] > 0 && $action == "check") { stderr($tracker_lang['error'], "<p>Вы уже подписаны на этот торрент.</p><a href=details.php?id={$tid}#startcomments>Назад</a>");
} $deadchkbox .= " />{$lang['add_incl_dead']}\n"; $HTMLOUT .= " " . $catdropdown . " </select> " . $deadchkbox . " \r\n<input type='submit' value='{$lang['req_search']}' class='btn' /></td></tr></table></form>\r\n<br />\n"; $HTMLOUT .= "<form method='post' name='compose' action='viewrequests.php?new_request'><a name='add' id='add'></a>\r\n<table border='1' cellspacing='0' width='750px' cellpadding='5'><tr><td class='colhead' align='left' colspan='2'>\r\n{$lang['add_good_ratio']}" . $TBDEV['req_gigs_upped'] . "{$lang['add_share']}</td></tr>\r\n<tr><td align='right'><b>{$lang['add_title']}</b></td><td align='left'><input type='text' size='40' name='requesttitle' />\r\n<select name='category'><option value='0'>{$lang['add_select_cat']}</option>\n"; $res2 = mysql_query('SELECT id, name FROM categories order by name'); $num = mysql_num_rows($res2); $catdropdown2 = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; ++$i) { $cats2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2); $catdropdown2 .= "<option value='" . $cats2['id'] . "'"; $catdropdown2 .= ">" . htmlspecialchars($cats2['name']) . "</option>\n"; } $HTMLOUT .= $catdropdown2 . " </select></td></tr>\r\n<tr><td align='right' valign='top'><b>{$lang['add_image']}</b></td>\r\n<td align='left'>\r\n<input type='text' name='picture' size='80' /><br />\r\n{$lang['add_direct_link']}<br />\r\n<!--\r\n<a href='panel.php?tool=bitbucket' rel='external'><strong>{$lang['add_upload_image']}</strong></a>\r\n-->\r\n</td></tr>\r\n\r\n<tr><td align='right'><b>{$lang['add_description']}</b></td><td align='left'>\n"; if ($TBDEV['textbbcode']) { require_once 'include/bbcode_functions.php'; $HTMLOUT .= textbbcode('add_request', 'body', ''); } else { $HTMLOUT .= "<textarea name='body' rows='20' cols='80'></textarea>"; } $HTMLOUT .= "</td></tr>\r\n<tr><td align='center' colspan='2'>\r\n<input type='submit' value='{$lang['add_ok']}' class='btn' /></td></tr></table>\r\n</form>\r\n<br /><br />\n"; } $rescount = mysql_query('SELECT id FROM requests LIMIT 1') or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysql_num_rows($rescount) > 0) { $res = mysql_query("SELECT users.username,, requests.userid,, requests.request, requests.added,, categories.image, uploaded, downloaded FROM users inner join requests ON requests.userid = left join categories ON = order by desc LIMIT 10") or sqlerr(); $num = mysql_num_rows($res); $HTMLOUT .= "<table border='1' cellspacing='0' width='750px' cellpadding='5'>\r\n <tr><td width='50px' class='colhead' align='left'>{$lang['add_cat']}</td>\r\n <td class='colhead' align='left'>{$lang['add_request']}</td><td class='colhead' align='center'>{$lang['req_added']}</td>\r\n <td class='colhead' align='center'>{$lang['req_req_by']}</td></tr>\n"; foreach ($cats as $key => $value) { $change[$value['id']] = array('id' => $value['id'], 'name' => $value['name'], 'image' => $value['image']); } while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $addedby = "<td style='padding: 0px' align='center'><b><a href='userdetails.php?id={$arr['userid']}'>{$arr['username']}</a></b></td>";
<tr><td class="colhead" colspan="2">Выбранный шаблон: <?php echo $types[$type]["name"]; ?> </td></tr> <?php tr("Название релиза", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" size=\"80\" /><br />Пример: Смерть Президента (2006) DVDRip\n", 1); tr("Постер", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"poster\" size=\"80\" /><br />Залить картинку на <a href=\"\">ImageShack</a>", 1); ?> <tr><td width="" class="heading" valign="top" align="right">Верхний шаблон</td><td valign="top" align="left"><?php echo textbbcode("index", "top", $templates[$type]["toptemplate"]); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td width="" class="heading" valign="top" align="right">Средний шаблон</td><td valign="top" align="left"><?php echo textbbcode("index", "center", $templates[$type]["centertemplate"]); ?> </td></tr> <tr><td width="" class="heading" valign="top" align="right">Нижний шаблон</td><td valign="top" align="left"><?php echo textbbcode("index", "bottom", $templates[$type]["bottomtemplate"]); ?> </td></tr> <?php tr("Номер торрента", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"torrentid\" size=\"60\" /><br />Пример: {$DEFAULTBASEURL}/details.php?id=<b>6764</b><br />Выделенное жирным - и есть номер торрента\n", 1); tr("URL IMDB", "<input type=\"text\" name=\"imdb\" size=\"60\" /><br />Пример:\n", 1); tr("Категория", $categories, 1); ?> <tr><td align="center" colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="Добавить" /></td></tr> </table> </form> <?php stdfoot();
$tplnews["hidden_action"] = $action; $tplnews["hidden_id"] = $_GET["id"]; $tplnews["news_title"] = $title; $tplnews["bbcode"] = textbbcode("news", "news", $news); $newstpl->set("news", $tplnews); } elseif ($action == "add") { global $news, $title, $CURUSER, $language, $newstpl; $newstpl = new bTemplate(); $newstpl->set("language", $language); $newstpl->set("ADD_EDIT", true, true); $tplnews = array(); $tplnews["action"] = "index.php?page=news&act=confirm"; $tplnews["hidden_action"] = $action; $tplnews["hidden_id"] = $_GET["id"]; $tplnews["news_title"] = $title; $tplnews["bbcode"] = textbbcode("news", "news", $news); $newstpl->set("news", $tplnews); } elseif ($action == "confirm") { if (!isset($_POST["conferma"])) { } elseif ($_POST["conferma"] == $language["FRM_CONFIRM"]) { if (isset($_POST["news"]) && isset($_POST["title"])) { $news = $_POST["news"]; $uid = $CURUSER["uid"]; $title = $_POST["title"]; if ($news == "" || $title == "") { err_msg($language["ERROR"], $language["ERR_INS_TITLE_NEWS"]); } else { $news = sqlesc($news); $title = sqlesc($title); $nid = intval($_POST["id"]); $action = $_POST['action'];
