  * @desc Called by the autoload engine to load a specific class must return true on success,
  * or false if class is not found
  * @param string $class_name - a class to load
  * @param bool $test_only - if true, do not actually load class, only check if it is present
  * @return bool
 public function load_class($class_name, $test_only = false)
     if (strcspn($class_name, "#=\"\\?*:/@|<>.\$") != strlen($class_name)) {
         die("Invalid class name: [{$class_name}]");
     $prefix = $this->prefix;
     // check if the class belongs to our namespace:
     if (substr($class_name, 0, strlen($prefix)) == $prefix) {
         $class_name2 = substr($class_name, strlen($prefix));
     } else {
         return false;
     $file = "{$this->path}/{$class_name}.class.php";
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         $file = "{$this->path}/{$class_name2}.class.php";
     if (file_exists($file)) {
         if (!$test_only) {
             include $file;
         return true;
     // Maybe this is an interface?
     $file = "{$this->path}/{$class_name}.interface.php";
     if (!file_exists($file)) {
         $file = "{$this->path}/{$class_name2}.interface.php";
     if (file_exists($file)) {
         if (!$test_only) {
             include $file;
         return true;
     return false;
  * Returns the next token from this tokenizer's string
  * @param   bool delimiters default NULL
  * @return  string next token
 public function nextToken($delimiters = null)
     if (empty($this->_stack)) {
         // Read until we have either find a delimiter or until we have
         // consumed the entire content.
         do {
             $offset = strcspn($this->_buf, $delimiters ? $delimiters : $this->delimiters);
             if ($offset < strlen($this->_buf) - 1) {
             if (null === ($buf = $this->source->read())) {
             $this->_buf .= $buf;
         } while (true);
         if (!$this->returnDelims || $offset > 0) {
             $this->_stack[] = substr($this->_buf, 0, $offset);
         $l = strlen($this->_buf);
         if ($this->returnDelims && $offset < $l) {
             $this->_stack[] = $this->_buf[$offset];
         $this->_buf = $offset < $l ? substr($this->_buf, $offset) : false;
     return array_shift($this->_stack);
 public function getPositionFirstVowel($word)
     if (empty($word) || !is_string($word)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__FILE__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ': Invalid word, it must be a string, got :' . var_export($word, true));
     return strcspn(strtolower($word), self::VOWEL);
function getUserBytes($user)
    global $ipfw_offset;
    global $ipfw;
    global $UserBytes;
    $ipfw_rule = $ipfw_offset + $user;
    $RuleNum1 = 0;
    if (!count($UserBytes)) {
        $ftext = array();
        exec($ipfw . ' show', $ftext);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($ftext); $i++) {
            $strTmp = trim($ftext[$i]);
            $len = strcspn($strTmp, " ");
            $RuleNum = substr($strTmp, 0, $len);
            $strTmp = trim(substr_replace($strTmp, " ", 0, $len));
            $len = strcspn($strTmp, " ");
            $CountPakets = substr($strTmp, 0, $len);
            $strTmp = trim(substr_replace($strTmp, " ", 0, $len));
            $len = strcspn($strTmp, " ");
            $CountBytes = substr($strTmp, 0, $len);
            if ($RuleNum1 != $RuleNum) {
                $RuleNum1 = $RuleNum;
                $UserBytes[$RuleNum] = $CountBytes;
    return isset($UserBytes[$ipfw_rule]) ? $UserBytes[$ipfw_rule] : false;
 public function getHostInfo($schema = '')
     if ($this->_hostInfo === null) {
         if ($secure = $this->getIsSecureConnection()) {
             $http = 'https';
         } else {
             $http = 'http';
         if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
             $this->_hostInfo = $http . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
         } else {
             $this->_hostInfo = $http . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
             $port = $secure ? $this->getSecurePort() : $this->getPort();
             if ($port !== 80 && !$secure || $port !== 443 && $secure) {
                 $this->_hostInfo .= ':' . $port;
     if ($schema !== '') {
         $secure = $this->getIsSecureConnection();
         if ($secure && $schema === 'https' || !$secure && $schema === 'http') {
             return $this->_hostInfo;
         $port = $schema === 'https' ? $this->getSecurePort() : $this->getPort();
         if ($port !== 80 && $schema === 'http' || $port !== 443 && $schema === 'https') {
             $port = ':' . $port;
         } else {
             $port = '';
         $pos = strpos($this->_hostInfo, ':');
