public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->table = table_name($this->ins_name); $this->createRule = ['name' => 'required', 'username' => 'required|unique:' . table_name($this->ins_name), 'password' => 'required|min:6', 'hospital_id' => 'required|exists:' . table_name('hospital') . ',id']; $this->updateRule = ['id' => 'required|numeric']; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->table = table_name($this->ins_name); $this->createRule = ['name' => 'string', 'name_in_charge' => 'string', 'city_id' => 'required|numeric', 'province_id' => 'required|numeric', 'location_detail' => 'string', 'username' => 'required|unique:' . table_name($this->ins_name), 'password' => 'required|min:6', 'phone' => 'numeric|min:11', 'email' => 'email', 'status' => 'numeric', 'memo' => 'string']; $this->updateRule = ['id' => 'required|numeric', 'password' => 'min:6']; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->table = table_name($this->ins_name); $this->createRule = ['name' => 'required', 'username' => 'required|unique:' . table_name($this->ins_name), 'password' => 'required|min:6|regex:/^(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*[\\d])[a-zA-Z\\d].+$/', 'phone' => 'required', 'email' => 'required|email', 'status' => 'numeric', 'memo' => 'string']; $this->updateRule = ['id' => 'required|numeric', 'username' => 'unique:' . table_name($this->ins_name) . ',username,' . rq('id'), 'password' => 'min:6|regex:/^(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*[\\d])[a-zA-Z\\d].+$/']; $this->messages = ['username.required' => '用户名必填', 'username.unique' => '用户名已被使用', 'password.required' => '密码必填', 'password.regex' => '密码不符合要求,必选包含字母和数字', 'password.min' => '密码必须大于6位', 'phone.required' => '手机号码必填', 'email.required' => '电子邮箱必填', '' => '邮箱格式有误']; }
public function __construct($prefix = 'i') { $this->table = table_name($this->ins_name, $prefix); $settings = Cache::get('i_settings', null); if (!empty($settings)) { $this->default_limit = array_get($settings, 'user.per_page'); } }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->table = table_name($this->ins_name, 'i'); $this->createRule = ['email' => 'required|email', 'name' => 'required', 'phone' => 'required']; $this->updateRule = ['email' => 'required|email', 'name' => 'required', 'phone' => 'required']; $this->messages = ['phone.required' => '手机号码必填', 'email.required' => '电子邮箱必填', '' => '邮箱格式有误']; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->table = table_name($this->ins_name); $this->createRule = ['name' => 'required', 'username' => 'required|unique:' . table_name($this->ins_name), 'password' => 'required|alpha_num|min:6', 'phone' => 'required', 'email' => 'required|email', 'status' => 'numeric', 'memo' => 'string']; $this->updateRule = ['id' => 'required|numeric', 'username' => 'unique:' . table_name($this->ins_name) . ',username,' . rq('id'), 'password' => 'alpha_num|min:6']; $this->messages = ['username.required' => '用户名必填', 'username.unique' => '用户名已被使用', 'password.required' => '密码必填', 'password.min' => '密码至少有6位字母或者数字', 'phone.required' => '手机号码必填', 'email.required' => '电子邮箱必填', '' => '邮箱格式有误']; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->table = table_name($this->ins_name); $this->createRule = ['name' => 'required', 'username' => 'required|unique:' . table_name($this->ins_name), 'password' => 'required|min:6|regex:/^(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*[\\d])[a-zA-Z\\d].+$/', 'hospital_id' => 'required|exists:' . table_name('hospital') . ',id']; $this->updateRule = ['id' => 'required|numeric', 'password' => 'min:6|regex:/^(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*[\\d])[a-zA-Z\\d].+$/']; $this->messages = ['password.regex' => '密码不符合要求,必选包含字母和数字', 'password.min' => '密码必须大于6位']; }
