function merge_pdf_metadata($pdf_ids, $path) { if (count($pdf_ids) < 2) { err_bad_input_format("expected at least 2 pdf ids"); } // validate pdf arguments and gather merged pdf attributes $attributes = array(); $tags = array(); $total_pages = 0; foreach ($pdf_ids as $pdf_id) { $pdf = get_pdf_info($pdf_id); if (!$pdf) { err_bad_input_data('pdfid', $pdf_id, 'not a valid pdf id'); } if (!isset($attributes['title']) && $pdf['title']) { $attributes['title'] = $pdf['title']; } if (!isset($attributes['date']) && $pdf['date']) { $attributes['date'] = $pdf['date']; } if (!isset($attributes['origin']) && $pdf['origin']) { $attributes['origin'] = $pdf['origin']; } if (!isset($attributes['recipient']) && $pdf['recipient']) { $attributes['recipient'] = $pdf['recipient']; } $tags = array_unique(array_merge($tags, find_tags_for_pdf($pdf_id))); } foreach ($pdf_ids as $pdf_id) { delete_pdf_metadata($pdf_id); } $new_id = add_pdf_to_db($path, $attributes); foreach ($tags as $tag) { tag_pdf($new_id, $tag); } if (!$new_id) { err_internal("could not insert merged file to db"); } return $new_id; }
function service_associate_tags($args) { if (count($args) != 2) { err_bad_input_format("expected two argument in URL (dash-separated list of tag ids followed by dash-separated list of pdf ids)"); } $tags = explode('-', $args[0]); $pdfs = explode('-', $args[1]); foreach ($tags as $tag) { if (!get_tag_info($tag)) { err_bad_input_data('tagid', $tag, 'not a valid tag id'); } } foreach ($pdfs as $pdf) { if (!get_pdf_info($pdf)) { err_bad_input_data('pdfid', $pdf, 'not a valid pdf id'); } } foreach ($pdfs as $pdf_id) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { tag_pdf($pdf_id, $tag); } } }