Exemple #1
function applyForTeamForm_submit($form, $form_state)
    global $user;
    $name = $form_state['values']['personName'];
    $email = $form_state['values']['email'];
    $teamName = dbGetTeamName($form_state['TID']);
    $note = $form_state['values']['message'];
    // fill in the fields of the application
    $application['UID'] = $user->uid;
    $application['TID'] = $form_state['TID'];
    $application['userEmail'] = stripTags($email, '');
    // do not allow tags
    $application['userMessage'] = stripTags($note);
    // allow some tags
    // add a notification for the team owner and admins
    if (dbApplyForTeam($application)) {
        // note that this does its own error checking
        $notification['dateCreated'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(time());
        $notification['dateTargeted'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(time());
        $notification['TID'] = $form_state['TID'];
        $notification['message'] = "{$name} has applied to join your team {$teamName}.";
        $notification['bttnTitle'] = 'View';
        $notification['bttnLink'] = '?q=viewUsersToBeApproved&TID=' . $form_state['TID'];
        notifyUsersByRole($notification, 'teamOwner');
        notifyUsersByRole($notification, 'teamAdmin');
        drupal_set_message('Your application has been sent! You will receive an email when you have been approved for the team.');
function notificationForm_submit($form, $form_state)
    global $user;
    $params = drupal_get_query_parameters();
    $OID = $params['OID'];
    // generate the notification
    $notification = getFields(array('dateTargeted', 'message'), $form_state['values']);
    $notification = stripTags($notification);
    // allow some tags
    $notification['dateTargeted'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(strtotime($notification['dateTargeted']));
    $notification['bttnTitle'] = 'View Outreach';
    $notification['bttnLink'] = '?q=viewOutreach&OID=' . $OID;
    $notification['OID'] = $OID;
    $notification['TID'] = dbGetTeamForOutreach($OID);
    $notification['dateCreated'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(time());
    foreach ($form_state['values']['UID'] as $UID) {
        if ($UID != null) {
            $notification['UID'] = $UID;
            $result = dbAddNotification($notification);
    if ($result) {
        drupal_set_message('Notification added!');
        drupal_goto('manageNotifications', array('query' => array('OID' => $OID)));
    } else {
        drupal_set_message('There was an error.', 'error');
Exemple #3
function deleteUserPage_submit($form, $form_state)
    global $user;
    $UID = $user->uid;
    $teams = dbGetTeamsForUser($UID);
    // getting teams that are associated with a user
    foreach ($teams as $team) {
        // looping through these teams
        dbKickUserFromTeam($UID, $team['TID']);
        // removing the user from these teams
        dbRemoveAllUserRoles($UID, $team['TID']);
        // ensuring the user doesn't have any role on the team
    $params['feedback'] = stripTags($form_state['values']['misc'], '');
    // stripping any "illegal" HTML tags
    $params['userName'] = dbGetUserName($UID);
    // getting the user name
    drupal_mail('users', 'userdeleted', '*****@*****.**', variable_get('language_default'), $params, $from = null, $send = true);
    // sending the user a confirmation mail
    drupal_set_message("Your account has been deleted. We're sorry to see you go!");
    // message displayed and redirected to front page
function thumbnailForm_submit($form, $form_state)
    $params = drupal_get_query_parameters();
    // getting the inputted info from the fields
    $fields = array("FID");
    $picData = getFields($fields, $form_state['values']);
    $picData = stripTags($picData, '');
    $oldFID = isset($form_state['oldFID']) ? $form_state['oldFID'] : 0;
    if (isset($params["UID"])) {
        // if updating user's profile picture
        $UID = $params["UID"];
        replacePicture($picData['FID'], $oldFID, 'Users');
        dbUpdate("profiles", $picData, "UID", $UID);
        drupal_goto("viewUser", array('query' => array('UID' => $UID)));
    } else {
        if (isset($params["OID"])) {
            // if editing outreach thumbnail
            $OID = $params["OID"];
            replacePicture($picData['FID'], $oldFID, 'Outreach');
            dbUpdateOutreach($OID, $picData);
            drupal_goto("viewOutreach", array('query' => array('OID' => $OID)));
        } else {
            if (isset($params["TID"])) {
                // if editing team thumbnail
                $TID = $params["TID"];
                replacePicture($picData['FID'], $oldFID, 'Teams');
                dbUpdateTeam($TID, $picData);
                drupal_goto("viewTeam", array('query' => array('TID' => $TID)));
            } else {
Exemple #5
function usersSearch_submit($form, $form_state)
    $names = array('nameContains');
    $row = getFields($names, $form_state['values']);
    $row = stripTags($row, '');
    drupal_goto('showUsersForTeam', array('query' => array('query' => $row['nameContains'])));
Exemple #6
 function load()
     if ($this->_view == 'node') {
         $this->_from = $this->get('s');