} $body = htmlspecialchars(unesc($num["descr"])); $s2 = "<select name=\"category\">\n"; $cats = genrelist($browsecatmode); foreach ($cats as $row) { $s2 .= "<option value=\"" . $row["id"] . "\" " . ($row['id'] == $id2 ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") . ">" . htmlspecialchars($row["name"]) . "</option>\n"; } $s2 .= "</select>\n"; stdhead($lang_offers['head_edit_offer'] . ": {$s}"); $title = htmlspecialchars(trim($s)); print "<form id=\"compose\" method=\"post\" name=\"compose\" action=\"?id=" . $id . "&take_off_edit=1\">" . "<table width=\"940\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\"><tr><td class=\"colhead\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\">" . $lang_offers['text_edit_offer'] . "</td></tr>"; tr($lang_offers['row_type'] . "<font color=\"red\">*</font>", $s2, 1); tr($lang_offers['row_title'] . "<font color=\"red\">*</font>", "<input type=\"text\" style=\"width: 650px\" name=\"name\" value=\"" . $title . "\" />", 1); tr($lang_offers['row_post_or_photo'], "<input type=\"text\" name=\"picture\" style=\"width: 650px\" value='' /><br />" . $lang_offers['text_link_to_picture'], 1); print "<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" align=\"right\" valign=\"top\"><b>" . $lang_offers['row_description'] . "<font color=\"red\">*</font></b></td><td class=\"rowfollow\" align=\"left\">"; textbbcode("compose", "body", $body, false); print "</td></tr>"; print "<tr><td class=\"toolbox\" style=\"vertical-align: middle; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;\" align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\"><input id=\"qr\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . $lang_offers['submit_edit_offer'] . "\" class=\"btn\" /></td></tr></table></form><br />\n"; stdfoot(); die; } //=== end edit offer //==== take offer edit if ($_GET["take_off_edit"]) { $take_off_edit = 0 + $_GET["take_off_edit"]; if ($take_off_edit != '1') { stderr($lang_offers['std_error'], $lang_offers['std_smell_rat']); } $id = 0 + $_GET["id"]; $res = sql_query("SELECT userid FROM offers WHERE id = {$id}") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $num = mysql_fetch_array($res);
print "<tr><td class=\"colhead\" colspan=\"2\">Редактировать торрент</td></tr>"; if ($row['multitracker'] == 'no') { tr($tracker_lang['torrent_file'], "<input type=file name=tfile size=80>\n", 1); } // disable torrent update for multitracked ones tr($tracker_lang['torrent_name'], "<input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" value=\"" . $row["name"] . "\" size=\"80\" />", 1); tr($tracker_lang['img_poster'], "<input type=radio name=img1action value='keep' checked>Оставить постер  " . "<input type=radio name=img1action value='delete'>Удалить постер  " . "<input type=radio name=img1action value='update'>Обновить постер<br /><b>Постер:</b>  <input type=file name=image0 size=80>", 1); tr($tracker_lang['images'], "<input type=radio name=img2action value='keep' checked>Оставить скриншот №1  " . "<input type=radio name=img2action value='delete'>Удалить скриншот №1  " . "<input type=radio name=img2action value='update'>Обновить скриншот №1<br /><b>Картинка №2:</b>  <input type=file name=image1 size=80><br /><br />" . "<input type=radio name=img3action value='keep' checked>Оставить скриншот №2  " . "<input type=radio name=img3action value='delete'>Удалить скриншот №2  " . "<input type=radio name=img3action value='update'>Обновить скриншот №2<br /><b>Картинка №3:</b>  <input type=file name=image2 size=80><br /><br />" . "<input type=radio name=img4action value='keep' checked>Оставить скриншот №3  " . "<input type=radio name=img4action value='delete'>Удалить скриншот №3  " . "<input type=radio name=img4action value='update'>Обновить скриншот №3<br /><b>Картинка №4:</b>  <input type=file name=image3 size=80><br /><br />" . "<input type=radio name=img5action value='keep' checked>Оставить скриншот №4  " . "<input type=radio name=img5action value='delete'>Удалить скриншот №4  " . "<input type=radio name=img5action value='update'>Обновить скриншот №4<br /><b>Картинка №5:</b>  <input type=file name=image4 size=80>", 1); if (strpos($row["ori_descr"], "<") === false || strpos($row["ori_descr"], "<") !== false) { $c = ""; } else { $c = " checked"; } //tr("Описание", "<textarea name=\"descr\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"80\">" . htmlspecialchars_uni($row["ori_descr"]) . "</textarea><br />(HTML <b>не</b> разрешен. Нажмите <a href=tags.php>сюда</a> для получения информации о тегах.)", 1); print "<tr><td class=rowhead style='padding: 3px'>" . $tracker_lang['description'] . "</td><td>"; textbbcode("edit", "descr", htmlspecialchars_uni($row["ori_descr"])); print "</td></tr>\n"; $s = "<select name=\"type\">\n"; $cats = genrelist(); foreach ($cats as $subrow) { $s .= "<option value=\"" . $subrow["id"] . "\""; if ($subrow["id"] == $row["category"]) { $s .= " selected=\"selected\""; } $s .= ">" . htmlspecialchars_uni($subrow["name"]) . "</option>\n"; } $s .= "</select>\n"; tr("Тип", $s, 1); tr("Видимый", "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"visible\"" . ($row["visible"] == "yes" ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "") . " value=\"1\" />\r\n\t\t\t\t\tВидимый в торрентах<br /><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=420><tr><td class=embedded>Обратите внимание, что торрент автоматически станет видимым когда появиться раздающий и автоматически перестанет быть видимым (станет мертвяком) когда не будет раздающего некоторое время.\r\n\t\t\t\t\tИспользуйте этот переключатель для ускорения процеса. Также учтите что невидимые торренты (мертвяки) все-равно могут быть просмотрены и найдены, это просто не по-умолчанию.</td></tr></table>", 1); if (get_user_class() >= UC_ADMINISTRATOR) { tr("Забанен", "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"banned\"" . ($row["banned"] == "yes" ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "") . " value=\"1\" />", 1);
