Exemple #1
             // Enabled
             $syslog_message = T_('SMTP enabled.');
         } elseif ($old_smtp_enabled && !$Settings->get('smtp_enabled')) {
             // Disabled
             $syslog_message = T_('SMTP disabled.') . (!empty($smtp_error) && is_string($smtp_error) ? ' ' . sprintf(T_('Reason: %s'), $smtp_error) : '');
         // Invalid tab3
         break 2;
 if (!$Messages->has_errors()) {
     if ($Settings->dbupdate()) {
         if (!empty($syslog_message)) {
             // Log system info into DB
             syslog_insert($syslog_message, 'info', NULL);
         $Messages->add(T_('Settings updated.'), 'success');
         if ($Settings->get('smtp_enabled')) {
             // Check if connection is available
             global $smtp_connection_result;
             // Test SMTP connection
             $smtp_messages = smtp_connection_test();
             // Init this var to display a result on the page
             $smtp_test_output = is_array($smtp_messages) ? implode("<br />\n", $smtp_messages) : '';
             if ($smtp_connection_result) {
                 // Success
                 $Messages->add(T_('The connection with this SMTP server has been tested successfully.'), 'success');
             } else {
                 // Error
                 $Messages->add(T_('The connection with this SMTP server has failed.'), 'error');
Exemple #2
 * Create links between users and image files from the users profile_pictures folder
function create_profile_picture_links()
    global $DB;
    load_class('files/model/_filelist.class.php', 'Filelist');
    load_class('files/model/_fileroot.class.php', 'FileRoot');
    $path = 'profile_pictures';
    $FileRootCache =& get_FileRootCache();
    $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
    // SQL query to get all users and limit by page below
    $users_SQL = new SQL();
    $page = 0;
    $page_size = 100;
    while (count($UserCache->cache) > 0 || $page == 0) {
        // Load users by 100 at one time to avoid errors about memory exhausting
        $users_SQL->LIMIT($page * $page_size . ', ' . $page_size);
        while (($iterator_User =& $UserCache->get_next()) != NULL) {
            // Iterate through UserCache)
            $user_FileRoot =& $FileRootCache->get_by_type_and_ID('user', $iterator_User->ID);
            if (!$user_FileRoot) {
                // User FileRoot doesn't exist
            $ads_list_path = get_canonical_path($user_FileRoot->ads_path . $path);
            // Previously uploaded avatars
            if (!is_dir($ads_list_path)) {
                // profile_picture folder doesn't exists in the user root dir
            $user_avatar_Filelist = new Filelist($user_FileRoot, $ads_list_path);
            if ($user_avatar_Filelist->count() > 0) {
                // profile_pictures folder is not empty
                $info_content = '';
                $LinkOwner = new LinkUser($iterator_User);
                while ($lFile =& $user_avatar_Filelist->get_next()) {
                    // Loop through all Files:
                    $fileName = $lFile->get_name();
                    if (process_filename($fileName)) {
                        // The file has invalid file name, don't create in the database
                        syslog_insert(sprintf('Invalid file name %s has been found in a user folder', '<b>' . $fileName . '</b>'), 'info', 'user', $iterator_User->ID);
                        // TODO: asimo> we should collect each invalid file name here, and send an email to the admin
                    if ($lFile->is_image()) {
        // Increase page number to get next portion of users
    // Clear cache data
 * metaWeblog.newMediaObject image upload
 * wp.uploadFile
 * Supplied image is encoded into the struct as bits
 * @see http://www.xmlrpc.com/metaWeblogApi#metaweblognewmediaobject
 * @see http://codex.wordpress.org/XML-RPC_wp#wp.uploadFile
 * @param xmlrpcmsg XML-RPC Message
 *					0 blogid (string): Unique identifier of the blog the post will be added to.
 *						Currently ignored in b2evo, in favor of the category.
 *					1 username (string): Login for a Blogger user who has permission to edit the given
 *						post (either the user who originally created it or an admin of the blog).
 *					2 password (string): Password for said username.
 *					3 struct (struct)
 * 							- name : filename
 * 							- type : mimetype
 * 							- bits : base64 encoded file
 * @return xmlrpcresp XML-RPC Response
function _wp_mw_newmediaobject($m)
    global $Settings, $Plugins, $force_upload_forbiddenext;
     * @var User
    if (!($current_User =& xmlrpcs_login($m, 1, 2))) {
        // Login failed, return (last) error:
        return xmlrpcs_resperror();
    // GET BLOG:
     * @var Blog
    if (!($Blog =& xmlrpcs_get_Blog($m, 0))) {
        // Login failed, return (last) error:
        return xmlrpcs_resperror();
    if (!$current_User->check_perm('files', 'add', false, $Blog->ID)) {
        // Permission denied
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(3);
        // User error 3
    logIO('Permission granted.');
    if (!$Settings->get('upload_enabled')) {
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(2, 'Object upload not allowed');
    $xcontent = $m->getParam(3);
    // Get the main data - and decode it properly for the image - sorry, binary object
    logIO('Decoding content...');
    $contentstruct = xmlrpc_decode_recurse($xcontent);
    $data = $contentstruct['bits'];
    $file_mimetype = isset($contentstruct['type']) ? $contentstruct['type'] : '(none)';
    logIO('Received MIME type: ' . $file_mimetype);
    $overwrite = false;
    if (isset($contentstruct['overwrite'])) {
        $overwrite = (bool) $contentstruct['overwrite'];
    logIO('Overwrite if exists: ' . ($overwrite ? 'yes' : 'no'));
    $filesize = evo_bytes($data);
    if (($maxfilesize = $Settings->get('upload_maxkb') * 1024) && $filesize > $maxfilesize) {
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(4, sprintf(T_('The file is too large: %s but the maximum allowed is %s.'), bytesreadable($filesize, false), bytesreadable($maxfilesize, false)));
    logIO('File size is OK: ' . bytesreadable($filesize, false));
    $FileRootCache =& get_FileRootCache();
    $fm_FileRoot =& $FileRootCache->get_by_type_and_ID('collection', $Blog->ID, true);
    if (!$fm_FileRoot) {
        // fileRoot not found:
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(14, 'File root not found');
    $rf_filepath = $contentstruct['name'];
    logIO('Received filepath: ' . $rf_filepath);
    // Split into path + name:
    $filepath_parts = explode('/', $rf_filepath);
    $filename = array_pop($filepath_parts);
    logIO('Original file name: ' . $filename);
    // Validate and sanitize filename
    if ($error_filename = process_filename($filename, true)) {
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(5, $error_filename);
    logIO('Sanitized file name: ' . $filename);
    // Check valid path parts:
    $rds_subpath = '';
    foreach ($filepath_parts as $filepath_part) {
        if (empty($filepath_part) || $filepath_part == '.') {
            // self ref not useful
        if ($error = validate_dirname($filepath_part)) {
            // invalid relative path:
            syslog_insert(sprintf('Invalid name is detected for folder %s', '<b>' . $filepath_part . '</b>'), 'warning', 'file');
            return xmlrpcs_resperror(6, $error);
        $rds_subpath .= $filepath_part . '/';
    logIO('Subpath: ' . $rds_subpath);
    // Create temporary file and insert contents into it.
    $tmpfile_name = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'fmupload');
    if ($tmpfile_name) {
        if (save_to_file($data, $tmpfile_name, 'wb')) {
            $image_info = @getimagesize($tmpfile_name);
        } else {
            return xmlrpcs_resperror(13, 'Error while writing to temp file.');
    if (!empty($image_info)) {
        // This is an image file, let's check mimetype and correct extension
        if ($image_info['mime'] != $file_mimetype) {
            // Invalid file type
            $FiletypeCache =& get_FiletypeCache();
            // Get correct file type based on mime type
            $correct_Filetype = $FiletypeCache->get_by_mimetype($image_info['mime'], false, false);
            $file_mimetype = $image_info['mime'];
            // Check if file type is known by us, and if it is allowed for upload.
            // If we don't know this file type or if it isn't allowed we don't change the extension! The current extension is allowed for sure.
            if ($correct_Filetype && $correct_Filetype->is_allowed()) {
                // A FileType with the given mime type exists in database and it is an allowed file type for current User
                // The "correct" extension is a plausible one, proceed...