         $this->_node = $this->get('n');
         if (!$this->validateServerNode($this->_from, $this->_node)) {
         $pd = new \Modl\ItemDAO();
         $this->_item = $pd->getItem($this->_from, $this->_node);
         $this->_mode = 'group';
         $this->url = Route::urlize('node', array($this->_from, $this->_node));
     } else {
         $this->_from = $this->get('f');
         $cd = new \modl\ContactDAO();
         $this->_contact = $cd->get($this->_from, true);
         if (filter_var($this->_from, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
             $this->_node = 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0';
         } else {
         $this->_mode = 'blog';
         $this->url = Route::urlize('blog', $this->_from);
     $pd = new \modl\PostnDAO();
     if ($this->_id = $this->get('i')) {
         if (Validator::int()->between(0, 100)->validate($this->_id)) {
             $this->_messages = $pd->getNodeUnfiltered($this->_from, $this->_node, $this->_id * $this->_paging, $this->_paging + 1);
             $this->_page = $this->_id + 1;
         } elseif (Validator::string()->length(5, 100)->validate($this->_id)) {
             $this->_messages = $pd->getPublicItem($this->_from, $this->_node, $this->_id);
             if (is_object($this->_messages[0])) {
                 $this->title = $this->_messages[0]->title;
                 $description = stripTags($this->_messages[0]->contentcleaned);
                 if (!empty($description)) {
                     $this->description = $description;
                 $attachements = $this->_messages[0]->getAttachements();
                 if ($attachements && array_key_exists('pictures', $attachements)) {
                     $this->image = urldecode($attachements['pictures'][0]['href']);
             if ($this->_view == 'node') {
                 $this->url = Route::urlize('node', array($this->_from, $this->_node, $this->_id));
             } else {
                 $this->url = Route::urlize('blog', array($this->_from, $this->_id));
     } else {
         $this->_page = 1;
         $this->_messages = $pd->getNodeUnfiltered($this->_from, $this->_node, 0, $this->_paging + 1);
     if (count($this->_messages) == $this->_paging + 1) {
Exemple #7
function myOwnStripInput($searchString)
    if ($searchString !== '') {
        // Remove escape characters
        $searchString = stripslashes($searchString);
        // Remove modx sensitive tags
        $searchString = stripTags($searchString);
        // Remove +something+ substring too
        $searchString = stripOtherTags($searchString);
        // Strip HTML tags
        $searchString = stripHtml($searchString);
    return $searchString;
Exemple #8
function deleteTeamPage_submit($form, $form_state)
    global $user;
    $UID = $user->uid;
    $TID = $form_state['TID'];
    if (dbUserHasPermissionForTeam($user->uid, 'deleteTeam', $TID)) {
    } else {
        drupal_set_message('You do not have permission to perform this action.', 'error');
    // send an email to the CROMA team detailing the team deletion
    $params['feedback'] = stripTags($form_state['values']['misc'], '');
    $params['userName'] = dbGetUserName($UID);
    $params['teamName'] = dbGetTeamName($TID);
    $params['teamNumber'] = dbGetTeamNumber($TID);
    drupal_mail('teams', 'teamDeleted', '*****@*****.**', variable_get('language_default'), $params, $from = NULL, $send = TRUE);
    drupal_set_message(dbGetTeamName($TID) . " has been deleted.");
Exemple #9
function htmlToText($text)
    // replace php and comments tags so they do not get stripped
    return stripTags($text);
Exemple #10
function searchFormSidebar_submit($form, &$form_state)
    $fields = array('source', 'name', 'country', 'state', 'city', 'co_organization', 'date', 'dateDistance', 'within5Years', 'year', 'cancelled');
    $searchData = getFields($fields, $form_state['values']);
    $searchData = stripTags($searchData, '');
    // don't allow any tags
    // searchParams is an array containing search data to be passed into generateSearchSQL()
    if (!empty($form_state['values']['status'])) {
        foreach ($form_state['values']['status'] as $status => $value) {
            if ($value != '0') {
                $searchParams['status'][] = $value;
    if (!empty($form_state['values']['teams'])) {
        foreach ($form_state['values']['teams'] as $team => $value) {
            if ($value != '0') {
                $searchParams['teams'][] = $value;
    if (!empty($form_state['values']['tags'])) {
        foreach ($form_state['values']['tags'] as $tag => $value) {
            if ($value != '0') {
                $searchParams['tags'][] = $value;
    if (!empty($searchData['name'])) {
        $searchParams['name'] = array('value' => $searchData['name'], 'matchType' => 'fuzzy');
    if (!empty($form_state['values']['owner'])) {
        $searchParams['owner'] = array('value' => $form_state['values']['owner'], 'matchType' => 'exact');
    if (!empty($form_state['values']['signedUp'])) {
        $searchParams['signedUp'] = array('value' => $form_state['values']['signedUp'], 'matchType' => 'exact');
    if (!empty($searchData['country']) && $searchData['country'] != '[none]') {
        $searchParams['country'] = array('value' => $searchData['country'], 'matchType' => 'exact');