$mc1->add_value('editedby_' . $id, $mod_cache_name, $INSTALLER09['expires']['ismoddin']); } $HTMLOUT .= '<div class="row"><div class="col-sm-4 col-sm-offset-1"><h1><font size="+1"><font color="#FF0000">' . $mod_cache_name . '</font> is currently editing this torrent!</font></h1></div></div>'; } $ismodd = '<div class="row"><div class="col-sm-12"><b>Edit Torrent</b> ' . ($CURUSER['class'] > UC_UPLOADER ? '<small><a href="edit.php?id=' . $id . '&unedit=1">Click here</a> to add temp edit notification while you edit this torrent</small>' : '') . '</div></div>'; $HTMLOUT .= "<form method='post' name='edit' action='takeedit.php' enctype='multipart/form-data'><input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$id}' />"; if (isset($_GET["returnto"])) { $HTMLOUT .= "<input type='hidden' name='returnto' value='" . htmlsafechars($_GET["returnto"]) . "' />"; } $HTMLOUT .= "<div class='panel inverse' style='width:82%; margin-left:9%;'>\n<div class='row'><div class='col-sm-12'>{$ismodd}</div></div>\n<div class='row'><div class='col-sm-12'><input class='form-control' placeholder='{$lang['edit_imdb_url']}' type='text' name='url' value='" . htmlsafechars($row["url"]) . "'></div></div><br>\n<div class='row'><div class='col-sm-12'><input class='form-control' placeholder='{$lang['edit_poster']}' type='text' name='poster' value='" . htmlsafechars($row["poster"]) . "'><br />{$lang['edit_poster1']}\n</div></div><br>\n<div class='row'><div class='col-sm-12'><input class='form-control' placeholder='Edit Tube' type='text' name='youtube' value='" . htmlsafechars($row["youtube"]) . "'><br />{$lang['edit_youtube_info']}\n</div></div><br>\n<div class='row'><div class='col-sm-12'><input class='form-control' placeholder='{$lang['edit_torrent_name']}' type='text' name='name' value='" . htmlsafechars($row["name"]) . "'></div>\n</div><br>\n<div class='row'><div class='col-sm-12'><input class='form-control' placeholder='{$lang['edit_torrent_tags']}' type='text' name='tags' value='" . htmlsafechars($row["tags"]) . "'><br />({$lang['edit_tags_info']})\n</div>\n</div><br>\n<div class='row'><div class='col-sm-12'><input class='form-control' placeholder='{$lang['edit_torrent_description']}' type='text' name='description' value='" . htmlsafechars($row["description"]) . "'></div>\n</div><br>\n<div class='row'><div class='col-sm-12'>{$lang["edit_nfo"]}:<input type='radio' name='nfoaction' value='keep' checked='checked' />{$lang['edit_keep_current']}<br /><input type='radio' name='nfoaction' value='update' />{$lang['edit_update']}<br /><input type='file' name='nfo' size='80' /> </div>\n</div><br>"; if (strpos($row["ori_descr"], "<") === false || strpos($row["ori_descr"], "<") !== false) { $c = ""; } else { $c = " checked"; } $HTMLOUT .= "\n<div class='row'><div class='col-sm-12'>{$lang['edit_description']}, '" . textbbcode("edit", "descr", "" . htmlspecialchars($row['ori_descr']) . "") . "'<br />{$lang['edit_tags']}</div></div><br>"; $s = "<br><select class='form-control' name='type'>"; $cats = genrelist(); foreach ($cats as $subrow) { $s .= "<option value='" . (int) $subrow["id"] . "'"; if ($subrow["id"] == $row["category"]) { $s .= " selected='selected'"; } $s .= ">" . htmlsafechars($subrow["name"]) . "</option>\n"; } $s .= "</select>\n"; $HTMLOUT .= "<div class='row'>\n<div class='col-sm-3'>{$lang['edit_type']}:{$s}</div>"; require_once CACHE_DIR . 'subs.php'; $subs_list = ''; $subs_list .= ""; $i = 0;
$category = 0; } $combo_categories = categories($category[0]); $gold_level = ''; $res = get_result("SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}gold WHERE id='1'", true); foreach ($res as $key => $value) { $gold_level = $value["level"]; } if ($gold_level > $CURUSER['id_level']) { $uploadtpl->set("upload_gold_level", false, true); } else { $uploadtpl->set("upload_gold_level", true, true); } $gold_select_box = createGoldCategories(); $uploadtpl->set("upload_gold_combo", $gold_select_box); $bbc = textbbcode("upload", "info"); $uploadtpl->set("upload.announces", $announcs); $uploadtpl->set("upload_categories_combo", $combo_categories); $uploadtpl->set("textbbcode", $bbc); if ($CURUSER['trusted'] == 'yes') { $moder = "ok"; } else { $moder = "um"; } $uploadtpl->set("moder", $moder); // moder $uploadtpl->set("imageon", $GLOBALS["imageon"] == "true", TRUE); $uploadtpl->set("screenon", $GLOBALS["screenon"] == "true", TRUE); $tplfile = "upload"; break; case 1:
} if ($arr['solved'] === 'ignored') { echo '<tr><td align=right class=clearalt6><b>Problem</b></td><td align=left class=clearalt6><textarea name=msg_problem cols=80 rows=15>' . $arr['msg_problem'] . '</textarea></td></tr>' . '<tr><td align=right class=colhead><b>Solved</b></td><td align=left class=colhead><font color=orange><b>Ignored</b></font> on <b>' . $arr['solved_date'] . '</b> by <a class=altlink href=userdetails.php?id=' . $arr['solved_by'] . '><b>' . ($solved_by_arr['username'] == '' ? 'Deleted Staff' : $solved_by_arr['username']) . '</b></a></td></tr>' . '</table>'; } if ($arr['solved'] === 'no') { // === Standard HelpDesk Replies $hd_reply['1'] = array('Answer Is In The FAQ', 'First Read The FAQ!!! Your question is answered in the FAQ!'); $hd_reply['2'] = array('Answer Is In The Forums', 'Search the FORUMS!!! Your question has been answered in the FORUMS!'); $hd_reply['3'] = array('Allowed / Banned clients', 'A list of Allowed AND banned clients can be found listed HERE in the FAQ!'); $hd_reply['4'] = array('Stats Not Updating / Counting', 'Sometimes there is a delay in Stats updating ' . $SITENAME . '\'s stats are generally updated every ' . mkprettytime($autoclean_interval) . ' min. however sometimes the site is slower to respond... Give it a while, and the site will catch up.'); $hd_reply['5'] = array('Die n00b', 'Die n00b! Such a thing is known even by my grandma!'); $hd_answer = $_POST['hd_answer']; $body = $_POST['hd_answer'] !