function plugin_check_main() { global $themechecks, $data, $themename; $files = listdir(WP_PLUGIN_DIR); if ($files) { $css = array(); $php = array(); $other = array(); foreach ($files as $key => $filename) { if (substr($filename, -4) == '.php') { if (strpos($filename, 'plugins/theme-check') == false && strpos($filename, 'plugins/akismet') == false && strpos($filename, 'plugins/plugin-check') == false) { $php[$filename] = php_strip_whitespace($filename); } } else { if (substr($filename, -4) == '.css') { if (strpos($filename, 'plugins/theme-check') == false && strpos($filename, 'plugins/akismet') == false && strpos($filename, 'plugins/plugin-check') == false) { $css[$filename] = file_get_contents($filename); } } else { if (strpos($filename, 'plugins/theme-check') == false && strpos($filename, 'plugins/akismet') == false && strpos($filename, 'plugins/plugin-check') == false) { $other[$filename] = file_get_contents($filename); } } } } // run the checks $failed = !run_themechecks($php, $css, $other); global $checkcount; // second loop, to display the errors $plugins = get_plugins('/theme-check'); $version = explode('.', $plugins['theme-check.php']['Version']); echo '<p>Running <strong>' . $checkcount . '</strong> tests against <strong>All Plugins</strong> using Theme-check Guidelines Version: <strong>' . $version[0] . '</strong> Plugin revision: <strong>' . $version[1] . '</strong></p>'; $results = display_themechecks(); $success = true; if (strpos($results, 'WARNING') !== false) { $success = false; } if (strpos($results, 'REQUIRED') !== false) { $success = false; } if ($success === false) { echo '<h2>' . __('One or more errors were found</h2>', 'themecheck'); } else { echo '<h2>' . __('Your plugins have passed all the tests!', 'themecheck') . '</h2>'; tc_success(); } echo '<div class="tc-box">'; echo '<ul class="tc-result">'; echo $results; echo '</ul></div>'; } }
function check_main($theme) { global $themechecks, $data, $themename; $themename = $theme; $theme = get_theme_root($theme) . "/{$theme}"; $files = listdir($theme); $data = tc_get_theme_data($theme . '/style.css'); if ($data['Template']) { // This is a child theme, so we need to pull files from the parent, which HAS to be installed. $parent = get_theme_root($data['Template']) . '/' . $data['Template']; if (!tc_get_theme_data($parent . '/style.css')) { // This should never happen but we will check while were here! echo '<h2>' . sprintf(__('Parent theme <strong>%1$s</strong> not found! You have to have parent AND child-theme installed!', 'theme-check'), $data['Template']) . '</h2>'; return; } $parent_data = tc_get_theme_data($parent . '/style.css'); $themename = basename($parent); $files = array_merge(listdir($parent), $files); } if ($files) { foreach ($files as $key => $filename) { if (substr($filename, -4) == '.php') { $php[$filename] = php_strip_whitespace($filename); } else { if (substr($filename, -4) == '.css') { $css[$filename] = file_get_contents($filename); } else { $other[$filename] = !is_dir($filename) ? file_get_contents($filename) : ''; } } } // run the checks $success = run_themechecks($php, $css, $other); global $checkcount; // second loop, to display the errors echo '<h2>' . __('Theme Info', 'theme-check') . ': </h2>'; echo '<div class="theme-info">'; if (file_exists(trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/themes') . trailingslashit(basename($theme)) . 'screenshot.png')) { $image = getimagesize($theme . '/screenshot.png'); echo '<div style="float:right" class="theme-info"><img style="max-height:180px;" src="' . trailingslashit(WP_CONTENT_URL . '/themes') . trailingslashit(basename($theme)) . 'screenshot.png" />'; echo '<br /><div style="text-align:center">' . $image[0] . 