         return $schema . substr($this->_hostInfo, $pos, strcspn($this->_hostInfo, ':', $pos + 1) + 1) . $port;
     } else {
         return $this->_hostInfo;
Exemple #6
 public function match($source, &$pos)
     $sourceLength = strlen($source);
     for (; $pos < $sourceLength; $pos++) {
         $pos += strcspn($source, $this->firstChars, $pos);
         if ($pos == $sourceLength) {
             return false;
         foreach ($this->stdTags as $tagIndex => $tag) {
             $this->tagLength = strlen($tag);
             if ($pos + $this->tagLength <= $sourceLength && substr_compare($source, $tag, $pos, $this->tagLength) === 0) {
                 $pos += $this->tagLength;
                 $this->tagIndex = $tagIndex;
                 $this->isStdTag = true;
                 return true;
         foreach ($this->userTags as $tagIndex => $tag) {
             $this->tagLength = strlen($tag);
             if ($pos + $this->tagLength <= $sourceLength && substr_compare($source, $tag, $pos, $this->tagLength) === 0) {
                 $pos += $this->tagLength;
                 $this->tagIndex = $tagIndex;
                 $this->isStdTag = false;
                 return true;
     return false;
  * Export a literal as an XPath expression
  * @param  string $str Literal, e.g. "foo"
  * @return string      XPath expression, e.g. "'foo'"
 public static function export($str)
     // foo becomes 'foo'
     if (strpos($str, "'") === false) {
         return "'" . $str . "'";
     // d'oh becomes "d'oh"
     if (strpos($str, '"') === false) {
         return '"' . $str . '"';
     // This string contains both ' and ". XPath 1.0 doesn't have a mechanism to escape quotes,
     // so we have to get creative and use concat() to join chunks in single quotes and chunks
     // in double quotes
     $toks = [];
     $c = '"';
     $pos = 0;
     while ($pos < strlen($str)) {
         $spn = strcspn($str, $c, $pos);
         if ($spn) {
             $toks[] = $c . substr($str, $pos, $spn) . $c;
             $pos += $spn;
         $c = $c === '"' ? "'" : '"';
     return 'concat(' . implode(',', $toks) . ')';
function parse_query($submitted_query)
    $query = explode(' ', $submitted_query);
    if (strcspn($query[0], '0123456789') == strlen($query[0])) {
        # One word book title (ie. Jacob, James, Matthew)
        $book = $query[0];
        $chapter = $query[1];
        if ($query[1] && strcspn($query[1], '0123456789') == strlen($query[1])) {
            # Two word book title (ie. Solomon's Song)
            $book .= ' ' . $query[1];
            $chapter = $query[2];
            if ($query[2] && strcspn($query[2], '0123456789') == strlen($query[2])) {
                # Three word book title (ie. Doctrine and Covenants, Words of Mormon)
                $book .= ' ' . $query[2];
                $chapter = $query[3];
    if (strcspn($query[0], '0123456789') != strlen($query[0])) {
        # Book that starts with a number (ie. 1 Nephi, 2 Corinthians, 3 John)
        $book = $query[0] . ' ' . $query[1];
        $chapter = $query[2];
    $get_verse = explode(':', $chapter);
    $result['book'] = $book;
    $result['chapter'] = $get_verse[0];
    $result['verse'] = $get_verse[1];
    return $result;
  * Tries to match the prefered language out of the http_accept_language string 
  * with one of the available languages.
  * @private
  * @param httpAcceptLanguage the value of $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']
  * @return Returns returns prefered language or false if no language matched.
 function _matchHttpAcceptLanguages(&$httpAcceptLanguage)
     $acceptedLanguages = explode(',', $httpAcceptLanguage);
     $availableLanguages =& Locales::getAvailableLocales();
     $primaryLanguageMatch = '';
     // we iterate through the array of languages sent by the UA and test every single
     // one against the array of available languages
     foreach ($acceptedLanguages as $acceptedLang) {
         // clean the string and strip it down to the language value (remove stuff like ";q=0.3")
         $acceptedLang = substr($acceptedLang, 0, strcspn($acceptedLang, ';'));
         if (strlen($acceptedLang) > 2) {
             // cut to primary language
             $primaryAcceptedLang = substr($acceptedLang, 0, 2);
         } else {
             $primaryAcceptedLang = $acceptedLang;
         // this is where we start to iterate through available languages
         foreach ($availableLanguages as $availableLang) {
             if (stristr($availableLang, $acceptedLang) !== false) {
                 // we have a exact language match
                 return $availableLang;
             } elseif (stristr($availableLang, $primaryAcceptedLang) !== false && $primaryLanguageMatch == '') {
                 // we found the first primary language match!
