$path .= $parts['basename']; } $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path) . '/'; session_set_cookie_params(0, $path); session_start(); // make sure we don't cross site session steal in our own site if (!isset($_SESSION['PWD']) || __FILE__ != $_SESSION['PWD']) { $_SESSION = array(); } $_SESSION['PWD'] = __FILE__; // set a token, we'll be passing one around a lot if (!isset($_SESSION['token'])) { $_SESSION['token'] = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); } if (!defined('DEBUG')) { if (test_debug()) { define('DEBUG', true); // DO NOT CHANGE THIS ONE } else { define('DEBUG', (bool) $debug); // set to true for output of debugging code } if (DEBUG) { if (isset($_GET['DEBUG'])) { $GLOBALS['_&_DEBUG_QUERY'] = '&DEBUG=' . $_GET['DEBUG']; $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] = '?DEBUG=' . $_GET['DEBUG']; } else { $GLOBALS['_&_DEBUG_QUERY'] = ''; $GLOBALS['_?_DEBUG_QUERY'] = '?z'; } }
<?php $GLOBALS['NODEBUG'] = true; $GLOBALS['AJAX'] = true; // don't require log in when testing for used usernames and emails if (isset($_POST['validity_test']) || isset($_GET['validity_test']) && isset($_GET['DEBUG'])) { define('LOGIN', false); } require_once 'includes/inc.global.php'; // make sure we are running this file directly // (although this will always be a non-false value, so... ???) $pos = strpos(__FILE__, preg_replace('%[\\/]+%', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])); if (false !== $pos && test_debug()) { $GLOBALS['NODEBUG'] = false; $_GET['token'] = $_SESSION['token']; $_GET['keep_token'] = true; $_POST = $_GET; $DEBUG = true; call('AJAX HELPER'); call($_POST); } // run the index page refresh checks if (isset($_POST['timer'])) { $message_count = (int) Message::check_new($_SESSION['player_id']); $turn_count = (int) Game::check_turns($_SESSION['player_id']); echo $message_count + $turn_count; exit; } // run registration checks if (isset($_POST['validity_test'])) { # if (('email' == $_POST['type']) && ('' == $_POST['value'])) {