                $correct_extension = array_shift($correct_Filetype->get_extensions());
                $path_info = pathinfo($filename);
                $current_extension = $path_info['extension'];
                // change file extension to the correct extension, but only if the correct extension is not restricted, this is an extra security check!
                if (strtolower($current_extension) != strtolower($correct_extension) && !in_array($correct_extension, $force_upload_forbiddenext)) {
                    // change the file extension to the correct extension
                    $old_filename = $filename;
                    $filename = $path_info['filename'] . '.' . $correct_extension;
    // Get File object for requested target location:
    $FileCache =& get_FileCache();
    $newFile =& $FileCache->get_by_root_and_path($fm_FileRoot->type, $fm_FileRoot->in_type_ID, trailing_slash($rds_subpath) . $filename, true);
    if ($newFile->exists()) {
        if ($overwrite && $newFile->unlink()) {
            // OK, file deleted
            // Delete thumb caches from old location:
            logIO('Old file deleted');
        } else {
            return xmlrpcs_resperror(8, sprintf(T_('The file &laquo;%s&raquo; already exists.'), $filename));
    // Trigger plugin event
    if ($Plugins->trigger_event_first_false('AfterFileUpload', array('File' => &$newFile, 'name' => &$filename, 'type' => &$file_mimetype, 'tmp_name' => &$tmpfile_name, 'size' => &$filesize))) {
        // Plugin returned 'false'.
        // Abort upload for this file:
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(16, 'File upload aborted by a plugin.');
    if (!mkdir_r($newFile->get_dir())) {
        // Dir didn't already exist and could not be created
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(9, 'Error creating sub directories: ' . $newFile->get_rdfs_rel_path());
    if (!@rename($tmpfile_name, $newFile->get_full_path())) {
        return xmlrpcs_resperror(13, 'Error while writing to file.');
    // chmod the file
    // Initializes file properties (type, size, perms...)
    // Load meta data AND MAKE SURE IT IS CREATED IN DB:
    $newFile->meta == 'unknown';
    // Resize and rotate
    logIO('Running file post-processing (resize and rotate)...');
    $url = $newFile->get_url();
    logIO('URL of new file: ' . $url);
    $struct = new xmlrpcval(array('file' => new xmlrpcval($filename, 'string'), 'url' => new xmlrpcval($url, 'string'), 'type' => new xmlrpcval($file_mimetype, 'string')), 'struct');
    return new xmlrpcresp($struct);
 * Sends HTTP header to redirect to the previous location (which
 * can be given as function parameter, GET parameter (redirect_to),
 * is taken from {@link Hit::$referer} or {@link $baseurl}).
 * {@link $Debuglog} and {@link $Messages} get stored in {@link $Session}, so they
 * are available after the redirect.
 * NOTE: This function {@link exit() exits} the php script execution.
 * @todo fp> do NOT allow $redirect_to = NULL. This leads to spaghetti code and unpredictable behavior.
 * @param string Destination URL to redirect to
 * @param boolean|integer is this a permanent redirect? if true, send a 301; otherwise a 303 OR response code 301,302,303
 * @param boolean is this a redirected post display? This param may be true only if we should redirect to a post url where the post status is 'redirected'!
function header_redirect($redirect_to = NULL, $status = false, $redirected_post = false)
     * put your comment there...
     * @var Hit
    global $Hit;
    global $baseurl, $Blog, $htsrv_url_sensitive, $ReqHost, $ReqURL, $dispatcher;
    global $Session, $Debuglog, $Messages;
    global $http_response_code, $allow_redirects_to_different_domain;
    // TODO: fp> get this out to the caller, make a helper func like get_returnto_url()
    if (empty($redirect_to)) {
        // see if there's a redirect_to request param given:
        $redirect_to = param('redirect_to', 'url', '');
        if (empty($redirect_to)) {
            if (!empty($Hit->referer)) {
                $redirect_to = $Hit->referer;
            } elseif (isset($Blog) && is_object($Blog)) {
                $redirect_to = $Blog->get('url');
            } else {
                $redirect_to = $baseurl;
        } elseif ($redirect_to[0] == '/') {
            // relative URL, prepend current host:
            $redirect_to = $ReqHost . $redirect_to;
    // <fp
    $Debuglog->add('Preparing to redirect to: ' . $redirect_to, 'request');
    // Determine if this is an external or internal redirect:
    $external_redirect = true;
    // Start with worst case, then whitelist:
    if ($redirect_to[0] == '/' || $redirect_to[0] == '?') {
        // We stay on the same domain or same page:
        $external_redirect = false;
    } elseif (strpos($redirect_to, $dispatcher) === 0) {
        // $dispatcher is DEPRECATED and pages should use $admin_url URL instead, but at least we're staying on the same site:
        $external_redirect = false;
    } elseif (strpos($redirect_to, $baseurl) === 0) {
        $Debuglog->add('Redirecting within $baseurl, all is fine.', 'request');
        $external_redirect = false;
    } elseif (strpos($redirect_to, $htsrv_url_sensitive) === 0) {
        $Debuglog->add('Redirecting within $htsrv_url_sensitive, all is fine.', 'request');
        $external_redirect = false;
    } elseif (!empty($Blog) && strpos($redirect_to, $Blog->gen_baseurl()) === 0) {
        $Debuglog->add('Redirecting within current collection URL, all is fine.', 'request');
        $external_redirect = false;
    // Remove login and pwd parameters from URL, so that they do not trigger the login screen again (and also as global security measure):
    $redirect_to = preg_replace('~(?<=\\?|&) (login|pwd) = [^&]+ ~x', '', $redirect_to);
    if ($external_redirect == false) {
        // (blueyed>) Remove "confirm(ed)?" from redirect_to so it doesn't do the same thing twice
        // TODO: fp> confirm should be normalized to confirmed
        $redirect_to = preg_replace('~(?<=\\?|&) (confirm(ed)?) = [^&]+ ~x', '', $redirect_to);
    $allow_collection_redirect = false;
    if ($external_redirect && $allow_redirects_to_different_domain == 'all_collections_and_redirected_posts' && !$redirected_post) {
        // If a redirect is external and we allow to redirect to all collection domains:
        $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache();
        $redirect_to_domain = preg_replace('~https?://([^/]+)/?.*~i', '$1', $redirect_to);
        foreach ($BlogCache->cache as $url_Blog) {
            $blog_domain = preg_replace('~https?://([^/]+)/?.*~i', '$1', $url_Blog->gen_baseurl());
            if ($blog_domain == $redirect_to_domain) {
                // We found current redirect goes to a collection domain, so it is not external
                $allow_collection_redirect = true;
    // Check if we're trying to redirect to an external URL:
    if ($external_redirect && $allow_redirects_to_different_domain != 'always' && !$allow_collection_redirect && !(in_array($allow_redirects_to_different_domain, array('all_collections_and_redirected_posts', 'only_redirected_posts')) && $redirected_post)) {
        // Force header redirects into the same domain. Do not allow external URLs.
        $Messages->add(T_('A redirection to an external URL was blocked for security reasons.'), 'error');
        syslog_insert('A redirection to an external URL ' . $redirect_to . ' was blocked for security reasons.', 'error', NULL);
        $redirect_to = $baseurl;
    if (is_integer($status)) {
        $http_response_code = $status;
    } else {
        $http_response_code = $status ? 301 : 303;
    $Debuglog->add('***** REDIRECT TO ' . $redirect_to . ' (status ' . $http_response_code . ') *****', 'request');
    if (!empty($Session)) {
        // Session is required here
        // Transfer of Debuglog to next page:
        if ($Debuglog->count('all')) {
            // Save Debuglog into Session, so that it's available after redirect (gets loaded by Session constructor):
            $sess_Debuglogs = $Session->get('Debuglogs');
            if (empty($sess_Debuglogs)) {
                $sess_Debuglogs = array();
            $sess_Debuglogs[] = $Debuglog;
            $Session->set('Debuglogs', $sess_Debuglogs, 60);
            // echo 'Passing Debuglog(s) to next page';
            // pre_dump( $sess_Debuglogs );
        // Transfer of Messages to next page:
        if ($Messages->count()) {
            // Set Messages into user's session, so they get restored on the next page (after redirect):
            $Session->set('Messages', $Messages);
            // echo 'Passing Messages to next page';
        // If we don't save now, we run the risk that the redirect goes faster than the PHP script shutdown.
