function events_list() { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/"; $sock = new sockets(); $users = new usersMenus(); $query = base64_encode(string_to_regex($_POST["query"])); $array = explode("\n", base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("freeweb.php?query-logs=yes&servername={$_GET["servername"]}&filter={$query}&rp={$_POST["rp"]}&type={$_GET["type"]}"))); if ($_POST["sortorder"] == "desc") { krsort($array); } else { ksort($array); } while (list($index, $line) = each($array)) { $date = null; if (preg_match("#\\[(.+?)\\]\\s+\\[(.*?)\\]\\s+(.+)#", $line, $re)) { $date = "{$re[1]}"; $errortype = $re[2]; $line = $re[3]; if (preg_match("#\\[client\\s+(.+?)\\]#", $line, $re)) { $line = str_replace($re[0], "", $line); $line = "[" . $re[1] . "] " . $line; } } if (preg_match("#(.+?) - (.*?) \\[(.+?)\\]\\s+(.+)#", $line, $re)) { $date = "{$re[3]}"; $time = strtotime($date); if (date('Y-m-d', $time) == date("Y-m-d")) { $dateText = date("H:i:s", $time); } else { $dateText = date("H:i:s - l d", $time); } $errortype = $re[2]; $line = "[" . $re[1] . "] " . $re[4]; } $line = str_replace("HTTP/1.1", "", $line); $line = str_replace("HTTP/1.0", "", $line); $img = statusLogs($line); $m5 = md5($line); if (trim($dateText) == null) { if (preg_match("#(.+?)\\s+([0-9:]+)\\s+\\[(.+?)\\]\\s+([0-9]+)\\#[0-9]+:(.+)#", $line, $re)) { $re[1] = str_replace(date("Y/m/d"), "", $re[1]); $dateText = $re[1] . " " . $re[2]; $errortype = $re[3]; $line = $re[5]; } } $data['rows'][] = array('id' => "dom{$m5}", 'cell' => array("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<span style='font-size:12px'>{$dateText}</span>", "<span style='font-size:12px'>{$errortype}</span>", "<img src='{$img}'>", "<span style='font-size:12px'>{$line}</span>")); } $data['page'] = 1; $data['total'] = count($array); echo json_encode($data); }
function item_rules() { $t = $_GET["t"]; $sock = new sockets(); if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $search = "&search=" . base64_encode(string_to_regex($_POST["query"])); } $datas = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("services.php?iptables-dump=yes&rp={$_POST["rp"]}{$search}"))); if (count($datas) == 0) { json_error_show("No data"); } $tpl = new templates(); $data = array(); $data['page'] = 1; $data['total'] = 0; $data['rows'] = array(); $c = 0; while (list($num, $val) = each($datas)) { if (substr($val, 0, 1) == "#") { continue; } if (!preg_match("#(^[0-9]+)\\s+(.+?)\\s+(.+?)\\s+(.+?)\\s+(.+?)\\s+(.+)#", $val, $re)) { continue; } $index = $re[1]; $target = $re[2]; $protocol = $re[3]; $opt = $re[4]; $src = $re[5]; $dest = $re[6]; $c++; if (strpos($dest, "/") > 0) { $tt = explode("/", $dest); $dest = $tt[0]; } if (preg_match("#(.+?)\\s+tcp(.+)#", $dest, $re)) { $dest = $re[1]; $protocol = $re[2]; } $protocol = str_replace("dpt:ssh", "SSH (22)", $protocol); $dest = str_replace("anywhere", "{anywhere}", $dest); $line = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{$target} {from} <strong>{$src}</strong> {to} {$dest} {protocol} {$protocol}"); $del = imgsimple("delete-24.png", null, "Delete{$t}('{$index}')"); $data['rows'][] = array('id' => "{$num}", 'cell' => array("<span style='font-size:12px;color:{$color}'>[{$index}]: {$line}</a></span>", "<span style='font-size:12px;color:{$color}'>{$del}</a></span>")); } $data['total'] = $c; echo json_encode($data); }
function dmesg_search() { $sock = new sockets(); $array = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("services.php?dmesg=yes"))); if (!is_array($array)) { json_error_show("Fatal, no such data"); } $search = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); if (isset($_POST['page'])) { $page = $_POST['page']; } if (isset($_POST['rp'])) { $rp = $_POST['rp']; } $pageStart = ($page - 1) * $rp; $pageEnd = $pageStart + $rp; if ($pageEnd <= 0) { $pageEnd = $rp; } //json_error_show("Start:$pageStart, end:$pageEnd"); if ($_POST["sortorder"] == "desc") { krsort($array); } $data = array(); $data['page'] = $page; $data['total'] = count($array); $data['rows'] = array(); $c = 0; while (list($key, $line) = each($array)) { if ($line == null) { continue; } if ($search != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$search}#i", $line)) { continue; } } $c++; if ($c <= $pageStart) { continue; } if ($c > $pageEnd) { break; } $data['rows'][] = array('id' => md5($line), 'cell' => array("{$spanOn}{$line}</span>")); } echo json_encode($data); }
function search() { $hostname = $_GET["hostname"]; $tpl = new templates(); $page = CurrentPageName(); $main = new maincf_multi($_GET["hostname"]); $datas = unserialize(base64_decode($main->GET_BIGDATA("debug_peer_list"))); if (count($datas) == 0) { json_error_show("No data..."); } $t = $_GET["t"]; if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $search = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); } $data = array(); $data['page'] = 1; $data['total'] = $total; $data['rows'] = array(); $c = 0; while (list($num, $ligne) = each($datas)) { if ($num == null) { continue; } if ($search != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$search}#i", $num)) { continue; } } $id = md5($num); $delete = imgsimple("delete-32.png", "{delete}", "debug_peer_list_del('{$num}','{$id}')"); $c++; $data['rows'][] = array('id' => $id, 'cell' => array("<strong style='font-size:18px;style='color:{$color}'>{$href}{$num}</a></strong>", $delete)); } $data['total'] = $c; echo json_encode($data); }
function xapsearch(){ $tpl=new templates(); //$GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]=true;ini_set('display_errors', 1);ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);ini_set('error_prepend_string',null);ini_set('error_append_string',null); if(!isset($_POST["xapsearch"])){if(isset($_GET["xapsearch"])){$_POST["xapsearch"]=$_GET["xapsearch"];}} $xapsearch=url_decode_special_tool($_POST["xapsearch"]); $ldap=new clladp(); $sock=new sockets(); $XapianDisableAdm=$sock->GET_INFO("XapianDisableAdm"); if(!is_numeric($XapianDisableAdm)){$XapianDisableAdm=0;} if($XapianDisableAdm==0){ if(preg_match("#phpinfo:(.*?):(.*)#", $xapsearch,$re)){if( strtolower($ldap->ldap_admin)==strtolower($re[1]) ){if(trim($re[2])==trim($ldap->ldap_password)){$s=php_ini_path();echo "<div style='width:620px;margin-top:20px' class=form>$s</div>";}}echo $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("<strong style='color:red'>{failed}</strong>");return;} if(preg_match("#status xapiandb\s+(.*?):(.*)#", $xapsearch,$re)){if( strtolower($ldap->ldap_admin)==strtolower($re[1]) ){if(trim($re[2])==trim($ldap->ldap_password)){status_xapiandb();}}return;} if(preg_match("#chtitle\s+\"(.*?)\"\s+(.*?):(.