  * Renders a field.
  * @param Field $field A field.
  * @return string (X)HTML
 protected function renderField(Field $field)
     $name = 'advfrm-' . $field->getName();
     $o = '<tr><td class="label">' . XH_hsc($field->getLabel()) . '</td><td class="field">';
     if (isset($_POST[$name])) {
         if (is_array($_POST[$name])) {
             foreach ($_POST[$name] as $val) {
                 $o .= '<div>' . XH_hsc(stsl($val)) . '</div>';
         } else {
             $o .= $this->nl2br(XH_hsc(stsl($_POST[$name])));
     } elseif (isset($_FILES[$name])) {
         $o .= stsl($_FILES[$name]['name']);
     $o .= '</td></tr>' . PHP_EOL;
     return $o;
 * Sends the mail and returns whether that was successful.
 * @param string $id           A form ID.
 * @param bool   $confirmation Whether to send the confirmation mail.
 * @return bool
 * @global array  The paths of system files and folders.
 * @global string The current language.
 * @global array  The configuration of the plugins.
 * @global array  The localization of the plugins.
 * @global string The (X)HTML fragment that contains error messages.
function Advancedform_mail($id, $confirmation)
    global $pth, $sl, $plugin_cf, $plugin_tx, $e;
    include_once $pth['folder']['plugins'] . 'advancedform/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';
    $pcf = $plugin_cf['advancedform'];
    $ptx = $plugin_tx['advancedform'];
    $forms = Advancedform_db();
    $form = $forms[$id];
    $type = strtolower($pcf['mail_type']);
    $from = '';
    $from_name = '';
    foreach ($form['fields'] as $field) {
        if ($field['type'] == 'from_name') {
            $from_name = stsl($_POST['advfrm-' . $field['field']]);
        } elseif ($field['type'] == 'from') {
            $from = stsl($_POST['advfrm-' . $field['field']]);
    if ($confirmation && empty($from)) {
        $e .= '<li>' . $ptx['error_missing_sender'] . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
        return false;
    $mail = new PHPMailer();
    $mail->LE = $pcf['mail_line_ending_*nix'] ? "\n" : "\r\n";
    $mail->set('CharSet', 'UTF-8');
    $mail->SetLanguage($sl, $pth['folder']['plugins'] . 'advancedform/phpmailer/language/');
    $mail->set('WordWrap', 72);
    if ($confirmation) {
        $mail->set('From', $form['to']);
        $mail->set('FromName', $form['to_name']);
        $mail->AddAddress($from, $from_name);
    } else {
        $mail->set('From', $from);
        $mail->set('FromName', $from_name);
        $mail->AddAddress($form['to'], $form['to_name']);
        foreach (explode(';', $form['cc']) as $cc) {
            if (trim($cc) != '') {
        foreach (explode(';', $form['bcc']) as $bcc) {
            if (trim($bcc) != '') {
    if ($confirmation) {
        $mail->set('Subject', sprintf($ptx['mail_subject_confirmation'], $form['title'], $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']));
    } else {
        $mail->set('Subject', sprintf($ptx['mail_subject'], $form['title'], $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
    $mail->IsHtml($type != 'text');
    if ($type == 'text') {
        $mail->set('Body', Advancedform_mailBody($id, !$confirmation, false));
    } else {
        $body = Advancedform_mailBody($id, !$confirmation, true);
        $mail->set('AltBody', Advancedform_mailBody($id, !$confirmation, false));
    if (!$confirmation) {
        foreach ($form['fields'] as $field) {
            if ($field['type'] == 'file') {
                $name = 'advfrm-' . $field['field'];
                $mail->AddAttachment($_FILES[$name]['tmp_name'], stsl($_FILES[$name]['name']));
    if (function_exists('advfrm_custom_mail')) {
        if (advfrm_custom_mail($id, $mail, $confirmation) === false) {
            return true;
    $ok = $mail->Send();
    if (!$confirmation) {
        if (!$ok) {
            $message = !empty($mail->ErrorInfo) ? Advancedform_hsc($mail->ErrorInfo) : $ptx['error_mail'];
            $e .= '<li>' . $message . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
        if (function_exists('XH_logMessage')) {
            $type = $ok ? 'info' : 'error';
            $message = $ok ? $ptx['log_success'] : $ptx['log_error'];
            $message = sprintf($message, $from);
            XH_logMessage($type, 'Advancedform', $id, $message);
    return $ok;
  * Returns the posted fields, as e.g. needed for advfrm_custom_thanks_page().
