Exemple #1
assert_options(ASSERT_BAIL, 1);
$dbResult = mysql_query('select * from lexems ' . 'where lexem_forma not rlike "\'" ');
$seen = 0;
$fixed = 0;
while ($dbRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($dbResult)) {
    $lexem = Lexem::createFromDbRow($dbRow);
    //  print $lexem->form . "\n";
    $defs = Definition::loadByLexemId($lexem->id);
    // Phase 2:
    // - Lexems with only one vowel
    // - Paticiples (extra -T at the end, type A2)
    // - Long infinitves (extra -RE at the end, type F107/F113).
    $vowelCount = text_countVowels($lexem->form);
    if ($vowelCount == 1) {
        $lexem->form = text_placeAccent($lexem->form, 1, null);
        //print "{$lexem->form}\n";
    $position = false;
    $form = false;
    foreach ($defs as $def) {
        $accented = _text_extractLexiconHelper($def);
        $accented = internalizeLexicon($accented);
        $accentCount = mb_substr_count($accented, "'");
        if ($accentCount > 1) {
            $position = false;

require_once "../../phplib/util.php";
assert_options(ASSERT_BAIL, 1);
$count = 0;
$fixed = 0;
$dbResult = mysql_query('select * from lexems ' . 'where lexem_forma not rlike "\'"');
print "Adding accents to lexems with a single vowel.\n";
print "Examining " . mysql_num_rows($dbResult) . " lexems.\n";
while ($dbRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($dbResult)) {
    $l = Lexem::createFromDbRow($dbRow);
    if (text_countVowels($l->form) == 1) {
        $l->form = text_placeAccent($l->form, 1, '');
        //print "Fixed: {$l->form}\n";
print "{$count} lexems seen, {$fixed} fixed.\n";