*)#", trim($xapsearch),$re)){ if( strtolower($ldap->ldap_admin)==strtolower($re[2]) ){ if(trim($re[3])==trim($ldap->ldap_password)){ $sock=new sockets(); $sock->SET_INFO("XapianSearchTitle",$re[1]); echo $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("<center style='margin-top:20px'> <strong style='font-size:22px;color:red'>{you_have_to_reload_webpage}</strong></center>"); } return; } } } $userid=$_COOKIE["uid"]; $ct=new user($userid); $q=new mysql(); unset($_SESSION["xapian_folders"]); if(!isset($_SESSION["xapian_folders"])){ $sql="SELECT * FROM xapian_folders"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql,"artica_backup"); while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $directory=string_to_regex($ligne["directory"]); $_SESSION["xapian_folders"][$directory]["DOWN"]=$ligne["AllowDownload"]; $_SESSION["xapian_folders"][$directory]["FULLP"]=$ligne["DiplayFullPath"]; } } if($userid<>null){ $samba=new samba(); $samba_folders=$samba->GetUsrsRights($userid); } $users=new usersMenus(); writelogs("$userid ->AllowXapianDownload \"$users->AllowXapianDownload\"",__FUNCTION__,__FILE__);; $xapian=new XapianSearch($_POST["lang"]); if($_COOKIE["uid"]<>null){ if(is_dir("/usr/share/artica-postfix/LocalDatabases/xapian-{$_COOKIE["uid"]}")){ $xapian->add_database("/usr/share/artica-postfix/LocalDatabases/xapian-{$_COOKIE["uid"]}"); } } foreach (glob("/usr/share/artica-postfix/LocalDatabases/samba.*.db",GLOB_ONLYDIR) as $directory) { $xapian->add_database($directory); } $current=$_GET["p"]; if($current==null){$current=0;} $xapian->terms=$xapsearch; $xapian->start=$current; if(count($xapian->databases)>0){ writelogs("Added ".count($xapian->databases)." databases...",__FUNCTION__,__FILE__,__LINE__); $array=$xapian->search(); } $maxdocs=$array["ESTIMATED"]; $ssery_results=$array["DESCRIPTION"]; if($maxdocs>10){ $tabs=generateTabs($maxdocs,$current); } if($ct->password==null){$ct->password=$ldap->ldap_password;} if(is_array($array["RESULTS"])){ while (list ($num, $arr) = each ($array["RESULTS"]) ){ $tr[]=FormatResponse($arr,$users,$ct->password); } } $database=$tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{database}"); if(count($xapian->ParsedDatabases)>1){$database=$tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{databases}");} $html="<div style='font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;margin:5px;text-align:right'> {found} {$array["ESTIMATED"]} {documents} {in} <strong>" . count($xapian->ParsedDatabases)." $database</strong></div>"; $tpl=new templates(); if(is_array($tr)){echo $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body($html.$tabs.implode("\n",$tr));}else{ if($_GET["tmpmax"]>0){ $tabs=generateTabs($maxdocs,$current); } echo $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body($html.$tabs."<p style=\"font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;margin:10px\">{ERR_NO_DOC_FOUND} «$ssery_results»</p>"); } }
function items() { $sock = new sockets(); $datas = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("services.php?beancounters=yes"))); $res_bytes = "dgramrcvbuf|kmemsize|othersockbuf|tcprcvbuf|tcpsndbuf|"; $bytes["dgramrcvbuf"] = true; $bytes["kmemsize"] = true; $bytes["othersockbuf"] = true; $bytes["tcprcvbuf"] = true; $bytes["tcpsndbuf"] = true; $pagesB["privvmpages"] = true; $pagesB["vmguarpages"] = true; $pagesB["shmpages"] = true; if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $search = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); } $data = array(); $data['page'] = 1; $data['total'] = 0; $data['rows'] = array(); $c = 0; while (list($num, $ligne) = each($datas)) { $ligne = str_replace("\r", "", $ligne); $ligne = str_replace("\n", "", $ligne); if (!preg_match("#.*?\\s+([a-z]+)\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+([0-9]+)#", $ligne, $re)) { continue; } $resource = $re[1]; $held = $re[2]; $maxheld = $re[3]; $barrier = $re[4]; $limit = $re[5]; $failcnt = $re[6]; if ($search != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$search}#", $resource)) { continue; } } if (isset($bytes[$resource])) { $held = FormatBytes($held / 1024); $maxheld = FormatBytes($maxheld / 1024); $barrier = FormatBytes($barrier / 1024); $limit = FormatBytes($limit / 1024); } if (isset($pagesB[$resource])) { $held = $held * 4096; $maxheld = $maxheld * 4096; $barrier = $barrier * 4096; $limit = $limit * 4096; $held = FormatBytes($held / 1024); $maxheld = FormatBytes($maxheld / 1024); $barrier = FormatBytes($barrier / 1024); $limit = FormatBytes($limit / 1024); } $failcnt_color = "black"; if ($failcnt > 0) { $failcnt_color = "#D31B1B"; } $c++; $data['rows'][] = array('id' => md5($ligne), 'cell' => array("<span style='font-size:14px'>{$resource}</span>", "<span style='font-size:14px'>{$held}</span>", "<span style='font-size:14px'>{$maxheld}</span>", "<span style='font-size:14px'>{$barrier}</span>", "<span style='font-size:14px'>{$limit}</span>", "<span style='font-size:14px;color:{$failcnt_color}'>{$failcnt}</span>")); } $data['total'] = $c; echo json_encode($data); }
function items() { //ini_set('html_errors',0);ini_set('display_errors', 1);ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);ini_set('error_prepend_string','');ini_set('error_append_string',''); $tpl = new templates(); $MyPage = CurrentPageName(); $sock = new sockets(); $tSource = $_GET["t"]; $taskname = $_GET["taskname"]; $taskslogs = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("klms.php?get-task-logs=yes"))); if (!isset($_GET["taskfile"])) { $_GET["taskfile"] = $taskslogs[$taskname][0]; } $search = ''; if (isset($_POST["sortname"])) { if ($_POST["sortname"] != null) { $ORDER = "ORDER BY {$_POST["sortname"]} {$_POST["sortorder"]}"; } } if (isset($_POST['page'])) { $page = $_POST['page']; } if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $_POST["query"] = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); } if (isset($_POST['rp'])) { $rp = $_POST['rp']; } $pageStart = ($page - 1) * $rp; $limitSql = "LIMIT {$pageStart}, {$rp}"; $data = array(); $data['page'] = $page; $data['total'] = $total; $data['rows'] = array(); $sock = new sockets(); $search = base64_encode(string_to_regex($_POST["query"])); $events = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("klms.php?get-task-events=yes&taskfile={$_GET["taskfile"]}&search={$search}&rp={$_POST["rp"]}"))); while (list($taskname, $ligne) = each($events)) { $id = md5($ligne); if (trim($ligne) == null) { continue; } if (preg_match("#(.*)\\s+([0-9\\:]+)\\.[0-9]+.*?\\s+[0-9a-z]+\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*)#", $ligne, $re)) { $date = strtotime("{$re[1]} {$re[2]}"); $zdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $pid = $re[3]; $event = $re[4]; } else { $event = $ligne; } $data['rows'][] = array('id' => "Rtask{$id}", 'cell' => array("<span style='font-size:12px;'>{$zdate}</span>", "<span style='font-size:12px;'>{$pid}</span>", "<span style='font-size:12px;'>{$event}</span>")); $data['total'] = $c; } echo json_encode($data); }