    // see http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
    switch ($http_response_code) {
        case 301:
            // This should be a permanent move redirect!
            header_http_response('301 Moved Permanently');
        case 303:
            // This should be a "follow up" redirect
            // Note: Also see http://de3.php.net/manual/en/function.header.php#50588 and the other comments around
            header_http_response('303 See Other');
        case 302:
            header_http_response('302 Found');
    // debug_die($redirect_to);
    if (headers_sent($filename, $line)) {
        debug_die(sprintf('Headers have already been sent in %s on line %d.', basename($filename), $line) . '<br />Cannot <a href="' . htmlspecialchars($redirect_to) . '">redirect</a>.');
    header('Location: ' . $redirect_to, true, $http_response_code);
    // explictly setting the status is required for (fast)cgi
Exemple #5
         if (!empty($blog)) {
             $blog_param = '&inskin=true&blog=' . $blog;
         $subject = sprintf(T_('Password change request for %s'), $login);
         $email_template_params = array('user_count' => $user_count, 'request_id' => $request_id, 'blog_param' => $blog_param);
         if (!send_mail_to_User($forgetful_User->ID, $subject, 'account_password_reset', $email_template_params, true)) {
             $Messages->add(T_('Sorry, the email with the link to reset your password could not be sent.') . '<br />' . T_('Possible reason: the PHP mail() function may have been disabled on the server.'), 'error');
         } else {
             $Session->set('core.changepwd.request_id', $request_id, 86400 * 2);
             // expires in two days (or when clicked)
             $Session->set('core.changepwd.request_ts_login', $servertimenow . '_' . $login, 360);
             // request timestamp and login/email - expires in six minutes
             // save immediately
             $Messages->add(T_('If you correctly entered your login or email address, a link to change your password has been sent to your registered email address.'), 'success');
             syslog_insert('User requested password reset', 'info', 'user', $forgetful_User->ID);
     $action = 'req_login';
 case 'changepwd':
     // Clicked "Change password request" link from a mail
     param('reqID', 'string', '');
     param('sessID', 'integer', '');
     $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
     $forgetful_User =& $UserCache->get_by_login($login);
     if (!$forgetful_User || empty($reqID)) {
         // This was not requested
         $Messages->add(T_('Invalid password change request! Please try again...'), 'error');
Exemple #6
  * Change file permissions on disk.
  * @access public
  * @param string chmod (octal three-digit-format, eg '777'), uses {@link $Settings} for NULL
  *                    (fm_default_chmod_dir, fm_default_chmod_file)
  * @return mixed new permissions on success (octal format), false on failure
 function chmod($chmod = NULL)
     if ($chmod === NULL) {
         global $Settings;
         $chmod = $this->is_dir() ? $Settings->get('fm_default_chmod_dir') : $Settings->get('fm_default_chmod_file');
     if (@chmod($this->_adfp_full_path, octdec($chmod))) {
         // update current entry
         $this->_perms = fileperms($this->_adfp_full_path);
         syslog_insert(sprintf('The permissions of file %s were changed to %s', '<b>' . $this->get_name() . '</b>', $chmod), 'info', 'file', $this->ID);
         return $this->_perms;
     } else {
         syslog_insert(sprintf('The permissions of file %s could not be changed to %s', '<b>' . $this->get_name() . '</b>', $chmod), 'info', 'file', $this->ID);
         return false;
Exemple #7
 * Check if the value is a file name
 * @param string param name
 * @param string error message
 * @return boolean true if OK
function param_check_filename($var, $err_msg)
    if ($error_filename = validate_filename($GLOBALS[$var])) {
        param_error($var, $error_filename);
        syslog_insert(sprintf('File %s is invalid or has an unrecognized extension', '<b>' . $GLOBALS[$var] . '</b>'), 'warning', 'file');
        return false;
    return true;
Exemple #8
switch ($action) {
    case 'edit_links':
        // Display link owner attachments
        // Check permission:
        $LinkOwner->check_perm('edit', true);
        // Add JavaScript to handle links modifications.
    case 'unlink':
        // Delete a link:
        // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request:
        // Check permission:
        $LinkOwner->check_perm('edit', true);
        if ($link_File =& $edited_Link->get_File()) {
            syslog_insert(sprintf('File %s was unlinked from %s with ID=%s', '<b>' . $link_File->get_name() . '</b>', $LinkOwner->type, $LinkOwner->link_Object->ID), 'info', 'file', $link_File->ID);
        // Unlink File from Item/Comment:
        $deleted_link_ID = $edited_Link->ID;
        $Messages->add($LinkOwner->translate('Link has been deleted from $xxx$.'), 'success');
    case 'link_move_up':
    case 'link_move_down':
        // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request:
        // Check permission:
        $LinkOwner->check_perm('edit', true);
Exemple #9
 * Test connection to SMTP server by Swift Mailer
 * @return array Result messages
function smtp_connection_test()
    global $smtp_connection_result;
    $smtp_messages = array();
    $smtp_connection_result = true;
    // Check if Swift Mailer is enabled
    $check_smtp_result = check_smtp_mailer();
    $message = T_('Check SMTP settings... ');
    if ($check_smtp_result === true) {
        // Success
        $smtp_messages[] = $message . '<span class="green">OK</span>';
        syslog_insert($message . 'OK', 'info', NULL);
    } else {
        // Error
        $smtp_messages[] = $message . '<span class="red">' . $check_smtp_result . '</span>';
        syslog_insert($message . $check_smtp_result, 'warning', NULL);
        $smtp_connection_result = false;
        return $smtp_messages;
        // EXIT
    // Test a connection
    $Swift_SmtpTransport =& get_Swift_SmtpTransport();
    $connection_result = test_smtp_transport($Swift_SmtpTransport);
    $message = T_('Test SMTP connection... ');
    if ($connection_result === true) {
        // Success
        $smtp_messages[] = $message . '<span class="green">OK</span>';
        syslog_insert($message . 'OK', 'info', NULL);
    } else {
        // Error
        $smtp_messages[] = $message . '<span class="red">' . $connection_result . '</span>';
        syslog_insert($message . $connection_result, 'warning', NULL);
        $smtp_connection_result = false;
    return $smtp_messages;
Exemple #10
 * Exit when request is blocked
 * @param string Block type: 'IP', 'Domain', 'Country'
 * @param string Debug message
 * @param string Syslog origin type: 'core', 'plugin'
 * @param integer Syslog origin ID
function exit_blocked_request($block_type, $debug_message, $syslog_origin_type = 'core', $syslog_origin_ID = NULL)
    global $debug;
    // Write system log for the request:
    syslog_insert($debug_message, 'warning', NULL, NULL, $syslog_origin_type, $syslog_origin_ID);
    // Print out this text to inform an user:
    echo 'Blocked.';
    if ($debug) {
        // Display additional info on debug mode:
        echo ' (' . $block_type . ')';
    // EXIT:
  * Check for duplicate comments.
 function BeforeCommentFormInsert(&$params)
     $comment_Item =& $params['Comment']->get_Item();
     if ($this->is_duplicate_comment($params['Comment'])) {
         $this->msg(T_('The comment seems to be a duplicate.'), 'error');
         if ($comment_Item) {
             syslog_insert('The comment seems to be a duplicate', 'info', 'item', $comment_Item->ID, 'plugin', $this->ID);
     if ($this->Settings->get('block_common_spam') && preg_match_all('~\\[(link|url)=~', $params['Comment']->content, $m)) {
         // Block common bbcode spam comments with both [url= and [link= tags
         if (!empty($m[1]) && count($m[1]) > 1) {
             $this->msg(T_('Your comment was rejected because it appeared to be spam.'), 'error');
             if ($comment_Item) {
                 syslog_insert('The comment was rejected because it appeared to be spam', 'warning', 'item', $comment_Item->ID, 'plugin', $this->ID);
Exemple #12
 if (!isset($new_names[$loop_src_File->get_md5_ID()])) {
     // We have not yet provided a name to rename to...
