Exemple #1
<table class="jaillist" style="width:100%">

   $skipstop = $skip + 50;

   $totalCols = 3;

   $pkgoutput = syscache_ins_pkg_list($jail);

   if ( $jail == "#system" )
     $pbioutput = syscache_pbidb_list();
     $pbioutput = syscache_pbidb_list("serverapps");

   $pkglist = explode(", ", $pkgoutput[0]);
   $pbilist = explode(", ", $pbioutput[0]);

   // Now loop through pbi origins

   // Set the counter
   $atEnd = true;
Exemple #2
    $hasService = true;
// Check if this app has config files to edit
$hasConfig = false;
if ($isPBI and file_exists($pbicdir . "/service-config.json")) {
    $hasConfig = true;
// Does this PBI have icons?
$hasIcons = false;
if ($onDesktop == "true" and $isPBI) {
    if (file_exists($pbicdir . "/xdg-desktop") or file_exists($pbicdir . "/xdg-menu")) {
        $hasIcons = true;
// Check if this app is installed
$pkgoutput = syscache_ins_pkg_list("{$jail}");
$pkglist = explode(", ", $pkgoutput[0]);
if (array_search($pbiorigin, $pkglist) !== false) {
    $pbiInstalled = true;
} else {
    $pbiInstalled = false;
<table class="pbidescription" style="width:<?php 
if ($deviceType == "computer") {
    echo "600px";
} else {
    echo "100%";