== '' ? $hd_reply[$hd_answer][1] : ''; $addedbyid = 0 + $arr['added_by']; echo '<form method=post name=compose action=helpdesk.php><tr><td align=right class=clearalt6><b>Problem</b></td><td align=left class=clearalt6><textarea name=msg_problem cols=80 rows=15 READONLY style="background-color:#332831; color:#f5f0c1;">' . $arr['msg_problem'] . '</textarea></td></tr>' . '<tr><td align=right class=colhead><b>Solved</b></td><td align=center class=colhead align=left><font color=red><b>No</b></font><tr><td align=center class=clearalt7><b>Answer:</b></td><td align=center class=clearalt7>'; textbbcode('compose', 'body', $body); echo '<input type=hidden name=id value=' . $id . '><input type=hidden name=addedbyid value=' . $addedbyid . '></td></tr>' . '<tr><td colspan=2 align=center class=clearalt7> <script language="javascript" src="spellmessage.js"></script> ' . '<input type=button class=button value="Spell Check" onclick="return openspell(1);"> <input type=submit value="Answer question" class=button> ' . ' <a class=altlink2 href=helpdesk.php?action=solve&pid=' . $id . '&solved=ignored><input type=submit value="Ignore question" class=button></a></form></td></tr>' . '<tr><td align=center colspan=2 class=colhead><form method=post action=helpdesk.php?action=problems&id=' . $id . '><b>General Help Desk Replies:</b> <select name=hd_answer>'; // === add the standerd answers drop down for ($i = 1; $i <= count($hd_reply); $i++) { echo "<option value={$i} " . ($hd_answer == $i ? "selected" : "") . ">" . $hd_reply[$i][0] . "</option>\n"; } echo '</select> <input type=submit value="Use the answer" class=button></form></td></tr></table>'; } } else { // === add some javascript to make mass deleting fun and painless :P ?> <script language = "Javascript"> <!-- var form='helpdesk' function SetChecked(val,chkName) { dml=document.forms[form];
$admintpl->set("rules_add", true, true); $admintpl->set("language", $language); $admintpl->set("rules_name", textbbcode("rules_add_new", "rules_name")); $admintpl->set("rules_description", ""); $admintpl->set("rules_group", cat_combo()); $admintpl->set("frm_action", "index.php?page=admin&user="******"uid"] . "&code=" . $CURUSER["random"] . "&do=rules&action=save&mode=new"); $admintpl->set("rules_sort", ""); break; case 'edit': if (isset($_GET["id"])) { // we should get only 1 style, selected with radio ... $id = max(0, $_GET["id"]); $cres = get_result("SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}rules WHERE id={$id}", true); $admintpl->set("rules_add", true, true); $admintpl->set("language", $language); $admintpl->set("rules_name", textbbcode("rules_add_new", "rules_name", $cres[0]["text"])); $admintpl->set("rules_sort", $cres[0]["sort_index"]); $admintpl->set("rules_group", cat_combo($cres[0]["cat_id"])); $admintpl->set("frm_action", "index.php?page=admin&user="******"uid"] . "&code=" . $CURUSER["random"] . "&do=rules&action=save&mode=edit&id={$id}"); $admintpl->set("rules_sort", $cres[0]["sort_index"]); } break; case 'delete': if (isset($_GET["id"])) { // we should get only 1 style, selected with radio ... $id = max(0, $_GET["id"]); // delete style from database do_sqlquery("UPDATE {$TABLE_PREFIX}rules SET active = '-1' WHERE id={$id}", true); rules_read(); } break;
<tr><td align="right"><?php echo T_("UPLOAD_ANONY"); ?> : </td><td><?php printf("<input name='anonycheck' value='yes' type='radio' " . ($anonycheck ? " checked='checked'" : "") . " />" . T_("YES") . " <input name='anonycheck' value='no' type='radio' " . (!$anonycheck ? " checked='checked'" : "") . " />" . T_("NO") . ""); ?> <i><?php echo T_("UPLOAD_ANONY_MSG"); ?> </i> </td></tr> <?php } print "<tr><td align='center' colspan='2'>" . T_("DESCRIPTION") . "</td></tr></table>"; require_once "backend/bbcode.php"; print textbbcode("upload", "descr", "{$descr}"); ?> <br /><br /><center><input type="submit" value="<?php echo T_("UPLOAD_TORRENT"); ?> " /><br /> <i><?php echo T_("CLICK_ONCE_IMAGE"); ?> </i> </center> </form> <?php end_frame();
$expectedtpl->set("ex18", "{$catdropdown}"); $expectedtpl->set("ex20", "</select>"); $expectedtpl->set("ex22", "{$deadchkbox}"); $expectedtpl->set("ex24", "<input type=submit value=" . $language["SEARCH"] . " />"); $expectedtpl->set("ex26", "</form>"); $expectedtpl->set("ex28", "</td></tr></table><BR><HR><BR>"); $expectedtpl->set("ex30", "<br>\n"); $expectedtpl->set("ex32", "<table class=lista align='center' width='550' cellspacing=2><form name=expect method=post action=index.php?page=takeexpect><a name=add id=add></a>"); $expectedtpl->set("ex34", "<tr><td class=header align=center width=100% colspan=\"2\">" . $language["ADD_EXPECTED"] . "</td></tr>"); $expectedtpl->set("ex36", "<tr><td class=header align=left width=30%>" . $language["NAME"] . "</td><td class=lista align=left width=70%><input type=text size=40 name=expecttitle></td></tr>"); $expectedtpl->set("ex38", "<tr><td class=header align=left width=30%>" . $language["DATE_EXPECTED"] . "</td><td class=lista align=left width=70%><input type=text size=15 name=date> " . $language["TEXT_DTD"] . "</td></tr>"); $expectedtpl->set("ex40", "<tr><td class=header align=left width=30%>" . $language["CATEGORY"] . "</td><td class=lista align=left width=70%>"); $expectedtpl->set("ex42", "<select name=category>"); $expectedtpl->set("ex44", "<option value=0>" . $language["CHOOSE"] . "</option>"); $res2 = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"], "SELECT id, name FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}categories ORDER BY name"); $num = mysqli_num_rows($res2); $catdropdown2 = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; ++$i) { $cats2 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res2); $catdropdown2 .