     $confirm = 0;
     $new_names[$loop_src_File->get_md5_ID()] = $loop_src_File->get('name');
 // Check if provided name is okay:
 $new_names[$loop_src_File->get_md5_ID()] = trim(strip_tags($new_names[$loop_src_File->get_md5_ID()]));
 if (!$loop_src_File->is_dir()) {
     if ($error_filename = validate_filename($new_names[$loop_src_File->get_md5_ID()])) {
         // Not a file name or not an allowed extension
         $confirm = 0;
         $Messages->add($error_filename, 'error');
         syslog_insert(sprintf('The copied file %s has an unrecognized extension', '<b>' . $new_names[$loop_src_File->get_md5_ID()] . '</b>'), 'warning', 'file', $loop_src_File->ID);
 } elseif ($error_dirname = validate_dirname($new_names[$loop_src_File->get_md5_ID()])) {
     // Not a directory name
     $confirm = 0;
     $Messages->add($error_dirname, 'error');
 // If the source is a directory, then we must check if the target path length is allowed or not
 $FileCache =& get_FileCache();
 $dest_File =& $FileCache->get_by_root_and_path($fm_Filelist->get_root_type(), $fm_Filelist->get_root_ID(), $fm_Filelist->get_rds_list_path() . $new_names[$loop_src_File->get_md5_ID()]);
 if ($loop_src_File->is_dir() && strlen($dest_File->get_full_path()) > $dirpath_max_length) {
     // The path would be too long we can not allowe to move this folder
     param_error('new_names[' . $loop_src_File->get_md5_ID() . ']', T_('The target path is too long for this folder.'));
     $confirm = 0;
Exemple #13
     * Load data from Request form fields.
     * @param array groups of params to load
     * @return boolean true if loaded data seems valid.
    function load_from_Request($groups = array())
        global $Messages, $default_locale, $DB;
         * @var User
        global $current_User;
        // Load collection settings and clear update cascade array
        if (param('blog_name', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // General params:
            $this->set('shortname', param('blog_shortname', 'string', true));
            // Language / locale:
            if (param('blog_locale', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // These settings can be hidden when only one locale is enaled in the system
                $this->set_setting('locale_source', param('blog_locale_source', 'string', 'blog'));
                $this->set_setting('post_locale_source', param('blog_post_locale_source', 'string', 'post'));
            // Collection permissions:
            $this->set('advanced_perms', param('advanced_perms', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('allow_access', param('blog_allow_access', 'string', ''));
            if ($this->get_setting('allow_access') == 'users' || $this->get_setting('allow_access') == 'members') {
                // Disable site maps, feeds and ping plugins when access is restricted on this blog
                $this->set_setting('enable_sitemaps', 0);
                $this->set_setting('feed_content', 'none');
                $this->set_setting('ping_plugins', '');
            // Lists of collections:
            $this->set('order', param('blog_order', 'integer'));
            $this->set('in_bloglist', param('blog_in_bloglist', 'string', 'public'));
            $this->set('favorite', param('favorite', 'integer', 0));
        if (param('archive_links', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Archive link type:
            $this->set_setting('archive_links', get_param('archive_links'));
            $this->set_setting('archive_posts_per_page', param('archive_posts_per_page', 'integer', NULL), true);
        if (param('chapter_links', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Chapter link type:
            $this->set_setting('chapter_links', get_param('chapter_links'));
        if (param('category_prefix', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            $category_prefix = get_param('category_prefix');
            if (!preg_match('|^([A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+(/[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+)*)?$|', $category_prefix)) {
                param_error('category_prefix', T_('Invalid category prefix.'));
            $this->set_setting('category_prefix', $category_prefix);
        if (param('atom_redirect', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            param_check_url('atom_redirect', 'commenting');
            $this->set_setting('atom_redirect', get_param('atom_redirect'));
            param('rss2_redirect', 'string', NULL);
            param_check_url('rss2_redirect', 'commenting');
            $this->set_setting('rss2_redirect', get_param('rss2_redirect'));
        if (param('image_size', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            $this->set_setting('image_size', get_param('image_size'));
        if (param('tag_links', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Tag page link type:
            $this->set_setting('tag_links', get_param('tag_links'));
        if (param('tag_prefix', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            $tag_prefix = get_param('tag_prefix');
            if (!preg_match('|^([A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+(/[A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+)*)?$|', $tag_prefix)) {
                param_error('tag_prefix', T_('Invalid tag prefix.'));
            $this->set_setting('tag_prefix', $tag_prefix);
        // Default to "tag", if "prefix-only" is used, but no tag_prefix was provided.
        if (get_param('tag_links') == 'prefix-only' && !strlen(param('tag_prefix', 'string', NULL))) {
            $this->set_setting('tag_prefix', 'tag');
        // Use rel="tag" attribute? (checkbox)
        $this->set_setting('tag_rel_attib', param('tag_rel_attib', 'integer', 0));
        if (param('chapter_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // What kind of content on chapter pages?
            $this->set_setting('chapter_content', get_param('chapter_content'));
        if (param('tag_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // What kind of content on tags pages?
            $this->set_setting('tag_content', get_param('tag_content'));
        if (param('archive_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // What kind of content on archive pages?
            $this->set_setting('archive_content', get_param('archive_content'));
        if (param('filtered_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // What kind of content on filtered pages?
            $this->set_setting('filtered_content', get_param('filtered_content'));
        if (param('main_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // What kind of content on main pages?
            $this->set_setting('main_content', get_param('main_content'));
        // Chapter posts per page:
        $this->set_setting('chapter_posts_per_page', param('chapter_posts_per_page', 'integer', NULL), true);
        // Tag posts per page:
        $this->set_setting('tag_posts_per_page', param('tag_posts_per_page', 'integer', NULL), true);
        if (param('single_links', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Single post link type:
            $this->set_setting('single_links', get_param('single_links'));
        if (param('slug_limit', 'integer', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Limit slug length:
            $this->set_setting('slug_limit', get_param('slug_limit'));
        if (param('normal_skin_ID', 'integer', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Normal skin ID:
            $this->set_setting('normal_skin_ID', get_param('normal_skin_ID'));
        if (param('mobile_skin_ID', 'integer', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Mobile skin ID:
            if (get_param('mobile_skin_ID') == 0) {
                // Don't store this empty setting in DB
            } else {
                // Set mobile skin
                $this->set_setting('mobile_skin_ID', get_param('mobile_skin_ID'));
        if (param('tablet_skin_ID', 'integer', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Tablet skin ID:
            if (get_param('tablet_skin_ID') == 0) {
                // Don't store this empty setting in DB
            } else {
                // Set tablet skin
                $this->set_setting('tablet_skin_ID', get_param('tablet_skin_ID'));
        if (param('archives_sort_order', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Archive sorting
            $this->set_setting('archives_sort_order', param('archives_sort_order', 'string', false));
        if (param('download_delay', 'integer', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Download delay
            param_check_range('download_delay', 0, 10, T_('Download delay must be numeric (0-10).'));
            $this->set_setting('download_delay', get_param('download_delay'));
        if (param('feed_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // How much content in feeds?
            $this->set_setting('feed_content', get_param('feed_content'));
            param_integer_range('posts_per_feed', 1, 9999, T_('Items per feed must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('posts_per_feed', get_param('posts_per_feed'));
        if (param('comment_feed_content', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // How much content in comment feeds?