function events_list_list() { $myPage = CurrentPageName(); $tpl = new templates(); $q = new mysql(); $sql = "SELECT events FROM setup_center WHERE CODE_NAME='{$_GET["CODE_NAME"]}'"; $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup")); if (!$q->ok) { echo json_error_show("<code>{$q->mysql_error}</code>"); } if (trim($ligne["events"]) == null) { if (is_file("ressources/install/{$_GET["CODE_NAME"]}.dbg")) { $array = file("ressources/install/{$_GET["CODE_NAME"]}.dbg"); } } else { $array = explode("\n", $ligne["events"]); } $data = array(); if (isset($_POST['page'])) { $page = $_POST['page']; } $rp = $_POST["rp"]; $pageStart = ($page - 1) * $rp; $pageEnd = $pageStart + $rp; //echo "<H2>$pageStart -> $pageEnd</H2>"; $data['page'] = $page; $data['total'] = count($array); $data['rows'] = array(); $search = $_POST["query"]; $search = string_to_regex($search); if ($_POST["sortorder"] == "desc") { krsort($array); } $c = 0; while (list($num, $ligne) = each($array)) { if (trim($ligne) == null) { continue; } if (preg_match("#\\s+[0-9\\.]+%#", $ligne)) { continue; } if (strpos($ligne, "###") > 0) { continue; } if ($search != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$search}#", $ligne)) { continue; } } $c++; if ($pageStart > 0) { if ($c <= $pageStart) { continue; } } if ($c > $pageEnd) { break; } $data['rows'][] = array('id' => md5($ligne), 'cell' => array("<code style='{$style}'>{$ligne}</code>")); } echo json_encode($data); }
function table_list() { //ini_set('display_errors', 1);ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); $page = 1; $search = null; $tpl = new templates(); $sock = new sockets(); if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $search = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); } $datas = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("cmd.php?Dir-Files={$_GET["root"]}&queryregex=" . base64_encode($search)))); ksort($datas); if (isset($_POST['rp'])) { $rp = $_POST['rp']; } if (isset($_POST['page'])) { $page = $_POST['page']; } $pageStart = ($page - 1) * $rp; $pageStop = $pageStart + $rp; $data = array(); $data['page'] = $page; $data['total'] = count($datas); $data['rows'] = array(); $dir = str_replace("../", "", base64_decode($_GET["root"])); $dir = str_replace("//", "/", $dir); $today = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{today}"); $c = 0; while (list($num, $val) = each($datas)) { if ($pageStart > 0) { if ($c < $pageStart) { $c++; continue; } } $full_path = utf8_encode($dir . "/{$num}"); $array = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("cmd.php?filestat=" . base64_encode($full_path)))); $owner = $array["owner"]["owner"]["name"]; if (date('Y', $array["time"]["mtime"]) == date('Y')) { $modified = date('M D d H:i:s', $array["time"]["mtime"]); } else { $modified = date('Y-m-d H:i', $array["time"]["mtime"]); } if (date('Y-m-d', $array["time"]["mtime"]) == date('Y-m-d')) { $modified = "{$today} " . date('H:i:s', $array["time"]["mtime"]); } $size = $array["size"]["size"]; $ext = Get_extension($num); $img = "img/ext/def_small.gif"; if ($ext != null) { if (isset($GLOBALS[$ext])) { $img = "img/ext/{$ext}_small.gif"; } else { if (is_file("img/ext/{$ext}_small.gif")) { $img = "img/ext/{$ext}_small.gif"; $GLOBALS[$ext] = true; } } } $size_new = FormatBytes($size / 1024); $text_file = $num; if (is_dir($full_path)) { $img = "img/folder.gif"; } if ($size_new == 0) { $size_new = $size . " bytes"; } $id = md5("{$num}"); $delete = imgsimple("delete-24.png", null, "DeleteSingleFile('{$num}','{$id}')"); if ($_SESSION["uid"] != -100) { if ($owner != $_SESSION["uid"]) { $delete = " "; } } $c++; if ($c >= $pageStop) { break; } $data['rows'][] = array('id' => $id, 'cell' => array("<img src='{$img}'>", $text_file, $size_new, $owner, $modified, $delete)); } echo json_encode($data); }
function DOMAINSLIST_SEARCH() { $ldap = new clladp(); $page = CurrentPageName(); $tpl = new templates(); $ou = $_GET["ou"]; include_once "ressources/"; $amavis = new amavis(); $amavis_oui = false; $disclaimer = true; $users = new usersMenus(); $users->LoadModulesEnabled(); if ($users->AMAVIS_INSTALLED) { if ($users->EnableAmavisDaemon == 1) { $amavis_oui = true; } } $POSTFIX_INSTALLED = $users->POSTFIX_INSTALLED; $sock = new sockets(); $disclaimer = IS_DISCLAIMER(); $HashDomains = $ldap->Hash_associated_domains($ou); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo count($HashDomains) . " domains for this ou = {$ou}\n"; } $aliases = new AutoAliases($ou); $search = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); $domainstyle = "font-size:16px"; if (isset($_GET["expand"])) { $domainstyle = "font-size:18px"; } $data = array(); $c = 0; while (list($num, $ligne) = each($HashDomains)) { if ($search != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$search}#", $num)) { continue; } } $c++; $autoalias = " "; $disclaimer_domain = " "; $amavis_infos = " "; $amavis_duplicate = " "; $js = "Loadjs('{$num}&ou={$ou}&local=yes')"; $delete = imgtootltip("delete-24.png", '{label_delete_transport}', "DeleteInternetDomainInside('{$num}')"); if (strlen($aliases->DomainsArray[$num]) > 0) { $autoalias = "<img src='img/20-check.png'>"; } if ($amavis_oui) { $amavis_infos = imgtootltip("24-parameters.png", "AS -> {$num}", "Loadjs('domains.amavis.php?domain={$num}')"); } if ($amavis->copy_to_domain_array[strtolower($num)]["enable"] == 1) { $amavis_duplicate = "<strong style='font-size:12px'>{$amavis->copy_to_domain_array[strtolower($num)]["duplicate_host"]}:{$amavis->copy_to_domain_array[strtolower($num)]["duplicate_port"]}"; } if ($disclaimer) { $disclaimer_domain = imgtootltip("24-parameters.png", "disclaimer -> {$num}", "Loadjs('domains.disclaimer.php?domain={$num}&ou={$ou}')"); } $autoalias = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body($autoalias); $data['rows'][] = array('id' => "dom-{$num}", 'cell' => array("\n\t\t<a href=\"javascript:blur();\" OnClick=\"javascript:{$js}\" style='{$domainstyle};font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline'>{$num}</span>", "<span style='font-size:14px'>{$autoalias}</span>", "<span style='font-size:14px'>{$amavis_infos}</span>", "<span style='font-size:14px'>{$disclaimer_domain}</span>", "<span style='font-size:14px'>{$amavis_duplicate}</span>", $delete)); } if ($c == 0) { json_error_show("No Internet domain..."); } $data['page'] = 1; $data['total'] = $c; echo json_encode($data); }