  * @return array
 public static function fields()
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
         if (strpos($key, 'advfrm-') === 0) {
             $fields[substr($key, 7)] = is_array($val) ? implode("¦", array_map('stsl', $val)) : stsl($val);
     return $fields;
Exemple #4
  * Determines the addresses of sender and recipients, and returns whether
  * that succeeded.
  * @return bool
  * @global array  The localization of the plugins.
  * @global string The (X)HTML fragment with error messages.
 protected function determineAddresses()
     global $plugin_tx, $e;
     $from = '';
     $from_name = '';
     foreach ($this->form->getFields() as $field) {
         $field = Field::make($field);
         if ($field->getType() == 'from_name') {
             $from_name = stsl($_POST['advfrm-' . $field->getName()]);
         } elseif ($field->getType() == 'from') {
             $from = stsl($_POST['advfrm-' . $field->getName()]);
     if ($this->isConfirmation && empty($from)) {
         $e .= '<li>' . $plugin_tx['advancedform']['error_missing_sender'] . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
         return false;
     if ($this->isConfirmation) {
         $this->mail->set('From', $this->form->getReceiver());
         $this->mail->set('FromName', $this->form->getReceiverName());
         $this->mail->AddAddress($from, $from_name);
     } else {
         $this->mail->set('From', $from);
         $this->mail->set('FromName', $from_name);
         $this->mail->AddAddress($this->form->getReceiver(), $this->form->getReceiverName());
         foreach (explode(';', $this->form->getCC()) as $cc) {
             if (trim($cc) != '') {
         foreach (explode(';', $this->form->getBCC()) as $bcc) {
             if (trim($bcc) != '') {
     return true;
  * Returns an article created from G/P parameters.
  * @return Realblog_Article
  * @global Realblog_Controller The plugin controller.
 protected function getArticleFromParameters()
     global $_Realblog_controller;
     $article = new Realblog_Article();
     $startDate = $_Realblog_controller->getPgParameter('realblog_startdate');
     if (isset($startDate)) {
     } else {
     $endDate = $_Realblog_controller->getPgParameter('realblog_enddate');
     if (isset($endDate)) {
     } else {
     return $article;
  * Validates a filled in field wrt. custom constraints.
  * @return string (X)HTML.
 protected function validateFilledInFieldCustom()
     $o = '';
     if (function_exists('advfrm_custom_valid_field')) {
         $value = $this->field->getType() == 'file' ? $_FILES[$this->name] : stsl($_POST[$this->name]);
         $valid = advfrm_custom_valid_field($this->formId, $this->field->getName(), $value);
         if ($valid !== true) {
             $o .= '<li>' . $valid . '</li>' . PHP_EOL;
             Controller::focusField($this->formId, $this->name);
     return $o;
  * Renders a non select field.
  * @return string (X)HTML.
 protected function renderNonSelectField()
     $o = '';
     if (function_exists('advfrm_custom_field_default')) {
         $val = advfrm_custom_field_default($this->form, $this->field->getName(), null, isset($_POST['advfrm']));
     if (!isset($val)) {
         $val = isset($_POST[$this->name]) ? stsl($_POST[$this->name]) : $this->field->getDefaultValue();
     if ($this->field->getType() == 'textarea') {
         $cols = $this->field->getColumnCount() ? $this->field->getColumnCount() : 40;
         $rows = $this->field->getRowCount() ? $this->field->getRowCount() : 4;
         $o .= '<textarea id="' . $this->id . '" name="' . $this->name . '" cols="' . $cols . '" rows="' . $rows . '">' . XH_hsc($val) . '</textarea>';
     } elseif ($this->field->getType() == 'output') {
         $o .= $val;
     } else {
         if ($this->field->getType() == 'date') {
         $size = $this->field->getType() == 'hidden' || $this->field->getSize() ? ' size="' . $this->field->getSize() . '"' : '';
         $maxlen = in_array($this->field->getType(), array('hidden', 'file')) || !$this->field->getMaxLength() ? '' : ' maxlength="' . $this->field->getMaxLength() . '"';
         if ($this->field->getType() == 'file' && $this->field->getMaxLength()) {
             $o .= tag('input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="' . $this->field->getMaxLength() . '"');
         if ($this->field->getType() == 'file') {
             $value = '';
             $accept = ' accept="' . XH_hsc($this->prefixFileExtensionList($val)) . '"';
         } else {
             $value = ' value="' . XH_hsc($val) . '"';
             $accept = '';
         $o .= tag('input type="' . $this->getInputElementType() . '" id="' . $this->id . '" name="' . $this->name . '"' . $value . $accept . $size . $maxlen);
     return $o;
Exemple #8
 * Returns whether the correct captcha code was entered
 * after the form containing the captcha was posted.