                 $primaryLanguageMatch = $availableLang;
     // foreach
     if ($primaryLanguageMatch != '') {
         return $primaryLanguageMatch;
     } else {
         return false;
 protected function parseInput($native, &$pos)
     $hasDelimiters = $angleDelimiter = $singleOpen = false;
     if ('<' === ($char = $this->nextChar($native, $pos)) || '(' === $char) {
         $hasDelimiters = true;
         if ('<' === $char) {
             $angleDelimiter = true;
         } else {
             $singleOpen = $pos === call_user_func(self::$strrpos, $native, '(');
     $center = $this->point->parseInput($native, $pos);
     if (')' === $this->nextChar($native, $pos) && $singleOpen) {
         $hasDelimiters = false;
     $this->expectChar($native, $pos, ',');
     $len = strcspn($native, ',)>', $pos);
     $radius = call_user_func(self::$substr, $native, $pos, $len);
     $pos += $len;
     if ($hasDelimiters) {
         $this->expectChar($native, $pos, $angleDelimiter ? '>' : ')');
     return new Circle($center, $this->_float->input($radius));
 * Create a new Page Template
 * @param string Name
 * @param string Description
 * @param string Filename of the template
 * @param string Template
 * @param integer GUID of Cluster Template
 * @param integer Id of Type (1=singlepage, 2=multipage)
 * @param integer OPtional key to use.
function createSitepageMaster($name, $description, $templatePath, $template, $clt, $type, $id = null)
    global $db, $c, $errors;
    if ($id == null) {
        $id = nextGUID();
    $name = makeCopyName("sitepage_master", "NAME", parseSQL($name), "VERSION=0 AND DELETED=0");
    $description = parseSQL($description);
    $filename = substr($templatePath, 0, strcspn($templatePath, "."));
    $filesuffix = $templatePath = substr($templatePath, strcspn($templatePath, ".") + 1);
    $templatePath = makeUniqueFilename($c["devpath"], parseSQL($filename), $filesuffix);
    $fp = @fopen($c["devpath"] . $templatePath, "w+");
    if ($fp != "") {
        @fwrite($fp, $template);
    } else {
        $errors .= "--Could not write spm: " . $templatePath;
    $sql .= "({$id}, '{$name}', '{$description}', '{$templatePath}', {$clt}, {$type})";
    $query = new query($db, $sql);
    $variations = createDBCArray("variations", "VARIATION_ID", "1");
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($variations); $i++) {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO sitepage_variations (SPM_ID, VARIATION_ID) VALUES ( {$id}, " . $variations[$i] . ")";
        $query = new query($db, $sql);
    return $id;
 public function stringToBin($str)
     $alpha = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ,-";
     $nbits = 6;
     $length = strlen($str);
     $out = '';
     $at = 0;
     $rshift = 0;
     $char_in = 0;
     $char_out = chr(0);
     while (1) {
         $char_in = strcspn($alpha, $str[$at++]);
         if ($rshift > 0) {
             $char_out |= chr($char_in << 8 - $rshift);
             $out .= $char_out;
             $char_out = chr(0);
             if ($at >= $length) {
         $char_out |= chr($char_in >> $rshift);
         $rshift += 2;
         if ($rshift === 8) {
             $rshift = 0;
     return $out;
Exemple #13
  * Format a string containing `<styles>`...`</>` sequences
  * @param  string $in
  * @param  string[] $stack
  * @return string
 public static function format($in, &$stack)
     $offset = 0;
     $length = strlen($in);
     $formatted = '';
     do {
         $p = strcspn($in, '<', $offset);
         $formatted .= substr($in, $offset, $p);
         $offset += $p + 1;
         if ($offset >= $length) {
         $e = strcspn($in, '>', $offset);
         $token = substr($in, $offset, $e);
         if ('' === $token) {
             $e = strpos($in, '</>', $offset) - $offset;
             $formatted .= substr($in, $offset + 1, $e - 1);
             $e += 2;
         } else {
             if ('/' === $token[0]) {
                 $formatted .= array_pop($stack);
             } else {
                 if (strlen($token) !== strspn($token, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-,@')) {
                     $formatted .= substr($in, $offset - 1, $e + 1 + 1);
                 } else {
                     list($set, $unset) = Terminal::transition($token);
                     $formatted .= $set;
                     $stack[] = $unset;
         $offset += $e + 1;
     } while ($offset < $length);
     return $formatted;
Exemple #14
function sql_compile_placeholder($tmpl)
    $compiled = array();
    $p = 0;
    $i = 0;
    $has_named = false;
    while (false !== ($start = $p = strpos($tmpl, "?", $p))) {
        switch ($c = substr($tmpl, ++$p, 1)) {