    if (!empty($searchData['state']) && $searchData['state'] != '[none]') {
        $searchParams['state'] = array('value' => $searchData['state'], 'matchType' => 'exact');
    if (!empty($searchData['city'])) {
        $searchParams['city'] = array('value' => $searchData['city'], 'matchType' => 'fuzzy');
    if (!empty($searchData['co_organization'])) {
        $searchParams['co_organization'] = array('value' => $searchData['co_organization'], 'matchType' => 'fuzzy');
    if (!empty($searchData['cancelled'])) {
        $searchParams['cancelled'] = array('value' => $searchData['cancelled'], 'matchType' => 'exact');
    } else {
        $searchParams['cancelled'] = array('value' => false, 'matchType' => 'exact');
    if (!empty($searchData['within5Years'])) {
        $searchParams['within5Years'] = true;
    if (!empty($searchData['date'])) {
        $date = strtotime($searchData['date']);
        $start = strtotime('-' . $searchData['dateDistance'], $date);
        $end = strtotime('+' . $searchData['dateDistance'], $date);
        $searchParams['date'] = array('start' => dbDatePHP2SQL($start), 'center' => date(DEFAULT_TIME_FORMAT, $date), 'end' => dbDatePHP2SQL($end));
    if (!empty($searchData['year']) && $searchData['year'] != 'select') {
        $searchParams['year'] = array('year' => $searchData['year']);
    $proxyFields = array();
    $_SESSION['searchParams'] = $searchParams;
    $_SESSION['proxyFields'] = $proxyFields;
    drupal_goto('outreach', array('query' => array('query' => 'search')));
Exemple #11
function createNewUser($form_state)
    //This will generate a random password, you could set your own here
    $password = user_password(8);
    $userName = $form_state['values']['firstName'] . ' ' . $form_state['values']['lastName'];
    //set up the user fields
    $fields = array('name' => $form_state['values']['primaryEmail'], 'mail' => $form_state['values']['primaryEmail'], 'pass' => $password, 'status' => 1, 'init' => 'email address', 'roles' => array(DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID => 'authenticated user'));
    //the first parameter is left blank so a new user is created
    $account = user_save('', $fields);
    // Manually set the password so it appears in the e-mail.
    $account->password = $fields['pass'];
    // Send the e-mail through the user module.
    $params['url'] = user_pass_reset_url($account);
    $params['teamName'] = dbGetTeamName($form_state['TID']);
    drupal_mail('users', 'userCreated', $form_state['values']['primaryEmail'], NULL, $params, '*****@*****.**');
    $fields = array('firstName', 'lastName');
    $profileData = getFields($fields, $form_state['values']);
    $profileData = stripTags($profileData, '');
    $profileData['UID'] = $account->uid;
    // creating new profile
    return $profileData['UID'];
Exemple #12
function mediaForm_submit($form, $form_state)
    $names = array('title', 'FID', 'description', 'OID');
    $MID = $form_state['MID'];
    $row = getFields($names, $form_state['values']);
    $row = stripTags($row);
    $TID = dbUpdateMedia($MID, $row);
    if ($TID != false) {
        drupal_set_message('Your media has been assigned!');
    } else {
        drupal_set_message('There is a problem. Please try again.');
    drupal_goto('viewMedia', array('query' => array('OID' => $row['OID'])));
Exemple #13
function filterField($key, $val, $int, $stripTags, $double)
    if ($int && in_array($key, $int)) {
        return intval($val);
    if ($stripTags && in_array($key, $stripTags)) {
        return stripTags($val);
    if ($double && in_array($key, $double)) {
        return doubleval($val);
    return $val;
Exemple #14
function oldHoursForm_submit($form, $form_state)
    // getting info from the form state
    $new = $form_state['new'];
    $TID = $form_state['TID'];
    // looping through the rows of hours and years
    for ($i = 0; $i < $form_state['numRows']; $i++) {
        $HTID = isset($form_state['fields']["HTID-{$i}"]) ? $form_state['fields']["HTID-{$i}"] : 0;
        $fields = array("hours-{$i}", "year-{$i}");
        $fields = getFields($fields, $form_state['values']);
        $fields = stripTags($fields, '');
        // remove all HTML tags
        // setting the values which were read in into the row which will go into the database
        $row['numberOfHours'] = $fields["hours-{$i}"];
        $row['year'] = $fields["year-{$i}"];
        $row['TID'] = $TID;
        // checking to make sure neither of them are null
        if ($row['numberOfHours'] != null && $row['year'] != null) {
            if ($HTID != 0) {
                // update existing record
                dbUpdateOffset($HTID, $row);
                $updated = true;
            } else {
                // adding new hours
                $added = true;
    // end of for loop
    // executes if times were deleted
    if (!$new) {
        for ($i = $form_state['numRows']; $i < $form_state['initialNumTimes']; $i++) {
            $result = dbRemoveOldHours($form_state['fields']["HTID-{$i}"]);
            $removed = true;
    // display appropriate message
    if (isset($updated) || isset($added) && isset($removed)) {
        drupal_set_message('Your hours have been updated!');