function networks_items() { $q = new mysql(); $net = new networkscanner(); $page = CurrentPageName(); $users = new usersMenus(); $sock = new sockets(); $ipBandEnabled = $sock->GET_INFO("ipBandEnabled"); if (!is_numeric($ipBandEnabled)) { $ipBandEnabled = 0; } if ($ipBandEnabled) { $q->QUERY_SQL("TRUNCATE TABLE ipband", "artica_events"); } if (!is_array($net->networklist)) { json_error_show("No item..."); } $t = $_GET["t"]; while (list($num, $maks) = each($net->networklist)) { if (trim($maks) == null) { continue; } $hash[$maks] = $maks; } if (!$q->TABLE_EXISTS("ipban", "artica_backup")) { $q->BuildTables(); } $search = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); $data = array(); $data['page'] = 1; $data['total'] = $total; $data['rows'] = array(); $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup"); $divstart = "<span style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bold'>"; $divstop = "</div>"; while (list($num, $maks) = each($hash)) { if (trim($maks) == null) { continue; } $ipban = 0; if ($search != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$search}#", $maks)) { continue; } } $md5 = md5($maks); $delete = imgtootltip('delete-32.png', '{delete}', "NetworkDelete{$t}('" . md5($num) . "')"); $sql = "SELECT netinfos FROM networks_infos WHERE ipaddr='{$maks}'"; $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup")); $ligne["netinfos"] = htmlspecialchars($ligne["netinfos"]); $ligne["netinfos"] = nl2br($ligne["netinfos"]); if ($ligne["netinfos"] == null) { $ligne["netinfos"] = "{no_info}"; } $sql = "SELECT network FROM ipban WHERE network='{$maks}'"; $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup")); if ($ligne["network"] != null) { $ipban = 1; } $ipbanopt = Field_checkbox("ipban-{$md5}", 1, $ipban, "IPBanSelect('ipban-{$md5}','{$maks}')"); if (!$users->IPBAN_INSTALLED) { $jsIpabn[] = "document.getElementById('ipban-{$md5}').disabled=true;"; } $infos = "<div><a href=\"javascript:blur();\"\n\t\tOnClick=\"javascript:GlobalSystemNetInfos('{$maks}')\"\n\t\tstyle='font-size:9px;text-decoration:underline'><i>{$ligne["netinfos"]}</i></a></div>"; if ($net->DefaultNetworkList[$maks]) { if (!$net->Networks_disabled[$maks]) { $delete = Field_checkbox("net-{$md5}", 1, 1, "NetWorksDisable{$t}('{$maks}');"); } else { $delete = Field_checkbox("net-{$md5}", 1, 0, "NetWorksEnable{$t}('{$maks}');"); } } if ($ipBandEnabled == 0) { $ipbanopt = Field_checkbox("ipban-{$md5}", 1, $ipban, "IPBanSelect('ipban-{$md5}','{$maks}')", null, true); } $c++; $data['rows'][] = array('id' => md5($maks), 'cell' => array("<img src='img/folder-network-32.png'>", "<div style='font-size:18px'>{$maks}{$infos}</div>", $delete, $ipbanopt)); } $data['total'] = $c; echo json_encode($data); }
function search() { $tpl = new templates(); $MyPage = CurrentPageName(); $users = new usersMenus(); $page = 1; $total = 0; $pattern = base64_encode($_GET["search"]); $sock = new sockets(); $removeService = false; $maillogpath = $users->maillog_path; if (isset($_POST['rp'])) { $rp = $_POST['rp']; } if (isset($_POST["sortname"])) { if ($_POST["sortname"] != null) { $ORDER = "ORDER BY {$_POST["sortname"]} {$_POST["sortorder"]}"; } } if (isset($_POST['page'])) { $page = $_POST['page']; } if ($_POST["qtype"] == "service") { if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $_GET["prefix"] = $_POST["query"]; $_POST["query"] = null; } } if ($_POST["qtype"] == "service") { if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $_GET["prefix"] = $_POST["query"]; $_POST["query"] = null; } } if ($_GET["force-prefix"] != null) { if ($_POST["qtype"] == "service") { $_POST["query"] = null; } $_GET["prefix"] = $_GET["force-prefix"]; $removeService = true; } if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $search = base64_encode(string_to_regex($_POST["query"])); $sock->getFrameWork("klms.php?syslog-query={$search}&prepend={$_GET["prepend"]}&rp={$_POST["rp"]}&prefix={$_GET["prefix"]}&maillog={$maillogpath}"); $array = explode("\n", @file_get_contents("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/syslog.query")); $total = count($array); } else { $sock->getFrameWork("klms.php?syslog-query=&prepend={$_GET["prepend"]}&rp={$_POST["rp"]}&prefix={$_GET["prefix"]}&maillog={$maillogpath}"); $array = explode("\n", @file_get_contents("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/syslog.query")); $total = count($array); } $data = array(); $data['page'] = $page; $data['total'] = $total; $data['rows'] = array(); if ($_POST["sortname"] != null) { if ($_POST["sortorder"] == "desc") { krsort($array); } else { ksort($array); } } $c = 0; while (list($key, $line) = each($array)) { if (trim($line) == null) { continue; } $date = null; $host = null; $service = null; $pid = null; $color = "black"; if (preg_match("#(ERROR|WARN|FATAL|UNABLE|crashed|out of date|expires soon)#i", $line)) { $color = "#D61010"; } $style = "<span style='color:{$color}'>"; $styleoff = "</span>"; if (preg_match("#^(.*?)\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+([0-9:]+)\\s+(.*?)\\s+(.*?):\\s+(.*)#", $line, $re)) { $date = "{$re[1]} {$re[2]} " . date('Y') . " {$re[3]}"; $host = $re[4]; $service = $re[5]; $pid = null; $line = $re[6]; $date = date('m-d H:i:s', strtotime($date)); if ($_GET["prefix"] == "haproxy") { $line = Parse_haproxy($line); } $lines = array(); $lines[] = "{$style}{$date}{$styleoff}"; $lines[] = "{$style}{$line}{$styleoff}"; $c++; $data['rows'][] = array('id' => md5($line), 'cell' => $lines); continue; } if ($_GET["prefix"] == "haproxy") { $line = Parse_haproxy($line); } $lines = array(); $lines[] = "{$style}{$date}{$styleoff}"; if (!$removeService) { $lines[] = "{$style}{$service}{$styleoff}"; } $lines[] = "{$style}{$pid}{$styleoff}"; $lines[] = "{$style}{$line}{$styleoff}"; $c++; $data['rows'][] = array('id' => md5($line), 'cell' => $lines); } $data['total'] = $c; echo json_encode($data); }
function organization_list() { $ldap = new clladp(); $tpl = new templates(); $tools = new DomainsTools(); $t = $_GET["t"]; $localdomains = $ldap->Hash_associated_domains(); $relaydomains = $ldap->Hash_relay_domains(); $sock = new sockets(); $PostfixLocalDomainToRemote = $sock->GET_INFO("PostfixLocalDomainToRemote"); if (!is_numeric($PostfixLocalDomainToRemote)) { $PostfixLocalDomainToRemote = 0; } $PostfixLocalDomainToRemoteAddr = $sock->GET_INFO("PostfixLocalDomainToRemoteAddr"); $forwared = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{forwarded}"); while (list($domain, $ligne) = each($localdomains)) { $array[$domain]["DELETE"] = "DeleteLocalDomain{$t}('{$domain}')"; $ou = $ldap->organization_name_from_localdomain($domain); if ($ou == null) { $ou = "{none}"; } $array[$domain]["TEXT"] = "<span style='font-size:18px'>{localdomain}</span><br><span style='font-size:16px'>{organization}: <strong>{$ou}</strong>"; if ($PostfixLocalDomainToRemote == 1) { $array[$domain]["TEXT"] = "<span style='font-size:18px'>{localdomain}</span><br><span style='font-size:16px'>{organization}: <strong>{$ou}</strong></span><br>{$forwared} -» smtp:{$PostfixLocalDomainToRemoteAddr} "; } } while (list($domain, $ligne) = each($relaydomains)) { $arr = $tools->transport_maps_explode($ligne); $ou = $ldap->organization_name_from_transporttable($domain); $array[$domain]["TEXT"] = "{$arr[1]}:{$arr[2]} ({$ou})"; $array[$domain]["OU"] = $ou; $array[$domain]["DELETE"] = "DeleteTransportDomain{$t}('{$domain}')"; } $data = array(); if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $search = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); } $c = 0; if ($_POST["sortorder"] == "desc") { krsort($array); } else { ksort($array); } while (list($domain, $ligne) = each($array)) { if ($search != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$search}#", $domain)) { continue; } } $c++; $ligne["TEXT"] = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body($ligne["TEXT"]); $domainenc = urlencode($domain); $OuEnc = urlencode($ligne["OU"]); $delete = imgsimple("delete-48.png", '{label_delete_transport}', $ligne["DELETE"]); $m5 = md5($domain); $js = "Loadjs('{$domainenc}&ou={$OuEnc}')"; $data['rows'][] = array('id' => "dom{$m5}", 'cell' => array("\n\t\t<a href=\"javascript:blur();\" \n\t\t\tOnClick=\"javascript:{$js}\" \n\t\t\tstyle='font-size:24px;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline'>{$domain}</span>", "<span style='font-size:24px'>{$ligne["TEXT"]}</span>", "<center>{$delete}</center>")); if ($c > $_POST["rp"]) { break; } } if ($c == 0) { json_error_show("no data"); } $data['page'] = 1; $data['total'] = $c; echo json_encode($data); }
function CheckPattern($name, $gpid, $type) { if (!is_numeric($gpid)) { return; } if (!is_numeric($type)) { return; } if (!isset($GLOBALS["CACHE_CLEAN_MYSQL"])) { $GLOBALS["CACHE_CLEAN_MYSQL"] = time(); } if ($type == 3) { if (preg_match("#^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\$#", $name)) { return 0; } } try { $sql = "SELECT ID,`value` FROM webfilter_aclsdynamic WHERE gpid={$gpid} AND `type`={$type}"; $results = api_QUERY_SQL($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($results) == 0) { if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 1) { WLOG("CheckPattern()::{$sql} -> NO ROW"); } return 0; } while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $value = $ligne["value"]; if (preg_match("#re:(.+)#", $value, $re)) { if (preg_match("#{$re[1]}#i", $name)) { return $ligne["ID"]; } continue; } $value = string_to_regex($value); if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 3) { WLOG("CheckPattern()::Checks `{$value}` with `{$name}`"); } if (preg_match("#{$value}#i", $name)) { if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 3) { WLOG("CheckPattern()::Match `{$value}` with `{$name}` = {$ligne["ID"]}"); } return $ligne["ID"]; } } if (DistanceInMns($GLOBALS["CACHE_CLEAN_MYSQL"]) > 5) { $GLOBALS["CACHE_CLEAN_MYSQL"] = time(); if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 3) { WLOG("CheckPattern():: Clean old rules..."); } $sql = "DELETE FROM `webfilter_aclsdynamic` WHERE `duration`>0 AND `maxtime`>" . time(); api_QUERY_SQL($sql); } } catch (Exception $e) { WLOG($e->getMessage()); return 0; } return 0; }
function ipv6_list() { $Mypage = CurrentPageName(); $tpl = new templates(); $database = "artica_backup"; $t = $_GET["t"]; $sock = new sockets(); $datas = explode("\n", $sock->GET_INFO("PowerDNSListenAddrV6")); if (count($datas) == 0) { json_error_show("All...."); } if (isset($_POST["sortname"])) { if ($_POST["sortname"] != null) { $ORDER = "ORDER BY {$_POST["sortname"]} {$_POST["sortorder"]}"; } } if (isset($_POST['page'])) { $page = $_POST['page']; } if (isset($_POST['rp'])) { $rp = $_POST['rp']; } $QUERY = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); if (isset($_POST['rp'])) { $rp = $_POST['rp']; } $pageStart = ($page - 1) * $rp; $data = array(); $data['page'] = 0; $data['total'] = $total; $data['rows'] = array(); $data['total'] = count($datas); $style = "style='font-size:16px'"; while (list($index, $ipmask) = each($datas)) { if (trim($ipmask) == null) { continue; } $id = md5($ipmask); $enabled = 0; $delete = imgsimple("delete-32.png", "{delete}", "PdnsRemoteDelAddr{$t}('{$ipmask}','{$id}')"); if ($QUERY != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$QUERY}#", $ipmask)) { continue; } } $c++; $data['rows'][] = array('id' => $id, 'cell' => array("<span {$style}><img src='img/folder-network-32.png'></span>", "<span {$style}>{$ipmask}</span>", "<span {$style}>{$delete}</span>")); } $data['total'] = $c; echo json_encode($data); }
function page_events() { $page = CurrentPageName(); $instance_id = $_GET["instance-id"]; if (!is_numeric($instance_id)) { $instance_id = 0; } $tpl = new templates(); $sock = new sockets(); $time = time(); $search = null; $datas = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("services.php?mysql-events=yes&instance-id={$instance_id}"))); ini_set('html_errors', 1); ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); $data = array(); $data['page'] = 1; $data['total'] = count($datas); $data['rows'] = array(); if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $search = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); } while (list($num, $ligne) = each($datas)) { if ($search != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$search}#i", $ligne)) { continue; } } $data['rows'][] = array('id' => md5($ligne), 'cell' => array("<code style='font-size:14px'>{$ligne}</code>")); } echo json_encode($data); }
function search() { $tpl = new templates(); $MyPage = CurrentPageName(); if (isset($_POST['rp'])) { $rp = $_POST['rp']; } if (isset($_POST["sortname"])) { if ($_POST["sortname"] != null) { $ORDER = "ORDER BY {$_POST["sortname"]} {$_POST["sortorder"]}"; } } if (isset($_POST['page'])) { $page = $_POST['page']; } if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $search = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); } $array = file("ressources/logs/web/squid.indebug.log"); ksort($f); $data = array(); $data['page'] = $page; $data['total'] = count($array); $data['rows'] = array(); if ($_POST["sortname"] != null) { if ($_POST["sortorder"] == "desc") { krsort($array); } else { ksort($array); } } $c = 0; while (list($key, $line) = each($array)) { if (trim($line) == null) { continue; } if ($search != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$search}#i", $line)) { continue; } } $md = md5($line); $c++; $data['rows'][] = array('id' => $md, 'cell' => array($line)); } echo json_encode($data); }