public function action_create() { if (is_post()) { $parameters = get_previous_parameters(); $object = new CommentObj(); $object = $object->fromRequest(); $object['foreign_id'] = empty($object['foreign_id']) ? reset($parameters) : $object['foreign_id']; $object['foreign_table'] = empty($object['foreign_table']) ? table_name(get_previous_area()) : $object['foreign_table']; //If we don't have a logged in user, create a dummy account if (!BackendUser::check()) { $query = new SelectQuery('BackendUser'); $query->filter('`email` = :email'); if ($old_user = Controller::getVar('user')) { $existing_user = $query->fetchAssoc(array(':email' => $old_user['email'])); } switch (true) { case $existing_user && $existing_user['confirmed'] && $existing_user['active']: //Attribute quote to user? Seems risque, actually, if I know a user's email address, I can just attribute to him. Auth first Backend::addError('Comment not added. Please login first'); return false; break; case $existing_user && !$existing_user['confirmed'] && $existing_user['active']: //Unregistered user commented before $object['user_id'] = $existing_user['id']; break; default: case !$existing_user: $user_data = array('name' => $old_user['name'], 'surname' => '', 'email' => $old_user['email'], 'website' => $old_user['website'], 'username' => $old_user['email'], 'password' => get_random(), 'confirmed' => 0, 'active' => 1); $user = self::getObject('BackendUser'); if ($user->create($user_data)) { $object['user_id'] = $user->array['id']; $url = SITE_LINK . '/?q=backend_user/confirm/' . $user->array['salt']; $app_name = ConfigValue::get('Title'); $message = <<<END Hi {$user->array['name']}! Thank you for your comment on {$app_name}. An account has automatically been created for you. To activate it, please click on the following link: {$url} Please note that you don't need to do this for your comments to show, but this account will be deleted if it isn't confirmed in a weeks time. Regards END; send_email($user->array['email'], 'Thank you for your comment.', $message); } else { Backend::addError('Could not create user to add Comment'); return false; } break; } } $object = array_filter($object, create_function('$var', 'return !is_null($var);')); Controller::setVar('obj', $object); } return parent::action_create(); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->table = table_name($this->ins_name, 'i'); // $this->createRule = [ // 'email' => 'required|email', // 'name' => 'required' // ]; }
function view_attempts() { include "../sql-connections/sql-connect-1.php"; $table = table_name(); $sql = "SELECT tryy FROM {$table} WHERE id=1"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); if (!$row) { die("error in function view_attempts()" . mysql_error()); } else { return $row[0]; } }
/** * if user exists, return user instance, * else return false. * @param $ins_name * @param $cond * @return mixed */ public function user_exists($ins_name, $cond) { $ins = M($ins_name); $ins = $ins->where($cond); if ($ins_name == 'department') { $select = [table_name('department') . '.*', table_name('hospital') . '.name as hospital_name']; $ins = $ins->select($select)->leftJoin(table_name('hospital'), table_name('department') . '.hospital_id', '=', table_name('hospital') . '.id'); } if ($ins_name == 'employee') { $ins = $ins->where('status', 1); } if ($ins_name == 'agency') { $ins = $ins->where('status', 1); } $ins = $ins->first(); return $ins ? $ins : false; }
public function front() { $cache = Cache::get('i_settings', null); $per_page = array_get($cache, 'user.per_page'); $d = ['debug' => debugging(), 'is_logged_in' => sess('is_logged_in'), 'his_chara' => sess('his_chara'), 'username' => sess('username'), 'uid' => sess('uid'), 'per_page' => $per_page, 'agency_end' => $this->retrieve('system.agency_end')]; $type = ['employee' => 1, 'agency' => 2, 'doctor' => 3]; // 获取未读通知 if (uid()) { $d['unread'] = M('message')->where('recipientid', uid())->where('recipienttype', $type[his_chara()[0]])->where('read', 0)->count(); } else { $d['unread'] = 0; } $d['org'] = ''; if (he_is('agency')) { $org = DB::table(table_name('agency'))->select('name')->where('id', uid())->first(); sess('org', $org->name); $d['org'] = sess('org'); } if (he_is('employee')) { $d['org'] = sess('org'); } return ss($d); }