    } else {
        if ($added) {
            drupal_set_message("Your hours have been logged!");
        } else {
            if ($removed) {
                drupal_set_message("Your hours have been removed.");
    drupal_goto('viewTeam', array('query' => array('TID' => $TID)));
Exemple #15
function hoursForm_submit($form, $form_state)
    global $user;
    // getting value of new from form state
    $new = isset($form_state['new']) ? $form_state['new'] : true;
    $OID = $form_state['OID'];
    // looping through the rows of hours
    for ($i = 0; $i < $form_state['numRows']; $i++) {
        $fields = array("numberOfHours-{$i}", "description-{$i}", "type-{$i}");
        $row = getFields($fields, $form_state['values']);
        // dont allow any html tags
        $row = stripTags($row, '');
        // setting the values which were read in into the row which will go into the database
        $row['numberOfHours'] = $row["numberOfHours-{$i}"];
        $row['description'] = $row["description-{$i}"];
        $row['isApproved'] = 0;
        $row['type'] = $row["type-{$i}"];
        unset($row["type-{$i}"], $row["numberOfHours-{$i}"], $row["description-{$i}"]);
        if (isset($form_state['values']['fields']['UID'])) {
            $UID = $form_state['values']['fields']['UID'];
        } else {
            $UID = $user->uid;
        if ($UID != 0) {
            $row['UID'] = $UID;
        $row['OID'] = $OID;
        // if adding new hours
        if ($new) {
            if (dbLogHours($row) == false) {
                drupal_set_message("Error", 'error');
        } else {
            // editing old hours
            $row['isApproved'] = 0;
            if (dbUpdateHours($row, $form_state['HID']) == false) {
                drupal_set_message("Error", 'error');
    // end of for loop
    drupal_set_message("Your hours have been logged!");
    // assigning user to outreach if not new
    if (!$new) {
        dbAssignUserToOutreach($UID, $OID, $row['type']);
        drupal_goto("viewOutreach", array('query' => array("OID" => $OID)));
    } else {
        // notifying appropriate users of changes/addition of hours
        $outreachName = dbGetOutreachName($OID);
        $personName = dbGetUserName($user->uid);
        $notification['message'] = "{$personName} has logged hours for {$outreachName}!";
        $notification['TID'] = dbGetTeamForOutreach($OID);
        $notification['dateTargeted'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(time());
        $notification['dateCreated'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(time());
        notifyUsersByRole($notification, 'moderator');
        notifyOwnerOfOutreach($OID, $notification);
        if ($OID != 0) {
            drupal_goto("viewHours", array('query' => array("OID" => $OID)));
        } else {
            drupal_goto("viewHours", array('query' => array("UID" => $UID)));
Exemple #16
function profileForm_submit($form, $form_state)
    global $user;
    $params = drupal_get_query_parameters();
    if (!isset($params['UID'])) {
        $UID = $user->uid;
    } else {
        $UID = $params['UID'];
    // getting the inputted info from the fields
    $fields = array("firstName", "lastName", "position", "phone", "grade", "gender", "FID", "type");
    $profileData = getFields($fields, $form_state['values']);
    $profileData = stripTags($profileData, '');
    $profileData['UID'] = $UID;
    $profileData['bio'] = stripTags(array($form_state['values']['bio']));
    // allow some tags in the bio only
    if (dbUserHasProfile($profileData['UID']) == false) {
        // if the user doesn't have a profile
        $result = dbCreateProfile($profileData);
        // creating new profile
        if ($result != false) {
            drupal_set_message("Your profile has been created!");
            // if it went through successfully
        } else {
            drupal_set_message("There was an error.");
            // if something "bad" occured during submission
    } else {
        // if the user is simply editing existing profile
        dbUpdate("profiles", $profileData, "UID", $profileData['UID']);
        drupal_set_message("Profile has been updated!");
    if (!empty($form_state['values']['secondaryEmail'])) {
        // user entered value
        if (dbGetSecondaryEmailForUser($profileData['UID']) == false) {
            // the user is adding a new secondary email
            dbAddEmailsToUser($profileData['UID'], array(trim($form_state['values']['secondaryEmail'])));
        } else {
            //  user is updating an old email
            dbUpdate('emailsVsUsers', array('email' => $form_state['values']['secondaryEmail']), "UID", $profileData['UID']);
    } else {
        // user didn't enter value
        dbRemoveEntry('emailsVsUsers', 'UID', $profileData['UID']);
    drupal_goto("viewUser", array('query' => array('UID' => $UID)));
Exemple #17
function approve($form, $form_state)
    global $user;
    $UID = $user->uid;
    $params = drupal_get_query_parameters();
    $TID = getCurrentTeam()['TID'];
    $OID = $params["OID"];
    $writeUpFields = array("totalAttendance", "testimonial", "writeUp");
    $writeUpData = getFields($writeUpFields, $form_state['values']);