            case "%":
            case "@":
            case "#":
                $type = $c;
                $type = "";
        $len = strcspn(substr($tmpl, $p), " \t\r\n,;()[]/");
        if ($len) {
            $key = substr($tmpl, $p, $len);
            $has_named = true;
            $p += $len;
        } else {
            $key = $i++;
        $compiled[] = array($key, $type, $start, $p - $start);
    return array($compiled, $tmpl, $has_named);
Exemple #15
  * Writes a pair
  * @param  string $name
  * @param  [:string] $attributes
  * @param  var $value
  * @return void
 public function pair($name, $attributes, $value)
     if (is_array($value)) {
         foreach ($value as $element) {
             $this->pair($name, $attributes, $element);
     } else {
         if ($value instanceof Object) {
             $value->write($this, $name);
         } else {
             if (null !== $value) {
                 $key = strtoupper($name);
                 foreach ($attributes as $name => $attribute) {
                     if (null === $attribute) {
                     } else {
                         if (strcspn($attribute, '=;:') < strlen($attribute)) {
                             $pair = strtoupper($name) . '="' . $attribute . '"';
                         } else {
                             $pair = strtoupper($name) . '=' . $attribute;
                     if (strlen($key) + strlen($pair) > self::WRAP) {
                         $this->writer->writeLine($key . ';');
                         $key = ' ' . $pair;
                     } else {
                         $key .= ';' . $pair;
                 $this->writer->writeLine(wordwrap($key . ':' . strtr($value, ["\n" => '\\n']), self::WRAP, "\r\n ", true));
Exemple #16
  * Delete files in the deleted directory if they are not referenced in the
  * filearchive table. This needs to be done in the repo because it needs to
  * interleave database locks with file operations, which is potentially a
  * remote operation.
  * @return FileRepoStatus
 function cleanupDeletedBatch($storageKeys)
     $root = $this->getZonePath('deleted');
     $dbw = $this->getMasterDB();
     $status = $this->newGood();
     $storageKeys = array_unique($storageKeys);
     foreach ($storageKeys as $key) {
         $hashPath = $this->getDeletedHashPath($key);
         $path = "{$root}/{$hashPath}{$key}";
         $inuse = $dbw->selectField('filearchive', '1', array('fa_storage_group' => 'deleted', 'fa_storage_key' => $key), __METHOD__, array('FOR UPDATE'));
         if (!$inuse) {
             $sha1 = substr($key, 0, strcspn($key, '.'));
             $ext = substr($key, strcspn($key, '.') + 1);
             $ext = File::normalizeExtension($ext);
             $inuse = $dbw->selectField('oldimage', '1', array('oi_sha1' => $sha1, 'oi_archive_name ' . $dbw->buildLike($dbw->anyString(), ".{$ext}"), $dbw->bitAnd('oi_deleted', File::DELETED_FILE) => File::DELETED_FILE), __METHOD__, array('FOR UPDATE'));
         if (!$inuse) {
             wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": deleting {$key}\n");
             if (!@unlink($path)) {
                 $status->error('undelete-cleanup-error', $path);
         } else {
             wfDebug(__METHOD__ . ": {$key} still in use\n");
     return $status;
Exemple #17
  * Parse an attribute value template
  * @link http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#dt-attribute-value-template
  * @param  string $attrValue Attribute value
  * @return array             Array of tokens
 public static function parse($attrValue)
     $tokens = [];
     $attrLen = strlen($attrValue);
     $pos = 0;
     while ($pos < $attrLen) {
         // Look for opening brackets
         if ($attrValue[$pos] === '{') {
             // Two brackets = one literal bracket
             if (substr($attrValue, $pos, 2) === '{{') {
                 $tokens[] = ['literal', '{'];
                 $pos += 2;
             // Move the cursor past the left bracket
             // We're inside an inline XPath expression. We need to parse it in order to find
             // where it ends
             $expr = '';
             while ($pos < $attrLen) {
                 // Capture everything up to the next "interesting" char: ', " or }
                 $spn = strcspn($attrValue, '\'"}', $pos);
                 if ($spn) {
                     $expr .= substr($attrValue, $pos, $spn);
                     $pos += $spn;
                 if ($pos >= $attrLen) {
                     throw new RuntimeException('Unterminated XPath expression');
                 // Capture the character then move the cursor
                 $c = $attrValue[$pos];
                 if ($c === '}') {