= "<option value=\"" . $cats2["id"] . "\""; $catdropdown2 .= ">" . htmlspecialchars($cats2["name"]) . "</option>\n"; } $expectedtpl->set("ex46", $catdropdown2); $expectedtpl->set("ex48", "</select>"); $expectedtpl->set("ex50", "<br>\n"); $expectedtpl->set("ex52", "<tr><td class=header align=left width=30%>" . $language["DESCRIPTION"] . "</td><td class=lista align=left width=70%>"); $expectedtpl->set("ex54", textbbcode("expect", "description")); $expectedtpl->set("ex56", "</td></tr>"); $expectedtpl->set("ex58", "<tr><td class=lista align=center width=100% colspan=\"2\"><center><input type=submit value='" . $language["FRM_CONFIRM"] . "'></center></td></tr>"); $expectedtpl->set("ex60", "</form>\n"); $expectedtpl->set("ex62", "</table></CENTER>\n");
if ($row['id_level'] >= 3) { if ($results["visible"] == $row['id_level']) { $selected = 'selected'; } else { $selected = ''; } $torrent['visible'] .= "<option value=" . $row['id_level'] . " " . $selected . ">" . $row['level'] . "</option>"; } } $torrent['visible'] .= "</select>"; /*End sticky by losmi*/ $torrent["link"] = "index.php?page=edit&info_hash=" . $results["info_hash"] . "&returnto=" . urlencode($link); $torrent["filename"] = $results["filename"]; $torrent["tag"] = $results["tag"]; $torrent["info_hash"] = $results["info_hash"]; $torrent["description"] = textbbcode("edit", "comment", unesc($results["comment"])); $torrent["size"] = makesize($results["size"]); include dirname(__FILE__) . "/include/offset.php"; $torrent["date"] = date("d/m/Y", $results["data"] - $offset); $torrent["complete"] = $results["finished"] . " " . $language["X_TIMES"]; $torrent["peers"] = $language["SEEDERS"] . ": " . $results["seeds"] . "," . $language["LEECHERS"] . ": " . $results["leechers"] . "=" . ($results["leechers"] + $results["seeds"]) . " " . $language["PEERS"]; $torrent["cat_combo"] = categories($results["cat_name"]); //$s; if ($CURUSER['edit_torrents'] == "yes" && $CURUSER['moderate_trusted'] == 'yes') { switch ($moder_status) { case 'ok': $checked1 = "SELECTED"; break; case 'bad': $checked2 = "SELECTED"; break;
<?php tr($lang_upload['row_torrent_file'] . "<font color=\"red\">*</font>", "<input type=\"file\" class=\"file\" id=\"torrent\" name=\"file\" onchange=\"getname()\" />\n", 1); if ($altname_main == 'yes') { tr($lang_upload['row_torrent_name'], "<b>" . $lang_upload['text_english_title'] . "</b> <input type=\"text\" style=\"width: 250px;\" name=\"name\" /> \n<b>" . $lang_upload['text_chinese_title'] . "</b> <input type=\"text\" style=\"width: 250px\" name=\"cnname\"><br /><font class=\"medium\">" . $lang_upload['text_titles_note'] . "</font>", 1); } else { tr($lang_upload['row_torrent_name'], "<input type=\"text\" style=\"width: 650px;\" id=\"name\" name=\"name\" /><br /><font class=\"medium\">" . $lang_upload['text_torrent_name_note'] . "</font>", 1); } if ($smalldescription_main == 'yes') { tr($lang_upload['row_small_description'], "<input type=\"text\" style=\"width: 650px;\" name=\"small_descr\" /><br /><font class=\"medium\">" . $lang_upload['text_small_description_note'] . "</font>", 1); } get_external_tr(); if ($enablenfo_main == 'yes') { tr($lang_upload['row_nfo_file'], "<input type=\"file\" class=\"file\" name=\"nfo\" /><br /><font class=\"medium\">" . $lang_upload['text_only_viewed_by'] . get_user_class_name($viewnfo_class, false, true, true) . $lang_upload['text_or_above'] . "</font>", 1); } print "<tr><td class=\"rowhead\" style='padding: 3px' valign=\"top\">" . $lang_upload['row_description'] . "<font color=\"red\">*</font></td><td class=\"rowfollow\">"; textbbcode("upload", "descr", "", false); print "</td></tr>\n"; if ($allowtorrents) { $disablespecial = " onchange=\"disableother('browsecat','specialcat')\""; $s = "<select name=\"type\" id=\"browsecat\" " . ($allowtwosec ? $disablespecial : "") . ">\n<option value=\"0\">" . $lang_upload['select_choose_one'] . "</option>\n"; $cats = genrelist($browsecatmode); foreach ($cats as $row) { $s .= "<option value=\"" . $row["id"] . "\">" . htmlspecialchars($row["name"]) . "</option>\n"; } $s .= "</select>\n"; } else { $s = ""; } if ($allowspecial) { $disablebrowse = " onchange=\"disableother('specialcat','browsecat')\""; $s2 = "<select name=\"type\" id=\"specialcat\" " . $disablebrowse . ">\n<option value=\"0\">" . $lang_upload['select_choose_one'] . "</option>\n";
echo " <a href='nfo-view.php?id=" . $row["id"] . "' target='_blank'>[" . T_("VIEW_CURRENT_NFO") . "]</a>"; } else { echo " <font color='#ff0000'>" . T_("NO_NFO_UPLOADED") . "</font>"; } echo "<br /><input type='file' name='nfofile' size='60' /></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td class='table_col1' align='right'><b>" . T_("CATEGORIES") . ": </b></td><td class='table_col2'>" . $catdropdown . "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td class='table_col1' align='right'><b>" . T_("LANG") . ": </b></td><td class='table_col2'>" . $langdropdown . "</td></tr>"; if ($CURUSER["edit_torrents"] == "yes") { echo "<tr><td class='table_col1' align='right'><b>" . T_("BANNED") . ": </b></td><td class='table_col2'><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"banned\"" . ($row["banned"] == "yes" ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "") . " value=\"1\" /> " . T_("BANNED") . "?