/** * Construct a DB Object * * children have the following options: * - conditions = array(ClassName => array(field_in_child => value | field_in_this_model)) * - relation = single | multiple, defaults to single */ function __construct($meta = array(), array $options = array()) { if (!is_array($meta)) { $meta = is_numeric($meta) ? array('id' => $meta) : array(); } $meta['id'] = array_key_exists('id', $meta) ? $meta['id'] : false; $meta['id_field'] = array_key_exists('id_field', $meta) ? $meta['id_field'] : 'id'; $meta['table'] = array_key_exists('table', $meta) ? $meta['table'] : table_name(get_class($this)); $meta['database'] = array_key_exists('database', $meta) ? $meta['database'] : Backend::getConfig('backend.dbs.default.alias', 'default'); $meta['provider'] = array_key_exists('provider', $meta) ? $meta['provider'] : Backend::getConfig('backend.provider', 'MySQL'); $meta['fields'] = array_key_exists('fields', $meta) ? $meta['fields'] : array(); $meta['keys'] = array_key_exists('keys', $meta) ? $meta['keys'] : array(); $meta['name'] = array_key_exists('name', $meta) ? $meta['name'] : class_name(get_class($this)); $meta['objname'] = array_key_exists('objname', $meta) ? $meta['objname'] : get_class($this); $meta['relations'] = array_key_exists('relations', $meta) ? $meta['relations'] : array(); $this->meta = $meta; $load_type = array_key_exists('load_mode', $options) ? $options['load_mode'] : $this->load_mode; if ($this->checkConnection()) { if ($meta['id']) { $this->read(array('mode' => $load_type)); } } }
protected function add_to_many_object($class, $value) { $table = table_name($class); # search in habtm #if (is_array($this->habtm) && array_key_exists($table, $this->habtm)) { if ($this->has_relationship($table, 'habtm')) { $table = $this->habtm[$table]['table']; foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $this->exec("INSERT INTO {$table} (" . $this->get_table() . "_id, " . $v->get_table() . "_id) VALUES('" . $this->get_id() . "', '" . $v->get_id() . "')"); } } else { if ($this->has_relationship($table, 'to-many')) { $class = $this->to_many[$table]['class']; $idprop = $this->get_table() . '_id'; $id = $this->get_id(); foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $v->{$idprop} = $id; $v->save(); } } } }
public function __construct($prefix = 'i') { $this->table = table_name($this->ins_name, $prefix); }
function fillable_fields($ins_name, $d, $ins_type = 'i') { return array_only($d, Schema::getColumnListing(table_name($ins_name, $ins_type))); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->table = table_name($this->ins_name, 'v'); }
function var_name($class) { return table_name($class); }
public function __construct() { $this->table = table_name($this->ins_name, 'v'); }
public function init_setting() { $settings = Cache::rememberForever('i_settings', function () { $data = DB::table(table_name('settings'))->get(); $rules = []; array_walk($data, function ($item) use(&$rules) { $rules[$item->k] = json_decode($item->v, true); }); return $rules; }); return $settings; }
<div style=" margin-top:20px;color:#FFF; font-size:23px; text-align:center">Welcome <font color="#FF0000"> Dhakkan </font><br> <font size="3" color="#FFFF00"> <?php //including the Mysql connect parameters. include '../sql-connections/sql-connect-1.php'; include '../sql-connections/functions.php'; error_reporting(0); $pag = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; //generating page address to piggy back after redirects... $characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; //characterset for generating random data $times = 130; $table = table_name(); $col = column_name(1); // session id column name $col1 = column_name(2); //secret key column name // Submitting the final answer if (!isset($_POST['answer_key'])) { // resetting the challenge and repopulating the table . if (isset($_POST['reset'])) { setcookie('challenge', ' ', time() - 3600000); echo "<font size=4>You have reset the Challenge</font><br>\n"; echo "Redirecting you to main challenge page..........\n"; header("refresh:4;url=../sql-connections/setup-db-challenge.php?id={$pag}"); //echo "cookie expired"; } else { // Checking the cookie on the page and populate the table with random value.
<?php include ''; include 'sql-connect-1.php'; include 'functions.php'; $tab = table_name(); $col = column_name(2); $data = data($tab, $col); echo $data;