'x' . $image[1] . ' ' . round(filesize($theme . '/screenshot.png') / 1024) . 'k</div></div>'; } echo !empty($data['Title']) ? '<p><label>' . __('Title', 'theme-check') . '</label><span class="info">' . $data['Title'] . '</span></p>' : ''; echo !empty($data['Version']) ? '<p><label>' . __('Version', 'theme-check') . '</label><span class="info">' . $data['Version'] . '</span></p>' : ''; echo !empty($data['AuthorName']) ? '<p><label>' . __('Author', 'theme-check') . '</label><span class="info">' . $data['AuthorName'] . '</span></p>' : ''; echo !empty($data['AuthorURI']) ? '<p><label>' . __('Author URI', 'theme-check') . '</label><span class="info"><a href="' . $data['AuthorURI'] . '">' . $data['AuthorURI'] . '</a>' . '</span></p>' : ''; echo !empty($data['URI']) ? '<p><label>' . __('Theme URI', 'theme-check') . '</label><span class="info"><a href="' . $data['URI'] . '">' . $data['URI'] . '</a>' . '</span></p>' : ''; echo !empty($data['License']) ? '<p><label>' . __('License', 'theme-check') . '</label><span class="info">' . $data['License'] . '</span></p>' : ''; echo !empty($data['License URI']) ? '<p><label>' . __('License URI', 'theme-check') . '</label><span class="info">' . $data['License URI'] . '</span></p>' : ''; echo !empty($data['Tags']) ? '<p><label>' . __('Tags', 'theme-check') . '</label><span class="info">' . implode($data['Tags'], ', ') . '</span></p>' : ''; echo !empty($data['Description']) ? '<p><label>' . __('Description', 'theme-check') . '</label><span class="info">' . $data['Description'] . '</span></p>' : ''; if ($data['Template']) { if ($data['Template Version'] > $parent_data['Version']) { echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('This child theme requires at least version <strong>%1$s</strong> of theme <strong>%2$s</strong> to be installed. You only have <strong>%3$s</strong> please update the parent theme.', 'theme-check'), $data['Template Version'], $parent_data['Title'], $parent_data['Version']) . '</p>'; } echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('This is a child theme. The parent theme is: <strong>%1$s</strong>. These files have been included automatically!', 'theme-check'), $data['Template']) . '</p>'; if (empty($data['Template Version'])) { echo '<p>' . __('Child theme does not have the <strong>Template Version</strong> tag in style.css.', 'theme-check') . '</p>'; } else { echo $data['Template Version'] < $parent_data['Version'] ? '<p>' . sprintf(__('Child theme is only tested up to version %1$s of %2$s breakage may occur! %3$s installed version is %4$s', 'theme-check'), $data['Template Version'], $parent_data['Title'], $parent_data['Title'], $parent_data['Version']) . '</p>' : ''; } } echo '</div><!-- .theme-info-->'; $plugins = get_plugins('/theme-check'); $version = explode('.', $plugins['theme-check.php']['Version']); echo '<p>' . sprintf(__(' Running <strong>%1$s</strong> tests against <strong>%2$s</strong> using Guidelines Version: <strong>%3$s</strong> Plugin revision: <strong>%4$s</strong>', 'theme-check'), $checkcount, $data['Title'], $version[0], $version[1]) . '</p>'; $results = display_themechecks(); if (!$success) { echo '<h2>' . sprintf(__('One or more errors were found for %1$s.', 'theme-check'), $data['Title']) . '</h2>'; } else { echo '<h2>' . sprintf(__('%1$s passed the tests', 'theme-check'), $data['Title']) . '</h2>'; tc_success(); } if (!defined('WP_DEBUG') || WP_DEBUG == false) { echo '<div class="updated"><span class="tc-fail">' . __('WARNING', 'theme-check') . '</span> ' . __('<strong>WP_DEBUG is not enabled!</strong> Please test your theme with <a href="">debug enabled</a> before you upload!', 'theme-check') . '</div>'; } echo '<div class="tc-box">'; echo '<ul class="tc-result">'; echo $results; echo '</ul></div>'; } }