function rows_table() { $tpl = new templates(); $MyPage = CurrentPageName(); $q = new mysql_blackbox(); $nodeid = $_GET["nodeid"]; $hostid = $_GET["hostid"]; $q = new mysql_blackbox(); $sql = "SELECT UfdbClientLogs FROM nodes WHERE hostid='{$hostid}'"; $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql)); if (!$q->ok) { json_error_show("{$q->mysql_error}", 1); } if (strlen($ligne["UfdbClientLogs"]) == 0) { json_error_show("UfdbClientLogs No content...", 1); } $base = base64_decode($ligne["UfdbClientLogs"]); $array = unserialize($base); if (!is_array($array)) { json_error_show(strlen($ligne["UfdbClientLogs"]) . " bytes...Not an array...", 1); } $page = 1; if (count($array) == 0) { json_error_show("No rows", 1); } krsort($array); $total = count($array); $search = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); if (isset($_POST['rp'])) { $rp = $_POST['rp']; } $pageStart = ($page - 1) * $rp; $limitSql = "LIMIT {$pageStart}, {$rp}"; $data = array(); $data['page'] = $page; $data['total'] = $total; $data['rows'] = array(); $c = 0; while (list($index, $ligne) = each($array)) { if (trim($ligne) == null) { continue; } $md5 = md5($ligne); $color = "black"; if (preg_match("#([0-9\\-\\s\\:]+)\\s+\\[#", $ligne, $re)) { $date = $re[1]; $ligne = str_replace($date, "", $ligne); } if ($search != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$search}#", $ligne)) { continue; } } if (preg_match("#(crashing|failed|No such|FATAL|abnormally|WARNING)#", $ligne["line"])) { $color = "red"; } $c++; $data['rows'][] = array('id' => $md5, 'cell' => array("<span style='font-size:14px;color:{$color}'>{$date}</span>", "<span style='font-size:14px;color:{$color}'>{$ligne}</span>")); } $data['total'] = $c; echo json_encode($data); }
function zoom_transaction_events() { $tpl = new templates(); $page = CurrentPageName(); $id = $_GET["id"]; $q = new mysql(); $sql = "SELECT transaction FROM smtp_logs WHERE id={$id}"; $q = new mysql(); $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_events")); $array = explode("\n", base64_decode($ligne["transaction"])); $data = array(); $data['page'] = 1; $data['total'] = count($array); $data['rows'] = array(); if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $search = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); } while (list($num, $ligne) = each($array)) { if ($ligne == null) { continue; } if ($search != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$search}#", $ligne)) { continue; } } $cells = array(); $cells[] = "{$ligne}"; $data['rows'][] = array('id' => $line["id"], 'cell' => $cells); } echo json_encode($data); }
function master_events_list() { $tpl = new templates(); $MyPage = CurrentPageName(); $q = new mysql(); $t = $_GET["t"]; if (isset($_POST['rp'])) { $rp = $_POST['rp']; } $sock = new sockets(); if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $query = "&query=" . base64_encode(string_to_regex($_POST["query"])); } $datasLines = explode("\n", base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("gluster.php?master-events=yes&rp={$rp}{$query}"))); $data = array(); $data['page'] = $page; $data['total'] = count($datasLines); $data['rows'] = array(); $TYP["W"] = "warning24.png"; $TYP["N"] = "info-24.png"; $TYP["E"] = "danger24.png"; if ($_POST["sortname"] == "date" && $_POST["sortorder"] == "desc") { krsort($datasLines); } while (list($num, $ligne) = each($datasLines)) { if (trim($ligne) == null) { continue; } $zdate = "-"; $type = "-"; $function = "-"; $img = " "; $events = $ligne; //[2012-07-17 01:04:30] W [transport.c:70:transport_load] transport: missing 'option transport-type'. defaulting to "socket" if (preg_match("#\\[(.*?)\\]\\s+([A-Z])\\s+\\[(.*?)\\]\\s+(.+)#", $ligne, $re)) { $zdate = $re[1]; $type = $re[2]; $function = $re[3]; $events = $re[4]; } if (isset($TYP[$type])) { $img = "<img src='img/{$TYP[$type]}'>"; } $data['rows'][] = array('id' => md5($ligne), 'cell' => array("{$img}", "<code style='font-size:12px'>{$zdate}</code>", "<code style='font-size:12px'>{$function}</code>", "<code style='font-size:12px'>{$events}</code>")); } echo json_encode($data); }
function folder_security_users_table() { $folder = $_GET["prop"]; $t = $_GET["t"]; $smb = new samba(); $users = $smb->main_array[$folder]["valid users"] . "," . $smb->main_array[$folder]["write list"] . "," . $smb->main_array[$folder]["read list"]; $table = explode(",", $users); while (list($num, $ligne) = each($table)) { if ($ligne != null) { $usr[$ligne] = $ligne; } } $query = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); $data = array(); $data['page'] = 1; $data['total'] = count($usr); $data['rows'] = array(); $c = 0; while (list($num, $ligne) = each($usr)) { if ($query != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$query}#", $ligne)) { continue; } } if (substr($ligne, 0, 1) == '@') { $img = "wingroup.png"; $Displayname = substr($ligne, 1, strlen($ligne)); } else { $Displayname = $ligne; $img = "user-18.png"; } $Displayname = str_replace('"', "", $Displayname); if ($classtr == "oddRow") { $classtr = null; } else { $classtr = "oddRow"; } $encoded = base64_encode($ligne); $c++; if ($c > $_POST["rp"]) { break; } $id = md5("RRRIW" . $Displayname); $data['rows'][] = array('id' => $id, 'cell' => array("<img src='img/{$img}'>", "<span style='font-size:14px;font-weight:bolder'>\n\t\t\t\t<a href=\"javascript:blur();\" OnClick=\"javascript:UserSecurityInfos('{$encoded}');\"\n\t\t\t\tstyle='font-size:14px;font-weight:bolder;text-decoration:underline'>\n\t\t\t\t{$Displayname}</a></span>", imgsimple("delete-24.png", null, "DeleteUserPrivilege{$t}('{$encoded}','{$id}')"))); } $data['total'] = $c; echo json_encode($data); }
function items() { $cyrus = new cyrus(); $array = $cyrus->ListUsersBoxes($_POST["query"], $_GET["domain"]); if (!is_array($array)) { json_error_show("No mailbox"); } if (count($array) == 0) { json_error_show("No mailbox"); } $t = $_GET["t"]; $c = 0; $data = array(); $data['page'] = 1; $data['total'] = count($array); $data['rows'] = array(); $search = null; if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $search = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); } while (list($mailbox_name, $ligne) = each($array)) { $mailbox_name = trim($mailbox_name); if ($mailbox_name == null) { continue; } if ($search != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$search}#", $ligne)) { continue; } } if ($_GET["domain"] != null) { $mailbox_name = "{$mailbox_name}@{$_GET["domain"]}"; } $delete = imgsimple("delete-24.png", "", "DeleteRealMailBox{$t}('{$mailbox_name}','" . md5($ligne) . "');"); $c++; $data['rows'][] = array('id' => md5($ligne), 'cell' => array("<span style='font-size:16px;color:{$color}'><img src='img/32-mailbox.png'></span>", "<span style='font-size:16px;color:{$color}'>{$mailbox_name}</a></span>", "<span style='font-size:16px;color:{$color}'>{$delete}</a></span>")); } if ($c == 0) { json_error_show("No mailbox"); } $data['total'] = $c; echo json_encode($data); }