            $this->set_setting('comment_feed_content', get_param('comment_feed_content'));
            param_integer_range('comments_per_feed', 1, 9999, T_('Comments per feed must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('comments_per_feed', get_param('comments_per_feed'));
        if (param('blog_shortdesc', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Description:
        if (param('blog_keywords', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Keywords:
        if (param('blog_tagline', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // HTML tagline:
            param_check_html('blog_tagline', T_('Invalid tagline'));
            $this->set('tagline', get_param('blog_tagline'));
        if (param('blog_longdesc', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // HTML long description:
            param_check_html('blog_longdesc', T_('Invalid long description'));
            $this->set('longdesc', get_param('blog_longdesc'));
        if (param('blog_footer_text', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Blog footer:
            param_check_html('blog_footer_text', T_('Invalid blog footer'));
            $this->set_setting('blog_footer_text', get_param('blog_footer_text'));
        if (param('single_item_footer_text', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Blog footer:
            param_check_html('single_item_footer_text', T_('Invalid single post footer'));
            $this->set_setting('single_item_footer_text', get_param('single_item_footer_text'));
        if (param('xml_item_footer_text', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Blog footer:
            param_check_html('xml_item_footer_text', T_('Invalid RSS footer'));
            $this->set_setting('xml_item_footer_text', get_param('xml_item_footer_text'));
        if (param('blog_notes', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // HTML notes:
            param_check_html('blog_notes', T_('Invalid Blog Notes'));
            $this->set('notes', get_param('blog_notes'));
            param_integer_range('max_footer_credits', 0, 3, T_('Max credits must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('max_footer_credits', get_param('max_footer_credits'));
        if (in_array('pings', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the ping checkboxes:
            $blog_ping_plugins = param('blog_ping_plugins', 'array:string', array());
            $blog_ping_plugins = array_unique($blog_ping_plugins);
            $this->set_setting('ping_plugins', implode(',', $blog_ping_plugins));
        if (in_array('authors', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the workflow & permissions params
            $this->set_setting('use_workflow', param('blog_use_workflow', 'integer', 0));
        if (in_array('home', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the front page params:
            $front_disp = param('front_disp', 'string', '');
            $this->set_setting('front_disp', $front_disp);
            $front_post_ID = param('front_post_ID', 'integer', 0);
            if ($front_disp == 'page') {
                // Post ID must be required
                param_check_not_empty('front_post_ID', T_('Please enter a specific post ID'));
            $this->set_setting('front_post_ID', $front_post_ID);
        if (in_array('features', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the workflow checkboxes:
            $this->set_setting('enable_goto_blog', param('enable_goto_blog', 'string', NULL));
            $this->set_setting('editing_goto_blog', param('editing_goto_blog', 'string', NULL));
            $this->set_setting('default_post_status', param('default_post_status', 'string', NULL));
            $this->set_setting('post_categories', param('post_categories', 'string', NULL));
            $this->set_setting('post_navigation', param('post_navigation', 'string', NULL));
            // Show x days or x posts?:
            $this->set_setting('what_to_show', param('what_to_show', 'string', ''));
            param_integer_range('posts_per_page', 1, 9999, T_('Items/days per page must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('posts_per_page', get_param('posts_per_page'));
            $this->set_setting('orderby', param('orderby', 'string', true));
            $this->set_setting('orderdir', param('orderdir', 'string', true));
            // Front office statuses
            // Time frame
            $this->set_setting('timestamp_min', param('timestamp_min', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('timestamp_min_duration', param_duration('timestamp_min_duration'));
            $this->set_setting('timestamp_max', param('timestamp_max', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('timestamp_max_duration', param_duration('timestamp_max_duration'));
            // call modules update_collection_features on this blog
            modules_call_method('update_collection_features', array('edited_Blog' => &$this));
            // load post moderation statuses
            $moderation_statuses = get_visibility_statuses('moderation');
            $post_moderation_statuses = array();
            foreach ($moderation_statuses as $status) {
                if (param('post_notif_' . $status, 'integer', 0)) {
                    $post_moderation_statuses[] = $status;
            $this->set_setting('post_moderation_statuses', implode(',', $post_moderation_statuses));
        if (in_array('comments', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the comments settings:
            // load moderation statuses
            $moderation_statuses = get_visibility_statuses('moderation');
            $blog_moderation_statuses = array();
            foreach ($moderation_statuses as $status) {
                if (param('notif_' . $status, 'integer', 0)) {
                    $blog_moderation_statuses[] = $status;
            $this->set_setting('moderation_statuses', implode(',', $blog_moderation_statuses));
            $this->set_setting('comment_quick_moderation', param('comment_quick_moderation', 'string', 'expire'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_item_subscriptions', param('allow_item_subscriptions', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('comments_detect_email', param('comments_detect_email', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('comments_register', param('comments_register', 'integer', 0));
        if (in_array('other', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the other settings:
            // Search results:
            param_integer_range('search_per_page', 1, 9999, T_('Number of search results per page must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('search_per_page', get_param('search_per_page'));
            // Latest comments :
            param_integer_range('latest_comments_num', 1, 9999, T_('Number of shown comments must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('latest_comments_num', get_param('latest_comments_num'));
            // User directory:
            $this->set_setting('image_size_user_list', param('image_size_user_list', 'string'));
            // Messaging pages:
            $this->set_setting('image_size_messaging', param('image_size_messaging', 'string'));
            // Archive pages:
            $this->set_setting('archive_mode', param('archive_mode', 'string', true));
        if (in_array('more', $groups)) {
            // we want to load more settings:
            // Tracking:
            $this->set_setting('track_unread_content', param('track_unread_content', 'integer', 0));
            // Subscriptions:
            $this->set_setting('allow_subscriptions', param('allow_subscriptions', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('allow_item_subscriptions', param('allow_item_subscriptions', 'integer', 0));
            // Sitemaps:
            $this->set_setting('enable_sitemaps', param('enable_sitemaps', 'integer', 0));
        if (param('allow_comments', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
            // Feedback options:
            $this->set_setting('allow_comments', param('allow_comments', 'string', 'any'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_view_comments', param('allow_view_comments', 'string', 'any'));
            $new_feedback_status = param('new_feedback_status', 'string', 'draft');
            if ($new_feedback_status != $this->get_setting('new_feedback_status') && ($new_feedback_status != 'published' || $current_User->check_perm('blog_admin', 'edit', false, $this->ID))) {
                // Only admin can set this setting to 'Public'
                $this->set_setting('new_feedback_status', $new_feedback_status);
            $this->set_setting('allow_anon_url', param('allow_anon_url', 'string', '0'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_html_comment', param('allow_html_comment', 'string', '0'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_attachments', param('allow_attachments', 'string', 'registered'));
            $this->set_setting('max_attachments', param('max_attachments', 'integer', ''));
            $this->set_setting('autocomplete_usernames', param('autocomplete_usernames', 'integer', ''));
            $this->set_setting('display_rating_summary', param('display_rating_summary', 'string', '0'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_rating_items', param('allow_rating_items', 'string', 'never'));
            $this->set_setting('rating_question', param('rating_question', 'text'));
            $this->set_setting('allow_rating_comment_helpfulness', param('allow_rating_comment_helpfulness', 'string', '0'));
            $blog_allowtrackbacks = param('blog_allowtrackbacks', 'integer', 0);
            if ($blog_allowtrackbacks != $this->get('allowtrackbacks') && ($blog_allowtrackbacks == 0 || $current_User->check_perm('blog_admin', 'edit', false, $this->ID))) {
                // Only admin can turn ON this setting
                $this->set('allowtrackbacks', $blog_allowtrackbacks);
            $this->set_setting('comments_orderdir', param('comments_orderdir', '/^(?:ASC|DESC)$/', 'ASC'));
            // call modules update_collection_comments on this blog
            modules_call_method('update_collection_comments', array('edited_Blog' => &$this));
            $threaded_comments = param('threaded_comments', 'integer', 0);
            $this->set_setting('threaded_comments', $threaded_comments);
            $this->set_setting('paged_comments', $threaded_comments ? 0 : param('paged_comments', 'integer', 0));
            param_integer_range('comments_per_page', 1, 9999, T_('Comments per page must be between %d and %d.'));
            $this->set_setting('comments_per_page', get_param('comments_per_page'));
            $this->set_setting('comments_avatars', param('comments_avatars', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('comments_latest', param('comments_latest', 'integer', 0));
            // load blog front office comment statuses
        if (in_array('seo', $groups)) {
            // we want to load the workflow checkboxes:
            $this->set_setting('canonical_homepage', param('canonical_homepage', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('relcanonical_homepage', param('relcanonical_homepage', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('canonical_item_urls', param('canonical_item_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('relcanonical_item_urls', param('relcanonical_item_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('canonical_archive_urls', param('canonical_archive_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('relcanonical_archive_urls', param('relcanonical_archive_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('canonical_cat_urls', param('canonical_cat_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('relcanonical_cat_urls', param('relcanonical_cat_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('canonical_tag_urls', param('canonical_tag_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('relcanonical_tag_urls', param('relcanonical_tag_urls', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('default_noindex', param('default_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('paged_noindex', param('paged_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('paged_nofollowto', param('paged_nofollowto', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('archive_noindex', param('archive_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('archive_nofollowto', param('archive_nofollowto', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('chapter_noindex', param('chapter_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('tag_noindex', param('tag_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('filtered_noindex', param('filtered_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('arcdir_noindex', param('arcdir_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('catdir_noindex', param('catdir_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('feedback-popup_noindex', param('feedback-popup_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('msgform_noindex', param('msgform_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('special_noindex', param('special_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('title_link_type', param('title_link_type', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('permalinks', param('permalinks', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('404_response', param('404_response', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('help_link', param('help_link', 'string', ''));
            $this->set_setting('excerpts_meta_description', param('excerpts_meta_description', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('categories_meta_description', param('categories_meta_description', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('tags_meta_keywords', param('tags_meta_keywords', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('tags_open_graph', param('tags_open_graph', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('download_noindex', param('download_noindex', 'integer', 0));
            $this->set_setting('download_nofollowto', param('download_nofollowto', 'integer', 0));
        if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_admin', 'edit', false, $this->ID)) {
            // We have permission to edit advanced admin settings:
            if (in_array('cache', $groups)) {
                // we want to load the cache params:
                $this->set_setting('ajax_form_enabled', param('ajax_form_enabled', 'integer', 0));
                $this->set_setting('ajax_form_loggedin_enabled', param('ajax_form_loggedin_enabled', 'integer', 0));
                $this->set_setting('cache_enabled_widgets', param('cache_enabled_widgets', 'integer', 0));
            if (in_array('styles', $groups)) {
                // we want to load the styles params:
                $this->set('allowblogcss', param('blog_allowblogcss', 'integer', 0));
                $this->set('allowusercss', param('blog_allowusercss', 'integer', 0));
            if (in_array('login', $groups)) {
                // we want to load the login params:
                if (!get_setting_Blog('login_blog_ID')) {
                    // Update this only when no blog is defined for login/registration
                    $this->set_setting('in_skin_login', param('in_skin_login', 'integer', 0));
                $this->set_setting('in_skin_editing', param('in_skin_editing', 'integer', 0));
            if (param('blog_head_includes', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // HTML header includes:
                param_check_html('blog_head_includes', T_('Invalid Custom meta tag/css section.'), '#', 'head_extension');
                $this->set_setting('head_includes', get_param('blog_head_includes'));
            if (param('blog_footer_includes', 'html', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // HTML header includes:
                param_check_html('blog_footer_includes', T_('Invalid Custom javascript section'));
                $this->set_setting('footer_includes', get_param('blog_footer_includes'));
            if (param('owner_login', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // Permissions:
                $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
                $owner_User =& $UserCache->get_by_login(get_param('owner_login'));
                if (empty($owner_User)) {
                    param_error('owner_login', sprintf(T_('User &laquo;%s&raquo; does not exist!'), get_param('owner_login')));
                } else {
                    $this->set('owner_user_ID', $owner_User->ID);
                    $this->owner_User =& $owner_User;
            if (($blog_urlname = param('blog_urlname', 'string', NULL)) !== NULL) {
                // check urlname
                if (param_check_not_empty('blog_urlname', T_('You must provide an URL collection name!'))) {
                    if (!preg_match('|^[A-Za-z0-9\\-]+$|', $blog_urlname)) {
                        param_error('blog_urlname', sprintf(T_('The url name %s is invalid.'), "&laquo;{$blog_urlname}&raquo;"));
                        $blog_urlname = NULL;
                    if (isset($blog_urlname) && $DB->get_var('SELECT COUNT(*)
															FROM T_blogs
															WHERE blog_urlname = ' . $DB->quote($blog_urlname) . '
															AND blog_ID <> ' . $this->ID)) {
                        // urlname is already in use
                        param_error('blog_urlname', sprintf(T_('The URL name %s is already in use by another collection. Please choose another name.'), "&laquo;{$blog_urlname}&raquo;"));
                        $blog_urlname = NULL;
                    if (isset($blog_urlname)) {
                        // Set new urlname and save old media dir in order to rename folder to new
                        $old_media_dir = $this->get_media_dir(false);
            if (($access_type = param('blog_access_type', 'string', NULL)) !== NULL) {
                // Blog URL parameters:
                // Note: We must avoid to set an invalid url, because the new blog url will be displayed in the evobar even if it was not saved
                $allow_new_access_type = true;
                if ($access_type == 'absolute') {
                    $blog_siteurl = param('blog_siteurl_absolute', 'string', true);
                    if (preg_match('#^https?://[^/]+/.*#', $blog_siteurl, $matches)) {
                        // It looks like valid absolute URL, so we may update the blog siteurl
                        $this->set('siteurl', $blog_siteurl);
                    } else {
                        // It is not valid absolute URL, don't update the blog 'siteurl' to avoid errors
                        $allow_new_access_type = false;
                        // If site url is not updated do not allow access_type update either
                        $Messages->add(T_('Collection Folder URL') . ': ' . sprintf(T_('%s is an invalid absolute URL'), '&laquo;' . htmlspecialchars($blog_siteurl) . '&raquo;') . '. ' . T_('You must provide an absolute URL (starting with <code>http://</code> or <code>https://</code>) and it must contain at least one \'/\' sign after the domain name!'), 'error');
                } elseif ($access_type == 'relative') {
                    // relative siteurl
                    $blog_siteurl = param('blog_siteurl_relative', 'string', true);
                    if (preg_match('#^https?://#', $blog_siteurl)) {
                        $Messages->add(T_('Blog Folder URL') . ': ' . T_('You must provide a relative URL (without <code>http://</code> or <code>https://</code>)!'), 'error');
                    $this->set('siteurl', $blog_siteurl);
                } else {
                    $this->set('siteurl', '');
                if ($allow_new_access_type) {
                    // The received siteurl value was correct, may update the access_type value
                    $this->set('access_type', $access_type);
            if (param('aggregate_coll_IDs', 'string', NULL) !== NULL) {
                // Aggregate list: (can be '*')
                $aggregate_coll_IDs = get_param('aggregate_coll_IDs');
                if ($aggregate_coll_IDs != '*') {
                    // Sanitize the string
                    $aggregate_coll_IDs = sanitize_id_list($aggregate_coll_IDs);
                // fp> TODO: check perms on each aggregated blog (if changed)
                // fp> TODO: better interface
                if ($aggregate_coll_IDs != '*' && !preg_match('#^([0-9]+(,[0-9]+)*)?$#', $aggregate_coll_IDs)) {
                    param_error('aggregate_coll_IDs', T_('Invalid aggregate collection ID list!'));
                $this->set_setting('aggregate_coll_IDs', $aggregate_coll_IDs);
            $media_location = param('blog_media_location', 'string', NULL);
            if ($media_location !== NULL) {
                // Media files location:
                $old_media_dir = $this->get_media_dir(false);
                $old_media_location = $this->get('media_location');
                $this->set_media_subdir(param('blog_media_subdir', 'string', ''));
                $this->set_media_fullpath(param('blog_media_fullpath', 'string', ''));
                $this->set_media_url(param('blog_media_url', 'string', ''));
                // check params
                switch ($this->get('media_location')) {
                    case 'custom':
                        // custom path and URL
                        global $demo_mode, $media_path;
                        if ($this->get('media_fullpath') == '') {
                            param_error('blog_media_fullpath', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . T_('You must provide the full path of the media directory.'));
                        if (!preg_match('#^https?://#', $this->get('media_url'))) {
                            param_error('blog_media_url', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . T_('You must provide an absolute URL (starting with <code>http://</code> or <code>https://</code>)!'));
                        if ($demo_mode) {
                            $canonical_fullpath = get_canonical_path($this->get('media_fullpath'));
                            if (!$canonical_fullpath || strpos($canonical_fullpath, $media_path) !== 0) {
                                param_error('blog_media_fullpath', T_('Media dir location') . ': in demo mode the path must be inside of $media_path.');
                    case 'subdir':
                        global $media_path;
                        if ($this->get('media_subdir') == '') {
                            param_error('blog_media_subdir', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . T_('You must provide the media subdirectory.'));
                        } else {
                            // Test if it's below $media_path (subdir!)