<br /></td></tr>"; } echo "<tr><td class='table_col1' align='right'><b>" . T_("VISIBLE") . ": </b></td><td class='table_col2'><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"visible\"" . ($row["visible"] == "yes" ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "") . " value=\"1\" /> " . T_("VISIBLEONMAIN") . "<br /></td></tr>"; if ($row["external"] != "yes" && $CURUSER["edit_torrents"] == "yes") { echo "<tr><td class='table_col1' align='right'><b>" . T_("FREE_LEECH") . ": </b></td><td class='table_col2'><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"freeleech\"" . ($row["freeleech"] == "1" ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "") . " value=\"1\" />" . T_("FREE_LEECH_MSG") . "<br /></td></tr>"; } if ($site_config['ANONYMOUSUPLOAD']) { echo "<tr><td class='table_col1' align='right'><b>" . T_("ANONYMOUS_UPLOAD") . ": </b></td><td class='table_col2'><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"anon\"" . ($row["anon"] == "yes" ? " checked=\"checked\"" : "") . " value=\"1\" />(" . T_("ANONYMOUS_UPLOAD_MSG") . ")<br /></td></tr>"; } print "<tr><td class='table_head' align='center' colspan='2'><b>" . T_("DESCRIPTION") . ":</b></td></tr></table>"; require_once "backend/bbcode.php"; print textbbcode("bbform", "descr", htmlspecialchars($row["descr"])); print "<br /><center><input type=\"submit\" value='" . T_("SUBMIT") . "' /> <input type='reset' value='" . T_("UNDO") . "' /></center>\n"; print "</form>\n"; end_frame(); begin_frame(T_("DELETE_TORRENT")); print "<center><form method='post' action='torrents-edit.php?action=deleteit&id={$id}'>\n"; print "<input type='hidden' name='torrentid' value='{$id}' />\n"; print "<input type='hidden' name='torrentname' value='" . htmlspecialchars($row["name"]) . "' />\n"; echo "<b>" . T_("REASON_FOR_DELETE") . "</b><input type='text' size='30' name='delreason' />"; echo " <input type='submit' value='" . T_("DELETE_TORRENT") . "' /></form></center>"; end_frame(); stdfoot();
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"</a>\n\t\t\t\t<br><img src='templates/1/pic/carbon/nav_bit.png' alt=''>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='active'>New Topic</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br />-->"; } else { $res = sql_query("SELECT t.forum_id, t.topic_name, t.locked, f.min_class_read, AS forum_name FROM topics AS t LEFT JOIN forums AS f ON = t.forum_id WHERE" . sqlesc($id)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); $arr = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res) or die("Forum error, Topic not found."); $forum = htmlsafechars($arr["forum_name"]); $forumid = (int) $arr['forum_id']; if ($arr['locked'] == 'yes') { stderr("Sorry", "The topic is locked."); $htmlout .= end_table(); $htmlout .= end_main_frame(); echo stdhead("Compose", true, $stdhead) . $htmlout . stdfoot($stdfoot); exit; } if ($CURUSER["class"] < $arr["min_class_read"]) { $htmlout .= stdmsg("Sorry", "You are not allowed in here."); $htmlout .= end_table(); $htmlout .= end_main_frame(); echo stdhead("Compose") . $htmlout . stdfoot(); exit; } $htmlout .= "<!--<div class='navigation'>\n\t\t\t\t<a href='index.php'>" . $INSTALLER09["site_name"] . "</a> \n\t\t\t\t>\n\t\t\t\t<a href='forums.php'>Forums</a>\n\t\t\t\t>\n\t\t\t\t<a href='{$INSTALLER09['baseurl']}/forums.php?action=viewforum&forumid=" . $forumid . "'>{$forum}</a>\n\t\t\t\t>\n\t\t\t\t<a href='{$INSTALLER09['baseurl']}/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=" . $id . "'>" . htmlsafechars($arr["topic_name"]) . "</a>\n\t\t\t\t<br><img src='templates/1/pic/carbon/nav_bit.png' alt=''>\n\t\t\t\t<span class='active'>Post Reply</span>\n\t\t\t\t</div><br />-->"; // $htmlout .="<h3 align='center'>Reply to topic:<a href='{$INSTALLER09['baseurl']}/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=".$id."'>".htmlsafechars($arr["topic_name"])."</a></h3>"; } $htmlout .= "\n <script type='text/javascript'>\n /*<![CDATA[*/\n function Preview()\n {\n document.compose.action = './forums/preview.php'\n = '_blank';\n document.compose.submit();\n return true;\n }\n /*]]>*/\n </script>"; //$htmlout .= begin_frame("Compose", true); $htmlout .= "<form method='post' name='compose' action='{$INSTALLER09['baseurl']}/forums.php' enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n\t <input type='hidden' name='action' value='post' />\n\t <input type='hidden' name='" . ($newtopic ? 'forumid' : 'topicid') . "' value='" . $id . "' />"; //$htmlout .= begin_table(true); $htmlout .= "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5' class='tborder'>\n\t<tr>\n<td class='thead' colspan='2'><strong>Compose</strong></td>\n</tr>\n\t"; if ($newtopic) { $htmlout .= "<tr>\n\t\t\t<td class=row width='10%'>Subject</td>\n\t\t\t<td class=row align='left'>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='text' class='form-control col-md-12' size='100' maxlength='{$Multi_forum['configs']['maxsubjectlength']}' name='topic_name' />\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>"; } if ($quote) { $postid = (int) $_GET["postid"]; if (!is_valid_id($postid)) { stderr("Error", "Invalid ID!"); $htmlout .= end_table(); $htmlout .= end_main_frame(); echo stdhead("Compose", true, $stdhead) . $htmlout . stdfoot($stdfoot); exit; } $res = sql_query("SELECT posts.*, users.username FROM posts JOIN users ON posts.user_id = WHERE =" . sqlesc($postid)) or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysqli_num_rows($res) == 0) { stderr("Error", "No post with this ID"); $htmlout .= end_table(); $htmlout .= end_main_frame(); echo stdhead("Error - No post with this ID", true, $stdhead) . $htmlout . stdfoot($stdfoot); exit; } $arr = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res); } $htmlout .= "<tr>\n\t\t<td class=row valign='top'>Body</td>\n\t\t<td class=row>"; $qbody = $quote ? "[quote=" . htmlsafechars($arr["username"]) . "]" . htmlsafechars($arr["body"]) . "[/quote]" : ""; //if (function_exists('BBcode')) //$htmlout .= BBcode($qbody, true); if (function_exists('textbbcode')) { $htmlout .= ' ' . textbbcode('compose', 'body', isset($qbody) ? htmlsafechars($qbody) : '') . ' '; } else { $htmlout .= "<textarea name='body' style='width:99%' rows='7'>{$qbody}</textarea>"; } $htmlout .