    $writeUpData = stripTags($writeUpData, '');
    // remove all tags
    $writeUpData['isWriteUpApproved'] = true;
    $writeUpData['isWriteUpSubmitted'] = 0;
    $writeUpData['status'] = 'locked';
    if (empty($writeUpData["totalAttendance"])) {
        $writeUpData["totalAttendance"] = null;
    $result = dbUpdateOutreach($OID, $writeUpData);
    $notification = array('TID' => $TID, 'dateCreated' => dbDatePHP2SQL(time()), 'dateTargeted' => dbDatePHP2SQL(time()), 'message' => dbGetUserName($UID) . ' has just approved ' . dbGetOutreachName($OID) . '!', 'bttnLink' => '?q=viewOutreach&OID=' . $OID, 'bttnTitle' => 'View Outreach');
    // notify the appropriate people
    $outreachOwnerUID = dbGetOutreachOwner($OID);
    if ($UID != $outreachOwnerUID) {
    notifyUsersByRole($notification, 'moderator');
    notifyUsersByRole($notification, 'teamAdmin');
    notifyUsersByRole($notification, 'teamOwner');
    drupal_set_message("Write up approved!");
    drupal_goto('viewOutreach', array('query' => array('OID' => $OID)));
Exemple #18
 function item($q, $menuId)
     /* Call new FQuery */
     $db = new FQuery();
     /* Set Access_Level */
     $accessLevel = Level_Access;
     $q = str_replace("'", "", $q);
     $q = str_replace("/", "", $q);
     $q = str_replace("\\", "", $q);
     $q = str_replace('"', "", $q);
     $q = str_replace('  ', " ", $q);
     if (empty($q)) {
         $q = $_SESSION['search'];
     /* Call new paging */
     $paging = new paging();
     $rowsPerPage = 10;
     $keyword = trim($q);
     //remove space before and after
     $article = explode_query($q, 'article');
     $title = explode_query($q, 'title');
     $author = explode_query($q, 'author');
     $tag = explode_query($q, 'tags');
     $condition = "{$article} {$title} {$author} {$tag}";
     $user = FQuery('user', "`name` LIKE  '%{$q}%'", 'id');
     /* Check total article by query */
     FQuery('article', "status=1 AND (`author_id` ='{$user}' {$condition}) {$accessLevel}");
     $total = mysql_affected_rows();
     /* paging query */
     $result = $paging->pagerQuery(FDBPrefix . 'article', "*,DATE_FORMAT(date,'%d %M %Y') as date,DATE_FORMAT(date,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as order_date", "status=1 AND (`author_id` ='{$user}' {$condition}) \n\t\t{$accessLevel}", 'order_date DESC', $rowsPerPage);
     $no = 0;
     $jml = mysql_affected_rows();
     while ($qr = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
         $category = oneQuery('article_category', 'id', $qr['category'], 'name');
         $catlink = make_permalink("?app=article&view=category&id={$qr['category']}");
         if (!empty($qr['author_id'])) {
             if (!empty($qr['author'])) {
                 $author = $qr['author'];
             } else {
                 $author = oneQuery('user', 'id', $qr['author_id'], 'name');
         } else {
             $author = "Administrator";
         $strpos = 0;
         $article = stripTags($qr['article']);
         $article2 = strtolower($article);
         $strpos = strpos("{$article2}", "{$q}");
         $query = str_replace(", ", ",", $q);
         $query = str_replace(" ,", ",", $q);
         $query = trim($query);
         if (strpos($query, ",")) {
             $query = explode(",", $query);
         } else {
             $query = explode(" ", $q);
         $i = 0;
         $z = '';
         $y = '';
         foreach ($query as $v) {
             $y[$i] = $v;
         for ($n = $i * $i - 1; $n >= 0; $n--) {
         if ($strpos >= 40) {
             $strpos = $strpos - 40;
             $article2 = substr("{$article2}", $strpos);
             $strpos2 = strpos("{$article2}", " ");
             $article = substr("{$article}", $strpos + $strpos2);
             $article = "..." . $article;
         $article = cutWords($article, 35);
         $article .= "...";
         $link = "?app=article&view=item&id={$qr['id']}";
         $link = make_permalink($link, Page_ID);
         $qr['title'] = search_match($qr['title'], $q);
         $article = search_match($article, $q);
         $author = search_match($author, $q);
         $category = search_match($category, $q);
         $title = "<a href=\"{$link}\">{$qr['title']}</a>";
         $readmore = null;
         $this->category[$no] = $category;
         $this->catlink[$no] = $catlink;
         $this->readmore[$no] = $readmore;
         $this->author[$no] = $author;
         $this->title[$no] = $title;
         $this->date[$no] = $qr['date'];
         $this->article[$no] = $article;
         $this->perrows = $jml;
         $this->total = $total;
         if (defined('SEF_URL')) {
             $link = link_paging('?');
         } else {
             $link = "?app=article&view=category&id={$categoryId}";
             $link = make_permalink($link, Page_ID);
             $link = $link . "&";
     FQuery('article', "status=1 AND (`author_id` ='{$user}' {$condition}) {$accessLevel}");
     $jml = mysql_affected_rows();
     if ($jml > $rowsPerPage) {
         $pagelink = $paging->createPaging($link);
     } else {
         $pagelink = null;
     if (strpos(getUrl(), '?q')) {
         $pagelink = str_replace("?page=", "&page=", $pagelink);
     $this->pglink = $pagelink;
Exemple #19
echo "Inserting posts...\n";