                            $canonical_path = get_canonical_path($media_path . $this->get('media_subdir'));
                            if (!$canonical_path || strpos($canonical_path, $media_path) !== 0) {
                                param_error('blog_media_subdir', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . sprintf(T_('Invalid subdirectory &laquo;%s&raquo;.'), format_to_output($this->get('media_subdir'))));
                            } else {
                                // Validate if it's a valid directory name:
                                $subdir = no_trailing_slash(substr($canonical_path, strlen($media_path)));
                                if ($error = validate_dirname($subdir)) {
                                    param_error('blog_media_subdir', T_('Media dir location') . ': ' . $error);
                                    syslog_insert(sprintf('Invalid name is detected for folder %s', '<b>' . $subdir . '</b>'), 'warning', 'file');
            if (!param_errors_detected() && !empty($old_media_dir)) {
                // No error were detected before and possibly the media directory path was updated, check if it can be managed
                $this->check_media_dir_change($old_media_dir, isset($old_media_location) ? $old_media_location : NULL);
        return !param_errors_detected();
    } else {
        // Don't use the hidden field for this file because it is from another folder
        $filename_hidden_field = '';
    echo '<td class="fm_filename">' . $filename_hidden_field;
    /*************  Invalid filename warning:  *************/
    if (!$lFile->is_dir()) {
        if ($error_filename = validate_filename($lFile->get_name())) {
            // TODO: Warning icon with hint
            echo get_icon('warning', 'imgtag', array('class' => 'filenameIcon', 'title' => $error_filename));
            syslog_insert(sprintf('The unrecognized extension is detected for file %s', '<b>' . $lFile->get_name() . '</b>'), 'warning', 'file', $lFile->ID);
    } elseif ($error_dirname = validate_dirname($lFile->get_name())) {
        // TODO: Warning icon with hint
        echo get_icon('warning', 'imgtag', array('class' => 'filenameIcon', 'title' => $error_dirname));
        syslog_insert(sprintf('Invalid name is detected for folder %s', '<b>' . $lFile->get_name() . '</b>'), 'warning', 'file', $lFile->ID);
    /****  Open in a new window  (only directories)  ****/
    if ($lFile->is_dir()) {
        // Directory
        $browse_dir_url = $lFile->get_view_url();
        $popup_url = url_add_param($browse_dir_url, 'mode=popup');
        $target = 'evo_fm_' . $lFile->get_md5_ID();
        echo '<a href="' . $browse_dir_url . '" target="' . $target . ' " class="pull-right"
							title="' . T_('Open in a new window') . '" onclick="' . "return pop_up_window( '{$popup_url}', '{$target}' )" . '">' . get_icon('window_new') . '</a>';
    // Only provide link/"chain" icons for files.
    // TODO: dh> provide support for direcories (display included files).
    // fp> here might not be the best place to put the perm check
    if (isset($LinkOwner) && $LinkOwner->check_perm('edit')) {
        // Offer option to link the file to an Item (or anything else):
Exemple #15
 if (empty($fm_FileRoot)) {
     // Stop when this object is NULL, it can happens when media path has no rights to write
     $message['text'] = sprintf(T_('We cannot open the folder %s. PHP needs execute permissions on this folder.'), '<b>' . $media_path . '</b>');
     $message['status'] = 'error';
     out_echo($message, $specialchars);
 $newName = $file->getName();
 $oldName = $newName;
 // validate file name
 if ($error_filename = process_filename($newName, true, true, $fm_FileRoot, $path)) {
     // Not a file name or not an allowed extension
     $message['text'] = $error_filename;
     $message['status'] = 'error';
     out_echo($message, $specialchars);
     syslog_insert(sprintf('The uploaded file %s has an unrecognized extension', '<b>' . $newName . '</b>'), 'warning', 'file');
 // Process a name of old name
 process_filename($oldName, true);
 list($newFile, $oldFile_thumb) = check_file_exists($fm_FileRoot, $path, $newName);
 $newName = $newFile->get('name');
 // If everything is ok, save the file somewhere
 $file_content = $file->get_content();
 if (is_array($file_content)) {
     // Error on upload
     $message = array_merge($message, $file_content);
     out_echo($message, $specialchars);
 if (!file_exists($newFile->get_dir())) {
Exemple #16
     $SQL->SELECT('ivc_source, ivc_grp_ID');
     $SQL->WHERE('ivc_code = ' . $DB->quote($invitation));
     $SQL->WHERE_and('ivc_expire_ts > ' . $DB->quote(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $localtimenow)));
     if ($invitation_code = $DB->get_row($SQL->get())) {
         // Set source and group from invitation code
         $new_User->set('source', $invitation_code->ivc_source);
         $GroupCache =& get_GroupCache();
         if ($new_user_Group =& $GroupCache->get_by_ID($invitation_code->ivc_grp_ID, false, false)) {
 if ($new_User->dbinsert()) {
     // Insert system log about user's registration
     syslog_insert('User registration', 'info', 'user', $new_User->ID);
 $new_user_ID = $new_User->ID;
 // we need this to "rollback" user creation if there's no DB transaction support
 // TODO: Optionally auto create a blog (handle this together with the LDAP plugin)
 // TODO: Optionally auto assign rights
 // Actions to be appended to the user registration transaction:
 if ($Plugins->trigger_event_first_false('AppendUserRegistrTransact', array('User' => &$new_User))) {
     // TODO: notify the plugins that have been called before about canceling of the event?!