                     // Done with this expression
                 // Look for the matching quote
                 $quotePos = strpos($attrValue, $c, $pos);
                 if ($quotePos === false) {
                     throw new RuntimeException('Unterminated XPath expression');
                 // Capture the content of that string then move the cursor past it
                 $expr .= $c . substr($attrValue, $pos, $quotePos + 1 - $pos);
                 $pos = 1 + $quotePos;
             $tokens[] = ['expression', $expr];
         $spn = strcspn($attrValue, '{', $pos);
         if ($spn) {
             // Capture this chunk of attribute value
             $str = substr($attrValue, $pos, $spn);
             // Unescape right brackets
             $str = str_replace('}}', '}', $str);
             // Add the value and move the cursor
             $tokens[] = ['literal', $str];
             $pos += $spn;
     return $tokens;
Exemple #18
  * Will return https://sp.example.org[:PORT]
 public static function selfURLhost()
     $url = self::getBaseURL();
     $start = strpos($url, '://') + 3;
     $length = strcspn($url, '/', $start) + $start;
     return substr($url, 0, $length);
Exemple #19
 public function getBrowserLangCode($system_langs)
     $lang = null;
     if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
         return $lang;
     $browser_langs = explode(',', $this->request->server['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
     foreach ($browser_langs as $browser_lang) {
         // Slice out the part before ; on first step, the part before - on second, place into array
         $browser_lang = substr($browser_lang, 0, strcspn($browser_lang, ';'));
         $primary_browser_lang = substr($browser_lang, 0, 2);
         foreach ($system_langs as $system_lang) {
             if (!$system_lang['status']) {
             $system_code = $system_lang['code'];
             $system_dir = $system_lang['directory'];
             // Take off 3 letters (zh-yue) iso code languages as they can't match browsers' languages and default them to en
             // http://www.w3.org/International/articles/language-tags/#extlang
             if (strlen($system_dir) > 5) {
             if (strtolower($browser_lang) == strtolower(substr($system_dir, 0, strlen($browser_lang)))) {
                 return $system_code;
             } elseif ($primary_browser_lang == substr($system_dir, 0, 2)) {
                 $primary_detected_code = $system_code;
         if (isset($primary_detected_code)) {
             return $primary_detected_code;
     return $lang;
Exemple #20
  * Parses a DNUMBER token like PHP would.
  * @param string $str A string number
  * @return float The parsed number
 public static function parse($str)
     // if string contains any of .eE just cast it to float
     if (false !== strpbrk($str, '.eE')) {
         return (double) $str;
     // otherwise it's an integer notation that overflowed into a float
     // if it starts with 0 it's one of the special integer notations
     if ('0' === $str[0]) {
         // hex
         if ('x' === $str[1] || 'X' === $str[1]) {
             return hexdec($str);
         // bin
         if ('b' === $str[1] || 'B' === $str[1]) {
             return bindec($str);
         // oct
         // substr($str, 0, strcspn($str, '89')) cuts the string at the first invalid digit (8 or 9)
         // so that only the digits before that are used
         return octdec(substr($str, 0, strcspn($str, '89')));
     // dec
     return (double) $str;
Exemple #21
function passTest($pass, $pass_confirm)
    if (!empty($pass)) {
        //checkt of de string empty is
        if (7 < strlen($pass)) {
            //checkt of het wachtwoord wel 8 of meer karakters is
            if (strcspn($pass, '0123456789') != strlen($pass)) {
                //checkt of het wachtwoord nummers bevat
                if (strcspn($pass, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') != strlen($pass)) {
                    //checkt of het wachtwoord een hoofdletter heeft
                    if ($pass_confirm == $pass) {
                        return TRUE;
                    } else {
                        $_SESSION['message'] = "Wachtwoorden komen niet overeen";
                } else {
                    $_SESSION['message'] = "Wachtwoord moet een hoofdletter bevatten";
            } else {
                $_SESSION['message'] = "Wachtwoorden moet een cijfer bevatten";
        } else {
            $_SESSION['message'] = "Wachtwoord moet minimaal 8 of meer karakters bevatten";
    } else {
        $_SESSION['message'] = "Wachtwoord veld is leeg";
  * Tries to detect the language.