$st = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO fb_posts (fb_post_id, fb_link, image_url, created, updated, type, message, story, extra) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
$stats = array('items' => 0, 'inserted' => 0, 'failed' => 0);
foreach ($data as $id => $item) {
    $created = getTimeStamp($item->created_time);
    $updated = getTimeStamp($item->updated_time);
    $message = $story = $extra = '';
    if (isset($item->message)) {
        if (isset($item->message_tags)) {
            $message = stripTags($id, $item->message, $item->message_tags);
        } else {
            $message = stripTags($id, $item->message);
    if (isset($item->story)) {
        $story = stripTags($id, $item->story);
    if (FALSE !== $st->bind_param("sssssssss", $id, $item->link, $item->full_picture, $created, $updated, $item->type, $message, $story, $extra)) {
        if (FALSE !== $st->execute()) {
        } else {
    } else {
function getTimeStamp($data)
Exemple #20
function teamForm_submit($form, $form_state)
    global $user;
    $params = drupal_get_query_parameters();
    $new = !isset($params['TID']);
    // determine if adding or editing
    $names = array('name', 'number', 'type', 'city', 'state', 'country', 'FID', 'rookieYear');
    $row = getFields($names, $form_state['values']);
    $row = stripTags($row, '');
    if ($row['rookieYear'] === '') {
        $row['rookieYear'] = null;
    if ($new) {
        // team doesn't exist yet
        $row['UID'] = $user->uid;
        $TID = dbCreateTeam($row);
    } else {
        $result = dbUpdateTeam($params['TID'], $row);
        if ($result) {
            $TID = $params['TID'];
            if (!teamIsIneligible($TID)) {
                setCurrentTeam($params['TID'], $row['name']);
        } else {
            drupal_set_message('Error in updating team', 'error');
    if ($TID != false) {
        if ($new) {
            // if team is submitted correctly
            drupal_set_message('Your team form has been submitted. The CROMA team will contact you when your team has been successfully created.');
            dbGiveUserRole($user->uid, $TID, 'teamOwner');
            dbAssignUserToTeam($user->uid, $TID);
            // send email
            $params = array('TID' => $TID, 'name' => $row['name'], 'number' => $row['number'], 'user' => $user->uid, 'userName' => dbGetUserName($user->uid));
            drupal_mail('teams', 'teamCreated', '*****@*****.**', variable_get('language_default'), $params, $from = NULL, $send = TRUE);
        } else {
            drupal_set_message('Your team has been updated!');
            if (!dbIsTeamApproved($TID)) {
            } else {
                drupal_goto('viewTeam', array('query' => array('TID' => $params['TID'])));
    } else {
        // if something went wrong...
        drupal_set_message('Error creating team. Please try again.');
Exemple #21
// - 'xml' => return data with mime type 'application/xml
// - 'rss' => return data with mime type 'application/rss+xml'
// - 'file' => return data as downloadable file
// - 'email' => send data as email (to the user's login email address)
if (isset($_REQUEST['exportType']) and preg_match("/^(text|html|xml|rss|file|email)\$/i", $_REQUEST['exportType'])) {
    $exportType = $_REQUEST['exportType'];
} else {
    $exportType = "html";
if (isset($_REQUEST['exportStylesheet'])) {
    $exportStylesheet = $_REQUEST['exportStylesheet'];
} else {
    $exportStylesheet = "";
if (isset($_REQUEST['headerMsg'])) {
    $headerMsg = stripTags($_REQUEST['headerMsg']);
} else {
    $headerMsg = "";
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Extract any parameters that are specific to 'show.php':
// (these parameters control which records will be returned by 'search.php')
// Note: you can combine different parameters to achieve an "AND" query, e.g.:
//       show.php?contribution_id=AWI&author=steffens&year=2005
//       which will find all records where:  'contribution_id' contains 'AWI'  -AND-  'author' contains 'steffens'  -AND-  'year' contains '2005'
if (isset($_REQUEST['serial'])) {
    $serial = $_REQUEST['serial'];
} elseif (isset($_REQUEST['record'])) {
    $serial = $_REQUEST['record'];
Exemple #22
function purifyHTML($str, $exceptions = array())
    if (is_string($str)) {
        $find = array("\n", "\r");
        $tags = array('alert', 'applet', 'audio', 'basefont', 'base', 'behavior', 'bgsound', 'blink', 'body', 'embed', 'expression', 'form', 'iframe', 'ilayer', 'input', 'isindex', 'layer', 'font', 'html', 'link', 'style', 'body', 'head', 'xml', 'script', 'link', 'meta', 'object', 'plaintext', 'textarea', 'title', 'video', 'xss');
        $tags = array_diff($tags, $exceptions);
        $str = str_replace($find, '<br>', decodeValue($str));
        $str = stripTags($str, $tags);
        $str = stripPHP($str);
    return $str;
Exemple #23
    // if there's no ORDER BY parameter...
    $orderBy = "author, year DESC, publication";
// ...use the default ORDER BY clause
if (isset($_REQUEST['headerMsg'])) {
    $headerMsg = $_REQUEST['headerMsg'];
} else {
    $headerMsg = "";
if (preg_match("/%20/", $headerMsg)) {
    // if '$headerMsg' still contains URL encoded data... ('%20' is the URL encoded form of a space, see notes above!)