     // Delete, in case there's no transaction support:
     $Messages->add(T_('No user account has been created!'), 'error');
     // break out to _reg_form.php
 * process attachments by saving into media directory and optionally creating image tag in post
 * @param string message content that is optionally manipulated by adding image tags (by reference)
 * @param  array $mailAttachments array containing path to attachment files
 * @param  string $mediadir path to media directory of blog as seen by file system
 * @param  string $media_url url to media directory as seen by user
 * @param  bool $add_img_tags should img tags be added to the post (instead of linking through the file manager)
 * @param  string $type defines attachment type: 'attach' or 'related'
 * @param boolean TRUE if script is executed by cron
function pbm_process_attachments(&$content, $mailAttachments, $mediadir, $media_url, $add_img_tags = true, $type = 'attach', $cron = false)
    global $Settings, $pbm_item_files, $filename_max_length;
    pbm_msg('<h4>' . T_('Processing attachments') . '</h4>', $cron);
    foreach ($mailAttachments as $attachment) {
        if (isset($attachment['FileName'])) {
            $filename = trim(utf8_strtolower($attachment['FileName']));
        } else {
            // Related attachments may not have file name, we'll generate one below
            $filename = '';
        if ($filename == '') {
            $filename = 'upload_' . uniqid() . '.' . $attachment['SubType'];
            pbm_msg(sprintf(T_('Attachment without name. Using "%s".'), htmlspecialchars($filename)), $cron);
        // Check valid filename/extension: (includes check for locked filenames)
        if ($error_filename = process_filename($filename, true)) {
            pbm_msg(T_('Invalid filename') . ': ' . $error_filename, $cron);
            syslog_insert(sprintf('The posted by mail file %s has an unrecognized extension', '<b>' . $filename . '</b>'), 'warning', 'file');
        // If file exists count up a number
        $cnt = 0;
        $prename = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '.')) . '-';
        $sufname = strrchr($filename, '.');
        $error_in_filename = false;
        while (file_exists($mediadir . $filename)) {
            $filename = $prename . $cnt . $sufname;
            if (strlen($filename) > $filename_max_length) {
                // This is a special case, when the filename is longer then the maximum allowed
                // Cut as many characters as required before the counter on the file name
                $filename = fix_filename_length($filename, strlen($prename) - 1);
                if ($error_in_filename = process_filename($filename, true)) {
                    // The file name is not valid, this is an unexpected situation, because the file name was already validated before
                    pbm_msg(T_('Invalid filename') . ': ' . $error_filename, $cron);
                    syslog_insert(sprintf('The posted by mail file %s has an unrecognized extension', '<b>' . $filename . '</b>'), 'warning', 'file');
        if ($error_in_filename) {
            // Don't create file with invalid file name
        pbm_msg(sprintf(T_('New file name is %s'), '<b>' . $filename . '</b>'), $cron);
        $imginfo = NULL;
        if (!$Settings->get('eblog_test_mode')) {
            pbm_msg(sprintf(T_('Saving file to: %s'), htmlspecialchars($mediadir . $filename)), $cron);
            if (!copy($attachment['DataFile'], $mediadir . $filename)) {
                pbm_msg(sprintf(T_('Unable to copy uploaded file to %s'), htmlspecialchars($mediadir . $filename)), $cron);
            // chmod uploaded file:
            $chmod = $Settings->get('fm_default_chmod_file');
            @chmod($mediadir . $filename, octdec($chmod));
            $imginfo = @getimagesize($mediadir . $filename);
            pbm_msg(sprintf(T_('Is this an image?: %s'), is_array($imginfo) ? 'yes' : 'no'), $cron);
        if ($type == 'attach') {
            $content .= "\n";
            if (is_array($imginfo) && $add_img_tags) {
                $content .= '<img src="' . $media_url . $filename . '" ' . $imginfo[3] . ' />';
            } else {
                pbm_msg(sprintf(T_('The file %s will be attached to the post later, after we save the post in the database.'), '<b>' . $filename . '</b>'), $cron);
                $pbm_item_files[] = $filename;
            $content .= "\n";
        } elseif (!empty($attachment['ContentID'])) {
            // Replace relative "cid:xxxxx" URIs with absolute URLs to media files
            $content = str_replace('cid:' . $attachment['ContentID'], $media_url . $filename, $content);
  * Add new link to owner User
  * @param integer file ID
  * @param integer link position ( 'teaser', 'aftermore' )
  * @param int order of the link
  * @return integer|boolean Link ID on success, false otherwise
 function add_link($file_ID, $position = NULL, $order = 1)
     global $current_User;
     if (is_null($position)) {
         // Use default link position
         $position = $this->get_default_position($file_ID);
     $edited_Link = new Link();
     $edited_Link->set('usr_ID', $this->User->ID);
     $edited_Link->set('file_ID', $file_ID);
     $edited_Link->set('position', $position);
     $edited_Link->set('order', $order);
     if (empty($current_User)) {
         // Current User not is set because probably we are creating links from upgrade script. Set the owner as creator and last editor.
         $edited_Link->set('creator_user_ID', $this->User->ID);
         $edited_Link->set('lastedit_user_ID', $this->User->ID);
     if ($edited_Link->dbinsert()) {
         if (!is_null($this->Links)) {
             // If user Links were already loaded update its content
             $this->Links[$edited_Link->ID] =& $edited_Link;
         $FileCache =& get_FileCache();
         $File = $FileCache->get_by_ID($file_ID, false, false);
         $file_name = empty($File) ? '' : $File->get_name();
         syslog_insert(sprintf('File %s was linked to %s with ID=%s', '<b>' . $file_name . '</b>', $this->type, $this->link_Object->ID), 'info', 'file', $file_ID);
         return $edited_Link->ID;
     return false;
  * Validate the given answer against our stored one.
  * This event is provided for other plugins and gets used internally
  * for other events we're hooking into.
  * @param array Associative array of parameters.
  * @param string Form type ( comment|register|message )
  * @return boolean|NULL
 function CaptchaValidated(&$params, $form_type)
     global $DB, $localtimenow, $Session;
     if (!$this->does_apply($params, $form_type)) {
     $posted_answer = utf8_strtolower(param('captcha_qstn_' . $this->ID . '_answer', 'string', ''));
     if (empty($posted_answer)) {
         $this->debug_log('captcha_qstn_' . $this->ID . '_answer');
         $params['validate_error'] = $this->T_('Please enter the captcha answer.');
         if ($form_type == 'comment' && ($comment_Item =& $params['Comment']->get_Item())) {
             syslog_insert('Comment captcha answer is not entered', 'warning', 'item', $comment_Item->ID, 'plugin', $this->ID);
         return false;
     $question = $this->CaptchaQuestion();
     $posted_answer_is_correct = false;
     $answers = explode('|', utf8_strtolower($question->cptq_answers));
     foreach ($answers as $answer) {
         if ($posted_answer == $answer) {
             // Correct answer is found in DB
             $posted_answer_is_correct = true;
     if (!$posted_answer_is_correct) {
         $this->debug_log('Posted (' . $posted_answer . ') and saved (' . $question->cptq_answers . ') answer do not match!');
         $params['validate_error'] = $this->T_('The entered answer is incorrect.');
         if ($form_type == 'comment' && ($comment_Item =& $params['Comment']->get_Item())) {
             syslog_insert('Comment captcha answer is incorrect', 'warning', 'item', $comment_Item->ID, 'plugin', $this->ID);
         return false;
     // If answer is correct:
     //   We should clean the question ID that was assigned for current session and IP address
     //   It gives to assign new question on the next captcha event
     return true;
  * Add new link to owner Comment
  * @param integer file ID
  * @param integer link position ( 'teaser', 'aftermore' )
  * @param int order of the link
  * @param boolean true to update owner last touched timestamp after link was created, false otherwise
  * @return integer|boolean Link ID on success, false otherwise
 function add_link($file_ID, $position = NULL, $order = 1, $update_owner = true)
     if (is_null($position)) {
         // Use default link position
         $position = $this->get_default_position($file_ID);
     $edited_Link = new Link();
     $edited_Link->set('cmt_ID', $this->Comment->ID);
     $edited_Link->set('file_ID', $file_ID);
     $edited_Link->set('position', $position);
     $edited_Link->set('order', $order);
     if ($edited_Link->dbinsert()) {
         $FileCache =& get_FileCache();
         $File = $FileCache->get_by_ID($file_ID, false, false);
         $file_name = empty($File) ? '' : $File->get_name();
         syslog_insert(sprintf('File %s was linked to %s with ID=%s', '<b>' . $file_name . '</b>', $this->type, $this->link_Object->ID), 'info', 'file', $file_ID);
         if ($update_owner) {
             // Update last touched date of the Comment & Item
         return $edited_Link->ID;
     return false;
  * Add new link to owner Item
  * @param integer file ID
  * @param integer link position ( 'teaser', 'teaserperm', 'teaserlink', 'aftermore', 'inline', 'fallback' )
  * @param int order of the link
  * @param boolean true to update owner last touched timestamp after link was created, false otherwise
  * @return integer|boolean Link ID on success, false otherwise
 function add_link($file_ID, $position = NULL, $order = 1, $update_owner = true)
     if (is_null($position)) {
         // Use default link position
         $position = $this->get_default_position($file_ID);
     $edited_Link = new Link();
     $edited_Link->set('itm_ID', $this->Item->ID);
     $edited_Link->set('file_ID', $file_ID);
     $edited_Link->set('position', $position);
     $edited_Link->set('order', $order);
     if ($edited_Link->dbinsert()) {
         // New link was added to the item, invalidate blog's media BlockCache
         BlockCache::invalidate_key('media_coll_ID', $this->Item->get_blog_ID());
         $FileCache =& get_FileCache();
         $File = $FileCache->get_by_ID($file_ID, false, false);
         $file_name = empty($File) ? '' : $File->get_name();
         syslog_insert(sprintf('File %s was linked to %s with ID=%s', '<b>' . $file_name . '</b>', $this->type, $this->link_Object->ID), 'info', 'file', $file_ID);
         if ($update_owner) {
             // Update last touched date of the Item
         // Reset the Links
         $this->Links = NULL;
         return $edited_Link->ID;
     return false;