  * @return  string  locale or null if not found
  * @since   11.1
 public static function detectLanguage()
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) {
         $browserLangs = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
         $systemLangs = self::getLanguages();
         foreach ($browserLangs as $browserLang) {
             // Slice out the part before ; on first step, the part before - on second, place into array
             $browserLang = substr($browserLang, 0, strcspn($browserLang, ';'));
             $primary_browserLang = substr($browserLang, 0, 2);
             foreach ($systemLangs as $systemLang) {
                 // Take off 3 letters iso code languages as they can't match browsers' languages and default them to en
                 $Jinstall_lang = $systemLang->lang_code;
                 if (strlen($Jinstall_lang) < 6) {
                     if (strtolower($browserLang) == strtolower(substr($systemLang->lang_code, 0, strlen($browserLang)))) {
                         return $systemLang->lang_code;
                     } elseif ($primary_browserLang == substr($systemLang->lang_code, 0, 2)) {
                         $primaryDetectedLang = $systemLang->lang_code;
             if (isset($primaryDetectedLang)) {
                 return $primaryDetectedLang;
 function escape($str)
     if (strcspn($str, ",\"\r\n") != strlen($str)) {
         $str = '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $str) . '"';
     return $str;
Exemple #24
 function revert(&$url_array, $pos)
     global $_SEF_SPACE;
     $QUERY_STRING = '';
     $url_array = array_filter($url_array);
     // V x : traling slash can cause empty array element
     $url_array = array_values($url_array);
     if (!empty($url_array[1]) && strcspn($url_array[1], ',') == strlen($url_array[1])) {
         // This is a nocache url
         $x = 0;
         $c = count($url_array);
         while ($x < $c) {
             if (isset($url_array[$x]) && $url_array[$x] != '' && isset($url_array[$x + 1]) && $url_array[$x + 1] != '') {
                 $QUERY_STRING .= '&' . $url_array[$x] . '=' . $url_array[$x + 1];
             $x += 2;
     } else {
         //This is a default mambo SEF url for a component
         foreach ($url_array as $value) {
             $temp = explode(",", $value);
             if (isset($temp[0]) && $temp[0] != '' && isset($temp[1]) && $temp[1] != "") {
                 $QUERY_STRING .= "&{$temp['0']}={$temp['1']}";
     //return str_replace("&option","option",$QUERY_STRING);
     return JString::ltrim($QUERY_STRING, '&');
Exemple #25
	protected function __construct() {
		$idFile = wfTempDir() . '/mw-' . __CLASS__ . '-UID-nodeid';
		$nodeId = is_file( $idFile ) ? file_get_contents( $idFile ) : '';
		// Try to get some ID that uniquely identifies this machine (RFC 4122)...
		if ( !preg_match( '/^[0-9a-f]{12}$/i', $nodeId ) ) {
			if ( wfIsWindows() ) {
				// http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb490913.aspx
				$csv = trim( wfShellExec( 'getmac /NH /FO CSV' ) );
				$line = substr( $csv, 0, strcspn( $csv, "\n" ) );
				$info = str_getcsv( $line );
				$nodeId = isset( $info[0] ) ? str_replace( '-', '', $info[0] ) : '';
			} elseif ( is_executable( '/sbin/ifconfig' ) ) { // Linux/BSD/Solaris/OS X
				// See http://linux.die.net/man/8/ifconfig
				$m = array();
				preg_match( '/\s([0-9a-f]{2}(:[0-9a-f]{2}){5})\s/',
					wfShellExec( '/sbin/ifconfig -a' ), $m );
				$nodeId = isset( $m[1] ) ? str_replace( ':', '', $m[1] ) : '';
			if ( !preg_match( '/^[0-9a-f]{12}$/i', $nodeId ) ) {
				$nodeId = MWCryptRand::generateHex( 12, true );
				$nodeId[1] = dechex( hexdec( $nodeId[1] ) | 0x1 ); // set multicast bit
			file_put_contents( $idFile, $nodeId ); // cache
		$this->nodeId32 = wfBaseConvert( substr( sha1( $nodeId ), 0, 8 ), 16, 2, 32 );
		$this->nodeId48 = wfBaseConvert( $nodeId, 16, 2, 48 );
		// If different processes run as different users, they may have different temp dirs.
		// This is dealt with by initializing the clock sequence number and counters randomly.