    $headerMsg = rawurldecode($headerMsg);
// ...URL decode 'headerMsg' statement (it was URL encoded before incorporation into a hidden tag of the 'displayOptions' form to avoid any HTML syntax errors)
if (!empty($headerMsg)) {
    $headerMsg = stripTags($headerMsg);
// strip any HTML tags from the custom header message to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks (function 'stripTags()' is defined in 'include.inc.php')
if (isset($_SESSION['oldQuery'])) {
    $oldQuery = $_SESSION['oldQuery'];
} else {
    $oldQuery = array();
if (isset($_SESSION['queryHistory'])) {
    $queryHistory = $_SESSION['queryHistory'];
} else {
    $queryHistory = array();
// Extract checkbox variable values from the request:
if (isset($_REQUEST['marked'])) {
    $recordSerialsArray = $_REQUEST['marked'];
Exemple #24
 function load()
     if ($this->_view == 'node') {
         $this->_from = $this->get('s');
         $this->_node = $this->get('n');
         if (!$this->validateServerNode($this->_from, $this->_node)) {
         $pd = new \Modl\ItemDAO();
         $this->_item = $pd->getItem($this->_from, $this->_node);
         $this->_mode = 'group';
         $this->url = Route::urlize('node', array($this->_from, $this->_node));
     } elseif ($this->_view == 'tag' && $this->validateTag($this->get('t'))) {
         $this->_mode = 'tag';
         $this->_tag = $this->get('t');
         $this->title = '#' . $this->_tag;
     } else {
         $this->_from = $this->get('f');
         $cd = new \modl\ContactDAO();
         $this->_contact = $cd->get($this->_from, true);
         if (filter_var($this->_from, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
             $this->_node = 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0';
         } else {
         $this->_mode = 'blog';
         $this->url = Route::urlize('blog', $this->_from);
     $pd = new \modl\PostnDAO();
     if ($this->_id = $this->get('i')) {
         if (Validator::stringType()->between('1', '100')->validate($this->_id)) {
             if (isset($this->_tag)) {
                 $this->_messages = $pd->getPublicTag($this->get('t'), $this->_id * $this->_paging, $this->_paging + 1);
             } else {
                 $this->_messages = $pd->getNodeUnfiltered($this->_from, $this->_node, $this->_id * $this->_paging, $this->_paging + 1);
             $this->_page = $this->_id + 1;
         } elseif (Validator::stringType()->length(5, 100)->validate($this->_id)) {
             $this->_messages[0] = $pd->getPublicItem($this->_from, $this->_node, $this->_id);
             if (is_object($this->_messages[0])) {
                 $this->title = $this->_messages[0]->title;
                 $description = stripTags($this->_messages[0]->contentcleaned);
                 if (!empty($description)) {
                     $this->description = truncate($description, 100);
                 $attachments = $this->_messages[0]->getAttachments();
                 if ($attachments && array_key_exists('pictures', $attachments)) {
                     $this->image = urldecode($attachments['pictures'][0]['href']);
             if ($this->_view == 'node') {
                 $this->url = Route::urlize('node', array($this->_from, $this->_node, $this->_id));
             } else {
                 $this->url = Route::urlize('blog', array($this->_from, $this->_id));
     } else {
         $this->_page = 1;
         if (isset($this->_tag)) {
             $this->_messages = $pd->getPublicTag($this->get('t'), 0, $this->_paging + 1);
         } else {
             $this->_messages = $pd->getNodeUnfiltered($this->_from, $this->_node, 0, $this->_paging + 1);
     if (count($this->_messages) == $this->_paging + 1) {
     if ($this->_node == 'urn:xmpp:microblog:0') {
         $this->user = new User($this->_from);
         $cssurl = $this->user->getDumpedConfig('cssurl');
         if (isset($cssurl) && $cssurl != '' && Validator::url()->validate($cssurl)) {
Exemple #25
function outreachForm_submit($form, $form_state)
    global $user;
    $UID = $user->uid;
    $TID = $form_state['TID'];
    $outreachFields = array("name", "peopleImpacted", "address", "city", "state", "country", "status", "co_organization", "co_firstName", "co_lastName", "co_email", "co_phoneNumber", "isPublic");
    $outreachData = getFields($outreachFields, $form_state['values']);
    $outreachData = stripTags($outreachData, '');
    // remove all tags
    $outreachData['description'] = stripTags(array($form_state['values']['description']));
    // allow some tags
    $outreachData["TID"] = $TID;
    if ($form_state['new']) {
        $outreachData["UID"] = $UID;
    if (isset($form_state['OID'])) {
        $OID = $form_state['OID'];
        $oldOutreachData = dbGetOutreach($OID);
        if ($outreachData["status"] == "doingWriteUp" && $oldOutreachData["isWriteUpApproved"] == true) {
            $outreachData["writeUpUID"] = null;
            $outreachData["isWriteUpSubmitted"] = 0;
            $outreachData["isWriteUpApproved"] = 0;
    if (!$form_state['new']) {
        // updating existing event
        $OID = $form_state['OID'];
        $result = dbUpdateOutreach($OID, $outreachData);
        if ($result) {
            // if db call was successful
            for ($i = 0; $i < $form_state['numRows']; $i++) {
                // loop through date rows
                $TOID = isset($form_state['fields']['dates']["TOID-{$i}"]) ? $form_state['fields']['dates']["TOID-{$i}"] : 0;