$db_destination_number = check_str($_POST["db_destination_number"]); $destination_caller_id_name = check_str($_POST["destination_caller_id_name"]); $destination_caller_id_number = check_str($_POST["destination_caller_id_number"]); $destination_cid_name_prefix = check_str($_POST["destination_cid_name_prefix"]); $destination_context = check_str($_POST["destination_context"]); $fax_uuid = check_str($_POST["fax_uuid"]); $destination_enabled = check_str($_POST["destination_enabled"]); $destination_description = check_str($_POST["destination_description"]); $destination_sell = check_float($_POST["destination_sell"]); $currency = check_str($_POST["currency"]); $destination_buy = check_float($_POST["destination_buy"]); $currency_buy = check_str($_POST["currency_buy"]); $destination_accountcode = check_str($_POST["destination_accountcode"]); $destination_carrier = check_str($_POST["destination_carrier"]); //convert the number to a regular expression $destination_number_regex = string_to_regex($destination_number); $_POST["destination_number_regex"] = $destination_number_regex; } //unset the db_destination_number unset($_POST["db_destination_number"]); //process the http post if (count($_POST) > 0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0) { //get the uuid if ($action == "update") { $destination_uuid = check_str($_POST["destination_uuid"]); } //check for all required data $msg = ''; if (strlen($destination_type) == 0) { $msg .= $text['message-required'] . " " . $text['label-destination_type'] . "<br>\n"; }
function items() { //ini_set('html_errors',0);ini_set('display_errors', 1);ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);ini_set('error_prepend_string','');ini_set('error_append_string',''); $tpl = new templates(); $MyPage = CurrentPageName(); $sock = new sockets(); $tSource = $_GET["t"]; $search = ''; if (isset($_POST["sortname"])) { if ($_POST["sortname"] != null) { $ORDER = "ORDER BY {$_POST["sortname"]} {$_POST["sortorder"]}"; } } if (isset($_POST['page'])) { $page = $_POST['page']; } if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $_POST["query"] = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); } if (isset($_POST['rp'])) { $rp = $_POST['rp']; } $pageStart = ($page - 1) * $rp; $limitSql = "LIMIT {$pageStart}, {$rp}"; $data = array(); $data['page'] = $page; $data['total'] = $total; $data['rows'] = array(); $sock = new sockets(); $tasks = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("klms.php?get-task-list=yes"))); $taskslogs = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("klms.php?get-task-logs=yes"))); while (list($taskname, $ligne) = each($tasks)) { if ($_POST["query"] != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$_POST["query"]}#i", $taskname)) { continue; } } $c++; $logs = null; $id = $ligne["ID"]; $State = $ligne["State"]; $RID = $ligne["RID"]; $delete = imgsimple("delete-24.png", null, "ItemDelete{$tSource}('{$id}')"); $img = "danger24.png"; $action = imgsimple("24-run.png", null, "item_start{$tSource}({$id})"); if (strtolower($State) == "started") { $img = "ok24.png"; $action = imgsimple("24-stop.png", null, "item_stop{$tSource}({$id})"); } if (strtolower($State) == "failed") { $img = "warning-panneau-24.png"; $action = imgsimple("24-run.png", null, "item_start{$tSource}({$id})"); } if (strtolower($State) == "starting") { $img = "warning24.png"; $action = null; } if (isset($taskslogs[$taskname])) { $logs = imgsimple("events-24.png", null, "Loadjs('klms.tasks.logs.php?taskname={$taskname}');"); } $taskContent = null; if (is_file("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/KlmsTask{$id}.txt")) { $taskContent = trim(@file_get_contents("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/KlmsTask{$id}.txt")); if ($taskContent != null) { $taskContent = "<div><i style='font-size:11px;font-weight:bold'>{$taskContent}</i></div>"; } } $enable = Field_checkbox("enable-{$id}", 1, $ligne["enabled"], "ItemEnable{$tSource}('{$id}')"); $ligne["describe"] = stripslashes($ligne["describe"]); $ligne["pattern"] = base64_decode($ligne["pattern"]); $uri = "<a href=\"javascript:blur();\" OnClick=\"javascript:ItemForm{$tSource}({$id});\" style='font-size:16px;text-decoration:underline'>"; $data['rows'][] = array('id' => "Rtask{$id}", 'cell' => array("<span style='font-size:16px;'>{$id}</span>", "<span style='font-size:16px;'>{$taskname} ({$State})</span>{$taskContent}</span>", $logs, "<img src='img/{$img}'>", $action)); $data['total'] = $c; } echo json_encode($data); }
function items() { //ini_set('html_errors',0);ini_set('display_errors', 1);ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);ini_set('error_prepend_string','');ini_set('error_append_string',''); $tpl = new templates(); $MyPage = CurrentPageName(); $sock = new sockets(); $tSource = $_GET["t"]; $privilege = true; if (GetRights_aliases() == 0) { $privilege = false; } $search = ''; if (isset($_POST["sortname"])) { if ($_POST["sortname"] != null) { $ORDER = "ORDER BY {$_POST["sortname"]} {$_POST["sortorder"]}"; } } if (isset($_POST['page'])) { $page = $_POST['page']; } if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $_POST["query"] = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); } if (isset($_POST['rp'])) { $rp = $_POST['rp']; } $pageStart = ($page - 1) * $rp; $limitSql = "LIMIT {$pageStart}, {$rp}"; $data = array(); $data['page'] = $page; $data['total'] = 0; $data['rows'] = array(); $user = new user($_GET["userid"]); $aliases = $user->aliases; $c = 0; while (list($num, $ligne) = each($aliases)) { if ($_POST["query"] != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$_POST["query"]}#i", $ligne)) { continue; } } $c++; $logs = null; $id = md5($ligne); //Loadjs('$page?delete-aliases=yes&mail=$ligne&uid=$userid') $delete = imgsimple('delete-32.png', '{delete aliase}', "ItemDelete{$tSource}('{$ligne}','{$id}')"); $test = imgsimple('test-message-32.png', null, "Loadjs('postfix.sendtest.mail.php?rcpt={$ligne}')"); if (!$privilege) { $delete = null; } $data['rows'][] = array('id' => "{$id}", 'cell' => array("<code style='font-size:22px;font-weight:bold'>{$ligne}</code>", $test, $delete)); $data['total'] = $c; } if ($c == 0) { json_error_show("no alias"); } echo json_encode($data); }
function banmail() { $pattern = $_POST["banmail"]; $describe = "Bann {$pattern} " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $pattern = string_to_regex($pattern); $pattern = str_replace("@", "\\@", $pattern); $pattern = base64_encode($pattern); $describe = addslashes($describe); $header = "From"; $sql = "INSERT INTO spamassassin_rules (`describe`,`pattern`,`header`,`score1`,`score2`,`score3`,`score4`,`enabled`) \n\t\tVALUES('{$describe}','{$pattern}','{$header}','9.00','9.00','9.00','9.00',1)\n\t\t"; $q = new mysql(); $q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup"); if (!$q->ok) { echo $q->mysql_error; return; } $tpl = new templates(); echo $tpl->javascript_parse_text(" {rule} {added}: ID {$q->last_id}"); }