		$this->lockFile88 = wfTempDir() . '/mw-' . __CLASS__ . '-UID-88';
		$this->lockFile128 = wfTempDir() . '/mw-' . __CLASS__ . '-UID-128';
  * Read a string
  * @param   int limit default 8192
  * @return  string
 public function read($limit = 8192)
     while ($this->in->available() > 0 && strlen($this->buffer) < $limit) {
         $read = $this->in->read($limit);
         $o = 0;
         $s = strlen($read);
         while ($o < $s) {
             $p = strcspn($read, '=', $o);
             $this->buffer .= substr($read, $o, $p);
             if (($o += $p + 1) <= $s) {
                 while ($this->in->available() > 0 && $o > $s - 2) {
                     $read .= $this->in->read(2);
                     $s = strlen($read);
                 if ("\n" === $read[$o]) {
                     $o += 1;
                 } else {
                     if (1 !== sscanf($h = substr($read, $o, 2), '%x', $c)) {
                         throw new \io\IOException('Invalid byte sequence "=' . $h . '"');
                     $this->buffer .= chr($c);
                     $o += 2;
     $chunk = substr($this->buffer, 0, $limit);
     $this->buffer = substr($this->buffer, $limit);
     return $chunk;
Exemple #27
  * Map route to all public controller method
  * with
  * Route::get('/prefix', 'ClassController')
  * this will map
  * GET  domain.com/prefix -> ClassController::getIndex
  * POST domain.com/prefix -> ClassCOntroller::postIndex
  * PUT  domain.com/prefix -> ClassCOntroller::putIndex
 public static function controller()
     $arguments = func_get_args();
     $path = $arguments[0];
     $controller = end($arguments);
     $class = new \ReflectionClass($controller);
     $controllerMethods = $class->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC);
     foreach ($controllerMethods as $method) {
         if (substr($method->name, 0, 2) != '__') {
             $methodName = $method->name;
             $callable = $arguments;
             $pos = strcspn($methodName, $uppercase);
             $httpMethod = substr($methodName, 0, $pos);
             $ctrlMethod = lcfirst(strpbrk($methodName, $uppercase));
             if ($ctrlMethod == 'index') {
                 $pathMethod = $path;
             } else {
                 if ($httpMethod == 'get') {
                     $pathMethod = "{$path}/{$ctrlMethod}(/:params+)";
                 } else {
                     $pathMethod = "{$path}/{$ctrlMethod}";
             //put edited pattern to the top stack
             array_unshift($callable, $pathMethod);
             //put edited controller to the bottom stack
             array_push($callable, "{$controller}:{$methodName}");
             call_user_func_array(array(self::$slim, $httpMethod), $callable);
Exemple #28
 public function parse_basic_syntax($args)
     $version_parser = new VersionParser();
     $requires = array();
     foreach ($args as $requirement) {
         $name_length = strcspn($requirement, '>=|~');
         if (strlen($requirement) === $name_length) {
             // No version constraint specified, use wildcard
             $dependency_name = $requirement;
             $constraint_text = '*';
         } else {
             $dependency_name = substr($requirement, 0, $name_length);
             $constraint_text = substr($requirement, $name_length);
             // If the constraint is exactly '=', trim it for
             // Composer syntax compatibility
             if (strlen($constraint_text) >= 2 && $constraint_text[0] === '=' && is_numeric($constraint_text[1])) {
                 $constraint_text = substr($constraint_text, 1);
         if (strpos($dependency_name, '/') === false) {
             $dependency_name = 'wpackagist-plugin/' . $dependency_name;
         $constraint = $version_parser->parseConstraints($constraint_text);
         $requires[] = new Link($this->plugin_name, $dependency_name, $constraint, 'requires', $constraint_text);
Exemple #29
 public function parse()
     // first remove the XML declaration
     // merged from WP #10698 - this method avoids the RAM usage of preg_replace on very large messages
     $header = preg_replace('/<\\?xml.*?\\?' . '>/s', '', substr($this->message, 0, 100), 1);
     $this->message = trim(substr_replace($this->message, $header, 0, 100));
     if ('' == $this->message) {
         return false;
     // Then remove the DOCTYPE
     $header = preg_replace('/^<!DOCTYPE[^>]*+>/i', '', substr($this->message, 0, 200), 1);
     $this->message = trim(substr_replace($this->message, $header, 0, 200));
     if ('' == $this->message) {
         return false;
     // Check that the root tag is valid
     $root_tag = substr($this->message, 0, strcspn(substr($this->message, 0, 20), "> \t\r\n"));
     if ('<!DOCTYPE' === strtoupper($root_tag)) {
         return false;
     if (!in_array($root_tag, ['<methodCall', '<methodResponse', '<fault'])) {