= "</td></tr>"; if ($Multi_forum['configs']['use_attachment_mod'] && $attachment) { $htmlout .= "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td colspan='2'><fieldset class='fieldset'><legend>Add Attachment</legend>\n\t\t\t\t<input type='checkbox' name='uploadattachment' value='yes' />\n\t\t\t\t<input type='file' name='file' size='60' />\n <div class='error'>Allowed Files: rar, zip<br />Size Limit " . mksize($Multi_forum['configs']['maxfilesize']) . "</div></fieldset>\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>"; } $htmlout .= "<tr>\n \t <td class=row align='center' colspan='2'>" . post_icons() . "</td>\n \t </tr><tr class=row>\n \t\t <td colspan='2' align='center'>\n \t <input class='btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle' type='submit' value='Submit' /><input class='btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle' type='button' value='Preview' name='button2' onclick='return Preview();' />\n"; if ($newtopic) { $htmlout .= "Anonymous Topic<input type='checkbox' name='anonymous' value='yes'/>\n"; } else { $htmlout .= "Anonymous Post<input type='checkbox' name='anonymous' value='yes'/>\n"; } $htmlout .= "</td></tr></form>\n"; $htmlout .= "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td colspan='2' align='right' class='tfoot'>\n\t\t\t\t" . insert_quick_jump_menu() . "\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>"; $htmlout .= end_table(); $htmlout .= "<br />"; // $htmlout .= end_frame(); // ------ Get 10 last posts if this is a reply if (!$newtopic && $INSTALLER09['show_last_10']) { $postres = sql_query("SELECT, p.added, p.body, p.anonymous, AS uid, u.enabled, u.class, u.donor, u.warned, u.chatpost, u.leechwarn, u.pirate, u.king, u.username, u.avatar, u.offensive_avatar " . "FROM posts AS p " . "LEFT JOIN users AS u ON = p.user_id " . "WHERE p.topic_id=" . sqlesc($id) . " " . "ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 10") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (mysqli_num_rows($postres) > 0) { $htmlout .= "<br />"; $htmlout .= begin_frame("10 last posts, in reverse order"); while ($post = mysqli_fetch_assoc($postres)) { //$avatar = ($CURUSER["avatars"] == "all" ? htmlsafechars($post["avatar"]) : ($CURUSER["avatars"] == "some" && $post["offavatar"] == "no" ? htmlsafechars($post["avatar"]) : "")); $avatar = $CURUSER["avatars"] == "yes" ? avatar_stuff($post) : ""; if ($post['anonymous'] == 'yes') { $avatar = $INSTALLER09['pic_base_url'] . $Multi_forum['configs']['forum_pics']['default_avatar']; } else { $avatar = $CURUSER["avatars"] == "yes" ? avatar_stuff($post) : ''; } if (empty($avatar)) { $avatar = $INSTALLER09['pic_base_url'] . $Multi_forum['configs']['forum_pics']['default_avatar']; } $user_stuff = $post; $user_stuff['id'] = (int) $post['uid']; if ($post["anonymous"] == "yes") { if ($CURUSER['class'] < UC_STAFF && $post["uid"] != $CURUSER["id"]) { $htmlout .= "<p class='sub'>#" . (int) $post["id"] . " by <i>Anonymous</i> at " . get_date($post["added"], 'LONG', 1, 0) . "</p>"; } else { $htmlout .= "<p class='sub'>#" . (int) $post["id"] . " by <i>Anonymous</i> [<b>" . format_username($user_stuff, true) . "</b>] at " . get_date($post["added"], 'LONG', 1, 0) . "</p>"; } } else { $htmlout .= "<p class='sub'>#" . (int) $post["id"] . " by " . (!empty($post["username"]) ? format_username($user_stuff, true) : "unknown[" . (int) $post['uid'] . "]") . " at " . get_date($post["added"], 'LONG', 1, 0) . "</p>"; } $htmlout .= begin_table(true); $htmlout .= "<tr>\n\t\t\t\t <td height='100' width='100' align='center' style='padding: 0px' valign='top'><img height='100' width='100' src='" . $avatar . "' alt='User avvy' /></td>\n\t\t\t\t <td class='comment' valign='top'>" . format_comment($post["body"]) . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t </tr>"; $htmlout .= end_table(); } $htmlout .= end_frame(); } } //$htmlout .= insert_quick_jump_menu(); return $htmlout; }
<td align='left' class='lista'> <input type='text' name='title' size='40' maxlength='40' value='<?php echo $title; ?> '/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align='left' class='lista' valign='top' style='font-size:10pt'> <?php echo NEWS_DESCRIPTION; ?> </td> <td align='left' class='lista'> <?php echo textbbcode('news', 'news', security::html_safe($news)); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> </tr> <tr> <td align='left' class='header'> <input type='submit' name='conferma' value='<?php echo FRM_CONFIRM; ?> ' /> </td> <td align='left' class='header'> <input type='submit' name='conferma' value='<?php echo FRM_CANCEL;
$res = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE `sender` = {$CURUSER['id']} AND `location` = 'template' ORDER BY `subject`"); if (mysql_num_rows($res)) { $tmp = "<select name=\"usetemplate\" onchange=\"toggleTemplate(this);\">\n<option name=\"0\">---</option>\n"; while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $tmp .= "<option value=\"{$arr['id']}\">{$arr['subject']}</option>\n"; } $tmp .= "</select><br />\n"; tr2("Template:", $tmp, 1); } } tr2("Subject:", "<input name=\"subject\" type=\"text\" size=\"60\" value=\"{$subject}\" />", 1); // // tr2("Message","<textarea name=\"msg\" cols=\"50\" rows=\"15\">$msg</textarea>", 1); require_once "backend/bbcode.php"; echo "</table>"; print textbbcode("compose", "msg", "{$msg}"); echo "<table width='600px' border='0' align='center' cellpadding='4' cellspacing='0'>"; if (!isset($_GET['templates'])) { $output .= "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"send\" value=\"Send\" /> <label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"save\" checked='checked' />Save Copy In Outbox</label> <input type=\"submit\" name=\"draft\" value=\"Save Draft\" /> "; } tr2($output . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"template\" value=\"Save Template\" />"); echo "</table>"; end_form(); end_frame(); stdfoot(); die; } end_frame(); } begin_frame($pagename); echo "<center>";