 * @return bool
function Advancedform_Captcha_check()
    $ok = isset($_SESSION['advfrm_captcha'][$_POST['advancedform-captcha_id']]) && stsl($_POST['advancedform-captcha']) == $_SESSION['advfrm_captcha'][$_POST['advancedform-captcha_id']];
    return $ok;
 * Saves the modified mail form definition. Returns the the mail form list on
 * success, or the mail form editor on failure.
 * @param string $id A form ID.
 * @return string (X)HTML.
 * @global string The (X)HTML fragments containing error messages.
 * @global array  The localization of the plugins.
 * @global object The CSRF protector.
function Advancedform_saveForm($id)
    global $e, $plugin_tx, $_XH_csrfProtection;
    $ptx = $plugin_tx['advancedform'];
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST') {
        return Advancedform_formsAdministration();
    if (isset($_XH_csrfProtection)) {
    $forms = Advancedform_db();
    if (!isset($forms[$id])) {
        $e .= '<li><b>' . sprintf($ptx['error_form_missing'], $id) . '</b></li>';
        return Advancedform_formsAdministration();
    if (!isset($forms[$_POST['advfrm-name']])) {
        $id = $_POST['advfrm-name'];
        $ok = true;
    } else {
        $_POST['advfrm-name'] = $id;
        $e .= '<li>' . $ptx['error_form_exists'] . '</li>';
        $ok = false;
    $forms[$id]['captcha'] = false;
    $forms[$id]['store'] = false;
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
        $keys = explode('-', $key);
        if ($keys[0] == 'advfrm') {
            if (!is_array($val)) {
                if (in_array($keys[1], array('captcha', 'store'))) {
                    $forms[$id][$keys[1]] = true;
                } else {
                    $forms[$id][$keys[1]] = stsl($val);
            } else {
                foreach ($val as $num => $fieldval) {
                    $forms[$id]['fields'][$num][$keys[1]] = stsl($fieldval);
    return $ok ? Advancedform_formsAdministration() : Advancedform_editForm($id);
Exemple #10
  * Returns the comment preview.
  * @return string (X)HTML.
  * @global array The paths of system files and folders.
 public function commentPreview()
     global $pth;
     $comment = $this->getBbcode()->convert(stsl($_POST['data']));
     $templateStylesheet = $pth['file']['stylesheet'];
     $forumStylesheet = $pth['folder']['plugins'] . 'forum/css/stylesheet.css';
     $bag = compact('comment', 'templateStylesheet', 'forumStylesheet');
     return $this->render('preview', $bag);
  * Renders a field.
  * @param Field $field A field.
  * @return string
 protected function renderField(Field $field)
     $name = 'advfrm-' . $field->getName();
     $o = $field->getLabel() . PHP_EOL;
     if (isset($_POST[$name])) {
         if (is_array($_POST[$name])) {
             foreach ($_POST[$name] as $val) {
                 $o .= '  ' . stsl($val) . PHP_EOL;
         } else {
             $o .= '  ' . $this->indent(stsl($_POST[$name])) . PHP_EOL;
     } elseif (isset($_FILES[$name])) {
         $o .= '  ' . stsl($_FILES[$name]['name']) . PHP_EOL;
     return $o;