function domains_show_list() { $sock = new sockets(); $t = $_GET["t"]; //wbinfoalldom $array = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("samba.php?wbinfo-m-verb=yes"))); while (list($num, $ligne) = each($array)) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "<div><code style='font-size:14px'>{$ligne}</code></div>"; } if (preg_match("#^([A-Z]+)\\s+(.*?)\\s+([A-Za-z]+)\\s+(Yes|No)\\s+(Yes|No)\\s+(Yes|No)#", $ligne, $re)) { $DOMAINS[trim($re[1])] = array("DNS" => trim($re[2]), "TRUST" => $re[3], "TRANS" => $re[4], "IN" => $re[5], "OUT" => $re[6]); } } $array = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->getFrameWork("samba.php?wbinfoalldom=yes"))); while (list($num, $ligne) = each($array)) { if (preg_match("#^(.*?):(.*)#", $ligne, $re)) { $DOMAINS[trim($re[1])]["ONLINE"] = trim($re[2]); } } $data = array(); $data['page'] = $page; $data['total'] = $total; $data['rows'] = array(); if (function_exists("string_to_regex")) { if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $search = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); } } $c = 0; while (list($WORKGROUP, $array) = each($DOMAINS)) { if ($search != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$search}#", $WORKGROUP)) { continue; } } $transitive = "ok24-grey.png"; $online = "ok24-grey.png"; $in = "ok24-grey.png"; $out = "ok24-grey.png"; if (trim($array["TRANS"]) == "Yes") { $transitive = "ok24.png"; } if (trim($array["ONLINE"]) == "online") { $online = "ok24.png"; } if (trim($array["IN"]) == "Yes") { $in = "ok24.png"; } if (trim($array["OUT"]) == "Yes") { $out = "ok24.png"; } $c++; $data['rows'][] = array('id' => $md, 'cell' => array("<a href=\"javascript:blur();\" OnClick=\"javascript:DomainINFO{$t}('{$WORKGROUP}');\" style='font-size:16px;text-decoration:underline'>{$WORKGROUP}</span>", "<span style='font-size:16px'>{$array["DNS"]}</span>", "<span style='font-size:16px'>{$array["TRUST"]}</span>", "<img src='img/{$transitive}'>", "<img src='img/{$online}'>", "<img src='img/{$in}'>", "<img src='img/{$out}'>")); } $data['total'] = $c; echo json_encode($data); }
function browse_imap() { $fetch = new Fetchmail_settings(); $rule = $fetch->LoadRule($_GET["ruldeid"]); $port = 143; $tls = "notls"; if ($rule["ssl"] == 1) { $port = 993; $tls = "ssl/novalidate-cert"; } if ($rule["poll"] == null) { json_error_show("Fatal, No IMAP server defined for rule id:{$_GET["ruldeid"]}"); return; } //$host,$username,$password,$folder='INBOX',$port=143,$tls='notls $imap = new ImapRead($rule["poll"], $rule["user"], $rule["pass"], "INBOX", $port, $tls); if ($imap->is_connected == 0) { json_error_show("could not connect to {$rule["poll"]}:{$port}<div>{$imap->imap_error}</div>"); return; } $array = $imap->returnMailboxListArr(); $sql = "SELECT folders FROM fetchmail_rules WHERE ID='{$_GET["ruldeid"]}'"; $q = new mysql(); $arrayF = array(); $ligne = @mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL($sql, "artica_backup")); $arrayF = unserialize(base64_decode($ligne["folders"])); $page = 1; $data = array(); $data['page'] = $page; $data['total'] = count($array); $data['rows'] = array(); $search = null; if ($_POST["query"] != null) { $search = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); } while (list($num, $ligne) = each($array)) { if (preg_match("#^\\{.*?\\}(.+)#", $ligne, $re)) { $folder = $re[1]; } if (preg_match("#^.*?INBOX\\/(.+)#", $ligne, $re)) { $folder = $re[1]; } if ($folder == "INBOX") { continue; } if ($search != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$search}#i", $folder)) { continue; } } $c++; $md = md5($folder); $base = base64_encode($folder); $enabledv = 0; if (isset($arrayF[$md])) { $enabledv = 1; } $enable = Field_checkbox("ck_{$md}", 1, $enabledv, "EnableImapf('{$md}','{$base}')"); $span = "<span style='font-size:16px;font-weight:bolder'>"; $data['rows'][] = array('id' => $md, 'cell' => array($span . $href . $folder . "</a></span>", $enable)); } $data['total'] = $c; echo json_encode($data); }
function BindInterfaceTable() { $sock = new sockets(); $table = explode("\n", $sock->GET_INFO("PostfixBinInterfaces")); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { print_r($table); } if (!is_array($table)) { $table[] = "all"; } if (count($table) == 0) { $table[] = "all"; } $PostfixBindInterfacePort = $sock->GET_INFO("PostfixBindInterfacePort"); if (!is_numeric($PostfixBindInterfacePort)) { $PostfixBindInterfacePort = 25; } while (list($num, $val) = each($table)) { $val = trim($val); if ($val == null) { continue; } $tt[$num] = $val; } if (!is_array($tt)) { $tt[] = "all"; } if (count($tt) == 0) { $tt[] = "all"; } $data = array(); $data['page'] = 1; $data['total'] = count($table); $data['rows'] = array(); $search = string_to_regex($_POST["query"]); $c = 0; while (list($num, $val) = each($tt)) { if (isset($alreadymd[$val])) { continue; } $md = md5($val); $alreadymd[$val] = true; if ($search != null) { if (!preg_match("#{$search}#i", $val)) { continue; } } $delete = imgsimple('delete-24.png', '{delete} {inet_interface}', "PostfixDeleteInterface({$num},'{$md}')"); if ($val == "all") { $delete = null; } $c++; $data['rows'][] = array('id' => $md, 'cell' => array("<img src='img/folder-network-32.png'>", "<span style='font-size:16px;font-weight:bold'>{$val}:<a href=\"javascript:blur();\" OnClick=\"javascript:ChangePostfixBindInterfacePort('{$PostfixBindInterfacePort}')\" style='font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline'>{$PostfixBindInterfacePort}</a></span>", $delete)); } $data['total'] = $c; echo json_encode($data); }
function CheckPattern($name, $gpid, $type) { if (!is_numeric($gpid)) { return; } if (!is_numeric($type)) { return; } if (!isset($GLOBALS["CACHE_CLEAN_MYSQL"])) { $GLOBALS["CACHE_CLEAN_MYSQL"] = time(); } if ($type == 3) { if (preg_match("#^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\$#", $name)) { return 0; } } try { if (!class_exists("mysql_squid_builder")) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/class.mysql.squid.builder.php"; } $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $sql = "SELECT ID,`value` FROM webfilter_aclsdynamic WHERE gpid={$gpid} AND `type`={$type}"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); if (!$q->ok) { WLOG("CheckPattern()::ERROR SQL: {$sql}"); WLOG("CheckPattern()::ERROR SQL: `{$q->mysql_error}`"); return 0; } if (mysql_num_rows($results) == 0) { return 0; } while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $value = $ligne["value"]; if (preg_match("#re:(.+)#", $value, $re)) { if (preg_match("#{$re[1]}#i", $name)) { return $ligne["ID"]; } continue; } $value = string_to_regex($value); if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 3) { WLOG("CheckPattern()::Checks `{$value}` with `{$name}`"); } if (preg_match("#{$value}#i", $name)) { if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 3) { WLOG("CheckPattern()::Match `{$value}` with `{$name}` = {$ligne["ID"]}"); } return $ligne["ID"]; } } if (DistanceInMns($GLOBALS["CACHE_CLEAN_MYSQL"]) > 5) { $GLOBALS["CACHE_CLEAN_MYSQL"] = time(); if ($GLOBALS["DEBUG_LEVEL"] > 3) { WLOG("CheckPattern():: Clean old rules..."); } $sql = "DELETE FROM `webfilter_aclsdynamic` WHERE `duration`>0 AND `maxtime`>" . time(); $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); if (!$q->ok) { WLOG("CheckPattern()::{$q->mysql_error},{$sql}"); } } } catch (Exception $e) { WLOG($e->getMessage()); return 0; } return 0; }