print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"{$id}\" />"; if (isset($_GET["returnto"])) { print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"returnto\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($_GET["returnto"]) . "\" />"; } print "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" width=\"940\">\n"; print "<tr><td class='colhead' colspan='2' align='center'>" . htmlspecialchars($row["name"]) . "</td></tr>"; tr($lang_edit['row_torrent_name'] . "<font color=\"red\">*</font>", "<input type=\"text\" style=\"width: 650px;\" name=\"name\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($row["name"]) . "\" />", 1); if ($smalldescription_main == 'yes') { tr($lang_edit['row_small_description'], "<input type=\"text\" style=\"width: 650px;\" name=\"small_descr\" value=\"" . htmlspecialchars($row["small_descr"]) . "\" />", 1); } get_external_tr($row["url"]); if ($enablenfo_main == 'yes') { tr($lang_edit['row_nfo_file'], "<font class=\"medium\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"nfoaction\" value=\"keep\" checked=\"checked\" />" . $lang_edit['radio_keep_current'] . "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"nfoaction\" value=\"remove\" />" . $lang_edit['radio_remove'] . "<input id=\"nfoupdate\" type=\"radio\" name=\"nfoaction\" value=\"update\" />" . $lang_edit['radio_update'] . "</font><br /><input type=\"file\" name=\"nfo\" onchange=\"document.getElementById('nfoupdate').checked=true\" />", 1); } print "<tr><td class=\"rowhead\">" . $lang_edit['row_description'] . "<font color=\"red\">*</font></td><td class=\"rowfollow\">"; textbbcode("edittorrent", "descr", $row["descr"], false); print "</td></tr>"; $s = "<select name=\"type\" id=\"oricat\">"; $cats = genrelist($sectionmode); foreach ($cats as $subrow) { $s .= "<option value=\"" . $subrow["id"] . "\""; if ($subrow["id"] == $row["category"]) { $s .= " selected=\"selected\""; } $s .= ">" . htmlspecialchars($subrow["name"]) . "</option>\n"; } $s .= "</select>\n"; if ($allowmove) { $s2 = "<select name=\"type\" id=newcat disabled>\n"; $cats2 = genrelist($othermode); foreach ($cats2 as $subrow) {
if (!$row) { show_error_msg(T_("ERROR"), "News id invalid", 0); stdfoot(); } echo "<center><b>" . T_("COMMENTSFOR") . "</b> <a href='torrents-details.php?id=" . $row['id'] . "'>" . htmlspecialchars($row['name']) . "</a></center><br />"; } begin_frame(T_("COMMENTS")); $subres = SQL_Query_exec("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments WHERE {$type} = {$id}"); $subrow = mysql_fetch_array($subres); $commcount = $subrow[0]; if ($commcount) { list($pagertop, $pagerbottom, $limit) = pager(10, $commcount, "comments.php?id={$id}&type={$type}&"); $commquery = "SELECT, text, user, comments.added, avatar, signature, username, title, class, uploaded, downloaded, privacy, donated FROM comments LEFT JOIN users ON comments.user = WHERE {$type} = {$id} ORDER BY {$limit}"; $commres = SQL_Query_exec($commquery); } else { unset($commres); } if ($commcount) { print $pagertop; commenttable($commres, $type); print $pagerbottom; } else { print "<br /><b>" . T_("NOCOMMENTS") . "</b><br />\n"; } echo "<center>"; echo "<form name=\"comment\" method=\"post\" action=\"comments.php?type={$type}&id={$id}&takecomment=yes\">"; echo textbbcode("comment", "body") . "<br />"; echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" . T_("ADDCOMMENT") . "\" />"; echo "</form></center>"; end_frame(); stdfoot();
stderr($language["ERROR"], $language["ERR_PM_GUEST"]); } $res = do_sqlquery("select m.*, IF(m.sender=0,'System',u.username) as sendername FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}messages m LEFT JOIN {$TABLE_PREFIX}users u on WHERE receiver={$uid} AND{$id}", true); if (!$res) { err_msg($language["ERROR"], $language["BAD_ID"]); stdfoot(); exit; } else { $result = mysql_fetch_array($res); $pmedittpl = array(); $pmedittpl["frm_action"] = "index.php?page=usercp&do=" . $do . "&action=post&uid=" . $uid . "&what=" . htmlspecialchars($what) . ""; $pmedittpl["receiver"] = $what != "new" ? unesc($result["sendername"]) : htmlspecialchars(urldecode($_GET["to"])); $pmedittpl["readonly"] = $what != "new" ? " readonly=\"readonly\"" : ""; $pmedittpl["searchuser"] = $what == "new" ? "<a href=\"javascript:popusers('searchusers.php');\">" . $language["FIND_USER"] . "</a>" : ""; $pmedittpl["subject"] = $what != "new" ? (strpos(unesc($result["subject"]), "Re:") === false ? "Re:" : "") . unesc($result["subject"]) : ""; $pmedittpl["bbcode"] = textbbcode("edit", "msg", $what == "quote" ? "[quote=" . htmlspecialchars($result["sendername"]) . "]" . unesc($result["msg"]) . "[/quote]" : ""); $pmedittpl["frm_preview"] = "index.php?page=usercp&do=" . $do . "&action=post&uid=" . $uid . "&what=" . htmlspecialchars($what) . ""; $pmedittpl["frm_cancel"] = "index.php?page=usercp&uid=" . $uid . "&do=pm&action=list"; $usercptpl->set("pmedit", $pmedittpl); } } elseif ($what == "inbox" && $action == "read" || $what == "outbox" && $action == "read") { $usercptpl->set("MSG_READ", true, true); $id = intval($_GET["id"]); if ($what == "inbox") { $res = do_sqlquery("select m.*, IF(m.sender=0,'System',u.username) as sendername FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}messages m LEFT JOIN {$TABLE_PREFIX}users u on WHERE receiver={$uid} AND{$id}", true); } elseif ($what == "outbox") { $res = do_sqlquery("select m.*, IF(m.receiver=0,'System',u.username) as sendername FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}messages m LEFT JOIN {$TABLE_PREFIX}users u on WHERE sender={$uid} AND{$id}", true); } if (mysql_num_rows($res) == "0") { err_msg($language["ERROR"], $language["BAD_ID"]); stdfoot();