                $timeData['startTime'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(strtotime($form_state['values']["startTime-{$i}"]));
                $timeData['endTime'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(strtotime($form_state['values']["endTime-{$i}"]));
                if ($timeData['startTime'] != null && $timeData['endTime'] != null) {
                    // if row isn't empty
                    if ($TOID != 0) {
                        // update existing record
                        dbUpdateTimesForOutreach($TOID, $timeData);
                    } else {
                        // add a new time record if there wasn't one previously
                        $timeData['OID'] = $OID;
                } else {
                    // remove time record if empty
            for ($i = $form_state['numRows']; $i < $form_state['initialNumTimes']; $i++) {
                // executes if times were deleted
            $notification = array();
            $userName = dbGetUserName($user->uid);
            $outName = dbGetOutreachName($OID);
            $notification['dateCreated'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(time());
            $notification['dateTargeted'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(time());
            $notification['message'] = "{$userName} has updated outreach {$outName}.";
            $notification['bttnTitle'] = 'View';
            $notification['bttnLink'] = '?q=viewOutreach&OID=' . $OID;
            $notification['TID'] = $TID;
            notifyUsersByRole($notification, 'moderator');
            // handle tags
            if (!empty($form_state['values']['tags'])) {
                $newTags = $form_state['values']['tags'];
                $previous = dbGetTagsForOutreach($OID, true);
                // the "true" means this will return only OTID's
                if ($previous == false) {
                    // if there aren't any tags
                    $previous = array();
                $deleted = array_diff($previous, $newTags);
                $added = array_diff($newTags, $previous);
                foreach ($deleted as $delete) {
                    // $delete is the OTID to be removed from the outreach
                    if (!empty($delete)) {
                        dbRemoveTagFromOutreach($delete, $OID);
                foreach ($added as $add) {
                    // $add is the OTID to be added to the outreach
                    if (!empty($add)) {
                        dbAddTagToOutreach($add, $OID);
            drupal_set_message("Outreach updated!");
        } else {
            drupal_set_message("Outreach not updated.");
    } else {
        // adding new event
        $outreachData['logDate'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(time());
        $OID = dbCreateOutreach($outreachData);
        if ($OID != false) {
            dbAddUserAsOwnerOfOutreach($UID, $OID);
            dbAssignUserToOutreach($UID, $OID, 'owner');
            // handle times
            if ($outreachData['status'] != 'isIdea') {
                for ($i = 0; $i < $form_state['numRows']; $i++) {
                    $time = array("startTime-{$i}", "endTime-{$i}");
                    $timeData = getFields($time, $form_state['values']);
                    if ($timeData["startTime-{$i}"] != null && $timeData["endTime-{$i}"] != null) {
                        // rename array keys to match columns
                        $timeData['startTime'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(strtotime($timeData["startTime-{$i}"]));
                        $timeData['endTime'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(strtotime($timeData["endTime-{$i}"]));
                        unset($timeData["endTime-{$i}"], $timeData["startTime-{$i}"]);
                        $timeData['OID'] = $OID;
            // handle tags
            if (!empty($form_state['values']['tags'])) {
                foreach ($form_state['values']['tags'] as $OTID) {
                    dbAddTagToOutreach($OTID, $OID);
            // create notification
            $notification = array();
            $userName = dbGetUserName($user->uid);
            $outName = dbGetOutreachName($OID);
            $notification['dateCreated'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(time());
            $notification['dateTargeted'] = dbDatePHP2SQL(time());
            $notification['message'] = "{$userName} has created outreach {$outName}.";
            $notification['bttnTitle'] = 'View';
            $notification['bttnLink'] = '?q=viewOutreach&OID=' . $OID;
            $notification['TID'] = $TID;
            notifyUsersByRole($notification, 'moderator');
            drupal_set_message("Outreach created!");
        } else {
            // if the $OID IS false
            form_set_error("Outreach not created successfully");
    if (dbIsOutreachOver($OID)) {
        drupal_set_message("It appears you are logging an old event. Don't forget to <a href=\"?q=logHours&OID={$OID}\"><b>log old hours</b></a>!");
    drupal_goto('viewOutreach', array('query' => array('OID' => $OID)));
Exemple #26
  * defaultStripOutput : default ouput strip function
 function defaultStripOutput($text)
     if ($text !== '') {
         // replace line breaking tags with whitespace
         $text = stripLineBreaking($text);
         // strip modx sensitive tags
         $text = stripTags($text);
         // strip Jscripts
         $text = stripJscripts($text);
         // strip html tags. Tags should be correctly ended
         $text = stripHTML($text);
     return $text;