         return false;
     // Bail if there are too many elements to parse
     $element_limit = 30000;
     if ($element_limit && 2 * $element_limit < substr_count($this->message, '<')) {
         return false;
     $this->_parser = xml_parser_create();
     // Set XML parser to take the case of tags in to account
     xml_parser_set_option($this->_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false);
     // Set XML parser callback functions
     xml_set_object($this->_parser, $this);
     xml_set_element_handler($this->_parser, 'tagOpen', 'tagClose');
     xml_set_character_data_handler($this->_parser, 'cdata');
     $chunk_size = 262144;
     // 256Kb, parse in chunks to avoid the RAM usage on very large messages
     $final = false;
     do {
         if (strlen($this->message) <= $chunk_size) {
             $final = true;
         $part = substr($this->message, 0, $chunk_size);
         $this->message = substr($this->message, $chunk_size);
         if (!xml_parse($this->_parser, $part, $final)) {
             return false;
         if ($final) {
     } while (true);
     // Grab the error messages, if any
     if ($this->messageType === 'fault') {
         $this->faultCode = $this->params[0]['faultCode'];
         $this->faultString = $this->params[0]['faultString'];
     return true;
 function Analyze()
     $info =& $this->getid3->info;
     fseek($this->getid3->fp, $info['avdataoffset'], SEEK_SET);
     $SZIPHeader = fread($this->getid3->fp, 6);
     if (substr($SZIPHeader, 0, 4) != "SZ\n") {
         $info['error'][] = 'Expecting "53 5A 0A 04" at offset ' . $info['avdataoffset'] . ', found "' . getid3_lib::PrintHexBytes(substr($SZIPHeader, 0, 4)) . '"';
         return false;
     $info['fileformat'] = 'szip';
     $info['szip']['major_version'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($SZIPHeader, 4, 1));
     $info['szip']['minor_version'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($SZIPHeader, 5, 1));
     while (!feof($this->getid3->fp)) {
         $NextBlockID = fread($this->getid3->fp, 2);
         switch ($NextBlockID) {
             case 'SZ':
                 // Note that szip files can be concatenated, this has the same effect as
                 // concatenating the files. this also means that global header blocks
                 // might be present between directory/data blocks.
                 fseek($this->getid3->fp, 4, SEEK_CUR);
             case 'BH':
                 $BHheaderbytes = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(fread($this->getid3->fp, 3));
                 $BHheaderdata = fread($this->getid3->fp, $BHheaderbytes);
                 $BHheaderoffset = 0;
                 while (strpos($BHheaderdata, "", $BHheaderoffset) > 0) {
                     //filename as \0 terminated string  (empty string indicates end)
                     //owner as \0 terminated string (empty is same as last file)
                     //group as \0 terminated string (empty is same as last file)
                     //3 byte filelength in this block
                     //2 byte access flags
                     //4 byte creation time (like in unix)
                     //4 byte modification time (like in unix)
                     //4 byte access time (like in unix)
                     $BHdataArray['filename'] = substr($BHheaderdata, $BHheaderoffset, strcspn($BHheaderdata, ""));
                     $BHheaderoffset += strlen($BHdataArray['filename']) + 1;
                     $BHdataArray['owner'] = substr($BHheaderdata, $BHheaderoffset, strcspn($BHheaderdata, ""));
                     $BHheaderoffset += strlen($BHdataArray['owner']) + 1;
                     $BHdataArray['group'] = substr($BHheaderdata, $BHheaderoffset, strcspn($BHheaderdata, ""));
                     $BHheaderoffset += strlen($BHdataArray['group']) + 1;
                     $BHdataArray['filelength'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($BHheaderdata, $BHheaderoffset, 3));
                     $BHheaderoffset += 3;
                     $BHdataArray['access_flags'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($BHheaderdata, $BHheaderoffset, 2));
                     $BHheaderoffset += 2;
                     $BHdataArray['creation_time'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($BHheaderdata, $BHheaderoffset, 4));
                     $BHheaderoffset += 4;
                     $BHdataArray['modification_time'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($BHheaderdata, $BHheaderoffset, 4));
                     $BHheaderoffset += 4;
                     $BHdataArray['access_time'] = getid3_lib::BigEndian2Int(substr($BHheaderdata, $BHheaderoffset, 4));
                     $BHheaderoffset += 4;
                     $info['szip']['BH'][] = $BHdataArray;
                 break 2;
     return true;